Uploaded by Kori Heath

ECISD Agriculture Advisory Board Meeting Invitation

Date: November 10th 2015
Dear Advisory Board Member,
The Agriculture program at ECISD is having a meeting for you, the Advisory
Board, to provide us with input that is necessary for our students to have as they prepare
for graduation from our programs and possible employment in the agriculture field.
Lunch will be provided.
Frost Building- Greenhouse
104 South Grandview
Thursday, November 19th, 2015
Time: 11:00- 12:00 p. m.
Randy Gillum, Agriculture Instructor
Kori Heath, Agriculture Instructor
Brandon Pace, Agriculture Instructor
Brittany Kelly, Agriculture Instructor
Chelsie Barrett, Agriculture Instructor
Ector County Independent School District | Phone: (432) 456-0000 | P.O. Box 3912, Odessa, Texas 79760 | www.ectorcountyisd.org