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International Business BBA Course Syllabus - Winter 2019

Course Syllabus
International Business Concentration
Winter 2019
Version as of Jan 3, 2019
Instructor Information
Course Coordinators:
Mitali De| Office Location LH 4101
Tel. (519) 884 0710 Ext. 3797 | Email mde@wlu.ca
Office Hours: By Appointment
435 IN: International Supply Chain Management
Nina Rosenbusch| Office Location LH 4110
Tel. (519) 884 0710 Ext. 3916 | Email nrosenbusch@wlu.ca
Office Hours: By Appointment
491 IN: Strategy in the Global Context
Jack Schnabel| Office Location LH 4062
Tel. (519) 884 0710 Ext. 2529 | Email jschnabel@wlu.ca
Office Hours: By Appointment
416 IN: International Finance & Accounting
Nicole Coviello| Office Location LH 2016
Tel. (519) 884 0710 Ext. 2054 | Email ncoviello@wlu.ca
Office Hours: By Appointment
469 IN: Global Marketing
Meredith Woodwark| Office Location LH 4112
Tel. (519) 884 0710 Ext. 4886 | Email mwoodwark@wlu.ca
Office Hours: By Appointment
489 IN: International Organizational Behaviour
All classes take place in SBE 203.
Course Overview and Approach
This course addresses the challenges associated with businesses expanding and operating abroad. In global markets
companies are faced with many challenges that differ from those in domestic markets. In the global context, firms need to
account for cultural, economic, and political differences of host countries in managers’ decision-making. This course builds
on frameworks learned in previous courses which are applied in the global context. Furthermore, students learn integrative
and critical thinking that spans different functional areas which are interrelated in the real world.
The course is highly participative and interactive. Readings and cases are used to illustrate the concepts and diverse issues
relating international business. A study tour of companies in the selected geographic region allows for a first-hand look at
entering and operating businesses in different international markets.
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes
This course uses an integrated and applied approach to teach topics relevant to global businesses in a comprehensive
way. The environment global companies operate in is much more complex due to fundamental differences between the
home countries and host countries around the globe and interdependencies between strategic and operational choices
made worldwide and their implications for the corporation. The course integrates the functional area of a global business
including marketing, finance & accounting, human resources and supply chain management as well as the over-arching
issues of global strategy.
At the end of this course the student is expected to:
1. To develop an appreciation for and skills in addressing the integrated issues faced in growing and managing your
business within an international context.
2. To provide a decision-making framework to assist managers in addressing international business issues such as market
opportunity assessment and selection, market entry mode and strategy, structuring and managing joint venture and
alliance relationships, and ongoing management of global operations.
3. To provide an opportunity to experience the business context of a particular strategic geographic region of the world in
order to gain insights into what it is like to do business and be a manager in a different cultural environment.
Course Tools and Learning Materials
 Wild & Wild, International Business, 9th Ed. (available at the Bookstore).
 Customized edition of International Financial Management (Eighth US Edition) by Eun and Resnick (McGrawHill). Chapters 1-6 and 20. This is available at the WLU Bookstore.
 Transnational Management by Bartlett and Beamish (available at the Bookstore)
 Cases will be distributed electronically or in class and the direct cost of these materials to the University will
be charged to the students.
 Other assigned readings are available through the library - http://library.wlu.ca/
 MyLearningSpace – Laurier’s Learning Management System - course login – http://mylearningspace.wlu.ca
 We will post news items to announce any changes in the schedule, posting of grades, additional requirements
for specific classes etc. Please use my regular email (not the MLS email) to contact the instructors.
 Centre for Student Success (writing centre, math centre, academic advising, study skills/supplemental
instruction, accessible learning) - http://www.wlu.ca/learningservices
Student Evaluation
World of Opportunities Country Presentation
Study tour participation
Global strategy project
Doing Business in Asia (speaker event)
Laurier Intercultural Certificate
Individual course components (see below for each course)
Please note that the Intercultural Certificate as well as the participation in our Doing Business in Asia event are
Overarching Learning Activities and Assignments
a) World of Opportunities Country Presentation
The country project is a group project that will be presented on Saturday, Feb 9th. Please see Myls for further
b) Study tour participation
Participation can take variety of forms such as initiating/helping with the company visits, finding and sharing
interesting current articles/international issues on the study tour countries, and engaging in discussions with
executives during the corporate visits. A one-page (single-spaced) summary of the learnings of the study tour is to
be submitted after the study tour by each participant. Participation in extra-curricular activities will be recognized
as well, such as organizing the management of funds for the appreciation gifts for the company visits, organizing
events that enrich the cultural learning experience related to the tour, or for the non-for profit sector of the
countries being visited.
c) Global Strategy Project
For this group project, your team will identify one of the following:
- An opportunity for a Canadian company in your assigned industry to do business in China or South Korea
- An opportunity for a company from China or South Korea to be pursued in Canada
The company you are choosing has to operate in the manufacturing sector. It needs to be a Canadian company or
a company from one of the countries we are visiting, NOT a subsidiary of a global firm that is headquartered
elsewhere. A list of Canadian manufacturing companies can be found here:
Each group must analyze a different company. Please submit your company choice in the discussion board on mls.
Company choice will be on a first-come first-serve basis.
Note that the ‘opportunities’ can involve any or all of these activities: selling products, offshoring manufacturing
or service delivery, taking advantage of location-based tangible or intangible resources as a way to build or
strengthen key organizational capabilities
Your team, an international business consulting company, has been engaged to make recommendations to the
company you choose. You should prepare a business plan proposing a mode of entry or governance structure into
the preferred country, an analysis of the industry structure in that market, the competitive strategy for the
market (value proposition, core activities, product/market focus), the product/service features, the pricing plan
(including warranties), distribution plan, and promotional plan taking into account the unique characteristics of
the market. Your plan should consider the sourcing of required inputs, including but not limited to raw materials,
infrastructure, labour, capital, and management talent. You may need to discuss organizational issues that arise
as a consequence of your recommendation, including such matters as structure, staffing, business processes,
leadership, and culture. Implementation plans for the short-term, medium-term and long-term should be
provided. A performance forecast, especially if compared to a base case scenario, might be very persuasive to
someone assessing the merits of your proposal.
Depending on the nature of the opportunity you have identified, some of these topics may not be applicable or
will require more or less attention. It is up to you to decide what the priorities should be, and to exercise mature
managerial judgment in selecting issues on which to focus.
Note further that the foregoing topics are not listed here with the intent of giving you the subject headings for a
report. Neither should they be viewed as short-answer test questions that can be dealt with as if they are
independent of one another. The recommendation(s) you make should flow logically from your analytic efforts
and address the issues you have identified as important to the firm. The suggested topics need to be addressed in
any report of this nature; they should therefore be considered a minimum requirement, not a complete
specification of what to cover.
In-progress milestones: email to nrosenbusch@wlu.ca. Each of these should be presented in a 1-page summary.
The intent is to get you thinking about the project early in the term, and to ensure that the field trip component is
a productive learning opportunity. Feedback will be provided to help you focus this project and get the most out
of the field research opportunity.
Due by 8 am Wednesday February 6: Preliminary company and opportunity identification, including the following:
- Sector/Industry definition (narrower than the broad segment you start out with)
- Market characteristics, as relevant to the segment you have identified
Due by 8 am Wednesday, February 13:
- Summary of competitive strategy analysis
- Preliminary recommendation sketched out
Due by 8 am Monday, February 25:
- Top-level “headings” that outline your argument/recommendation(s)
- Research plan for the field trip: given the planned site visits, what questions will your team ask of which sources,
and how will the answers help you complete this assignment? What additional on-the-ground investigations or
observations will you undertake?
Failure to hand in the in-progress requirements will result in a deduction of 1% of the 25% allocated to this
project, for each component that is missing.
Final deliverables, due on 10 April, 2018
Your team will present your recommendation supported by key information identified by doing research prior to
the study tour as well as in the field in China and South Korea. 15 minutes should be allocated to the presentation
itself. This will be followed by 15 minutes of Q&A by the panel of instructors.
d) Doing Business in Asia event
Our Doing Business in Asia event is scheduled for Friday, March 1. A variety of speakers will discuss their
experiences while doing business in China and Korea. This event gives students the opportunity to prepare for the
study tour, learn about how business is conducted in the countries we are visiting and network with managers
working for multinational companies and institutions supporting global expansion. Participation is MANDATORY in
order to complete the International Business Concentration.
e) Laurier Intercultural Certificate
We have arranged for the content of all six modules of Laurier’s Intercultural Certificate to be included in the
International Business Concentration curriculum so that all students may obtain the Certificate as part of their
formal Laurier Experience Record. The Certificate is offered to the International Business Concentration students
in conjunction with Laurier International, the Diversity and Equity Office, and the Centre for Teaching Innovation
and Excellence. We are very grateful for their support of this initiative to incorporate the Certificate into the
Concentration curriculum so that your experience and knowledge is formally recognized.
IMPORTANT: Students must attend all 6 modules in order to be granted the Certificate which is required to
complete the International Business Concentration program. The classes where the Intercultural Certificate is
delivered are clearly marked in the outline below. In the event that a student must miss any module for a
legitimate reason the student must provide documentation and is responsible for replacing the missing module
on his or her own time through Laurier International during the Winter 2019 term. IT IS STRONGLY
RECOMMENDED not to miss any modules unexpectedly as the other available sessions typically occur during the
International Business Concentration class time and may not be available after our sessions. If you know you are
going to be away for a module unavoidably, please advise Meredith asap and you will be responsible for attending
a replacement session to complete the Certificate. Any issues, questions or concerns about the Intercultural
Certificate part of the program should be addressed to Meredith Woodwark.
For more information about the Intercultural Certificate, and for replacement sessions being offered, please visit
the following site.
Individual Course Components
BU 416IN: International Finance & Accounting:
Quiz (35 % of the grade in BU416IN)
A two-hour quiz will be held on April 4 from 9 to 11 AM in SBE 2260. The quiz will be comprised of 40 multiplechoice questions. You may refer to two sheets, 8.5 X 11 inches in size, of notes with writing on both sides during
the quiz. You will not have access to any other notes or books during the quiz. It is highly recommended that you
take a calculator to the quiz. Additional information regarding the quiz will be provided in class.
Class participation (15%)
BU 435IN: International Supply Chain Management:
Test/Quiz (20%)
Class participation (10%)
Article review/summary/presentation (Group assignment – 20%)
Form groups of 4. Each group should pick a topic related to International Supply Chain Management that the
team is interested to gain new/advanced knowledge or wishes to study further. Every member of the group
should find an article related to the group topic and review/critic the article. A two- page summary of the
reviews/critics related to the chosen “topic” of the all the articles of the group members should be submitted.
This summary should address how the material each of you reviewed helped you when learning about the chosen
international supply chain management issue you set out to better understand.
The summary should list articles reviewed under each group member name.
Each group is to make a brief presentation of the summary findings to the class, submit a copy of the power point
presentation, and submit the summary report.
BU 469IN: Global Marketing:
There are two types of assessment that make up the grade for BU 469IN Global Marketing: 1) Discussion Question
(DQ) Submissions; and 2) Presentations.
Discussion Questions (30% - individual)
A major component of the course involves class discussion on focused topics relevant to global marketing. In the
first marketing class, you will be randomly assigned to one of Canada’s major trading partners considered to be
psychically distant (e.g. Japan, Germany). This country will provide the context for some of your DQs.
A full course outline will be provided for BU469IN. In it, you will find the course schedule that includes: 1) the
dates each Discussion Question (DQ) will be posted to MyLS, and 2) the dates/times your submissions are due. As
summarized on the course schedule, there is at least one DQ for each class session. This means you can choose
which DQs you submit.
You will submit a minimum of three (3) high quality two-page DQ answers during BU 469IN. However, the
maximum number of submissions is at your discretion. Your assessment is based on the summed total of your
‘four best’ submissions – so you can do more than four DQs if you wish. There are no ‘additional/extra
assignments’ or late submissions. Answers over two pages will not be read.
Details on the DQ expectations are provided in the full course outline for BU 469IN. But please note:
DQ answers are submitted to MyLS the day before we discuss them in class.
Your final ‘Discussion Question Submission’ grade may be adversely impacted if you submit but don’t
come to class. Similarly, if you disturb or distract the class, or consistently come in late or leave early, your
grade will be penalized at my discretion.
Presentation (20% - Teams)
Self-selected teams of five students will prepare and present an applied analysis of a research article (articles will
be allocated on a random basis in Week 1). Central to the presentation is that each team will be responsible for
‘teaching’ that article and facilitating classroom discussion and questions on it.
A critical aspect of the presentation is that teams MUST identify and use relevant business examples to apply and
explain the core arguments of the article.
Each presentation will be assessed by Nicole and three judges chosen randomly from the class.
Details, including assessment criteria, are provided in the BU 469IN course outline that you will receive in class.
BU 489IN: International Organizational Behaviour:
There are two assignments that will make up the 30% course grade component. The first involves an article
summary (15%), and the second involves a field interview and a cross cultural experience (15%). The remaining
20% of your grade is for in-class participation throughout the term.
a) The Article Summary/Review Assignment is to be done in teams.
First, select an international management issue with organizational behaviour or international HR implications
and briefly set out why you see it as important.
Second, summarize/review "X" significant theoretical or empirical articles or significant journalistic pieces. Note
that one of them can be significant Video content (e.g., a speaker, documentary, or movie) that speaks to this
important issue. "X" refers to the number of people in your team, so if it is 5, the number of articles to be
reviewed = 5.
Third, make sure you offer your critical assessment of what you have read/seen. Finally, address the "so what"
question which is how does this material you reviewed help you when thinking about the particular international
management issue you set out to better understand?
The deliverables are twofold:
First, there is a power point presentation which I will post to My Learning Space. These need to be completed and
posted by me one day prior to your trade show presentation (so Feb 13th).
Second, we will run a mini trade show on what you learned and its relevance for leaders. This will require the
preparation of a poster presentation. During the poster presentation, you’ll be expected to have one or more of
your team staff your booth, while your other team members explore the posters of your classmates. During the
course of the hour you will spell each other off, so that you all have a chance to learn from one another.
When it comes to articles to review, stay away from the 2-3 page fluff pieces of advice that show up in trade
journals, written by consultants attempting to sell their services. Make sure you reference sources so that class
members can access the material, if they wish to.
Due Date: Wednesday February 13 (presentation for MLS) and Thursday February 14 for poster presentation.
b) Field Interviews and a Cross Cultural Experience:
Each of you is expected to interview a minimum of 3 people who have been heavily involved in international
management at some point in their career. Below is a sample of the type of questions – FEEL FREE TO MODIFY
the questions so that they reflect things you are interested in learning about:
1. What was the nature of the job?
2. What did they find most interesting about it?
3. What did they find most challenging about it?
4. What did they find most frustrating about it?
5. What were the most important managerial lessons that they learned?
6. What advice would they give a person that was just about to graduate and that was considering a career
involving international management?
In addition to the interviews, you are also expected to participate in a cross-cultural experience of one type or
another, at some point during the semester. The purpose of this is to get out of your comfort zone and learn from
the experience. This could be a volunteer activity or a cultural event, with a community you are not familiar with,
or …. This experience should be for a meaningful length of time (at least 3-6 hours), so that the exposure is
impactful. Note that this experience must be something beyond the ones all students are completing as part of
the Concentration.
The deliverable from the above is a report on the interviews and on the cross cultural experience. What did you
learned from them and what did you learn about yourself as the result of these experiences? Include a list of the
questions used during the interviews, in an exhibit.
Due date: Wednesday April 3rd
BU 491IN: Strategy in the Global Context:
Company report (15 % of the grade in BU491IN)
Two pages (900 words) + max. 2 pages of exhibits
Due: Friday, March 1, 10pm.
You can choose one of the two following options:
Option 1:
Identify a for-benefit company in which internationalization and a social mission are vital part of the business
model (examples are companies like Tom’s Shoes or Ten Trees). Analyze the company’s internationalization
strategy and show how it helps the company to achieve economic and social/environmental value creation. How
does the internationalization strategy of the firm differ from that of large multinationals with a mainly economic
focus? What can large multinationals learn from for-benefit firms like the one analyzed?
Option 2:
Identify an emerging giant – a growing firm from an emerging market that internationalizes into industrial
countries (examples are Haier and Huawei). Analyze the company’s internationalization strategies and show
similarities and differences compared to traditional internationalization strategies of Western firms. How are
emerging giants changing the competitive landscape in developed host countries and which implications does
that have for large multinationals from developed countries? How should those firms respond to the strategic
moves of emerging giants?
Class participation (25% of the grade in BU491IN)
In order to receive a top grade on class participation students will need to demonstrate consistent contribution in
class. That requires students to be prepared for each class, which includes preparation of assigned readings and
cases. There are three categories of contributions: description/clarification, analysis/conclusions, or
integration/synthesis. Those categories reflect the quality of the contribution and will therefore be used to assess
class participation. As class time is valuable persistent irrelevant commentary during a class will result in a grade
penalty. For each class, students will have an opportunity to evaluate their own performance on self-evaluation
sheets that will be distributed at the beginning of each session. Following each class, I will enter the participation
grades on MLS so that students will always know how they are performing. This procedure gives students the
chance to adjust their contribution over the course of the class. The overall participation mark for the course is
calculated by averaging a student's best 7 out of 8 classes.
News Presentations (Group assignment – 15% of the grade in BU491IN)
Each group will be assigned a specific country and will be required to prepare an in-class presentation on current
events in that specific country which affect the business environment. Please refer to the class schedule for
specific presentation dates for the various country presentations.
Assignment: You are working in an international business development department of a large Canadian firm. Your
company has been doing business in the assigned country. You are asked to prepare a presentation of current
events in the assigned country and show which implications these events have for your business.
Presentation time is 10 min plus 5 min for Q&A. Presentations will be done in the beginning of a class.
Week # 1
8:30 – 11:20 am
7 Jan
BU491 IN Class 1: Introduction to the International Business Concentration
Expanding abroad and the international context
Transnational Management – Chapters 1 and 2
Distance still matters: The hard reality of global expansion
(Harvard Business Review, September 2001)
Case: Sher-wood Hockey Sticks
Introduction World of Opportunities and Global Strategy Project
8:30 – 11:20 am
8 Jan
BU469 IN Class 1: Internationalization through a Marketing Lens
Readings: Wild and Wild Ch 1 and Ch 2
8:30 – 11:20am
9 Jan
Bu 489 IN Class 1
Intercultural Certificate: Module 1 Introduction to Concepts of Culture
a) WWH Chapter 1
b) T.M. Begley & D.P. Boyd, The Need for a Corporate Global Mindset, Sloan
Management Review, Winter 2003.
c) G. Hofstede, Cultural Constraints in Management Theories, Academy of Management
Executive, Vol 7, #1, 1993, pp.81-94.
d) Meyer, E. Navigating the Cultural Minefield, Harvard Business Review, May 2014.
8:30 – 11:20 am
10 Jan
BU 435 IN Class 1: Introduction to Global Supply Chain Management
(a) WWH: Chapter 15
(b) Leenders: Chapter 14: Global Supply
(c) Wood et. al.: Chapter 13 Logistics of Export Product Movement
Case: Manwell Toy Importers
8:30 – 11:20 am
11 Jan
BU416 IN Class 1: Globalization and the Multinational Firm (Chapter 1) and the
International Monetary System (Chapter 2).
(Background: Wild & Wild Chaps. 9 – 10)
1.1 Slides for Chapter 1
1.2 Slides for Chapter 2
Week # 2
8:30 – 11:20 am
14 Jan
BU491 IN Class 2: Transnational Strategies
Transnational Management – Chapter 3
Managing differences: The central challenge of global strategy (HBR, March 2007)
New business models in emerging markets (HBR, January-February 2011)
Case: United Cereal
8:30 – 11:20 am
15 Jan
BU469 IN Class 2: More than Cultural Values? Institutional Influences
Readings: Fernhaber et al (2007); Wild and Wild Ch 3 and Ch 4
8:30 – 11:20 am
16 Jan
BU489 IN Class 2: Cultural Sensemaking
Intercultural Certificate: Module 4 Introduction to Intercultural Communication
a) Beyond Sophisticated Stereotyping: Cultural Sensemaking in Context, Academy of
Management Executive, Vol. 14(1), 2000, pp.65-79.
b) Complete the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory
c) Case: Intel in China
Nadine LeGros, Educational Developer, Intercultural Communications, Centre for Teaching
Innovation and Excellence, will be joining us for the first half of our class.
8:30 – 11:20 am
17 Jan
BU491 IN Class 3: Transnational Organization
Transnational Management – Chapter 4
When you shouldn’t go global (HBR, December 2008)
Have you restructured for global success? (HBR, October 2011)
Country presentation: Germany
Case: Beiersdorf AG: Expanding Nivea’s Global Reach
8:30 – 11:20 am
18 Jan
BU 489 IN Class 3: Thinking about an International Career
a) WWH Chapter 2
b) Case: Olly Racela in Thailand
c) Trompenaars, F. & Wooliams, P. Lost in Translation, Harvard Business Review, April
Jessie Eulenberg from Career Services will be joining us for the first hour of the class.
Week # 3
Monday, 8:30 –
21 Jan
BU435 IN Class 2: Governments and the Management of Cross Border Supply Chains
(a) Wood et al Ch 2: Govt. Interest and Involvement in International Logistics
(b) Wood et al Ch 12: Documentation and Insurance
(c) Lyson and Farrington Ch 16: Support Tools
Case: Great Bite Peach Company
Tuesday, 8:30 –
22 Jan
BU 469 IN Class 3: Implications of Digitalization
Readings: Chandra and Coviello (2010); Watson et al (2018); Shaheer and Li (in press)
8:30 – 11:20
23 Jan
BU416 IN Class 2: Balance of Payments (Chapter 3) and the Market for Foreign Exchange
(Chapter 5).
(Background: Wild & Wild Chaps. 5 – 7)
2.1 Slides for Chapter 3
2.2 Slides for Chapter 5
Thursday, 8:30 –
24 Jan
Bu 489 IN Class 4: Negotiating a Joint Venture
a) R.S. Fortgang, D.A. Lax, & J.K, Sebenius, Negotiating the Spirit of the Deal, HBR, 2003
b) J.J. Dyer, P. Kale, & H. Singh, When To Ally and When to Acquire, HBR, July-Aug, 2004.
c) D. Harding & T. Rouse, Human Due Diligence, Harvard Business Review, April, 2007.
d) Review HBR article from Strategy (BU491) on Jan 7 (Distance Still Matters).
Case: Nora-Sakari
Friday, 8:30 –
25 Jan
BU 469 IN Class 4: International Networks
Readings: Brouthers et al (2016); Coviello (1997); Wild and Wild Ch 13
Week # 4
8:30 – 11:20
28 Jan
BU491 IN Class 4: Worldwide innovation and learning
Transnational Management – Chapter 5
Country presentation: Japan
Case: P&G Japan
8:30 – 11:20
29 Jan
BU435 IN Class 3: Guest Speaker: Michael Shum, CEO - Canada, Agility Logistics
Making International Supply Chain Work: Internal Processes
Lauden and Lauden Chapter 15
8:30 – 11:20
30 Jan
BU416 IN Class 3: International Parity Relationships (Chapter 6).
3.1 Slides for Chapter 6
3.2 Correction to a Chapter 6 Problem
3.3 Practice Problems Chapters 5 and 6
8:30 – 11:20
31 Jan
BU469 IN Class 5: International Product Issues
Readings: Bengtsson et al (2010); Garrett et al (2017); Stremersch and Tellis (2004), Wild
and Wild Ch 14
Friday, 8:30 –
1 Feb
BU 435 IN Class 4: Supply Chain Management Sourcing
Leenders et.al. Ch 10: Supplier selection
Lyson and Farrington Ch 14 : Buying from Overseas
Articles: Toyota, Loblaws, Nudie Jeans
Week # 5
8:30 – 11:20 am
4 Feb
BU469 IN Class 6: International Pricing
Readings: Solberg et al (2006); Westjohn et al (2017), Wild and Wild Ch 10 and Ch 14
8:30 – 11:20 am
5 Feb
BU491 IN Class 5: Cross-border collaboration
Transnational Management – Chapter 6
How to manage alliances better than one at a time (SMR, Spring 2010)
Country Presentation: India
Case: Eli Lilly in India
8:30 – 11:20 am
6 Feb
BU 489 IN Class 5 Structure and Design Options Within an International Context
a) J.Barsh, M.M. Capozzi, & J. Davidson, Leadership and Innovation, McKinsey Quarterly,
January 2008
b) J.H. Dyer, P.Kale, & H. Singh, How to Make Strategic Alliances Work, Sloan Mgmt
Review, Summer 2001
c) E.D. Beinhocker, The Adaptable Corporation, McKinsey Quarterly, May 2006.
Case: Innovation Without Walls: Alliance Management at Eli Lilly and Co.
8:30 – 11:20 am
7 Feb
BU416 IN Class 4: International Trade Finance (Chapter 20) and Corporate Governance
around the World (Chapter 4).
4.1 Slides for Chapter 20
4.2 Slides for Chapter 4
8:30 – 11:20 am
8 Feb
BU435 IN Class 5: Service Providers
Wood et. al. Ch 10 International Logistics Functions and Intermediaries
Kotabe et.al Chapter 17 : Export and Import
All-day event
9 Feb
World of Opportunities (WOO)
Key note speakers & Country Presentations
11 Feb
BU435 IN Class 6: Making the Supply Chain Work
Week # 6
Monday, 8:30 –
Case: Kuehne & Nagel in Asia Pacific
Tuesday, 8:30 –
12 Feb
BU 491 IN Class 6: Emerging Markets
Strategies that fit emerging markets (HBR, June 2005)
The new frontiers (HBR, July-August 2009)
Country Presentation: Russia
Case: Genicon
8:30 – 11:20
13 Feb
BU 489 IN Class 6: International HR
a) B. Shimoni & H. Bergmann, Managing in a Changing World: From Multiculturalism
to Hybridization. Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 20, #3, Aug 2006, 7689
b) WWH: Chapter 16
c) T. Hsieh, J. Lavoie, & R.A. Samek, Think Global, Hire Local, McKinsey Quarterly,
1999, #4
d) A. Gast & R Lansink, Digital Hives: Creating a Surge Around Change, McKinsey
Quarterly, April 2015
Case: Four Seasons Goes to Paris
MLS powerpoint presentations due today
Thursday, 8:30 –
14 Feb
Bu 489 IN Class 7 Managing Expatriates
a) J.S. Black & H.B. Gregersen, Serving Two Masters: Managing the Dual Allegiance of
Expatriate Employees, Sloan Management Review, Summer 1992, 61-71
b) J.S. Black & H.B. Gregersen, The Right Way to Manage Expats, HBR, March-April,
c) Ghemawat, P., Developing Global Leaders, McKinsey Quarterly, June 2012
d) Case: Sophia Tannis
Team trade show poster presentations in class today
(MLS powerpoint presentations due Wed Feb 13)
Friday, 8:30 –
15 Feb
BU469 IN Class 6: International Selling
Readings: White et al (2011); Wild and Wild Ch 14 and Ch 16
Week # 7 Study Week
18 Feb
Study Week
19 Feb
Study Week
20 Feb
Study Week
21 Feb
Study Week
22 Feb
Study Week
25 Feb
BU416 IN Class 5: Transactions Exposure and Operating Exposure
Week # 8
8:30 – 11:20
5.1 Slides Four Types of Exposure to FX Risk
5.2 Three Operating Exposure Vignettes
Tuesday 8:30 –
26 Feb
BU469 IN Class 8: International Communications
Readings: Chan et al (2007); De Meulenaer et al (2015); Li and Shooshtari (2003); Wild
and Wild Ch 14
Wednesday 8:30
– 11:20
27 Feb
BU 491 IN Class 7: Bottom of the Pyramid
Serving the world’s poor, profitably (HBR, September, 2002)
Is the bottom of the pyramid really for you? (HBR, March 2011)
Country Presentation: South Africa
Case: Danimal in South Africa
Thursday 8:30 –
28 Feb
Intercultural Certificate: Module 2 Exploring One’s Culture, and Module 3 Exploring
Friday 8:30 –
1 Mar
Doing Business with Asia Event
(Room to be announced)
Monday 8:30 –
Mar 4
Study tour preparation
Tuesday 8:30 –
Mar 5
Study Tour starts
Wednesday 8:30
– 11:20
Mar 6
Study Tour
Thursday 8:30 –
Mar 7
Study Tour
Friday 8:30 –
Mar 8
Study Tour
Week # 9
Week # 10: Study Tour
Week # 11: No classes
Week # 12
Monday 8:30 –
March 25
BU416 IN Class 6: Accounting Exposure and Translation Exposure
6.1 Accounting Treatment of Transactions Exposure
6.2 Canuck Ltd.’s Accounting Exposure
6.3 Case Study on Translation Exposure
6.4 Four Types of Foreign Exchange Exposure
Tuesday 8:30 –
March 26
BU 435 IN Class 7: Article presentations
Wednesday 8:30
– 11:20
March 27
Bu 435 IN Class 8: Supply Chain Management Quiz Prep
Thursday 8:30 –
March 28
Bu 435 IN - Supply Chain Management Quiz
March 29
Week # 13
Monday 8:30 –
April 1
BU 491 IN Class 8: Ethical Issues in international business
Transnational Management - Chapter 8
Country Presentation: Turkey
Country Presentation: Brazil
Tuesday 8:30 –
April 2
BU416 IN Class 7: Transfer Pricing
7.1 Slides Transfer Pricing
7.2 Transfer-pricing at GlaxoSmithKline
7.3 Multinational Transfer Pricing
Wednesday 8:30
– 11:20
April 3
Intercultural Certificate: Module 5 Cultural Adaptation, and Module 6 Lifelong Learning
Thursday 9:00 –
April 4
BU416 IN Class 8: Quiz
April 10
Global Strategy Project Presentations
(Room tba)
Week # 14
Wednesday 9:00
– 16:00
University and Course Policies
1. Academic Integrity/Misconduct: Laurier is committed to a culture of integrity within and beyond the classroom.
This culture values trustworthiness (i.e., honesty, integrity, reliability), fairness, caring, respect, responsibility and
citizenship. Together, we have a shared responsibility to uphold this culture in our academic and nonacademic
behaviour. The University has a defined policy with respect to academic misconduct. As a Laurier student you are
responsible for familiarizing yourself with this policy and the accompanying penalty guidelines, some of which
may appear on your transcript if there is a finding of misconduct. The relevant policy can be found at Laurier's
academic integrity website along with resources to educate and support you in upholding a culture of integrity.
Ignorance is not a defense. See: www.wlu.ca/academicintegrity
In the event that plagiarism is detected within a group submission, all students within the group will receive a zero
for their group assignment.
In event that plagiarism or some form of academic integrity issue is detected during the Technical Test, students
will receive a zero grade for the test and they will be reported to the Associate Dean.
In the event that plagiarism occurs on the self-assessment forms, students will receive a zero grade for the
participation in the respective class and they will be reported to the Associate Dean. Please note that students are
only allowed to write down comments they made in class.
2. Special Needs: Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible Learning
Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Academic
Calendar. See: www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=1365&p=5123 for information regarding all services available on
3. Plagiarism: Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. If requested to do so by the
instructor, students may are required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for
4. Late Assignment Policy: In case students cannot submit an assignment prior to the deadline they need to contact
the instructor before the deadline. Late assignment will not be accepted if the instructor was not contacted
before the deadline. Late assignments will be marked with a 5% penalty per day. 5 days after the deadline
assignments will not be accepted unless arrangements have been made with the instructor.
5. Copyright: The educational materials developed for this course, including, but not limited to, lecture notes and
slides, handout materials, examinations and assignments, and any materials posted to MyLearningSpace, are the
intellectual property of the course instructor. These materials have been developed for student use only and they
are not intended for wider dissemination and/or communication outside of a given course. Posting or providing
unauthorized audio, video, or textual material of lecture content to third-party websites violates an instructor’s
intellectual property rights, and the Canadian Copyright Act. Recording lectures in any way is prohibited in this
course unless specific permission has been granted by the instructor. Failure to follow these instructions may be
in contravention of the university’s Code of Student Conduct and/or Code of Academic Conduct, and will result in
appropriate penalties. Participation in this course constitutes an agreement by all parties to abide by the relevant
University Policies, and to respect the intellectual property of others during and after their association with Wilfrid
Laurier University.
6. Technology in the Class Room
For BU 469, BU 489, and BU 491, there will be no laptop, tablet or smartphone use permitted while class is in
session. In addition, please turn off phone ringers, alarms and any other devices that may distract.