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Behind the Swoosh: Nike Labor Practices Worksheet

Behind the Swoosh: Video Questions
1) Do you think the creator of this video is biased or unbiased?
I believe that the creator of this video was unbiased, and wanted to see what was really
happening to the Indonesian Nike employees.
2) Why was this person motivated to make this video?
I think this person was so motivated because he knew how much everyone loved Nike
clothes and shoes. I believe he wanted to show everyone, from people who buy the most
expensive Nike Shoes to the people who don't even wear it, what was happening to these
3) Explain how video maker "lived" while in Indonesia.
The vide maker "lived" in Indonesia with only two meals a day. One day, he wanted to shave so he
bought himself a cheap razor and some shaving cream. This cost him 3 meals. The video maker had to
sleep in a nine by nine house that was humid, had rats running up the toilets, and he had to sleep on
the floor.
4) He claims the wage was a $1.25/day...what could that buy Jim and
a) Describe what happened to them based on this daily wage.
With this daily wage the could not do much. They could only by two
meals of rice and noodles. Jim wanted to get a shave and so it cost
him three meals. He also lost a lot of weight in Indonesia.
5) Describe the living and sanitation conditions he and his partner
The living conditions were harsh because it was humid, there were rats climbing
through the toilet, it was a 9 by 9 foot house, and they had to sleep on the floor.
6) What happened when he and his partnered attempted to
question/enter the factories?
When they attempted to enter the factories, the factory workers kept on shutting them down.
There was even signs saying to employees to not talk to Jim and Leslie about anything work
related or you will be fired.
7) Around the 15:00 minute mark, what does the female narrator say most
employees simply "want" to meet?
They narrator says that the workers love their jobs, except they just don't want to be exploited. They
simply want to meet basic needs so they have enough money to support their families.
8) How did Phil Knight, the owner of Nike, react to Jim's questions?
Phil Knight was trying to find any way for Jim to stop talking about
these factories. He said that Jim needed to talk to one of his secretaries
even though they would not even listen to Jim. The owner just shut him
down and said that they were interrupting his lunch with a friend.