MIT Medical Department Pediatrics History Form
Dear Parent:
This is a health questionnaire on your child. Please complete this form. Bring it with you at the time of an appointment.
Date completed:
Child’s Name:
Contact Information for Parent 1
Home Address:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Date of Birth:
Contact Information for Parent 2
Name: Email:
Home Address:
Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell/Other:
This child lives with: □ Mother □ Father □ Mother/Father □Mother/Partner □ Father/Partner □ Grandparent/Other
MIT Affiliation
Person: Position: Department:
1. Parent 1 Age:
Past Health Problems:
2. Parent 2 Age:
Past Health Problems:
3. Marital Status of Parents:
4. Other Children in Family:
Date of Birth Gender
Current Health:
Current Health:
Name Healthy or Medical Issues?
5. Are there cultural or religious practices that might affect your child’s medical care? □ no □ yes
If yes, please explain (e.g. blood transfusion, dietary rules, etc.):
□ no □ yes 6. Is there tobacco use in/around your household?
7. Is there a history in the family/a blood relative of: a. Allergies b. Anxiety c. Asthma d. Birth Defects/Genetic Problems e. Cancer i. Brain ii. Breast iii. Colon iv. Ovarian v. Skin
If yes, state relationship to child
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
vi. Thyroid □ no □ yes vii. Other (describe and state relationship to child): f. Depression □ no □ yes g. Diabetes h. Hearing Loss i. j. l.
Heart Attack
Heart Disease k. Hepatitis
High Blood Pressure m. High Cholesterol n. Learning Disability o. Mental Illness p. Seizures q. Thyroid Problems r. Tuberculosis
If yes, state relationship to child
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
1. While pregnant, did mother have: a. Bleeding or spotting b. German measles (Rubella) c. Gestational diabetes d. High blood pressure e. Illness other than cold/flu f. Kidney disease g. Premature labor h. Threatened miscarriage i. Toxemia
2. Were medications or herbs taken during pregnancy?
If yes, what kind:
3. Was a fertility treatment used for this pregnancy?
If yes, what kind:
1. Where was child born:
2. Was labor induced?
3. Was labor helped by medication?
4. Duration of labor:
5. Was child born early (less than 38 weeks)?
6. Was child born late (after 42 weeks)?
7. What was the method of delivery:
□ Breech
□ Caesarean (Please state reason):
□ Forceps
□ Spontaneous vaginal
8. Child’s birth weight:
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
9. Apgar Score (if known):
10. During the hospital stay, did child have any of the following: a. Antibiotic treatment b. Blue spells c. Convulsions d. Jaundice e. Skin rash f. Did child remain in hospital longer than mother?
11. How was/is baby fed?
□ Bottle
□ Breast
□ no
□ no
□ no
□ yes
□ yes
□ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
1. At what age did child: a. Hold up head b. Roll over c. Sit unsupported d. Stand alone
Age e. Walk f. Talk g. Toilet train h. Feed him/herself i. Dress him/herself
And TB (Tuberculosis) Testing or BCG Vaccination
1. Has the child had: a. Blood: anemia (iron deficiency, Sickle Cell, Thalessemia) b. Blood transfusions c. Chicken pox (Varicella) d. Contusions e. Convulsions f. Fractures g. German Measles (Rubella) h. Hospitalizations i. Measles (Rubeola) j. Meningitis k. Mumps l. Operations
If yes, what illness? m. Poison ingestion n. Other serious medical illnesses
If yes, what kind? o. Is your child currently taking any medications, vitamins or herbs?
Medication Strength/Dose How Often? p. Reaction to medication or food (allergy)
If yes, please explain: q. Any chronic or recurring pain?
If yes, please explain:
2. Eyes: a. Any visual problems? b. Do eyes look crossed? c. Does the child wear eyeglasses?
3. Ears: a. Any hearing problems? b. Three or more ear infections?
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
4. Nose: a. Does the child have frequent attacks of sneezing or rubbing his/her nose? b. Has the child had frequent nose bleeds?
5. Throat: a. Does your child have three or more strep throat infections per year?
6. Heart:
Have you ever been told your child has a. A heart murmur? b. Heart defect? c. High blood pressure?
7. Lungs:
Has your child ever had a. Asthma/wheezing? b. Bronchitis or pneumonia? c. Chronic cough?
Does your child tire easily? 8.
9. Abdomen
Has your child ever had a. Blood in bowel movement? b. Difficulty with appetite or eating? c. Frequent abdominal pain? d. Frequent vomiting or diarrhea? e. Jaundice? f. Marked weight loss?
If yes, please explain:
10. Kidney: a. Does your child ever complain of burning or frequency of urination? b. Does your child wet the bed? c. Has there ever been blood in the urine? d. Has your child ever had a urinary tract infection?
11. Skin: a. Acne? b. Any sensitivity or allergy? c. Eczema or atopic dermatitis?
12. Extremities:
Has your child a. Had weakness or paralysis of arms or legs? b. A persistent limp? c. Every worn corrective shoes or braces?
13. Neurological:
Has your child ever had a. Breath holding? b. Convulsions or seizures? c. Dizziness? d. Fainting? e. Frequent headaches? f. Temper tantrums?
14. Is your child: a. Impulsive? b. Lacking in self-control? c. Overactive? d. Does your child have problems with: i. Attending school? ii. Attention span? iii. Learning? iv. Mood? v. Parents? vi. Peers? vii. Siblings?
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
viii. Sleep? e. Are there concerns about physical, sexual or emotional abuse?
□ no □ yes
□ no □ yes
(You may call Mental Health Services to set up an evaluation at 617.253.2916 for any of the above.)
15. Has your child begun puberty? □ no □ yes
16. Any other concerns you would like to discuss?
Parent Signature
Provider Name
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Date Reviewed