Uploaded by Andrew Negru

Glory Movie Questions Worksheet

Glory Questions
Name: ___________________________________________________
1. Describe Colonel Robert Gould Shaw’s character. _____________________________________________
2. Why does Robert react to the noise at the party the way he does? ________________________________
3. What famous black man does Robert meet at the party? ______________________________________
4. What made the 54th Massachusetts Regiment unique? _________________________________________
5. In the beginning, what was the main job of the 54th? ___________________________________________
6. Why does the angry man (His name is Tripp) call Thomas Snowflake?
7. What would happen to the black soldiers if they were caught fighting for the North?
8. What would happen to the white officers if the South caught them? _______________________________
9. Why did Tripp leave the camp without permission? ____________________________________________
10. What is Tripp’s punishment for leaving camp? ________________________________________
11. Why do the men rip up their paychecks? __________________________________________________
12. Why do the men cheer Colonel Shaw? _________________________________________________
13. Did the men of the 54th face discrimination and prejudice from within their own (Union) army? If so, give
an example.
14. Why do Colonel Shaw’s men have to set fire to the town?
15. What is Tripp asked to carry in the Battle of Fort Wagoner? __________________________________
16. Why does he refuse? ___________________________________________________________________
17. What does Robert volunteer his men to do at the Battle of Fort Wagoner? __________________________
18. Compare and contrast the characters of Tripp (Denzel Washington) and Thomas (“Snow Flake”)
Glory Questions
Name: ___________________________________________________
19. What do the men do before going into battle? ________________________________________________
20. In the space below, write an email to a friend about why they should or should not see the movie Glory
and what the movie was about.