Uploaded by Kazar Kazari

Hardware exchange EN

CADENAS GmbH, Berliner-Allee 28 b+c, D-86153 Augsburg (Germany)
New License Agreement due to hardware change, system change or change from host-id to
System Administrator
CADENAS GmbH, Fax: ++49/ (0) 821/ 258 58 29 99
Statement for New Licensing Agreement due to (please check one):
£ Change from host-id to dongle
If you use CADENAS software with a license for a host-id and you are changing to the usage of a
dongle, you need a new license file. The license currently used may not be used in future. A
precondition for the new license is the removal of the “old” default.cli from the presently used systems.
Hereby we confirm that the CADENAS software is no longer used with a host-id and the “old” default.clifile has been deleted.
£ Hardware change or system change
Statement of the deletion of CADENAS software:
If you want use CADENAS software on a different server, platform, or PC, you need a new license. A
precondition for the new license is the total deletion of the CADENAS software from the presently used
system. Hereby we confirm that CADENAS software is no longer used on the following system(s) with
the following host-id/ cpu-id, and has been deleted from these machines:
New host-id:
We agree to pay a penalty of 10.000 Euro to CADENAS in each case of infringement of the
license. In addition, CADENAS reserves the right of further claim in tort.
City, Date, Signature
Please Print Name
Host-ID – Dongle/ CADENAS GmbH / English/Version 1.2
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