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Schneider Electric ADMS Overview

Schneider Electric DMS NS
Advanced Distribution Management
System (ADMS)
Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution
Short Overview
May 2015
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1
2. ADMS ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ........................................................................ 6
2.1. Global System Structure.................................................................................. 6
2.2. ADMS Services ................................................................................................. 7
2.3. Graphical Clients .............................................................................................. 7
2.4. Web Server........................................................................................................ 8
2.5. Historical Service and Central Model Repository .......................................... 8
2.6. System Deployment ......................................................................................... 8
3. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK BUILDER ...................................................................... 9
4. DYNAMIC MIMIC DIAGRAM ................................................................................... 11
5. ADMS ANALYTICAL APPLICATIONS SYSTEM .................................................... 13
5.1. Network Operation Control Applications ..................................................... 14
5.2. Network Operation Planning and Optimization ........................................... 18
5.3. Network Operation Analysis .......................................................................... 20
5.4. Network Development Planning .................................................................... 22
5.5. Training ........................................................................................................... 23
5.6. Closed loop optimization ............................................................................... 23
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Schneider Electric Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) solution is
unique product on ADMS market which uses the single model for all 5 basic fundamental
parts: SCADA/DMS/OMS/DSM/EMS. Such unique solution provides numerous
Single version of truth for all three basic parts as well as for all models that are used
inside ADMS for operation, operation planning, development planning, simulation and
analysis; in other words it means complete synchronization among used models.
Single (unique) high security system based on Idaho National Laboratory standards,
reliable and scalable system.
Unique symbols, UI, single line/geographical displays accompanied with street map
and extremely rich and efficient HMI; network display on tablets.
Completed suite regarding ADMS, backup/reserving, history, GIS import, integration
with business and other IT systems, AMI via Enterprise Service Bus.
Using CIM data model.
The most comprehensive set of power applications.
Closed loop (full automatic 24/7 operation) regarding Volt/Var and Demand
Management (Peak shaving), closed loop for Fault Location, Isolation and Supply
restoration, Distributed generators and storage treatment.
Very advanced solution regarding Adaptive relay protection, Under frequency
Shedding, High quality Check before operate validation and significantly improved
security during switching command issuing, Safety Procedure Guarantee (SPG) is
special security procedure that provide double locking of safe tags and field crew is
completely protected from unauthorized switchings.
Integration with weather systems, weather sensitive load profile, display of storm
ADMS is used for operation, operation and development planning, simulation and
analysis. System is reliable, scalable and highly secure. This modern ADMS solution
Real-time network monitor and control,
Mathematical network model and power applications,
Efficient management of faults and voltage improvement,
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Network analysis (short-circuits, relay protection, losses, reliability, performances...),
Optimization and reduction of investments in building power facilities, automation...,
Reduction of network peak load and power losses,
Increase of an Utility's profit and revenue,
Improvement of power quality and customer services.
ADMS provides tools for dynamic visualization, monitoring and control of electricity
distribution network, together with wide set of power applications for operation analysis,
planning and optimization. System is built on open standard solutions and powerful
technical database. Some characteristics of the ADMS Software are:
Efficient and user-friendly User-interface for managing the power network.
The extremely fast, robust and efficient power applications providing all technical data
and solutions for management of power networks.
Set of power applications for distribution.
Master data integration platform and highest data utilization for the Utility.
Fundament for the “Smart Grid Solution” and total management of distribution
networks connecting to remote metering, geographical systems and real-time
Figure 1.1 – ADMS Software User Interface
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
ADMS is built on Smart Grid Solution concept. It integrates energy efficiency, demand
response and distributed resources technologies to enable grid operators to make
intelligent decisions that help them run the grid more efficiently, reliably and at a lower
cost. ADMS provides many of the contemporary customer requirements such as:
demand management, accommodating distributed generation, real time network
monitoring and control, automated restoration for self-healing networks, reducing
average duration of interruptions, validating network topology, predictive reliability,
reduction of losses and operation costs with open flexible database access.
Global ADMS architecture is presented on the Figure 1.2. On one side, ADMS is
interfaced to real-time systems processing high speed operation data (SSA,
Transmission SCADA, RTUs) and on other side to off-line systems processing low speed
(equipment or accounting) data (GIS, CIS, ERP, AMI, different Market applications, ...).
ADMS is like suit where all data are processed, analyzed and new functionality and add
value produced.
Figure 1.2 – ADMS Global architecture
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
ADMS architecture follows service oriented approach, applied in the most industry
automation real-time IT systems, as well as in business corporate IT solutions. It is
designed to support several systems running in parallel, where each system consists of a
set of services needed to successfully run distinguishable roles like Production System,
Test System, Data Entry System, Training System, and Emergency Backup System.
Therefore, hardware consists of several computer groups and networking equipment:
data acquisition servers, application servers, engineering data servers, UI clients,
redundant LAN, time system (GPS), printers, network devices, etc. Scalability is an
important architectural aspect and the system supports various deployments, from large
farm of redundant servers to a single computer hosting everything. Also, such computer
groups can be placed in different security zones and sites (for disaster recovery or other)
where methods for sending data across different security zones are important in order to
comply with customer’s strict security rules.
With appropriate adapters over ESB, services can be exposed to external enterprise
The main advantages of ADMS:
Unique symbols, UI, single line/geographical displays accompanied with street map
and extremely rich and efficient HMI.
Completed suite regarding ADMS, backup/reserving, history, GIS import, integration
with business and other IT systems, AMI via Enterprise Service Bus.
Using CIM data model.
The most comprehensive set of power applications.
Closed loop (full automatic 24/7 operation) regarding Volt/Var and Demand
Management (Peak shaving), closed loop for Fault Location, Isolation and Supply
restoration, Distributed generators and storage treatment.
Very advanced solution regarding Adaptive relay protection, Under frequency
Shedding, High quality Check before operate validation and significantly improved
security during switching command issuing and Safety Procedure which is special
security procedure that provide double locking of safe tags and field crew is
completely protected from unauthorized switchings.
Integration with weather systems (actual weather measurements comes from weather
probe using SCADA while weather forecast is received via web and ESB), weather
sensitive load profile, display of storm area
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
OMS runs on actual network state fully aligned with all network events.
OMS uses full power of Fault Location, Isolation and Supply Restoration (FLISR)
application inside DMS engine.
Position and activities of field crew can be displayed on network views (single line
and geographical). All real time ADMS users are aware of OMS activities.
ADMS solution has been deployed in over 153 Control Centers in 68 Utilities
worldwide, supplying 100 million customers in North America (USA, Canada), Europe
(Italy, Hungary, Spain, Slovenia, Russia, Serbia, Romania, Macedonia), Asia (China,
India, Indonesia), Latin/Central America, Africa (Tunisia) and Australia.
Gartner reports 2012 - 2015 recommend ADMS solution as the most advanced
technology worldwide.
Gartner “Magic Quadrant for Advanced Distribution Management Systems” by Randy Rhodes, Zarko Sumic, March 17, 2015.
Note: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology
users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions
of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or
implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
ADMS Software architecture follows service oriented approach, applied in the most
industry automation real-time IT systems, as well as in business corporate IT solutions. It
is designed to support several systems running in parallel, where each system consists
of a set of services needed to successfully run distinguishable roles of the control center
like Production System, Test System, Data Entry System, Training System, and
Emergency Backup System. Therefore, control center hardware consists of several
computer groups and networking equipment: data acquisition servers, application
servers, engineering data servers, UI clients, redundant LAN, time system (GPS),
printers, network devices (routers). Scalability is an important architectural aspect and
the system supports various deployments - from many pairs of redundant servers to a
single computer hosting everything. Also, such computer groups can be placed in
different security zones and sites (for disaster recovery or other) where methods for
sending data across different security zones are important in order to comply with
customer’s strict security rules.
2.1. Global System Structure
At a high level, the system consists of following functional blocks:
Graphical clients – both Windows based thin clients and Web clients,
Services – ADMS calculation engine together with network and graphical data models
and data management, and
Historian and Network Model Repository.
Using appropriate adapters, services can be exposed to other enterprise applications
through ESB.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
DMS Web Client
GUI Client - DMD
Web Server(s)
Oracle or
MS SQL Server
DB Server and
Central Model Repository
DMS Server(s)
Figure 2.1 – Global ADMS system structure
2.2. ADMS Services
At the very heart of the system lies the ADMS calculation engine providing service to the
rest of the system as well as to the other systems in the enterprise. The engine is the
main part of the ADMS system which manages lifetime and operation of various DMS
applications. DMS Applications receive relevant portion of the network model as input
and provide results as output. Services with DMS applications are deployed on a cluster
of server machines running Windows 2003 or 2008 Server operating system which
makes ADMS system fully scalable.
2.3. Graphical Clients
ADMS client applications provide a graphic view of the distribution network. The client
shows a great deal of information collected from the server. To optimize the usage of
available resources (network bandwidth, server and client processing power and
available RAM), various techniques were applied in the client design:
Spatial grouping of elements and
Symbol engine.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Graphical client is implemented using .NET Framework managed environment. The
client is deployed on workstations running Windows XP/Windows 7 operating systems.
2.4. Web Server
Web Server enables web access to ADMS services and their data. It renders data
received from Calculation and Model Services to graphical screens inside web browser.
2.5. Historical Service and Central Model Repository
Historical Service is used to store and retrieve historian data. It is comprised of an MS
SQL historian and an OSIsoft PI historian (optional).
Data that describes power network (network model) and its graphical views is denoted as
“static data” because changes of this data type are very rare compared to changes of the
“dynamic data” which includes switchgear statuses, measurement values, tap changer
positions and similar.
2.6. System Deployment
In order to improve security of the system a typical DMS system is deployed into three
Real-time zone (also called Secure zone).
Demilitarized (DMZ, also called Decision Support) zone.
Data entry, Test and Staging zone.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Data entry client is a set of graphical user interface applications, which are used for
creation and management of an electrical network model.
Network Builder is an application used for creating, editing and deleting of values of
network elements attributes (graphical and electrical item properties), their connectivity,
and finally, their graphic representation in form of a network diagram. Network model
created with the Network Builder is used by Dynamic Mimic Diagram (DMD).
The Data entry client (Network Builder) consists of the following client side applications:
Network View Editor is a graphical tool used for creation of network diagram that is
later used in the DMD. Different types of views are supported like composite,
geographic and substation view. With Network View Editor, the user imports, creates,
draws and arranges elements. More precisely, the Network View Editor assigns the
graphical data (coordinates) to the internal model which contains all data about
network topology, switchgears statuses and network elements. The resulting network
is identical to the one displayed in the DMD.
Edit Toolbox is a part of the Network Builder providing the following:
Edit electrical (electrical importing of an element implies that its graphical
representative will be generated at the same time).
Edit graphical (graphical drawing of an element means that it already has a
representative in the electrical model).
Catalog Editor is a tool which provides creation, cloning, deleting and editing of
catalogs. Catalogs are used for entering data (attributes) related to power equipment,
which were obtained from the client. In the catalogs, common attributes of the power
equipment can be grouped into entities. Data range checking and validations are
performed automatically. Also, in the Catalog Editor it is possible to set Basic Data
like Base Voltage.
Symbol Editor is an application that is used for creating of symbols of elements in a
distribution network (DN). This application enables the user to create and modify (full
customization) shapes of distribution network elements.
In order to configure various parts of the ADMS, the application Options is used. The
Options allow setting of parameters of the ADMS applications. It also provides full
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
customization of views (de-cluttering, display of symbols, text, etc.), including user
defined settings of visibility and appearance of custom attributes.
Each of previously mentioned applications accesses the ADMS Services to manage a
certain group of data in the database.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Dynamic Mimic Diagram (DMD) is multiple-view user interface applied for visualization of
supply and distribution substations and MV and LV network, as well as for efficient
managing and monitoring of the distribution network state. ADMD provides both views of
the distribution network: schematic (single line) and geographic diagrams. The system
has a rich support for navigation, search and selection of network parts of interest.
Practically, with just two mouse clicks, the user can reach, for example, data about the
transformer short-circuit impedance from geographic map of the city. ADMD is provided
with a powerful “Report (summary) generator”, which produces rich and customizable
reports about all relevant technical data from the network.
ADMD is used in Real-time mode (dispatcher clients operating distribution network in
real-time) and Simulation mode (operation analysis and planning engineers,
maintenance engineers, network planning engineers and dispatcher training simulator).
Thus, DMD is highly specialized tool for monitoring, control and analysis of the
distribution network, as well as for interactive running of DMS Analytical Applications
Basic functionalities of graphical user interface (GUI) of DMD are:
Graphical network presentation (schematic, geographical and SCADA view).
Panning, zooming, scrolling and pilot window control network navigation.
De-cluttering levels – a mechanism by which the visibility of graphical elements (size
and detail level) depends on zoom level.
Easy and quick network search by element name, ID, corporate-wide ID and type.
Highlighting the searched element and presenting it at the center of the screen.
Network tree view display and browsing.
Window management: multiple windows can be used on the same monitor and
screen displays are configurable.
Saving / restoring windows layout.
Ability to visually distinguish substation area or a group of feeders of interest (feeder
selection mode).
Distinctive network area coloring according to various criteria.
Detailed view of all network elements: basic, dynamic, catalog data and graphics view
for compound elements in a separate window.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Printing diagrams and reports.
Export diagrams into metafile format.
Customization of the interface.
Dynamic Data management provides:
Connection with common on-line Data Access server and frequent notification about
updated statuses of remotely monitored/controlled switches and values of
telemetered measurements using SCADA sub-system. Displaying refreshed DMS
analytical application results each time the network state has been modified.
Issuing equipment manipulation commands using SCADA integrated windows.
Overview of SCADA-related information.
Dynamic data manipulation: switching, manual entries, operator flags, etc.
“Save case” management – loading and saving specific set of dynamic data values in
simulation mode.
Action log
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
DMS Analytical Applications System is the "intelligence" of ADMS Software. This system
is a fully comprehensive set of sophisticated software and algorithms that enable the
most efficient design, optimal operation and decision making referring to the whole
equipment installed in the distribution network. DMS Analytical Applications System
enables performing practically all technical tasks in Distribution Utilities in the following
modes of application:
Network Operation Control Applications,
Network Operation Planning and Optimization
Network Operation Analysis,
Network Development Planning,
All analytical applications are developed on the basis of algorithms specially aimed for
distribution networks, which enable performing both analysis and optimization of
operation and development of very large radial and weakly meshed distribution networks.
The system is based on the Network Model and consists of number mutually compatible
applications, organized as modular libraries. Such organization provides very simple
individual upgrading, extension with new applications and adjustment to any new
customer requirement.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Figure 5.1 – DMS Analytical applications
5.1. Network Operation Control Applications
Network Model (NM) is in the background of DMS applications, providing electrical
definitions of all network elements, connectivity and models for calculation (balanced or
unbalanced networks).
Topology Analyzer (TA) provides an accurate insight into the actual topology of the
distribution network (normal or disturbed). Topology Analyzer analytical application (TA)
is a general tool for various topology analyses of the distribution network represented in
form of graphs. On the basis of network model, connectivity and switchgear statuses, TA
provides the network topology that is necessary for running all other analytical
applications. Main functionalities are finding a certain element of the network,
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
determining and marking supply paths of network elements, finding neighboring feeders
of a selected feeder, searching for the "local network”, etc.
Load Flow (LF) application is used for the calculation of steady states of radial and
weakly meshed primary MV power grids (networks), as well as state of secondary LV
power grids. The network state consists of: complex voltages, currents, flows of real and
reactive power, voltage drops, losses, etc. Usually, among all state variables, the state
vector is defined as a set of all network nodes’ complex voltages. The state vector is
sufficient for calculation of any other network state variable.
State Estimation (SE) provides an assessment of loads of all network nodes, and all
other state variables (current phasors of all sections and transformers, active and
reactive power losses in all sections and transformers, etc.). The load profiles are
derived on the basis of historical data, where historical data consist of two groups: 1)
Dimensionless daily load profiles for real and reactive power (P-Q) which are weather
dependable, and 2) Load weights – peak values (kW, kVAr), supplied energies (kWh,
kVArh) or rated powers of the equipment (kVA).
Performance Indices (PI) is used for detection of violations, alarm states, reports of the
overall performances of the network state (power injection, losses, consumption, voltage
situation and deviations, overloads, etc.). The PI application is used to provide insight
into network state and to offer objective assessment whether some changes that improve
network operation or not are needed.
FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Supply Restoration) presents collection of tools
used for detection, location, isolation of faults and restoration of supply for all deenergized customers. FLISR can be used in manual semi-automatic and automatic
mode. Each of applications which can be used as part of FLISR is also available as a
separate application.
Fault Location (FL) application supports detecting location of the fault. It calculates
locations where faults could have occurred by analyzing the fault pattern, available realtime information acquired from field devices, including, fault indicator outputs, fault
magnitude at various locations on the feeder, and protective relay trippings.
Element Isolation (EI) determines which switching manipulations are needed for
isolating selected element. EI has a possibility to define type of equipment used for
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Figure 5.1.1 – Element Isolation - Recommendation for switching
Supply Restoration (SR) used for determining an optimal plan of switching actions for
restoring supply on the de-energized part of distribution network.
Large Area Restoration (LAR) determines the plan for restoration of the supply of large
parts of the distribution network, which remained de-energized after a fault occurrence
on a supply transformer (HV/MV transformer) or MV busbar in supply station (HV/MV
station) or after isolation of an element for the maintenance purpose in supply station.
Work Order Management (WOM) is analytical function intended for managing switching
procedures and all activities related to planned maintenance works, relevant work/safety
documents, data storage and requested reports and displays.
Outage Management System (OMS) is one of fundamental parts within ADMS and that
represents significant improvement and competitive advantage compared to traditional
GIS-driven OMS system. OMS runs on actual network state fully aligned with all network
events OMS uses full power of Fault Location, Isolation and Supply Restoration (FLISR)
application inside ADMS engine. Position and activities of field crew can be displayed on
network view so all real time ADMS users can be aware of OMS activities.
Switching Order Management (SOM) provides a software suit for managing
manipulations with various elements of a power system. This framework consists of wide
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
set of tools used for creation, display, modification, maintenance, validation, execution
and printing list of switching actions and Switching Orders (SO). A Switching Order
encompasses a set of appropriate attributes and a list of switching actions prepared for
execution in real-time or simulation in preferred coordinated manner. It predefines a
procedure for issuing command operations to elements in a network, such as
opening/closing various types of switches, placing/removing tags, changing set-point
values of local automation, implementing cuts and jumpers, blocking, grounding etc. SO
also gives ability to check influence of all manipulations in switching list on the network
and this is known as switching validation. Switching validations are available through
whole SO lifecycle and it can be started automatically before execution. The Switching
Order also represents an official document, with all necessary information needed for
performing required switching, issued to a responsible person in the field.
Under-Load Switching (ULS) simulates the process of under-load network
reconfiguration load transfer and offers possible solution for this operation. The goal of
reconfiguration is to transfer load of one feeder (or its part) to another one through a
normally open tie switch, without interrupting supply of any consumer on both feeders.
ULS application is used in situations when network configuration is changed but without
interrupting supply of the customers.
Load Shedding (LS) application is used for disconnecting network parts (loads) in case
of emergency situations and different types of disturbances which can occur due to lack
of generation or due to overloaded network elements. It is a complex application aimed
for shedding of load under emergency conditions, as well as restoring load after the
system conditions are restored. The power value of loads which need to be restored is
estimated according to their pre-estimated values of power. If user indicates that limit of
some monitored values is violated, he/she initiates Load Shedding execution. During
Load Shedding execution, loads can be disconnected in a prioritized order. The loads to
be shed and their priorities can be entered and modified through application’s options.
Temporary elements (TE) are a feature of the DMS system where the user can
introduce a limited set of temporary changes to the electrical model, for the purpose of
temporarily altering its connectivity. The examples are Cuts, which cut one or more
phases of an overhead line, and Jumpers, which are short lines which temporarily
connect otherwise disconnected nodes of a feeder. Temporary elements are typically
introduced by load operators which order their placement by a field crew, in order to
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
temporarily isolate a part of the network being repaired, or temporarily re-energize
consumers whose supply cannot be restored by other means (such as executing a
switching procedure).
Dynamic Equipment Rating (DER) is used for monitoring and prediction of thermal
state of network elements. It is applied for calculation of thermal ratings of substation
transformers, overhead lines and underground cables, based on actual or forecasted
loading and ambient temperature. This application provides simple monitoring of
elements in distribution network with the following advantages: having insight into actual
thermal state of network elements and providing potential overloading capabilities based
on the thermal monitoring.
5.2. Network Operation Planning and Optimization
Voltage optimization (VO) application provides control of voltage profile or keeping of
voltage on all nodes of the network inside specified (lower and upper) limits, as well as
satisfying optimization criteria (minimization of the damage that consumers suffer due to
the supply of power with voltages that deviate from nominal values). Resources used for
voltage control are “under-load” tap changing transformers and voltage regulators and
“off-voltage” tap changing transformers and buck/boost transformers. Voltage regulation
(control) provides: calculation of optimal voltages of supply busbars and tap positions of
supply transformers in the current states, coordination of the position of transformer tap
changer on the different locations, in actual moment and for the desired future time
period or minimum voltage deviation that consumers suffer due to the deviations of their
voltages from nominal values.
VAR optimization (VARO) reduces losses, reactive power flows and reactive power
demands from the transmission network. Capacitor banks and reactors, static and
synchronous generators and compensator are considered.
Integrated Volt/VAR Optimization (IVVO) is one of the basic applications used for the
real-time control in distribution network operation. As such, it allows management of
voltages and reactive power flows in distribution network. IVVO, as a part of DMS,
operates in centralized way on the whole considered sub-network (HV substation or
network supplied from a HV/MV transformer), rather than on the local level as it is
possible with local controllers.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Voltage Reduction (VR) analytical application can be used for reduction of the network
voltage (power) below the selected supplied transformer or for whole distribution
network. Reduction is put into effect only by supplied under-load tap changing
transformers covered by SCADA. In keeping with this results of the application are the
optimal manipulations of the tape changers of these transformers.
Network Reconfiguration (NR) determines the optimal radial distribution network
configuration (locations of normally open tie switches) regarding to optimization objective
(minimal active power and energy losses; maximal reliability; best load balance or best
voltages profiles). Reports about improvement of operation performances and reduction
of losses are provided, as well as switching sequence for transfer from existing to optimal
state (graphical and listing). Analysis of influence of every switching action on
improvement of network performance is possible, enabling selection of only limited
number of switching actions that give highest improvement.
Near Term Forecasting (NTF) analytical application is used for forecasting of load
diagrams for the next 15 minutes up to 24 hours. Forecasted load curves of the entire
network (overall Load Forecasting) are provided, or forecast only for the selected areas,
down to feeder measurements.
Short Term Forecasting (STF) analytical application is used for forecasting of load
diagrams for the next 1 – 7 days. Forecasted daily load curves of the entire network
(overall Load Forecasting) are provided, or forecast only for the selected areas, down to
feeder measurements.
Load Management (LM) application provides load control strategy for reduction of
distribution (utility) network peak load, by application of various load control techniques
on consumer loads (households, commercial sector and industry). This application
ensures maximal utilization of available controllable resources (water heaters, air
conditioners, electric space heaters, storage heaters etc.), taking into account
constraints/demands regarding customer's comfort, technology and economy, as well as
shifting of the peak load to valley portions of the daily load curve.
Operation Improvement (OI) analytical application executes in a real-time network
operation, for the periodic and systematic checking of improvement possibilities of the
network operation performances (economy, security, quality and reliability). Improvement
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
of current network state could be achieved by certain control actions, suggested as
application output.
5.3. Network Operation Analysis
Energy Losses (EL) provides calculation of energy losses in the distribution network
(active and reactive losses in all sections and transformers) up to LV busbars, for
specified network configuration in specified time period, for a part or a whole network.
Energy Losses includes daily load curves for all types of loads and measurements for
each characteristic day in selected period.
Figure 5.3.1 – Energy Losses – graphical display of results in report for selected part of
Operational Losses (OL) analytical application provides the real operational
power/energy losses in the entire distribution radial or weakly meshed, balanced or
unbalanced network, or its parts, for real network state and configuration, for the
specified time period. OL application provides data about total active/reactive energy
injection, active/reactive energy losses, active/reactive energy generation and
active/reactive energy consumption in specified period of time. In general, energy losses
can be divided into technical (copper and iron) and non-technical (commercial sources).
OL calculates technical losses, only.
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ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Reliability Analysis (RA) is used for calculation of the reliability indices in distribution
network. It deals with planned and unplanned outages. Distribution network reliability is
based on three fundamental factors: failure/fault rate of element, power interruption
duration and availability of electrical energy. In addition, distribution network reliability
indices depend on: fault frequency (number of faults during considered period), fault
clearance time (outage time of consumers while faulted element has been repaired) and
time to restore power supply.
Fault Calculation (FC) application, for chosen type of fault, provides detailed calculation
of all fault parameters (voltages, fault currents), as well as different network analysis in
fault state (simulation of chosen type of fault in all networks nodes, simultaneous faults,
Relay Protection (RP) application is used for analysis of operation and sensitivity,
setting/coordination of protection relays, getting insight into placement of protections,
efficient overview of all protection features etc. All analyses are performed for specified
network state, topology and selected location and type of the fault. The application deals
with over-current, over-voltage, under-voltage and bimetal relays, fuses and reclosers in
distribution networks. Special mod is Adaptive Relaying which provides changing of
active setting group on remotely controlled microprocessor relays regarding network
topology and conditions. Adaptive relaying also provides sending necessary control
signals after network topology changes to relay controllers in supply stations.
Breaker/Fuse Capacity (BFC) is used for checking capacity of circuit breakers and
fuses in distribution networks. The main goal of this application is to provide simple and
user-friendly checking of the switching device (circuit breakers/reclosers and fuses)
capacities for the given network topology and considered pre-fault state. Checking can
be performed for an arbitrary selected switching device (circuit breaker, recloser, or fuse)
or for all switching devices in network.
Security (Contingency) Assessment (SA) analysis is applied for analysis of faults in
specified parts of the network and testing of possibilities to provide supply restoration.
Result is the list of critical outages if supply cannot be restored to all consumers, as well
as the list of necessary network reinforcements to overcome these problems. Application
combines other DMS applications as modules (Fault Management, Large Area
Restoration, Relay protection, Load Flow).
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Harmonic Analysis (HA) application is used for analysis of harmonics influence in MV
and LV networks. Power quality of energy in LV networks can be severely affected
because presence of electronic devices and various commutations are very intensive
sources of harmonics in the LV network, also the intensity of harmonics is not damped by
means of transformation or isolated transformer neutrals,.
Historical services (Historical server and the corresponding Historical database)
provides the insight in the activities and events of the electrical network in the past. The
time stamp and the user are recorded for every activity or event in the DMS system.
Historical database is populated with data from the DMS database associated with the
time stamp and user data. The purpose of the DMS historical system is the creation of a
historical delta. Historical delta is a set of actions that need to be applied to the network
in order to change the network state from the starting point in time to the ending point in
time. Therefore, the DMS historical system provides timeline of data changes in the DMS
5.4. Network Development Planning
Long-Term Forecasting (LTF) analytical application provides load (energy) forecast for
the future period of several years, based on sequence of annual data (peak loads,
energy) of entire network. The results of this application are used for long-term planning
of the network development.
Medium-Term Forecasting (MTF) analytical application is used for assessment of the
sequence of annual peak loads of large areas or entire network, for a future period
lasting few months or years. The results of this application are used for medium-term
planning of the network development and assessment of required investment in the
future in order to achieve sufficient energy quality.
Network Development Planning (NDP) analytical application is being used for
determining an optimal plan of network development for the coming medium and longterm period on the basis of multiple scenarios and possibility of their comparison. The
application provides the building of new distribution networks and planning of
development for existing networks, on any saved case from the past on top of real-time
data of the network, taking into account the optimal dynamics of installing new elements.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Network Automation (NA) analytical application is used for planning of automation of
MV distribution networks (remote and local automation equipment in MV network),
necessary for improvement of the service reliability. Task is to find the optimal solution
for selected equipment, how many equipment and on which location to apply, to achieve
selected target (e.g. reduction of SAIDI under specified limit), respecting cost/benefit
analysis, available investment budget, selected time period, etc. The main objective of
this application is the reduction of outage time and non-delivered energy.
Capacitor Placement (CP) application is used for determination of optimal locations,
types, sizes and switching status of capacitor banks, which have to be installed in the
distribution system for the purpose of reactive power compensation, real power (energy)
losses minimization, reduction of the reactive power supplied from transmission network,
power factor correction and voltage profile improvement.
Network Reinforcement (NR) is used for the planning of existing distribution network
reinforcement. This application encompasses issues as planning of supply substations,
planning of medium voltage network (feeders), planning of the secondary substations
and checking of the technical and security criteria.
5.5. Training
Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) provides a training capability that realistically
models the distribution network and interacts with the trainee, as in dispatcher center.
Simulator prepares data and simulates events during the training. Trainees’ responds to
simulated events (generated automatically by the simulator) and his actions are tested,
evaluated and possibly improved.
5.6. Closed loop optimization
Control and optimization of distribution network involves moving distribution network from
one stable steady-state condition to the new one, all in controllable, efficient and secure
manner. ADMS accomplishes this functionality by sending sequences of switching
commands to the field devices in distribution network.
Continuous automatic switching sequence generation and execution by the system itself
(without human intervention) represents closed loop (CL) procedure. With the combined
capability to automatically generate and then execute a switching sequence, ADMS will
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
be placed into a mode where it will continuously perform these combined activities. That
is, monitor the distribution system, determine the switching sequences that will optimize
the network state or handle an outage in the network, and then execute those switching
sequences against the field devices. This mechanism will continuously control and tune
the electrical distribution system based on current and on-going network conditions.
There are 2 CLs:
VVO (Demand side management) CL that provides automatic continual (24/7)
optimization of selected parts of network regarding different optimization criteria (e.g.
demand reduction, power losses reduction, etc) defined through setting profiles.
FLISR automatic execution which provides self-healing of networks and automatic
location, isolation and supplying healthy feeder part. Normally, it is assumed that
remote controlled switchgear is used for this purpose.
When executing switching commands, DMS will communicate with the DSCADA system,
which in turn communicates with the field devices. DMS system will issue commands for
both substation and field devices, and when substation and field devices change state
and react to the commands, SCADA system will retrieve these updated values and send
them to the DMS. DMS will use these values to determine whether the current switching
command has succeeded, failed or is still in progress.
Two unrelated closed loop (CL) processes, VVO CL and FLISR CL are synchronized
during real-time operations, and also the execution of resident DMS applications (LF,
SE) is coordinated with closed loop processes.
It is possible that both VVO and FLISR closed loop control are active at the same time on
the same feeder. In this situation, there is a need for coordination between closed loop
operations. Since FLISR takes precedence over VVO, if a new trigger for FLISR occurs
while VVO calculation is in progress, the current VVO calculation and SS execution shall
be cancelled and FLISR shall be triggered. Therefore, during FLISR execution, VVO
calculation will be automatically suspended (i.e. VVO CL will be temporarily disabled) on
the part of the network (substation area) where the FLISR is running).
After the FLISR cycle is completed, VVO CL can be re-enabled on the affected
substation area manually, by Operator, or automatically, by the DMS system. This
functionality will be configurable, but it shall be noted here that the DMS will not make a
difference between successfully and unsuccessfully completed FLISR cycles.
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Schneider Electric DMS NS is the company in Schneider Electric covering research,
development and software engineering in electrical power systems, especially devoted to
ADMS. Company gathers over 1000 experts in power and computer engineering from
Novi Sad (capitol of Vojvodina region, north of Serbia), with strong relations with
University and Power Utilities of Vojvodina.
Figure 6.1 – Schneider Electric DMS Business building
ADMS Software installations are in operation in over 140 Distribution Control Centers
worldwide, over 60 Utilities, supplying 100 million electrical customers (meters):
ED "Elektrosrbija", ED "Jugoistok", ED "Centar", ED " Leskovac", ED "Belgrade",
"Elektrovojvodina", Serbia
“Elektrobijeljina”, Bosnia and Herzegovina
“Elektrokrajina”, Bosnia and Herzegovina
“Elektrostopanstvo” Macedonia
ENEL, 29 Control Centers, Italy
ELSAG, Pilot project, Italy
STEG, Tunisia
CFE, Zona Puebla City, Mexico
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
PT.PLN Bisnis Distribusi Jawa Barat&Banten, Bandung, Indonesia
Light Services de Electricitade SA, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
ANDE, Asuncion, Paraguay
EDENOR, Buenos Aires, Argentina
EMCALI, Colombia
EDELNOR, Lima, Peru
CNFL, San Jose, Costa Rica
ELECTRA, Panama city, Panama
NIH, Washington DC, USA
Railway project, Spain
Energoprom, Russia
PT-PLN, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Progress Energy Carolina, USA
EMASZ and ELMU, Hungary
University of Michigan, USA
IDGC Center, Russia
BC Hydro, Vancouver, Canada
Guizhou Power Electric Corporation, China
Maharashtra, India
Hydro One, Toronto, Canada
PECO, Philadelphia, USA
Electrica, Transilvania Nord, Cluj, Romania
Elektro Celje, Slovenia
ActewAGL, Canberra, Australia
EDEN, Argentina
EVN Bulgaria
Makkah, SEC, Saudi Electricity Company, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
BWP, Burbank Water and Power Corporation, California, USA
DONG Energy, Denmark
ETSA Utilities, Adelaide, Australia
Unison, New Zealand
Electricity Distribution Brcko, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Guizhou Power Corporation, Zunyi Power Branch
Guizhou Power Corporation, Guiyang Power Branch
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Austin Energy, TX, USA
Guangxi Power, Qinzhou Power Branch, China
MEER, Ecuador
Bihar, India
Kerala, India
Nova Scotia power, Canada
E.on, Spain
National Dispatching Center, Cuba
Fortum, Finland and Sweden
EPCG, Montenegro
J&K, India
Meralco, Manila, Philippines
SEC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
APS, Arizona, USA
CLECO, Louisiana, USA
EPCOR, Edmonton, Canada
SEV, Faroe Islands,
ENWL, Manchester, UK
Trefor, Denmark
Cepalco, Philippines
Technical Specification
ADMS Smart Grid Solution for Electricity Distribution Networks
Figure 6.2 - ADMS references worldwide
Schneider Electric DMS NS LLC
Phone: +381-21-488-3600
Novi Sad
Narodnog fronta 25 A,B,C,D
21000 Novi Sad
e-mail: office@schneider-electric-dms.com
Technical Specification