Uploaded by Treb Danielle Torres

1. Nature of Mathematics part 1

Mathematics Appreciation
Mathematics in Nature and Arts
Nature of Mathematics
Getting to know Mathematics:
 What is it?
 Where is it?
 What is it for?
 How it is done?
 Who uses Mathematics?
 Why is it important to learn or know?
What is Mathematics?
 It is formal system of thought for recognizing,
classifying, and exploiting of patterns.
What is Maths about?
 Numbers, symbols, Notations
 Operations, Equations, functions
 Process and thingification of processes.
Where is Mathematics?
 It is every where..
What is it for?
 To help us unravel the puzzle of nature, a useful way to
think about nature.
 Organize patterns and regularities as well as
 To help us control weather and epidemics
 Provides new questions to think about.
How is Mathematics Done?
 With Curiosity
 With eagerness for seeking patterns and
 With desire to know the truth
 With trial and error
 Without fear of facing more questions and problems
Who uses Mathematics?
 Mathematicians: pure and applied
 Scientist : natural and social
 Practically EVERYONE
Why it is important to know?
 It puts order in disorder.
 It helps us become better persons
 It helps us make the world a better place to live on.
Appreciation of Mathematics
• What is your Realization about Maths in Nature and
Arts? (a) Short movie “ Language of Universe” (b)
Book of Naturalii by Ian Stewart?
 Are regular, repeated or recurring forms or designs.