Uploaded by Samuel Negrich

Bird recap002

Name:___________________________________________________________________ Period: _____
Studio Art
Re-cap! Breaking down proportions, drawing a full body resting bird.
Using your experience and drawing packet “How to Find the Shapes?”, answer the following questions.
At the start Bird Profile lesson, we learned about Blocking in the basic shapes and form. Blocking in helps with making up an object,
figure or in our case a bird; a very valuable skill for an artist to have.
Getting the general shape and relative proportions of the component parts of the picture before endeavoring to describe, in line or tint,
any of the minor details or even main characteristics of the picture.
Discuss your experience blocking in your own full bird during Parts 1-2. Was it easier, or simple? Did you feel more
comfortable starting with broad shapes and working in the details as you went?
(Full sentences please)
Part 3, you began developing the form of the bird’s facial and wing structure. Portions of the head, under-eye, cheeks
and jowls, including the wing become more prominent as you drew broad to detailed. Discuss your experience drawing
3. What challenges did you have when drawing? What was the most challenging part? Or was it more or less easy?
(Full sentences please)
Parts 4- 5, you began developing and detailing the line work for the feathers. The line work for the feathers were
applied around the head, chin, beak, cheek, back, belly wing and tail feathers. Some areas were rendered darker than
others. Discuss your experience drawing 4-5. What challenges did you have when drawing? What was the most
challenging part?
(Full sentences please)
Lastly, how was your overall experience? How did you feel blocking in and drawing out your bird profile drawing?
How do you feel about the overall product? Is there anything you would change or do differently in the future?
(Full sentences please)