See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Estimation and Comparison of Welding Cost of MIG & MAG Process on Mild Steel Article · January 2011 CITATION READS 1 442 3 authors, including: Sunil Kumar Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology 23 PUBLICATIONS 10 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Sunil Kumar on 31 July 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Proceedings of the National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY” January 10-11, 2011 Estimation and Comparison of Welding Cost of MIG & MAG Process on Mild Steel Sunil Kumar1 Sachchida Nand2 1 2 AP PG Student Department of Mechanical Engineering Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology Longowal, Sangrur, – 148106 Punjab India Email: Abstract In the present work welding cost estimation was done. Welding cost estimation was done for MIG & MAG and the cost difference has been investigated by calculating for both the cases (MIG & MAG) for welding the piece of MILD STEEL (contains carbon 0.15 to 0.3 %, silicon 0.2 to 0.5 %, manganese, sulphur and phosphorous as impurities). The calculation was done by Parameter method and cost difference found was approximately Rs. 20 calculated for the mild steel pieces (150*15*80) mm having butt welding with the V-groove (45 Degree). By market survey it was observed that in a small scale industry total length welded per day is approximately 100 meter. If MAG is used instead of MIG for the process where the properties required are satisfactory (by MAG welding) than one can make more profit. The present work was done to generate data for MIG & MAG process. Keywords: MIG, MAG, Cost estimation, Parameter method - 1. Introduction: In the present scenario Welding-cost estimate is one of the most important tools for the economic conduction of a welding enterprise and other production enterprise. It is almost incredible that in this epoch of global competition and of almost daily survival struggle with the color of the bottom line. The setting up of a reliable system concerning the estimation of costs, takes a considerable importance for the manufacturing enterprises working on request. The manufacturing cost is generally obtained by the produce of a part manufacturing time and the manufacturing time estimation methods namely. The analytic method: It allows evaluating a product manufacturing time thanks to the decomposition of an elementary manufacturing operation set. We define, for each operation, the necessary time from which we can calculate the manufacturing cost: “manufacturing time multiplied by the manufacturing hourly cost “. - The parameter method: which is based on the utilization of mathematical relations founded on the information’s gathered by the enterprise so as to be able to determine if there exist the correlations between the different times and the manufacturing operations. The analogue method: It is based on the classification and the indexes of the products to manufacture by the enterprise according to morphs-dimensional criteria and to quality. The new product cost is estimated by comparison with reference to the last newly indexed products. Fig-1 Model perposed for the welding cost estimation The analytic method consists in describing and developing the whole of operations necessary for the production of the product, this method is known for its accuracy and by its slowness as well. To replace the analytic approach, many enterprises move towards the analogue and the parameter methods. These methods are relatively rapid, it is because they are essentially 55 Proceedings of the National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY” January 10-11, 2011 synthetic and function in total darkness. They provide the product cost according to certain characteristics which limit the negotiating transparency of marketing men. In this study further estimation was done as per parameter methods. 2.2. Preparation cost: The cost of cutting to dimension each single piece of metal, the job was properly accounted for and summed to the total. Set up preparation, alignment and measuring of gaps and distances are recurring operations: the implementation of wisely conceived fixtures and measuring aids. Specimen Angle Machine Time Cost PreparaTaken tion V450 Shaper 10mins Rs. Groove M/C each 70/Specimen 3-Small Grinding 15mins Rs. 15mm Cutters Cutter each 90/Specimen 2-Small Grinding 8mins Rs. 6mm Cutters Cutter each 60/Table 2: - Cost estimation of preparation Total Specimen Preparation Cost: Rs. 220/- 2. Welding-cost estimate: Cost estimation of welding process was done by estimating the cost of each steps involved in welding. So total welding cost was sub divided. i.e. Total Welding Cost: 1. Base metal cost 2. Preparation cost 3. Weld Labor cost 4. Filler Metal cost 5. Gases cost 6. Equipment cost 7. Energy cost 8. Overhead cost 9. Inspecting cost 10. Finishing cost 2.3. Labor Welding-cost: Weld labor is usually accounted for as an hourly rate, which will be different for different welders depending on their experience, skill, ability, versatility etc. Operator or operating factor describes the percentage of time that a welder employs in actual welding. Operating factor values commonly accepted in the welding industry range from 30 to 50%. This is one of the reasons most commonly reported for management push to switch. Good practice suggests striving for obtaining good quality at the first attempt, in order to minimize unnecessary operations like repair, rework and re-inspect, which increase the costs without providing any gain or advantage in the business. (Material Cutting + Cleaning + Machining) = Cost Included with Other Costs. It is necessary to estimate the time required for welding a specific demand. Its helps in calculating labor charges. Welding Time = (Weight/ft. of Weld x ft. of Weld) ÷ (Deposition Rate x Operating Factor) 2.1. Base metal cost: This is the cost incurred for procuring (including custom dues), transporting, insuring, and handling, storing, testing and bringing all the material in the proper sequence, quality and quantity at the place of erection, ready to be prepared for welding. No. Material Carbon Silicon Mangnese (Thick) +Sulphur 1 Mild 0.15% 0.2% As Steel - 0.5% 0.5% impurities (15mm) 2 Mild 0.15% 0.2% As Steel - 0.5% 0.5% impurities (6mm) Table 1: - Composition of the weldment Base-Metal Cost: Rs 480/- Welding Labor Cost: Rs 50/2.4. Filler metal cost: Working with the correct size of filler metal has a direct influence upon the Welding-cost. A smaller size of electrode permits to increase current density, which may have influence upon penetration. A larger size permits working with higher current, with consequent higher volume of metal deposited per unit time. Deposition efficiency is defined as the ratio, expressed in Fig-2 Specifications of weldment 56 Proceedings of the National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY” January 10-11, 2011 (Or) Deposition Rate (lbs/hr) ÷ Burn-off Rate (lbs/hr) = 0.33/0.36 = 91.66 % (15mm) = 0.15/0.16 = 93.57 % (6mm) Filler Metal Cost = Filler metal cost per kg / Deposition efficiency =4.48 kg /0.916 = Rs 4.10/=4.48 kg /0.935 = Rs 4.18/- percentage, of the theoretical weight (volume multiplied by density) of the joint material needed per unit length, to the actual weight of filler metal consumed per unit length. This can be best calculated from raw data or assumed if based on previous experience. If we know the weight of filler metal necessary to weld one unit of length (meter or foot) of that given joint and if we know the number of unit lengths welded in one hour, by multiplying the two we get the weight of filler metal used per hour. This is called the Weld Deposition Rate; by multiplying this result by the cost of filler metal per unit weight we get the Welding-cost of filler metal Consume in an hour. Electrode/Filler Metal Used: AWS: SFA-5.18, ER-70S-6, Grade – S4. 0.8mm Diameter Bare Wire Carbon Manganese Silicon 0.060.14 1.3-1.6 0.7-1.0 2.5. Gases cost: This cost intervenes only when auxiliary gases are actually used in the process. In this case the cost of gas per hour (including welding and nonwelding time when flow is zero) is obtained by the hourly consumption rate. Gases Used: - CO2. - (98%) Argon + (2%) Oxygen Mixture. CO2 Cylinder Cost (Large) = Rs. 725/Argon Cylinder Cost (Large) = Rs. 1250/Oxygen Cylinder (Large) = Rs. 925/Since the amount of gas used is too low. Thus, Gas Cost: Gas cost is near about 2% of total cost i.e. Rs. 15/- for MAG and Rs. 35/- Sulphur + Phosphorus <0.050 Table 3:- Composition of electrode Diameter Current Ø 0.8 50-70 Amps Ø 1.0 80230 Amps Ø 1.2 120280 Amps Ø1.6 200400 Amps 2.6. Equipment Welding-cost: The easiest way to account for equipment is to record the rental cost, if the equipment is indeed rented. Otherwise the Accounting department should come up with a cost per hour or per day for each of the main pieces of equipment, including purchasing cost, cost of capital, depreciation, maintenance costs and spare parts costs. Equipment Cost: Negligible due to low range near about Rs. 3/-. Feed 2.5Rate 2.5-10 3-10 3-8 12 (m/min) Voltage 15-20 Volts 25-30 Volts Range (6mm Plates) (15mm Plates) Table 4: - Specification of electrode Current Selected: Specimen (15mm) = Final Wt. –Initial Wt. = (3.02 – 2.69) kg = 0.33 kg Specimen (6mm) = Final Wt. –Initial Wt. = (1.57 – 1.42) kg = 0.15 kg Wire Feed Rate Selected: 8mm/min (Kept same for all thickness) Length of Wire Used: 1.48m (15mm) 0.36kg 0.95m (6mm) 0.16kg Weight of Weld Metal: Specimen (15mm) = Final Wt. –Initial Wt. = (3.02 – 2.69) kg = 0.33 kg Specimen (6mm) = Final Wt. –Initial Wt. = (1.57 – 1.42) kg = 0.15 kg 2.7. Energy cost: For electric equipment the Welding-cost estimate should be calculated by multiplying Voltage by Amperage and dividing by 1000 and by the electric efficiency of the equipment, times the price per (kilo Watt hour) time the operating factor (actual arc-on time per hour). In case of a gasoline engine driven power generator, the hourly energy cost would be that of the gasoline used up in an hour of normal work. When using electrically heated furnaces or other implements for preheating or post heating, the cost of energy used for heating should be estimated and accounted for. Power/Energy Cost= (COST/kWh x VOLTS x AMPS) / (1000 x DEPOSITION RATE) Deposition efficiency = Weight of Weld Metal (kg) ÷ Weight of Electrode (kg) Used 57 Proceedings of the National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY” January 10-11, 2011 2.8. Units Electricity Consumed= 4kwt Energy Cost : Rs. 28/2.8. Overhead cost: Overhead costs include all expenditures that it is not practical to account for individually but that when summed up amount to a considerable outlay. They include office costs, all indirect personnel costs, taxes, insurance, transportation, advertising and sales, and also auxiliary consumables not specifically devoted to any identified job. In practice it will usually be defined as a certain percentage of Labor costs (i. e. 150%) but any rate may be valid although some effort should be exerted to attempt a realistic figure. Travelling Charges + etc.: Rs. 210/- Electricity Consumed Overhead Charges Total Cost 2 Units each 28/- 28/- Travelling, Handling 210/- 210/- 1030/- 1010/- Table 5: - Total cost estimated foe MIG and MAG The only difference in MIG and MAG is the shielding gas used. Carbon Dioxide is cheaper than argon and oxygen also thus it’s easy to find in urban Ares. 3. Conclusion: There is no mystery in Welding-cost estimate: it is mainly a question of common sense. But it must be appreciated that correct accounting for total Welding-cost incurred in a welding operation is a preliminary requirement to the assessment of the best practices and a necessary tool for the economic management of any welding enterprise. It is estimated from the recorded data that except material cost, cost division gained is shown in fig-3. 2.9. Inspection cost: For demanding application inspection costs may involve the employment of sophisticated techniques (Ultrasonic Testing and/or Radiographic Inspection) and of expert technicians to carry them out. Inspection costs depend mainly on quality requirements and will be generally accounted for whole projects. Inspection Cost: Nil 2.10. Finishing cost: A certain number of operations may be required after all welding is completed. There may be final cleaning and grinding, spatter removal, post weld heat treatment cycles, painting, assembling for erection or disassembling for transportation and any other activity specified in the purchase order. Finishing Cost: Nil Welding Costs Quantity Mig cost Mag cost Rs. Rs. Fig-3 Cost divison The reasons for estimating welding costs are varied, but most often are to: Base metal cost Preperation cost Weld Labor cost 110 480 /- 480 /- 5 cutters + 112mins 220 /- 220/- 45 mins 50/- 50/- Filler Metal 1.4-1.5 m 4-5 /- 4-5 /- 35 /- 15/- 3/- 3/- Gas Cost Equipment Cost -----4 mins 58 Compare the economics of welding with some other method of fabricating or manufacturing. Provide data needed for bidding a job. Establish information required in making a decision between alternate designs. Evaluate proposed changes in procedures. Proceedings of the National Conference on “RECENT ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY” January 10-11, 2011 [9] J.P. Ganjigattia, Dilip Kumar Pratihar, a, and A. Roy Choudhurya, 2007, “Global versus cluster-wise regression analyses for prediction of bead geometry in MIG welding process” , Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 189, Issues 1-3, 6 July 2007, 352-366. [10] Welding Engineering by Dr R.S.Parmar, M/s. Khanna Publishers. [11] Welding Technology by Dr O.P.Khanna, Dhanpat Rai & Sons. [12]American Welding Society’s official website ( [13] International Organization of Standards website ( [14] M. Suban, J. Tusek, 2001, Dependence of melting rate in MIG/MAG welding on the type of shielding gas used, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 119, 185–192. Compare the economic advantages of competing welding processes In between MIG and MAG, as though cost estimated here is low but if this cost is to be estimated for industry where whole day welding is done, than this difference will become large. MAG is best, most applicable and cheapest process for practical works. 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