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Insurance Telematics Review: UBI, PAYD, and PHUD


International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | July 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Review Paper on Insurance Telematics for Vehicle Insurance

J.C. Hadoltikar


, J.S. Hatte




M. Tech. Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, M.S. Bidve Engineering College, Dr Bat University,

Lonere, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, M.S. Bidve Engineering College, Dr Bat University,

Lonere, India


Abstract Vehicle insurance is mainly used to provide economic security against physical harm or physical injury as a result of traffic collisions and liability that could also result from car accidents. Additionally, vehicle insurance may provide economic security against vehicle theft and harm to the car caused by occurrences other than traffic collisions.

Vehicle insurance particular conditions differ with each region's legal provisions This paper present an proper study of previous existing approaches and based on that we got some previous the issues which needs to be solved in future.

Key Words : Telematics, GPS, PHUD, UBI, PAUD


Vehicle insurance is mainly used to provide economic security against physical harm or physical injury as a result of traffic collisions and liability that could also result from car accidents. Additionally, vehicle insurance may provide economic security against vehicle theft and harm to the car caused by occurrences other than traffic collisions. Vehicle insurance particular conditions differ with each region's legal provisions. Smartphone-based insurance telematics or use based protection is a troublesome innovation which depends on protection premiums that mirror the hazard profile of the driver; estimated by means of advanced mobile phones with suitable introduced programming. Majority of figure of benefits are portrayed, broke down and ordered, including occasions and properties like cruel braking, speeding, and area. The arrangement of the FoMs regarding

Observability, Driver impact, and Actuarial pertinence are apparatuses for powerful hazard profiling of the driver and the trek. Legitimate driver criticism is quickly examined, and rule-of-thumbs for input configuration are incorporated.

Vehicle digital physical frameworks by and large and protection telematics specifically incorporate a huge treatment of sensor information. The measure of sensors accessible and their quick testing rate, infers huge information when the driver's conduct is observed over a time of months. Then again, toward the day's end, protection telematics focuses on a precise estimating of the protection premium, which ordinarily is an expense covering a year strategy period, i.e., a scalar amount. The potential for information and data pressure is therefore significant.

Information handling and data extraction can be performed at the sensor hubs or halfway, contingent upon nearby preparing force, limit of the remote correspondence connection, and issues like end-client protection. Specifically, purchaser protection can be guaranteed by a neighbourhood preparing of information bringing about a restricted measure of data moved to the focal hub. In its outrageous, just the score depicting the hazard profile of the purchaser is moved. Current valuing arrangement of engine insurance agencies around the globe which is to charge a single amount for each client is out of line and wasteful (Butler et al. 1988).

Drivers with comparative attributes, for example, age, sex, area, mishap record and so on pay around the equivalent premiums regardless of on the off chance that they drive five or fifty thousand kilometres a year. Bordoff and Noel (2008) compared it to an eatery with a boundless sustenance strategy for a fixed charge for every individual which empowers individuals eating more. Separately, current protection evaluating arrangement supports driving more kilometers yearly, does not rebuff forceful driving conduct and then again, it doesn't support reasonable driving conduct. In any case, most importantly, this suggests expanded number of mishaps, clog conditions, carbon emanations, neighbourhood contamination and oil reliance.

Momentum evaluating framework is out of line since it actually powers drivers with low mileage every year and more secure driving conduct to finance the protection costs for drivers who drive more every year and all the more perilously. It must be noticed that exploration so far shows that individuals with lower salary drive less kilometers. By and large, every driver could be doled out a likelihood of mishap contribution dependent on his driving conduct.

Charging all drivers a singular amount, theoretically prompts accept that the mishap likelihood is equivalent over the whole populace of drivers. Clearly, this does not from a client ideal and socially fair methodology, as drivers with lower mishap hazard are compelled to "sponsor" those with higher.

As such, more secure drivers are compelled to "purchase" higher likelihood of mishap hazard than really exists, not at all like perilous drivers who "purchase" less. An inventive protection strategy could significantly affect security relying upon its structure (Zantema et al. 2008). This can be cultivated by separating premiums to reflect security, all the more explicitly charging higher charges for risky street classifications and evening driving, most successfully and apply it to all drivers. The protection approach dependent on vehicle use (Usage Based Insurance or generally UBI) incorporates Pay-As-You-Drive Systems (PAUD) and Pay-

How-You-Drive (PHUD). PAUD framework is charging premiums dependent on all out presentation attributes, for example, mileage and street system utilized while PHUD

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3593

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | July 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 depends on individual driving conduct estimating parameters, for example, speed, cruel increasing speed, hard braking and so on. The principle information hotspot for the previously mentioned parameters are the car indicative frameworks, OBD (On-Board Diagnostics), introduced in the vehicle as well as the Smartphone held by drivers, sending all vital data in a focal database by means of portable organize.


Literature Review

Insurance agencies have begun giving protection approaches which include an incentive to clients based use. These policies are characterized in to three classes dependent on the parameter being considered for deciding the use. Mile-based protection is the least difficult structure and considers just miles driven. Pay how you drive (PAYHD) and Pay as you drive (PAYD) protection approaches measure driving conduct not withstanding separation voyaged [1]. The thoroughness as far as kind of utilization is more in PAYHD contrasted with

PAYD. Investigation identified with driving conduct can be gotten from telematics. PAYD may utilize accumulated GPS information to quantify intemperate speed, travel time without break, speed and time-of-day data, use of mobile while driving, separation and time travelled. It might likewise incorporate factual data with respect to the memorable hazard of the street. Telematics give a bit of leeway to the client by giving quick input circle to the driver with respect to the hazard included and the dynamic expense of the protection. So it goes about as an impediment to the driver to limit from heedless driving quickly for security of self, cotravellers and people on foot. In the end approach holder increase money related advantage by lower premiums or extra augmentations. PAYHD approaches incorporate extra sensors like accelerometer. PAYD has two plans in particular essential plan and additional hazard premium. In essential plan just kilometers voyaged is considered. Additional hazard premium plan is pertinent on the off chance that somebody drives excessively long without a break or goes at an overabundance speed. Annual risk can be calculated as the product of per mile risk and annual mileage. It was found that a relationship exist between reduction in VMT (vehicle miles travelled) and reduction in risk. Mileage is not the only important risk factor. However, it has a substantial impact on risk. It has an influential factor on risk prediction along with other factors and not alone [5]. Poison and Linear models were used to predict insurance risk using annual mileage. It showed that mileage 978-1-5386-0569-1$31.00c 2017 IEEE

195 contributed explanatory power when used along with other risk factors [6]. Premium cost model based on mileage, location, time and driving behaviour was built. Premium was based on fixed cost plus additional cost based on the linear combination of above mentioned risk factors and coefficients

[7]. We may encounter insufficient exact knowledge of risk factors and a large combination of these factors are needed for the prediction risk. In this case fuzzy-linguistic approximation apparatus is suitable for projection of the evaluation of the ride which is used to calculate the insurance premium [8]. A comparison of the performance of three models namely, logistic regression, random forests and artificial neural networks model was performed. Three months of data was sufficient to obtain best risk estimations

[2]. The PAYD insurance model may likewise consider other information not withstanding number of kilometers voyaged, for example, when, where and how the vehicle is driven. For instance, it might be proposed that vehicle use is probably going to include more serious hazard around evening time and on occasion of the day or year at the point when traffic is heaviest. The geographic area of ongoing vehicle use may likewise influence the degree of hazard expected. Another factor liable to impact the hazard level is the way the vehicle is driven, as driving style and propensities, which have gotten little consideration regarding date, affect mishap rates. A few examinations demonstrate that human elements are in charge of 90% of street mishaps and that 30% of these are brought about by diversions (utilizing a cell phone, changing radio station, putting out a cigarette, and so on.) [10,11].

Speeding is one of the foremost human elements influencing driving danger and different examinations demonstrate the preferences of utilizing speed the board frameworks to improve street security. In the White Paper "European

Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide", the European

Commission attracts thoughtfulness regarding the way that street transport is the most risky and expensive mode as far as loss of human life ("one individual in three will be harmed in a mishap sooner or later in their lives") [12]. In the event that vehicle clients know that speeding will bring about financial punishments implemented by means of their protection premiums, they might be more liable to diminish their speed, in this manner adding to lessening the potential impacts of a mishap [13]. The inconvenience of this model is that it just evaluates systematized driving danger, not genuine driving danger. For instance, a driver who consistently breaks as far as possible would be more intensely punished than one who consistently drives inside it.

Be that as it may, this does not consider setting and a driver who routinely breaks as far as possible yet generally drives in a protected way would be charged not exactly a client who consistently drives inside as far as possible yet drives sporadically or thoughtlessly.

1.2 Research Gap

In this paper basically we did the proper study about the previous existing research and based on that study here we got some of the issues which need to be solved and those issue are:


There is lack of system which will automatically take all records.


There is lack of system which will continuously monitor driver regarding the safety precaution, whether they are followed by him or not.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3594

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 07 | July 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


There is lack of system which will take full proof action against drivers. After final profile monitoring it will make a great help to the insurance company.


There is no any better system available which will give the proper information so it will make a great help to the insurance company to differentiate between safe driver and unsafe driver.


As per the safe driving there is no any alert system which will force drivers to drive safely. over regular rating techniques have been talked about in writing for more than four decades. Despite their appropriation in protection markets has been moderate. In this paper basically we did the study about the previous existing approaches and based on those approaches there are lots of issue which needs to be solved. In future there is need of a system which is able to track the driver safety and also give the complete profile of the driver while driving which will be helpful to the issuance company.



There is lack of observing whether the driver has drunk alcohol while driving or not.


The most critical part for insurance companies is to recognize the importance of environmental factor in aligning the individual risk and price.

I want to thank a number of people for their moment and their remarks. I want to give a special thanks to my guide

Prof. J. S. Hatte for her valuable guidance and opinions. I am really grateful to her for her kind support. Her valuable suggestions were very helpful.


So these are previous research issues which need to be solved


[1] S. Kantor, T. Stárek, Design of Algorithms for Payment

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As per the previous research there is lots of problems are there which needs to be solved so based on this all previous issue these are the following points where future research can go on:


Implementation of system which is able to track all records automatically.

[2] J. C. Herrera, D. B. Work, R. Herring, X. J. Ban, Q.

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Implementation of the system which will continuously monitor whether the safety precaution are followed by the driver or not.

[3] P. H¨andel, J. Ohlsson, M. Ohlsson, I. Skog, and E. Nygren,

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Implementation of system which makes the differentiation between safe driver and unsafe driver with the help of vehicle telematics data.

[4] L. Vincent, “Taking online maps down to street level,”

Computer, vol. 40, pp. 118–120, Dec 2007.


Implement a system with continuous alcohol intake testing while driving the vehicle.

[5] “Usage based insurance, Global study – Free abstract.”

2013 Edition, Oct 2013. Ptolemus Consulting Group.


Implementation of system which will give proper information of car & driver.

[6] D. Work, O.-P. Tossavainen, Q. Jacobson, and A. Bayen,

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Implementation of system which will motivate the driver to drive safely on the account of insurance.

These are the things which are still can be future objectives.


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Youthful and amateur drivers have a high mishap hazard ascribed to chance going for broke presentation, for example, driving around evening time and with youthful travellers.

Telematics-based protection items can possibly lessen these dangers. The upsides of Usage-Based Insurance for car covers

[8] L. Vincent, “Taking online maps down to street level,”

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Mrs. J.C. Hadoltikar is Pursuing

Master o Technology in Electronics and Communication from Dr.

Babasaheb Ambedkar

Technological University, Lonere since 2017. She pursued Bachelor of Engineering from University of

Aurangabad in 2008 and pursued

Diploma in Electronics and

Communication Engineering from

Govt. Residential Women’s

Polytechnic Latur in 2005. She is working as a Lecturer since 2010 in Electronics Engineering

Department of P. L. Govt.

Polytechnic, Latur. Her area of interest is Communication,

Microwave and RADAR communication, Fiber optic

Communication She has 9 years of teaching experience.

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Istanbul, Turkey, June 13–15, 2007.

Prof. J. S. Hatte is working as an assistant professor in the

Department of Electronics engineering at M. S. Bidve

Engineering College Latur

(Maharashtra). Her area of interest is Communication, Embedded system, Network analysis and synthesis, optical communication.

She has 18 years of teaching experience.

[16] Edlin, A.S. Per-Mile Premiums for Auto Insurance.

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Joseph Stiglitz, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 2003.

Available on 10 May 2010). online: http://works.bepress.com/aaron_edlin/28/ (accessed

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