MYRRH Gum Myrrh, Bol, Myrrha B.Source oleo-gum-resin obtained from Commiphoramolmol and other Commiphora species.Burseraceae. G.Source N E Africa and S Arabia. One of the characteristics of the Burseraceae family plants possess oleoresinous canals in their conducting tissues. The plants are small shrubs or trees about 3 m in height. exude yellowish coloured resin when the incisions are made in the bark of the tree. Gradually hardens and becomes dark or reddishbrown in colour. This coagulated mass is collected in goat skins by the native tribals and sent to the market. Description Colour-Externally, it is reddish-brown, internally, brown. Odour and Taste-Aromatic and agreeable. Size-About 1.5 to 3.0 cm in diameter. Shape-lt is tound in the form of rounded or irregular tears. Extra Features The fractured surface of the drug is somewhat granular. It is brittle and shows translucent surface. Whitish spots on broken pieces are also seen. Chemical Constituents l0 % of yellowish thick volatile oil; 60 % of gum; 25 to 40% of resin, and bitter principle ( 3 - 4 %). Several impurities 5 %. Resin contains ether soluble resin acids, a, B andy commiphoric acid and 3 heerabomyrrholic acids are ether-insoluble acids present. Volatile oil contains terpenes, cuminic aldehyde, eugenol, etc. The gum- oxidase enzyme. It yields nsot more than 70 % of alcohol insoluble matter. Identification 1. 0.1 g substance and 0.5g of sand are triturated with solvent ether, filtered and allowed to evaporate, the thin him formed gives violet colour on contact with bromine vapours. 2 triturated with water, it forms yellowish-brown emulsion. Odour-Faint and terebinthinate. Taste-It occurs in the foIm of an8ular, translucent masses ot various sizes. Uses stimulant and an antseptic. protective. Astringent to the mucous membrane - tincture mouth washes and gargles. Standardas MP - 75C to 85° Acid value - 130 to 180 Saponiication value - 188 to 192 Ash value - Not more than 0. 125% 5. Specific gravity - 1.08 Adulteration several species like Arabian myrrh, Yemen myrrh, etc. Both of them are less fragrant and less aromatic. In India, myrrh is substituted by Balsamodendron ukul, Known as Indian bdellium COLOPHONY Synonyms Rosin; Kosina; Colophoniunm; Kesin; Amber-resin, Gum rosin, pine-Tesin. Biological Source Colophony is the residue left after the distillation of the oil of turpentine from the crude-oleo-resin obtained from various specIes of Pinus belong to tamilyPinaceae. Geographical Source Prepared in North America, Northern Europe, Pak and India. Description Colour-pale yellOw to yellowish brown or amber colour. Extra Features brittle and readily fusible with glossy appearance. Solubility insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, carbon disulphide, chloroform, ether, many fixed and volatile oils, glacial acetic acid and in light petroleum. Chemical Constituents Unsaturated resin acids (90%abietic acid). drug composition varies according to the source and storage conditions, etc. contains esters of oleic acid and resin acids, 0.5 % volatile oil; 5 to 6 % resenes. saponic acid and pimaric acid. Unsaponifiable matter of colophony, constitutes51 0 %, contains hydrocarbons and high molecular weight alcohols. Storage stored in the ungrounded condition in well tilled, well closed containers away from light and in cool places. In the powder form, it gets oxidized quickly and looses its solubility in light petroleum and gets increased in the weight and hence, it should be stored properly. Adulterants black resin or apic resin. However, both of them can Confirmed by solubility. Identification (1) 1 gm of Colophony and dissolve in 10 ml of acetic anhydride by gentle heat and a drop of sulphuric acid, bright red colour changing to violet is produced. (2) Alcoholic solution of colophony is acidic to litmus. (3) Dissolve colophony in light petroleum ether and double the volume with dilute solution of copper acetate, petroleum layer takes emerald green colour (due to the coPr abietic acid). Uses stimulant and diuretic. ingredient of certain plaster masses and collodions. preparation of ointments. Rapin-esters are used as protecuve coatings like polymers. Industrially, it is used in the preparation of varnishes, insulating compounds, soaps, prinung inks, paper sizing in the preparation of floorings, soldering compounds, mastics and pressure sensitive's adhesives. Storage stored in the ungrounded condition in well filled, well closed containers away from light and in cool places. In the powder form, it gets oxidized quickly and loses its solubility in light petroleum and gets increased in the weight and hence, Adulterants black resin or apic resin. However, both of them can be confirmed by solubility.