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EMI in Electrical Systems: Interference & Mitigation


EMI as related to electrical system, interference & mitigating deteriorating effects

Don Bunnag

M. Eng. Electrical engineering, Kasetsart University

Senior Engineer Provincial Electricity Authority(PEA)

What have we got from transmission line?

• Electric fields

Magnetic fields

Corona effects

Audible noise(AN)

Electromagnetic interference(EMI)

Health effect, shock hazard

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• (Power System) Electric and Magnetic Fields

Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Fields

High-Voltage Corona Effects

Power Line Electromagnetic interference(EMI)

Safety and EMF exposure limits

Field Management and Mitigating

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David W. Fugate,


The Pennsylvania

State University http://www.electri

c-research.com/ dfugate@electriresearch.com

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Electric and Magnetic Fields

+ -

Electric fields from charge

Electric fields from

power line

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Electric Fields

• Electric fields occur only with overhead lines

– Easily shielded by nearly all materials

– Exist when overhead line is energized, even with no load

– Magnitude depends on conductor separation, height, and line voltage

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Magnetic Fields

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Magnetic fields


Electric and Magnetic Fields

• Magnetic fields

– Produced only when line carries current

– Difficult to shield

– Magnitude depends on conductor separation, height, and all current including load currents

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Large Magnetic Field Sources

Transmission line


Transformer vault

Main switching for large building (e.g. 4000 ampere) electric service

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Example Electric Field profiles

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Example Magnetic Field


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DC Transmission Line Fields

Magnetic fields add or subtract with earth’s geomagnetic field depending on current direction

Do not induce currents except in moving objects

Page 12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highvoltage_direct_current



• Magnetic fields evaluated around perimeter fence, and along profiles moving away from the station.

Typically fields dominated by fields from overhead and underground lines entering and exiting station.

Should design layout of large equipment to keep it away from the perimeter fence, especially sensitive areas.

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Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Fields

• Electric and magnetic field sensors

Field characteristics

Page 14 https://www.protelturkey.com/en/test-measuring-instrumentssoftware/electromagnetic-fields-emr-measurement/


Typical Units of Measurements

Electric field strength E

– kilovolts/meter (kV/m)

Magnetic flux density B “magnetic field”

– milligauss (mG) or microtesla ( μ T)

1 mG = 0.1 μ T or 10 mG = 1 μ T

10,000 G = 1 tesla (T)

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Electric Field Sensor

• Free body meter

– Two conducting plates

– Electric field induces charge

– AC field cause charge to

oscillate between plates

– Current I = dQ/dt

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Magnetic Field Sensors

Hall effect sensor (AC and DC)

– Measures voltage across thin layer of semiconductor, prependicular to B field

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Magnetic Field Sensors

Fluxgate sensor (AC and DC)

– Ferromagnetic cylinder with two coils that uses saturation to measure field strength

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Measurement Standards

• IEEE Std. 644-1994 “IEEE Standard Procedures for

Measurement of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic

Fields From AC Power Lines”

• Cigre 375, “Technical guide for measurement of low frequency electric and magnetic fields near overhead power lines”

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Electric field measurements

1 meter above ground level

Sensor generally in vertical position

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Sensor orientation

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Unperturbed Electric Field

Nearly all objects change the electric field

Person standing beneath an overhead line focuses the electric field

Need to measure unperturbed electric field, without any objects near the sensor

Distance from sensor to operator > 2.5m

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Perturbed Electric Field

10 kV/m

110 kV/m

80 kV/m

Page 24

38 kV/m


Electric field measurements

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Typical profile electric field reading

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Magnetic field measurements

1 meter above ground level

For single-axis sensor read maximum value

For three-axis sensor read rms value

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Typical profile magnetic field

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High-Voltage Corona Effects

What is corona?

How weather affects corona

Audible noise (AN)

Electromagnetic noise (radio noise, RN)

Mitigating corona effects

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What is corona?

Corona discharge

– Corona is local ionization, breakdown of air due to strong electric fields

– Occurs at location of strong electric field, typically at phase conductors

– Results in small energy loss

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How does weather affect corona?

Water droplets cause enhancement of electric field at surface of phase conductors

Corona on AC lines strongest during wet weather

– Rain

– Snow, ice

– Fog, mist

Corona on DC lines strongest during fair weather

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Audible Noise (AN)

Corona discharges on high-voltage power lines cause AN

Each discharge contributes to a minute change to the local sound pressure level

Many sources along phase conductors add to produce sound pressure level above ambient


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Design influence on AN

Generally, AN levels become significant for lines at 345 kV or above

At high voltages only the corona on conductors is responsible for observed AN levels

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Qi Li, Member, IEEE , Simon M. Rowland, Fellow, IEEE , Iain

Dupere, and Roger Shuttleworth


Corona-produced EM Noise

Corona-produced electromagnetic noise can cause interference (EMI, RI, TVI) if level is sufficiently high

Corona EM noise is NOT constant

Number of corona sources and their intensity depends on line design and weather factors

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Mitigating Corona Effects

Goal is to reduce electric field intensity very close to the conductions

This field is influenced by:

– Voltage

– Size of conductors, phase spacing

– Line configuration

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Good Design Practice

“Radio Noise Design Guide for High-Voltage



90, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 1971, IEEE Radio Noise

Subcommittee Report - Working Group No. 3

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Power Line Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

EMI is the general label for condition when electromagnetic fields from an external source cause interruption, degradation, or failure of an instrument or system.

Most often refers to interference

caused by high frequency

electromagnetic fields

– Radio frequency interference (RI or RFI)

– Television interference (TVI)

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EMI and AC Power Lines

Two types of fields from AC power lines:

1) Power-frequency electric and magnetic fields (EMFs)

 Electric fields rarely cause interference because electric fields are easily shielded

 Magnetic fields cause interference with sensitive instrumentation

2) Electromagnetic noise, or radio noise (RN)

 Corona

 Gap-sparking

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Electromagnetic Noise: Gap Sparking

Gap sparking was responsible for most power line interference complaints (especially interference with old analog television broadcasts—not so much with digital broadcast)

Occurs at tiny electrical separations

that develop between mechanically

connected metal parts

Page 39 https://calsignsolutions.com/todo_electrical_ transformer_damage.php


ELF Magnetic Field Interference

Three general types of facilities may have instrumentation susceptible to power-frequency magnetic fields

1) University and research laboratories

 Chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, nano-fab

2) Medical facilities and hospitals

 MRI, PET, CT scanners

3) High-technology research and manufacturing

 Semiconductor production, clean rooms

 Nano-fabrication, materials characterization

 Pharmaceutical research and development

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EX. Magneto resource imaging (MRI)

(Interference limit 1-3 mG/0.1-0.3uT)

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Safety and EMF Exposure Limit

Biological effects

– Direct effects result from direct interaction of fields with the body, biological tissue

– Indirect effects involve interactions with an object at a different electric potential from the body, i.e., shock hazard

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Three Direct Coupling Mechanisms of EMF

Capacitive Coupling: Low-frequency electric fields produce flow of current, resulting in surface charges on the body.

Inductive Coupling: Low-frequency magnetic fields induce electric field, driving circulating currents in conductive tissue.

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Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: From

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to Radiofrequency


Human Body Absorption of EM Energy

• Electromagnetic Absorption: Exposure to electromagnetic fields at frequencies above about 100 kHz can lead to significant absorption of energy and temperature increases

• 100 kHz to 20 MHz: Frequency dependent absorption in the trunk, neck, legs.

• 20 MHz to 300 MHz: Relatively high absorption can occur in the whole body,

• 300 MHz to several GHz: Significant local, nonuniform absorption occurs.

Page 44 Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: From

Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) to Radiofrequency


Bio-effect Examples

• Stimulation of peripheral nerves

Stimulation of muscles

Shocks and burns caused by touch

• Elevated tissue temperatures,

resulting from absorption of energy

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Indirect Coupling Mechanisms Induction from Transmission Line EMF

Electric fields induce voltage and currents in conductive objects

– Spark discharge occurs when a person comes in contact with a conductive object charged by an electric field

Magnetic field can induce current in objects in parallel with power lines

– Long fences, Pipelines

Coupling of EMF to medical devices worn by, or implanted in, an individual

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Induction on Vehicles Beneath Transmission Line

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Medical Devices

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Exposure Standards and Guidelines

• International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation

Protection (ICNIRP), endorsed by World Health

Organization (WHO)

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Difficulties in Establishing Guidelines

There are many different published results in scientific literature, with a wide range of conclusions

Groups of scientists do comprehensive reviews of applicable literature. Can the results be duplicated reliably?

Also, it is difficult to determine if laboratory study results can be extrapolated: Are the results of cellular and animal studies applicable to humans?

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Two Basic Types of EMF Biological Studies

Laboratory study

– Experiments controlled by researcher looking for measureable, repeatable EMF effects

– In vitro: cellular studies, independent of living organism

– In vivo: plant or animal study

Epidemiological study

– Statistical study of disease

in population as a function

of exposure

– Shows association, but not

necessarily causation

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Occupational vs.

General Public

In an occupational setting

– adults are exposed to "known" conditions,

– trained to be aware of risks,

– and trained to take precautions.

General public involves

– people of all ages with varying health status,

– who may be unaware of exposure to EMF,

– and cannot reasonably be expected to take precautions with respect to EMF.

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ICNIRP Guidelines

“Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying

Electric and Magnetic Fields (1Hz-100kHz)”

Objective is to establish guidelines for limiting EMF exposure that will provide protection against known adverse health effects.

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Reference Level, General Public

@ 50 Hz 5 kV/m 200 uT (2,000 mG)

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Reference Level, Occupational

@ 50 Hz 10 kV/m 1,000 uT (10,000 mG)

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Contact Current Reference Levels

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Limits on Right-of-Way (ROW)

A number of states have electric and magnetic field limits

– Electric field limits on ROW to limit shock hazard

• Typical limits are 7-8 kV/m on ROW

– Magnetic field limits on ROW or at edge of ROW have been specified with no basis except that they are comparable to existing magnetic field conditions for operating transmission lines fway/wire_border_zones.htm

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Limits on Right-of-Way (ROW)

Example Electric Field Magnetic Field in R.O.W. Edge R.O.W. On R.O.W. Edge R.O.W.

EGAT (500 kV) 15 kV/m 2 kV/m - 150 mG

Florida (230 kV) 8 kV/m 2 kV/m 150 mG

New York (125kV) 11.8 kV/m 1.6 kV/m - 200 mG

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Field Management and Mitigating Approaches

Layout, location of sources

– Using distance to best advantage

Line configuration

– Compaction, delta arrangement, load flow oppsite

– Transposition, Split-phase, twisted

– active or passive cancellation


– Vault shielding, walls

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Line Reconfiguration

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Split Phase

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Line Twisted/Spiral

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Reversed Phase

Circuit I load 1500 A

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Increase Distance/Line Compaction

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Increase Distance

Line Compaction


Compaction Example

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Load Flow Opposite

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Passive Cancellation B-Field

Time varying magnetic field from transmission line induces the current in the loop oppose the magnetic field generated from transmission line

40-60% reduction

Multiple grounded point

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Passive Loop Cancellation

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Passive Cancellation Loop

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Active Cancellation Loop

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Electric Field Shielding

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Two basic shielding mechanism for power frequency magnetic fields

Induced currents (eddy current)

– Time-varying magnetic flux induces rotational electric field, currents flow in conducting materials, opposite field produced.

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Two basic shielding mechanism for power frequency magnetic fields

Flux shunting (high permeability shielding)

– Induced magnetization produces canceling field

– More commonly explained that shield provides a low reactance path for flux

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Shielding Example: Main

Switchboard Room

Typical Shielding Materials

Basic steel

Transformer steel, silicon steel

Nickel alloys

Copper, aluminum

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Summary Conclusions

Magnetic fields are the most controversial aspect of power system field effects, and therefore require the most attention.

AC magnetic field interference is an issue only with very sensitive instrumentation, typically in hospitals, universities or research facilities.

Corona effects can be mitigated with good design.

Electric fields can easily shield by metal object

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Question ???

Email: don.b@pea.mail.go.th

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