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IRJET-Automation and Optimization of Multiple Gate Control for Canals

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Aditya Joshi1, Ruchita Raut2, Krutika Lodha3, Anant More4
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, RMDSSOE, Maharashtra, India
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, RMDSSOE, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: Water plays a very important role in a human life. A
dam is a massive barrier built for the protection of an area
from water overflows as well as for use for other reasons such
as land irrigation and hydroelectricity generation. Very few
dams operate on automated systems, which are more effective
and efficient than manual ones. Hence, it would be useful for
all to start to use automatic systems for dams as this will
reduce the amount of effort that already putting towards dam
maintenance. In addition, the same will help spare the many
lives that are often taken by overflow and like recent accident
in Pune. It is not only complex to manually control a dam, but
also time-consuming and excessively risky in times of bad
weather. This is the main reason of why most of the
governments and water supply companies today continue to
face the problems when it comes to the control management of
reservoirs, has been touted as necessary for making proper
use of these limited water supplies. Operation of
irrigationwater delivery systems can be improved by
providing canal operators with better tools for determining
control actions. One such tool is computerizing automatic
control of canal gates.
Nowadays, there are growing concerns and periodic
warnings that we are moving into an era of water scarcity. In
many parts of the world, irrigation systems are performing
well below their potential. With increasing demand for food
and competing use within the water sector, the pressure is
on irrigation professionals to manage water efficiently. If
manually operated, the irrigation systems efficiency is not
more than 40%, which can be enhanced by 10% through
some automation. The proposed schematic automates the
canal actuator mechanism which is operated according to
the user demand for water discharge and available water
deposited in the storage. This is fully automated system
which actuates the canal gates in proportion with system
input requirements like water quantity to be discharged and
time for which the gate is to be kept open.
The main aim of this project is to develop a automatic
based system which will detect the level of water and estimate
the water inflow rate in a dam by adding gates in canal after
particular distance and thereby control the movement of gates
automatically in a real time basis which offers more flexibility.
Water use and water transfer can be conveniently managed
through automation process. This system also reduces wastage
of water by supplying water as per need.
For this purpose Raspberry pi plays major role in this
project. It is a specially used for the control and operation of
canal system. Raspberry pi is known as small single board
computer developed in United Kingdom. It is small in size
and also it has reduced input-output. Also it has increased
the capabilities of general purpose input output known as
(GPIO).It was recently launced with the version of WiFi and
Bluetooth capabilities.
KEYWORDS: Canal irrigation, flow measurements,
Raspberry pi, water inflow, VNC viewer.
Canal irrigation is widely used source of water for irrigation.
So management of irrigation canal water is crucial factor in
overall irrigation development. The conventional method is
used to deliver water as per demand by the water users
(farmers) in form of rotations. The conventional system
involves lot of weaknesses, including forecast and actual
flow or discharge. Errors may introduce in flow
measurements and water content in reservoirs, also
imbalances due to human and natural intervention are not
considered in the conventional system. Due to this, users at
the tail end endure more or shortage water. To provide
efficient delivery and avert imbalance, canal automation
plays crucial role in irrigation.
The system consist of raspberry pi, Dc motor, motor driver
and node MCU. When we get demand from user or we
release the water according to region, that commands are
given to Raspberry pi, it sends the signal to canal gates which
are connected to Dc motor. Dc motor is drive in either
direction by motor driver which contains the capabilities of
driving two motor on single motor driver. Node MCU is
connected to each gate which is used for communication.
Raspberry gets demand from regional office. Also level
sensor is used for detecting level of water according to which
the water is released. Depending on water level gate opening
is decided. It is opened in certain degree.
Water is becoming a scarce resource and water districts are
under pressure to use water more judiciously. Improved
operation of water resources facilities, such as canals and
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 3265
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
contains two H-bridge circuit which controls two motors
2.2.1. Raspberry pi
The Raspberry Pi is a Master card estimated singleboard PC created in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation
with the aim of advancing the educating of essential software
engineering in schools. It is the centre of the entire
framework. The employment of Raspberry pi in this
framework is handling expansive amounts of information
and furthermore it will keep fundamental point of vehicles
which are in the framework. The Raspberry Pi is a decent
decision for a web server that won’t get excessively activity
and just uses around 5 Watts of energy.
2.2.4. Node MCU`
It is open source IOT platform which includes firmware
which runs on Wifi. The name itself refers to the firmware
rather than the developments kit. It is widely used in IOT
applications. As node MCU is open source its hardware can
be modified, build etc.
3. Interfacing Diagram
2.2.2. VNC viewer
VNC viewer is used for accessing our chosen computer like
windows Pc, Linux machine etc. It is simple to use and install.
It allows you to access and control your mouse and keyboard
as if your sitting in front of your computer. It also let you
view your computer desktop even though your not sitting in
front of it.
2.2.3. Motor Driver
L293D is a typical motor driver which drives it in either
direction. It is 16 pin IC which can control two motors
simultaneously in any direction. It works on concept of Hbridge which allows voltage to flow in either direction. Hbridge IC is ideal as it drives dc motor in either direction also
voltage is used to rotate the motor in either clockwise or
anticlockwise direction. As it has small size, it is widely used
in various robotics application. The IC of motor driver
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
FIG.4.1final output
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 3266
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Hence, we have made prototype of canal automation using
the acrylic sheets. Our main controller is raspberry pi , and
node mcu is connected to raspberry. According to the
requirements node mcu controls the motors and also
satisfies the long distance communication requirement. We
have also successfully optimized the water usage.
[1] Shubhangi Bhat, Sunil R. Hirekhan “Automation of
water discharge process at canals”, 2015 International
conference on Applied and Theoretical computing and
communication Technology(iCATccT)
[2] Kiran S. shingote,Priti M.Shahane “Microcontroller
based Flow Control System for Canal Gates in Irrigation
Canal Automation”, 2016 IEEE 6th International Conference
on Advanced Computing (IACC)
[3] Mahesh Nandania, “A Review Paper of Automatic Canal
Gate Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor with PLC and VFD,
Powered by Solar System and Monitoring by SCADA,”
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and
Electronic, Vol. 1, Issue. 1, March - 2013
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 3267