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Non-Territorial Identities: Global Affiliations



Humanity, Religion, Class, Gender, Race, Youth & Sexual



Non-territorial identity: the aspects of being that are not bound to the territorial location. (Transplanetary Identities)

E.g.: faith: the religious faith, the age: teenagers, elders, or the gender: women or men.

Since when did the non-territorial identities exist?

Non-territorial affiliations existed prior to contemporary large-scale globalization, e.g. world religion.

Supraterritorial affiliations now touch more people more regularly and more intensely than ever.

Anthony Giddens: ‘humankind in some respects becomes a “we”, facing problems and opportunities where there are no


Environment: Transworld associations and campaigns: Greenpeace, World Wildlife Funds


Global Relief Campaigns:

Humanitarian relief or aids: famines, epidemics, and natural disasters.

Global mass media: ask for donation to provide emergency relief.

Humanitarian interventions: genocide, crimes against humanity.

Philosopher, Peter Singer: ‘it makes no moral different whether the person I help is a neighbor’s child ten yards from me or a

Bengali whose name I shall never know, ten thousand miles away’

(CONT. )

Substantial Peace Movements:

Protest against war and militarization, e.g.

Transworld campaigns against nuclear weapons since 1950s. (small scale)

15 Feb 2003: campaign against US-led military invasion of Iraq (30 million people from 60 countries)

Transworld Humanity on Development: everyone should benefit from certain economic, political, cultural and ecological standards of living.

Substantial Transworld Human Rights

Regime: Universal Declaration of Human

Rights (UDHR); Geneva Convention;

International Covenant on Civil and Political

Rights (ICCPR); International Covenant on

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights


The Core Tenets are in principle non-


‘They can be embraced and practiced anywhere on earth’.

Co-religionists have greater direct contact with one another as of the facilitation from modern technologies.

E.g.: global openness to allow idea of

Transworld umma of Muslim (hijab).

Aeroplanes have drawn haji from everywhere (the Muslim’s ritual in Mecca,

Saudi Arabi); the number has increased from 100 000 to over 2 000 000 recently.

Religious websites and organizations: organization of the Islamic Conference

(OIC), the International Islamic News


The creation of Universal Islamic Declaration on Human Rights…
