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Photographer Profiling & Hiring Website Research Paper

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Avdhut Patil1, Sunil Nai2, Adil Ansari3, Vaishali yeole4
K.C College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane, Maharashtra, India
of Computer Engineering, K.C College of Engineering and Management Studies & Research,
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - The project" Photographer Profiling and Hiring " is
online website where customers can get registered themselves
and look after professional photographers for various
occasions such as birthdays ,baby -shower, weddings and
many more occasions to be held.This particular website can
reduce the human efforts and precious time as customers can
get photographers online instead of going places and
searching them. And at this era, as it is " Digitalize India
"people look things firstly on internet so this particular
website would help them in many ways.
1.2 Existing system and proposed system
In the present scenario, some of the photographer hiring
sites dosen’t include payment mode, which has led to one of
the drawbacks.
And some photographer’s aren’t the professional one’s,
because the quality of photographs depends on type of
photographers you’re hiring.
But the proposed system overcomes all the drawbacks and
all the disadvantages with the better gui(graphical user
interface) to make it more interactive and secure payment
mode through which user can make payment securely
without hesitation.
Key Words: photographer hiring, photographer profiling,
events, dates, feedback
2. Benefits Of Online Photographer Profiling And Hiring
If you have a special occasion coming up in your life that
you’d like to record as a keepsake and you are looking to hire
a photographer, our website would help in getting them.one
can hire photographer using our website for any occasion
such as wedding, birthday, or any functions.
1. Very interactive and easy to use.
2. Better graphical user interface.
3. It saves alot time as people will able to search
photographers online instead of going places.
The main agenda of making this fully fleshed website is that
to provide users need at tip of hand as if whenever the user
visit’s our page by signing in or creating their personal
account. They are presented with an interactive page and
upto date menus with eye catching GUI(graphical user
interface)which makes users to use it very easily and get on
the things which they are looking for without any workload.
4. A payment mode has been included by which users will
able to make payment securely.
3. Implementation
Module description:
1.1 Literature Survey
Admin login
During information gathering and development phase of this
particular website, we went through several papers which
has similarity to our website.One of them is " Online Car
Rental Using Web Based and SMS (2016)" this includes
online booking of a car within few clicks only. Some people
can not afford to have a car, for those people this system
becomes very helpful as this system includes various cars, as
per the customer order and comfort, it place the order and
deliver the car as per the location within the area. There’s an
article written by known and one of the best and destined
photographer, [Tina Smith], she has mentioned the same
idea about hiring photographers
After login admin can maintain all the works like Admin can
create profiles, can also rate photographers as per the work
scheduled and can also proceed by adding and removing the
created profiles.
User Login
User can look after various professional profiles according to
their type of events and also through recommendations after
signing in .They can hire photographer by providing date
and also by mentioning his type of event.
Photographer Login
Here photographer will create his own profile by signing in
and can add his details of skills in photography.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2932
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Photographer can include his clicked pictures in his profile
so that user who is looking for photographer can check out .
Satisfied users can leave a testimonial regarding the service
provided weather it be a positive or negative because this
will help the other users to makeout about their work.
Obviously efficient compare to manually work. Due to online
based it literally saves precious time. It being a good
platform, we can update and add new professional
photographers, which truly adds up as a productive thing.
This website will surely bring the comfort to the customers i
hiring photographer in efficient and reliable way.
Payment mode
User after successfully hiring a photographer, can make
payment using online through PhonePe.
We would like to thank our guide Prof. (Mrs.) Vaishali
Yeole, Associate Professor, K. C College of Engineering &
Management studies & Research, Thane, for initiating me
into this field of research and for providing me with the
necessary guidance, great encouragement throughout the
preparation of this paper. I take this opportunity to express
my gratitude to the Staff members, Non-Teaching Staff
members and Research Scholars of the Department of
Computer Engineering, K. C College of Engineering &
Management studies & Research, Thane, for their timely help
and encouragement. I record my deep indebtedness to them
for their support.
Fig 1: user sign up
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
Fig 2: photographer login
Scribd.com, Online. 'Car Rental System Documentation'.
N.p., 2015. Web. 9 June 2015. 4
Fig3: feedback form
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2933