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IRJET- Interactive Smart Mirror

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Interactive Smart Mirror
Sarthak Chawathe1, Surbhi Dhakad2, Rahul Sharma3, Sarita Ambadekar4
Department of Computer Engineering, K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & I.T., Sion, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
4Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & I.T., Sion, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India
---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract - Home Automated Systems, besides being used on
smartphones and tablet computers there are a number of
home automated systems being developed. There are many 3
Dimensional Mirrors and expensive smart mirrors are
available in the market which is restricted to use in public
places only. In this paper, a Raspberry Pi based Interactive
Smart Mirror is developed for the home of Internet Science.
The Raspberry Pi works as the host controller in this structure.
A microphone and a speaker are used for interaction which
makes it more convenient to use. The model functions when
the Wi-Fi chipset on the Raspberry Pi is connected to the
Internet Network. It fetches news, weather and holiday related
information based on location using cloud services and
displays it on the LCD screen. The advantages of this Smart
Mirror are that is compact, cost-effective and user-friendly. In
addition, it’s vast application promise, people of all ages can
make use of this system. .
Smart Mirror Application With Raspberry Pi in IEEE paper
was proposed in November 2017 by Fatma, Murat Can and
[1] in which we found the following features like display
weather information, time and location, current event and
user information on mirror with the use of microcontrollers,
raspberry pi, python and java script by signal processing
Drawbacks like only some can be controlled by voice
commands was found without any security. Smart Reflect:-A
Modular Smart Mirror application platform [2] in IEEE paper
was proposed in October 2016 by Gold Derrick David and.
The main features mentioned in this paper about the smart
mirror is its modular and lightweight nature and. The project
is design main on the Model-View- Controller (MVC) design
pattern in which Model refer to plugin, View is screen that
display data and Controller is the server component that
controls the execution of each. The major drawback of this
model is that only JavaScript is supported, no solution exist
for supporting other programming language with their vast
libraries of features. Design of Smart Mirror Based on
Raspberry pi [3] in IEEE paper was proposed in April 2018
by Yong Sun, and Ke Dan. The main features mentioned in
this paper about smart mirror is time, date, temperature,
voice recognition and weather information. In which
different hardware’s like low power CMOS real-time clock
chip, and SYN6288 Speech synthesis chip is used, which
increases overall cost of the mirror is the major drawback of
the system. No security is provided for the system. Smart
Mirror for Smart Life[4] in IEEE paper was proposed on 23
October 2017 by , , Shahreen Hassan, , and Muhammad .
main features mentioned in this paper about smart mirror is
time, date weather, warning, traffic and location map. It can
provide the listening function offline with the help of
technology. can always provide listening function offline for
a hot word. Once a hot word is detected, it will be streamed
to user’s speech recognition cloud service, then the results
shall be received. The system didn’t work as expected at
voice configuration and no security is provided. A Mobile
Programmable Smart Mirror for ambient IoT
Environments[5] in IEEE paper was proposed in October
2017 by Mohammad Ghazal, Tara Al , Yasmina Al Khalil,
Mohammad and Hassan . The main features mentioned in
this paper about the smart mirror is its , adaptability and
security. The project is designed mainly on Bluetooth
module. The use has to connect his Bluetooth enabled mobile
device to the smart mirror to access it. The major drawback
Key Words: Raspberry Pi, Interactive Mirror.
With the advancements in technology, the living has also
evolved. CRT TVs have been replaced by Smart TVs. Smart
watches have taken place of regular watches. Similarly,
smart phones have taken over classic mobile phones. The
expensive 3D mirrors made in foreign countries are limited
to use in public locale only. The biggest drawback of these
mirrors is the cost required to built them and it does not
provide enough penetration rate. The degree of integration
between the home automation and smart mirrors is very
less. The insufficient relevance of functions is also one of the
main problems faced in the smart mirror. These problems
are overcome by designing a Raspberry Pi based Smart
Mirror. The Smart Mirror is based on the principles of
unidirectional mirror imaging with added technique like
speech recognition. The entire system communicates
through the Internet not only to make the system work but
also make the smart home come to life. The content is
structured as follows: Section II describes the Literature
Survey, at to how the previous models were studied, Section
III describes the components required and their
functionality. In the Section IV, the detailed explanation of
the diagrams is given. Section V describes the methods that
are used to implement the proposed system. In Section VI
the implementation diagrams along with the phases are
shown. The paper is then concluded in the Section VII.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2083
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
of this model is that the device is in continuous search of
nearby Bluetooth enabled devices which consumes more
power. Users without mobile phones can’t access the smart
mirror. Implementation and Customization of a Smart Mirror
[6] in IEEE paper was proposed in November 2017 by Ivette
Cristina, Rodrigo Salmon, Rosario, Alfredo Padilla. The smart
mirror’s important features include Voice interaction, face
recognition, personalized user information. The is based on
modern filtering techniques such as collaborative filtering
and content based filtering. Languages used are CSS, HTML,
and JavaScript. The only drawback is that it uses Raspberry
Pi 3 which does not have a PoE slot for wired internet
connection. IoT based Smart Mirror using Raspberry Pi[7] in
IEEE paper was proposed in 2018 Conference proceedings of
IJERT by Lakshmi NM, MS, P, . The mirror consists of all the
basic features like display date and time, news, weather etc.
The additional feature included in this mirror is thief
detection module which is a used to capture some malicious
act in the house. To display the temperature DHT22 sensor is
connected to GPIO pins of Raspberry Pi which is not
necessary because the weather detection module has the
same concept.
Fig. 3.2 Conceptual view of Bi-Directional Mirror
Bi Directional Mirror -The Bi-Directional Mirror is used as
the mirror of the system. It reflects the user's image and also
displays the LCD screen behind. The biggest advantage over
a uni-directional mirror is that, the uni-directional mirror
only reflects the image but a bi-directional mirror not only
reflects but also helps see through it.
HDMI Cable -The HDMI cable is used to connect the with the
LCD screen. It helps in displaying the output on the LCD
RJ-45 Ethernet Cable -The RJ-45 Ethernet cable is
connected to the Rpi. It provides the Internet connection
required for the RPi to fetch information directly from the
• Raspberry Pi.
• LCD Screen.
• Bi-Directional Mirror.
• HDMI Cable.
• RJ-45 Ethernet Cable.
• Microphone
Microphone -The Microphone is connected to the using the
auxiliary cable. It provides as a speech input to the Rpi . It is
used to provide speech recognition to the system and makes
the model more interactive.
Fig. 3.1 Raspberry pi
Raspberry Pi - The Raspberry Pi is a Single-Board
Computer. It is heart of the Smart Mirror. It is used to make
the system interactive and all the processing takes place in
this chip-set. It provides the OS required to run the Smart
Mirror efficiently.
Fig. 4.1 Block Diagram of the proposed model.
This figure shows the basic block diagram of the system. In
this figure, the Rpi, i.e., the heart of the system is connected
to the LCD Screen with an HDMI cable. The Bi-Directional
Mirror is placed in front of the LCD Screen. The microphone
used for speech recognition and voice interaction is
connected to using the USB cable.
LCD Screen - The LCD Screen is used to provide an output to
the Raspberry Pi. All the information such as, time, weather,
news is displayed on this screen. It provides the base of the
Smart Mirror. It is connected to the using the HDMI Cable.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2084
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
This diagram is just a basic representation of what the actual
system will be going to be.
Our project is divided mainly into four phases. As per the
scope of work, the project is bifurcated as follows.
The power supply here is used to power on the
raspberry pi for the boot purpose.
The LCD screen for displaying the visual output.
The window wooden frame for the support.
Microphone is used for taking the voice input from
the end user(s).
Raspberry is used for all the processing required.
Ethernet cable for fast internet connectivity and for
making use of the cloud services.
Speaker for giving the output in the form of voice.
1. Designing the system.
2. Configuring the Raspberry Pi.
3. Programming the Display Screen.
4. Fabrication.
Designing the system - Dimension – Our system's first and
foremost phase was the dimension. The dimension of the
mirror was decided by the LCD screen we used in this model.
As we used an LCD screen, we need a mirror slightly bigger
than the screen and which could reflect as well as see
Construction of the Frame – The frame was necessary to be
built to contain the electronic components as well as the
mirror. A wooden frame of just the right size was built. The
wooden frame helps keep the system steady and provides
durability to the mirror as well as protects it from physical
damage. Similarly, by hiding the electronic components
behind the frame gives it a premium finish and the
components are saved from physical contact. The material of
the Mirror – To find a bi-directional mirror was difficult in
the first attempt. Since the mirror wasn't readily available,
we ordered a custom bi-directional mirror from a local glass
hardware shop.
Configuring the Raspberry Pi - Using SD card formatter,
format the SD card. Once the SD card is formatted install the
image file for OS and then extract this zip file using 7zip
software. The next step is to download the etcher software to
make the OS by transferring the image file into the software
and directly store this file in the memory card.
Programming the Display Screen - Display of time, date,
weather, news on the mirror is using Python language. The
use of a mobile application is to provide a personalized and
customized view of the mirror. The is designed using HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript.
Fabrication - Frame - This phase involves creating the
actual apparatus to contain the mirror and its electronics.
We started off by using a compound miter saw to cut four
pieces which were then joined together with wood screws to
form a box. Next, four pieces of wooden trim (with
accompanying corner blocks) were hand-nailed to the outer
edge of the frame with 2” finishing nails. Once installed, the
trim overlapped the inner edge of our frame by 1⁄2” so as to
prevent the glass from falling forward. Bi-Directional Mirror
- Next, we needed to install our actual mirror. With the
overlapping trim mentioned above, it was a straightforward
installation, involving us easing the glass gently into the
frame itself and securing it with two wooden blocks screwed
in behind the mirror itself. The glass is now essentially
Fig. 2 Flowchart of the proposed model.
In this figure, the flowchart of the model is given, here the
basic interaction with voice is shown. Users can give
instructions to the system to view a list of commands that
are available. Then, they can give commands via voice
instructions provided. Thus, the flow chart helps to
understand the system better
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2085
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
sandwiched between these blocks in the rear and the
overlapped trim in the front. Components - The final step of
the fabrication phase was to install the suite of electronics
that power the mirror. First, we mounted the display
monitor by laying it against the glass and screwing in two
blocks (one on its top, the other along the bottom) to hold it
in place. Next, we used to mount the Raspberry Pi on the
glass and proceeded to hook up the necessary cabling.
Finally, we installed our power bar by using its built-in
screw mounts to secure it to the bottom piece of the frame.
Phase 2
The screenshot for phase 2 is shown below
Phase 1
The screenshot for the above mentioned phase is shown
Fig. 5.2 Screenshaot displaying weather & holidays
module along with phase 1 implementation.
In phase 2 the weather module, the holidays' module and the
compliments module were also added.
Weather Module
Fig. 5.1 Screenshot of phase 1 describing news, clock &
In this phase, the only modules that were perfectly
implemented were the news and the clock modules.
The clock module used the raspberry pi's local variables i.e
the system configuration variables in order to determine the
current time and date which in turn help in the fetching of
the current news for the news module.
Fig. 5.3 Screenshot of weather module.
The news module showed the news from various parts of the
desired location, which can also be customized to be
The weather module also used the locale variables for
fetching the current weather. The current weather
depending on the date and time is shown.
In our case, the news was fetched from different news sites
as shown in the above screenshot
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2086
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 04 | Apr 2019
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Holiday’s Module
The news module shows the current news depending on the
date and time and also it is location specific.
In addition to all these things a dynamic photo changing
module was also added in order to display dynamic pictures
after a certain interval of time.
The final product of this project is a framework that has
different modules, among which identify the functions of the
calendar, weather, news, alerts. The smart mirror we build in
our project implements all of the functions mentioned above.
In addition, it has features for news recommendation and
interaction by voice commands, these two features seek to
provide a more sophisticated user experience and allow a
natural interaction between the mirror and the user. Smart
Mirror saves time and makes it easier to access information.
It allows users to see relevant information effortlessly. In
future, this mirror can be improved by adding an interactive
touch screen and theft detection feature.
Fig. 5.4 Screenshot of holidays module
[1], Murat Can and, ‘Smart Mirror Application With
Raspberry Pi’, IEEE paper proposed in November 2017.
The holidays' module is customizable depending on the
individual's needs. As this module is customizable, the end
user can enter his personal calendar details into the config
file of this module.
[2] D., D. and, “Smart Reflect: A modular smart mirror
application platform, “2016 IEEE 7th Annual Information
Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication
Conference (IEMCON), Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp.1-7.
Compliments Module
[3] Sun Young, Dan 1Tianjin Key, ‘Design of Smart Mirror
using Raspberry Pi’, Laboratory of Information Sensing
& Intelligent Control, Tianjin University of Technology
and Education.
[4] M.M. et al., “Smart mirror for smart life” 2017 6th ICT
International Student Project Conference (ICT-ISPC), 2017,
pp. 1- 5.true
[5] Mohammad Ghazal, Tara Al, Yasmina Al Khalil,
Mohammad and Hassan, ‘A Mobile Programmable Smart
Mirror for ambient IoT Environments’, IEEE paper proposed
in October 2017.
Fig. 5.5 Screenshot of compliments module.
[6] Ivette Cristina Arauja Garcia, Eduardo Rodrigo Linares
Salmon, Rosario , Alfredo Padilla, 'Implementation and
Customization of a Smart Mirror’, IEEE paper proposed in
November 2017.
The compliments module is used to display the motivating
statements on the mirror screen.
News Module
[7] Lakshmi NM, MS, P, ‘IoT based Smart Mirror using
Raspberry Pi’,. Journal of Engineering
Fig. 5.6 Screenshot of news module.
© 2019, IRJET
Impact Factor value: 7.211
ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal
Page 2087