Methotrexate hepatotoxicity in Rheumatoid Arthritis - An analysis of the physicians´ policy by Dr Bita Anvari, MD Assistant professor of Internal Medicine School of medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences Kermanshah - Iran • When a physician find an elevation in liver enzyme in comparison with previous enzyme before MTX prescription, he may decide to decrease or discontinue the drug or change it to another DMARD if the disease is still active. • Also other policies in approach to this condition is present, like no change or even increasing dose especially in patients with high disease activity index (DAI). any elevated enzyme the physician´s decision the result of next enzyme Different physician’s decisions: Discontinuing Decreasing Increasing No change in dose of methotrexate • The result of these multiple policies on the next enzyme is unclear and the physicians need to know what would be happened after each decision. (for evidence based practice) Patients and Methods - Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in academic rheumatology clinic who received ≥ 7.5 mg methotrexate weekly for at least one month during their follow up period from 1991-2006. - They had serial follow up in The Rheumatology clinic of Shariati Hospital. - In this presentation I present a part of study on the patients who had at least one elevated liver enzyme during the MTX therapy. any elevated enzyme the physician´s decision the result of next enzyme 2 patients were excluded from the result of policy Table 1: Change in MTX dose after first enzyme elevation MTX dose after enzyme elevation Frequency Percent fixed rised start Discontinue Decreased Total 55 9 6 5 27 102 53.9 8.8 5.9 4.9 26.5 100.0 Table 2 – The results of 2nd enzyme after changing MTX dose MTX dose after enzyme elevation next enzyme is normal or high Total Normal (%) High (%) Fixed Rised Start Discontinue Decreased 35(63.6) 6(66.7) 2(33.3) 5(100.0) 23(88.5) 20(36.4) 3(33.3) 4(66.7) 0(0) 3(11.5) 55 9 6 5 26 Total 71(70.3) 30(29.7) 101 p=0.01 • Decreased dose or discontinuation were happened among 32 patients (31.4%) and fixed dose or rising dose in 53.9% and 8.8% respectively. • The result of next enzyme (in each group) was normal in 90.3%, 63.6% and 66.7% respectively. • At the 2nd step, if the enzyme was elevated again (consecutively), the physicians´ policies and the results were included. Elevated 2nd enzyme consecutively the physician´ decision the result of 3rd enzyme Second elevated enzyme (2nd step) 2nd elevated enzyme the physician´s decision the result of next enzyme After 2nd consecutive liver enzyme elevation Table 3: The changes in MTX Dose after 2nd consecutive enzyme elevations MTX dose after 2 enzyme elevation Frequency Percent fixed rised decreased discontinue Total 16 4 7 3 30 53.3 13.3 23.3 10.0 100.0 Table 4 - Third enzyme according to change of MTX dose (after 2nd consecutive enzyme elevation) MTX dose after 2 consecutive enzyme elevation Fixed rised Decreased discontinue Total P=0.1 next enzyme after 2 consecutive elevation Total Normal (%) High (%) 9(64.3) 5(35.7) 14 3(75.0) 7(100.0) 1(25.0) 0(0) 4 7 3(100.0) 0(0) 3 22(78.6) 6(21.4) 28 Results (cont.) • At the 2nd step, among 30 patients who had two consecutive elevated liver enzyme, one third (33.3%) discontinued or decreased MTX dose. • The next enzyme became normal in all of them however it was seen in 66.7% of the others with fixed or rising dose. Follow-up after third elevated enzyme After third enzyme elevation among six patients: One patient with NASH discontinued MTX by herself The other (with autoimmune hepatitis) had normal enzyme without decreasing dose and she receives 15 mg MTX weekly now. Among three other patients, the enzymes became normal after decreasing dose One patient was not referred until the follow-up period in this study Discussion and Conclusion: • The most of the patients did not decrease or discontinue MTX but continued to take it with the same dose and about 64% of them had normal 2nd enzyme. • Obvious improvement in liver enzymes after decreased dose or discontinuation of methotrexate could be seen that makes this policy the best action in approach to MTX transaminitis. • However trend to improvement despite of physicians’ decision was observed. If this natural course may be due to adjustment of hepatocyte activity or renal clearance need to be further investigated.