Kindergarten OBSERVATION Survey Miss Newell Kindergarten OBSERVATION Survey Guide Cards LETTER IDENTIFICATION “What do you call these?” “Can you find some that you know?” Point to each letter horizontally. “What is this one?” Point to each letter horizontally. “Do you know its name?” “What sound does it make?” “Do you know a word that starts like that?” 1 WORD TEST Ask the child to read the practice word, help him/her if needed “What is this word?” If children are having difficulty naming words, uncover the list and ask them to find a word they know, then go back and try some of the words they have not yet tried. 2 CAP Item #1 – Cover Holding the book so that the spine is facing the child “I’m going to read you this story, but I want you to help me.” “Show me the front of this book.” 3 CAP Item #2 – Pages 2 & 3 “I’ll read this story. You help me. Show me where to start reading. Where do I begin?” Read page 2. 4 CAP Items #3, #4, #5, #6 – Pages 4 & 5 “Show me where to start.” “Which way do I go?” “Where do I go after that?” “Point to it while I read it.” Read page 4 slowly / fluently. 5 CAP Items #7 & #8 – Pages 6 & 7 Read page 6. “Show me the first part of the story.” “Show me the last part.” “Show me the bottom of the picture.” 6 CAP Item #9 – Pages 8 & 9 “Where do I begin?” “Which way do I go?” “Where do I go after that?” Read page 8. 7 CAP Items #10 – Pages 10 & 11 “Show me the first part of the story.” “Show me the last part.” “Show me the bottom of the picture.” Immediately read the bottom line, then the top line. DO NOT POINT. 8 CAP Items #11, #12, #13 – Pages 12 & 13 “Where do I start reading?” “What’s wrong on this page?” Point to page 12 and read text correctly. “What’s wrong on this page?” Point to page 13 and read immediately / correctly. 9 CAP Items #14 & #15 – Pages 14 & 15 “What’s wrong with the writing on this page?” Read the text slowly/correctly. “What’s this for?” Point to the question mark. 10 CAP Items #16, #17, #18, #19 – Pages 16 & 17 Read the text. “What’s this for?” Point to the period, repeat the prompt for comma, and quotation mark “Find a little letter like this one.” Use Ss (Stones) and Tt (Sand) as the example, repeat for T & B (Stones) and M & H (Sand) 11 CAP Item #20 – Pages 18 & 19 Read the text. “Show me ‘was’.” “Show me ‘no’.” 12 CAP Items #21, #22, #23, #24 – Page 20 “This story says,” (Stones) “The stone rolled down the hill.” (Sand) “The waves splashed in the hole.” “I want you to push the cards across the story like this until all you can see is just one letter.” Make sure cards are slid all the way out. “Now show me two letters.” Continue asking the child to show: “One word, two words, first letter of a word, last letter of a word, a capital letter.” 13 Writing Vocabulary “I want to see how many words you can write. Can you write your name?” Start timing for 10 minutes. If the child says “No,” ask him if he knows any single letter or two-letter words. Say: “Do you know how to write ‘is’ (Pause), ‘to’ (Pause), ‘I’?” If the child says “Yes,” Say: “Good. Now think of all the words you know how to write and write them all down for me.” Continue for 10 minutes, prompting for possible known words when the child pauses. 14 Dictation “I’m going to read you a story. When I have read it through once, I will read it again very slowly so that you can write the words of the story.” Read through the sentences at normal speed. “Some of the words are hard. Say them slowly and think how you can write them down.” At difficulty say: “You say it slowly. How would you start to write it? What can you hear? Where else can you hear? If the child cannot complete a word say: “We’ll leave that word. The next one is…” 15