Thank you for purchasing the Fingerspot FlexCode SDK!
FlexCode SDK is very simple and easy to use in accordance with the demands of your applica?on needs. FlexCode SDK provide more advanced solu?on, suitable for those who need more freedom in crea?ve. The func?ons in FlexCode SDK are not too basic, the func?ons concept are instant, you simply call the func?ons required for registering and verify fingerprints then FlexCode SDK will do registra?on process and verifica?on process without you need to be directly involved in it . The registra?on process will produce a fingerprint template in a text format that is easy to stored and distributed. If you want to iden?fy a finger, the templates is used to compare the fingerprints are
scanned. You will receive the results of the verifica?on whether the same finger or not. FlexCode SDK greatly save your ?me to integrate fingerprint technology into any applica?on required .
The advantages and the flexibility you get on FlexCode SDK:
• Template in a text format that is easily stored and distributed. Template secure because it is encrypted with your own password.
• The balance between speed and accuracy of the kind currently compares with an average of up to 200 fingerprint templates per second.
• Use mul?ple devices in a PC.
• Display the fingerprint image is integrated into the applica?on.
• Supports verifica?on 1 to 1 and 1 to N.
• Opera?ng system Windows Xp / Vista / 7 / 8 32 & 64bit.
• Designed for the Digital Persona U.are.U fingerprint reader. Compa?ble devices are U.are. U 4000B and U.are. U 4500.
Make sure your computer does not installed any U.are.U driver. If there are, uninstall it first. Then restart your computer.
Run the setup file FlexCodeSDKSetup32.exe or FlexCodeSDKSetup64.exe.
Follow the steps on the screen to install the SDK FlexCode and U.are.U driver. Then restart your computer.
Plug the device to the USB port of the computer.
Template is a digital form of fingerprint pacerns generated from the fingerprint registra?on process. This template is a text format (string) so it is easy to be stored and distributed. Template instead of fingerprint images. Templates can not be converted into a fingerprint image.
Template is unique, meaning that if the same finger repeatedly registered then generates the templates are different. Templates should not be changed because it would lead to the failure of the verifica?on process. Make sure the string is stored template perfectly without
any addi?on or subtrac?on. There is only one way to compare the scanned finger on the device to the registered template by using the verifica?on func?on provided by FlexCode SDK.
Fingerprint Registra?on is the process to create a template of the finger prints are scanned in the device. The same finger will be scanned four ?mes. FlexCode SDK will generate a unique template for the finger. FlexCode SDK comes with a special algorithm to reduce the error when the registra?on process is done, for example, scanned images are not clear enough fingers or finger posi?ons different in the four
fingerprint image capture. Within certain limits FlexCode SDK can s?ll produce a good and accurate template of the registra?on process was not perfect.
Following command to register a finger :
Dim WithEvents FPReg as FlexCodeSDK.FinFPReg
Set FPReg = New FlexCodeSDK.FinFPReg
FPReg.PictureSamplePath = "C:\FPTemp.BMP"
FPReg.PictureSampleHeight = 2050
FPReg.PictureSampleWidth = 1600
Use PictureSamplePath , PictureSampleHeight and PictureSampleWidth only if needed to display the scanned image to view the applica?on.
Ager the declara?on, do command to fill the ac?va?on code so that the device can be used in FlexCode SDK. This ac?va?on is unique,
meaning that each device has a different ac?va?on code with other devices.
FPReg.DeviceInfo device_serial_number, verification_code, activation_code
To start the registra?on process do the following command :
FPReg.FPRegistrationStart "MySecretKey"
For secure templates are created, the template is encrypted by using a key word that can be defined by yourself. The same keywords will be used when the process of verifica?on.
The next step, a same finger should be scanned four ?mes. Ideally fourth scanned images must be clear with the same rela?ve posi?on. In some cases it may be FlexCode SDK will ask several repeated scans to produce a becer image, so it takes more than four ?mes in the finger
scanned on device. FlexCode SDK inform the number of fingerprint images need to generate a template through FPSampleNeeded event. So scan your finger un?l FPSampleNeeded return a zero value.
When the fingerprint image has been created, FlexCode SDK will generate FPRegistrationImage event. Fingerprint images are available in accordance with the defined path in PictureSamplePath . If necessary fingerprint images for documenta?on, this image can be saved by
changing the name or rename the file. Because the fingerprint template instead of the template image and can not be converted into an image. Please add the command lines to save / change the image file name.
Once the registra?on process is completed when the event returns a value of zero then FPSampleNeeded, So FPRegistrationStatus will
return r_OK value and templates will be generated in the event FPRegistrationTemplate . Furthermore, the template can be saved to your database or file and distributed as needed.
To cancel the registra?on process, please call FPReg.FPRegistrationStop
If the registra?on process fails, for example because the device has not been plugged into the USB port, wrong ac?va?on code. Error code can be known from FPRegistrationStatus event.
FlexCode SDK can only create a template from a scanned fingerprint finger directly over the device. FlexCode SDK can not be used to
process the file fingerprint images into the template. Therefore, even though you have a file fingerprint images can then be used to create a template. These restric?ons are for security reasons. Fingerprint technology was created to ensure that you there ( you are you ).
Verifica?on is the process of comparing between the scanned finger and the fingerprint template. Verifica?on can be done 1 to 1, which means one finger scan compared with one par?cular template. Verifica?on can also be done 1 to N or more suitable called iden?fica?on,
which means one finger scans compared to some of the template so that it can be determined whether there is a template that matches the scanned finger. FlexCode SDK can do both of these means of verifica?on.
Following command to verify the finger :
Dim WithEvents FPVer As FlexCodeSDK.FinFPVer
Set FPVer = New FlexCodeSDK.FinFPVer
FPVer.PictureSamplePath = "C:\FPTemp.BMP"
FPVer.PictureSampleHeight = 2050
FPVer.PictureSampleWidth = 1600
Use PictureSamplePath , PictureSampleHeight and PictureSampleWidth only if needed to display the scanned image to view the applica?on.
FlexCode SDK can handle up to 10.000 devices ac?va?on code. Using the mul? devices in one computer is not to speed up the verifica?on
process because only one device that can actually be used at a ?me.
FPVer.AddDeviceInfo(device_serial_number, verification_code, activation_code)
Next is the load fingerprint templates that will be used in the verifica?on process to the SDK. Here is the command to load the fingerprint template, FPVer.FPLoad (id, finger_index, finger_template, "MySecretKey")
This command can be called repeatedly, un?l all the required template in the SDK. FlexCode can handle up to 30000 templates in a single verifica?on. The more the number of templates are listed in the verifica?on process it takes a longer ?me to be able to recognise
fingerprints scanned on device. So load templates as needed. Templates are already loaded in the SDK can be used for next verifica?on process.
To remove a template from the template list, use the command FPVer.FPUnload (id, finger_index) . Use FPVer.GetFPCount
command to
determine the number of templates that have been registered. To redefine or eliminate the en?re templates from the SDK \ memory, use the command FPVer.FPListClear
The verifica?on process FlexCode SDK can be done in the background, meaning that remain ac?ve even FlexCode SDK applica?on running in non-‐ac?ve condi?on for example applica?on is minimized. This command requires administrator privileges on Windows Vista, 7 and 8. In
other words, you have to run the applica?on in a state run as admin . Give true value in order to arrange FlexCode WorkingInBackground
SDK can s?ll be used even if the applica?on is minimized, otherwise give a false value.
Ager the templates are load to SDK, then the verifica?on process can begin. To begin the verifica?on process using command
or FPVer.FPVerificationStart id . If id not informed the SDK will verify FlexCode 1 to N, otherwise it will
verify 1 to 1. Upon this command, FlexCode SDK in a state wai?ng for a finger scanned on device.
When a finger is scanned, the FlexCode SDK will inform you if the fingerprint image is ready to be displayed through FPVerificationImage event. If there is a template that matches the finger are scanned , then FPVerificationID event will inform the id and finger_index . If it turns out there is more than one template that matches the scanned finger FPVerificationID the event will be called repeatedly. It is important to prevent the registra?on of the same or similar template using different id or finger_index . To determine whether the finger is recognise or not it is successful ager the process is completed, FPVerificationStatus event return v_OK if the finger is recognise and there is only one template matching of all exis?ng templates in the SDK , v_NotMatch status if the finger is not recognise , the status v_MultiplelMatch if there is more than one template that matches the scanned finger and other statuses in the event of failure of
verifica?on or cancella?on .
The SDK is ready for the next finger scan or do FPVerificationStop command calling for stop verifica?on process. When you call
FPVerificationStop command, the loaded templates is s?ll in memory, so you can call FPVerificationStar any?me.
If you only need a fingerprint image, without requiring registra?on process and do the fingerprint verifica?on. Use this variable declara?on as follows:
Dim WithEvents FPImage As FlexCodeSDK.FinFPImg
Set FPImage = New FlexCodeSDK.FinFPImg
FPImage.PictureSamplePath = "C:\FPTemp.BMP"
FPImage.PictureSampleHeight = 2050
FPImage.PictureSampleWidth = 1600
The next step, input the ac?va?on code to SDK. FPImage.
DeviceInfo device_serial_number, verification_code, activation_code
To start a scan of a finger, please use the FPImageStart , then the fingers can be scanned over the device. When ready fingerprint image is
displayed, FlexCode SDK will inform through FPImage event, please stored the displayed picture accordance with the purposes. To dismiss the process of shoo?ng, calling FPImage.FPImageStop
In the event of failure to capture an fingerprint image, SDK will inform you via FPImageStatus event.
Do not run the registra?on, verifica?on or fingerprint image class together. One moment only one class is allowed to use the device.
1. Override the old SDK file with new ones. This file is usually located in C:\Windows\System32 for Windows 32 bit or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for Windows 64 bit or C:\Program Files\FlexCodeSDK or in the folder you specified during installa?on.
2. Please register the new SDK file to the system registry of Windows by using the command RegSvr32.
Example of command C:\RegSvr32 FlexCodeSDK.dll
or C:\RegSvr32 C:\Program Files\FlexCodeSDK\FlexCodeSDK.dll
3. Please open the sample code or your project then replace references to refer to the new SDK.
The easiest way to distribute FlexCode SDK with your applica?on is install the FlexCode SDK setup file. This setup file help you install the
SDK and the driver files of U.are.U fingerprint reader. If you do not want to separate your applica?on setup file into 2 files, then you can
use packager applica?ons such as Inno Setup to run hidden the FlexCode SDK setup. FlexCode SDK file is only one file, that is
FlexCodeSDK.dll but the driver of U.are.U fingerprint reader is very complex, will waste a lot of ?me if you try to ?nker with the setup file.
For use in Delphi, please install the addi?onal components. Before installing, make sure the sample VB6 (the executable file) can run normally to sure the
SDK have been installed properly. Ager that do the following steps:
Run the Delphi, go to menu Component \ Install Component…
Click on Into new package, browse the path file component
FlexCodeSDK.pas (1) , enter a name in Package file name, example C:\programfiles\Borland\Delphi7\Lib\dcluser.dpk
(2) . Click the OK bucon when done.
Confirm when exit window, press the Yes bucon. Exit Informa?on window, press the OK bucon. On window Package -‐ flexcode.dpk, click the Install icon.
If successfule, the you will see 3 FlexCode SDK components .
General informa?on : info@fingerspot.com
Technical Support : support@fingerspot.com