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Cancer Prevention & Early Detection: American Cancer Society

Cancer Prevention &
Early Detection
American Cancer Society Mission Statement
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide
community-based voluntary health organization dedicated
to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by
preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering
from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and
What We Do – Save Lives
• Helping people stay well
By educating them on steps they can take to prevent cancer and find it early
• Helping people get well
By providing accurate and timely informational, emotional, and practical
support services
• Funding cancer research
To further understand its causes, determine how best to prevent it, and
discover new ways to cure it.
• Fighting back against cancer
By supporting the American Cancer Society and those in your life who are
affected by cancer, you can join us in creating a world with more birthdays!
What is cancer?
• Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled
growth and spread of abnormal cells.
• Cancer can be caused by both external factors and internal
Can you guess?
Cancer Statistics
Cancer is the №1 cause of death among working-age adults in the
United States.
One-third are caused by tobacco use.
One-third are related to overweight/obesity, physical inactivity,
Two-thirds of cancer deaths can be prevented.
Prevention and Early Detection
• If people would just do four things engage in regular physical
activity, eat a healthy diet, not smoke and avoid becoming obese –
they could slash their risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke or
cancer by 80%, a new report has found.
• But less than 10% of the 23,153 people in the multiyear study published in Monday’s Archives of Internal Medicine - actually lived
their lives this way.
Prevention and Early Detection
• Cancers that can be prevented or detected early by
screening account for at least 50% of all new cancer
Cancer Risk Factors
What is a risk factor?
 Anything that increases a person’s risk for getting a disease
What is a modifiable risk factor?
 Anything that increases a person’s risk for getting a disease that
can be changed
Cancer Risk Factors
• While you can’t change your genetics, there are many
things you can do to lower your risk for cancer.
Reduce Your Risk
Five lifesaving things you can do:
1. Don’t use tobacco
2. Maintain a healthy weight and adopt a physically active lifestyle
3. Consume a healthy diet with an emphasis on fruits and
4. Protect yourself from the sun
5. Get recommended screening tests
Tobacco Use
• Tobacco use is responsible for an estimated 443,000 premature
deaths in the US every year, including 49,400 deaths in
nonsmokers as a result of secondhand smoke.
• The American Cancer Society can help you or loved ones quit.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
• Balance caloric intake with physical activity
• Avoid excessive weight gain throughout life
• Achieve and maintain a healthy weight if currently overweight or
Adopt a Physically Active Lifestyle
• Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate to
vigorous physical activity on five or more days a
week (45-60 minutes is preferable)
• Engage in at least 60 minutes per day on five or
more days a week
Consume a Healthy Diet
• Watch portion sizes
• Eat 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables each day
• Chose whole grains
• Limit consumption of processed and red meats
• Limit alcohol consumption – no more than 1 drink per
day for woman and 2 for men
On any given day in the US
815 billion calories are consumed (200 billion more than needed)
47 million hot dogs
4 million pounds of bacon
60 million pounds of red meat
170 million eggs
3 million gallons of ice cream
10 million pounds of candy
16 million gallons of beer and ale
Protect Yourself from the Sun
• Avoid direct exposure between 10am and 4pm when UV rays are
the most intense
• Wear hats that shade the face, ears and neck and clothing that
covers arms, legs and torso
• Cover exposed skin with sunscreen of SPF15 or higher
• Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps
Cancer Early Detection
• Develop a good relationship with your physician. Be
open and honest in your discussions.
• He/she can educate you on early detection tests and
screening tests.
• Bring a list of things you would like to discuss with
your physician.
• Be empowered to ask for what screenings you need.
Don’t always wait for your provider to bring it up.