Miasms The Pace, The Intensity The Degree of Desperation But NOT WHAT THE EXPERIENCE IS (LD) How does it impact your life? Ringwormy Not such a big deal I manage it, I take the meds If you didn’t cured me I would live fine with my illness It annoys me Ringworm – the words are annoying, bugs me, pisses me off Tubercular It doesn’t make her go from job to job to job to find a solution Sycotic How does the itching bother you? I can’t wear shorts Sycotic – no body knows that I have asthma – it feels like weakness that there is something wrong with me and I have to keep it to myself, They might fire me No one knows that I have asthma I go to the toilet and then use the inhaler Typhoid Would have flare up and in flare up be very demanding (Sankaran) Questions to ask for miasm How do you cope with the situation? The speed at which he is talking What do you experience Just observe Psoric Itch, the original Shame Most vital miasm – people have most vitality It all comes back to me, if I could be stronger I will show that I have ability to do it I will have strength, and endurance I will overcome my own weaknesses Struggling with outside world, becomes apparent at times of stress Lack of confidence Constant anxiety feeling, fear, like he can't do it, insecurity Anxiety about the future but always having hope Fear of failure – strong in psoric Hopeful, confident He’s positive, he’s hopeful, it can be done He’s confident about his ability He’s hopeful about his power I was the only one that could do all 4 I will make the effort, I will succeed I thought I would be caught, but then I escape Don’t want to go back to hard times I hope that stage doesn’t come again, back when it was hard, I was hungry Sycotic Thuja, Med, Caust, Puls, Sil Sensation: Defective “I’m defective, so I hide, I’m unlovable as a person, if you know who I am you will not love me” Function: Hiding (Miasm of Hiding) Avoidance and acceptance, what can you do? As long as you don’t notice, it’s okay Growths, Cysts, warts Extremes in behavior, wild or mild Success, Failure, Acceptance Guilt, remorse, self-reproach, being exposed Cover up, hiding, fixed ideas, ritualistic behavior Keep fixed, weak spot hidden from the view of others Hypersensitive to many things, so restricted life Anticipatory anxiety To cover up things – anticipation Overreaction from all the defenses you build up Over reaction, Egotism or Over cautiousness Egotism is cover-up for person’s lack of self confidence Cautious or careful, CAUTION Cautiousness is cover up for his anticipatory anxiety No attempt to make better How best to live with it Acceptance, Avoidance, Anticipation Acceptance, this is how it’s going to be, it will not change – all coping are to avoid or to live with it Always the fear of problem increasing! This is the anticipation One’s personal nightmare might one day become a reality Case: Man that worries that my warts will grow to face, and people will see They will think I’m a leper, they will not want to come near me, I will be unwanted I will become non-presentable I look very nice at work, nice clothes Neglected and thrown out He didn’t say “I feel like a leper” If the warts were to appear on face, then I would feel like a leper…then it would happen The anticipation of the situation of worst nightmare Worst fear that it will all be exposed Gave: Thuja Case: Each time I see a knife I fear I will kill my husband or child I fear I might get the impulse to push my child under a bus Anticipation Remedy: Kali-Br If you avoid, accept, anticipate: A problem in survival or competition – Animal Rubrics for Sycotic Cautious Hypocrisy – a kind of cover up Religion fanatic – a kind of compulsion Anxiety of conscious Check things must Watch things constantly Gels avoid and anticipates a SHOCK (Logan) Avoids hearing bad news, avoids examination, avoids hearing bad news Causticum avoids, anticipates, any problem ot his family and his relatives (Kali- dependence on his family) Always cautioning – don’t stay out late If out late – he will be pacing the halls Silica Avoiding, anticipating, a Loss of image Constantly anticipating that people will get a poor image of him He avoids by being as prepared as rehearsed as he can Puls Avoids, anticipates RUDENESS inside Overcompensates by being so mild, so weepy, that you cannot be rude ot that person Kali-Br Avoids, anticipates doing something wrong (Row 4 crime) that he will be caught Anticipating punishment, anticipating doing something wrong Lac-c Avoids, accepts, anticipates my inferior status, my lower status Med Prediction of misfortune Egotism – talks big about himself Jealousy, envy We can’t locate where his sensitivity is – but we can locate the pace in every area of his life Sycotic – he accepts the situation, can’t do anything about it Aggr from cold and damp – key Sycosis cnfm Syphlitic Breakdown – Inside out Aurum, Hepar, Alum, Merc, Syph Something wrong inside Destruction; Ulceration (versus growth); Cavity; Destroys tissue; AIDS Fairly moralistic – all syphilitic remedies, all sense of guilt or being on moral high ground. But will be out of proportion to situation Knives Heavy Metals tend to be Syphilitic Homicidal and suicidal Despair, hopeless feeling Anti-social Not so much about isolation (Leprous) Merc – everyone is your enemy There is not time to think that you are isolated in this situation Depression No way out Coping: destructive PT- 6th and 7th row (Sankaran) Impending destruction Lifestyle and habits can be self-destructive Sadam-Heissim Merc – Delusion, surrounded by enemies Aurum – high position Intense experiences Constant Extreme Either really high or really low Case Boy 14 Epilepsy and sudden blindness Very angry, violent anger and rage Weep so loudly, might die from crying Great fear of dark Like mother, but won’t even talk to father, screams when father approaches So moved by hatred, finished is finished Very particular about cleanliness At 3 would bang his head against wall – even gave himself stitches Craves tea to the extreme Syph: something to an extreme, extremely craves, extremely cold Drinks 30 cups of tea a day Violent destructive anger Extreme cravings Indicates Syph Strong aversion to father w/o a reason Wants all demands fulfilled – indicates Ego Hepar-Sulph – not being appreciated and put down by people dependent on Craving for tea Extremely chilly Violent anger Hepar 1M, then Hepar LM8 Ringworm Ringworm Between Psoric/Sycotic You do something, think you are getting somewhere and then they pop up again The energy pattern Ringworm – a combination of Psoric and sycotic And alternation, if I just do this, put a little of that in, if I just don’t drink any alcohol until the 3rd Thursday of the month and then It pops up again Count the words “Tries” “Trying” They haven’t completely fixed it in and given up (Sycotic) (Sankaran) Doubtful type Difficult, beyond easy reach Sometimes tries to overcome it, sometimes just accepts it Trying Alternation, acceptance Chronic problems that are not very severe They have hope they will be solved, but also they can live with that problem Not desperate or panicky Example: a leak in the roof, you can patch it, after a time it leaks again Irritating Case:, Psora – a feeling of hope, Sycosis – it cannot be solved She has to live with and accept certain restrictions or limitations I am not normal, I can not show them this I will never show people my bad side Miasm harder to see Nat-s is sycotic Mag-s Nat feeling of dependence more intense – there is nothing you can do Mag-s It is possible – you feel at times, that you can be independent By doing an effort you can gain appreciation and become independent He’s making an effort Case Felt as if husband does not have any value for her because dependent on him, can’t express her choices who she is feels like servant in the house her attitude – I will work and find something so I will have my own self-worth struggle to find appreciation and worth – esp when you feel dependent nothing is dangerous Mag-S Lac-Humanum In ringworm miasm Most of us must be familiar with ringworm miasm Commonality of human being Two side Selfish self-centered I’m not myself, I’m part of family, part of society, part of humanity, in which I have to give and resolve my ego Am I selfish or selfless Am I good or bad, god or devil What is intensity and pace of this struggle? Never a hopeless or desperate struggle, never acute or threatening A struggle that comes up from time to time Should i do it for this person or do for myself Should i pay taxes or hide taxes Never gets resolved Our society is just going to be like that Occasionally a step forward, then back to acceptance and resignation Never fully accepted Never fully given up Act-Sp People will be rude, occasionally, will be sensitive Typhoid (between Acute and Psoric) Nux-v, Rhus-t, Bry, Phos-ac, Carbo-veg, Sul-ac, Cham Crisis Intense Sinking Recover IMPATIENCE Child It’s okay and then something happens… (Life is not oppression) “now I have to work really hard to get back to normal” Stay in their place and work Don’t like where they are but can’t get anywhere else Often lots of energy exerted and then exhausted Exhausted, all energy must be put into recovery Their reaction is related to their survival – has to be strong Feel exhausted just talking to them Long convalescence: Comes on like an acute, but goes away so slowly… A Septic quality “If I can just get over it, I will be okay” “I was fine until my divorce…if I can just work 90 hours a week and do all of this, I will be okay” To COMFORT To get to a point of comfort Less malignant, more benign than cancer Situation where, not super human efforts, does need more trying, but context different (than Cancer) Likes to be rocked, reaching comfort than I’m fine, Like disease, Typhoid, yes, threat, but not as threatening as cancer A CRISIS: but crisis of typhoid and cancer different Cancer, need super human effort, Typhoid just need to reach high fever Tubercular – always restless, Typhoid – does find rest Acids are good for typhoid miasm, intense activity, then exhaustion Typh, although you need quick response it’s not acute, you have time to make reaction (Sankaran) Suddenly critical If one makes an intense, immediate, short term effort you can regain your opinion Impatience, A good and quick conclusion You need to do it yourself Crisis, emergency, sinking, collapse, intense short effort, Rhus-­‐Tox Sprains and strains Reach far and suddenly get a catch and you’re immobilized You don’t react instinctively You try with all effort to release that catch so you can feel comfortable again Like cramp, move and move until out of that cramp Once back to normalcy, no residue Bry Sudden financial loss Need to react in manner to recover quickly, to come back to feeling of comfort Intense allergic reactions, that threatened to choke him Wanted to make a lot of money in short period of time Think of nothing but to make that money Very intense hectic activity All in order to recover from situation of crisis Once I recover I can relax, Talk, dreams of business Cham When pain wants relief from it immediately Sul-­‐Ac Great hurry, excessive impatience Once task is done can find rest Maximum hurry is in morning Nux-­‐v Wakes from sleep, suddenly, feels jerk from the heart(Jerks and shocks well known of Logan) The noise of doorbell wakes him up Unable to sleep after losses in gambling, Mind; gambling, passion for From one crisis to another He enters a situation that matches the depth of his situation A gambling on horse race Take a chance, risk it, a horse race, intense effort, you make it or loose it He thinks about it all the time with urgency To recover comfort, want to go home Shock, someone else is ahead of you, taken over your business You need to race and get ahead It’s not a comparison of strength between you and other person You have lost your position and you need to recover it A lot of fear involved Look like animals Malarial China, Spig, Nat-mur, Coloc, Cina, Lac-D, Nat-Mur Harassed (not persecuted), just when get back up, knocked down again I’m stuck, then again, I’m stuck Like the mosquito, I’m going to have to keep handling it Itching, annoying Harassed, Attacked I am crippled He is dependent, because he is crippled (Malarial miasm) The person is stuck and intermittently attacks Hindered, stuck, dependant, obstructed, periodic, from time to time, attack, harassed Being harassed You’re stuck on position you cannot get out Constantly troubled or irritated You are living with situation No way to get out of it Stuck under irate boss Living in earthquake area, don’t have resources to get out of there Nat-Mur Stuck in position of dependency on someone From time to time this person will acutely betray her Life of grief, being unfortunate Asthma, Neuralgic, Renal Calculi, Colic, Migraines Delusion, Unfortunate So unfortunate to be stuck in this situation Persecuted – is a bit too strong for this malarial miasm – it’s singled out and pursued (more Leprous) Harassed better term for Malarial Part Sycotic (stuck, dependent, not complete), Part Acute He is crippled, dependent on others, can’t do anything about it so he runs away (avoids) In addition, patient is intermittently attacked by panic (Acute) Cancer (Between Sycotic and Syphilitic) Reaching, reaching, reaching for harmony Need to control the chaos inside them Have to have a frantic reaction to survive (a chaos) Over reactive Ardent about things, passionate Demanding too much of himself He is too small to gain control over the chaos as there is a fixed weakness within him DESPARATE—to get back Never complains, doing every ting she needs to do to keep control, staying really calm Whatever needed to be done To stay really calm in a chaotic situation STUCK: says stuck Trying to get to the goals Fighting yourself, trying to get back to work—to get back to... You can get over things (vs. Malarial, it will come back) I can not control it, I try to manage it She’s dead, and I search for strength to go on She was strong then, Now I am the strong one Constant battle—cancer miasm, it is constant (all the time, cancer) They are perfect when they are born (children) I AM STRIVING, REACHING, IN THAT TIME, I AM TRYING TO GET TO THIS POINT WHERE I WILL FEEL GOOD. Rigid, discipline. Thriving on her own chaos, not on other people’s -­‐ Cancer It has to be okay I can’t let it be out of control I have to manage it The battle is head, is it okay, it has to be okay…I can not let it be out of control About trying to manage it Disciplining Achieving goals Stopping the chaos Striving for it Need for cleanliness, organization, order Very conscientious, high achievement in school, important to do things very well On time according to schedule, needing to work as soon as getting up Words Perfection Stretching Managing Fastidious Order Striving Chaotic type (Sankaran) Coping: Control Stretch beyond ones capability Control, perfection, expectation, chaos, beyond ones capability Desperation to be in control in a chaotic situation One lapse, one cheating and everything could be lost A perfectionist, a control freak In what are of their life is the chaos found? In Carc Chaos is in every single area of their life Started right from childhood… Father was drunk doing nothing, I was 3 year old… How did you experience this situation? I experienced it as total chaos…I had to bring it back to order What was your experience at this time? I tried my level best to use all my energy to take my hands and to push him away and say no Not as victim/aggressor; Not of shock She became a nurse in an acute psych ward – a ward of total chaos, her job to bring control there Chaos is every area of her life Arg-Nit The need for control is found in the area of performance, in innovation Like a pilot in plane going out of control Ars Chaos and loss of control over money and security issues and also on ones health Things are slipping out of your hands, your health, your money is just coming out of your hands Desperately trying to hold on to everything you can The desperately trying to control the loss Cannot rest until things are in proper place Desperate over such small details – changes in blood report Doctor look at this little thing going on, what is going on? Staph Control and chaos in area of sensitivity Ran- area of the nerves, as if they are exposed, so sensitive to being observed, insulted, roundness The situation of rudeness is going out of control They are desperately trying to control the anger inside of them At a time, they loose the control, they can throw strike, abuse Need for control is situations of insult or vexation You can not trust You have to do everything on your own Cancer miasm— Must do it all yourself Tubercular Tub, Phos, Dros, Calc-P Words Hectic Closing in Change Defiant Intense Activity Oppression Suffocation Trapped Freedom Oppression goes to Claustrophobia => Breaking Free Hectic pace, restlessness Has intense working of psora with desperation of syph The guy can see help is far far away and death is right around the corner The amount of effort he has to do, travel is very hard Very intense, hectic pace, where don’t have any time Running the race against time, running out of breath The suffocative feeling THE PACE Oh my god, it is sure to come, oh my god, no time… sure to die Starts in the bloody middle of night, then immediately intense A stuck situation It’s getting narrower and narrower, until suffocative A race against time – hectic pace Constant desire to move out – having to rush for the last bus There is no rest, Life is a constant never ending restless movement, This speed Hope is poor Far beyond hope, Far beyond psora Passing sycosis and almost close to syph The situation is not solvable, it is hopeless At best, live with and tolerate situation, at worst – he will be completely destroyed Wasting, emaciation, rapid destruction Fragile: Tall, stooped, Chilly, Worse in winter Escape: Better in open air, Better moving Breath: (need to breath) Cough symptoms, All complaints go to lungs Dissatisfaction: Grass is always greener, they want to go, explore, they all have some of that Need to change everything Lack of tolerance Oppression: Chronically closing in on you, At a certain point feels I have to get out of here, Figuring out how to get out, to next place To get out of marriage, out of job Char: Intense restlessness Especially in insects and spiders If restlessness is not present – you can rule out insect kingdom Case Asthma, very heavy on my chest, as if ribs pulled from inside Wheezing if unable to express myself I want to punch him with my fist I’m locked, packed in a box I am much worse in closed spaces Very constant state for her Very intense I hit the children, I want to break things, to throw things Blockage Too much inside has to be let out Compressed, tied, something stopping you, caged, to break it open Desire to strike out, to break open Not Bird: no survival Not Oxy: no themes of womb or shell – out in the open Dros: a suffocative plant, don’t have trapped and deceit Everything is coming inside, getting tighter and tighter, heavier and heavier Nothing is global – no sensation Purely – Tubercular – all pace and attitude speaks of Tubercular miasm Nosodes experience a lack among themselves It is not limited to structure or competition or sensitivity It encompasses all of this Striking with the fist Desire for fat Tuberculinum Leprous Asking for help – is “gross” – this indicated leprous Isolated Hunted down Poisoned Destroyed Dirty, disgusting Displaced, pushed into a corner Oppression => Isolation, in the corner in the darkness Desperately desires a very radical change to overcome the oppression but there is almost no hope of succeeding Success: Avoids sight of people, shuts himself up, contemptuous, violence Failure: suicidal, homicidal, tear himself, bites, despair More and more desperate So more and more isolated, left to his own devices The situation is one he has to handle on his own So isolated the end is near More and more desperation and intensity Vs. and experience of being excluded, being inside or outside of a group Leprominium) Already feels contempt from others, Already feels disgusting, likes white Between Tub and Syph Intense, hopeless, but just a little hope (not quite Syph) But pretty much hopeless Sense of isolation and despair Many other remedies will feel isolated: Mag, Lily, Mammals The more intense to miasm – the more isolated you feel The more you have to do it on your own In TIS sense, the Leprous miasm feels intensely isolated Less and less space, suffocation Shunned – outcast, secluded, repulsed, dirty, contempt, mutilation, loathing, hunted, despair Tortured (Marlarial – torture too, China, Delusion, persecuted) Persecuted: subjection of group of people to unfair and cruel treatment (this is more Leprous) On a chronic basis Malarial – is intermittent – between periods of relatively calm (this is more harassed) Persecution: Leprous Sounds like animal kingdom – sense of isolation and victim/aggressor Diff: in leprous – no sense of comparison, or hierarchy, or competition, no sense of someone being stronger or weaker Experienced in an intense, cruel, isolating way Case Man, no social life, no pleasure, life a living hell Spoke in soft voice, monotonous, almost like zombie I feel uncomfortable all the time Has given up Feels numbs, and heavy I put myself down I was afraid the taxi driver would abuse me Fright and numbness What picture comes to mind with hurt My dad, would hit me, I was crying helpless, sad, unwanted No one to talk to Dreams of animals chasing me, someone trying to choke me to death In every sense seems like victim and aggressor Only on your own resources – THIS is isolation When are you really on your own – when own family turns against you – TOTAL desperation and hopelessness Solen Horror, fright, panic, alarm, hurt, fight, aggression, brutality, beating, harming, escape, flight Opposite is numbness Sad all the time, puts himself down constantly Leads a completely asocial, isolated experience Remedy: Mand Acute Aconite, Bell, Stram, Lyssin, Hydrogen Oh my god, this is happening, then settle down and you forget about it (Joshi) A suddenness, Sense of impending death I’m going to be killed, I have to do something A rock is falling The need to escape, immediate Instinctive reflective action Once over threat, completely Free again Acute, Sudden, Panic, Danger, Alarm, Helpless, Instinctive, Alarm, Reflex I want to run away and escape (Acute misam – this run away and escape) Comes and goes quickly When goes, almost leaves no trace CHILDHOOD Normally seen in children, everything short and sudden They get excited and then passes over quickly Childish and Naïve Doctor I am scared, will something happen to me, if I assure her, she’d be completely clammed, and go home completely calm They are in the moment, delightful They are not putting things into order Things excite them and passes over quickly Sudden joy, laughter and then gone Reaction is instinctual, child-like reaction Very primal, reflex, I have to get out of here Like clap next to child From no where, sitting eyes closed, then speak, “I have skin problems, doctor” then back again… Nothing long lasting Given Aconite You have to take control you are the pilot – you have to take control (Cancer miasm) The Acute – is the passenger – he clutches the seat and panics