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Allied Health Training Program Course Catalog

Allied health Training Program Course Catalog
Course Catalog
Students should be aware that information in the catalog is
subject to change. It is recommended that students considering
enrollment check with the School Director to determine if there
have been any changes to the information provided since the
publication of this catalog.
Mission and Objectives
Home At Heart Training Center mission and objectives are to
provide up to date, state of the art, allied Health Training to
individuals interested in receiving this training. The objective for
HAH is to turn out high quality, well trained, competent allied
Health professionals who can use their skills to benefit patients
and employers.
Program Description
Phlebotomy Tech
Our National Allied Health Training Program through HAH is a 40
hour program in which students will learn the art of venipuncture.
Students will learn both didactically and hands on during the
class. We will cover anatomy, physiology of blood, equipment, lab
processing, special specimen procurement, OSHA, CLIA
regulations, centrifuging, microscope use, and capillary punctures
etc. Students are required to complete 40 full hours of Phlebotomy
instruction during class, after which they must participate in a 40
hour externship opportunity. They are required to complete 80
hours of Phlebotomy Class and Externship course work in order to
graduate the program. They will also be required to pass 12
chapter quizzes and score at least 80% on a practice exam.
EKG Tech
An EKG technician is trained to use an electrocardiogram (EKG)
machine. This
machine performs a relatively simple, non-invasive, and low-cost test that
can detect dozens of potential heart complications. Despite the simplicity
of this test, it is crucial that the EKG Technician is well trained on various
machines to ensure accurate test results. At HAH you will be trained on
the same equipment found in modern medical facilities. The material
covered in this course includes tracing interpretation, monitoring, safety
procedures, and proper use of EKG equipment. This is a 50 hour course,
40 hours of instructions and 10 hours skills training.
In order to be admitted to our Programs applicants must possess
a high school diploma or its equivalent. Students who do not have
a High School diploma or its equivalent, may take what is called a
placement Exam. The placement exam is designed to measure
the entry-level skills of students who want to attend one or more of
our programs. Passing the exam helps HAH identify potential
students who have not completed High School or its equivalent,
but have the academic skills needed, to be successful in our
program. Home At Heart Training Center has not entered into any
articulation agreements with other educational institutions in which
they accept credits earned at other educational institutions.
School Holidays
Home At Heart Training Center will not conduct classes during the
following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Upon completion the student will schedule appointment to take
national exam with NCCT certifying agency.
Instructors / Qualifications
Kizzie Anderson Bland – Founder / CEO - Kizzie is the
Founder, CEO, Instructor and Owner of Home At Heart Training
Center. Kizzie and her staff are trained, highly qualified
professionals. Kizzie is a RN with 14 1/2 years of
experience (2005- current) and a Certified Phlebotomy
Technician with 5 years’ experience. Home Care Agency
Divisional Administrator, PCA Trainer and Certified CPR
Instructor. Due to her background she relishes pressure and has
an uncanny way of dealing with stressful situations.
Her knowledge of the anatomy and ability to find tough veins has
made her a highly sought after Phlebotomist by her manger and
colleagues. She has a dedicated understanding and passion for
healthcare. With her on the staff, phlebotomy and EKG instructor,
you are guaranteed to get the experience you need to be an
incredible confident healthcare professional.
Samiya Allison – Exam Proctor
Home Care Certified PCA Trainer (5 years) and Certified CPR
Program Coordinator
Will be responsible for day to day operations of Home At Heart
Training Center including site acquisition, marketing, internal
operations, inventory etc.
Student’s Right to Cancel
You are entitled to receive this refund of tuition paid through
attendance at the first day of class, or the seventh calendar day
after enrollment, whichever is later. You as the student have the
right to cancel attendance and obtain a refund of your tuition,
minus the $200 registration fee. You can obtain a refund
by notifying our office in writing, by phone, postal mail or email.
This refund will occur within 45 days of the notification of
Phone - 414-461-2600
Fax - 1-414-461-8690
Email – homeathearttrainingcenter@gmail.com
Address - 7720 West Burleigh lower level
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222
Probation/Dismissal Policy
Home At Heart Training Center reserves the right to place a
student on probation or dismiss a student for behavior not
conducive to a learning environment including but not limited to
foul language, inappropriate content viewed in class on in
electronic or text format, sexual harassment etc. A student will be
given one warning prior to dismissal from the class. A student who
has been dismissed or placed on probation can request in writing
or email to be re-admitted to class. A student who is dismissed
permanently will not have their tuition refunded. They may attend
an future class assuming they have cured their issues. If the
student is dismissed from the second class for an additional
violation, the student loses their tuition and their right to attend the
Regular attendance is necessary for students to achieve
academic success. HAH students are required to maintain proper
attendance to remain in good academic standing. All instructors
will record student’s attendance at every class session and
externship day. Absences are assigned when a student fails to
attend a scheduled class or externship day. Students who are
excessively or frequently tardy may be recorded as absent at the
discretions of the School Director upon discussion with the
instructor. Students are also required to maintain an attendance
rate of 90%, 80% for the program or they will be withdrawn.
Students with absences exceeding 10% of the schedule hours will
be withdrawn from the program and issued a Unofficial
Withdrawal (UW) for an active component classes. No refund will
be issued.
Leave of Absence
Home At Heart Training Center doesn’t have a leave of absence;
if a student have unexpected circumstances and require absence
they will be allowed to make up that time up to 8 hours, if absence
exceeds 8 hours the student can attend a refresher class that
covers the content they missed an additional fee will be charged.
Total Expenses
• Tuition $900.00
• Non Refundable Registration Fee $200.00
• Uniforms (Included In tuition)
• Textbook/ Training Manual (Included in tuition)
• National Certification Exam ( additional fee)
EKG Tech
• Tuition $800.00
• Non Refundable Registration Fee $200.00
• Uniforms (Included In tuition)
• Textbook/ Training Manual (Included in tuition)
• National Certification Exam ( additional fee)
Student Services
Placement Policy
Home At Heart Training Center doesn’t do any formal job
placement, but does do the following for Students regarding
1. We will explain the do's and don’ts of the interview
process, the best ways and tricks of the trade when it comes to
getting a job. We will also discuss interviewing techniques,
resume writing amongst other things
2. Employment presentation. We will teach you where
phlebotomist's work as opposed to leaving you on your own to
figure it out.
3. Externship Opportunities - We have these set up at local
hospitals and healthcare centers for Students to participate in, and
this makes you more employable.
4. We will pass on to you jobs we know about.
5. Return Policy - We allow our students to come back to the class
as many times as they want an additional fee will be applied.
2019/2020 Class Schedule
Career outlook: The demand for Allied Health Professionals
continue to grow.
Career Pathway: students will earn an Allied Health Certificate
upon completion of our courses. After earning certificate,
knowledge can be applied toward taking the National Certification
Class Dates: classes will start monthly
Financial Aid
HAH does not participate in any Federal or State Financial Aid programs.
If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student
will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus
interest, less the amount of any refund, and that, if the student has
received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a
refund of the balance not paid from federal student financial aid program
Students Achievement
HAH will be tracked throughout the class by quizzes and a final exam will
be administered prior to be allowed to challenge the National Exam.
Students must pass all quizzes with at least a 80% in order to continue
and stay on track for graduation. Students may take quizzes on their own
time with the instructor before or after class, but this time will not be
applied to the required program hours.
Home At Heart Training Center does not have ANY pending petition in
bankruptcy. operating as a debtor in possession, HAH has NOT filed a
petition within the preceding five years, nor has HAH had a petition in
bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in
reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
Award of Credit
Credit for prior experiential learning or experience will be awarded based
on the lead instructor’s assessment of the hands on skill set. A $100
assessment fee will be charged for determining credits to be applied to
towards our program. Students can appeal by contacting the corporate
office at 1-888-531-8378.
The transferability of credits you earn at HAH is at the complete discretion
of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the
certificate you earn is also at the complete discretion of the institution to
which you may seek to transfer. If the certificate that you earn at this
institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer,
you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that
institution. For this transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of
your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make
certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational
goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek
to transfer after attending Phlebotomy HAH to determine if your certificate
will transfer.
Home At Heart Training Center does accept students from other
countries but does not provide Visa services. We do not vouch for
students other than to say they are actively engaged and enrolled in an
HAH program. There is no fee for this.
Language Proficiency
Students should be able to read at a 9th grade reading level in order to
succeed in Training Class. There is no assistance given during class for
language barriers, but HAH does allow translators to attend classes and
assist students with translation and word / verbiage clarification.
There will not be any instruction in any other language than English
The facility is class room style with tables and chairs and white
boards with audio visual equipment. The tables and chairs will be
moved around and set up into stations that are conducive to
training. Mannequins, posters, audio visual equipment, Ekg machine
e.t.c will be used in training.
Home At Heart Training Center does not have a library all necessary
materials for students to use will be in class and will be provided.
Students will be given paper copies upon request.
Distant Education
Home At Heart Training Center does not offer any distance
Home at Heart Training center does not maintain dormitory facilities. It’s
not HAH responsibility to find or assist students in locating housing.
Estimated rental according to local housing agencies, rent for one to four
bedroom units range from $600 to $900 per month.
Home at Heart Training center is not accredited by an accredited
agency that is recognized by the United States Department of
Student records will be kept at our corporate office for a period of 5
Grievance Policy/Student Rights
Student grievances can be made by calling Kizzie Anderson Bland ,
the CEO of Home At Heart Training Center at
414-461-260 or by email at homeathearttrainingcenter@gmail.com. A
formal form will be required to be filled out at which the CEO will
address the concerns / grievances with the student and figure out
an amicable solution to the issue.
Student Rights
Home at Heart Training Center affords its students the following
• Access to instructors and management for any assistance
• Fair and impartial treatment
• Providing Student to Privacy to their records
Student Disclosures
A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about
this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
by phone or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained
on the bureau's internet web site. Any questions a student may have
regarding this enrollment agreement that have not been
satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to the
Bureau for Private Postsecondary.
As a prospective student, you are encouraged to review this catalog
prior to signing an enrollment agreement. You are also encouraged
to review the School Performance Fact Sheet, which must be
provided to you prior to signing an enrollment agreement.