PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Parker Boiler Parts Index (by Manufacturer or Part) .............................................................. 1 2. Bulletin GRI 101-5 (Steam Boiler Retube Instructions) ......................................................... 3 3. Bulletin GRI 201 (Hot Water Boiler Retube Instructions) ....................................................... 5 4. BCS 101-210 GB4 (Burner Control System) ......................................................................... 7 5. OI 101-210 GB4 (Operating Instructions) .............................................................................. 9 6. BSC 101-210 GC2 (Burner Control System) ....................................................................... 11 7. OI 101-210 GC2 (Operating Instructions) ............................................................................ 13 8. BCS 101-210 GC6 (Burner Control System) ....................................................................... 15 9. OI 101-210 GB6 or GC6 (Operating Instructions) ............................................................... 17 10. SOI 101-207-IV (Special Operating Instructions) ................................................................ 19 11. 201-210 HWADJ (Temperature Control Adjustment Instructions) ....................................... 21 SECTION 106-107 12. Burks Pumps Series CT ....................................................................................................... 23 13. Burks Pumps Series CS....................................................................................................... 25 14. Bulletin 106 (Burks CT & CS Boiler Feed Pumps) ............................................................... 27 15. Bulletin 106 ADJ (Impeller Adjustment Instructions) ............................................................ 31 SECTION 115 16. Parker Steam Condenser A-147-PSC-INST (Installation) ................................................... 33 SECTION 116 17. Bulletin 505A (Sterlco Control Valves) ................................................................................. 35 18. Sterlco Installation & Operation ........................................................................................... 39 SECTION 117 19. Bulletin 117-D (Steam Line Orifice) ..................................................................................... 41 20. Steam Line Orifice Chart ...................................................................................................... 43 21. Bulletin 117-WG (Water Gauge Glass) ................................................................................ 45 22. Conbraco Water Gauge Glass (Installation Instructions)..................................................... 47 23. Bulletin 117- Sepco 13SR (Silicon Rubbers) ....................................................................... 49 -1- PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. 24. Jerguson Bulletin J500.05 (Installation, Operation & Maintenance Inst.) ............................ 51 25. Safety Precautions-Reflex Water Gage Fixtures ................................................................. 55 26. Jerguson- Bulletin J100.09 (Series 20 Medium Pressure) .................................................. 57 27. Bulletin 117-1001 (Inspection Plugs) ................................................................................... 59 SECTION 118 28. 118 Boiler Alarms ................................................................................................................. 61 SECTION 119 29. McDonnell & Miller Series FS4-3 (Installation & Maintenance) ........................................... 63 30. McDonnell & Miller Series 150 (Low Water Cutoff) ............................................................. 71 31. McDonnell & Miller Series 247-2 (Feeder Cutoffs) .............................................................. 73 SECTION 122 32. Bulletin 122-DD (Draft Diverters) ......................................................................................... 75 33. Bulletin 122-BD (Barometric Damper) ................................................................................. 77 34. Inst 122-FGSS (Installation Instructions) ............................................................................. 79 SECTION 123 35. 123 MSR (Motor Starter Relays) .......................................................................................... 81 36. Bulletin 123ACTech VFD Drives (Supplemental Guidance Sheet) ..................................... 83 37. General Electric 300-Line (Magnetic Starters) ..................................................................... 85 38. Bulletin 123-C2000 GE (Overload Relay) ............................................................................ 87 39. 123 Control Trans (Control Transformer)............................................................................. 89 40. 123-Fuse (for Control Circuits) ............................................................................................. 90 41. Bulletin 123-Color Code (Electrical Wiring).......................................................................... 91 SECTION 125 42. Bulletin K-125-LMI (Compound Feeder Peristaltic) ............................................................. 93 43. Bulletin K-125 (Compound Feeder) ..................................................................................... 95 44. Electrical K-125-P (Wiring Instructions) ............................................................................... 97 45. Installation K-125-ST-P (Installation Instructions) ................................................................ 99 -2- PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. SECTION 127 46. 127 CB 70 (Ball Valve) ....................................................................................................... 101 47. Bulletin 127 United 53 (Check Valve) ................................................................................ 103 48. Bulletin 127 Durabla (Check Valve) ................................................................................... 105 49. Bulletin 127-SV (Conbraco & Kunkle Steam Safety Valves) ............................................. 107 SECTION 128 50. 128 A21B (Gas Regulator) ................................................................................................. 109 51. Bulletin 128 ADJ A-21-B (Adjustement Instructions) ......................................................... 111 SECTION 129-130 52. Bulletin 129-130 (Solenoid Gas Valves) ............................................................................ 113 53. Asco Bulletin 8215 (Installation & Maintenance) ............................................................... 115 SECTION 131 54. Spec Sheet 131-C (Gas Inlet Sizes & Pressures) ............................................................. 123 55. Maxitrol Bulletin MP-2033 (RV81-RV 131 Parts & Service) .............................................. 125 56. Maxitrol Bulletin MP2034 (RV210 Parts & Service) ........................................................... 127 SECTION 133 57. Honeywell C6097A,B Pressure Switches (Product Data).................................................. 129 58. Bulletin 133-L404-604 (Honeywell L404 & L604 Pressure Controllers) ............................ 137 59. Honeywell L4079A,B,W PressureTrol Limit Control .......................................................... 139 60. Honeywell L91A,B,D Proportioning Pressuretrol Controllers............................................. 143 61. Honeywell Series 90 Motors (Product Data) ...................................................................... 153 62. Honeywell Q7130A, Q7230A, Q7330A, Q7630A .............................................................. 165 63. Honeywell 4074EDC 4-20mA Resistor Kit for Super Mod Motors ..................................... 173 64. Honeywell 7800 Series RM7890A,B,C Relay Module ....................................................... 175 65. Honeywell Amplifiers for 7800 Series Relay Modules ....................................................... 187 66. Honeywell Series RM7895A-D Relay Module ................................................................... 195 67. Honeywell 7800 Series S7800A Keyboard Display Module .............................................. 207 68. Honeywell 7800 Series ST7800A Plug-In Purge Timer ..................................................... 255 -3- PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. 69. Honeywell 133 S86 (Intermittent Pilot Modules)(Pages 1-4) ............................................. 257 70. Bulletin SYNETEK 1, Synetek IS1070T Intermittent Pilot Ignition Control ........................ 261 71. Honeywell S8600, S8610, S8660, S8670 (Intermittent Pilot Modules) ............................. 265 72. Honeywell T775A-D Remote Temperature Controller ....................................................... 281 73. Bulletin 133-T775, T775A Honeywell Temperature Controller (Setting Instructions) ........ 297 74. Bulletin 133-T775-ETT – T775A Honeywell Hi-Low Temperature Controller .................... 299 75. Bulletin 133-T775-ETM – T775E Honeywell Modulating Temperature Controller ............ 301 76. Bulletin 133-T775-EOOR – T775J Honeywell Outdoor Temperature Controller ............... 303 77. Bulletin 133-T775-E2OR – T775J Honeywell Outdoor High-Low Temp Controller .......... 307 78. Bulletin 133-T775-ETMOR – T775J Honeywell Outdoor Modulating Temp Controller ..... 313 79. Honeywell T775 Controllers, 2000 Series (Memo 2/09) ................................................... 315 80. Honeywell T775 Series 2000 Electronic Stand-Alone Controllers ..................................... 319 81. Bulletin 133-T775A-Off-On-T775A2009 Operating Control ............................................... 323 82. Bulletin 133-T775B-2 Stage-T775B2032 Two Stage Control ............................................ 325 83. Bulletin 133-T775M-MOD-T775M2048 Operating and Modulating Control ...................... 327 84. Bulletin 133-T775U-1-2 Stage Steam-T775U2006 Electronic Steam Operating Control .. 329 85. Bulletin 133-T775U-MOD-STEAM-T775U2006 Steam Operating & Modulating Control .. 331 86. Bulletin 133-T775U-HW-O.R.-MOD-T775U2006 Outdoor Control .................................... 333 87. Honeywell 133-MTR (Motorized Fuel Gas Valves) ............................................................ 335 88. Honeywell V4055 (On-Off Fluid Power Gas Valve Actuator) ............................................ 337 89. Honeywell V4730C/V8730C Gas/Air Servo Regulated Gas Valve .................................... 345 90. Bulletin 133 149 IPCV2 (24V IP Dual Combo Valve Gas Controls) .................................. 359 91. Bulletin 133 H V4943-4 (Combination Diaphragm Gas Valves) ........................................ 361 92. Honeywell Q179A,B Gas Pilot Burner Assemblies ............................................................ 363 SECTION 134 93. Midco Butterfly Valve (Features & Specs) ......................................................................... 369 -4- PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. SECTION 136 94. Gas Burner Bulletin 136-A ................................................................................................. 371 95. Atmospheric Gas Fired Boilers (Change of Orifice Size-Higher Altitude).......................... 373 SECTION 143 96. Warrick Bulletin 143-A (Advantages & Features) .............................................................. 375 97. Warrick Sheet 143 TS-1 (Trouble Shooting) ...................................................................... 377 98. Warrick Bulletin 143 P3 (Advantages & Features) ............................................................ 379 99. Warrick Bulletin 143-B (Warrick Series DFL & 26B) ........................................................ 381 100. Warrick Bulletin 143 P3B (Water Level Control)............................................................. 383 101. Warrick Bulletin 143 P4B (Water Level Control Solid State) .......................................... 385 102. Warrick Bulletin 143 TS-2 (Trouble Shooting) ................................................................ 387 103. Diagnostic Codes-Series 23 and DFL Controls .............................................................. 389 SECTION 145 104. Fireye Bulletin 145 M1R ................................................................................................. 397 105. Fireye MC-5000 (Fireye Modular MicroM) ...................................................................... 399 106. Fireye MEP-5201 (Programmer Modules) ...................................................................... 453 107. Fireye ED510 (Display Module) ...................................................................................... 455 SECTION 147 108. United Electric E54 ( IMT54-01 Installation & Maintenance) .......................................... 467 SECTION 148 109. Johnson P74 Product Bulletin (Differential Pressure Controls) ...................................... 473 110. Johnson P74 Differential Pressure Controls ................................................................... 475 111. Johnson V47 Series (Temperature Actuated Modulating Valve) ................................... 477 112. Johnson 201-210-A419 (Johnson Controls) ................................................................... 479 113. Johnson Flow Switch F61 (Standard Flow Rate-SPDT)................................................. 481 SECTION 149 114. Robertshaw Bulletin 149 GVERLC (Robertshaw 3/8" 7000 GVERLC) .......................... 483 -5- PARKER PARTS CATALOG INDEX 1K2 Bulletin Page No. SECTION 151 115. Antunes Gas Pressure Switches Model-G (Installation)................................................. 487 116. Antunes Air Flow Interlocking Switches Model SMD (Installation) ................................. 489 SECTION 152 117. West P6701-M.R. Electrical Limit Temperature Control………………………………….491 118. Bulletin 152-Stack-West P6701 Operation and Setup Instructions……………………...495 119. Wiring Model: 207 GC6 962461C West P6701 Sample Wiring………………………….497 SECTION 153 120. Siemens Compact Universal Control (RWF40) .............................................................. 499 121. Bulletin 153-INST (Supplemental Guidance Sheet for Siemens RWF40)...................... 501 SECTION 154 122. Love SI-200-LOVE-25113-0 (Instructions, On/Off)......................................................... 503 123. Love SI-200-LOVE-25115-MA (Instructions, Modulating) .............................................. 505 SECTION 161 124. Honeywell 134 Q179A-IP (Pilot Burner Assembly Drawing) .......................................... 509 125. Honeywell 134 SS-IP (Stringer Pilot Burner Assembly Drawing) ................................... 511 126. 149 6C10-CP (6C10 Pilot Burner Assembly Drawing) .................................................. 513 127. Bulletin 149 6C10-TS (Trouble Shooting) ....................................................................... 514 128. A-161-UPDSK (Pilot Draft Shield Installation) ................................................................ 515 129. Bulletin 136 PFLT( Pilot & Flame Lockout Trouble Shooting) ........................................ 517 SECTION 220 130. Bulletin 220 (Watts & Kunkle Valves) ............................................................................. 519 131. Watts No. 152 Process Steam Regulators (252 Series) ................................................ 521 132. Watts No. 127 Steam Pressure Regulators (127 Series) ............................................... 522 MISC 133. DGI 101-514 (Deliveries & Gen. Info.) ............................................................................ 523 -6- Page 1 BPI-1 OD7 PAGE 1 PARKER -BOILER PARTS INDEX ITEM A Alarm Allen Bradley Relays Anchor Hold Down Clips Antunes Controls Armstrong Steam Traps Asco Valves For Asco General Controls, see 129 B B & G, Bell & Gossett Ball Valves Barometric Dampers Bells, Alarm Blowoff Tanks Blowoff Tank Cooling Assembly Blowoff Valves Blue White Bob Float Valves Boiler Tubing, Drum & Parts Bonney Valves Brackets, Mounting Burks Turbine & Centrifugal Pumps & Parts Burners, Atmospheric Gas Burner Stringer Pipe or Assembly Buss-Fuses & Holders Buzzer, Alarm C Cabinets, Boiler Replacement Carryover Tubes Circuit Breaker Cleveland Controls Compound, For Steam & Hot Water Boilers Compound Feeder Conbraco Condensate Transfer System Controls (See Manufacturer or Type) D Deltrol Relays Draft Hoods Dragon Valve Drums, Boiler Replacement Durabla F Fireye Controls Flame Rods Flue Gas Spillage Switch Fuses W:\Prices\Parts\Index.doc SHEET NO. 118 123 161 151 116 130 156 127 122 118 115 115 127 & 128 125 106 Series # 127 136 107 136 Series # 123 118 Series # 136 123 150 125 125 127 107 ---123 122 127 Series # 127 145 133 122 123 ITEM G Gas Controls - See Manufacturer Gas Valves, Manual Gages, Pressure General Controls General Electric Glass for Water Gage Gage Glass Rubbers (Silicon or Teflon) Grounding Parts Grundfos H Handhold Assembly & Parts Heat Exchanger Parts Heaters, Motor Starters Honeywell Horn, Alarm I Ignition Transformers Indicator Lights Industrial Timer Relays Inspection Plugs, Gaskets Insulation ITT General Controls J Jerguson Reflex Water Gage Johnson Controls K Kunkle L Lead-Lag Panel Lights, Indicator Line Electrical Controls LMI Feeder Pump Love Controls Lunkenheimer Valves M McDaniels Suction Tee McDonnell Miller Maintenance Manuals Manhole Assembly & Parts Maxitrol Gas Pressure Regulators Midco Valves Miscellaneous Parts Motor Starting Relays N Nameplates SHEET NO. ---127 116 129 123 117 117 123 157 161 210 & 511 123 133 118 123 123 123 117 162 129 117 148 & 129 127 161 123 118 & 123 125 154 128 161 119 161 161 131 134 161 123 161 Page 2 BPI-1 OD7 PAGE 2 PA R K E R B O I L E R P A R T S I N D E X ITEM O Orifice, Gas Burners Orifice, Union Steam P P-3, P-4 Water Level Controls Panel, Electrical Parker Gas Burner Partlow Temperature Control Penn-Baso Photocell Pilot Burners, Orifices, Accessories Pilot Draft Shield Pilot Strainers Pipe Dope Lubricant-Sealant Plugs, Inspection & Gaskets Powell Powers-Regulators & Controls Pre-heaters Pressure Gage Pressure Reducing Valve (Steam) Pressure Regulators, Steam & Water Proheco Pumps, Circulating Pumps, Turbine & Centrifugal-Burks R Reflex Water Gages Relays, Electrical Return System, Tank & Parts Robertshaw S Safety Valves for Steam Safety Relief Valves for Hot Water Spence, Steam Pressure Regulator SSAC Time Delay Relays Steam Condenser Sterlco, Temperature Regulator Strainers Strainers, Pilot Superior Steam Pressure Gas Regulator Switches, Electrical Syphon W:\Prices\Parts\Index.doc SHEET NO. 136 117 ITEM T Taco Tanks, Return Tape 143 Teflon Tape 123 Temperature Controls, White Rodgers 136 Temperature Gages 135 Thermocouples 148 & 129 Thermometers 133 Time Delay 133, 149, 129 Transformers 161 Traps, Steam 127 Try Cock 117 Tubes, Boiler Replacement 117 U 128 United Brass 116 United Electric 106 V 116 Valves, Float (Bob) 220 & 116 Valves, Safety Relief-Hot Water 116 Valves, Safety-Steam 161 Valves, Solenoid or Magnetic 107 Valves, Steam, BD, Check, Gate, Etc. 107 Valves, Steam Pressure Reducing Valves, Steam Pressure Regulator 117 Valves, Three Port Test 123 Vent Pipe and Fittings 106 W 149 Warrick Probe Water Level Controls Water Column Accessories 127 & 128 Water Gage Glass 220 & 128 Water Treatment 116 Watts 123 Webster (Transformers) 115 White Rodgers 116 Wire, Electric 116 Z 127 Zenith 128 123 116 SHEET NO. 155 106 161 117 132 116 149 116 123 123 116 127 Series # 128 147 106 220 & 128 127 & 128 129 & 130 127, 128, 220 & 116 116 128 122 143 117 117 125 220 123 132 123 123 Page 3 BULLETIN GRI 101-5 4C PARKER STEAM BOILERS GENERAL RETUBE INSTRUCTIONS I. WHEN SHOULD TUBES BE REPLACED: Boiler tubes should be replaced only if deemed advisable from an internal and external inspection. If the tubes are leaking resulting from a general scale condition, corrosion or excessive burning, it is considered advisable to replace the entire set if such condition is present in several tubes. It is not considered advisable to replace only one tube unless a careful internal inspection is made and all other tubes are found to be in perfect condition. Boiler tubes can be reversed to provide longer life after years of service on Parker Boilers when considered advisable from inspection. If a heavy scale condition is present in the boiler tubes, but there are no signs of leaks or excessive warping, it is considered advisable to clean the boiler tubes in accordance with Bulletin 1003-821-E. II. BASIC INSTRUCTIONS REQUIRED ON RETUBING: 1. Thoroughly test steam drum with heavy hammer, particularly over the upper section, to be certain the drum is in perfect condition and will pass inspection. If the drum shows any weakness, it should be replaced. 2. Thoroughly clean the internal steam drum. Inspect to be certain all scale and deposits are properly removed from the drum before new tubes are installed. Remove inspection plugs and wash out thoroughly. 3. Replace all internal fittings including all blowdown connections, water feed line, tube connections and water column connections. 4. Replace the internal safety valve connection, steam valve connections, and water column connections. 5. Clean burners and orifices in burner spuds on gas fired models. Care must be taken to prevent damage to burner or orifices. 6. Install tubes and all connection fittings in a correct manner so that each of the tubes and fittings are connected properly without leaks and strain. 7. Hydrostatically test the unit for 1-1/2 times the working pressure. 8. Be certain to locate baffles and tube braces in proper position. See drawing furnished. 9. Inspect and repair cabinet. Insulation should be replaced if the boiler has been overheated, or on signs of deterioration of the insulation. Cabinet should be properly repaired and painted with a heat resistant enamel or equal. 10. Check and clean the condensate tank, blowdown tank and all connecting lines to and from the boiler. 11. Fire test the boiler and bring up to operating pressure, making a complete test to be certain that performance is satisfactory. Blow the boiler down at least two times in the normal manner before the system is put into service to remove all foreign matter. III. IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPER BOILER OPERATION: Determine the cause of the tube replacement and take the proper precautionary measures to prevent recurrence. If the replacement resulted from overheating, proper controls should be installed and sufficient maintenance undertaken to eliminate future problems. If replacement resulted from a water condition, samples should be taken in accordance with Water Sample Bulletin 1002 and proper water treating program and blowdown program started in accordance with Water Treatment Bulletin 1001-B. See Guide on Proper Boiler Operation Bulletin 101-5 and Daily Boiler Blowdown Instruction Sheet. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ON RETUBING, SEE SPECIFIC RETUBE INSTRUCTION BULLETIN AND RETUBE INSTRUCTION AND BAFFLE PLACEMENT DRAWING. GRI101-5.DOC Page 4 Page 5 BULLETIN GRI 201 0A PARKER HOT WATER BOILERS GENERAL RETUBE INSTRUCTIONS I. WHEN BOILER SHOULD BE RETUBED Boiler tubes should be replaced only if deemed advisable from an internal and external inspection. If the tubes are leaking resulting from a general scale condition, corrosion or excessive burning, it is considered advisable to replace the entire Tube Bundle Assy. if such condition is present in several tubes. It is not considered feasible to replace only one tube unless a careful internal inspection is made and all other tubes are found to be in perfect condition. Determine the cause of the tube replacement and take the proper precautionary measures to prevent recurrence. If the replacement resulted from overheating, proper controls should be installed and sufficient maintenance undertaken to eliminate future problems. If replacement resulted from a water condition, all leaks should be repaired so there will be no water loss in the system and proper water treatment used. The system should be initially cleaned and proper water treatment added, see Bulletin CWT-201 for proper recommendations. The system should be inspected each year and, on indication of rust, scale or dirt, should be thoroughly flushed and cleaned. II. RETUBE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Cabinet must be removed for retubing. The cabinet is a two section model and can be removed as follows: A. Disconnect the following: 1. Inlet and outlet circulating lines 2. Drain line 3. Safety valve(s) 4. All other connecting lines 5. Electrical 6. Vent stack(s) B. Remove the cabinet as follows: 1. Take the sheet metal screws out of the outer lid including stack supports (if furnished), and lift off. T-6800 has a two piece outer lid with a slip fit in center. 2. Take off the top insulation sheet and top inner-lid. 3. Remove the sheet metal screws in the side of the cabinet (both header collars). 4. Pull the cabinet apart from the center and lift off. ** 2. Boiler has one complete Tube Bundle Assy. mounted on frame. ** Unbolt tube bundle and cut welds between A-Frame and Boiler Frame. Remove the old Tube Bundle Assy. being careful not to damage the burners. Clean burners and spuds. Replace Tube Bundle Assy. and reboot. Make certain that the tube braces and baffles furnished with the new Tube Bundle Assy. are in proper position. Test to be certain there are no leaks. 3. Replace the cabinet in the same manner disassembled. It is recommended to replace any deteriorated insulation. Repair any burned out metal and patch over and refinish the cabinet with heat resistant enamel. 4. Reassemble all of the connections and fittings in the same manner taken apart. 5. Before putting into service, flush the system thoroughly so that it is clean and tests against leaks. 6. Fire test the boiler and bring up the operating temperature, making a complete test to be certain that all safety controls function and performance is satisfactory. **T-160 to T-300 Tube Bundle Assy. is held in place by cabinet and does not have a supporting A-Frame. Be careful to support Tube Bundle Assy. when removing cabinet on these models. GRI201.DOC Page 6 Page 7 BCS 101-210 GB4 PAGE 1 OF 2 5A BURNER CONTROL SYSTEM GB4 PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS HONEYWELL S86-- SYSTEM WITH INTERMITTENT PILOT 1. FLAME SAFETY SYSTEM: The Flame Safety System consists of a Honeywell S86-- 100% Shutoff Control Module and a combination pilot burner igniter-sensor to provide instant shutoff on pilot failure. The S86-- Control Module provides flame supervision and spark ignition through a single wire to the igniter-sensor in an exclusive electronic flame rectification circuit wherein shorts or grounds cannot simulate the presence of a flame. Whenever the boiler is firing, the pilot burner flame is supervised. Should pilot failure occur, the main burner is instantly shutdown (.8 seconds) and trial for pilot ignition starts. If within 15 seconds the pilot is not proven, the system goes out on safety lockout and the control must be manually reset by turning off electrical power for approximately 60 seconds. During operation, whenever the operating control or any safety or limit control breaks its circuit, the main burner and pilot turn off. On the next call for heat, the pilot will automatically ignite and once it is safely proven by the electronic control, the main burner will turn on. The system operates on 24 Volts using a 115/24 Volt transformer. 2. IGNITION SYSTEM: The Ignition System consists of the S86-- Control Module, the Pilot Burner Igniter-Sensor and the Pilot Electric Gas Valve, which will automatically ignite the pilot (The Pilot Valve is also the first main Valve in a Dual Valve Combination Gas Control). When there is a call for heat, the S86-- Control Module provides a high voltage spark through the Igniter-Sensor wire and energizes the Pilot Electric Gas Valve. The S86-- Control Module senses the pilot flame through this same wire and shuts off the ignition spark after the pilot is proven. 3. PILOT BURNER: A Honeywell Q348A Pilot Burner Igniter-Sensor is used to automatically ignite the main burner whenever the gas is turned on and all safety and limit controls are energized. The pilot burner contains a combination spark electrode/flame rod and employs an intermittent pilot, which is lighted automatically each time there is a call for heat. The pilot burns during the entire period that the main burner is firing and turns off when the main burner goes off. 4. ELECTRIC GAS VALVE(S): Dual Electric Gas Valves are installed on the burner manifold for the purpose of shutting off all gas flow to the main burner. If a Dual Valve Combination Gas Control is furnished, it combines the Manual Main/Pilot Gas Valve, Main Gas Pressure Regulator, pilot adjusting screw and two Main Electric Gas Valves. The First Main Electric Valve also acts as the Electric Pilot Valve shutting off flow to the pilot. On some applications, separate individual gas controls are furnished, including a separate electric Pilot Valve, in place of the Dual Valve Combination Gas Control. The Electric Valves are 24 Volt and are wired to the S86-- Control Module and in series with all Safety and Limit Controls so that in the event of the pilot failure, low water, unsafe limits or electrical failure, they will automatically shut off the flow of gas, thereby preventing a hazardous condition from occurring in the boiler. 5. LOW WATER CUTOFF: All Boilers are standardly furnished with a probe type low water cutoff. A separate secondary low water cutoff is recommended on all boilers and standardly furnished on all steam boilers. The low water cutoff is wired in series with the electric gas valves to shut off the main burner on a low water experience. This control is very reliable having no moving parts on the water side. If a float type control is furnished, it should be regularly flushed and cleaned. One manual reset control is furnished. It is necessary to reset this control any time a low water condition occurs. For further details, see Bulletin on this control. BCS 101-210 GB4 PAGE 2 OF 2 5A Page 8 6. LOW WATER ALARM - STANDARD ON 70-150 HP STEAM BOILERS ONLY: If a Low Water Alarm is furnished, it is wired in conjunction with the low water cutoffs to automatically sound whenever a low water condition exists in the boiler. The alarm should sound whenever electricity is applied to the boiler and on steam boilers when there is no water level visible in the gauge glass. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with an alarm horn. When required, the same alarm is also used to indicate "safety lockout" of the flame safeguard. The same alarm is also used to indicate a high water condition when a high water alarm is required and furnished. The alarm may be silenced by turning the Main Burner Switch to the "Off" position so that the cause of the alarm may be corrected. When the alarm is silenced in this manner, the burner will also be turned off. When refilling steam boilers after blowdown, the main burner switch may be turned off and the boiler feed pump can be energized without the burner turning on. 7. PUMP CONTROL & MOTOR STARTING RELAY --STEAM BOILERS ONLY: The Pump Control is wired in conjunction with the boiler feed pump to inject water into the boiler as required. The pump control energizes the pump until water reaches the normal water level height. The pump is reenergized any time the water level drops to the pump start level. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with two pump controls. The pump controls are wired to first start pump #1 on a drop of water level and then Pump #2 if the water level continues to drop. A Pump Motor Starting Relay is furnished as a means of switching on the heavy current load of each Boiler Water Feed Pump with the contacts available in the water level pump control. If a Pump Motor Starter with heaters is furnished, be certain that the proper sized heaters are installed to protect the pump motor from overloads. For further details, see Bulletin 123 MSR. 8. OPERATING & HIGH LIMIT CONTROLS: All boilers are furnished with separate high limit and operating controls. Steam boilers are furnished with pressure controls. Hot water Boilers are furnished with temperature controls. See separate Bulletin for proper setting of these controls. 9. OTHER TRIM: The Boiler Controls Switch is furnished for convenience in electrically shutting off the boiler controls circuit. CAUTION--HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK: The Boiler Controls Switch does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. A Main Line Disconnect Switch, with fused disconnect or circuit breakers, must be installed and turned "OFF" whenever servicing the panel. All Boilers Controls are standardly furnished for 115 Volt operation. When 3 Phase pump service (or 230 Volt, single Phase) is used, a Control Transformer is standardly furnished to reduce boiler control voltage to 115 Volts. The boiler control circuit is then protected from over-current and short circuits by a circuit breaker or a fuse. If a door interlock is furnished, it turns off the boiler control circuit whenever the panel door is open. It does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. Be certain that the panel door is tightly shut so this interlock is energized or the boiler will not turn on. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO STARTUP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. P\BCSGB4.DOC Page 9 OI 101-210 GB4 5A OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS WITH GB4 CONTROL SYSTEMS LIGHTING & RELIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. TURN ALL MANUAL GAS VALVE(S) TO "OFF" POSITION AND WAIT 5 MINUTES. 2. TO LIGHT: A. Turn on electricity. Turn off main burner switch. Manual reset controls may require resetting. Turn all upstream manual gas valve(s) to “ON” Position but leave downstream gas cock closed (If furnished). B. With control power on, level safe, and limit safe, turn on main burner switch. Pilot will automatically ignite & when proven, spark turns off. 3. WITH PILOT SAFELY ON, MAIN BURNER WILL TURN ON. Downstream gas cock, if furnished, must be opened. 4. IF PILOT GOES OUT: TURN ALL MANUAL GAS VALVE(S) TO "OFF" POSITION, TURN OFF ELECTRICITY WHICH RESETS FLAME SAFETY AND WAIT 5 MINUTES. Repeat above Instructions. For further details see Operating Instructions. 5. DAILY ROUTINE, CHECK ALL SAFETY CONTROLS. 6. SHUTDOWN: A. Turn off electricity to boiler. Check flame to see that burners are off. B. Turn all manual gas valve(s) to “OFF” position. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO STARTUP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. BURNER FAILURE INSTRUCTIONS: If Boiler ceases to fire or refuses to start: 1. On Pilot Failure, control module will lock out. Turn all manual gas valve(s) to "OFF" position. To reset, turn off electricity and wait 60 seconds; then follow above Instructions. 2. If a pilot failure, low water level condition, or high limit condition has caused the boiler to be shut down, do not place the boiler back in operation until the cause of the shutdown has been determined and corrected. If a pilot failure occurs, always turn all manual gas valves to "OFF" position and wait at least 5 minutes to assure an adequate purge before attempting to restart boiler. 3. Check water level, safety and limit controls. 4. Check electric supply and fuse box or circuit breakers. 5. Check gas supply. 6. The proper positioning of the Igniter-sensor is very important. See bulletin on Pilot. 7. Review sequence of operation, burner controls system and flame safety instruction sheets. 8. If Boiler still fails, call in competent Service Personnel. NOTE: Upstream Manual Gas Valve may be part of a Combination Gas Control. Main Downstream Manual Gas Cock, if furnished, is the one on the Burner Manifold after the Electric Safety Shutoff Gas Valves nearest the Burner. SO 101-210 GB4 5A Page 10 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION GB4 CONTROL SYSTEM WITH S86-- CONTROL MODULE & INTERMITTENT PILOT I. CONTROL POWER ON: With the electrical switches turned on, power is supplied to the control circuit and first low water level cutoff. If there is no power to control circuit, check switches, fuses, or circuit breakers, improper electrical supply, broken loose or dirty electrical connections. If a door interlock is furnished, be certain that boiler control panel door is tightly shut so that the door interlock will be energized. The "Control Power On" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. II. LEVEL SAFE: With the control power on and a safe level in boiler the circuit through the low water level cutoff(s) is completed. NOTE: If a manual reset type low level cutoff is used, it may first be necessary to reset control. "Level Safe" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. III. LIMIT SAFE: With the water level control(s) energized, a circuit to the limit controls is completed. If the pressure (or temperature on hot water boilers) in the boiler is below the high limit setting, a circuit is completed through the high limit. If the high limit is a manual reset type, it will require resetting if it cycles off. If manual reset gas pressure switches are furnished, they will require resetting if they cycle off. "Limit Safe" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. IV. CALL FOR HEAT: With the limit controls energized and the main burner switch on, a circuit to the operating control is completed. If the Operating Control is calling for heat, the circuit to the S86-- Control Module is completed and the following sequence takes place ("Call for Heat" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on): BURNER START-UP 1. Control Transformer (115V/24V) is energized and a 24V circuit is completed to the S86-control module. Ignition spark is energized and the pilot electric valve is energized. (The pilot electric valve is the first main valve in a dual valve combination gas control). 2. Pilot flame must be proven within 15 seconds or safety lockout occurs. If a safety lockout alarm sounds, power must be shut off for approximately 60 seconds to reset control. 3. If pilot is proven, ignition turns off and main electric valves (Second valve in dual valve combination gas control) are energized. Any time there is a loss of flame signal the S86-control closes the main electric valve(s) and returns spark for 15 seconds. If pilot is not proven, lockout occurs. 4. Burner operates until heat demand is satisfied. BURNER SHUTDOWN 1. Burner turns off when heat demand is satisfied. All main/pilot electric gas valves close. Pilot turns off. 2. If Indicator Lights are furnished, the "Call for Heat" light will turn off and the first 3 lights will remain on. If the first 3 lights are not on, the highest light off indicates which failure has caused the boiler to be safely shutdown. Page 11 BCS 101-210 GC2 PAGE 1 OF 2 5A BURNER CONTROL SYSTEM GB2 OR GC2 PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS FIREYE M SERIES II OR HONEYWELL RM7890A FLAME SAFEGUARD WITH INTERMITTENT PILOT 1. FLAME SAFETY SYSTEM: The Flame Safety System consists of a Fireye M Series II or Honeywell RM7890A Electronic Control with a flame rod to provide instant automatic 100% shutoff on pilot failure. The electronic combustion safeguard control is especially designed for instantaneous flame detection. Flame supervision is provided by the flame rod in an exclusive electronic flame rectification circuit wherein short circuits or grounds cannot simulate the presence of a flame. Whenever the boiler is firing, the pilot burner flame is supervised. Should a pilot failure occur, the main burner is instantly shut down within 4 seconds. If within 10 to 15 seconds the pilot is not proven, the system goes out on safety lockout and the button on the flame safeguard must be manually reset (with power to the control) before the boiler may be restarted. During operation, whenever the operating control or any safety or limit control breaks its circuit, the main burner and pilot turn off. On the next call for heat, the pilot will automatically ignite and once it is safely proven by the electronic control, the main burner will turn on. 2. IGNITION SYSTEM: The Ignition System consists of an Electric Pilot Valve, high voltage Ignition Transformer, and a spark ignition electrode, which will automatically ignite the pilot. When there is a call for heat, the flame safeguard energizes the pilot valve and ignition transformer to produce an intense spark, which will readily ignite the pilot. The transformer is rated for continuous duty and on many systems the spark continues whenever the pilot is burning. 3. PILOT BURNER: A Honeywell Q179 Pilot Burner Igniter-Sensor is used to automatically ignite the main burner whenever the gas is turned on and all safety and limit controls are energized. This system employs an intermittent pilot, which is lighted automatically each time there is a call for heat. The pilot burns during the entire period that the main burner is firing and turns off when the main burner goes off. 4. ELECTRIC GAS VALVE(S): Dual Electric Gas Valves are electrically operated valves installed on the burner manifold for the purpose of shutting off all gas flow to the burner except the pilot. The valves are wired for 115 volt, single phase operation. Both gas valves are wired in with all the safety and limit controls so that in the event of low water, pilot failure, electrical failure, or high limit, they will automatically shut off the main flow of gas, thereby, preventing a hazardous condition from occurring in the boiler. For further details, see Bulletin on particular valve. 5. LOW WATER CUTOFF: All Boilers are standardly furnished with a probe type low water cutoff. A separate secondary low water cutoff is recommended on all boilers and standardly furnished on all steam boilers. The low water cutoff is wired in series with the electric gas valves to shut off the main burner on a low water experience. This control is very reliable having no moving parts on the water side. If a float type control is furnished, it should be regularly flushed and cleaned. One manual reset control is furnished. It is necessary to reset this control any time a low water condition occurs. For further details, see Bulletin on this control. BCS 101-210 GC2 PAGE 2 OF 2 5A Page 12 6. LOW WATER ALARM - STANDARD ON 70-150 HP STEAM BOILERS ONLY: If a Low Water Alarm is furnished, it is wired in conjunction with the low water cutoffs to automatically sound whenever a low water condition exists in the boiler. The alarm should sound whenever electricity is applied to the boiler and on steam boilers when there is no water level visible in the gauge glass. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with an alarm horn. When required, the same alarm is also used to indicate "safety lockout" of the flame safeguard. The same alarm is also used to indicate a high water condition when a high water alarm is required and furnished. The alarm may be silenced by turning the Main Burner Switch to the "Off" position, so that the cause of the alarm may be corrected. When the alarm is silenced in this manner, the burner will also be turned off. When refilling steam boilers after blowdown, the main burner switch may be turned off and the boiler feed pump can be energized without the burner turning on. 7. PUMP CONTROL & MOTOR STARTING RELAY--STEAM BOILERS ONLY: The Pump Control is wired in conjunction with the boiler feed pump to inject water into the boiler as required. The pump control energizes the pump until water reaches the normal water level height. The pump is reenergized any time the water level drops to the pump start level. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with two pump controls. The pump controls are wired to first start pump #1 on a drop of water level and then Pump #2 if the water level continues to drop. A Pump Motor Starting Relay is furnished as a means of switching on the heavy current load of each Boiler Water Feed Pump with the contacts available in the water level pump control. If a Pump Motor Starter with heaters is furnished, be certain that the proper sized heaters are installed to protect the pump motor from overloads. For further details, see Bulletin 123 MSR. 8. OPERATING & HIGH LIMIT CONTROLS: All boilers are furnished with separate high limit and operating controls. Steam boilers are furnished with pressure controls. Hot water Boilers are furnished with temperature controls. See separate Bulletin for proper setting of these controls. 9. OTHER TRIM: The Boiler Controls Switch is furnished for convenience in electrically shutting off the boiler controls circuit. CAUTION--HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK: The Boiler Controls Switch does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. A Main Line Disconnect Switch, with fused disconnect or circuit breakers, must be installed and turned "OFF" whenever servicing the panel. All Boilers Controls are standardly furnished for 115 Volt operation. When 3 Phase pump service (or 230 Volt, single Phase) is used, a Control Transformer is standardly furnished to reduce boiler control voltage to 115 Volts. The boiler control circuit is then protected from over-current and short circuits by a circuit breaker or a fuse. If a door interlock is furnished, it turns off the boiler control circuit whenever the panel door is open. It does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. Be certain that the panel door is tightly shut so this interlock is energized or the boiler will not turn on. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO STARTUP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. BCSGC2.DOC Page 13 OI 101-210 GC2 5A OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS WITH GB2 OR GC2 CONTROL SYSTEMS LIGHTING AND RELIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLOSE MAIN AND PILOT GAS COCKS AND WAIT 5 MINUTES. TO LIGHT: (Do Not Attempt to Light Pilot with Main Downstream Gas Cock Open). A. Turn on electricity. Turn off Main Burner Switch. If Gas Pressure Switches are furnished, open Upstream Gas Cock but leave Main Downstream Gas Cock closed. Manual Reset Controls, if furnished, must be reset. B. With Control Power On, Level Safe, and Limit Safe, Open small Pilot Gas Cock and Turn on Main Burner Switch. Pilot will automatically ignite. WITH PILOT SAFELY ON, OPEN MAIN GAS COCK(S). IF PILOT GOES OUT, RESET FLAME SAFEGUARD AND REPEAT ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS. For further details see instructions below and Flame Safeguard Bulletin. DAILY ROUTINE, CHECK ALL SAFETY CONTROLS. SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn off electricity to boiler. Check Flame to see that Main and Pilot Burners are off. Manually close Main Gas Cocks. Manually close Pilot Gas Cock. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO START-UP, ADJUST, OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL(S). BURNER FAILURE INSTRUCTIONS: If boiler ceases to fire or refuses to start: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Manually close Main and Pilot Gas Cocks, reset button on Flame Safeguard with Control Power & Main Burner Switch On and follow above instructions. If a pilot failure, low water level condition, or high limit condition has caused the boiler to be shut down, do not place the boiler back in operation until the cause of the shutdown has been determined and corrected. If a pilot failure occurs, always close Main and Pilot Gas Cocks and wait at least 5 minutes to assure an adequate purge before attempting to restart boiler. Check level, safety and limit controls. Check electric supply and fuse box or circuit breakers. Check gas supply. The proper positioning of the flame rod is very critical, as it must be in a position to adequately detect the pilot burner flame. See bulletin on pilot. Review Sequence of Operation, Burner Control System, and Flame Safeguard Instruction Sheets. If the boiler still fails, call in competent service personnel. Do not tamper with controls or adjustment except under supervision of qualified personnel. NOTE: The Main Downstream Gas Cock is the one on the burner manifold after the electric gas valves nearest the burner. SO 101-210 GC2 5A Page 14 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION GB2 OR GC2 CONTROL SYSTEM WITH RM7890 OR M SERIES INTERMITTENT PILOT I. CONTROL POWER ON: With the electrical switches turned on power is supplied to the control circuit and first low level cutoff. If no power to control circuit, check switches, fuses, or circuit breakers, improper electrical supply, broken loose or dirty electrical connections. If a door interlock is furnished, be certain that boiler control panel door is tightly shut so that the door interlock will be energized. "Control Power On" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. II. LEVEL SAFE: With the control power on and a safe level in boiler the circuit through the low water level cutoff(s) is completed. NOTE: If a manual reset type, low level cutoff is used, it may first be necessary to reset control. "Level Safe" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. III. LIMIT SAFE: With the level control(s) energized a circuit to the limit controls is completed. If the pressure (or temperature on hot water boilers and thermal liquid heaters) in the boiler is below the high limit setting, a circuit is completed to the Main Burner Switch. If the high limit is a manual reset type, it will require resetting if it cycles off. If manual reset gas pressure switches or flue gas spillage switch is furnished, they will require resetting if they cycle off. "Limit Safe" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. IV. PILOT ON & BURNER ON: With the limit controls energized and the main burner switch on, a circuit is energized to the Operating Control. If the Operating Control is calling for heat, the circuit to the flame safeguard is completed and following sequence takes place: BURNER START-UP 1. Pilot valve and ignition transformer are energized. "Pilot On" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. 2. Pilot flame must be proven within 10-15 seconds or safety lockout occurs. If a safety lockout alarm is furnished, it will sound. 3. If pilot is proven, the main electric gas valves are energized. Pilot remains on. Ignition remains on. "Burner On" Indicator Light, if furnished, will be on. 4. Burner operates until heat demand is satisfied. BURNER SHUTDOWN 1. Burner turns off when Operating Control is satisfied. Electric gas valves and pilot valve, close. Ignition turns off. 2. If Indicator Lights are furnished the "Pilot On" and Burner On" light will turn off and the other lights will remain on. If other Indicator Lights are not on, the highest light off indicates which failure has caused the boiler to be safely shutdown. OIGC2..doc Page 15 BCS 101-210 GC6 PAGE 1 OF 2 9C BURNER CONTROL SYSTEM GC6 PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS FIREYE M SERIES WITH MP560 OR MEP560 PROGRAMMER OR HONEYWELL RM7895C SERIES FLAME SAFEGUARD WITH INTERRUPTED PILOT 1. FLAME SAFETY SYSTEM: The Flame Safety System consists of a Flame Safeguard (Fireye M Series with MP560 or MEP560 programmer or a Honeywell RM7895C with a flame rod to provide instant automatic 100% shutoff on pilot-main flame failure. The electronic combustion safeguard control is especially designed for instantaneous flame detection. Flame supervision is provided by the flame rod in an exclusive electronic flame rectification circuit wherein short circuits or grounds cannot simulate the presence of a flame. Whenever the boiler is firing, the pilot or main burner flame is supervised. Should a flame failure occur, the main burner is instantly shut down within 4 seconds. The system then goes out on safety lockout and the button on the flame safeguard must be manually reset (with power to the control) before the boiler may be restarted. During operation, whenever the operating control or any safety or limit control breaks its circuit, the main burner turns off. On the next call for heat, the pilot will automatically ignite and once it is safely proven by the electronic control, the main burner will turn on. After 10 seconds, the pilot and ignition will automatically turn off and the Flame Safeguard will supervise the main burner flame. 2. IGNITION SYSTEM: The Ignition System consists of an Electric Pilot Valve, high voltage Ignition Transformer, and a spark ignition electrode, which will automatically ignite the pilot. When there is a call for heat, the flame safeguard energizes the pilot valve and ignition transformer to produce an intense spark, which will readily ignite the pilot. Once the pilot flame has been safely ignited and proven, ignition ceases and remains off until the next cycle by the flame safeguard. 3. PILOT BURNER: A Honeywell Q179 Pilot Burner Igniter and Flame Rod-Sensor is used to automatically ignite the main burner whenever the gas is turned on and all safety and limit controls are energized. This system employs an interrupted pilot, which is lighted automatically each time there is a call for heat. The pilot is turned off automatically after igniting the main burner at the end of the main burner flame trial for ignition period. It remains off until the next cycle by the flame safeguard. 4. ELECTRIC GAS VALVE(S): The Electric Gas Valves are electrically operated valves installed on the burner manifold for the purpose of shutting off all gas flow to the burner except the pilot. The valves are wired for 115 volt, single phase operation. Both gas valves are wired in series with all the safety and limit controls so that in the event of low water, pilot failure, main flame failure, electrical failure, or high limit, they will automatically shut off the main flow of gas, thereby, preventing a hazardous condition from occurring in the boiler. For further details, see Bulletin on particular valve. 5. LOW WATER CUTOFF: All Boilers are furnished with a probe type low water cutoff. A separate secondary low water cutoff is recommended on all boilers and standard on all steam boilers. The low water cutoff is wired in series with the electric gas valves to shut off the main burner on a low water experience. This control is very reliable having no moving parts on the water side. If a float type control is furnished, it should be regularly flushed and cleaned. One manual reset control is furnished. It is necessary to reset this control any time a low water condition occurs. For further details, see Bulletin on this control. Page 16 BCS 101-210 GC6 PAGE 2 OF 2 9C 6. LOW WATER ALARM - STANDARD ON 70-150 HP STEAM BOILERS ONLY: If a Low Water Alarm is furnished, it is wired in conjunction with the low water cutoffs to automatically sound whenever a low water condition exists in the boiler. The alarm should sound whenever electricity is applied to the boiler and on steam boilers when there is no water level visible in the gauge glass. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with an alarm horn. When required, the same alarm is also used to indicate "safety lockout" of the flame safeguard. The same alarm is also used to indicate a high water condition when a high water alarm is required and furnished. The alarm may be silenced by turning the Main Burner Switch to the "Off" position so that the cause of the alarm may be corrected. When the alarm is silenced in this manner, the burner will also be turned off. When refilling steam boilers after blowdown, the main burner switch may be turned off and the boiler feed pump can be energized without the burner turning on. 7. PUMP CONTROL & MOTOR STARTING RELAY --STEAM BOILERS ONLY: The Pump Control is wired in conjunction with the boiler feed pump to inject water into the boiler as required. The pump control energizes the pump until water reaches the normal water level height. The pump is re-energized any time the water level drops to the pump start level. Boilers 70 to 150 HP are furnished with two pump controls. The pump controls are wired to first start pump #1 on a drop of water level and then Pump #2 if the water level continues to drop. A Pump Motor Starting Relay is furnished as a means of switching on the heavy current load of each Boiler Water Feed Pump with the contacts available in the water level pump control. If a Pump Motor Starter with heaters is furnished, be certain that the proper sized heaters are installed to protect the pump motor from overloads. For further details, see Bulletin 123 MSR. 8. OPERATING & HIGH LIMIT CONTROLS: All boilers are furnished with separate high limit and operating controls. Steam boilers are furnished with pressure controls. Hot water Boilers are furnished with temperature controls. See separate Bulletin for proper setting of these controls. 9. OTHER TRIM: The Boiler Controls Switch is furnished for convenience in electrically shutting off the boiler controls circuit. CAUTION--HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK: The Boiler Controls Switch does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. A Main Line Disconnect Switch, with fused disconnect or circuit breakers, must be installed and turned "OFF" whenever servicing the panel. All Boilers Controls are standard for 115 Volt operation. When 3 Phase pump service (or 230 Volt, single Phase) is used, a Control Transformer is furnished to reduce boiler control voltage to 115 Volts. The boiler control circuit is then protected from over-current and short circuits by a circuit breaker or a fuse. If a door interlock is furnished, it turns off the boiler control circuit whenever the panel door is open. It does not shut off all electricity to the panel box. Be certain that the panel door is tightly shut so this interlock is energized or the boiler will not turn on. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO STARTUP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. P\BCSGC6.DOC Page 17 OI 101-210 GB6 or GC6 7C OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PARKER GAS FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS WITH GB6 OR GC6 CONTROL SYSTEMS I. STEPS IN STARTING THE BOILER: 1. CLOSE MAIN AND PILOT GAS COCKS AND WAIT 5 MINUTES. 2. TO LIGHT:(Do not attempt to light pilot with main downstream gas cock open). A. Turn on electricity. Turn off main burner switch. Open upstream gas cock, but leave main downstream gas cock closed. Manual reset controls, if furnished, must be reset. B. With control power on, water level safe, and limit safe, open small pilot gas cock and turn on main burner switch. The flame safeguard is energized and the burner startup sequence begins. See Sequence of Operation Sheet for complete details. C. The pilot will automatically ignite and the "Pilot On" light will turn on. With pilot safely on, immediately open the main downstream gas cock near the burner. If this cock is not opened, the system will turn off on safety lockout. D. The "Burner On" light will turn on and the boiler is ready for normal operation. During normal operation the flame safeguard will supervise the main burner flame. The pilot and "Pilot On" light will be off. 3. IF BURNER LOCKS OUT, RESET FLAME SAFEGUARD AND REPEAT ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS. For further details, see instructions below and Flame Safeguard Bulletin. 4. DAILY ROUTINE CHECK ALL SAFETY CONTROLS. CAUTION: DO NOT MANUALLY HOLD IN FLAME SAFEGUARD; SERIOUS HAZARD RESULTS WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO START UP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. II. SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. III. Turn off the main burner switch. Check flame to see that main and pilot burners are off. Manually close the main downstream gas cock nearest the burner. Manually close the pilot gas cock. Turn off electricity to boiler. BURNER FAILURE INSTRUCTIONS: If boiler ceases to fire or refuses to start: 1. Manually close main and pilot gas cocks, reset button on flame safeguard and follow above instructions. 2. If a pilot failure, low water condition or high limit condition has caused the boiler to shut down, do not place the boiler back in operation until the cause of the shutdown has been determined and corrected. If a flame failure occurs, always close main and pilot gas cocks and wait at least 5 minutes to assure an adequate purge before attempting to restart boiler. 3. Check water level, safety and limit controls. 4. Check electric supply and fuse box or circuit breakers. 5. Check gas supply. 6. The proper positioning of the flame rod is very critical as it must be in a position to adequately detect both the pilot and main burner flame. See Bulletin on pilot. 7. Review Sequence of Operation, Burner Control System and Flame Safeguard Instruction Sheets. 8. If the boiler still fails, call in competent service personnel. 9. Do not tamper with controls or adjustment except under supervision of qualified personnel. NOTE: The main downstream gas cock is the one on the burner manifold after the electric gas valves nearest the burner. INSTRUCTIONS\OI-GC6.DOC S.O. 101-210 GB6 or GC6 7C Page 18 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION GB6 OR GC6 CONTROL SYSTEM WITH M1R OR RM7890 PARKER-LITE SEQUENCE INDICATOR & INTERRUPTED PILOT I. CONTROL POWER ON: With the electrical switches turned "On", the indicator light "Control Power on" should be on. indicates electrical power to the boiler controls and that the boiler is ready for operation. This If this does not come on, check switches, fuses or circuit breakers, improper electrical supply, broken, loose or dirty electrical connections. If a door interlock is furnished, be certain the boiler control panel door is tightly shut so that door interlock is energized. II. WATER SAFE: With the control power on a circuit to the water control is energized. If there is a safe water level in the boiler, the "Water Level Safe" indicator light will turn on. NOTE: If a manual reset type low water cutoff is used, it may first be necessary to reset the control before the light will turn on. III. LIMIT SAFE: With power on, and water level safe, the circuit to the limit controls is energized. The gas cock at the gas inlet must be open to energize the low gas pressure switch and it must be manual reset. If the temperature (or pressure) in the boiler is below the high limit setting and the gas pressure is within the setting of the high and low gas pressure switches, the "Limit Safe" indicator light will turn on. The high limit and gas pressure switches may require manual reset if they cycle off. IV. PILOT ON AND BURNER ON: With power on, water level safe, limit safe, and the main burner switch on, a circuit is energized to the operating control. If the operating control is calling for heat, the circuit to the flame safeguard is completed and the following sequence takes place: BURNER STARTUP 1. 2. 3. 4. Pilot valve and ignition transformer are energized from flame safeguard through interrupted pilot time delay relay. "Pilot On" indicator light will be on. Pilot flame must be proven within 10 seconds or pilot and ignition will turn off and safety lockout will occur within 15 seconds. If a safety lockout alarm is furnished, it will sound. If pilot is proven, the main electric gas valves are energized. Pilot and ignition turn off. "Pilot On" indicator light will turn off. Main burner flame must be proven or lockout occurs. "Burner On" indicator light will be on. Burner operates until heat demand is satisfied. BURNER SHUTDOWN 1. Burner turns off when operating control is satisfied. Electric gas valves close. 2. The "Pilot On" and "Burner On" light will be off and the other lights will remain on. If other indicator lights are not on, the highest light off indicates which failure has caused the boiler to safely shutdown. INSTRUCTIONS\SO-GC6.DOC Page 19 SOI 101-207-IV 7C SPECIAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PARKER OIL FIRED STEAM OR HOT WATER BOILERS & THERMAL LIQUID HEATERS OB SERIES CONTROL SYSTEM For steps in starting, shutdown instructions, and more complete details of operation refer to the Operating Instruction Sheet. I. BURNER FAILURE INSTRUCTIONS: If burner ceases to fire or refuses to start: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. II. Wait 5 minutes. Reset button on flame safeguard. Check water level and limit controls. Check electric supply and fuse box or circuit breakers. Check oil supply in tank. Reset overload relay button on burner motor, if furnished. See Burner Control System Sheet and Bulletin on Flame Safeguard. If burner still fails to start, call in dealer or competent service personnel. Do not tamper with controls or adjustment. Service must be performed under supervision of qualified personnel. BURNER OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT: 1. Set the pressuretrol (temperature controls on Hot Water Boilers) switches to the desired shutoff points. See Burner Control System Sheet. 2. Before starting the burner initially, or after out of service for a period of time, carefully review all details of Burner Instruction Bulletins. 3. For detailed burner instructions, see Operating Instruction Sheet and Burner Control System Sheet. 4. For detailed adjustment, inspection and servicing see Component Service Bulletins. III. GENERAL BURNER MAINTENANCE: 1. For periodic servicing, cleaning and adjusting see Burner Service Bulletins. 2. The strainer on the inlet line to the burner should be cleaned regularly. Clean it with a suitable solvent or very hot water under pressure from a faucet. 3. The burner should be regularly serviced by competent personnel. IV. CAUTION: 1. Do not start burner at any time when any excess oil or vapor accumulation exists within the combustion chamber or when the combustion chamber is excessively hot. 2. Do not tamper with air, oil or control adjustments. Service must be performed under supervision of qualified personnel. 3. Do not throw waste paper or any other foreign matter whatsoever into the combustion chamber (except soot powder). 4. Do not hold in or block the flame safeguard. Serious hazard may result. 5. Remove the boiler cabinet doors on initial startup and whenever the burner has been disassembled for cleaning. WARNING: ONLY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL SHOULD ATTEMPT TO START UP, ADJUST OR REPAIR THIS UNIT. NEVER BYPASS ANY SAFETY CONTROL. SOI-101-207.DOC Page 20 Page 21 201-210 HWADJ 8B PARKER BOILER CO. ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS - HOT WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROLS UP TO 250°F WHITE RODGERS, HONEYWELL T4031E AND HONEYWELL T991A The following temperature controls are standardly furnished as High Limit, Operating, High-Low Fire or Modulating Controls on Parker Hot Water Boilers and Water Heaters. If other special controls are furnished, see separate Bulletins. The indicator settings of these controls are approximations and if a more accurate control is required, these controls should be set with reference to an accurate thermometer. On Parker Series 201-5 Direct Fired Hot Water Boilers the limit and operating controls are always mounted so as to sense the water temperature in the upper header at the outlet. Parker Series 210 Indirect Fired Water Heaters have dual limit controls mounted so as to sense the primary boiler water above the upper header near the heat exchanger. An additional operating control is standardly located in the electrical panel box with a remote bulb and well which must be installed in the heat exchanger inlet line on the heater side of the pump. Indirect Water Heaters should normally be wired so that the circulating pump runs all the time the heater is in operation. When used for combination building heat and domestic water supply, the domestic water supply pump should be wired to cycle on a temperature control located to sense the water in storage tank. All limit controls are standardly furnished with "open on temperature rise" contacts. If a control is furnished with double throw switching the limit circuit must be wired to the "open on temperature rise" terminals R-B. CAUTION: DO NOT DENT, CUT OR DAMAGE THE CONTROL CAPILLARY TUBING OR BULB AS THIS WILL CAUSE CONTROL FAILURE. ON MODELS WITH REMOTE BULBS, AVOID MAKING SHARP BENDS OR KINKS IN THE CAPILLARY. BENDS SHOULD BE NO SHARPER THAN 1" RADIUS. WHITE RODGERS TEMPERATURE CONTROLS: White Rodgers Temperature Controls are standardly used as high limit, operating and high-low fire controls. They are furnished as direct well immersion or remote bulb. Models 11A61 and 11B41 are furnished as two separate temperature controllers and sensing bulbs located in a single enclosure and well. Models 11D55 and the left control on Model 11B41 are non-recycling manual reset types of controls. Once their contacts open they will not re-close until the boiler temperature has dropped about 10°F and the Operator has pushed the "Push to Start Button" to reset the control. SETTING FIXED DIFFERENTIAL CONTROLS ADJUSTABLE DIFFERENTIAL CONTROLS Insert screwdriver in the center slot “A” and turn the dial until the fixed indicator “B” points to the temperature at which the contacts are to open to turn off the burner 1. Insert the screwdriver in the center slot and turn the dial until the fixed indicator “B” points to the temperature at which the contacts should close to turn on the burner. 2. Then turn the differential adjusting screw “C” until the movable indicator “D” points to the temperature at which contacts are to open to turn off the burner. 201-210 HWADJ 8B Page 22 HONEYWELL T4031E TEMPERATURE CONTROL (ALSO L4008C) Honeywell T4031E Temperature Controls are standardly furnished as operating limit controls on Parker Indirect Fired Swim Pool Heaters and for other low temperature applications. This control is usually installed above the electrical panel box. The remote bulb and well must be installed in the heat exchanger inlet line on the heater side of the pump. OPERATION: Differential 2° F All models are calibrated with the differential below the dial setting. Therefore; Model T4031E is direct acting. It makes contact at the "differential" degrees below the set point and breaks contact at the set point. Fig. 1 INTERNAL VIEW OF T4031 Fig. 2 IMMERSION WELL FITTING CONTROL POINT: Insert a screwdriver in the slotted head visible through the cover, and turn the dial to desired central point. To install immersion well: (Fig. 2) 1. Drain system. Screw the well into properly sided and threaded boiler tapping or pipe fitting. 2. Refill the system and check for leaks. 3. Insert sensing bulb into well until it bottoms. 4. Fit bulb-retaining clamp over immersion well flange and capillary tubing, and tighten screw, as shown in Fig. 2. CAUTION: DO NOT SECURE DRAW NUT SO TIGHTLY THAT RETAINER CLAMP COULD COLLAPSE TUBING. Coil excess capillary tubing at T4031E Case. HONEYWELL T991 MODULATING TEMPERATURE CONTROL When electric modulation is furnished, a Honeywell T991 Modulating Temperature Controller is standardly used in conjunction with a Modulating Motor to drive a gas butterfly valve or modulating oil valve (see separate bulletins). This Control operates on 24 Volts with a proportioning range of approximately 3 to 30°F. When used on Parker Indirect Water Heaters that are not equipped for building heat applications, the remote bulb and well must be installed in the heat exchanger inlet line on the heater side of the pump. TEMPERATURE SETTING: Turn knob on front of case until pointer indicates desired set point temperature. This is the center point of the proportional range. RANGE ADJUSTMENT: The T991A may be adjusted to vary the temperature range within which proportional action is desired. With cover off, turn adjustment wheel until pointer indicates desired range. EXAMPLE: If the temperature of the controlled medium is to be maintained at 180°F and proportional action from 175°F to 185°F (a range of 10 degrees) is desired to turn the temperature set point indicator to 180°F and the proportional range adjustment wheel to 10. Fig. 3 PROPORTIONING RANGE ADJUSTMENT Fig. 4 IMMERSION WELL FITTING CHECKOUT: After mounting and wiring have been completed, let the controlled equipment operate until system temperature stabilizes (from 1 to 3 hours). Observe the motor action to see if it stabilizes. If the motor shaft constantly moves back and forth, widen the T991A proportional range (about five degrees at a time) until the system is stable. To install immersion well: (Fig. 4) 1. Drain system. Screw the well into properly sized and threaded boiler tapping or pipe fitting. 2. Refill the system and check for leaks. 3. Insert sensing bulb, with seal ring on tubing, to within 1/2" of bottom of well. 4. Place spring clip on tubing with legs of clip toward well and straddling tubing. 5. Push tubing and spring clip into well until clip seats against well. 6. Push tubing until bulb bottoms in well. 201-210HWADJ.DOC Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 BULLETIN 106 8B BURKS CT & CS BOILER FEED PUMPS The Burks CT and CS Pump are a close coupled bronze fitted turbine type boiler feed pump designed to give efficient, dependable service with long life and low maintenance cost. They are normally used and recommended on steam boilers through 150 HP size for pressures up to 150 PSI. The pump is standardly furnished with a mechanical shaft seal so that no leakage should be experienced from the pump. The pump is built with heavy rugged construction with a stainless steel shaft and bronze impeller with monel blades. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Reliable Trouble-Free Operation: Its unique design provides one of the most reliable and trouble-free operating pumps available. Once in operation, the pump will require no periodic BURKS CT PUMP maintenance other than annual lubrication of the motor bearings. 2. Elimination of Leakage and Packing: Since the pump is furnished with a mechanical seal, no leakage will be experienced on the boiler room floor and the necessity of continually tightening packing nuts and replacing the pump is eliminated. 3. "LIFE-LOK" External Impeller Adjustment: An external impeller adjustment is provided that allows readjustment of the impeller without disturbing piping, disassembling pump or replacing parts to compensate for normal wear after years of service. This feature alone can give up to 40% longer service life than other pump designs. BURKS CS PUMP 4. Quiet Operation: Exceptionally quiet operation can always be expected. 5. Low Initial and Operating Costs: The pump is inexpensive in initial and replacement costs in comparison to other types of boiler feed pumps. Elimination of packing and frequent lubrication reduces operating costs and is one of the pumps main advantages. 6. Quality Construction and High Efficiency: Annular rings or sealing grooves are machined into the face of the impeller and raceway and when assembled these grooves intermesh without metal-to-metal contact. A labyrinth seal is created by a thin film of water within the inter-meshing grooves. This liquid seal reduces friction to a minimum and permits the highest pump efficiency. The bronze impeller and raceway are the heart of the pump and the impeller is the only moving part. Water enters the suction inlet of the raceway and proceeds to the inlet ports, through the raceway channels, and out the discharge ports through the raceway. As water is propelled through the raceway channels by the buckets of the impeller, it is energized, producing pressures and capacities not possible with other single-stage pumps of similar size. OPERATION: Before starting, the pump should be primed by filling the pump and suction pipes with clean water. Caution should be taken that the pump is not operated at pressures above the rated capacity as to do so will overload the motor. If the motor runs, but no water is pumped, be sure pump is primed and that there are no air leaks in suction piping, that all gate valves are open and all check valves operative, and that strainer is clean. Caution: Never operate the pump without water as this may damage the seal. I. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: The following instructions are important for proper installation to receive the best operating life as results from the pump: 1. Before installing the new pump, thoroughly clean and flush the return tank and all connecting lines between the tank to the pump. Be sure all the water lines are thoroughly clean and free from dirt and rust particles. 2. Install suction feed line between the tank and pump. The strainer must be installed on the suction side or inlet to the pump. A hose connection is recommended that will provide flexibility and relieve any pipe strain. The suction opening is the center front connection to the pump. BULLETIN 8B 106 Page 28 BURKS CT & CS BOILER FEED PUMPS I. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (cont.): 3. The water level in the tank should be 12" or more above the height of the boiler feed pump for proper results. 4. Install the new check valve furnished on the discharge side of the pump. 5. Be sure all lines are properly attached securely so there are no leaks or strain on pump. 6. Do not screw fittings too tight into the pump to cause damage to same. 7. Inlet lines must be tight or air will be sucked into the pump, causing pump to be noisy and inefficient. 8. Do not use a powdered boiler compound in the return tank. All compounds should be in liquid form or thoroughly dissolved before being placed into the tank. II. SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Normal Maintenance: The pump does not require any packing or lubrication other than the motor bearings which are grease packed when pump is built. Additional grease is furnished with the pump and may be added as required or at least every year. Use Andok "C" grease from Standard Oil or equal. 2. Replacement of Mechanical Seal: The mechanical shaft should be replaced if water is leaking from the pump around the motor shaft. To replace the shaft seal: CT SERIES 1. Remove the 4 cap screws (Number Symbol 15). Once these are removed, it will probably be easiest to remove the bolts mounting the pump motor bracket to the base of the return tank and slide the entire pump and motor away from the raceway (#14). In this manner, piping need not be disturbed. If it is not possible to slide the pump and motor back, disconnect suction and discharge piping and then remove raceway. 2. Loosen impeller locknut (#13), then remove impeller (#12). While removing impeller locknut, lock the pump shaft so it cannot turn by placing a small screwdriver or similar object through the hole in shaft. The best method of removing the impeller is to remove screw (#20) and adjusting screw lock (#19), then remove the 4 screws (#6) holding frame to the motor. By prying frame (#18) loose from the motor (#1), the impeller slides off. This may best be pried loose by use of a wheel puller locked against the shaft and frame. If not available, use two large screwdrivers to pry frame and motor loose. Slide frame off of the shaft. 3. Remove the seal assembly (#7). The rotating part of the seal assembly with the spring will slide easily off when the frame is taken off the shaft. To remove the stationary part of the seal assembly, use a small screwdriver or knife edge to free the seal from the frame seating surface. 4. Clean the frame seating surface. 5. Install the new stationary part of the seal assembly into the frame so that the ceramic surface will face out away from the motor when back in place. Force the frame and seal back into place over the shaft. Slide the rotating part of the seal assembly over the shaft with the hard black carbon surface against the ceramic seat. 6. Reinstall the impeller and locknut. 7. Tighten screws (#6) holding frame to motor. 8. Clean out raceway and then assemble pump and motor to raceway and tighten screws (#15). If the "O" ring is badly worn, replace it before reassembling pump and raceway. 9. Whenever a seal has been replaced, external impeller adjustment must be checked. See below. CS SERIES The mechanical seal in the CS Series may be replaced in a similar manner but it is necessary to first remove the outer pump case. When reassembling, the suction sleeve should be replaced if there is any sign of wear or deterioration. 3. Replacement of Motor: Follow same steps (1) to (4) for replacement of mechanical seal except replace the motor. Be sure to reinstall a new seal whenever changing a motor and then check external impeller adjustment. 4. External Impeller Adjustment: (See separate instruction on impeller adjustment) 1. Remove screw and adjusting screw lock. 2. Tighten impeller adjusting screw just enough to lock impeller against the raceway. Use spanner wrench to turn this adjusting screw. Looking at the front of the pump, turn adjusting screw clockwise to move impeller closer to raceway. 3. Back out impeller adjusting screw the minimum amount required to allow shaft to rotate freely. Replace adjusting screw lock and screw. 4. Test operation of pump to desired operating pressure in boiler. Readjust if necessary to obtain desired pressure. Refer to the Burks Instruction Sheets for illustration on replacing mechanical seal and impeller adjustment. 106.DOC Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 BULLETIN 106 ADJ 8B IMPELLER ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS – BURKS CT & CS PUMPS The Burks Pump is equipped with an external impeller adjustment, which can be made without disturbing piping or disassembling the pump. After years of service, if the pump capacity or pressure has been reduced, it is desirable to adjust the impeller to compensate for wear. Also after replacing a seal or any of the main pump parts, the impeller may require adjustment. To adjust the impeller for correct relationship with the raceway, the following procedure must be closely followed: 1. Disconnect current to prevent pump from operating while adjustment is being made. 2. Loosen Impeller Adjusting Screw Lock. The locking device is a brass slide lock held by a hex head cap screw. (Fig. 1) Fig. 1 3. Turn the Adjusting Screw with a Spanner Wrench (Do not use a screw driver or punch) to advance the impeller toward the raceway and at the same time rotate the motor shaft with a nail through the hole provided for this purpose. The CT and CS pumps have left hand threaded adjusting screws. Turn adjusting screw clockwise from front of pump (Fig. 2) to move impeller closer to raceway. A drag will be readily detected indicating the impeller is in contact with the raceway. At this point mark the pump frame and adjusting screw across one of the punched holes in the adjusting screw as illustrated in (Fig. 3). Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 NOTE: A spring located back of the bearing in the motor forces the shaft, bearing and impeller forward toward the raceway when the adjusting screw is advanced. In old pumps, corrosion may prevent movement of the bearing when the adjusting screw is released. Should this happen, remove the cap at the end of the motor and with a piece of wood or blunt metal, tap the shaft lightly to loosen the bearing so it can move forward. This movement is so small that it cannot be observed, but the drag mentioned above will be detected. 4. Reverse that rotation of the adjusting screw to provide clearance between the impeller and raceway. For proper clearance under working pressure this reverse rotation of the adjusting screw should be approximately one-half the distance between two spanner wrench holes in the adjusting screw. This distance can easily be determined if a mark is made on the frame and adjusting screw at the point where the drag is felt (Fig. 3) and then measurement taken from the mark to make the proper adjustment (Fig. 4). Page 32 BULLETIN 106 ADJ 8B IMPELLER ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS – BURKS CT & CS PUMPS (cont.) 5. Lock the adjusting screw in the new location. 6. Turn on the current and the pump is again ready for service. 7. In event pump labors unduly when water pressure increased, the adjusting screw should be given a slight additional movement to increase the clearance between the impeller and raceway and release the contact. It is better to have more clearance than not enough. If the impeller and raceway are allowed to contact while in service the sealing grooves will "fire" and cause damage to these parts. SHAFT SEAL REPLACEMENT: The mechanical shaft seal should be replaced immediately if leakage is noticed around the motor shaft. Remove pump raceway and impeller. Remove the seal stationary by using two screwdrivers to pry on each side. Clean seat area of frame, install new stationary seat with smooth side of ceramic surface out and facing the seal. Slide new rotating seal element over shaft with hard carbon surface against ceramic seat. Replace impeller and raceway. Although different in appearance, these seals are completely interchangeable on all BURKS pumps of the same corresponding shaft diameter. For more complete details on Seal Replacement, see Bulletin 106 and Parts Sheet. 106-ADJ.DOC Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 G.E. Table 8 OF3 TABLE 8 STEAM LINE ORIFICE CHART BOILER SIZE HIGH PRESSURE UNION SIZE IN. SIZE OF ORIFICE IN INCHES @ SAFETY VALVE PRESSURE SHOWN 100 PSI 125 PSI 150 PSI 200 PSI 1-1/2 1/2" 5/32 1/8 7/64 3/32 3 1/2" 7/32 11/64 5/32 9/64 1" 9/32 7/32 13/64 3/16 3/4" 21/64 1/4 15/64 7/32 1" 23/64 9/32 17/64 15/64 1" 13/32 21/64 19/64 17/64 1-1/4" 7/16 23/64 21/64 9/32 1” 31/64 13/32 23/64 21/64 1-1/4" 1/2 27/64 3/8 11/32 1-1/4" 9/16 29/64 27/64 3/8 1-1/2" 19/32 31/64 7/16 13/32 25 1-1/4 5/8 33/64 29/64 27/64 30 1-1/2" 11/16 9/16 1/2 29/64 2" 13/16 (2) 5/8 21/32 (2) 33/64 19/32 (2) 15/32 17/32 (2) 27/64 57/64 (2) 47/64 (2) 53/64 (2) 15/16 (4) 49/64 23/32 (2) 19/32 (2) 11/16 (2) 49/64 (4) 41/64 21/32 (2) 35/64 (2) 39/64 (2) 11/16 (4) 9/16 19/32 (2) 1/2 (2) 19/32 (2) 41/64 (4) 33/64 5 U-DRUM 7 8 U-DRUM 9.5 OR 10 12 U-DRUM 15 16 U-DRUM 20 22 40 50 50 U-DRUM AFTER 4/85 SN 31511 BEFORE 5/85 SN 31512 (2) 2" (1) 2" 70 (2) 2" 90 (2) 2" 115 (2) 2" 150 (4) 2" PRESSURE SHOWN IS SAFETY VALVE SETTING. GE Table 8.doc Page 44 Page 45 BULLETIN 117-WG PAGE 1 OF 2 7A BULLETIN ON PARKER BOILER WATER GAUGE GLASS & COMPOSITION TEFLON RUBBERS A Water Gauge Glass is required on Steam Boilers as it provides a visible means of observing the Water Level in the Boiler. The Glass should be checked daily and regularly replaced or immediately at anytime it leaks, becomes worn, or dirty. A new improved Gray High Temperature Composition Teflon Water Gauge Glass Rubber replaces the Silicone Rubber previously used. Do not use any Fiber or Brass Gaskets with this part. This material is similar to a packing material for sealing leaks. This material is not as flexible as silicone rubber and can crack or break if squeezed in your hand outside of the Water Glass Fixture Nut. NOTE: It is important that a Water Glass be correctly installed to receive a satisfactory period of service before replacement is necessary. The Manufacturer's Installation Instructions and Important Safety Precautions must be followed for correctly and safely installing the Water Glass. IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Never attempt to replace the Glass, tighten the Glass Nuts or work on the Water Gauge Fixtures when there is pressure in the Boiler. First blow the Boiler down to zero pressure, close the Water Gauge Fixtures and carefully open the Gauge Glass Drain Valve. Wait until the Boiler is reasonably cool. Do not re-use old Water Glasses or Rubbers as this is hazardous and the Glass may break when the Boiler is placed in service. Examine the new Glass before installing to be certain that it is not cracked or damaged in any way. Follow the Manufacturer's Installation Instructions on the reverse side of this sheet. AN OLD WORN, CRACKED, DAMAGED OR LEAKING WATER GLASS CAN BE HAZARDOUS. DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES. PLAY IT SAFE AND REPLACE THE WATER GLASS AND RUBBERS REGULARLY AND WHEN NEEDED. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Turn off the Boiler Controls Switch, close the Main Gas Valve and completely blowdown to zero pressure and be sure there is no pressure in the system. Close the Water Gauge Glass Fixtures and carefully open the Gauge Glass Drain Valve. Loosen the Water Gauge Fixture Glass Nuts and take out the old Glass and Rubbers (also remove brass rings and fiber gaskets if furnished). Be certain that the insides of the Gauge Fixtures and nuts are clean and threads are in good condition before re-installing. Soaking new Rubbers in warm water for several minutes makes them easier to install. Slip both Glass Nuts on the Glass, back to back, with threads in proper position. Slip the new Teflon Rubbers on both ends of the Glass. DO NOT use any Gaskets with the new Teflon Rubbers. When installing Water Glass, be certain that the Gauge Valve Fixtures are aligned perfectly straight. If either Gauge Valve is slightly cocked to one side, this will result in a strain on the Glass, which may cause it to break or have short service before leaking. Center Glass equally into Fixtures. Always provide clearance between the ends of the Glass and all metal surfaces. Glass to metal contact will keep the Glass from expanding and cause breakage. Tighten Glass Nuts with slight pressure, but not too tight. Hold Water Gauge Fixtures securely when tightening to prevent misalignment. The Rubbers may need to be warm before final tightening. If the Rubbers leak, relieve pressure on Glass (repeat Step 1 completely) and then make final tightening of the Glass Nut to provide a tight seal. Never tighten Glass Nut without closing the Water Gauge Fixtures and opening the Glass Drain Valve to relieve all pressure. WARNING: ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND APPROPRIATE CLOTHING WHEN USING, WORKING WITH OR LOOKING AT INSTALLED WATER GAUGE GLASSES. FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS. 117-WG.DOC Page 46 BULLETIN 117-WG PAGE 2 OF 2 7A 117-WG.DOC Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 REV. 0H5 Page 52 Page 53 6 or Rubber Bands Rubber Band Installation: Rubber bands may be used in place of the spacer to avoid glass-metal contact. Install rubber bands around length of glass near each edge, then place glass centered inside chamber and cover. The rubber bands assure installation clearance and will eventually burn away. 4 2 1 3 5 Page 54 I. TO TURN OFF THE GAGE a. If possible, turn off the boiler and allow all pressure to escape from the boiler before turning off or servicing the gage. b. If it is necessary to turn off (isolate) the gage with pressure in the boiler: 1. Check that the ¼” gage glass drain valve is piped to a safe location, then open the drain valve. This vents the fixture and relieves pressure on the glass. 2. Close the bottom (water) isolation valve. 3. Close the top (steam) isolation valve. II. TO TURN ON THE GAGE a. It is always preferred to bring the gage into service with no pressure in the boiler, so that the gage warms up slowly with the boiler. b. If it necessary to bring the gage into service with pressure in the boiler, the ASME Code recommends: 1. After the new gage glass has been installed, the glass should be warmed slowly by opening the ¼” drain valve slightly and the top valve to the gage glass slightly to let a small flow of steam through the glass. This is a particularly successful cut-in procedure when a safe open blow drain is available. 2. The open blow makes it possible to set the drain valve for a small flow and thereby obtain a gentle warm-up. Close the drain valve after the glass is sufficiently warmed, and open the bottom valve to the gage glass slightly 3. When the level of the water in the glass has become stable, open the bottom valve wide and then open the top valve wide. c. During normal operation, the valves should always be fully open during start-up, operation and system shutdown CAUTION: Care should always be taken to avoid improper torque, piping strains, damage from external force, over pressure, thermal shock, glass not centered (touching steel), freezing, or erosion of the glass as evidenced by clouding, etching or scratching. Page 55 PARKER BOILER CO. MANUFACTURER OF QUALITY INDUSTRIAL BOILERS SINCE 1919 WEB SITE: • E-MAIL: August 29, 2005 5930 Bandini Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90040 Ph. (323) 727-9800 Fax. (323) 722-2848 0H5 TO: PARKER REPRESENTATIVES FROM: RE: SAFETY PRECAUTIONS-REFLEX WATER GAGE FIXTURES SID D. DANENHAUER We have a report of a reflex water gage glass failing and expelling steam, water, and glass. This is the first time that we have heard of glass expelling through a reflex type water gage fixture. The incident occurred on a 10 year old 15HP boiler where the reflex fixture, a Penberthy 1RM6, had been replaced through the local Penberthy distributor approximately 10 months before the failure. It was reported that the boiler was operating at 230 PSI when a small leak (drip) in the lower part of the fixture was observed. In responding to the leak, the Operator stood off to the side and first closed the top (steam) isolation valve. Then, when he began to close the bottom (hot water) isolation valve, the glass fractured expelling steam, water, and glass at the upper part of the fixture. They do not believe glass expelled through the front of the fixture but released through the top and toward the side. We have discussed this with both of our suppliers of reflex water gage fixtures, Penberthy and Jerguson. Both indicated that they had never been advised of glass expelling from the fixture. A fractured glass can cause a steam and/or hot water discharge but we have never before experienced glass expelling from a reflex fixture even if there is a fracture. Possible causes of glass fracture are improper torque, piping strains, damage from external force, over pressure, thermal shock, glass defect, glass not centered (touching steel), freezing, or erosion of the glass as evidenced by clouding, etching or scratching. In discussing the accident with the customer, it does not appear that any of these factors were the cause. The customer has an excellent maintenance program with daily checks of the low water cut-off and visual check of the gage glass. Glasses were replaced on indication of clouding, etching, or scratching and the entire fixture was replaced if the seating surface looked irregular. The customer checks for proper torque with a torque wrench after installing a new glass or fixture. We have not seen any written procedure on the sequence of closing the isolation valves to turn off a reflex gage glass, but both Penberthy and Jerguson agree that it would be best to follow this procedure: I. TO TURN OFF THE GAGE a. If possible, turn off the boiler and allow all pressure to escape from the boiler before turning off or servicing the gage. b. If it is necessary to turn off (isolate) the gage with pressure in the boiler: 1. Check that the ¼” gage glass drain valve is piped to a safe location, then open the drain valve. This vents the fixture and relieves pressure on the glass. 2. Close the bottom (water) isolation valve. 3. Close the top (steam) isolation valve. Never a Compromise for Quality or Safety Page 56 REFLEX WATER GAGE FIXTURES (cont’d) II. TO TURN ON THE GAGE a. It is always preferred to bring the gage into service with no pressure in the boiler, so that the gage warms up slowly with the boiler. b. If it necessary to bring the gage into service with pressure in the boiler, the ASME Code recommends: 1. After the new gage glass has been installed, the glass should be warmed slowly by opening the ¼” drain valve slightly and the top valve to the gage glass slightly to let a small flow of steam through the glass. This is a particularly successful cut-in procedure when a safe open blow drain is available. 2. The open blow makes it possible to set the drain valve for a small flow and thereby obtain a gentle warm-up. Close the drain valve after the glass is sufficiently warmed, and open the bottom valve to the gage glass slightly 3. When the level of the water in the glass has become stable, open the bottom valve wide and then open the top valve wide. c. During normal operation, the valves should always be fully open during start-up, operation and system shutdown P.S. We have used Penberthy Reflex Water Gages Glass fixtures since the 1960’s with excellent results. In late 2003, we were advised that Penberthy had lowered their steam pressure rating from 350 PSI to 250 PSI on their 1RM6 Reflex Water Gage Fixture and were using a different gasket than in the past. Also, to be rated for steam service, special gaskets are now required and pressure washers recommended. Without these features, more frequent leaks and shorter glass life is more likely to occur. In May 2005, Penberthy raised the steam pressure rating back to 350 PSI when equipped with those special features. Care should be taken if ordering a Penberthy fixture through a Penberthy distributor that it be ordered and furnished with the steam gasket and special steam pressure rating marked on the fixture. Penberthy now offers the 1RM6 with the same part number both as a process gage and steam/water gage. The steam rating marking on the gage is the only external method to confirm that the special steam rated gasket has been installed. In early 2004, we changed our standard to the Jerguson 16R20 reflex fixture with a steam pressure rating of 300 PSI, a heavier chamber, and a recessed glass seating surface. All Jerguson 16R20 Models have a steam pressure rating of 300 PSI and may be used as a process gage or a steam/ water gage. Jerguson indicated they plan to mark the standard 300 PSI steam pressure rating on the fixture nameplate in the future. W:\SDD SID\DOCS\REFLEX WATER GAGE FIXTURES.doc Page 2 of 2 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 BULLETIN 117-1001 9D MODEL 1001 PARKER TUBE INSPECTION PLUGS WITH GASKETS The PARKER EASY-TO-REMOVE GASKETED INSPECTION PLUGS are provided standard on the tube headers of all Parker Steam Boilers 7 HP and larger. The inspection plugs are accessible through the cabinet doors making it easy and convenient to regularly internally inspect the tubes and tube headers. FLANGED HEAD PLUG GASKET HEADER COUPLING The design is similar to the spark plug on a car using loose fitting threads with a copper sealing gasket. The inspection plug is a specia l 3/4" heavy steel flanged head plug with an inset to fit a 1/2" drive socket wrench. Both the plug and coupling have loose fitting straight threads. The copper ring gasket is furnished to seal between the plug flange and the coupling. The plug is norma lly easy and simple to remove and re-install. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REMOVING INSPECTION PLUGS: 1. Before attempting to remove plugs, be sure the boiler has been turned off and completely blown down with the blowoff valves left open so there is no pressure on the boiler. 2. Apply several solid taps to the plug with a hammer. Insert the wrench drive socket tightly into the inset section of the plug and move with a quick jerk. Continue to repeat this procedure until the plug is removed. 3. If due to some unusual reason the plugs cannot be removed they can be heated with a torch. Apply heat only to the plug and not the coupling. Heat until the plug is red hot and then immediately spray with cold water. Apply several solid taps again with a hammer and quick jerks with the wrench. RE-INSTALLATION OF INSPECTION PLUGS: 1. Inspect the threads on the coupling. If rough or worn, re-tap with a 3/4" National straight pipe tap. 2. Inspect the coupling seating surface to be certain that it is smooth and uniformly faced for a good seating surface. If the coupling seating surface is not smooth and uniform, reface carefully with a flat file. 3. The inspection plugs can normally be reused. The plug should be replaced if the threads are not good, if the inset hole is chewed up or if the flange is cracked or not uniform. 4. The threads should be well doped with the pipe joint compound stick furnished or with a good pipe dope so that they will seal tightly and be easy to remove on the next inspection. 5. Always replace the gasket and it is important to center uniformly when tightening the plug. 6. Tighten securely to prevent leaks. Each Parker Boiler is furnished standard with a Tube Inspection Plug Wrench and a small supply of Extra Inspection Plugs, Gaskets and Stick of Pipe Joint Compound. It is advisable to order a stock of these accessories and extra gaskets and a few inspection plugs should be available before making inspections. Page 60 BULLETIN 117-100 9D SUGGESTIONS FOR INTERNAL TUBE INSPECTIONS When making internal tube inspections it is good practice to remove at least two inspection plugs from each header. Preferably select at least one at or near the center and one near the end of both the top and bottom headers. When making future inspections, alternate so that different inspection plugs will be removed each time. Regular internal tube inspections are recommended every three (3) months until the Water Treating and Blowdown Program is properly regulated. Inspections are then recommended at least every twelve (12) months, but preferably every six (6) months. If an unsatisfactory condition of scale, rust or pitting is found then additional inspection plugs should be removed for further inspection. When the internal condition is found to be satisfactory it is not usually necessary or recommended to remove additional or all of the inspection plugs. If the water treatment and blowdown program is properly regulated the internal tubes should be found clean with just a thin film of protective coating. If an unsatisfactory condition of scale, rust or pitting is found, competent water treatment personnel should be called in or consulted to determine the cause and outline the preventive maintenance program recommended. See Parker Bulleting 1001-A Boiler Water Treatment for Steam Boilers. If a scale coating of more than 1/16" is present in the boiler tubes, the boiler should be descaled with an approved chemical. Do not attempt to descale tubes that are leaking or show excessive overheating and warping or that are completely plugged with solid scale. See Parker Bulleting 1003 for chemically cleaning scale from boilers. WHEN TUBES SHOULD BE REPLACED Boiler tubes should be replaced when determined advisable from the results of an internal and external inspection. If the tubes are leaking resulting from a general scale condition, corrosion or excessive overheating, it is advisable to replace the entire section. A condition of this nature is usually general throughout all of the tubes. It is not advisable or recommended to replace only one tube unless the tube section is of reasonable age and all other tubes are found to be in excellent condition. Only in rare cases would it be advisable to replace a single tube as the labor cost would not justify this consideration if it was necessary to replace additional tubes in the near future. IMPORTANT Determine the cause of any scale or unsatisfactory condition in the boiler and take the necessary steps to correct any deficiencies in the Water Treatment, Blowdown and Maintenance Program. Proper care and preventive maintenance is important to prevent excessive repairs and fuel costs. PARKER BOILER CO. 5930 BANDINI BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA. 90040 323-727-9800 117-1001 S&G.DOC Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Installation & Maintenance Instructions MM-601(C) Series FS4-3 General Purpose Liquid Flow Switch ® Now with Stainless Steel Paddles (specified models only) FLO W Series FS4-3 OPERATION This control is an independently mounted water flow sensing device that makes or breaks an electrical circuit when flow stops or starts. ! WARNING ION CAUT ING WARN • Before using product, read and understand instructions. • Save these instructions for future reference. • All work must be performed by qualified personnel trained in the proper application, installation, and maintenance of plumbing, steam and electrical equipment and/or systems in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. • To prevent electrical shock, turn off the electrical power before making electrical connections. • To prevent an electrical fire or equipment damage, electrical wiring insulation must have a rating of 167˚F (75˚C) if the liquid’s temperature exceeds 180˚F (82˚C). • To prevent electrocution, when the electrical power is connected to the flow switch, do not touch the terminals. • Make sure flow switch electrical cover is secured before turning on electric power. Failure to follow this warning could cause property damage, personal injury or death. Page 64 SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Liquid Pressure: 160 psi (11.3 kg/cm2) Liquid Temperature Range (TL): 32 - 300˚F (0 - 149˚C) Ambient Temperature Range (TS): 32 - 120˚F (0 - 49˚C) Electrical Enclosure Rating: Nema Type 1 (IP 21) Maximum Velocity: 10ft/sec (3M/sec) Pipe Connection Thread Size: - 1” NPT - All models except “J” - 1” BSPT - “J” models ELECTRICAL RATINGS Voltage 120 VAC 240 VAC Motor Switch Rating (Amperes) Full Load Locked Rotor 7.4 44.4 3.7 22.2 Pilot Duty 125 VA at 120 or 240 VAC 50 or 60 cycles CE Circuit Rating 7.4 (7.4)/120~ 0.3/120= 3.7 (3.7)/240~ 0.15/240= Models that meet CE Conformance: FS4-3D-E FS4-3J-E FS4-3S-E • This Control: is for continuous operations is not electronic has Type 1C action (micro interruption on operation) • LVD 73/23/EEC • EMC 89/33/EEC For applications with loads between 14mA and 3.7 Amps, power factors exceeding 0.65, an anticipated 2 system switch operation rate of less than 5 times per minute, and any one cycle greater than 3 seconds on and 3 seconds off. Additional suppression may be required for applications outside these ranges. • Declaration of Conformity Available on request. Page 65 FLOW RATES Flow rates required to activate flow switch are shown in chart below. The values are calculated for sensing water (potable, non-polluted) in a horizontal pipe. Settings will vary when used to sense flow of other fluids or if located in a vertical pipe. Max. Flow Rate gpm (lpm) w/o Paddle Damage NOTE: DO NOT USE LIQUID FLOW SWITCHES ON SYSTEMS WITH FLOW VELOCITY GREATER THAN 10 FEET PER SECOND (3 METERS PER SECOND). Pipe Size NPT in. (mm) Settings Mode of Operation Flow No Flow gpm (lpm) gpm (lpm) Factory or 1 (25) Minimum Maximum 6 10.2 (22.7) (38.6) 3.6 9.2 (13.6) (34.8) 27 (102) 9.8 16.8 (37.1) (63.6) 5.6 15 (21.2) (56.8) 47 (178) 12.7 23 (48.1) (87.1) 7 19.5 (26.5) (73.8) 63 (239) 18.8 32.8 (71.2) (124.1) 9.4 24 (35.6) (90.8) 105 (398) 24.3 42.4 (92) (160.5) 11.6 (43.9) 37.5 (141.9) 149 (565) 30 52.1 (113.6) (197.2) 12 (45.4) 46.1 (174.5) 230 (872) 39.7 73.5 (150.3) (278.2) 19.8 64.2 (74.9) (242) 397 (1505) 58.7 115 (222.2) (435.3) 29.3 (110.9) 92 (348.2) 654 (2479) 79.2 166 (300) (628.3) 39.6 (150) 123 (465.6) 900 (3411) Factory or 1 ⁄4 (32) 1 Minimum Maximum Factory or 1 ⁄2 (40) 1 Minimum Maximum Factory or 2 (50) Minimum Maximum Factory or 1 2 ⁄2 (65) Minimum Maximum Factory or 3 (80) Minimum Maximum Factory or 4 (100) Minimum Maximum Factory or 5 (125) Minimum Maximum Factory or 6 (150) Minimum Maximum Values are ± 10% 3 Page 66 INSTALLATION – STEP 1 - Paddle Sizing Determine the correct paddle length for your installation from the chart below. Pipe Size in. 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 4 6 8+ (mm) (25) (32) (40) (50) (65) (80) (100) (150) (200+) Paddle (Standard Length) in. (mm) 1 (25) 2 (51) 2 (51) 2 (51) 3 (76) 3 (76) 6 (152) 6 (152) 6 (152) Trim to Length in. 1" (25mm) (mm) N/A 11/4 2" (51mm) (32) (38) (41) (57) (67) (92) (143) 11/2 15/8 21/4 25/8 35/8 55/8 3" (76mm) 6" (152mm) N/A NOTE: • All models (except FS4-3RP) include 4 paddles. • FS4-3RP includes 1” and 6” paddles only. a. If the paddle must be trimmed, measure the paddle from the center of the large hole (A) to the length required. Using non-serrated tin snips, trim the end (B) on a curve just like the paddle was originally cut. b. If the flow rate in the pipe exceeds the maximum adjustment on the Flow Switch use the following formula to change the paddle length. K Paddle Length = _______________ Flow Rate (GPM) NOTE: If trimming the paddle for a no-flow action make sure there is enough flow to activate switch. 4 A Required Length B Series FS4-3 “K” Factor Pipe Size NPT in. (mm) 2 (50) 3 (80) 4 (100) 5 (125) 6 (150) Flow Maximum Adjustment 69.2 162.5 276.0 550.0 977.0 No-Flow Maximum Adjustment 50.3 143.5 241.0 440.0 728.0 Page 67 STEP 2 - Determine the Location of the Flow Switch • The flow switch should be located in a horizontal section of pipe where there is a straight horizontal run of at least 5 pipe diameters on each side of the flow switch. The flow switch may be installed in a vertical pipe if the flow is in the upward direction. FLOW 1" PIPE CONNECTION • The flow switch must be installed in the upright position as shown with arrow mark on side of casting in the same direction as fluid will flow. FLUID FLOW • Some system conditions that require more than 5 pipe diameters are high viscosity fluid and high fluid velocity. 5xD MINIMUM • The flow switch must be installed in the pump suction piping when spring-loaded check valves and/or other close coupled accessories are installed in the pump discharge piping. a. The flow switch must be installed in the pipe using a threaded tee connection or welded fitting of minimum length such as a half coupling. Use a D 5xD MINIMUM D= PIPE DIAMETER face or hex bushing to reduce the tee outlet to 1” (25mm) pipe thread if a reduced tee outlet thread size fitting is not available. FACE OR HEX. BUSHING 1" (25mm) 1" MAX (25mm) 1" (25mm) 11/4" (32mm) 11/2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) 11/4" 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) Threaded Pipe (32mm) 11/2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) 11/4" (32mm) 11/2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) 21/2" (65mm) 3" (80mm) Threaded Pipe 11/4" (32mm) 11/2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) 21/2" (65mm) 3" (80mm) 2" (50mm) 21/2" (65mm) 3" (80mm) 4" (100mm) 6" (150mm) Welded Pipe Threaded Pipe b. When installing in brazed/soldered copper pipe, size the threaded adapter to ensure the paddle arm extends into the main run of the pipe 2" (50mm) 21/2" (65mm) 3" (80mm) 4" (100mm) 6" (150mm) FLOW FLOW 1" MAX (25mm) Paddle Arm CORRECT INCORRECT STEP 3 - Connecting the Flow Switch to Pipe a. Insert the 8/32 x 1/4” flathead screw through washer and paddle. Attach screw to opposite side of the paddle arm’s curve and tighten to a torque of approximately 12-16 lb•in (1.36-1.81 N•m). FLOW 5 Page 68 b. Apply pipe sealing compound or Teflon tape to the flow switch pipe threads. NOTE: Do not apply sealant to first threads as this switch is grounded (earthed) via the pipe mounting. Teflon® FLO W c. Insert the flow switch into the pipe tee. Turn the flow switch two (2) or three (3) revolutions clockwise until tight. Do not put excessive force on cover when turning. FLOW d. Place a 1 3/8” open end wrench on flow switch body to tighten to final position. Final position is with arrow on housing aligned in the same direction as liquid flow. FLOW FLOW STEP 4 - Electrical Installation ! WARNING • To prevent electrical shock, turn off the electrical power before making electrical connections. • To prevent an electrical fire or equipment damage, electrical wiring insulation must have a rating of 167˚F (75˚C) if the liquid’s temperature exceeds 180˚F (82˚C). • To prevent electrocution, when the electrical power is connected to the flow switch, do not touch the terminals. • Make sure flow switch electrical cover is secured before turning on electric power. Failure to follow this warning could cause property damage, personal injury or death. a. Cover Removal and Installation Procedure • Using a flathead screwdriver, loosen but do not remove the two cover screws and remove the cover (A). A FLO W • Place the cover on the flow switch sliding the slots behind the two loose cover screws. Push the cover down into the flow switch and using a flat blade screwdriver, tighten the cover screws to a torque of 10 lb•in (1.13 N•m). 6 Page 69 b. Electrical Conduit Connection • Connect electric conduit to flow switch electrical enclosure. • Follow accepted electrical practices when installing fittings and making connections. • Refer to and follow local codes and standards when selecting the types of electrical fittings and conduit to connect to flow switch. c. Determine which switch action is required for the flow switch. • “Flow” means that the switch will close circuit C.-N.O. and open circuit C.-N.C. when flow rate is increased above setpoint of flow switch. • “No Flow” means that the switch will open circuit C.-N.O. and close circuit C.-N.C. when flow rate is decreased below setpoint of flow switch. d. Based upon the mode of operation (“Flow” or “NoFlow”) required, complete the appropriate steps to connect wires to flow switch. Use a Phillip’s head screwdriver to loosen and tighten switch terminal screws when attaching wires. S FLOW OPEN UIT CIRC 3 FLOW ES CLOSCUIT CIR 2 ON COMM 1 FLO W Common 1 For “Flow” Mode of Operation (Fig. 1) If the flow switch will be used to actuate a signal, alarm or other device when flow occurs, connect the wire from that device to the “N.O.” contact. Connect the “Hot” power supply wire to “C” terminal. For “No Flow” Mode of Operation (Fig. 2) If the flow switch will be used to actuate a signal, alarm or other device when no flow occurs, connect the wire from that device to the “N.C.” contact. Connect the “Hot” power supply wire to “C” terminal. Flow Opens Circuit 3 Flow Closes Circuit 2 (Common( (Normally (Normally closed ( open ( 3 LINE FS4-3 2 1 3 HOT NOTE: Repeat above to connect wires to second switch on “D” model flow switches. HOT LOAD Fig. 1 LINE FS4-3 2 1 LOAD Fig. 2 STEP 5 - Testing a. Place cover on flow switch and turn on power. Initiate fluid flow through the system. Observe the device being activated by the flow switch to determine if device is operating as required. b. Turn off fluid flow to determine if device is operating as required. c. Repeat initiating and turning off fluid flow several times to test flow switch and device for proper operation. - If operating as required, put system into service. - If not operating as required, Flow Switch may need to be adjusted. ON OFF 7 Page 70 STEP 6 - Adjustment Adjustment is necessary only if required flow/noflow setpoints are above factory set minimum. a. Turn off power. Remove switch cover. b. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise to increase setpoint. Double Switch Models Single Switch Models LOW S OPENCUIT CIR 3 FLOW ES CLOSCUIT CIR 2 COMM ON 1 OR ON COMM NORM NORM SED CLO OPEN EN OP ON M M CO RM NO IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to lower flow switch setpoint from original factory minimum setting. Lowering (turning adjusting screw counterclockwise) the setpoint from original factory setting may cause erratic flow switch operation. RM D NO SE O CL FLO W c. Place cover on the flow switch and turn on power. d. Test the operation of the flow switch after each adjustment. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE: • Inspect paddle annually. Turbulent or high flow velocity conditions may require more frequent inspection and/or replacement. • Replace paddle if damaged or showing signs of wear. • Replace flow switch every 5 years or 100,000 cycles, whichever occurs first. TROUBLESHOOTING Problem: 1. Flow Switch Does Not Operate Solution: a. Make sure power has been turned on to device and flow switch. b. Verify that flow rate is high enough for flow switch to activate. Measure flow rate and match with velocities shown in flow rate chart. c. Check to see if paddle moves freely. Some system piping disassembly may be required. 2. Flow Switch Operates Erratically Solution: a. Flow switch may be located in an area of high turbulence causing paddles to flutter. b. Adjustment screw may have been turned below original factory setpoint. Verify that flow rate is high enough for flow switch to activate. Measure flow rate and match with velocities shown in flow rate chart. c. Check to see if paddle moves freely. Some system piping disassembly may be required. 3. Flow Switch Does Not Deactivate Solution: a. Check to see if paddle moves freely. Some system piping disassembly may be required. b. Measure flow rate and match with velocities shown in flow rate chart. Flow switch must prove flow before it can indicate no flow. 3500 N. Spaulding Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60618 tel: 773 267-1600 fax: 773 267-0991 ©2000 ITT Industries Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 12-00 246796 Page 71 BOILER CONTROLS Low Water Cut-Offs – Float Type For Steam Boilers (continued) Series 150 ® ® Approved Low Water Cut-Offs • For commercial and industrial low or high pressure boiler applications • For boilers of any steaming capacity E • Monel bellows provides corrosion resistance J F BOILER CONTROLS • Mercury switches for high temperature service – 1 Single pole, single throw switch for pump control – 1 Single pole, double throw switch for low water cut-off and alarm actuation D G H • Optional features – Manual reset – 2 Single pole, single throw switches – 2 Single pole, double throw switches – Float block – BSPT threads CUT-OFF LEVEL J Series 150 A • Maximum pressure 150 psi (10.5 kg/cm2) Model 150-MD Maximum differential operation – Prevents nuisance burner shutdowns in low pressure applications B CUT-OFF LEVEL – Maximum operating pressure 50 psi (3.5 kg/cm2) C Electrical Ratings Voltage 120 VAC 240 VAC Cut-off and Pump Circuits Rating (Amperes) Full Load Locked Rotor 7.4 44.4 3.7 22.2 Alarm Circuit Rating (Amperes) Pilot Duty 345 VA at 120 or 240 VAC Ordering Information Model Number Part Number Description 150 171700 150-B 150-B-M 150-J 150-MD 150-M 150-M-MD 150-J-M 158 158-M 159 171900 172100 172600 171800 172700 172800 172900 178400 178500 178800 Combination low water cut-off/ pump controller 150 w/float block 150-B w/manual reset 150 w/BSPT threads 150 w/maximum differential 150 w/manual reset 150-M w/maximum differential 150-M w/BSPT threads 150 w/2 SPDT switches 158 w/manual reset 150 w/2 SPST switches Voltage Amps 120 VAC 1 240 VAC 1/2 Dimensions, in. (mm) Weight lbs. (kg) A B 7 C 17 5 ⁄8 (149) 12 ⁄16 (316) D 6 (152) 1 E 5 13 ⁄4 (337) 3 ⁄16 (84) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 24.7 (11.2) 26.3 (11.9) 27.3 (12.4) 26.0 (11.8) F G H J NPT 915⁄16 (252) 41⁄8 (105) 37⁄16 (87) 1 (25) 53 Page 72 Page 73 BOILER CONTROLS Combination Mechanical Water Feeder/ Low Water Cut-Offs Series 247-2 ® ® Mechanical Water Feeder • For steam and hot water boilers A • Continuous maintenance of minimum safe water level, independent of electrical service B • Direct action feeder mechanism F • No. 2 cut-off switch included C E BOILER CONTROLS • Quick-change replaceable cartridge valve and strainer • Quiet, durable operation • Isolated feed valve minimizes lime and scale build-up B • Optional feature – Manual reset D Series 247-2 • Maximum water supply pressure 150 psi (10.5 kg/cm2) • Maximum pressure 30 psi (2.1 kg/cm2) G WATER LINE CAUTION Do not use Series 247-2 Water Feeder/ Low Water Cut-Offs as operating controls. Failure to follow this caution could cause fire or flooding, and result in property damage or personal injury. H H J K Electrical Ratings Voltage Motor Switch Rating (Amperes) Full Load Locked Rotor 120 VAC 10.2 61.2 240 VAC 5.1 30.6 Pilot Duty 125 VA at 120 or 240 VAC 60 Hz Dimensions, in. (mm) A B NPT C D E F G 61⁄2 (165) 1 (25) 91⁄8 (232) 51⁄8 (130) 45⁄8 (117) 25⁄8 (67) 75⁄16 (186) H NPT 1 ⁄2 (15) J K 113⁄32 (35.7) 129⁄32 (48.4) 77 Page 74 BOILER CONTROLS Combination Mechanical Water Feeder/ Low Water Cut-Offs (continued) Series 247-2 (continued) Mechanical Water Feeder Capacities BOILER CONTROLS STEAM Sq. Ft. (kg/hr.) lbs./hr. (1814) 4,000 (1361) 3,000 (907) 2,000 (454) 1,000 (0) 0 psi 0 (kg/cm2) (0) m imu Max y Capacit 10 (.7) a C ap c it y at Switch Part Number 247-2 133800 247-2-M 133900 Description Mechanical water feeder w/No. 2 switch 247-2 w/manual reset Weight lbs. (kg) 22.5 (10.2) 22.5 (10.2) Refer to page 86 for additional switch information and page 92 for cartridge valve and strainer information. 78 4,000,000 (15,800) 116 (86) 12,000 3,000,000 (11,900) 87 (65) 8,000 2,000,000 (7,900) 58 (43) 4,000 1,000,000 (4,000) 29 (22) 0 0 0 Cut-Off DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE IN POUNDS PER SQ. IN. (Water pressure less boiler pressure) Model Number 16,000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (1.4) (2.1) (2.8) (3.5) (4.2) (4.9) (5.6) (6.3) (7.0) Ordering Information BOILER BOILER hp Btu (K-Calories/Hr.) (Kilowatts) Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 TYPE M + MG2 FIELD BAROMETRIC DAMPER BULLETIN 122-BD PAGE 1 7A The type M + MG2 Field Barometric Damper is a specialized, precision made, three fuel control for the purpose of controlling boiler draft conditions. It will serve gas, oil or coal with equal efficiency and requires only minor changes in the field to adjust from one fuel to another. It is a control of extreme sensitivity and structural strength. It has been designed exclusively for industrial furnaces and boilers. The damper's sensitivity is increased by holding the clearance between the ring and the gate to a minimum. A heavy dieformed gate ring is employed. This heavy gate provides extreme rigidity and structural strength. This gate is mounted on a long, thin, stainless steel knife edge which in turn rests on self aligning, stainless steel bearings. The bearings are self cleaning. Soot or dirt cannot accumulate to cause binding or friction. They are also self leveling, assuring that the knife edge is always in contact across the full width of the bearing for an even distribution of weight. When the gate moves, only the sharp corner of the knife's edge rests on the bearings, an area of contact so minute that friction is virtually non-existent. The result is extreme and instantaneous sensitivity to draft change. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY: The barometric damper can be adjusted to the proper draft setting to obtain the desired efficiency. Where a draft deficiency exists, the Field Double Acting Control can make the draft assistance of the entire stack available to the boiler. The control handles overdraft conditions to maintain constant draft pressure within the limits of the control's opening. VERSATILITY: The damper is a very versatile control with respect to fuel served, input changes and installation location. The control will serve gas, oil, or combination fired boilers. The damper permits flexibility in that it can be adjusted to changes of input. The control also is self adjusting for changes in weather conditions. The Field Control offers a wide range of approved installations to fit the particular job. LOW INITIAL AND INSTALLATION COSTS: On larger sized applications, the damper may be lower in initial cost than a draft diverter since a smaller sized control can be used. The chimney size is usually smaller than with draft diverters since the whole height of the boiler stack may be employed to create draft. The damper is a very compact unit and can easily be installed in locations with limited ceiling heights. UL LISTED: Every barometric damper used by the Parker Boiler Company is listed by Underwriter's Laboratory. I. APPLICATIONS: The Field Barometric Dampers are standardly recommended and furnished on the following Parker Boilers: 1. All Power Gas, Gas/Oil, or Oil Fired Boilers. 2. All Gas Fired Steam Boilers 70 H.P. and larger. 3. Applications requiring damper. 4. Approved applications requiring smaller size stacks. II. INSTALLATIONS: (Refer to General Basic Installation Instructions Paragraph VI, Combustion Vents.) 1. The damper should be installed with the "tee" type fitting furnished. It should be installed directly above the boiler connecting to the collar provided on top of the boiler cabinet. 2. The control must be installed in the up-right position on either a vertical or horizontal chimney. The front face of the control must be plumb and the bearing surfaces level. DO NOT SUPPORT THE BAROMETRIC TEE AND STACK ON THE BOILER CABINET. 3. The damper must be handled with a reasonable amount of care since this is a precision constructed instrument with delicate balancing. 4. The boiler stack should be run upward to required height above the roof in accordance with specifications and local codes. 5. Care should be taken that the stack is properly supported so that there is no excessive strain on the boiler cabinet. 6. A non-restrictive cap must be installed on the top of the stack of the type to prevent against down-draft and weather conditions. 7. The control should not be located within 18" of any wall or combustible material. III. OPERATION: With the Field Barometric Damper, barometric pressure opens the gate and all draft, except the minimum needed to carry flue gases up the stack, is checked by the action of the draft control. The swinging gate is under the control of a counterweight, thereby, maintaining the desired draft for best combustion. In normal operation, the gate will usually swing back and forth in the inward position approximately one-third its normal travel. In the event of up-draft, the gate opens inward to admit dilution air so that the normal draft through the boiler is not interrupted. When the draft is weak, the gate stays closed because the differential pressure is too small to move it, and the entire stack draft is placed at the service of the burner. 122-BD.DOC BULLETIN 122-BD PAGE 2 7A Page 78 TYPE M + MG2 FIELD BAROMETRIC DAMPER ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS IV. ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The control must be adjusted to the desired draft setting by adding or removing the washer-type weights supported by the two small chains. Do not move the large weights attached directly to the gate. (Fig. 1, Item G.) 2. Once the desired setting has been obtained, be sure to securely tighten the screw and nut holding the washer weights. 3. The damper should be set to maintain as low a draft as will give good combustion. NOTE, THE DAMPER DOES NOT COME ADJUSTED FROM THE FACTORY DUE TO VARYING DRAFT CONDITIONS. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED: A. ALL GAS FIRED BOILERS: Check to be certain that the stop and two cover plates (three parts painted red) have been removed. Refer to Fig. 1. To remove stop, Item A, remove (2) screws securing it to ring. To remove cover plates, Item B, bend or break off the tab that goes through the small hole in ring. Do not remove stop, Item C. VISUAL CHECK: When the boiler is operating normally after being in service for at least 15 minutes, the gate should be balanced so that it swings inward approximately one-third of its travel. It should not be binding against either stop. If the gate is in the out-ward position more than temporarily, the cause of the down-draft should be immediately detected and corrected. These rules generally apply, but an accurate draft setting can be obtained only by the use of proper instruments as follows: DRAFT GAUGE: 1. Readings with a draft gauge should be taken after boiler is in operation for at least 15 minutes. 2. Readings should be taken in center of vent stack below barometric damper but above top of boiler cabinet. Drill hole if necessary. 3. A minimum draft of not less than .04" to .06" W.C. negative pressure should be experienced below the barometric damper. If the draft is less than this, add washer weights required to swing damper gate towards vertical, which increases draft through the boiler. 4. On altitudes above 3,000', draft pressure should be increased as necessary for good combustion. COMBUSTION TEST: On all jobs, particularly high altitudes or restrictive vent conditions, it is advisable to call in competent combustion personnel to make a complete combustion test to achieve the best efficiency and safety. Draft should be set for best efficiency as low as possible without presence of CO in the flue gas. B. OIL OR COMBINATION GAS/OIL FIRED BOILERS: Check to be certain that the stop and two cover plates (three parts painted red) are in place. The gate should never be able to swing to the out-ward position. VISUAL CHECK During normal operation, the gate will usually swing in one-third of its travel. Proper draft settings must be obtained by use of instruments. DRAFT GAUGE: 1. Readings with a draft gauge should be taken after boiler is in operation for at least 15 minutes. 2. Readings should be taken in center of vent stack below barometric damper but above the top of the boiler. Drill hole if necessary. 3. A minimum draft of not less than .04" to .06" W.C. negative pressure should be experienced below the barometric damper. If the draft is greater than this, remove washer weights as required to swing bottom of damper out toward vertical, which increases draft. 4. On altitudes above 3,000', draft pressure should be increased as necessary for good combustion. COMBUSTION TEST: On all jobs it is advisable to call in competent combustion personnel to make a complete combustion test to achieve the best efficiency and safety. Draft should be set for best efficiency as low as possible without the presence of CO or soot. Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 123 MSR PAGE 1 0E6 PARKER BOILER CO. MOTOR STARTING RELAYS Parker Steam Boilers are furnished with a Pump Motor Starting Relay for each boiler feed pump. These relays are furnished as a means of switching the heavy current load of each boiler feed pump with the lighter duty contacts available in the water level control. They may also be used to energize a water feed valve or remote motor starting relay when the electrical ratings match the boiler electrical service. All three phase feed pumps require a motor starting relay with heaters and all boilers with electrical service over 115 Volts require a control transformer (standard) or separate 115 Volt 1 Phase service for the control circuit. Additional relays may be furnished for other motor starting loads when specified. FIG. 1 CR306 FIG. 2 DP2030B (R4243B) WARNING: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair boiler controls and burner systems. 2. Hazard of electric shock. Line voltage is present in all boiler control circuits. More than one main line disconnect switch may be required to disconnect all power. Always turn off all main line disconnect switches when working on any electrical controls. OPERATION: Consult Boiler Wiring Diagram. The motor starting relay is normally mounted in the boiler control panel. If installed in the field it should be mounted vertically in an appropriate enclosure in a cool place. Line service is connected to terminals L1 and L2 for single phase service and L1, L2 and L3 for three phase. The pump motor is connected to terminals T1 and T2 or T1, T2 and T3. When feed pump electrical is over 115 Volts, a control transformer is normally furnished wired to terminals L1 and L2 to operate the boiler control circuit. Whenever the water level control energizes its circuit, indicating that more water is required, the motor starting relay coil is energized from the blue wire. This causes the motor starting relay coil contacts to pull in, starting the boiler feed pump. Single phase motors must have built in overload protection. Three phase motors are protected by the overload relay heaters on the motor starting relay. In the event of an overload, after repairing the cause of overload, the reset button must be manually reset before operation may be resumed. Single phase motors may also use a motor starting relay with overload relay heaters. Owner must provide field installed Motor Branch Circuit Protection in accordance with the National Electric Code. See Page 2 Chart IV. HONEYWELL DP2030B5003 (R4243B1004) DPST ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTACTOR: These two pole normally open contactors are furnished as motor starting relays on Parker Boilers for 115 Volt motors with built in overload protection up to 1 horsepower. They feature heavy duty, silver alloy, bridge type double-break contacts. There are no repairable components, therefore, the relay must be replaced if defective. GENERAL ELECTRIC CR306 MOTOR STARTING RELAY: The CR306B Nema Size 0 and CR306C Nema Size 1 Motor Starting Relays are furnished on Parker Boilers for motor voltages over 115 Volt. Maximum motor H.P. for each voltage and phasing are labeled on the front of the armature magnet assembly. Overload protection heaters are furnished with new boilers sized for the standard boiler feed pump motor. If the pump electrical is changed or the pump is non-standard, be certain the heaters supplied are properly sized for the pump. See Heater Section Chart II on next page. These relays feature heavy duty vertically-slanted contacts which resist contamination and bounce, easy disassembly of contacts and coil without tools and coil windings protected against dust, oil, mechanical damage and rust. COIL REPLACEMENT: 1. Remove power from device. Press against coil while pulling up slightly on coil retainers (A-figure 1) and move retainers away from coil. 2. Withdraw magnet assembly, coil, molded cover, and moveable arm from device. 3. Withdraw spring clip (B-Figure 1) and remove armature from movable arm. Remove coil from magnet. 4. Replace coil. Reassemble device by reversing procedure. CONTACT REPLACEMENT: 1. Perform steps 1 through 3 under Coil Replacement. 2. Remove magnet from molded cover and movable arm. Remove return spring from center of movable arm. 3. Remove molded cover from movable arm. Depress and slide movable contact and spring from movable arm. 4. Remove screws holding stationary contacts in place and remove stationary contacts. 5. Reassemble device by reversing process. CHECK FOR WELDED CONTACTS IN OVERLOAD RELAY: With power disconnected, disconnect the control wiring from the relay terminals. Place a bell set or resistance measuring instrument across the relay terminals. Depress and release reset arm to insure relay is reset. In this condition there should be continuity between the terminals. Depress white manual check operator to trip the relay. In the tripped condition the circuit between the terminals should be open indicating the contacts are operating normally. Rewire the terminals and reset the relay for normal operation. MAINTENANCE: 1. Always remove power from device before performing any maintenance. 2. Keep magnet mating surface free from accumulated dirt or dust. 3. DO NOT OIL OR GREASE the magnet mating surfaces. 4. Contacts are carefully designed for maximum life. They need only to be replaced when nearly all the silver tip is gone and the contact tip support is exposed. DO NOT FILE the contacts. Filing or dressing the contacts only results in lost tip material and reduces life. 5. The ultimate tripping current of the installed relay heater can be adjusted plus or minus 10% by using the adjustment dial, shown in Figure 1. 123 MSR PAGE 2 0E6 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE: TROUBLE POSSIBLE CAUSE No electricity to boiler. Pump not running – Poor electrical connections. relay coil will not energize. (No voltage at coil) Water level control not energized. Overload heaters have tripped. Pump not running – Relay coil for wrong voltage. relay coil will not energize. Defective relay coil. (Voltage at coil) Mechanical bind. Incorrect electrical supply. Pump not running – Defective pump wiring. relay coil energized. Burned out pump motor. No heaters in motor starter. Defective contacts. Pump motor continues to run. Burned relay contacts. Defective armature. Relay coil de-energized. Motor or equipment. Heaters repeatedly lock out. (CR306 only) Incorrectly sized heaters. Excessive ambient temperature. Page 82 I. REMEDY Check source of power, fuses, line switch, etc. Disconnect, clean thoroughly. Reconnect and tighten. Replace any broken connections. Clean water level control. See water control bulletin. Clean, repair or replace. Manually push reset button. Repair cause of overload. Replace with coil for correct voltage. Replace coil or complete relay. Check magnet assembly and movable contacts. Manually operate to check. Check pump for proper electrical service required. Check continuity of wiring from motor starter to pump. Tighten all connections. Replace motor. Install correct size heaters. Repair or replace. Repair or replace contacts or relay. Replace armature (CR306 only). Check motor load. Repair any mechanical difficulty. Check for stoppage in water feed line. See chart below and actual motor nameplate for correct sized heaters. Replace. Adjust temperature compensating dial. Turn counterclockwise to increase setting. Mount relay in cooler area. Repair cause of excessive heat. II. HEATER SECTION CHART – THREE LEG OVERLOAD PROTECTION (3 HEATERS) – BURKS PUMPS AND 60 HZ SERVICE: VOLTAGE VOLTAGE MOTOR SIZE VOLTAGE MOTOR SIZE 230V 3PH 460V 3PH 115V 1PH 230V 1PH 230V 3PH 460V 3PH 1/3 H.P. CR123 C2.20A CR123 C1.09A CR123 C7.78A CR123 C3.79A 2 H.P. CR123 C6.30A CR123 C3.26A 1/2 H.P. CR123 C2.68A CR123 C1.31A CR123 C10.4B CR123 C4.66A 3 H.P. CR123 C8.67A CR123 C4.19A 3/4 H.P. CR123 C3.56A CR123 C1.96A CR123 C13.7B CR123 C6.30A 5 H.P. CR123 C13.7B CR123 C6.30A 1 H.P. CR123 C3.79A CR123 C2.20A CR123 C15.1B CR123 C7.78A 7-1/2 H.P. CR123 C19.3B CR123 C10.4B 1-1/2 H.P. CR123 C5.92A CR123 C3.01A CR123 C21.4B CR123 C11.3B 10 H.P. CR123 C27.3B CR123 C13.7B III. STANDARD SIZE HEATERS FURNISHED WITH STEAM BOILERS. (SET OF THREE HEATERS) If the pump or return system is not furnished with the boiler, check to be certain that these heaters supplied are properly sized. 100 PSI 125 BOILER SIZE HEATER MODEL PUMP MOTOR – 230/60/3 HEATER MODEL PUMP MOTOR – 230/60/3 20 H.P. CR123 C3.56A 3/4 H.P. CR123 C3.56A 3/4 H.P. 25 H.P. CR123 C3.56A 3/4 H.P. CR123 C3.56A 3/4 H.P. 30 H.P. CR123 C3.56A 3/4 H.P. CR123 C6.30A 2 H.P. 40 H.P. CR123 C5.92A 1-1/2 H.P. CR123 C6.30A 2 H.P. 50 H.P. CR123 C5.92A 1-1/2 H.P. CR123 C6.30A 2 H.P. 70 H.P. (2) CR123 C5.92A (2) 1-1/2 H.P. (2) CR123 C6.30A (2) 2 H.P. 90 H.P. (2) CR123 C8.67A (2) 3 H.P. (2) CR123 C13.7B (2) 5 H.P. 115 H.P. (2) CR123 C13.7B (2) 5 H.P. (2) CR123 C13.7B (2) 5 H.P. 150 H.P. (2) CR123 C13.7B (2) 5 H.P. (2) CR123 C13.7B (2) 5 H.P. IV. OVERLOAD HEATER SELECTION: - HEATER SELECTION TABLES: For continuous rated motors with a service factor of 1.15 to 1.25, select the heater with maximum amps equal to or immediately greater than the motor full load current (provides a maximum of 125% protection). For continuous rated motors with no service factor, multiply the full load current of the motor by 0.90 and use this value to select the heater. To protect the heater during short circuit, provide motor branch circuit protection in accordance with the N.E. code, but not to exceed the maximum fuse ratings shown opposite each heater. Tables are for Type 1 enclosed. NEMA sizes 00, 0, and 1 – for three phase, 3-pole starters, three leg overload protection (3 heaters): MAXIMUM HEATER MAXIMUM MAXIMUM HEATER MAXIMUM When reassembling note that the magnet and moveable arm assembly (Items 5 through 10) will fit only one way. The magnet, Item 8, and movable arm, Item 7, will fit either way MOTOR NUMBER FUSE MOTOR NUMBER FUSE but will be quieter if reassembled the same way they were taken apart. AMPS CR123 RATING AMPS CR123 RATING .44 C0.54A 3 4.67 C4.66A 15 .48 C0.60A 3 5.11 C5.26A 20 .54 C0.66A 3 5.67 C5.92A 20 .59 C0.71A 3 6.11 C6.30A 20 .66 C0.78A 3 6.89 C6.95A 25 .78 C0.87A 3 7.59 C7.78A 25 .89 C0.97A 3 8.39 C8.67A 30 .95 C1.09A 3 9.19 C9.55A 30 1.02 C1.18A 3 9.84 C10.4B 30 1.17 C1.31A 3 10.8 C11.3B 35 1.31 C1.48A 3 11.3 C12.5B 35 1.42 C1.63A 3 12.5 C13.7B 40 1.55 C1.84A 6 14.5 C15.1B 45 1.66 C1.96A 6 16.5 C16.3B 50 1.82 C2.20A 6 17.9 C18.0B 60 REF NO. PART NUMBER PRINCIPAL RENEWAL PARTS 2.04 C2.39A 6 19.6 C19.3B 60 CR123C--GE heater for CR306 (specify size) 4 546A300G2 Contact kit for CR306B Size 0 2.28 C2.68A 6 20.6 C21.4B 70 OR OR OR 2.61 C3.01A 10 23.1 C22.8B 80 4 546A301G2 Contact kit for CR306C Size 1 2.97 C3.26A 10 24.7 C25.0B 80 8 546A301G054 Armature and frame (magnet) 3.37 C3.56A 10 25.9 C27.3B 80 9 15021G2 Operating coil for CR306 115V 3.68 C3.79A 10 27.0 C30.3B 90 10 546A588P001 Spring retainer for armature 4.31 C4.19A 15 123 msr.doc Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 BULLETIN 123-C2000 APRIL 2003 C2000 MC1 MINI-C0NTACTOR/ C2000 MT THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAY WARNING: Disconnect all power before installing or servicing. DESCRIPTION GE'S full-voltage magnetic starters include a MC1 magnetic contactor and a MT thermal overload relay, providing motor protection against running and stalled motor overloads. The overload relay provided is the fixed heater type MT with manual/automatic differential trip. Contactors - MC1, Open Form, Standard Screw-type terminals. Three Phase KW Single Phase Horsepower -Motor Voltage (AC-3) HP Motor Voltage 60 HZ 50 HZ 60 HZ 200-208 220-240 400-480 550-600 380-415 115 230 3 3 5 5 4 1/2 1-1/2 Starter Maximum Full Load Amperes 9.0 Auxiliary Contact Catalog Number N.O. 1 MC1A310ATJ Overload Relays - MT Fixed heater with differential protection for direct mounting to starter. Current Range Setting Min Max. 1.35 2 2.2 3.2 3.0 4.7 4.0 6.3 7.5 10.5 Max. Fuse Rating HRC11 K5 10 6 16 10 16 15 20 20 35 40 Overload Relay Selection Chart horsepower/electrical 230 V 3 PH 1/3 1/2 MT03J Set 2.7 3/4 MT03K Set 3.6 1 MT03K Set 3.8 1-1/2 MT03L Set 5.9 2 MT03L Set 6.3 3 MT03N Set 8.7 Catalog Number MT03H MT03J MT03K MT03L MT03N 460 V 3 PH MT03H Set 1.35 MT03H Set 2.0 MT03J Set 2.2 MT03J Set 3.0 MT03K Set 3.3 MT03K Set 4.2 115 V 1 PH MT03N Set 8.0 MT03N Set 10.4 Figure 1 230 V 1 PH MT03K Set 4.0 MT03L Set 4.7 MT03L Set 6.3 MT03N Set 7.8 Figure 2 Installation - Method of mounting: Open Forms - Two methods of mounting are provided: (1) using # 8 screws placed in at least two diagonal mounting holes, drilling template provided below. (2) Using 35mm din rail to allow controller to be snapped on or off the rail. Before connecting power, supply: 1. Remove all packing. TOP 2. Mount controller on a sturdy vertical support by one of the two mounting methods described above. 3. If the controller is a starter, set the fixed heater overload setting dial for maximum motor fullload current by turning the dial to match the current marked on the scale. Drilling Template for mounting 4. Make electrical connections. Power terminals are marked L1, L2, L3 and load terminals are (Use #8 Screw) marked T1, T2, and T3. Control wiring is connected to A1 and A2 coil terminals for contactor 1.57" applications and to terminal A1 and terminal 95 on overload relay for starter applications. Refer to National Electrical Code or local electrical code as additional control circuit over-current protection may be required. 5. The MT--- (auto/manual) overload relay include with the starter is furnished from the factory with the selector knob set for manual reset. Insure blue selector knob is turned clockwise for manual operation. The relay may be set for automatic reset by pressing and rotating blue reset button fully counterclockwise to A. 1.38" 6. Test trip and reset may be done by lightly pushing the small red trip indicator (using a thin pointed instrument) from the 1 to 0 position until it snaps over. Reset by pressing the blue reset button (see Figure 2.) Not to scale Caution: When adjusted for automatic reset, the overload relay should not be used with two-wire maintained contact pilot devices such as pressure, float, and limit switches, as inadvertent restarting of the motor can occur. Overload Relay Installation Refer to Figure 1. Recheck the rating label located on the side of overload relay for proper contactor reference. Caution: Contactor power terminals clamps on terminals T1, T2, T3, 14, and A2 must be completely open before installing or removing overload relay. 1. Remove all packing. 2. Insert the two hooks on the overload into the corresponding loops on the bottom side of the contactor. 3. Rotate the overload forward until the leads fit in the terminals of contactor. Hold overload firmly in place and tighten contactor terminal screws T1, T2, T3, 14 and A2. 4. To complete installation, follow steps 4 through 6 under Installation. BULLETIN 123-C2000 APRIL 2003 Page 2 of 2 Page 88 Wiring Diagram: Full Voltage, Non-Reversing: 115 Volt, 1 Phase 123 C2000.doc 230 Volt, 1 Phase 230/460 Volt, 3 Phase Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 BULLETIN K-125-LMI 0C0 PARKER BOILER CO. AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FEEDER FOR STEAM BOILERS The accurate and uniform introduction of the proper ratio of chemicals to the boiler system is a basic requirement for a satisfactory water treatment program. The AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FEEDER has been developed to provide a controlled automatic method for more efficiently and economically adding treatment while the boiler is in operation. This feeder has the advantage of far more positive and uniform treatment control than is possible by the batch or drip feeder method. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Easy and positive method of uniformly adding water treatment to steam boiler(s). 2. Automatic reliable Chem-Feed Metering Pump delivers an adjustable rate and stroke length to meet chemical quantity requirements. 3. Heavy duty industrial quality chemical pump will out last the standard commercial grade units. 4. Rated for 150 PSI so chemical can be injected directly into water feed line. 5. All fittings with hose for connecting to boiler return tank. 6. A complete automatic compound feeder package is available with a 15, 30, 35, or 50 gallon tank and agitator. 7. Saves Labor: The Compound Feeder reduces the amount of time required by the Operator for the addition of water treatment to the boiler system. SHOWN WITH OPTIONAL FEED TANK EASY TO INSTALL Locate the Kit near boiler return system and place hose into a tee off the feed line of the return tank. Wire electrical on the compound feed pump. We recommend purchasing the boiler with terminals for chemical feeder. This allows us to size the panel for the correct electrical load while easing your installation. Electrical furnished standard for pump is115 Volt 60 Hz 1 Ph, 160 Watts. Page 94 BULLETIN K-125-LMI PAGE 2 OF 2 \ 0C0 I. SPECIFICATIONS: II. PARTS: PART NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: P121-351TI CHEMICAL METERING PUMPS LMI CHEMICAL METERING PUMP 27400 F-M-TE-H-WRD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ST15-TL ST15-L ST30-TL ST30-L ST50-TL ST50-L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 28001 25636-16 10299 28005 29608 28004 32293 28002 LMI 35 GAL TANK WITH (3) OPENINGS - (1) FOR “P” SERIES PUMP, (1) FOR MIXER, (1) FOR CHEMICAL WINGERT 1/20 HP 304 SS STAINLESS MIXER AND IMPELLER TANKS & LIDS (AVAILABLE SEPARATELY) Tank and Lid for ST15 Lid Only Tank and Lid for ST30 Lid Only Tank and Lid for ST50 Lid Only PARTS Injector Check/Back Pressure Valve Assembly Tubing, .250” O.D. Polyethylene Coupling Nut Discharge Valve Assembly Head, 0.5 SI GFR Polypropylene Suction Valve Assembly Tubing Straightener Assembly Foot Valve Assembly K-125.DOC Page 95 BULLETIN K-125 7D / PAGE 1 OF 2 PARKER BOILER CO. AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FEEDER FOR STEAM BOILERS The accurate and uniform introduction of the proper ratio of chemicals to the boiler system is a basic requirement for a satisfactory water treatment program. The AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FEEDER has been developed to provide a controlled automatic method for more efficiently and economically adding treatment while the boiler is in operation. This feeder has the advantage of far more positive and uniform treatment control than is possible by the batch or drip feeder method. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Easy and positive method of uniformly adding water treatment to steam boiler(s). 2. Automatic reliable Chem-Feed Metering Pump delivers a fixed rate of approximately .28 gallons per hour. 3. Peristaltic (Tube Type) Pump has no seals or packing to malfunction and no valves to clog, jam or corrode. Triple roller assembly provides even pumping action and excellent self-priming characteristics. Transparent pump head cover allows easy viewing of pumping operation. 4. Heavy polyethylene tank with cover and strainer. 5. All fittings with hose for connecting to boiler return tank. 6. A complete automatic compound feeder package is available with a 15, 30, or 50gallon tank. Maximum operating hours of 160 hours for one tank full. EASY TO INSTALL Locate the Kit near boiler return system and place hose into the well of the return tank. Electrically wire the compound feed pump. SAVES LABOR The Compound Feeder reduces the amount of time required by the Operator for the addition of water treatment to the boiler system. AUTOMATIC COMPOUND FEEDERS COMPLETE KITS KIT * PUMPS 1. ST-15 A-1614-4 2. ST-30 A-1614-4 3. ST-50 A-1614-4 ITEM AND DESCRIPTION TANKS MAXIMUM OPERATING HOURS GALLONS FOR ONE TANK FILL ** 15 Approximately 48 Hours of continuous operation 30 Approximately 96 Hours of continuous operation 50 Approximately 160 Hours of continuous operation Select tank size based on number of operating hours per week. * Standard Electrical 115 Volt 60 Hz 1 Phase ** If Chemical Feed Pump is wired in parallel with Boiler Feed Pump(s), maximum operating hours will increase by 3 to 4 times the number specified. K-125.DOC Page 96 BULLETIN K-125 PAGE 2 OF 2 \ 7D PUMP LID FILL CAP HB HA DIAMETER FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW I. SPECIFICATIONS: NO. HA HB DIA CAP DESCRIPTION HEIGHT OF CONTAINER HEIGHT OVERALL DIAMETER CAPACITY OF CONTAINER SHIPPING WEIGHT - DOMESTIC SIZE OF SHIPPING CARTON IN. IN. IN. GAL. LBS. IN. ST-15 24-1/2 28-1/2 14-1/2 15 20 15 x 15 x 26 ST-30 29 33 18-1/2 30 22 19 x 19 x 31 ST-50 33 37 22-1/2 50 28 24 x 24 x 37 II. PARTS: PART NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 1. A1614-4-115 2. A1614-4-230 Chem-Feed Pump with Motor & Accessories, 115V 60Hz 1 Ph Motor Complete with Gear Box, 230V 60Hz 1 Ph 14 RPM TANKS & LIDS Tank and Lid for ST15 Lid Only Tank and Lid for ST30 Lid Only Tank and Lid for ST50 Lid Only PARTS 1/4" Pump Tube Assembly, Clear vinyl 1/4" Pump Tube Assembly, Black Norprene 1/4" Tube Nut (Four Required) 1/4" Suction & Discharge Tubing, Clear Vinyl 1/4" Combination Foot Valve Strainer 1/4" Anti-Syphon Check Valve Pump Head Cover Pump Head Cover Retainer Knob Roller Assembly PUMPS AND MOTORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ST15-TL ST15-L ST30-TL ST30-L ST50-TL ST50-L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A-002-4 A-002-4N C-330-4 C-334-4 C-340-4V A-014-4V A-001 A-011 A-003 K-125.DOC Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 INSTALLATION K-125-ST-P 7B INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ST AUTOMATIC BOILER COMPOUND FEEDER WITH PERISTALTIC PUMP INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: (See Instruction Drawing No. K-125-ST-P) 1. Open carton and remove tank. Remove box containing pump from inside tank. 2. Mount the Chem-Feed Pump in an upright position on the lid of the tank in the holes provided. Use the nuts, bolts and washers provided. Push pump to left to lock in keyhole slots. 3. Locate tank with pump in a convenient location to Condensate Return Tank and with easy access to Fill Cap in Lid of Tank. Keep ventilation openings in rear of pump clear. 4. Wire Chem-Feed Pump Motor as shown on Drawing No. ELECTRICAL K-125-P or as shown on the boiler wiring diagram, and in compliance with all local Codes. A. The electrical on the compound pump motor must correspond to the service electrical used. Note the motor is only 50 watts and is furnished standard for 115 volt, 60 Hz, 1 Phase only. B. Electrical should be properly grounded and in compliance with the local electrical code. C. A manual off/on switch is desirable so the pump can be shut off individually. D. The Chem-Feed Pump is designed to run continuously when powered and should turn on and off with boiler feed pump. 5. Each Pump is furnished with (2) Pump tube Assemblies. One of these must be installed in the pump by turning off the electrical power to the Chem-Feed motor and following the instructions on the tube threading Instruction Sheet. 6. To connect suction line: (use clear vinyl tubing provided) - See schematic on piping. A. Slip cylindrical weight over one end of tubing. Slip nut from Foot Valve (Strainer) over same end of clear tubing. Insert foot valve and tighten nut, hand tight only. B. Lower Foot Valve to within one inch above the bottom of tank and feed tubing through hole in lid. With lid on tank and Foot Valve one inch from bottom, measure length to bottom pump fitting. Foot Valve must hang vertically. C Cut the tubing squarely and slip pump section fitting nut over the end of the tubing. D. Slip the plastic tubing over the lower fitting of pump all the way on. Tighten nut, hand tight only. DO NOT USE WRENCH OR PLIERS ON TUBE NUTS OR ADAPTERS AS THIS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE AND VOID WARRANTY. 7. To connect pump discharge: (use remaining clear vinyl tubing) - See schematic on piping. A. Slip nut from Check Anti-Siphon Valve over one end of tubing. Insert Check Anti-Siphon Valve and tighten nut hand tight only. B. Slip pump discharge fitting nut over other end of tubing and slip tubing over upper fitting of pump all the way on. Tighten nut, hand tight only. 8. Place the pump discharge tubing and check anti-siphon valve into the return tank through the cap into the well. Keep the compound tank and tubing away from direct contact with the boiler as high temperature may damage same. 9. When starting the pump for the first time, priming is not normally necessary. 10. Check all fittings for tightness to be sure there are no leaks and the unit is pumping properly before putting in the boiler compound. K125STP.DOC Page 100 Page 101 127 CB 70 8C PARKER BOILER CO. CB 70 BALL VALVE NOTE: All Apollo Conbraco blow-off valves furnished by Parker Boiler are cast bronze bodies spec B62. The CB 70 Series are ball valves with brass bodies and a "blow-out proof" stem. The handle turns to full "open" or "closed" position with quick quarter turn. The CB 70-100 valves are rated for 157 PSI steam service and are used as blowoff valves and water feed line stop valves (if furnished) on boilers up to 125 PSI working pressure. The CB 70100 and 70-100-C with pressure taps are approved for use as gas cocks on Parker Boilers. The CB70-100 is built with a chrome plated brass ball, solid Teflon seats, brass stem, and Teflon stem packing. CB 70-100 The CB70-140 valves are rated for 250 PSI steam service and are used as blowoff valves and water feed line stop valves (if furnished) on boilers up to 200 PSI working pressure. The CB 70-140 is built with a special polished stainless steel ball, multi filled Teflon seats, stainless stem, and high temperature stem packing. The valves are also suitable for many other varied applications including water column drain valves, pump suction stop valves and water gauge glass valves. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Fast Full Opening: The valve is a ball type valve which opens fully with only a quarter turn of the valve handle. The easy, fast opening feature has been an advantage in the type of blowdown recommended on Parker Boilers for thoroughly flushing the unit. It has a larger port area than most plug type valves or other ball valves which assures a more complete blowdown. 2. Blow-Out Proof Stem: The valve is built so that it is impossible for the stem to blow out the top of the valve. 3. Maintenance Free: This valve will provide reliable service without requiring costly maintenance, lubrication, or adjustment. No lubrication is required for life of the valve. 4. Easy to Operate: The design of the valve with the Teflon seats and smooth ball assures that it will remain exceptionally easy to operate while in service. The ball is machined to a micro-smooth finish and chrome plated or polished to assure free-turning and a self-cleaning action as the ball wipes clean when opened. 5. Compact Size: The valve is smaller in size than most boiler blow-off valves and can usually be screwed in the boiler blowdown line without having to disconnect piping when the boiler is installed on the floor. 6. Two-Way Flow: The valve is designed for flow in either direction to eliminate any danger of improper installation. 7. Quality Construction: The valve is constructed with a rugged brass body, ball, Teflon seats, stem seals and a vinyl insulated steel handle. The stuffing box has take-up to compensate for wear and the valve features an improved lever assembly with nut to hold securely. NOTE: The A.S.M.E. Code requires that the blow-off valve and water feed line stop valve on steam boilers be rated for a pressure at least 25% higher than the safety valve setting. For these services the CB70-100 Ball Valve, rated 157 PSI, may be used on boilers through 125 PSI working pressure and the CB70-140 Ball Valve, rated 250 PSI, on boilers through 200 PSI. For pressure above 100 PSI, a slow-opening blow-off valve is required in addition to the main fast-opening blow-off valve. Page 102 127-CB 70 8C I. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: This valve must be either "fully open" or "fully closed". Do not throttle with this valve. On complete blowdowns, let the boiler feed pump run 30 to 60 seconds after blowdown before closing the valve. If the valve does not close freely , do not force, but let the pump run longer to flush any foreign material through the valve to be sure it is clear to close freely. Always use caution to avoid touching the valve body and piping as they are very hot. When this valve is used as the water feed line stop valve, never close the valve when the pump is operating as this will damage the pump. The CB 70 Ball Valve does not require lubrication, adjustment or maintenance. II. VALVE DIMENSIONS & PARTS: NOTE: A special service kit is available for field repair of the valve. The kit includes: teflon stem packing, two teflon seats, and with 1 1/4 through 3" size, one teflon body seal. SIZE 1/4* 3/8* 1/2* 3/4* 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 A 3/8 3/8 1/2 11/16 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 B 1-1/32 1-1/32 1-1/8 1-1/2 1-11/16 2 2-3/16 2-11/32 3-1/4 3-3/8 C 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-1/4 3 3-3/8** 4 4-3/8 4-11/16 6-1/2 6-3/4 D 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-13/16 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/16 4-1/8 4-1/8 E 3-7/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 4-7/8 4-7/8 5-1/2 5-1/2 5-1/2 8 8 CV 6.8 6.8 9.8 25 35 47 81 105 440 390 70-100 157# SERVICE KIT 70-001-01 70-002-01 70-003-01 70-004-01 70-005-01 70-006-01 70-007-01 70-008-01 70-009-01 70-010-01 70-140 250# SERVICE KIT 70-001-64 70-002-64 70-003-64 70-004-64 70-005-64 70-006-64 70-007-64 70-008-64 70-009-64 70-010-64 *Not available 70-100-C with pressure taps **4-3/8" CB70-100-C with pressure taps 127 CB 70.DOC Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 BULLETIN 127 DURABLA 9D PARKER BOILER CO. DURABLA BSS STAINLESS STEEL CHECK VALVE The Durabla BSS Check Valve is designed and recommended as the water feed line check valve to be used on the pump discharge line on Steam Boilers for operating pressure to 200 PSI. This is a spring loaded check valve with all parts constructed of stainless steel and designed for 300 PSI steam pressure. This is a quality check valve that has proven to be very reliable on Parker installations and provides certain advantages to eliminate many of the problems for this application. DURABLA BSS CHECK VALVE MOUNTED IN BELL REDUCER ADVANTAGES 1. Design Simplicity: The Durabla Check Valve consists of five simple components in a small unit, which resembles a bushing in outside appearance. The basic unit screws into a bell reducer or any standard pipe fitting and makes a complete check valve. 2. Long Life Service: The rugged construction assures long reliable service life and freedom from costly shutdowns and maintenance. The valve member is precision lapped to the seat. Since the valve is free to rotate continuously during operation, it should provide long life service. 3. Stainless Steel Construction: 4. Spring Load: 5. Operation In Any Position: Protection against corrosion and erosion is provided by making all parts of stainless steel. This construction almost eliminates any possibility of wire drawing the seat or valve face if a particle sticks within the valve. The valve is equipped with a spring which applies pressure on top of the valve to assist in the quick positive close action and minimize the problem of siphoning water into the boiler when not in service. Durabla Check Valves operate perfectly in any position, however, vertical is preferred. INSTALLATION Always install the Durabla Check Valve with a union connection nearby, as cleaning the valve requires breaking into the line and removing the check valve. Page 106 BULLETIN 127 DURABLA 9D As illustrated below, the Durabla Check Valve consists of five simple components. The guard cage protects the spring and valve member from damage. The retaining ring locks the parts together, yet permits easy disassembly. The seat is threaded to receive the proper line size into the inlet side. The outlet side is threaded to fit into a bell reducer or standard pipe fitting, which becomes the valve body. PROBLEM: If the check valve should leak, the pump may become vaporlocked and fail to pump. This will cause a low -water condition in the boiler and cause water in the return tank to over-heat creating a hammering noise as steam backs into the return tank. GUARD CAGE SPRING REMEDY: Tap lightly on side of valve and bell reducer. This may loosen any particles which have become lodged between valve face and seat. If this does not stop valve from leaking, follow the complete instructions below. VALVE RETAINING RING SEAT VALVE SIZE: 1/2" REDUCER SIZE: 1/2 X 1" 3/4" 3/4 X 1-1/2" 1" 1X2 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Turn off electricity. 2. Blow boiler down to zero pressure. 3. Close Water Feed Stop Valve (10A) near boiler. 4. Loosen union near check valve, and remove it from line. 5. Disassemble and thoroughly clean valve and seat so that a tight fit is obtained. In extreme cases of scale formation, the entire valve may be immersed in acid to clean properly. 1-1/4" 1-1/4 X 2-1/2"* 1-1/2" 1-1/2 X 3" 2" 2 X 4" For boiler pressures 100 PSI use standard reducer rated 150 PSI, for pressures up to 200 PSI use 300 PSI fittings. *1-1/4 X 2 -1/2" Bell Reducer not available in 300 PSI pressure, use coupling and bushing for this application. 127 BSS.doc Page 107 BULLETIN 127-SV 0E1 PARKER BOILER CO. CONBRACO & KUNKLE STEAM SAFETY VALVES These steam safety valves are a high capacity type specifically designed for boilers where high relieving capacity in a small size valve is desired. The valve size can be frequently reduced due to the high capacity of these valves in comparison to other types. This results in lower initial cost and a potential savings to the customer on replacement of other types. The schedule on Page 2 shows the standard size and model of valves used on Parker Boilers packaged steam. ADVANTAGES OF HIGH PRESSURE SAFETY VALVES 1. Soft Teflon Seats, which greatly reduce seat leakage problems are standard on all models. 2. Precision Wound, Calibrated Springs are used to provide stability of performance and uniform blowdown. The spring is aligned with washers to center the spring on the disc. This assures accurate relief at the set pressure, eliminating leakage before proper pressure is obtained. 3. Double Guided Combination Adjusting Ring and Disc Guide provide better alignment between seat and disc, ease of blowdown adjustment and finer valve operation. 4. Fine Adjustment, Lower Adjustment Rings allow sharp, clean opening and closing without simmer and valve dribble. 5. Precision Manufacture and Quality are prerequisites in these Valves. SELECTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Select the valve of the proper pressure rating and rated pound discharge capacity to accommodate the particular boiler. The minimum required relieving capacity for valves on ASME Section I ‘S’ Code boilers shall not be less than the maximum designed steaming capacity as determined by the Manufacturer. The required minimum relief valve capacity for a Parker ‘H’ Code 15 P.S.I. water tube boiler is determined by multiplying the heating surface in sq. ft. times 10. For example, a boiler with 50 sq. ft. heating surface requires a safety valve with 500 lbs. per hour discharge capacity. 2. The safety valve set pressure must never be in excess of the MAWP pressure stamped on the boiler. For high pressure boilers, the maximum boiler operating pressure must always be at least 10% below (but not less than 7 PSI below) the safety valve set pressure to prevent leakage. For low pressure boilers (15 PSI valve set pressure), the maximum boiler operating pressure must be at least 4 PSI below the safety valve set pressure to prevent leakage. Failure to maintain this operating gap can result in an accumulation of deposits on the seating surface, which may impede proper operation of the safety valve. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Install the safety valve in a vertical upright position at the opening provided and recommended by the manufacturer as close to the boiler as conveniently possible. No shutoff valve or other connections or restrictions are permissible between the boiler and the safety valve. The safety valve piping and opening from the boiler cannot be less than the inlet size of the valve, but the valve inlet may be smaller than the boiler outlet providing the safety valve has the required relieving capacity. 2. The safety valve is a precision made instrument and should be handled with care. Before installing be sure that: (a) All upstream pipes and connections have been blown clean. (b) Pipe compound is used on external threads only. (c) Inlet port of valve is free of any foreign material. (d) Use wrench on valve inlet hex only and avoid over tightening. Do not use a pipe wrench. 3. Do not cap or plug drain hole in the side of the valve body. 4. TO AVOID WATER DAMAGE OR SCALDING DUE TO VALVE OPERATION, A DISCHARGE PIPE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE VALVE OUTLET AND RUN FULL SIZE TO A SAFE PLACE OF DISPOSAL. IF A DISCHARGE PIPE IS NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT. The discharge line must be piped independent of all other piping, as short and straight as possible, without any intervening valve of any description and terminate freely to atmosphere. Never restrict or block a safety valve outlet. Install piping with sufficient flexibility to allow for free expansion and properly support so there is no strain on the safety valve body. Pipe to a safe point of discharge to prevent any possibility of personal injury and within 18" from the floor or into an open receptacle protected by a splash shield. If discharge cannot be piped to a completely safe location in the boiler room, such discharge should be piped outside the room to a safe location. Have adequate provision for draining condensate at discharge outlet. If piped upwardly, a drain line should be provided at the low point to keep this line drained. Secure the piping so it cannot move to cause personal injury when safety valve discharges. If piping is considerable distance, install a union near the safety valve outlet for convenience of changing valve when required. Use schedule 40 pipe only for discharge line (do not use schedule 80, extra strong or double extra strong discharge pipe or connections). Page 108 BULLETIN 127-SV 0E1 PARKER BOILER CO CONBRACO & KUNKLE STEAM SAFETY VALVES I. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 1. Safety valves should be regularly inspected and kept in good repair. Replace valves on indication of leaks or deterioration. 2. The Code may require, and it is recommended that the safety valve be tested periodically, at least every month. Test also at the beginning and end of any extended non-service period. CAUTION: Prior to testing, make certain that all personnel are clear from area and that the outlet of valve is properly piped to a safe point of discharge (see Installation Instructions, Page 1). A loud noise and high velocity steam will discharge freely from discharge port and through drain hole provided in the side of valve body. Test lever is designed to be activated only when 75% or more of the popping pressure is reached, otherwise distortion could result. The valve should be tested at or near maximum operating pressure by holding the test lever fully open for approximately 5 seconds to flush the valve seat free of any debris or sediment then permit valve to snap shut. If the valve leaks, raise and lower the handle slowly and be sure the valve properly reseats. If valve continues to leak, shut down boiler and replace valve before placing boiler back in service. 3. It is recommended that a spare valve be kept on hand for immediate replacement. II. SCHEDULE OF VALVES USED ON PARKER BOILERS BOILER MODEL HORSEPOWER HIGH PRESSURE 'S' CODE STD.'V' VALVE 100 PSI & ABOVE MIN. RELIEVING CAP. = MAX. DESIGNED STEAMING CAP. lb/hr LOW PRESSURE 'H' CODE STD. 'HV' VALVE 15 PSI ONLY MINIMUM RELIEF VALVE CAPACITY lb/hr 102-1-1/2 PARKERETTE 102-3 PARKERETTE 52 104 1/2" 6021D-1/2-** 1/2" 6021D-1/2-** 160 199 3/4" 13-211-08 3/4" 13-211-08 101-5 U-DRUM 103-7 H-DRUM 101-8 U-DRUM 103-9.5 OR 10 H-DRUM 101-9.5 OR 12 U-DRUM 103-15 H-DRUM 101-16 U-DRUM 103-20 H-DRUM 101-22 U-DRUM 103-25 H-DRUM 173 242 276 345 414 518 552 690 759 863 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 3/4" 19-302-** 1" 19-402-** 1" 19-402-** 1" 19-402-** 380 470 510 680 670 825 900 1060 1290 1320 3/4" 13-211-08 3/4" 13-211-08 1" 13-202-08 1-1/4" 13-213-08 1-1/4" 13-213-08 1-1/4" 13-213-08 1-1/4" 13-213-08 1-1/4" 13-213-08 1-1/2" 13-214-08 1-1/2" 13-214-08 104-30 H-DRUM 101-30 U-DRUM 104-40 H-DRUM 101-40 U-DRUM 104-48 OR 50 H-DRUM 1035 1035 1380 1380 1725 1-1/4" 19-502-** 1-1/4" 19-502-** 1-1/4" 19-502-** 1-1/4" 19-502-** 1-1/2" 19-602-** 1720 2030 2320 2900 2780 1-1/2" 13-214-08 2" 930-2-15 2" 930-2-15 2" 930-2-15 2" 930-2-15 105-70 H-DRUM 105-90 H-DRUM 105-115 H-DRUM 105-150 H-DRUM 2415 3105 3968 5175 3490 4560 5930 7930 2-1/2" 930-2-1/2-15 3" 930-3-15 (Note2) (2) 2" 930-2-15 (2)2-1/2" 930-2-1/2-15 1-1/2" 19-602-** 1-1/2" 19-602-** (Note1) (2) 1-1/4" 19-502-** (Note1) (2) 1-1/4" 19-502-** (Note1) Note 1: 90, 115 & 150 HP HIGH PRESSURE BOILERS BEFORE 7/1/97 USED TWO 1-1/2" 19-602-** VALVES. Note 2: 90 HP LOW PRESSURE BOILERS BEFORE 7/1/97 USED TWO 2" 930-2-15 VALVES. III. VALVE SPECIFICATIONS VALVE SIZE INLET X OUTLET 3/4 X 3/4" 1 X 1" 1-1/4 X 1-1/2" 1-1/2 X 2" 2 X 2" 2-1/2 X 2-1/2" 3 X 3" 1/2 X 3/4" 1/2 X 3/4" 3/4 X 1" 1 X 1-1/4" 1-1/4 X 1-1/2" 1-1/2 X 2" 2 X 2-1/2" BUL127SV.doc MANUFACTURER & MODEL CONBRACO 13-211-08 CONBRACO 13-202-08 CONBRACO 13-213-08 CONBRACO 13-214-08 KUNKLE 930-2-15 KUNKLE 930-2-1/2-15 KUNKLE 930-3-15 KUNKLE 6021D-1/2-** CONBRACO 19-202-** CONBRACO 19-302-** CONBRACO 19-402-** CONBRACO 19-502-** CONBRACO 19-602-** CONBRACO 19-702-** HV HV HV HV HV HV HV V V V V V V V RELIEVING CAPACITY POUNDS OF STEAM PER HOUR 15 PSI 100 PSI 125 PSI 475 643 1,200 1,900 3,161 4,497 6,942 173 165 310 484 794 1,238 2,033 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 643 645 1,151 1,796 2,947 4,598 7,549 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 712 787 1,402 2,189 3,592 5,604 9,202 Page 109 128 A21B 0H5 SUPERIOR A21B STEAM PRESSURE GAS REGULATOR The Superior Model A21B Steam Pressure Gas Regulator is a proven control used for accurately regulating the steam pressure on natural gas firing and provides the feature of modulating fire control with a modified low fire adjustment on reaching the pressure setting. It is designed with the compound lever action principle to regulate the flow of gas to the burners by action of a nonmetallic Spauldite valve disc controlled by the slightest movements on the diaphragm exposed to the steam pressure. The control is an all metal lever action type, non-corrosive, and not affected by gas, steam or heat thereby assuring long life and dependability. The A21B is commonly used and has been used on steam boilers through the 50 H.P. size as it is simple and easy to adjust, provides accurate and sensitive steam regulation and the added advantage of modulating fire control. MODEL A21B ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Safer and More Efficient Method of Burner Control. The A21B Superior Steam Pressure Gas Regulator provides modulating fire control of the burner for safer and more efficient operation. By modulating the burner flame to the boiler steam pressure, the burner rate increases and decreases to respond to the load demand to maintain a more constant boiler steam pressure. Modulating the flame to the load demand provides higher operating efficiency, more uniform pressure control, safer ignition and steadier operation. 2. Accurate Repetitive Settings. The large diaphragm area operated by steam pressure against a heavy steel adjusting spring provides a drift-free, adjustable control that will constantly repeat at control setting to produce dependable accurate control. 3. Easy and Simple to Adjust Pressure Setting. The control is easy and simple to adjust compared to most modulating type controls. 4. Corrosion Resistant Construction. The materials used in the construction are all for heavy duty service. Brass diaphragm stock, heavy aluminum body castings, bronze internal stampings and heavy duty steel springs provide corrosion resistant features that create the longevity of this control. 5. Low Cost. The A21B Superior Regulator is a high quality control at low initial cost. The small number of internal moving parts reduces the maintenance cost of this control and assures dependability. 128 A21B.DOC Page 110 128 A21B 0H5 SUPERIOR A21B STEAM PRESSURE GAS REGULATOR (CONTINUED) I. APPLICATION: 1. Should be used only on natural gas firing with burners approved for modulating fire control. 2. The valve should be selected for the proper operating pressure as it comes in the following ranges: 0 to 30 PSI, 30 to 100 PSI and 100 to 160 PSI. If the regulator for the proper operating range is not selected, the spring will not permit accurate pressure control. II. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: This control has been modified to allow a higher adjustable low fire rate. An adjustable stop has been installed on the clapper for controlling the low fire rate. This added feature allows a wider range of low fire setting. The low fire should be properly adjusted to assure a safe light but to the minimum to prevent pressure carry-over unless a high limit shutoff is used The Model A21B control is designed to prevent steam from entering the gas chamber during normal operation or on diaphragm breakage. The gas chamber is sealed off from the diaphragm section of the valve at the point where the shaft enters the valve body. A "U" cup Meonite Airodated Seal was especially designed for this application as this does not harden or become subject to deterioration or damage from moisture or rust. The principle is such that the "U" cup prevents any gas from entering the diaphragm area and permits positive seal-off from the diaphragm. In event of diaphragm breakage, an opening is provided on the regulator so that steam will escape calling this to the operator's attention. All sizes of regulators are furnished with cast aluminum bodies. III. SERVICE SUGGESTIONS: If the valve fails to respond to pressure settings or becomes defective, the following service suggestions are offered. 1. If the valve leaks steam out of the opening or becomes internally inoperative, the entire regulator should be replaced. 2. If the regulator fails to respond to pressure setting, the pressure line and diaphragm area on the steam pressure side should be inspected and cleaned. 3. If the diaphragm breaks or becomes damaged or inoperative, it should be replaced or the entire regulator can be exchanged. For proper adjustment and setting, see separate Bulletin 128-ADJ A21B. 128 A21B.DOC Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 BULLETIN 129-130 7D PARKER BOILER CO. SOLENOID TYPE FUEL GAS VALVES UL Listed Solenoid Gas Valves may be furnished on Parker Boilers as Main or Pilot Gas Line Safety Shutoff Fuel Valves. Solenoid Gas Valves used for Safety Shutoff service are of the normally closed (N.C.) type; that is, they are closed to fuel flow until the coil is energized. Solenoid Valves of the Normally Open (N.O.) type may be furnished as Fuel Vent Valves when required by Insurance Company Standards. These N.O. Valves are open to flow until the coil is energized. CAUTION: Normally Open Vent Valves must be piped outdoors to a safe point of discharge in compliance with Local Codes and Manufacture's Installation Instructions. Never use a Normally Closed Valve in place of a Normally Open Valve on a fuel vent line. Never use a Normally Open Valve in place of a Normally Closed Shutoff Valve on a Main or Pilot Gas Line. WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW FUEL TO ACCUMULATE IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER. IF FUEL IS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CHAMBER FOR LONGER THAN A FEW SECONDS WITHOUT IGNITING, AN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE COULD RESULT. CHECKOUT & SERVICING: CAUTION: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair gas valves, flame safeguard controls or burner systems. 2. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present right at electrical terminations of most valves and in all controller circuits. Always open Main Line Disconnect Switch and depressurize valve before replacing or repairing valve. 3. Close all manual fuel shutoff valves if any trouble occurs. 4. Parker Boiler furnishes solenoid gas valves with the piping in a horizontal position and the solenoid vertical and upright. Do not alter this positioning. 5. Do not attempt to service or replace the valve without reading the valve manufactures exact service bulletin and safety warnings provided with specific valve. 6. Periodic inspection and leak testing of valve required. Organize a maintenance schedule based on environment and frequency of use, but no less frequently than monthly. Observe operation through several complete cycles to be sure the valve is functioning properly and shuts off with all safety and limit controls. TROUBLESHOOTING: During normal operation when the solenoid coil is energized, a Normally Closed Solenoid Valve will open and a Normally Open Solenoid Vent Valve, if furnished, will close. Most solenoid will make an audible noise when they are energized. If valve coil fails to energize, check for blown fuses, circuit breakers, loose connections and for a complete circuit through the boiler safety, limit and operating controls to the valve electrical terminations. With power at valve terminations check for opencircuited coil. Replacement coils are available for most solenoids however, failure of the coil may indicate other problems. Unless it is certain valve is otherwise in perfect operating condition, it is better to replace entire valve. Solenoids are designed for continuous duty service. When energized for long periods of time the solenoid housing becomes hot and can be touched by hand only for an instant. This is a safe operating temperature. The smoke and odor of burning coil insulation will indicate any excessive temperature. If valve fails to open or close properly, first check that gas flow is in direction shown on valve and that inlet pressure to valve is within rating shown on valve [Parker Boiler maximum ½ PSI (14" W.C.) on natural gas and 1 PSI (27.7" W.C.) on L.P. gas]. If valve still fails to open or close properly or is noisy or sluggish in operation, replace valve. WARNING: INTERNAL REPAIR OF VALVES REQUIRES PERFORMING SEAT LEAKAGE, EXTERNAL LEAKAGE, AND OPERATIONAL TESTS ON THE VALVE WITH A NON-HAZARDOUS, NONCOMBUSTIBLE FLUID AFTER DISASSEMBLY AND RE-ASSEMBLY. IMPROPER ASSEMBLY OR DAMAGE TO INTERNAL COMPONENTS COULD CAUSE THE VALVE TO STICK IN UNSAFE POSITION. PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT. ALWAYS REPLACE INOPERATIVE OR DAMAGED VALVES WITH A NEW VALVE OR HAVE THE VALVE REPAIRED BY ORIGINAL VALVE MANUFACTURER. When replacing valve, make certain the new valve is correct one for service with correct pressure and electrical ratings. Always pipe valve in direction of flow shown on valve. Apply pipe compound sparingly to male pipe threads only. If applied to valve threads the compound may enter the valve and cause operational difficulty. Avoid pipe strain by properly supporting and aligning piping. When tightening the pipe, do not use valve or solenoid as a lever. Locate wrenches applied to valve body or piping as close as possible to connection point. A drip leg is required to be installed upstream of all boiler gas controls by the installer. In addition, where fuel conditions or Code require it, a strainer or filter suitable for the service should be installed upstream. Always leak test a new valve and operate through several complete cycles to be certain valve functions properly. B129-130.doc Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117 Page 118 Page 119 Page 120 Page 121 Page 122 Page 123 SPEC SHEET 131-C PAGE 1 OF 1 6D PARKER BOILER CO. ATMOSPHERIC BURNER GAS INLET SIZES AND PRESSURES BOILER SIZE 1-1/2 to 9.5 HP, T300, T395, WH300, WH395, HT126 to HT247 15 HP, T490 to T760, WH490 to WH730, HT432 to HT672 20 to 30 HP, T970 to T1460, WH970 to WH1410, HT864 to HT1296 40 to 70 HP, T1730 to T2970, WH1900 to WH3000, HT1536 to HT2640 90 HP, T3600 to T3900, HT3120 to HT3456 115 to 150 HP, T4600 to T6800, HT4032 to HT6250 STANDARD GAS PRESSURE SERVICE HIGH GAS PRESSURE SERVICE 3/4" 7-14" WC 3/4" 1 to 5 PSI 1" 7-14" WC 3/4" 1 to 5 PSI 1-1/2" 7-14" WC 1-1/2" 1 to 5 PSI 2" 7-14" WC 1-1/2" 1 to 5 PSI 2-1/2" 7-14" WC 1-1/2" 1 to 5 PSI 3" 10-14" WC 2" 1 to 5 PSI For atmospheric, natural gas-fired boilers up to 2,500,000 BTU input (50 HP, T2160, WH2270 or HT2304 maximum) with standard control systems, High Gas Pressure Service trim includes the 3/4" Maxitrol 325-5A or 1-1/2" Maxitrol 210D installed upstream from all gas controls. For all atmospheric, gas-fired boilers with LPG, IRI, or FM trim, and all atmospheric, gas-fired boilers over 2,500,000 BTU input, High Gas Pressure Service trim includes the Maxitrol 325-5A or 210 Series Main Line Gas Pressure Regulator installed in place of the standard regulator and the Maxitrol 3/8" 325-3 Pilot Line Gas Pressure Regulator installed in place of the standard pilot regulator. _____________________________________________________________ CAPACITY OF MAXITROL GAS PRESSURE REGULATORS 325 AND 210 SERIES 325 SERIES--capacities expressed in ft3/h.--0.64 sp gr gas Model Number and Pipe Size 325-3 3/8 x 3/8 3/4 x 3/4 325-5A 1x1* 0.3" 30 70 70 0.5" 38 90 90 1.0" 55 128 128 3.0" 95 221 221 Pressure Drop 5.0" 7.0" 122 145 286 338 286 338 1/2 psi 204 476 476 3/4 psi 250 583 583 1 psi 289 673 673 210 SERIES--capacities expressed in ft3/h.--0.64 sp gr gas Model Number and Pipe Size 0.1 0.3 0.5 210D 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 ------210E 2x2 --1210 1560 * 1" no longer available from Parker Boiler Co. 1.0 1200 2210 Pressure Drop (inches w.c.) 3.0 5.0 7.0 1/2 psi 3/4 psi 1 psi 1.5 psi 2100 2700 3200 4500 5500 6350 7750 3825 4940 5845 8225 10070 11630 14245 P A R K E R B O I L E R C O. 5930 BANDINI BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 PH: (213) 727-9800 FAX: (213) 722-2848 SPEC131C.SAM Page 124 Page 125 Page 126 Page 127 Page 128 Page 129 Page 130 Page 131 Page 132 Page 133 Page 134 Page 135 Page 136 Page 137 133-L404-604 9A PARKER BOILER CO. HONEYWELL L404 AND L604 PRESSURE CONTROLS The Honeywell L404 and L604 Pressuretrol Controllers are line voltage pressure controllers used for Operating Control and High or Low Limit protection, either manual or auto reset, for pressure systems up to 300 PSI. They are used to sense steam or oil pressure on Parker Boilers. L404 and L604 Pressure Controls feature dust-proof, trouble-free mercury (except L404F which has a snap-acting switch). Automatic reset models have an adjustable, subtractive differential. Manual Reset models have a trip-free mechanism that cannot be defeated by jamming lever, with a minimum fixed differential. All models have a clear plastic cover so that pressure settings, switch adjustments and the leveling indicator can be observed. All adjustments are made by screws on top of case. A 1/4-18 NPT internal thread is located on the bottom for connection to the sensing tubing. L404A and L404C SPST contacts break on pressure rise. L404V SPST contacts make on pressure rise. L404F and L604A have DPST contacts, R-W makes and R-B break on pressure rise. All models are Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Listed. RATINGS FOR STANDARD MODELS MIDSCALE SUBTRACTIVE MODEL OPERATING RANGE PSI DIFFERENTIAL PSI* L404A 2 to 15 1 to 5 L404C * 5 to 50 4 to 12 L604A 10 to 150 8 to 16 20 to 300 15 to 40 L404F1102 10 to 150 10 to 22 L404V1046 25 to 150 8 to 16 *L404C Models are Manual Reset with fixed minimum differential. MAXIMUM SURGE PRESSURE PSI 50 85 225 500 225 225 SETTING AND CHECKOUT SETTING (See Sheet SPC 101-105-I-V for actual pressure settings.) In all models, the differential is subtractive from the main scale set point. The upper operating point is determined by the main scale set point, while the lower operating point is determined by the main scale setting less the differential setting. The L404F and L604A (with jumper installed), have SPDT switching action. Adjust the main scale set point for the desired operating pressure by turning the main scale adjusting screw (Fig. 1) on the top of the case until the main scale setting indicator is at the desired value. On an L404A,F with a 5 to 150 PSI operating range, or an L604A, adjust the differential setting by turning the differential adjusting screw (Fig. 1) until the differential setting indicator is at the desired value. (L404C is a manual reset model; see the next paragraph). TRIP-FREE MANUAL RESET FEATURE (L404C) The L404C breaks when the pressure rises to the main scale set point. They will not return to their former positions automatically. To reset one of these controllers, wait until the pressure falls to the set point minus the differential. Then depress the manual reset lever (Fig. 1) and release it. The controller will not be reset until you release the manual reset lever. This prevents the controller from becoming an automatic-reset device if the reset lever is stuck, held in, or tied down. CHECKOUT After the controller has been installed, wired, and set, it should be tested with the system in operation. First allow the system to stabilize. Then observe the operation of the controller while raising and lowering its set point. Pressure should increase when the set point is raised and decrease when the set point is lowered. Also check the make and break points of the controller. If they do not agree with a separate, accurately calibrated pressure gauge, a slight adjustment of the scaleplate(s) may be necessary. Use accurate pressure testing equipment when checking out the controller. Do not rely on inexpensive gauges. The controllers are carefully calibrated at the factory. Fig. 1 - Setting a Pressuretrol Controller Page 138 133-L404-604 9A BOILER INSTALLATION 1. If the controller is being used on a boiler installation, test it as follows: 2. Note the boiler pressure by checking the boiler pressure gauge. (To perform this test properly, the boiler should have a pressure reading near the middle of the controller's main scale range.) 3. Turn the main scale adjusting screw (Fig.1) until the main scale setting indicator on the controller corresponds to the boiler pressure gauge reading. 4. The L404A or L404C should break the control circuit(s) automatically when the boiler pressure gauge reading equals or slightly exceeds the controller setting. 5. The L404F should make the R-W circuit and break the R-B circuit under the same circumstances. 6. The L604A should make the R1-W circuit and break the R2-B circuit under the same circumstances. 7. If the controller is operating properly, turn the main scale adjusting screw (Fig.1) until the main scale setting indicator is at the desired set point. IF A CONTROLLER SEEMS TO OPERATE IMPROPERLY If the controller is suspected of operating improperly, it may be further checked as follows (Fig.2). 1. Disconnect all power to the controller, loosen the cover screw, and remove the cover. Fig. 2 - Checking Controller 2. Disconnect the wires from the controller. Operation Using an Ohmmeter 3. Connect an ohmmeter between the switch terminals. 4. Lower the set point of the controller (simulating a pressure increase) through a range greater than the differential. The switch should either make or break, depending on the model of the controller. (An L404A or L404C should break, an L404F; should break R-B and make R-W, and an L604A should break R2-B and make R1-W.) If it makes, the ohmmeter will read zero; if it breaks, the ohmmeter will read infinity. 5. Raise the set point of the controller (simulating a pressure decrease) through a range greater than the differential. The switch should break or make, just the opposite of its action in step 4 (except the L404C, manual reset model). 6. If the controller operates improperly, replace it. NOTE: An approximation of the differential can be made by observing the change in set point required for a resistance change from zero to infinity. 7. When the controller is operating properly, reconnect the wires to the terminal block, replace the cover and tighten the cover screw, Fig. 3 - L404 & L604 Terminal and reconnect the power. Blocks and Internal Schematic CAUTION Do not put the system into service until you have satisfactorily completed all applicable tests described in this Checkout section, in the Checkout section of the applicable instruction sheet for the flame safeguard control, and any others required by the burner and boiler manufacturers. SERVICE INFORMATION CALIBRATION The controller was carefully calibrated during manufacture and should not require recalibration. Most calibration errors are caused by improper leveling. The controller should be level if the point on the leveling indicator is directly over the index mark (Fig. 1). In some cases, the leveling indicator may not be accurate enough. The pointer may be over the index mark, but the controller still may not be operating within the tolerance of its scale setting. In this case, loosen mounting screws and adjust level of control. MAINTENANCE The cover of the controller should be in place at all times to protect the internal components from dirt, dust, and physical damage. Routine maintenance should consist of occasional inspection and blowing or brushing away any accumulated dirt and dust. To ensure proper functioning of the controller at all times, an operational check of the entire system should be performed during routine maintenance Page 139 Page 140 Page 141 Page 142 Page 143 Page 144 Page 145 Page 146 Page 147 Page 148 Page 149 Page 150 Page 151 Page 152 Page 153 Page 154 Page 155 Page 156 Page 157 Page 158 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 162 Page 163 Page 164 Page 165 Page 166 Page 167 Page 168 Page 169 Page 170 Page 171 Page 172 Page 173 Page 174 Page 175 Page 176 Page 177 Page 178 Page 179 Page 180 Page 181 Page 182 Page 183 Page 184 Page 185 Page 186 Page 187 Page 188 Page 189 Page 190 Page 191 Page 192 Page 193 Page 194 Page 195 Page 196 Page 197 Page 198 Page 199 Page 200 Page 201 Page 202 Page 203 Page 204 Page 205 Page 206 Page 207 Page 208 Page 209 Page 210 Page 211 Page 212 Page 213 Page 214 Page 215 Page 216 Page 217 Page 218 Page 219 Page 220 Page 221 Page 222 Page 223 Page 224 Page 225 Page 226 Page 227 Page 228 Page 229 Page 230 Page 231 Page 232 Page 233 Page 234 Page 235 Page 236 Page 237 Page 238 Page 239 Page 240 Page 241 Page 242 Page 243 Page 244 Page 245 Page 246 Page 247 Page 248 Page 249 Page 250 Page 251 Page 252 Page 253 Page 254 Page 255 Page 256 Page 257 PARKER BOILER CO. HONEYWELL S86-- INTERMITTENT PILOT MODULES 133 S86-PAGE 1 8C The Honeywell S86-- Intermittent Pilot Module provides safe start check, ignition sequence, flame monitoring and safety shutdown on Parker Boilers. Standard models used by Parker Boiler provide 100% shutdown after timed trial for ignition with either a Dual Valve Combination Gas Control (consisting of manual gas, two automatic valve operators and pressure regulator) or with separate main and pilot gas line components. In some cases, an additional control valve is furnished downstream on the main gas line for firing rate control only. S86-- Intermittent Pilot Modules may be used on Parker Boilers up to 2,500,000 BTU/HR Input. WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW FUEL TO ACCUMULATE IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER. IF FUEL IS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CHAMBER FOR LONGER THAN A FEW SECONDS WITHOUT IGNITION, AN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE COULD RESULT. Fig. 1 TYPICAL S8610 CAUTION: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair gas valves, Intermittent Pilot Modules or Burner Systems. 2. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present in all controller circuits. Always turn off Main Line Disconnect Switch before replacing Module. 3. Do not put the system into service until you have satisfactorily completed all applicable tests described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual and in the Checkout Section of the Instruction Sheet for the Gas Valves and the Intermittent Pilot Module. 4. Immediately close all manual fuel shutoff valves if any trouble occurs. WARNING: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. 1. The ignition module can malfunction if it gets wet, leading to accumulation of explosive gas. A. Never install where water can flood, drip or condense on module. B. Never try to use a module that has been wet – replace it. 2. If Module is replaced, use only the proper replacement module (100% shutoff IP, 15 Sec. Lockout, 2 Amp MV rated). 3. Do not light pilot or operate electric switches, lights or boiler until you are sure the boiler area is free of gas. Liquefied Petroleum (LP) gas is heavier than air and will not vent upward naturally. 4. Do not attempt to take the module apart or to clean it. Improper re-assembly and cleaning may cause unreliable operation. I. CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system: At initial installation of the appliance, as the first step in troubleshooting, any time work is done on the system and as part of regular maintenance procedures. Maintenance intervals are determined by the application but as a minimum, monthly. STEP 1: PERFORM VISUAL INSPECTION. With power off, make sure all wiring connections are clean and tight. Turn on power to boiler and ignition module. Open manual shutoff valves in the gas line ahead of the boiler and follow boiler lighting instructions. Do gas leak test on new installations or anytime work is done to the system. STEP 2: REVIEW NORMAL OPERATING SEQUENCE. See OPERATION, Section of this Bulletin. STEP 3: RESET THE MODULE. Turn off Main Burner Switch. Wait one minute. (As you do Steps 4 and 5, watch for points where operation deviates from normal. Refer to Troubleshooting Chart to correct problem.) STEP 4: CHECK SAFETY SHUTOFF OPERATION. Turn gas supply off. Turn on Main Burner Switch to call for heat. Watch for spark at pilot burner immediately. Time spark from start to shutoff: Standard Model nominal 15 seconds. After lockout occurs and the spark stops, carefully open manual gas cock(s) and make sure no gas is flowing to pilot or main burner. Turn off main burner switch and wait one minute before continuing. STEP 5: CHECK NORMAL OPERATION. Set controller above system temperature or pressure to call for heat and follow boiler lighting instructions. Make sure pilot lights smoothly when gas reaches the pilot burner. Make sure main burner lights smoothly without flashing back. Make sure burner operates smoothly without floating, lifting or flame rollout from boiler. Turn off Main Burner Switch. Make sure main burner and pilot flames go out. II. OPERATION 1. TRIAL FOR IGNITION Pilot Ignition: On a call for heat, the module energizes the First Main Valve Operator*. The First Main Valve* opens, which allows gas to flow to the pilot burner. At the same time, the electronic spark generator in the module produces a high voltage sparks pulse output. The voltage generates a spark at the igniter-sensor that lights the pilot. If the pilot does not light, the module will not energize the second (main) valve(s) and the main burner will not light. Safety Lockout: This module provides 100% shutoff and safety lockout. A timer in this model starts timing the moment the trial for ignition starts. Ignition spark continues only until the time trial for ignition period ends. Then the module goes into safety lockout. Lockout de-energizes all gas valves stopping all gas flow. The control system must be reset by the turning off the Main Burner Switch to turn off power to the module for one minute. *With individual gas components, this is the separate Electric Pilot Valve. 2. MAIN BURNER OPERATION When the pilot flame is established, a flame rectification circuit is completed between the sensor and burner ground. The flame sensing circuit in the module detects the flame current, shuts off the spark generator and energizes the second main valve operator. The second main valve opens and gas flows to the main burner, where it is ignited by the pilot burner. When the call for heat ends, both valve operators are de-energized and both valves in the gas control close. If a pilot failure occurs during operation, the system attempts to re-light before lockout. 133 S86-PAGE 2 8C Page 258 PARKER BOILER CO. HONEYWELL S86-- INTERMITTENT PILOT MODULES III. TROUBLESHOOTING Important: The following service procedures are provided as a general guide. Meter readings for the pilot valve circuit should be taken within the trial for ignition period because this 24V circuit is de-energized upon lockout. Once the ignition module shuts off, lockout models must reset by turning Main Burner Switch off for at least one minute before continuing. If any component does not function properly, make sure it is correctly installed and wired before replacing it. The ignition module cannot be repaired. If it malfunctions, it must be replaced. Perform the "checkout" as the first step in trouble shooting. Then check the troubleshooting guide (Fig. 3) to pinpoint the cause of the problem. If the troubleshooting indicates an ignition problem, see Ignition System Checks below to isolate and correct the problem. Following troubleshooting, perform the checkout procedure again to be sure system is operating normally. IGNITION SYSTEM CHECKS STEP 1: Check ignition cable. Make sure: 1. Ignition cable does not run in contact with any metal surfaces. 2. Ignition cable is no more than 36 in. (0.9m) long. 3. Connections to the ignition module and to the igniter or igniter-sensor are clean and tight. 4. Ignition cable provides good electrical continuity. Replace only with proper high temperature, high voltage wire. STEP 2: Check ignition system grounding. (Nuisance shutdowns are often caused by a poor or erratic ground). A common ground usually supplied by the pilot burner bracket, is required for the module and the pilot burner/igniter-sensor. 1. Check for good metal-to-metal contact between the pilot burner bracket and the main burner. 2. Check the ground lead from the GND(BURNER) terminal on the module. Make sure connections are clean and tight. 3. Check the ceramic flame rod insulator for cracks or evidence of exposure to extreme heat, which can permit leakage to ground. Replace pilot burner/igniter-sensor if necessary. If the flame rod or bracket are bent out of position, restore to correct position. STEP 3: Check spark ignition circuit. WARNING: WHEN CHECKING IGNITION CIRCUIT, DO NOT TOUCH IGNITER-SENSOR OR SPARK TERMINAL. THE IGNITION CIRCUIT GENERATES OVER 10,000 VOLTS AND ELECTRICAL SHOCK CAN RESULT. 1. With all power turned off, verify that the spark gap between the Igniter-Sensor Tip and Grounding Strap is a little less than 1/8". 2. Close the manual gas valve. 3. Energize the module and observe the spark. If there is no spark or a very weak spark, replace module. STEP 4: Check pilot and main burner light off. Set the Controller to call for heat. Watch the pilot burner during the ignition sequence. See if: 1. Ignition spark continues after the pilot is lit, or APPEARANCE CAUSE 2. The pilot lights and the spark stops, but main burner does not light, SMALL BLUE FLAME Check for lack of gas from: or • Clogged orifice filter 3. The pilot lights, the spark stops and main burner lights, but the • Clogged pilot filter system locks out. • Low gas supply pressure If so, ensure adequate flame current as follows: • Pilot adjustment at minimum 4. Turn off boiler at circuit breaker or fuse box. 5. Clean the flame rod with emery cloth. 6. Make sure electrical connections are clean and tight. Replace LAZY YELLOW Check for lack of air from: damaged wire with moisture-resistant No. 18 wire rated for FLAME • Large orifice continuous duty up to 105º C (220º F). • Dirty lint screen, if used 7. Check for cracked ceramic insulator, which can cause short to • Dirty primary air opening, ground and replace igniter-sensor if necessary. if there is one 8. Close downstream leak test cock (if furnished) or disconnect main • Pilot adjustment at minimum valve wire from the TH or MV terminal. WAVING BLUE Check for: 9. Turn on power and set Controller to call for heat. The pilot should FLAME • Excessive draft at pilot location light but the main burner will remain off. • Recirculating products of 10. Check the pilot flame. Make sure it is blue, steady and envelops combustion 3/8 to 1/2 in. (10 to 13 mm) of the flame rod. See Fig. 2 for possible pilot flame problems and their causes. 11. If necessary, adjust pilot flame. See bulletin 133 Q348-IP for NOISY LIFTING Check for: adjustment instructions. BLOWING FLAME • High gas pressure 12. Turn off Main Burner Switch. Recheck ignition sequence as follows: 13.Open downstream leak test cock or reconnect main valve wire. 14. Set Controller to call for heat. Follow Boiler Lighting Instructions. 15. Watch ignition at burner. If spark still doesn't stop after pilot lights, replace ignition module. If main burner doesn't light or if main HARD SHARP FLAME This flame is characteristic burner lights but system locks out, check module, ground wire and of manufactured gas. gas control as described in appropriate troubleshooting chart, Fig. Check for: 3. • High gas pressure 16. Whenever replacing the ignition module or pilot burner or gas • Orifice too small control, we recommend also replacing the Ignition Cable if it is more than 1 year old to assure maximum flame signal strength. Page 259 PARKER BOILER CO. HONEYWELL S86-- INTERMITTENT PILOT MODULES NOTE: Before troubleshooting familiarize yourself with the startup and checkout procedure. START TURN GAS SUPPLY OFF. TURN CONTROLLER TO CALL FOR HEAT POWER TO MODULE (24V NOMINAL) YES SPARK ACROSS IGNITER/SENSOR GAP YES TURN GAS SUPPLY ON PILOT BURNER LIGHTS? YES SPARK STOPS WHEN PILOT IS LIT? YES 133 S86-PAGE 3 8C NO NO Check line voltage power, low voltage transformer, limit controller, controller and wiring. Also check air proving switch on combustion air blower system (if used) and that vent damper (if used) is open and end switch is made. Check Module. Spark okay? NO Replace Module YES • Check ignition cable, ground wiring, ceramic insulator and gap, and correct. • Check boot of the ignition cable for signs of melting or buckling. Take protective action to shield cable and boot from excessive temperatures. NO NO • Check that all manual gas valves are open, supply tubing and pressure are good, and pilot burner orifice is not blocked. • Check electrical connections between module and pilot operator on gas control. • Check for 24 VAC across PV-MV/PV terminals on module. If voltage is okay, replace gas control; if not replace module. NOTE: If S8600B,H; S8610B,H goes into lockout, reset system. • Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire. • Clean flame rod. • Check electrical connections between flame rod and module. • Check for cracked ceramic flame rod insulator. • Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue. • Adjust pilot flame. • If problem persists, replace module. MAIN BURNER LIGHTS? YES NO • Check for 24 VAC across MV-MV/PV terminals. If no voltage, replace module. • Check electrical connections between module and gas control. If okay, replace gas control or gas control operator. SYSTEM RUNS UNTIL CALL FOR HEAT ENDS? YES NO NOTE: If S86100B,H; S86100B,H goes into lockout, reset system. • Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire. NOTE: If ground is poor or erratic, shutdowns may occur occasionally even though operation is normal at the time of checkout. • Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue. • If checks are okay, replace module. CALL FOR HEAT ENDS SYSTEM SHUTS OFF? YES NO • Check for proper controller operation. • Remove MV lead at module; if valve closes, recheck temperature controller and wiring; if not, replace gas control. TROUBLESHOOTING ENDS Repeat procedure until trouble free operation is obtained. Fig. 3 S8610 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. 133 S86-PAGE 4 8C Page 260 Page 261 PARKER BOILER CO. SYNETEK IS1070T INTERMITTENT PILOT IGNITION CONTROL SYNETEK 1 PAGE 1 0D4 The Synetek IS1070T Intermittent Pilot Ignition Control provides safe start check, ignition sequence, flame monitoring and safety shutdown on Parker Boilers. Standard models used by Parker Boiler provide 100% shutdown after timed trial for ignition with either a Dual Valve Combination Gas Control (consisting of manual gas, two automatic valve operators and pressure regulator) or with separate main and pilot gas line components. In some cases, an additional control valve is furnished downstream on the main gas line for firing rate control only. IS1070T Intermittent Pilot Ignition Controls may be used on Parker Boilers up to 2,500,000 BTU/HR Input. Other system components are the HA070-LED Remote Green LED, HA070T Wiring Harness with Plug and PBS-NO Red N.O. Pushbutton. WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW FUEL TO ACCUMULATE IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER. IF FUEL IS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CHAMBER FOR LONGER THAN A FEW SECONDS WITHOUT IGNITION, AN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE COULD RESULT. Fig. 1 TYPICAL IS1070T CAUTION: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair gas valves, Intermittent Pilot Ignition Control or Burner Systems. 2. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present in all controller circuits. Always turn off Main Line Disconnect Switch before replacing Ignition Control. 3. Do not put the system into service until you have satisfactorily completed all applicable tests described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual and in the Checkout Section of the Instruction Sheet for the Gas Valves and the Intermittent Pilot Module. 4. Immediately close all manual fuel shutoff valves if any trouble occurs. WARNING: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. 1. The ignition control can malfunction if it gets wet, leading to accumulation of explosive gas. A. Never install where water can flood, drip or condense on ignition control. B. Never try to use a ignition control that has been wet – replace it. 2. If Ignition control is replaced, use only the proper replacement ignition control (100% shutoff IP, 15 Sec. Lockout, 5 Amp rated). 3. Do not light pilot or operate electric switches, lights or boiler until you are sure the boiler area is free of gas. Liquefied Petroleum (LP) gas is heavier than air and will not vent upward naturally. 4. Do not attempt to take the ignition control apart or to clean it. Improper re-assembly and cleaning may cause unreliable operation. I. CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system: At initial installation of the appliance, as the first step in troubleshooting, any time work is done on the system and as part of regular maintenance procedures. Maintenance intervals are determined by the application but as a minimum, monthly. STEP 1: PERFORM VISUAL INSPECTION. With power off, make sure all wiring connections are clean and tight. Turn on power to boiler and ignition control. Open manual shutoff valves in the gas line ahead of the boiler and follow boiler lighting instructions. Do gas leak test on new installations or anytime work is done to the system. STEP 2: REVIEW NORMAL OPERATING SEQUENCE. See OPERATION, Section of this Bulletin. STEP 3: TO RESET THE IGNITION CONTROL. With power on and a call for heat push “red” Pilot Failure Button. (As you do Steps 4 and 5, watch for points where operation deviates from normal. Refer to Troubleshooting Chart to correct problem.) STEP 4: CHECK SAFETY SHUTOFF OPERATION. Turn gas supply off. Turn on Main Burner Switch to call for heat. Watch for spark at pilot burner immediately. Time spark from start to shutoff: Standard Model nominal 15 seconds. After lockout occurs and the spark stops, carefully open manual gas cock(s) and make sure no gas is flowing to pilot or main burner. Turn off main burner switch close main gas cock and wait five minutes before continuing. STEP 5: CHECK NORMAL OPERATION. Set controller above system temperature or pressure to call for heat and follow boiler lighting instructions. Make sure pilot lights smoothly when gas reaches the pilot burner. Make sure main burner lights smoothly without flashing back. Make sure burner operates smoothly without floating, lifting or flame rollout from boiler. Turn off Main Burner Switch. Make sure main burner and pilot flames go out. II. OPERATION 1. TRIAL FOR IGNITION Pilot Ignition: On a call for heat the green LED is on steady and the ignition control energizes the First Main Valve Operator*. The First Main Valve* opens, which allows gas to flow to the pilot burner. At the same time, the electronic spark generator in the ignition control produces a high voltage spark pulse output. The voltage generates a spark at the igniter-sensor that lights the pilot. If the pilot does not light, the ignition control will not energize the second (main) valve(s) and the main burner will not light. Safety Lockout: This ignition control provides 100% shutoff and safety lockout. A timer in this model starts timing the moment the trial for ignition starts. Ignition spark continues only until the time trial for ignition period ends. Then the ignition control goes into safety lockout and the green LED flashes. Lockout de-energizes all gas valves stopping all gas flow. The control system must be reset by turning off the Main Burner Switch and closing the main gas cock for five minutes then turning on gas and electricity and pushing “red” pilot failure button. (*With individual gas components, this is the separate Electric Pilot Valve). 2. MAIN BURNER OPERATION When the pilot flame is established, a flame rectification circuit is completed between the sensor and burner ground and the green LED is on steady. The flame sensing circuit in the ignition control detects the flame current, shuts off the spark generator and energizes the second main valve operator. The second main valve opens and gas flows to the main burner, where it is ignited by the pilot burner. When the call for heat ends, both valve operators are de-energized and both valves in the gas control close. If a pilot failure occurs during operation, the system will lockout in 15 seconds. Page 262 SYNETEK 1 PARKER BOILER CO. PAGE 2 0D4 SYNETEK IS1070T INTERMITTENT PILOT IGNITION CONTROL III. TROUBLESHOOTING Important: The following service procedures are provided as a general guide. Meter readings for the pilot valve circuit should be taken within the trial for ignition period because this 24V circuit is de-energized upon lockout. Once the ignition control shuts off, lockout models must reset by turning Main Burner Switch off for at least five minutes before pushing reset button. If any component does not function properly, make sure it is correctly installed and wired before replacing it. The ignition control cannot be repaired. If it malfunctions, it must be replaced. Perform the "checkout" as the first step in trouble shooting. Then check the troubleshooting guide (Fig. 3) to pinpoint the cause of the problem. If the troubleshooting indicates an ignition problem, see Ignition System Checks below to isolate and correct the problem. Following troubleshooting, perform the checkout procedure again to be sure system is operating normally. IGNITION SYSTEM CHECKS STEP 1: Check ignition cable. Make sure: 1. Ignition cable does not run in contact with any metal surfaces. 2. Ignition cable is no more than 36 in. (0.9m) long. 3. Connections to the ignition control and to the igniter or igniter-sensor are clean and tight. 4. Ignition cable provides good electrical continuity. Replace only with proper high temperature, high voltage wire. STEP 2: Check ignition system grounding. (Nuisance shutdowns are often caused by a poor or erratic ground). A common ground usually supplied by the pilot burner bracket, is required for the ignition control and the pilot burner/igniter-sensor. 1. Check for good metal-to-metal contact between the pilot burner bracket and the main burner. 2. Check the ground lead from the GND(BURNER) terminal on the ignition control. Make sure connections are clean and tight. 3. Check the ceramic flame rod insulator for cracks or evidence of exposure to extreme heat, which can permit leakage to ground. Replace pilot burner/igniter-sensor if necessary. If the flame rod or bracket are bent out of position, restore to correct position. STEP 3: Check spark ignition circuit. WARNING: WHEN CHECKING IGNITION CIRCUIT, DO NOT TOUCH IGNITER-SENSOR OR SPARK TERMINAL. THE IGNITION CIRCUIT GENERATES OVER 10,000 VOLTS AND ELECTRICAL SHOCK CAN RESULT. 1. With all power turned off, verify that the spark gap between the Igniter-Sensor Tip and Grounding Strap is a little less than 1/8". 2. Close the manual gas valve. 3. Energize the ignition control and observe the spark. If there is no spark or a very weak spark, replace ignition control. STEP 4: Check pilot and main burner light off. Set the Controller to call for heat. Watch the pilot burner during the ignition sequence. See if: 1. Ignition spark continues after the pilot is lit, or APPEARANCE CAUSE 2. The pilot lights and the spark stops, but main burner does not SMALL BLUE FLAME Check for lack of gas from: light, or • Clogged orifice filter 3. The pilot lights, the spark stops and main burner lights, but the • Clogged pilot filter system locks out. • Low gas supply pressure If so, ensure adequate flame current as follows: • Pilot adjustment at minimum 4. Turn off boiler at circuit breaker or fuse box. 5. Clean the flame rod with emery cloth. 6. Make sure electrical connections are clean and tight. Replace LAZY YELLOW Check for lack of air from: damaged wire with moisture-resistant No. 18 wire rated for FLAME • Large orifice continuous duty up to 105ºC (220ºF). • Dirty lint screen, if used 7. Check for cracked ceramic insulator, which can cause short to • Dirty primary air opening, ground and replace igniter-sensor if necessary. if there is one 8. Close downstream leak test cock (if furnished) or disconnect • Pilot adjustment at minimum main valve wire from the TH or MV terminal. WAVING BLUE Check for: 9. Turn on power and set Controller to call for heat. The pilot FLAME • Excessive draft at pilot location should light but the main burner will remain off. • Recirculating products of 10. Check the pilot flame. Make sure it is blue, steady and envelops combustion 3/8 to 1/2 in. (10 to 13 mm) of the flame rod. See Fig. 2 for possible pilot flame problems and their causes. 11. If necessary, adjust pilot flame. See bulletin 133 Q348-IP for adjustment instructions. NOISY LIFTING Check for: 12. Turn off Main Burner Switch. BLOWING FLAME • High gas pressure Recheck ignition sequence as follows: 13.Open downstream leak test cock or reconnect main valve wire. 14. Set Controller to call for heat. Follow Boiler Lighting Instructions. 15. Watch ignition at burner. If spark still doesn't stop after pilot lights, replace ignition control. If main burner doesn't light or if HARD SHARP FLAME This flame is characteristic main burner lights but system locks out, check ignition control, of manufactured gas. ground wire and gas control as described in appropriate Check for: troubleshooting chart, Fig. 3. • High gas pressure 16. Whenever replacing the ignition control or pilot burner or gas • Orifice too small control, we recommend also replacing the Ignition Cable if it is more than 1 year old to assure maximum flame signal strength. Page 263 PARKER BOILER CO. SYNETEK IS1070T INTERMITTENT PILOT IGNITION CONTROL SYNETEK 1 PAGE 3 0D4 START NOTE: Before troubleshooting familiarize yourself with the startup and checkout procedure. TURN GAS SUPPLY OFF. TURN CONTROLLER TO CALL FOR HEAT Check line voltage power, low voltage transformer, limit controller, controller and wiring. Also check air proving switch on combustion air blower system (if used) and that vent damper (if used) is open and end switch is made. NO POWER TO IGNITION CONTROL (24V NOMINAL) YES (LED ON STEADY) SPARK ACROSS IGNITER/SENSOR GAP YES TURN GAS SUPPLY ON PILOT BURNER LIGHTS? YES Check Ignition control NO Spark okay? Replace Ignition control NO YES • Check ignition cable, ground wiring, ceramic insulator and gap, and correct. • Check boot of the ignition cable for signs of melting or buckling. Take protective action to shield cable and boot from excessive temperatures. NO • Check that all manual gas valves are open, supply tubing and pressure are good, and pilot burner orifice is not blocked. • Check electrical connections between ignition control and pilot operator on gas control. • Check for 24 VAC across pilot valve, yellow & purple (PV-MV/PV or PV-C terminals on some valves). If voltage is okay, replace gas control; if not replace ignition control. SPARK STOPS WHEN PILOT IS LIT? YES MAIN BURNER LIGHTS? YES SYSTEM RUNS UNTIL CALL FOR HEAT ENDS? YES CALL FOR HEAT ENDS SYSTEM SHUTS OFF? YES (LED OFF) TROUBLESHOOTING ENDS NO NO NO NO NOTE: If IS1070T goes into lockout, reset system. • Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire. • Clean flame rod. • Check electrical connections between flame rod and ignition control. • Check for cracked ceramic flame rod insulator. • Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue. • Adjust pilot flame. • If problem persists, replace ignition control. • Check for 24 VAC across MV-MV/PV or MV-C terminals on valve. If no voltage, replace ignition control. • Check electrical connections between ignition control and gas control. If okay, replace gas control or gas control operator. NOTE: If IS1070T goes into lockout (LED flashing), reset system. • Check continuity of ignition cable and ground wire. NOTE: If ground is poor or erratic, shutdowns may occur occasionally even though operation is normal at the time of checkout. • Check that pilot flame covers flame rod and is steady and blue. • If checks are okay, replace ignition control. • Check for proper controller operation. • Remove MV(TH) lead at valve; if valve closes, recheck temperature controller and wiring; if not, replace gas control. Repeat procedure until trouble free operation is obtained. Fig. 3 IS1070T TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE. BULLETIN\SYNETEK 1.doc SYNETEK 1 PAGE 4 0D4 Page 264 Page 265 Page 266 Page 267 Page 268 Page 269 Page 270 Page 271 Page 272 Page 273 Page 274 Page 275 Page 276 Page 277 Page 278 Page 279 Page 280 Page 281 Page 282 Page 283 Page 284 Page 285 Page 286 Page 287 Page 288 Page 289 Page 290 Page 291 Page 292 Page 293 Page 294 Page 295 Page 296 Page 297 BULLETIN 133-T775 9C HONEYWELL T775A ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER SETTING INSTRUCTIONS I. INITIAL START UP: Turn "OFF" Main Burner Switch. Turn "ON" Boiler Controls Switch. T775A Controller will begin counting down from 210. To avoid viewing countdown press "SELECT" button. Check that control is in HEAT Mode. If the word HEAT is not displayed, press "SELECT" button again to return to the Sensor Temperature Display. If the word COOL is displayed press SET "UP ARROW" button to change to HEAT mode and then press "ENTER" button. Return to Sensor Temperature Display by pressing "SELECT" button. CAUTION: Do not use with control set in cool mode. II. SETTING THE TEMPERATURE: With the control displaying Sensor Temperature push "SELECT" button. Control will now display Set point Temperature. Push SET "UP ARROW" or "DOWN ARROW" button to select set point (cut off) temperature (up to 240°). Press "ENTER" button. Press "SELECT" button and Heat Differential Temperature will be displayed. Press SET "UP ARROW" or "DOWN ARROW" button to select differential temperature (1 to 35°). Press "ENTER" button. Press "SELECT" button. Control will now display Sensor Temperature. The control will now be energized (Call For Heat) with the sensor temperature below the set point and de-energize (Boiler Off) at or above the set point. The control will reenergize (Call for Heat) when the sensor temperature below the set point and deenergize (Boiler Off) at or above the set point. The control will re-energize (Call for Heat) when the sensor temperature drops to the set point minus the differential setting. When energized the control displays the word HEAT. NOTE: 1. Using a temperature set point too close to that of the High Limit Control (s) may cause unnecessary operation of High Limit Control (s) and boiler shutdown. 2. If T775 Control display shows "SR" this indicates an out of range sensor. Check sensor connections. See service bulletin for additional information. 3. A power interruption will not cause a loss of set points, but the countdown from 210 and a delay of approximately 3-1/2 minutes will occur unless the "SELECT" button is pressed. Power interrupting controls such as time clocks or flow switches should not be wired ahead of the boiler if this delay is a problem. Instead, see applicable boiler wiring for location of remote operating control terminals (dry switch contacts only). 4. Follow PARKER BOILER OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for correct operation of boiler. 133-T775.DOC Page 298 Page 299 BULLETIN 133-T775-ETT 5C HONEYWELL T775A1019 ELECTRONIC OPERATING AND HIGH-LOW FIRE TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified, the control is factory installed and the immersion sensor is factory wired and mounted in a 3/4" NPT well located in the boiler outlet header. The temperature sensor and well may be relocated but should remain in the immediate vicinity of the boiler outlet. The boiler is shipped with two additional temperature limit controls, which must remain in the boiler outlet header. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. II. INITIAL START UP Turn Main Burner Switch to "OFF" position. Turn Boiler Control Switch "ON". T775A display will begin counting down from 210. To avoid viewing countdown press "SELECT" button on front of T775A Controller. Note: A power interruption will not cause a loss of set points but the countdown from 210 (31/2 minute delay) will re-occur upon power resumption. Maintain a continuous source of power to avoid this startup delay. The T775A controller is shipped with all stages in the HEAT mode. Confirm this by pressing "SELECT" and "ENTER" buttons at same time. The display should show SENSOR HEAT 1. Press "SELECT" again for stage 2. With both stages on controller displaying the word HEAT press, "SELECT" again and proceed to Paragraph III. If either stage shows the word COOL, press the "UP ARROW" button and then the "ENTER" button to change to the heat mode. CAUTION: Do not use with any stage set in cool mode. III. SETTING THE CONTROLS Figures shown in brackets [ ] are sample settings only. A programming worksheet is furnished below to aid in setting the control. A. SETTING THE BOILER AQUASTAT CONTROLS The boiler is equipped with a Manual Reset High Limit and an Automatic Reset High Limit. The Manual Reset High Limit should be set at the maximum system temperature and high enough above the maximum normal operating temperature to avoid nuisance shutdowns [240°F]. The Automatic Reset High Limit should be set slightly above the maximum normal operating temperature [200°F]. B. SETTING THE ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL This control is equipped with two outputs. Output (Stage) 1 is the operating control and should be set higher than Output (Stage) 2, which is the boiler high-low fire control. 1. CHOOSING THE SET POINTS Use the worksheet shown below to fill in your set points. SET POINT 1: [185°F] This is off point of boiler. DIFFERENTIAL 1: [4°F] This is on point of boiler when subtracted from Set Point 1. SET POINT 2: [180°F] This is low fire point of boiler. DIFFERENTIAL 2: [4°F] This is high fire point of boiler when subtracted from Set Point 2. CAUTION: Do not set boiler temperature set points so low as to cause condensation to form on boiler tubes. This minimum point will vary with local atmospheric conditions (nominally 130-140°F). Allowing condensation to form on outside of boiler tubes is detrimental to life of boiler. Page 300 BULLETIN 133-T775-ETT 5C T775A1019 BOILER CONTROL PROGRAMMING WORKSHEET SET POINT 1: DIFFERENTIAL 1: SET POINT 2: DIFFERENTIAL 2: 2. [185°F] [ 4°F] [180°F] [ 4°F] HIGH FIRE: LOW FIRE: ON AT: OFF AT: (176°F) (180°F) (181°F) (185°F) ENTERING THE SET POINTS: The T775A Electronic Temperature Control has five display positions for monitoring the temperatures or setting the control. These may be accessed by scrolling through the display loop using the SELECT button. When changing a set point, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys and then press "ENTER" to place the new set point in the control memory. IMPORTANT: If the "ENTER" button is not pressed, the new control value will not be entered in the control memory. DISPLAY - Push SELECT button to move to next position. a. SENSOR: This displays the boiler water temperature. When you are finished programming the control set points, the display should be left in the above mode. Now begin entering the worksheet set points one at a time by continuing to press the "SELECT" button. b. c. d. e. SET POINT 1 DIFFERENTIAL 1 SET POINT 2 DIFFERENTIAL 2 When you are finished programming, scroll through the loop one more time to check set points. When you are finished programming the control, leave the display in mode a., above. If the control is left in mode b. through e., it will automatically revert to mode a. after a period of time. When in display mode a., the control will also display if either stage is energized. (HEAT STAGE ENERGIZED 1 2.) IMPORTANT: After initial programming, altering the set point for stage 1 up or down will result in a change in set point 2, by the same number of degrees and in the same direction. If increasing or decreasing the set point for stage 1 results in exceeding the control limits (-20° to +220°F) for stage 2, the control will not allow the user to enter a value for stage 1 higher or lower than this limit. This will allow for easy sequential output staging to be modified, while keeping the margin between set points intact. When setting is completed, turn Main Burner Switch on. If the boiler safety limit controls are energized, the boiler will operate in response to the setting of the T775A control. A power interruption or control switch off will not cause a loss of set points but the countdown from 210 will re-occur when power resumes. NOTES 1. See complete Parker Boiler Operation and Maintenance Manual for instructions on boiler. 2. See Honeywell T775A Service Bulletin for additional information on control. Page 301 Page 302 Page 303 Page 304 Page 305 Page 306 Page 307 Page 308 Page 309 Page 310 Page 311 Page 312 Page 313 Page 314 Page 315 INTER-HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE USE THIS FORM FOR ALL HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE --- WRITE ON ONE SIDE OF PAPER ONLY To: SALES & SERVICE SDD, SCD, ABB, AMA, NGA, RGB, MJM, MJL, ELM BJJ, RJJ, MHB, RAK, NGS, DWR, TIN, CGS, JAL, ACC, RPC, JCL, JEN, TJJ, YBK, DAJ, BOB KEITH, SAN JOSE BOILER, JOH BOILER, MCC 2, TAYLOR BOILER Date: February 20, 2009 From: Greg Danenhauer ____________________________________________________________________________________ SUBJECT REFERENCE: NEW HONEYWELL T775 CONTROLLERS, 2000 SERIES Honeywell has recently introduced a New 2000 Series of T775 Electronic Controllers. These Controllers have replaced The T775 1000 Series Controllers. The chart below indicates The Old Control Capabilities and The Newer Replacement Control. Parker has traditionally been using The T775 Series Controls on Hot Water & Indirect Fired Units as an optional operating control or modulating control. ELECTRONIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS OLD HONEYWELL T775 TEMPERATURE CONTROL (METAL CASE) LCD DISPLAY TO 220 DEGREE F OFF ON FIRING TWO STAGE FIRING MODULATING FIRING 135 OHM NEW HONEYWELL T775 TEMPERATURE CONTROL (PLASTIC CASE) PLATINUM SENSOR USE COPPER WELL 121371B LCD DISPLAY TO 248 DEGREE F PTC (POSITIVE TEMP. COEFFICIENT) SENSOR USE STAINLESS WELL NO. WELL-524 T775A1001 ONE RELAY OUPUT T775A1019 TWO RELAY OUTPUTS T775A2009 ONE RELAY OUTPUT T775B2032 TWO RELAY OUTPUTS T775E1015 ONE 135 OHM & ONE RELAY OUTPUT T775M2048 TWO MODULATING OUTPUTS 4-20mA or 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC or 135 OHM (with 340 Ohm resistor across R-W Terminals) TWO RELAY OUTPUTS MODULATING FIRING 4-20 mA T775E1056 ONE 4-20 mA & ONE RELAY OUTPUT PUT IT IN WRITING SAME AS ABOVE WRITTEN MESSAGES SAVE TIME AND AVOID ERRORS Page 316 OUTDOOR RESET OFF ON or TWO STAGE FIRING MODULATING FIRING 135 OHM MODULATING FIRING 4-20 mA T775J1076 TWO RELAY OUTPUTS T775U2006 TWO MODULATING OUTPUTS 4-20mA or 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC or 135 OHM (with 340 Ohm resistor across R-W Terminals) TWO RELAY OUTPUTS (Purchase sensors separately) T775J1043 ONE 135 OHM & ONE RELAY OUTPUT SAME AS ABOVE T775J1050 ONE 4-20 mA & ONE RELAY OUTPUT SAME AS ABOVE PRESSURE CONTROLS OLD CONTROL OFF-ON or TWO STAGE or MODULATING FIRING NEW HONEYWELL T775U LCD DISPLAY -500 to 500 PSI DEPENDING ON TRANSDUCER RWF40 or L404A-F or L91 T775U2006 TWO MODULATING OUTPUTS 4-20mA or 0-10VDC or 2-10VDC or 135 OHM (with 340 Ohm resistor across R-W Terminals) TWO RELAY OUTPUTS (Purchase transducer separately) Note all new T775 controls with plastic case must have ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp. OLD CONTROL NEW CONTROL Platinum Sensor 3/8” OD PTC Sensor 1/4“ OD 193987GA 50021579 Copper Well Stainless Well 121371B WELL-524 As stock depletes The New 2000 Series will be integrated for replacements & on some New Boilers. Presently we are using The T775M2048 Control on New Modulating Hot Water Low Nox Boilers. This Hot Water Model can output 4-20ma, 135 ohm (with resistor kit) or 0-10 or 2-10 vdc for proportional control. We have found this new model to operate reliably & accurately. It’s increased temperature range to 248° F makes it an ideal match to our “H” stamped boilers. The percent modulation can be viewed on the display & both inlet & outlet temperature can be displayed (optionally). Page 317 For replacements a new sensor is provided & a new well is recommended. Parker has prepared a simplified programming sheet to assist in initial set up. The plastic enclosure requires grounding to the conduit. Honeywell also offers a T775U (Universal Model) which can perform many of the functions of the basic version plus outside air reset control & control of steam boilers. We have tested this T775U2006 at Parker on a Maxon equipped modulating steam boiler (135 ohm circuit). With a Series 2 M9164A1005 Basic MOD motor the modulation was not particularly good. However when we went to the Series 3 MOD motor the modulating was accurate. We will continue to experiment with The New T775 U Steam modulating control as it offers modulation at a reduced price, from the Siemens RWF40 which is presently our standard modulating control for Low Nox series Steam Boilers. Look for the T775U on future modulating steam boilers and for OSA reset on hot water boilers. The T775 2000 series offers many features however one feature it does not offer is remote set point shift via a proportional input signal. We are getting this type of request on many hot water boiler specifications. In these cases we are offering The Siemens RWF 40 to solve this problem. As an example The BAS may send the control 4ma which would mean 140°F set point at that time. As the weather cools The BAS could increase the signal so 20ma may mean a 190°F set point. Please contact Parker with any questions on the use & application of these controls. GED/mym W:\GED GREG\2008\Interhouse\Honeywell T775 Update.doc Page 318 Page 319 Page 320 Page 321 Page 322 Page 323 BULLETIN 133-T775A OFF-ON 0B9 HONEYWELL T775A2009 ELECTRONIC OPERATING CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On direct fired hot water boilers the sensor is factory mounted in a well installed in the outlet header. When used to sense the secondary (heat exchanger) water on Indirect Water Heaters the sensor must be field mounted in well in the secondary water piping and the sensor wiring connected to the control per the wiring diagram. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional temperature control which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: when replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button to display UNITS then press right arrow button. Select DEG F and press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 0.0 and press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select SENSOR A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat twice. Setup is now programmed. III. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From Relay 1 press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select off point temperature of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential temperature for relay 1 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential temperature may cause excessive cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive temperature swings. Page 324 From HEAT/COOL press right arrow button. Select HEAT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The on/off temperature point of boiler is now programmed. When finished, use the right arrow key to exit to the home screen. IV. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The temperature at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays relay 1 set point. Page 325 BULLETIN 133-T775B-2 STAGE 0H7 HONEYWELL T775B2032 ELECTRONIC TWO STAGE OPERATING & HIGH LOW FIRE CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On direct fired hot water boilers the sensor is factory mounted in a well installed in the outlet header. When used to sense the secondary (heat exchanger) water on Indirect Water Heaters the sensor must be field mounted in well in the secondary water piping and the sensor wiring connected to the control per the wiring diagram. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional temperature control which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: when replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From Sensors menu press right arrow button to display number of sensors. Use up/down buttons to display 1 then press right arrow button, From SENSOR A press right arrow button to display UNITS then press right arrow button. Select DEG F and press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 0.0 and press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select SENSOR A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From RELAYS press right arrow button. Select 2 then press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button. From STANDARD press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 2 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat twice. Setup is now programmed. III. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From Relay 1 press right arrow button. Page 326 From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select off point temperature of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential temperature for relay 1 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential temperature may cause excessive cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive temperature swings. From SENSOR press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button. From HEAT/COOL press right arrow button. Select HEAT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The on/off temperature point of boiler is now programmed. From RELAY 2 repeat the above instructions to set the high/low fire temperature point of the boiler. The temperature setting is the point where the boiler will go to low fire. The high/low temperature setting must always be below the off point (relay 1) setting of the boiler. When finished, use the right arrow key to exit to the home screen. IV. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The temperature at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays relay 1 set point. Pressing right arrow key again displays relay 2 set point. Page 327 BULLETIN 133-T775M-MOD 0J7 HONEYWELL T775M2048 ELECTRONIC OPERATING & MODULATING CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On direct fired hot water boilers the sensor is factory mounted in a well installed in the outlet header. When used to sense the secondary (heat exchanger) water on Indirect Water Heaters the sensor must be field mounted in well in the secondary water piping and the sensor wiring connected to the control per the wiring diagram. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional temperature control which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: when replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. When used for Series 90 (135 Ohm) modulation a 340 Ohm resistor, furnished, must be installed across terminals R-W. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From SENSORS press right arrow button to display number of sensors. Use up/down buttons to display 1 then press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button to display UNITS then press right arrow button. Select DEG F and press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 0.0 and press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select SENSOR A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button. Select appropriate output using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From MIN OUT% press right arrow key. Select 0% and press right arrow key. From INTEGRAL press right arrow key. Select 400 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From DERIVATIVE press right arrow key. Select 0 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From EXIT press right arrow key. Use up/down arrow keys to select RELAYS. From RELAYS press right arrow button. Select 1 then press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. Page 328 From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. Setup is now programmed. III. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select midpoint of modulation range temperature using up/down arrow key then press right arrow button. From THROT RNG press right arrow key. Select total throttling range (ie. 10 degree F) using up/down arrow key then press right arrow key. From SENSOR press right arrow key. From SENSOR A press right arrow key. From HEAT/COOL press right arrow button. Select HEAT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The modulating temperature point of boiler is now programmed Use up/down arrow keys to select Relay 1. Press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select off point temperature of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. This set point must be above modulating set point. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential temperature for relay 1 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential temperature may cause excessive cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive temperature swings. From SENSOR press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button. From HEAT/COOL press right arrow button. Select HEAT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The on/off temperature point of boiler is now programmed. From EXIT use the right arrow key twice to exit to the home screen. IV. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The temperature at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays MOD 1 set point. Pressing right arrow key again displays relay 1 set point. Page 329 BULLETIN 133-T775U-1-2 STAGE-STEAM 1A1 HONEYWELL T775U2006 ELECTRONIC STEAM OPERATING (& TWO STAGE IF FURNISHED) CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On new steam boilers the transducer is factory mounted and connected to the steam space. Consult factory for field installation of transducer. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional pressure control (High Limit) which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: when replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. When used for Series 90 (135 Ohm) modulation a 340 Ohm resistor, furnished, must be installed across terminals R-W. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From SENSORS press right arrow button to display number of sensors. Use up/down buttons to display 1 then press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button to display type of units. Select type of units used then press right arrow key (i.e. 0-10V or 4-20MA). Press right arrow button. From UNITS press right arrow button to display UNITS then press right arrow button. Select PSI and press right arrow button. . From MIN VAL press right arrow button. Use arrow keys to select minimum setting based on the sensor range.(i.e. 0-15 PSI sensor set 0 psi) then press right arrow button. From MAX VAL press right arrow button. Use arrow keys to select maximum pressure based on the sensor range (i.e. 0-15 PSI sensor set 15 PSI) then press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 10% of total sensor range (i.e. 0-15 PSI set 10% of 15, or 1.5) then press right arrow button From LABEL press right arrow button. Select SENSOR A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. Use up/down arrow keys to select RELAYS. From RELAYS press right arrow button. Select 1 for Off-On boilers. Select 2 for Two Stage boilers. Then press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. On two Stage boilers only from RELAY 2 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. Setup is now programmed. Page 330 III. IV. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. Use up/down arrow keys to select Relay 1. Press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select off point pressure of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. This set point must be above relay 2 set point on two stage boilers and on high pressure boilers must be at least 10 percent (or 7 PSI whichever is greater) below the safety valve setting. On low pressure 15 PSI boilers at least 4 PSI below the safety valve setting. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential pressure for relay 1 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential pressure may cause excessive cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive pressure swings. From ACTION press right arrow button. Select REV ACT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The on/off (operating) pressure point of boiler is now programmed. For two stage boilers only: From RELAY 2 press right arrow button. Select low fire pressure of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. This set point must be below relay 1 set point on two stage boilers. It si the point at shich the boiler will go to low fire. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential pressure for relay 2 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential pressure may cause excessive high-low cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive pressure swings. From ACTION press right arrow button. Select REV ACT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The high-low fire pressure point of boiler is now programmed. From EXIT use the right arrow key twice to exit to the home screen. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The pressure at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays the various set points. V. IMPORTANT: When completely finished fire the boiler and recheck the settings. When the settings are satisfactory the maximum set point (set point high limit) must be locked in based on the MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) stamping on the boiler. Go to the Program menu and select the Off Point again. If necessary move this point to 11 PSI on 15 PSI Boilers or to 10 % below the MAWP (7 PSI min.) on high pressure boilers. Simultaneously press HOME, LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW buttons for 5 seconds. This locks the maximum setting of the control and is irreversible. The Off Point can now be readjusted to your standard setting. The maximum set point lock will be performed at the factory on new boilers. Page 331 BULLETIN 133-T775U-MOD-STEAM 1A1 HONEYWELL T775U2006 ELECTRONIC STEAM OPERATING & MODULATING CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On new steam boilers the transducer is factory mounted and connected to the steam space. Consult factory for field installation of transducer. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional pressure control (High Limit) which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: when replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. When used for Series 90 (135 Ohm) modulation a 340 Ohm resistor, furnished, must be installed across terminals R-W. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From SENSORS press right arrow button to display number of sensors. Use up/down buttons to display 1 then press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button to display type of units. Select type of units used then press right arrow key (i.e. 0-10V or 4-20MA). Press right arrow button. From UNITS press right arrow button to display UNITS then press right arrow button. Select PSI and press right arrow button. From MIN VAL press right arrow button. Use arrow keys to select minimum setting based on the sensor range.(i.e. 0-15 PSI sensor set 0 psi) then press right arrow button. From MAX VAL press right arrow button. Use arrow keys to select maximum pressure based on the sensor range (i.e. 0-15 PSI sensor set 15 PSI) then press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 10% of total sensor range (i.e. 0-15 PSI set 10% of 15, or 1.5) then press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select SENSOR A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button. Select appropriate output using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From MIN OUT% press right arrow key. Select 0% and press right arrow key. From INTEGRAL press right arrow key. Select 400 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From DERIVATIVE press right arrow key. Select 0 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From EXIT press right arrow key. Use up/down arrow keys to select RELAYS. From RELAYS press right arrow button. Select 1 then press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. Page 332 From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. Setup is now programmed. III. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select midpoint of modulation range pressure using up/down arrow key then press right arrow button. From THROT RNG press right arrow key. Select total throttling range (ie. 10 PSI) using up/down arrow key then press right arrow key. From ACTION press right arrow button. Select REV ACT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The modulating pressure point of boiler is now programmed Use up/down arrow keys to select Relay 1. Press right arrow button. From SETPOINT press right arrow button. Select off point pressure of boiler using up/down keys and then press right arrow button. This set point must be above modulating set point and on high pressure boilers must be at least 10 percent below (or 7 PSI whichever is greater) the safety valve setting. On low pressure 15 PSI boilers at least 4 PSI below the safety valve setting. From DIFFERENTIAL press right arrow button. Select differential pressure for relay 1 then press right arrow button. Selecting too small a differential pressure may cause excessive cycling of boiler. Too great a differential may cause excessive pressure swings. From ACTION press right arrow button. Select REV ACT and press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. The on/off pressure point of boiler is now programmed. From EXIT use the right arrow key twice to exit to the home screen. III. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The pressure at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays MOD 1 set point. Pressing right arrow key again displays relay 1 set point. IV. IMPORTANT: When completely finished fire the boiler and recheck the settings. When the settings are satisfactory the maximum set point (set point high limit) must be locked in based on the MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) stamping on the boiler. Go to the Program menu and select the Off Point again. If necessary move this point to 11 PSI on 15 PSI Boilers or to 10 % below the MAWP (7 PSI min.) on high pressure boilers. Simultaneously press HOME, LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW buttons for 5 seconds. This locks the maximum setting of the control and is irreversible. The Off Point can now be readjusted to your standard setting. The maximum set point lock will be performed at the factory on new boilers. Page 333 BULLETIN 133-T775U-HW-O.R.-MOD 0C9 PRELIMINARY HONEYWELL T775U2006 OUTDOOR RESET ELECTRONIC OPERATING & MODULATING CONTROL INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS I. INSTALLATION: (Refer to wiring diagram. Installer must be trained experienced service technician.) Unless otherwise specified the control is factory installed and wired. On direct fired hot water boilers the sensor is factory mounted in a well installed in the outlet header. The outdoor sensor must be field mounted in a protected location outdoors to sense average temperature. 18/2 wire (not furnished) may be used up to 25 feet. Shielded cable with the shield grounded to conduit at control end only is suggested over 25 feet. Connect the outdoor sensor wiring to the control per the wiring diagram. Sensor wiring is low voltage and should not be run near line voltage wiring, motors, relays, etc. The boiler is shipped with at least one additional temperature control which must remain in place as installed by the factory. Note: When replacing older T775 with metal case the new T775 must have the Ground terminal grounded to conduit clamp not an Equipment Ground. The ground terminal is the far left terminal located on the terminal block on left side of case approximately midway up and is marked with a ground symbol. When used for Series 90 (135 Ohm) modulation a 340 Ohm resistor, furnished, must be installed across terminals R-W. II. SETUP MENU: On new boilers the control is shipped with the proper setup programming. To review these parameters or to set up a replacement control, follow these instructions. To access the setup menu, press and hold the MENU button for 5 seconds. Use: Left arrow button: to scroll backward through the menu. Right arrow button: to select the highlighted menu item and display its content. Up and Down arrow buttons: to scroll up and down through a list of items or to increase or decrease the value of a displayed parameter. Note: If you press the HOME button or there is no key activity for four minutes, you exit Program mode and return to the home screen. If you press the MENU button, you exit and return to the menu. From Setup menu use up/down buttons to highlight SENSORS then press right arrow button. From #SENSORS press right arrow button to display number of sensors. Use up/down buttons to display 2 then press right arrow button. From SENSOR A press right arrow button to display TYPE then press rith arrow button. Select PT1000 then press right arrow button. From UNITS press right arrow button. Select DEG F and press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 0.0 and press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select BOILER A then press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. From SENSOR B press right arrow button. From CALIBRATE press right arrow button. Select 0.0 and press right arrow button. From LABEL press right arrow button. Select OUTDOOR B and press right arrow button From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. From OUTPUTS press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From TYPE press right arrow button. Select appropriate output using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From MIN OUT% press right arrow key. Select 0% and press right arrow key. From INTEGRAL press right arrow key. Select 400 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From DERIVATIVE press right arrow key. Select 0 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From RESET press right arrow key. Select YES-BOILER and press right arrow key. From Exit press right arrow button. From MOD2 press right arrow button. Page 334 From TYPE press right arrow button. Select appropriate output using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From MIN OUT% press right arrow key. Select 0% and press right arrow key. From INTEGRAL press right arrow key. Select 400 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From DERIVATIVE press right arrow key. Select 0 SEC using up/down arrow keys then press right arrow key. From RESET press right arrow key. Select YES and press right arrow key. From EXIT press right arrow key. From RELAYS press right arrow button. Select 1 then press right arrow button. From OPTIONS press right arrow button. From USE SCHEDULES press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow button. From MIN OFF press right arrow button. Select 0 sec then press right arrow button. From DI OPTIONS press right arrow button. Select DISABLE then press right arrow button. From SHOW RT press right arrow button. Select NO then press right arrow buttons. From EXIT press right arrow button. From RELAY 1 press right arrow button. From RESET press right arrow button. Select YES and press right arrow button.. From EXIT press right arrow button. From EXIT press right arrow button. Repeat. Setup is now programmed. III. PROGRAM MENU: During programming, the controller is live at all times. For example, the contacts may open and close when adjusting the set point. When programming, leave the Boiler Control Switch on but turn the Main Burner Switch off. In the Heating mode the differential is below the set point. Never use the control in the Cooling mode. To program the control press and release MENU button. From PROGRAM press right arrow button. From MOD 1 press right arrow button. From BOILER MAX press right arrow button. Use the updown arrow keys to set the approximate maximum (modulating) temperature, i.e. 190 F. This is the midpoint of the boiler modulation (throttling range) range when the outdoor temperature is at the minimum. Press the right arrow button. From OUTSD MIN press the right arrow button. Use the up down arrow keys to set the minimum outdoor temperature for the local climate region at which the BOILER MAX is to occur. Press the right arrow button. From BOILR MIN press the right arrow button. Use the up down arrow keys to set the minimum temperature the boiler outlet water is to supply. Caution, make sure this temperature is high enough to prevent boiler condensation, i.e. 160 degree F. Press the right arrow button. From OUTSD MAX press right arrow button. Select the outdoor temperature below which boiler water temperature is to begin resetting, i.e. 65 degrees F. From THROT RNG press the right arrow button. Set the total throttling temperature (modulation range from low fire to high fire), i.e. 20 degree F. Press right arrow button. From ACTION press the right arrow button. Select HEAT and press the right arrow button. Never select COOL. From EXIT press the right arrow button. Scroll down to RELAY 1 and press right arrow button. From OFFSET press right arrow button. Select a positive temperature at least ½ of the throttling range, i.e. +12 degrees F. and press the right arrow button. This is the operating temperature above the BOILER MAX at which the boiler will turn off. From DIFFRNTL press the right arrow button. Select relay 1 differential temperature, i.e. 4 F., then press the right arrow key. This is the temperature below the operating limit off point at which the boiler will turn back on. From EXIT press the right arrow button. Repeat twice. IV. The HOME DISPLAY shows if the relays are energized by displaying a small black square under the active relay or the word OFF. The temperature at the sensor is also displayed. Pressing the right arrow key from the HOME menu displays MOD 1 set point. Pressing right arrow key again displays relay 1 set point. Page 335 133-MTR 9A PARKER BOILER CO. MOTORIZED FUEL GAS VALVES UL Listed Motorized Gas Valves may be furnished on Parker Boilers as Main Line Safety Shutoff Fuel Valves. These valves are of the normally closed type and provide a minimum 5 PSI closing force as required by many insurance companies. They use a separate fluid power actuator assembly to drive the valve body open and may be for either Off-On or High-low operation. For High-low operation a valve body with a characterized guide is required. A Proof of Closure Switch (P.O.C.) may also be furnished to meet valve-closed indication requirements. WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW FUEL TO ACCUMULATE IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER. IF FUEL IS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CHAMBER FOR LONGER THAN A FEW SECONDS WITHOUT IGNITING, AN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE COULD RESULT. CHECKOUT & SERVICING: FIG. 1 - TYPICAL AH2B FIG. 2 - TYPICAL V4055 CAUTION: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair gas valves, flame safeguard controls or burner systems. 2. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present right at electrical terminations of valve actuators and in all controller circuits. Always open Main Line Disconnect Switch and depressurize valve before replacing or repairing valve. 3. Close all manual fuel shutoff valves if any trouble occurs. 4. Parker Boiler furnishes gas valves with the piping in a horizontal position and the actuator vertical and upright. Do not alter this positioning. 5. Do not attempt to service or replace the valve without reading the valve manufacturers exact service bulletin and safety warnings provided with specific valve. 6. Periodic inspection and leak testing of valve is required. Organize a maintenance schedule based on environment and frequency of use, but no less frequently than monthly. Observe operation through several complete cycles to be sure the valve is functioning properly and shuts off with all safety and limit controls. WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. TO AVOID SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE DUE TO ELECTRICAL SHOCK, TURN OFF POWER SUPPLY PRIOR TO SERVICING ACTUATOR. WARNING: SHOCK, FIRE, OR EXPLOSION HAZARD. SERVICING POWERED ACTUATORS COULD CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. TURN OFF ELECTRICAL POWER AND PURGE INTERCONNECTED PIPING OF COMBUSTIBLE GASES BEFORE SERVICING ACTUATOR. TROUBLESHOOTING: During normal operation when the actuator is energized hydraulic fluid is pumped, causing the actuator stem to extend, opening the valve. While in the open position the actuator pump may engage periodically to maintain pressure. De-energizing actuator retracts stem, allowing valve to close. Valve "Open" or "Closed" position indicators are located on sides of actuator. If actuator fails to energize, check for blown fuses, circuit breakers, loose connections and a complete circuit through the boiler safety, limit and operating controls to the actuator electrical terminations. When a Proof of Closure Switch (Valve Closed Indication Switch) is furnished, this switch must be closed before a circuit can be completed through the Electronic Flame Safeguard. If, with power at correct electrical terminals, actuator stem still fails to extend replace actuator. Except for auxiliary switches, actuators are Not Repairable. To replace actuator, disconnect all electrical power and gas, disconnect wiring from actuator and loosen set screws at base. Always use manufacturers exact replacement actuator by checking complete part number. Always operate through several complete cycles to be certain actuator and valve function properly. If the valve body fails to open or close properly, first check that gas flow is in direction shown on valve and that inlet pressure to valve is within rating shown on valve [Parker Boiler maximum 1/2 PSI (14" W.C.) on natural gas and 1 PSI (27.7" W.C.) on L.P. gas]. If valve still fails to open or close properly or is noisy or sluggish in operation, replace valve. WARNING: INTERNAL REPAIR OF VALVES REQUIRES PERFORMING SEAT LEAKAGE, EXTERNAL LEAKAGE, AND OPERATIONAL TESTS ON THE VALVE WITH A NON-HAZARDOUS, NON-COMBUSTIBLE FLUID AFTER DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY. IMPROPER ASSEMBLY OR DAMAGE TO INTERNAL COMPONENTS COULD CAUSE VALVE TO STICK IN UNSAFE POSITION. PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT. ALWAYS REPLACE INOPERATIVE OR DAMAGED VALVES WITH A NEW VALVE OR HAVE VALVE REPAIRED BY ORIGINAL VALVE MANUFACTURER. When replacing valve, make certain new valve is correct one for service with correct pressure. Always pipe valve in direction of flow shown on valve. Apply pipe compound sparingly to male pipe threads only. If applied to valve threads the compound may enter the valve and cause operational difficulty. Avoid pipe strain by properly supporting and aligning piping. When tightening the pipe, do not use valve as a lever. Locate wrenches applied to valve body or piping as close as possible to connection point. A drip leg is required to be installed upstream of all boiler gas controls by the installer. In addition, where fuel conditions or Code require it, a strainer or filter suitable for the service should be installed upstream. Always leak test a new valve and operate through several complete cycles to be certain valve functions properly. Page 336 133-MTR 9A WARNING: FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING COULD RESULT IN DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE: HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE. DO NOT TOUCH ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS WHILE ACTUATOR IS SUPPLIED WITH POWER, EXCEPT WITH INSULATED TOOLS, UNDER DRY CONDITIONS, AND ONLY AS INSTRUCTED HEREIN. COMBUSTIBLE/TOXIC GAS. IF THE LOW-FIRE POSITION IS SET TOO LOW, THE FLAME MAY BLOW OUT, CAUSING A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS BUILD-UP OF GAS. VERIFY THAT FLAME IS STABLE IN LOW-FIRE POSITION, AND THAT A FLAME SAFEGUARD DEVICE IS INSTALLED. SETTING OF HIGH-LOW MOTORIZED GAS VALVE: WARNING: IMPROPER SETTING OF LOW FIRE ADJUSTMENT MAY CAUSE UNSAFE LIGHT-OFF OR COMBUSTION, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT. Minimum low fire setting on Parker Atmospheric gas fired boilers is: 1" W.C. on Natural Gas, 11" W.C. on L.P. Gas. Minimum low fire setting on power burners must be individually set by competent burner service technicians. When installing a replacement High-low Actuator, always make sure low fire setting is initially in maximum position. LOW FIRE ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Shutoff gas and install accurate gas gauge at manifold (gauge) test plug. B. Disconnect all electric power and remove electrical compartment cover. C. Disconnect high fire wire and carefully secure end, (terminal #3 of Honeywell V4062; terminal #8 of General Controls AH4). If boiler is equipped with "low-automatic" switch this step can be omitted by setting switch in "Low" position. D. Turn on boiler to low fire position and check gas pressure. Turn OFF power and adjust as follows: A. 1. HONEYWELL V4062: a. Manually rotate cam-dial assembly downward so setscrew is accessible from front of actuator. b. Loosen set-screw on the low fire cam using the special wrench taped to the electrical cover plate. c. Move cam toward Max. or Min. setting, as required, no more than one mark at a time. Tighten set-screw. d. Fire boiler and recheck low fire gas pressure. Turn off power and repeat step "C" and "D" until setting is correct. e. With setting correct, cycle boiler 5 or 6 times to check repeatability of setting. Turn off power and reconnect high fire wire to terminal #3. Retape special wrench to electrical cover and replace cover. 2. GENERAL CONTROLS AH4B WITH POTENTIOMETER: a. With power off, carefully insert an insulated screwdriver through the hole provided in the barrier, and rotate the potentiometer R18 (clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease the low fire setting) a small increment at a time. b. Fire boiler and recheck low fire gas pressure. Turn off power and repeat above step until setting is correct. c. With setting correct, cycle boiler 5 or 6 times to check repeatability of setting. Turn off power, reconnect high fire wire to terminal #8 and replace electrical cover. d. For older model General Controls AH4, without potentiometer, consult factory. FIG. 3 - TYPICAL V4062 ARRANGEMENT FIG. 4 - TYPICAL AH4B ARRANGEMENT 133-MTR.DOC Page 337 Page 338 Page 339 Page 340 Page 341 Page 342 Page 343 Page 344 Page 345 Page 346 Page 347 Page 348 Page 349 Page 350 Page 351 Page 352 Page 353 Page 354 Page 355 Page 356 Page 357 Page 358 Page 359 INTERMITTENT PILOT DUAL COMBINATION VALVE GAS CONTROLS 3/4" HONEYWELL VR8304M, VR8304Q, & ROBERTSHAW 1" 7000 D OR 3/4” 7000 BD 133 149 IPCV2 0E4 These 24 Volt IP Dual Combination Valve Gas Controls are rated 1/2 PSI (14" WC) and are used as the main line gas controls in conjunction with a Honeywell S86—or Synetek IS1070T 100% shutoff, 15 second lockout intermittent pilot modules. The valves combine an On-Off manual gas valve, two automatic valve operators, main gas pressure regulator, pilot flow adjustment and inlet/outlet pressure taps. VR8304Q valves are also two-stage valves. STARTUP AND CHECKOUT I. MANUAL GAS VALVE SETTINGS (See appropriate drawing below, Fig. 1). An additional manual leak check gas valve may be furnished downstream of the IP dual combination valve. Boilers over 400,000 BTU/HR input have an additional pilot line regulator and pilot gas cock which should be left open. The manual valve has two settings: OFF – prevents pilot and main burner gas flow. ON – permits gas flow into the control body. When signaled by safety controls, pilot and main burner gas flow is permitted. To open manual valve: Turn control knob (dial) counterclockwise from OFF position until the pointer (dial reference point) is next to "ON". To close manual valve: Turn control knob (dial) clockwise from ON position until the pointer (dial reference point) is next to "OFF". WARNING: Always open or close manual valve fully. Do not use manual valve to adjust gas flow. HONEYWELL VR8304M ON-OFF VALVE WIRING ROBERTSHAW 700 D or BD ON-OFF VALVE HONEYWELL VR8304Q TWO STAGE VALVE WIRING TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM II. LIGHT PILOT AND MAIN BURNER Carefully follow exact operating instructions furnished with boiler. A. Adjust the pilot burner flame if necessary. The pilot flame should envelop 3/8 to 1/2 inch of the igniter-sensor tip. Refer to Fig. 2 to adjust the pilot flame: 1. For boilers 400,000 BTU/HR or less, adjust IP Dual Combination Valve. a. Remove the pilot adjustment cover screw. Refer to Fig. 1 (Do not lose the gasket.) b. Turn the inner adjustment screw clockwise to decrease or to increase the pilot flame. FIG. 2 - PROPER FLAME ADJUSTMENT counterclockwise c. Always replace the cover screw after adjustment and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. 2. For boilers over 400,000 BTU/HR input, set IP dual combination valve pilot adjustment screw for maximum flow as shown above. Then adjust separate pilot regulator as follows: a. Remove the pilot regulator adjustment cover screw. b. Turn the inner adjustment screw counterclockwise to decrease and clockwise to increase the pilot flame. c. Always replace the cover screw after adjustment and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. B. Check gas input to burner and adjust if necessary. 1. The manifold pressure should match that shown on boiler nameplate. This is factory set at 4" W.C. on Parker atmospheric natural gas fired boilers. 2. With upstream gas valve closed, install an accurate gas gauge or manometer at plugged pressure tap on manifold pipe ell. Carefully follow boiler lighting instructions and check gas pressure at ell. 3. If necessary adjust the pressure regulator. Page 360 a. b. Remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap or cap screw. to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment screw clockwise main burner gas pressure. Honeywell VR8304Q Two-stage Valves have two Allen head screws. Set the High-low Control to call for high fire and then adjust the screw marked “HI” to maximum high fire setting. Set the High-low Control to call for low fire and then adjust the screw marked “LO” to not less than 1” WC on natural gas. c. Always replace the cap screw and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. 4. If desired outlet gas pressure or gas flow rate cannot be achieved by adjusting the gas control, check the gas control inlet pressure using a manometer at the inlet pressure tap. If the inlet pressure is in the normal range (7" to 14" W.C.), replace the gas control. Otherwise, take the necessary steps to provide proper gas pressure to the gas control. 5. Always replace all pressure tap plugs when finished. WARNING: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Installation and servicing of gas appliances and controls must only be performed by qualified personnel. After installation or servicing, test manual valve, operating valves, pressure regulation and automatic safety shut off for proper operation. See Bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. DO NOT use the control if it has been exposed to water corrosion through immersion, dripping, etc. It may be damaged and must be replaced. DO NOT disassemble the gas control; it contains no replaceable components. Attempted disassembly or repair may damage the gas control. Disconnect power supply before wiring to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage. To avoid dangerous accumulation of fuel gas, turn off gas supply at the appliance service valve before starting installation, and perform Gas Leak Test after completion of installation. DO NOT bend pilot tubing at gas control or pilot burner after compression fitting has been tightened, or gas leakage at the connection may result. Always install sediment trap in gas supply line to prevent contamination of gas control. DO NOT force the gas control knob. Use only your hand to turn the gas control knob. Never use any tools. If the gas control knob will not operate by hand, the gas control should be replaced by a qualified service technician. Force or attempted repair may result in fire or explosion. DO NOT connect appliance before pressure testing gas piping. DO NOT expose to gas pressures above 14" W.C. (1/2 PSI). Damage to gas valve may result. DO NOT insert any object other than suitable pipe or tubing in the inlet or outlet of the gas valve. Internal damage may occur and result in a hazardous condition. DO NOT grip gas valve body with a pipe wrench or vise. Damage may result causing gas leakage. Use inlet or outlet bosses or a special body wrench. Pilot flame is lit automatically. Do not light the pilot flame manually. Before lighting pilot burner flame, smell around the appliance for gas. Be sure to smell next to floor because LP gas is heavier than air. IF YOU SMELL GAS: ♦ Turn off the gas supply at the appliance service valve. ♦ Do not light any appliances in the house. ♦ Do not touch electrical switches or use the phone. ♦ Leave the building and use a neighbor's phone to call your gas supplier. ♦ If you can not reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. DO NOT use the gas cock to adjust gas flow. In case of failure of main burner to shut off, turn of gas supply upstream of boiler. Keep all combustible materials away from gas appliances. DO NOT allow lint or dust to collect in burner area. Leak test with a soap solution after installation or service with the main burner on. Coat pipe and tubing joints, gaskets, etc. Bubbles indicate leaks. III. CHECKOUT AND TROUBLESHOOTING A. CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system: At initial installation of the appliance, as the first step in troubleshooting anytime work is done on the system and as part of regular maintenance procedures. Maintenance intervals are determined by the application but as a minimum, monthly. See Bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. CAUTION: 1. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present in all controller circuits. Always turn off Main Line Disconnect Switch before replacing components. 2. Do not apply a jumper across or short the valve coil terminals. Doing so may damage the electronic module. B. TROUBLESHOOTING Turn power off, for at least five minutes. Turn power on and reset control per instructions. Parker standard S86— or Synetek controls limits trial for ignition to 15 seconds before lockout. Pilot must be proven within this period. 1. No spark or pilot. Check for power at control module. See IGNITION SYSTEM CHECKS on bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. 2. Spark but no pilot. Check upstream gas pressure. Must be less than 14" W.C. Check for 24 volt power at pilot valve terminals [PV and MV/PV (C)(TR) on valves]. If no power, check control circuit through S86. If there is power but no gas at pilot, replace valve. 3. Pilot burner comes on but not main burner flame. Check for 24 Volt power at main valve terminals [MV (TH) and MV/PV (C)(TR]. If no power, check control module. If there is power, replace valve. 133149IPCV.doc.doc Page 361 PARKER BOILER CO. HONEYWELL V4943N AND V4944N COMBINATION DIAPHRAGM GAS VALVES BULLETIN 133 H V4943-4 7D The Honeywell V4943N and V4944N are 115 Volt Solenoid-operated diaphragm gas valves which combine the function of Safety Shutoff and Pressure Regulation in a single unit. The V4943N features rapid opening single stage pressure regulation with natural gas. The V4944N features rapid opening two stage pressure regulation with natural gas. Maximum operating pressure of both valves is 1/2 PSI (14" WC) and they are internally bled to the outlet side of valve eliminating the need for vent tubing. Both valves are Underwriter's Laboratories Listed and AGA certified. V4943N and V4944N Combination Diaphragm Gas Valves may be furnished on atmospheric natural gas fired Parker Boilers between 400,000 and 2,500,000 BTU as the main gas pressure regulator and one safety shutoff gas valve. The V4944N also acts as a Hi-low fire valve. A secondary safety shutoff gas valve is always recommended, and furnished standard on all Parker Boilers. CHECKOUT & SERVICING: (On V4944N Valves the black wire is low fire, the blue wire is high fire and Orange is common.). WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW FUEL TO ACCUMULATE IN COMBUSTION CHAMBER. IF FUEL IS ALLOWED TO ENTER THE CHAMBER FOR LONGER THAN A FEW SECONDS WITHOUT IGNITING, AN EXPLOSIVE MIXTURE COULD RESULT. CAUTION: 1. Only qualified service technicians should attempt to service or repair gas valves, flame safeguard controls or burner systems. 2. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present right at electrical terminations for the valves and in all controller circuits. Always open Main Line Disconnect Switch before replacing valve. 3. Do not put the system into service until you have satisfactorily completed all applicable tests described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual and in the Checkout section of the instruction sheet for the gas valves and flame safeguard control. 4. Immediately close all manual fuel shutoff valves if any trouble occurs. CHECKOUT: 1. The performance of the valve can be checked by measuring the outlet pressure at the outlet pressure tap on the bottom of the valve. Burner manifold pressure should be checked at the plugged pressure tap on the elbow fitting downstream of all gas controls. 2. Shutoff gas supply to boiler and make sure valve is closed when setting up pressure measuring equipment. 3. Set controls to energize valve and check final outlet pressure. Allow enough time for system pressure to stabilize. 4. The pressure regulator is factory set and should not require resetting. If required, only a Qualified Service Technician should make field adjustment of gas pressure. With an accurate gas pressure gauge installed at the test port in the ell nearest the burner, remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap(s) and carefully turn adjusting screw clockwise to increase pressure or counter clockwise to reduce pressure. CAUTION: Maximum (Hi-Fire) setting is 4" W.C. Natural gas. Minimum (Low-Fire) setting is 1" W.C. Natural gas. 5. Periodic inspection and leak testing of valve is required. Organize a maintenance schedule based on environment and frequency of use, but no less frequently than monthly. Observe operation through several complete cycles to be sure the valve is functioning properly and shuts off with all safety and limit controls. TROUBLESHOOTING: A. IF THE VALVE WILL NOT OPEN WHEN THE CONTROLS CALL FOR HEAT: 1. Check that there is voltage at the proper electrical terminations. The V4944N cannot achieve the high pressure set point without the first (low) stage being energized. 2. If there is no voltage at the electrical terminations, first make sure line voltage is present at Main Line Disconnect Switch and that Main Line Disconnect Switch is closed and overload protection (circuit breaker or fuse) has not opened the power line. 3. If there is still no voltage at the proper electrical terminations, make sure all the appropriate contacts in the operating control, limit(s) and flame safeguard control are closed. If one or more is open, determine the cause(s) and correct the condition(s) before proceeding. 4. If there is proper voltage at the electrical terminations but the valve still does not open, check that the gas pressure at the valve inlet is normal. Maximum inlet pressure is 1/2 PSI (14" W.C.). 5. If the valve still does not open, replace the valve. Do not attempt to repair valve. B. IF THE VALVE WILL NOT CLOSE WHEN ONE OR MORE OF THE APPROPRIATE CONTACTS IN THE OPERATING CONTROL, LIMIT(S) OR FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROL IS OPEN: 1. Make sure the gas flow is in the direction of the arrow on the bottom of the valve body. WARNING: IF THE FLOW IS NOT IN DIRECTION OF ARROW, VALVE MAY NOT SHUT OFF. 2. Make sure the valve is wired in the correct circuit. Open the Main Line Disconnect Switch to remove power from the valve. If the valve closes, the valve may not be wired properly. 3. Look for a short in the electrical circuit. 4. If it still does not close, replace valve. C. IF THE VALVE MAKES EXCESSIVE NOISE: 1. Make certain the inlet gas pressure to the valve is between 5 to 14" W.C. maximum. 2. If valve inlet has been exposed to higher pressure than 14” W.C. (1/2 PSI), replace valve. TYPICAL V4943N – ON-OFF COMBINATION VALVE TYPICAL V4944N – HI-LOW COMBINATION VALVE BULL133H.DOC Page 362 Page 363 Page 364 Page 365 Page 366 Page 367 Page 368 33731FBu.qxd 6/6/2002 10:02 AM Page 1 Page 369 ButterflyValve Low Pressure DropValve The Midco Butterfly Valve is a low pressure drop valve suitable for control of either air or gas flow up to 5 PSI pressure. A unique spring over-run feature is used on all valves. Either manual or motorized valves are available in pipe sizes from 1” through 4”. Butterfly Valve 33731FBu.qxd 6/6/2002 10:02 AM Page 2 Page 370 Features 1” to 4” Pipe Size Not Affected By Sulphur Capacities to 20,000 C.F.H. Natural Gas Designed For Use With Honeywell or Penn-Johnson Modulating Motors All Sizes Component Recognized By Underwriters Laboratory Ease of Adjustment Permitted By Spring Over-run Feature. Upper and lower limits set by stop screws regardless of motor stroke—no involved linkage adjusments necessary Streamlined But Restricted Throat—to allow sensitive control of capacities normally used for given pipe size Easy to Read Valve Position Indicator 90Þ Closing Valve To Allow Ease of Synchronzation With Shutters Using Suitable Linkage Low Pressure Drop Valve Handles Air or All Gases Up To 5 PSI Temperature Rated -40ÞF to 250ÞF Specifications Model Number Valve Capacity* in C.F.H. 65 Size N.P.T. Sp. G. at 0.3” W.C. Drop MBF-100 1 A B C 800 215/ 16 13 /8 17 /8 MBF-125 1 1 /4 1,300 15 2 / 16 3 1 /8 1 /4 MBF-150 11 /2 1,850 215/ 16 13 /8 13 /4 MBF-200 2 3,100 15 2 / 16 1 /16 21 /2 MBF-250 21 /2 5,350 33/ 4 113 /16 21 /2 MBF-300 3 9,100 4 3 2 /16 21 /2 MBF-400 4 20,000 45/ 8 23 /4 31 /4 *For air, multiply capacities by 0.8 For Propane gas, multiply capacities by 1.62 Midco International Inc. 4140 West Victoria Street Chicago, Illinois 60646 tel 773.604.8700 fax 773.604.4070 web 9 3 Low pressure drop valve suitable for control of air or gas. Butterfly Valve Assembly Page 371 GAS BURNER BULLETIN 136-A 0G4 Page 1 of 2 PARKER BOILER CO. ATMOSPHERIC GAS BURNER PARKER MODEL 64T9S T-TYPE NATURAL GAS AND LPG BURNER The Parker Model 64T9S T-Type Burner is a cast iron up-shot, self-aspirating gas burner with fixed orifice. This type of burner has proven to be a complete success from over 50 years of field service on Parker Boilers and is particularly advantageous for it’s efficiency, safety, simplicity and long life trouble free operation. This burner may be used with either natural gas or LPG (liquid petroleum gas – butane or propane BTU content 2500-3200/cf) fuel by change of the burner orifice & other gas line components. The current Model Burner was designed to provide a better operating burner with a greater output capacity at the same price and of the comparable dimensions so it is interchangeable with the previous burner. The 64T9S Burner is now standardly used on most Parker Atmospheric Boilers for either natural gas or Propane firing. It is particularly advantageous on natural gas firing as it can be used for modulating or two-stage firing down to 50% of rate and will provide efficient and safe combustion. Typical NOx levels generated with this burner are from 90 to 120 ppm @ 3% O2. CO levels should be less than 400 ppm. The burner is made of cast iron and is designed in the form of a “T” slotted burner head that mounts on a brass orifice. This orifice is correctly sized by the manufacturer to the proper rate for the gas and the air mix is automatic so no air adjustment is required. The top of the burner has a series of nine slots which effectively distributes the flame for efficient combustion and uniform distribution. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. Long Life: The burner is durable as it is cast from quality grey iron to assure exceptionally long life. This burner is one of the safest known for this application. It is a 2. Safety: low pressure burner with self-aspirating automatic air mix which minimizes the hazards of rough ignition or burner puffs. Burner & Orifice The fact that it requires no air adjustment and that it can be used safely with a variety of flame 3. Simplicity: safeguards makes its operation very simple. The burner is noted for its excellent efficiency which provides complete and efficient 4. Efficiency: combustion on a wide range of pressures without depending upon automatic or manual air adjustments. 5. Uniform Flame Distribution: The burner set consists of groups of burners to provide a uniform distribution of heat over the entire heating area, available at both high and low firing rate. This increases efficiency and tube life by eliminating concentrated heating surfaces exposed to the flame. This burner provides either modulating or two-stage firing 6. Modulating or Two-Stage Firing Feature: control. The fact that the burner can be used for two-stage or modulating fire at all rates, offers an excellent advantage on steam or hot water boilers to provide steady operating and more uniform pressure or temperature control. Modulating firing is not recommended on Propane firing. W:\Bulletin\136\136-A.doc Page 372 GAS BURNER BULLETIN 136-A 0G4 Page 2 of 2 I. BURNER USE AND APPLICATION: A. Type of Gas: This burner is standard on all models of Parker Boilers for straight natural gas with B.T.U. content from 950 to 1150 per cubic foot. It is also the recommended standard for LPG gas on all models of Parker Boilers. B. Natural Gas 1. The burner may be used for off-on, two-stage, or modulating firing and will provide efficient and safe combustion in a wide range of pressures from 1” to 4” on natural gas. It should never be used for pressures below 1” W.C. 2. Recommended Gas Pressure at Burner for Rate on Natural Gas Firing: a. All Boilers . . . . 4" W.C. for rate. C. Propane (Liquid Petroleum Gas): 1. The burner may be used for either off-on or two-stage firing and will provide efficient and safe combustion in range of pressures from 11" to 18". It should never be used at pressures below 11". 2. Recommended Gas Pressure at Burner for Rate on LPG Firing: a. All Boilers . . . 18" W.C. D. Size of Burner Orifice: 1. A size 42, 43 or a mixture of these orifices are used on all current models for natural gas firing. 2. A size 55, 56 or a mixture of these orifices are used on all current models for LPG firing. 3. Orifice size will vary based on altitude, consult factory. II. BURNER INSTALLATION & SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS: A. Installation Recommendations: 1. The burner should be installed with the correct size orifice and burner stringer. Check all new boilers for proper burner positioning. 2. The manufacturer should approve the application to assure proper combustion efficiency and safety. 3. When new boilers are installed, the burners should be properly secured over the orifice and correctly aligned. 4. The flame should be tested and the pressure checked to be certain it is operated at the correct pressure for proper efficiency and safety. Assure even flame on burner surfaces. Assure no burner burns back. 5. The safety pilot system as recommended should be tested and approved. B. Service Recommendations: 1. This type of burner requires little servicing under normal conditions. A combustion check on the boiler will verify proper combustion. 2. If burner becomes dirty or sooted, or every 3 to 5 years (depending on the environment), remove and clean the burners. a. Blow out the internal burner with an air hose or washer. b. Clean the slots. c. Clean the burner orifices by taking a drill of the proper size and carefully turning, being sure not to enlarge the opening. d. If the burner orifice is damaged, replace same. III. PROPER BURNER COMBUSTION: The burner must be operated at the recommended pressure and proper orifice size to assure safe and efficient combustion. When the burner is operating at rate, efficient and complete combustion may be observed by the following characteristics: 1. A brilliant blue cone will extend uniformly directly above the burner approximately 1/2" to 5/8". This is the point of primary combustion. 2. An orange colored brisk tail will extend up approximately 4" or 5" above the primary combustion. This will extend up into the tubes and is not flame impingement. 3. CO Level in the flue gages will be below 400 PPM @ 3% O2. NOx level will be approximately 110 ppm @3% O2. An Propane flame will look approximately the same except it will have a smaller tail which is a lighter shade of orange. Incomplete or poor combustion may be observed by the following characteristics: 1. The blue flame directly above the boiler is not brilliant, not uniform and will be larger and irregular. 2. The tail will be yellow instead of orange in color. The tail will give a floating or lazy effect and will extend higher into the tubes. 3. CO Level in the flue gases over 400 PPM @ 3% O2. Soot build up on tubes. 4. See Installation & Start up Sheets for proper gas pressures & draft. See Atmospheric Combustion Draft Hood & Barometric Drawings for proper draft and O2 Levels. Page 373 INTER-HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE USE THIS FORM FOR ALL HOUSE CORRESPONDENCE --- WRITE ON ONE SIDE OF PAPER ONLY Date: July 8, 2004 From: Greg Danenhauer To: Sales & Manufacturing Department Subject: Atmospheric Gas Fired Boilers / Change of Orifice Size - Higher Altitude It is considered good combustion practice to reduce orifice size for operation at higher altitudes on our atmospheric burners. Several standards such as ANSI Standard Z21.30 "Installation of Gas Appliances & Gas Piping" and National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 54 "Standard for the Installation of Gas Appliances & Gas Piping" contain tables showing the recommended reductions. Our Trim Sheets state that our standard ratings are valid for elevations to 2,000 feet, for elevations above 2,000 feet, ratings should be reduced at the rate of 4% for each 1,000 feet above sea level. The 4% input reduction per 1000 feet altitude is accomplished by using a smaller orifice size and by the fact that the heating valve (BTU/CU.FT) is less at higher altitudes. This reduction is necessary because air contains less oxygen for combustion at higher altitudes. In line with these standards for natural gas and LPG, we will standardly use orifice selections based on the following table: ALTITUDE NATURAL GAS BURNERS Q179 NATURAL GAS PILOT ORIFICE S-86 NATURAL GAS ORIFICE 0 - 5,000 FEET #42 .028" PT #47542-028 .022" PT #388146KD 5,001 - 7,500 FEET #43 SAME SAME 7,500 - 9,000 FEET #44 SAME SAME ALTITUDE LP GAS BURNERS Q179 LP GAS PILOT ORIFICE S-86 LP GAS ORIFICE 0 - 5,000 FEET #55 .013" PT #47540 .014" PT #388146KR 5,001 - 8,000 FEET #56 SAME SAME 8,001 - 9,500 FEET #57 SAME SAME Over 9,500 FEET ,Consult Factory Honeywell does not recommend reducing pilot orifices based on altitude. GED\leg ALT2.SAM PUT IT IN WRITING WRITTEN MESSAGES SAVE TIME AND AVOID ERRORS Page 374 Page 375 Page 376 Page 377 Page 378 Page 379 Page 380 Page 381 PARKER BOILER CO. WARRICK SERIES DFL & 26B TYPE BOILER WATER LEVEL CONTROL BULLETIN 143-B 8B The Warrick Series DFL & 26B controls are very dependable, solid state, floatless, probe type boiler water level controls. The system consists of a control and a separate electrode probe fitting with a sensor rod that extends into the boiler water. An insulated probe wire connects the control to the sensor rod. The control is reliably designed to operate by sensing current flow in the water through the probe(s) and comparing it to the current flow through a fixed set point resistor. Considered to be exceptionally dependable since there are no moving parts exposed to water. The Warrick Series 26B and right side of the DFL control are recommended to be used as a low water cutoff on steam boilers and hot water boiler systems. The left side of the DFL control is used as a pump control on steam boilers and as a high water alarm when required. It may also be used as an electric water feed valve control. WARRICK 26B LOW WATER CUTOFF CONTROL ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. RELIABLE: The control is very dependable and requires a minimum of service as it is a floatless type with only the stainless sensor rod exposed to the water and no moving parts in the liquid. An isolation transformer in the control separates the low voltage (12V) electrode circuit from the supply line. 2. LONG LIFE AND LOW MAINTENANCE COST: There are no moving parts on the liquid side to require regular cleaning or replacement. The control is remote mounted in the boiler control panel in a cooler area to prevent conduction of heat which increases life of the electrical components. WARRICK DFL LOW WATER CUTOFF & PUMP CONTROL 3. SIMPLICITY: The control does not have complicated parts or require daily maintenance attention (other than normal blowdown on steam boiler). There are no critical adjustments and the level can be controlled to close limits by the length of the probe extension. The control does not utilize floats, stuffing boxes, bellows or mercury switches, which can cause nuisance shutdowns and costly repairs. 4. UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES: Underwriters' Laboratories lists the 26B and right side of the DFL as "Limit Controls". The left side of the DFL control is listed as a "Motor Controller". 5. QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: Solid state circuitry with LED status indicators (level safe and pump on). Low water cutoffs feature time delays for surge protection and automatic recycle on power interruption even when equipped with manual reset. Pump controls feature time delays for pump start and stop to prevent short cycling of pump. I. WARRICK 3E1B PROBE WITH EXTENSION RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONS: 1. Furnished as a low water cutoff and pump control on standard steam boilers with the probes installed in the water column. 2. Furnished as a secondary low water cutoff on standard steam boilers. On all boilers except U-Drum models, the probe is mounted in vertical position on upper fitting of the water column connection to the steam drum with the sensor rod extending inside the drum to within 1" from the bottom. 3. Furnished as a low water cutoff on all standard Direct Fired Hot Water Boilers with the probe installed in a vertical position in the boiler header or at the system water level. 4. Furnished as a low water cutoff on all sizes of standard Indirect Water Heaters. The probe is mounted in a vertical position in the upper header. 5. Recommended as a high water alarm only when required by Code with the probe installed in a vertical position in the upper water column connection. Page 382 II. III. BULLETIN 143-B COMPONENTS: PAGE 2 8B 1. CONTROLS: The controls are open circuit boards with encapsulated SPDT relay contacts rated 10 AMP, 1/3 HP. An isolation transformer supplies 12 Volts to the relay coil and probe circuit. The Series 26B are low liquid level cutoffs furnished with a 6 second time delay. When equipped with a normally closed push button switch they are manual reset. The Series DFL relays contain all the functions of the Series 26B plus a differential level control with inverse contacts and time delays for pump (feed valve) on and off. 2. ELECTRONIC PROBE: Consists of a sturdy, brass casting with a 1" screwed mount, Teflon insulated sleeve and stainless steel sensor rod, suitable for pressure up to 250 PSI and temperatures to 500ºF. Always use high temperature (200ºC) heat and moisture resistant probe wire for the connection between the probe fitting and control. OPERATION: 1. Low Water Cutoff: 26B and right side contacts and right LED of DFL. 115 Volts is applied to the primary side of the transformer (L1, L2). 12 Volts is induced to the secondary side of the transformer. One side of the control is grounded (G), or connected to a second probe. The other side (LLCO) is connected to the Low Water Probe. If water is in contact with the probe, the reference circuit is completed through the water to the ground (or second probe), the control energizes changing the state of the load contacts. The LED indicator will be lit indicating water level safe. If the water level recedes below the probe, a 6 second time delay takes place before the control will de-energize (LED OFF) and load contacts will return to normal state. Use load contacts (located on lower right side of control) C – NO for low water cutoff and C - NC for low water alarm, if furnished. One Manual Reset Low Water Cutoff is furnished with a standard, normally closed push button wired across the "RESET" terminals. With the water level below the probe for more than 6 seconds the control deenergizes and will not re-energize until the water level returns to probe and the push button is depressed. Power interruption protection is furnished as a standard item. Loss of power will cause the control to de-energize but will automatically re-energize upon return of power providing water is at a safe level. 2. DFL Level Control (Left side and left LED indicator on control) The left side of the DFL control is used for single or differential level control but not Low Water Cutoff. It uses the same transformer (Line Service L1, L2) and secondary ground (G) as the right side. For differential level service two probes are used, high (H) and low (L). For single level service only the (H) terminal is used. The DFL Level Control features Inverse Load Contacts and 4 second time delays on rising water level (high probe H) and falling water level (low probe L). Energizing control causes load contacts to change to change state and left LED indicator to light indicating pump or feed valve energized. Four seconds after rising water level reaches the probe wired to H, the contacts return to their normal state and the LED Indicator turns off. Water level falling below the (H) probe causes the load contacts to change state immediately unless a second probe is wired to (L). With (L) wired, the water level must fall below it for more than four seconds before the load contacts will change state and the LED will light. Use load contacts C - N.O. for pump starters and feed valves. Use contacts C - N.C. on separate DFL for high water alarm. When used as a High Water Alarm, a lighted left LED indicates a safe high water condition (below probe). If two DFL relays are used for starting two pumps, the (H) terminals are jumpered together. NOTE: BECAUSE OF 4 SECOND TIME DELAY, PUMP (FEED VALVE) ALWAYS RUNS 4 SECONDS WHEN POWER IS TURNED ON EVEN IF BOILER IS FILLED WITH WATER. CAUTION: LOW WATER CUTOFFS SHOULD BE CHECKED ON A DAILY BASIS. STEAM BOILERS: At the beginning of each shift, open the water column drain valve carefully and slowly until water drains to the low level in glass and main burner shuts off. Then close valve. HOT WATER BOILERS: Press "LOW WATER TEST" pushbutton and hold eight seconds. Release pushbutton after Main Burner shuts off. Press manual reset pushbutton to resume operation. IF ANY LOW WATER CUTOFF FAILS TO TURN OFF OR OPERATE PROPERLY, OPERATOR SHOULD SHUTDOWN BOILER AND TAKE BOILER OUT OF SERVICE UNTIL COMPETENT SERVICE PERSONNEL REPAIR CONTROL. NOTE: DFL-X ELECTRIC WATER FILL VALVES DO NOT HAVE 4 SECOND TIME DELAY. IV. 143-B.doc PARTS: 1. DFL Dual Level Control 115V, 50/60 HZ, LWC-SPDT, Pump Inverse SPDT. 2. 26B Low Level Cutoff, 115V 50/60 HZ, SPDT. 3. PBS-NC Normally Closed Push Button for Manual Reset. 4. FIQC-250 Fully Insulated Quick Connect, 1/4". 5. FIQC-187 Fully Insulated Quick Connect, 3/16". 6. 3E1B Single Probe Fitting – 1" (does not include extension). 7. 3R-XX 1/4" by XX" Stainless Steel Probe Extension (XX specify length). 8. SF2-18 Probe Wire 18 GA, 200ºC Heat & Moisture Resistant. 9. 3B3A 5/8" Electrode fitting for 3E1B Probe Fitting. 10. 3PO13 Hex CPL for 3B3A. 11. 3PO16 Gasket for 3B3A. Page 383 PARKER BOILER CO. BULLETIN 143 P3B PARKER P3 WATER COLUMN MOUNT PROBE TYPE WATER LEVEL CONTROL 8C The Parker P3 Water Level Control may be used to provide automatic feed water pump control and low water fuel cutoff on all sizes of Parker Steam Boilers for pressure up to 200 PSI. The control consists of a P3 water column, a Warrick 3E3B probe fitting with three probes and a Warrick Series DFL Relay. The P3 column contains the necessary tapings for the probe fitting, equalizing piping, gage glass and try cocks. The lowest probe is for low water cutoff, the highest probe is for turning the pump off and the middle probe is for turning the pump back on. The probes are wired to the DFL relay, which is located inside the boiler control panel. The series DFL relay operates by sensing current flow in the water through the probe(s) and comparing it to the current flow through a fixed set point resistor. A secondary low water cutoff is furnished wired in series with the first low water cutoff with an additional probe mounted at another location in the boiler. ADVANTAGES AND FEATURES 1. RELIABLE: The control is very dependable and requires a minimum of service as it is a floatless type with only the stainless sensor rod exposed to the water and no moving parts in the liquid. An isolation transformer in the control separates the low voltage, (12V) electrode circuit, from the supply line. The lighter weight of the water column makes this control less susceptible to leaks after shipment. P3 WATER COLUMN 2. LONG LIFE AND LOW MAINTENANCE COST: There are no moving parts on the liquid side to require regular cleaning or replacement. The control is remote mounted in the boiler control panel as a cooler area to prevent conduction of heat which increases life of the electrical components. The unit provides exceptionally long life and unusually low maintenance and replacement cost. 3. SIMPLICITY: The control does not have complicated parts or require daily maintenance attention other than normal flushing with drain valve under the water level control. There are no critical adjustments and the level can be controlled to close limits by the length of the probe extension. The control does not utilize floats, stuffing boxes, bellows or mercury switches, which can cause nuisance shutdowns and costly repairs. 4. POSITIVE LEVEL CONTROL: There are no critical adjustments and the water level is controlled to close limits by the length of the probe extensions. WARRICK 3E3B PROBE WITH EXTENSIONS 5. HIGH TEMPERATURE CONTROL: The control must always be furnished with high temperature (200ºC) heat and moisture resistant probe wire for the connections between the probe fitting and control. 6. UNDERWRITERS' LABORATORIES: The control is Underwriters' Laboratories approved as a low water cutoff on boilers and conforms to all requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code. WARRICK DFL RELAY BULLETIN 143 P3B PAGE 2 8C P3 DIMENSIONS Page 384 WIRING DIAGRAM OPERATION: See Bulletin 143-B & 143 TS-2 for additional information. 1. PRIMARY LOW WATER CUTOFF: (Right side of DFL Relay) 115 Volts is applied to the primary side of the transformer (L1, L2). 12 Volts is induced to the secondary side of the transformer. One side of the control is grounded (G) and the other side (LLCO) is connected to Probe C. If water is in contact with Probe C, the circuit is completed through the water to the ground and the control energizes changing the state of the low water cutoff load contacts (right side, COM-N.O. will close). LED indicator (right side) will light showing safe water level. If the water level recedes below Probe C a 6-second time delay must take place before the control will de-energize (LED off) and the load contacts will return to their normal state. With load contacts in their normal (de-energized) state, a low water alarm, if furnished, will sound. 2. PUMP CONTROL: (Left side of DFL Relay) On initial start, without water in boiler, energizing control (L1, L2) causes inverse pump load contacts to change state (COM-N.O. will close) energizing pump motor starting relay. Left LED indicator will light showing pump on. When water reaches top Probe A, a time delay is energized and 4 seconds later the pump load contacts return to their normal state (LED off) and pump motor starting relay is de-energized. The pump remains off until the water level drops below Probe B for more than 4 seconds, then turns on until water is pumped back up to Probe A. NOTE: Because of a 4 second time delay, pump (feed valve) always runs 4 seconds when power is turned on even if boiler is filled with water. The load contacts are rated 10 amp, 1/3 HP and should be used with a pump motor starting relay. 3. NOTE: On U-Drum boiler a Parker P4 Water Column, Warrick 3E4B Probe fitting and an additional Probe "D" are furnished in place of the P3 Column and fittings. Probe "D" is wired to an additional Warrick Control mounted in the panel box and is used as the secondary low water cutoff. Probes A, B and C are wired the same as above. PARTS: 1. DFL Dual Level Control 115V, 50/60 HZ, LWC-SPDT, Pump Inverse SPDT One required. 2. 3E3B Three Probe Fitting – 2" (Does Not Include Extensions) One required. 3. 3R-7-1/2 1/4 X 7-1/2" SS Probe A Extension One required. 4. 3R-9-1/2 1/4 X 9-1/2" SS Probe B Extension One required. 5. 3R-12-3/4 1/4 X12-3/4" SS Probe C Extension One required. 6. SF2-18 Probe Wire 18 GA, 200ºC Heat & Moisture Resistant Specify length and color required. NOTE: To replace a float type water level control on existing boilers, a special Parker P3 Water Level Control Conversion Kit for Single Pump Installations is available. 143 P3B.DOC Page 385 Page 386 Page 387 BULLETIN 143 TS-2 8B TROUBLE SHOOTING BULLETIN – WARRICK SERIES 26B AND DFL FLOATLESS, ELECTRODE TYPE BOILER WATER LEVEL CONTROL TROUBLE Control will not energize POSSIBLE CAUSE Water level below probe. REMEDY Check water level and make certain that water in boiler is at proper height. If control has manual reset, Push manual reset low water push button on top of manual reset device has tripped. electrical panel with correct water level in boiler. No electricity to boiler. Check source of power, fuses, breakers, line switch, etc. There should be 115V line voltage across Warrick control terminal pair L1-L2. Incorrect electrical supply. Make certain voltage to control is 115v. Replace control if damaged. Loose or dirty electrical Carefully check for loose connections at terminals. Do not connections. pull on wires. Replace loose quick connects with fully insulated type. Control not properly grounded. Check to make certain Terminal G is properly grounded to boiler panel. When two low water probes are used with one control, do not ground G. Probe circuit does not energize. Check for broken probe rod. Probe must extend to desired level of control. Check for loose probe rod or probe wiring. On Hot Water Boilers, check for air bound probe fitting. Check for dirty boiler with film of oil insulating probe from water. Defective relay. Replace control. Probe grounded to boiler. Make sure probe(s) and probe wire are not grounded to boiler. Faulty control. Replace control. Control will not release when water level drops below probe. Relay cycling on Incorrect electrical supply and off repeatedly. Loose probe wire connection. Loose ground connection. Probe not in contact with water. On Hot Water Boilers, probe fitting is air bound. Check supply voltage for correct specifications and continuous supply. Tighten all electrical connections. Check wire from relay to probe fitting to be certain connections are made properly. Remove cap from probe fitting; check connection and tighten. Check ground wire from Terminal G of relay to be certain this is tightly grounded. Check to be certain probe rod is located in water. On Hot Water Boilers, probe rod should extend down into center of upper header, but not below centerline of header. Loosen probe fitting and relieve air so that probe is submersed in water. When replacing relays do not press on electronic components, flex or twist circuit board or bend spade terminals. 115 Volts should be connected to 1/4" spade terminals only. 3/16" spade terminals are for 12 Volt probe circuit only. CAUTION: SERVICE SHOULD BE PERFORMED ONLY BY COMPETENT TRAINED BOILER CONTROL SERVICE PERSONNEL. 143 TS.doc BULLETIN 143 TS-2 8B Page 388 Page 389 Page 390 Page 391 Page 392 Page 393 Page 394 Page 395 Page 396 Page 397 PARKER BOILER CO. BULLETIN 145 M1R FIREYE MODULAR M-SERIES II FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS 7B M1R CONTROL WITH MC120 CHASSIS, MP100 PROGRAMMER, MART1 RECTIFICATION AMPLIFIER Fireye M-Series II Flame Safeguard Controls (M1R) provide automatic ignition and flame safeguard control on certain size Parker Atmospheric Gas Fired Boilers. Flame monitoring is accomplished with a flame rod detector. M1R is a modular control package with three replaceable components; MC120 Chassis and dust cover, MP100 Programmer and MART1 Flame Rectification Amplifier with 2-4 second Flame Failure Response Time. Trial for ignition is 10 seconds. Using a pilot ignited burner, this control monitors the pilot or pilot and main flame, depending on the system and prevents the main fuel valves from being energized until the pilot flame is proven. LED status indicator lights are furnished on the programmer module. In the event of ignition failure, or following a safety shutdown, the lockout switch trips, activating an alarm circuit. Manual Reset is required. Test jacks are provided to permit flame signal measurement during operation. M Series II Controls incorporate a safety checking circuit that is operative on each start. If flame (real or simulated) is detected prior to a start, the fuel valves will not be energized, and the unit will lockout. M Series Controls are UL Listed. WARNING: All service work on Flame Safeguards should be performed by competent, trained Flame Safeguard Service Personnel. CAUTION: While all controls in the M Series are mechanically interchangeable in that they mate with a common wiring base, you should select the correct replacement model for your boiler. Inappropriate application of a control could result in an unsafe condition hazardous to life and property. The M1R is the correct replacement for the TFM1F. LED INDICATOR LIGHTS The MP100 Programmer Module has 5 LED lights to indicate the following operating conditions of the control: OPR CTRL (Operating Control): This LED is energized whenever the control switches, limit switches, operating controls and fuel interlocks are energized powering Fireye Terminal #7, indicating a call for heat. AIR FLOW: This LED is energized whenever power is detected between Fireye Terminals #8 and #6. These terminals are jumpered on Parker Atmospheric Gas Boilers and this light will cycle with the OPR CTRL LED. TYPICAL M1R CONTROL PTFI: This LED is energized only during the Pilot Trial for Ignition Period. If a separate "Pilot On" Indicator Light is furnished on the Boiler Panel, it indicates whenever the pilot valve is energized. FLAME: This LED is energized whenever a flame signal is detected by the Flame Detector. If a separate "Burner On" Light is furnished on the Boiler Panel, it indicates whenever the Main Fuel Valves are energized. ALARM: This LED is energized whenever a safety lockout occurs. (See APPLICATION and FUNCTION). WARNING: Controls require safety limits utilizing isolated mechanical contacts. Solid state limit switches are not acceptable and should not be used due to their high leakage currents. INSTALLING THE PROGRAMMER AND AMPLIFIER MODULES: WARNING: Remove power from the control before proceeding. Select the appropriate programmer and amplifier modules for your application. Remove the dust cover from the chassis. Insert the amplifier module into the slot in the center of the chassis and gently push the module into position. Insert the programmer module into the slot at the right side of the chassis and gently push the module into position. WARNING: Installing the Control: Turn off the power when installing or removing the control. APPLICATION AND FUNCTION - MP100 The MP100 Programmer Module is designed as a replacement for the Fireye M1 Series Controls. Safeguard for heating or process gas fired boilers. It provides Ignition and Flame PILOT IGNITED BURNERS: See BOILER WIRING. 1. Power is applied, and the limit-operating control circuit is closed (OPR CTRL LED lit). The air flow switch circuit is normally jumpered (AIR FLOW LED lit). 2. Following a short-time delay (2 to 5 sec.), a relay closes, energizing Fireye Terminal 3 which powers the pilot gas valve, and Fireye Terminal 4 which powers the spark ignition *. A 10 sec. trial for ignition is initiated (PTFI LED lit). 3. When pilot flame is detected (FLAME LED lit), another relay is powered, energizing Fireye Terminal 5 which powers the main fuel valve, and de-energizing Fireye Terminal 4 which shuts off the spark ignition.* 4. When the operating control opens its circuit, or if a power failure occurs, the control is de-energized. Power interruptions in the millisecond range do not affect the operation of the control. Power interruptions of longer duration will cause the control to recycle. 5. In the event the pilot flame is not detected by the end of the trial for ignition period, the pilot gas valve and spark ignition are deenergized. A safety lockout occurs which energizes the lockout alarm circuit (ALARM LED lit) approximately 30 seconds after the safety lockout occurs. BULLETIN 145 M1R 7B Page 398 PARKER BOILER CO. FIREYE MODULAR M-SERIES II FLAME SAFEGUARD CONTROLS M1R CONTROL WITH MC120 CHASSIS, MP100 PROGRAMMER, MART1 RECTIFICATION AMPLIFIER PILOT IGNITED BURNERS: See BOILER WIRING. - (Continued) 6. In the event of a flame failure during a firing period, the main fuel valves are de-energized and the spark ignition re-energized*. A 10 sec. relight trial for ignition is initiated (PTFI LED lit). If flame is detected (Flame LED lit) during the trial for ignition period, the main fuel valve is re-energized and the spark ignition de-energized. If flame is not detected during the trial for ignition period, the pilot gas valve and spark ignition are de-energized. A safety lockout occurs which energizes the lockout alarm circuit (Alarm LED lit) approximately 30 seconds after the safety lockout occurs. 7. Manual reset is required following any safety lockout. NOTE: Wait 10 seconds after lockout before resetting the control. Power must be "On" to reset control. The above sequence of operation is standard on Parker Atmospheric Gas Fired Boilers 2500 MBTU Input and smaller. It provides relight operation with an intermittent pilot and interrupted ignition. * To provide for Non-recycle operation, which is required by UL above 2500 MBTU Input and by FM and IRI on all sizes: Parker atmospheric gas fired boilers may have: (1) the ignition wired to Fireye Terminal #3. Ignition cycles with pilot valve for intermittent pilot and ignition. (2) the ignition and pilot valve wired to a time delay relay which is wired to Fireye Terminal #3. This provides interrupted pilot and ignition. Spark ignition does not re-energize on these systems. INSTALLATION TESTING USE OF TEST METER (ALL CONTROLS) Testing the Fireye Modular M-Series II Controls requires the use of a test AC-DC multimeter, with a 1000 ohm/volt DC rating or greater, or a digital meter with 500K input impedance or greater. With the test meter on the DC scale, and the test meter leads inserted into the test jacks on the amplifier module, a steady DC voltage reading of 14 to 18 volts for flame rectification amplifiers should be obtained when the controls are detecting flame, and zero volts when no flame is present. With the test meter on the AC scale, line and load voltage may be measured at the identified test points on the chassis. On the Modular M-Series II Controls utilizing a flame rectification amplifier, a micro-ammeter may be connected in series with the wire to Terminal S2. Normal flame will produce a meter reading between 4 and 10 micro-amps. FLAME SIGNAL TESTING (ALL CONTROLS) 1. Manually shut off the main fuel valve for a pilot ignited burner. 2. Set the test meter on the DC scale and insert the test leads into the test jacks on the amplifier module. Normally Upper Jack-Red = Plus, Lower Jack-Black = Negative. (If the meter reads backwards, reverse leads). 3. Initiate a normal startup. 4. When flame is established, the test reading should be normal: a steady DC voltage reading of 14 to 18 volts (for flame rectification amplifiers). 5. Inadequate flame signal may be improved by: A. Assuring that the flame detector and wiring installations are correct. B. Assuring that the flame detector is clean and within the ambient temperature limits. C. Assuring that the flame is sufficiently large to detect. D. Assuring that the flame quality (fuel to air ratio, combustion air velocity) is satisfactory. WARNINGS: DO NOT TOUCH a flame rectification rod with power applied. A minimum pilot test must be accomplished by a trained and qualified burner technician. FLAME FAILURE TEST 1. Follow lighting Instructions and initiate a normal startup. 2. Manually shut off pilot and downstream gas cocks. Observe loss of flame signal on the test meter. 3. Make certain that electric fuel valves close on loss of flame signal. 4. If flame signal does not reduce to zero within the flame failure response time of the control (2-4 Seconds) or lockout does not occur, replace control. RECOMMENDATION Periodic Safety Check: Test the complete flame safeguard system at least once a month. This test should verify flame failure safety shutdown and positive fuel cutoff when the fuel valves are de-energized. REPLACEABLE FUSE The programmer modules are designed with a field replaceable fuse. The fuse is located on the printed circuit board near the connectors. In the event the fuse becomes shorted, the Operating Control, Air Flow and PTFI LED's will light. However, control will not be energized and the control will lock, out. To replace the fuse, remove the fuse (using a small screwdriver) and install a Fireye replacement fuse (P/N 23-171). MAINTENANCE: Clean flame rod with emery cloth if necessary. ROTATION: It is recommended that units purchased as spares be rotated periodically, so that each unit will be placed in operation every 90 days. STANDING PILOT BURNERS: When using an MP100 with an MART1 amplifier to control a burner having a standing pilot, clip out the red wire loop close to the edge of the circuit board. This eliminates pilot proving when the main burner is off and requires pilot flame proving during the subsequent start-up. M1RDOC Page 399 Page 400 Page 401 Page 402 Page 403 Page 404 Page 405 Page 406 Page 407 Page 408 Page 409 Page 410 Page 411 Page 412 Page 413 Page 414 Page 415 Page 416 Page 417 Page 418 Page 419 Page 420 Page 421 Page 422 Page 423 Page 424 Page 425 Page 426 Page 427 Page 428 Page 429 Page 430 Page 431 Page 432 Page 433 Page 434 Page 435 Page 436 Page 437 Page 438 Page 439 Page 440 Page 441 Page 442 Page 443 Page 444 Page 445 Page 446 Page 447 Page 448 Page 449 Page 450 Page 451 Page 452 Page 453 ® MEP100, MEP100P, MEP101, MEP102, MEP103, MEP104, MEP105,MEP230, MEP230H, MEP235, MEP236,MEP290, MEP560, MEP561 and MEP562 PROGRAMMER MODULES FOR USE WITH THE FIREYE® MODULAR MicroM™ CONTROL Year 2000 Compliant in accordance with BSI document DISC PD2000-I:1998 DESCRIPTION The Fireye MEP100, MEP100P, MEP101, MEP102, MEP103, MEP104, MEP230, MEP230H, MEP560, MEP561 and MEP562 Programmer Modules are used with the Fireye Modular MicroM control. The operational characteristics of the control are determined by the selection of the programmer module (e.g. re-light, 2-stage capability, pilot cutoff, etc.). The programmer module incorporates a plug-in design for easy installation. Some programmer modules (MP230, MP230H, MP560, MP561, and MP562) are equipped with a series of dipswitches to select Purge Timing, Pilot Trial for Ignition (PTFI) Timing, Air Flow Proven, Open at Start, and Recycle or Non-Recycle operation. LED indicator lights are on all programmer modules, indicating the operating status of the control as well as providing diagnostic codes during lockout. A “checkrun” switch is provided on the MEP560, MEP561 and MEP562 programmer modules to assist in testing size and stabilization of the pilot. Flame Failure Response Time (FFRT) is determined by the selection of the amplifier module. Test jacks are also provided on the flame amplifier module to permit flame signal measurement during operation. For proper and safe application of this product, you must refer to Fireye bulletin MC-5000 for a detailed description of the various programmer modules, including installation instructions, amplifier selection, operating sequences for each programmer module, etc. WARNING: Selection of this control for a particular application should be made by a competent professional, licensed by a state or other government agency. Inappropriate application of this product could result in an unsafe condition hazardous to life and property. Installation should not be considered complete until pilot turndown and other appropriate performance tests have been successfully completed. PROGRAMMER MODULE SELECTION MicroM Programmer Models: MEP100 Relight operation, 10 sec. PTFI. MEP101 Relight operation, allow flame signal during “off cycle”. MEP102 Non-recycle on flame fail, 5 second PTFI. MEP103 Fixed 10 second PTFI, 10 second MTFI, re-try once on pilot failure, post purge. MEP104 Non-recycle on flame fail, 10 second PTFI. MEP105 Non-recycle on flame fail, lockout on air-flow open with flame present, 10 second PTFI. MEP100P Relight operation, 10 sec PTFI, 15 second post purge. MEP230 Selectable purge timing, PTFI timing, recycle/non-recycle, post purge, prove air open at start. MEP230H Same as MEP230 with 8 second pilot stabilization. MEP234 Selectable air flow proven open at start, selectable purge timing, selectable PTFI, 10 second pilot proving, selectable MTFI, selectable post purge, non-recycle flame fail. MEP235 Same as MEP230, with lockout on air-flow open 10 seconds after the start of a cycle, selectable recycle/nonrecycle lockout on air-flow open after flame is proven lockout after loss of flame. MEP236 Same as MEP230, with additional 3 second igniter on time with main fuel. To be used with intermittent pilot only. MEP290 Same as MEP230H, with 90 second selectable post purge. MEP560 Same as MEP230H, 10 second main trial for ignition, run-check switch. MEP561 Same as MEP560 without pilot stabilization. MEP562 Same as MEP560, lockout on loss of air flow, non-recycle operation only. Page 454 WARNING: Remove power from the control and remove the control from its wiring base before proceeding. INSTALLATION The Programmer Modules are used with the Fireye modular MicroM Chassis (P/N MEC120, MEC120RC, MEC120R, MEC120D and MEC120C for 120VAC and MEC230 for 230 VAC). They are installed in the chassis by grabbing hold of the programmer module by the ridged finger grips on the side on the module, aligning the module with the guide slots on the opening farthest from the transformer, and inserting the module into the pin connectors. The programmer modules are dsigned to fit into the proper slot only. DO NOT FORCE THEM PROGRAMMER DISPSWITCH SETTINGS NOTE: The dipswitch settings become permanently stored within the programmer’s eeprom memory after 8 hours of continuous electrical operation. This allows sufficient opportunity to make the appropriate selection, test and checkout the system. Once stored, the settings cannot be altered. The MEP200 and MEP500 series programmers have a series of 6 dipswitches which allow the user to program the purge timing, trial for ignition timing, enable post purge, enable proof of air flow open proven and start and select recycle/non-recycle operation. MicroM Programmer Dip Switch Configuration SWITCH 6 5 4 3 FUNCTION 2 1 C C 7 C O 30 O C 60 O O 90 PURGE TIME SECONDS C DISABLED POST O 15 SECONDS PURGE C 5 PTFI O 10 TIME C DISABLE PROVE O ENABLE AIR FLOW C RECYCLE O NON-RECYCLE Note: C refers to switch closed position, and closed position is when the switch is toward the printed circuit board. O refers to open switch position or when the switch is moved away from the printed circuit board. FIREYE 3 Manchester Road Derry, New Hampshire 03038 USA MP-5201 APRIL 2000 Supesedes April 1999 Page 455 ® ED-5101 December 2000 ED510 DISPLAY MODULE FOR USE WITH FIREYE® FLAME-MONITOR™ AND MicroM™ BURNER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS UL ® APPROVED Year 2000 Compliant in accordance with BSI document DISC PD2000-I:1998 DESCRIPTION The ED510 Display Module is designed to operate with the FLAME-MONITOR Burner Management Control System using the EP and EPD style (remote mount only for EPD style) programmer modules as well as the MicroM series of controls. The ED510 display module provides the following features and capabilities: • Two (2) line by sixteen (16) character backlit LCD display. • Continuous display of current burner operating status, including first out annunciation in the event of a lockout condition. • Three (3) key, tactile dome keypad to provide historical information of the burner, last six (6) lockout conditions (with burner cycle and burner hour time stamp), assign messages associated with the operation of the E300 expansion module, and diagnostic messages. • Design mounts directly onto the front face of the EP style programmers. • RJ style connector for connection to the EP and EPD programmer. • Remote display capability with the EP and EPD style programmers and MicroM system using standard DIN sized opening and remote mounting kit. Refer to Bulletin E-8002. • Weather proof housing (NEMA 3). INSTALLATION The ED510 display mounts directly onto the front of the EP style programmers. The ED510 can be mounted onto the programmer when the programmer is either installed in the EB700 chassis or not. • Remove power from the EB700 chassis if the programmer is installed in the chassis. • Slide the bottom of the ED510 chassis onto the two (2) mounting tabs on the face of the EP style programmer. • Tilt the ED510 display towards the cover until the mounting tab on top of the ED510 display snaps into position into the opening on the face of the EP programmer. • Install the ED580 cable (provided) into the RJ style connectors on both the ED510 display and EP style programmers. — Insert the EP style programmer and ED510 display into the second slot on the EB700 chassis (marked "Programmer Module") and restore power. For information on how to mount the ED510 display remotely for the EP, EPD style programmers and MicroM systems, refer to Bulletin E-8200. 1 Page 456 FIGURE 1. INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING DIAGRAM OF ED510 WITH 129-145 3.63 (92.0mm) MAXIMUM THICKNESS 5/64 INCH (2.0mm) PANEL GASKET 3.63 (92.0mm) TO EP/EPD PROGRAMMER CONNECTOR CABLE (2’, 4’, or 8’) MOUNTING PLATE MOUNTING SCREW PEM NUT INSIDE KEYPAD/DISPLAY FRONT SUGGESTED PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS ORDERING INFORMATION P/N DESCRIPTION ED510 129-145-1 129-145-2 ED580-1 ED580-4 ED580-8 ED610 Display module. Includes ED580-1 cable. (1.25 inches). Remote mounting kit. Includes ED580-4 cable (4 foot). Remote mounting kit. Includes ED580-8 cable (8 foot) 1.25 inch display cable. 4 foot remote display cable. 8 foot remote display cable. Adaptor for cable lengths greater than 8 feet. Temperature Rating 32° F — 140°F (0° C— 60°C) BACKLIT LCD DISPLAY The ED510 display has a two (2) line by sixteen (16) character backlit LCD display. The backlit function is continuously energized. Contrast Control: The contrast for the LCD display is factory set. If the contrast must be adjusted for any reason (e.g.: remote mounting), a potentiometer is provided on the back of the ED510 display board. TACTILE DOME KEYDAD The ED510 has a three (3) key, tactile dome keypad to review both current and historical information associated with the operation of the burner. Following is the function of each key: SCRL RESET MODE SCRL key is used to advance through and display historical and operational information associated with the control and various sub-menus. RESET key resets the control in the event of a lockout condition. The reset key is also used to modify Unit Address and messages associated with the E300 expansion module. MODE key selects and enters a sub-menu (e.g. LOCKOUT HISTORY). The SCRL key then advances through the selections within each sub-menu. The MODE key will also exit the sub-menu. A right-hand arrow (→) displayed on the bottom line indicates the MODE key is operational. SCRL 2 RESET MODE Page 457 ® GENERAL OPERATION The ED510 displays current burner status, first out annunciation in the event of a lockout condition, historical burner information, detailed lockout information of the last six (6) lockout conditions, diagnostic messages, and the ability to program messages associated with the E300 Expansion Module. Depending on the information being displayed, data is displayed on the ED510 screen in the following locations. OPERATING STATUS (Standby, Purge, PTFI, Auto, etc.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON OPERATING STATUS (Flame Signal Strength, Cause of current Lockout, etc.) OR PURGE STARTING BURNER BURNER HISTORY (SCRL key required) (Burner Cycles, Burner Lockouts, etc.) OR SUB-MENU HEADINGS (SCRL and MODE keys required) (Lockout History, Program Setup, etc. 00:05 TIMING (During Purge or PTFI) OR FLAME SIGNAL STRENGTH (During PTFI, MTFI, or Auto) ARROW displayed when MODE key is required to access sub-menus (Lockout, History, Program Setup, etc.) The EP(D) and MicroM programmers update the messages to the ED510 display at least once every 8 seconds. If the ED510 display does not receive information from the EP(D) programmer within 10 seconds the ED510 will display: FIREYE ED510 WAITING FOR DATA This can be the result of a defective connection between the programmer and display, defective cable, defective drivers in the programmer or display, or an electrical noise transient causing the EP(D) or MicroM programmers to cease communication. Removing and restoring power should be executed to recover proper operation. Refer to bulletin SN-100 for recommended techniques for display installation. ED510 MESSAGES (as used with Flame-Monitor) RUN MESSAGES The operating control of the FLAME-MONITOR (terminals L1-13) is open. STANDBY L1-13 OPEN PURGE HIGH FIRE PURGE 00:05 Firing rate motor sent to high fire (term. 10-X made), purge timing displayed upper right hand corner. PURGE LOW FIRE PURGE 00:35 Firing rate motor sent to low fire (term. 10-12 made), purge timing displayed in upper right hand corner. PTFI IGNITION TIMING 00:02 PTFI timing started. Pilot not proven yet. PTFI timing displayed in upper right hand corner. 3 Page 458 PTFI FLAME SIGNAL 19 MTFI FLAME SIGNAL 25 AUTO FLAME SIGNAL 40 POST PURGE CYCLE COMPLETE 00:05 Pilot flame proven during PTFI. Flame signal strength displayed in upper right hand corner. Main flame proven during MTFI. Flame signal strength displayed in upper right hand corner. Modulator motor sent to auto position (term 10-11 made). Flame signal strength displayed in upper right hand corner. Demand satisfied. L1-13 open. Blower motor de-energized 15 seconds after L1-13 opens. HOLD MESSAGES Dipswitch #6 (3-P Proven Open to Start) is set in the Up position (Enabled). At the start of the cycle, the 3-P circuit was closed. It will hold in this position for 60 seconds and then lockout if the 3-P circuit does not open. HOLD STANDBY 3-P INTLK CLOSED HOLD PURGE D-8 LIMIT OPEN 00:00 HOLD PURGE M-D LIMIT OPEN 01:00 HOLD PURGE 3-P INTLK OPEN 00:10 HOLD STANDBY FALSE FLAME 25 The control has driven the firing rate motor to high purge (term. 10-X made) and is waiting for the high fire switch (term. D-8) to close. It will hold this position for ten (10) minutes and then lockout if the D-8 circuit does not close.Applies to EP160, EP161, EP165, EP170 programmers. The control has finished purge and the firing rate motor is driving to the low fire position (term. 10-12 made) waiting for the low fire switch (term. M-D) to close. It will hold this position for ten (10) minutes and then lockout if the M-D circuit does not close. The running interlock circuit (3/P) has not closed within the first ten (10) seconds of purge. The control will hold for ten (10) minutes and then lockout. Applies to recycle programmers only. Flame has been sensed during the burner off time (term. L1-13 open) or during the purge period. This message will hold for sixty (60) seconds and then lockout if flame is still present. Flame signal strength is displayed in the upper right hand corner. LOCKOUT MESSAGES LOCKOUT STANDBY 3-P INTLK CLOSED Dipswitch #6 (3-P Proven Open to Start) is set in the Up position (Enabled). At the start of the cycle, the 3-P circuit was closed, and the control has waited 60 seconds for the 3-P circuit to open. LOCKOUT PURGE D-8 LIMIT OPEN The control has held for more than 10 minutes waiting for the high fire switch (D-8) to close. Applies to EP160, EP161, EP165, EP170 programmers. LOCKOUT PURGE 3-P INTLK OPEN The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the purge period or failed to close within the first 10 seconds of purge on non-recycle programmers, or has not closed within 10 minutes on recycle programmers. LOCKOUT 13-3 FUEL VALVE END SWITCH The fuel valve end switch wired between terminals 13 and 3 opened during purge or at start up. 4 Page 459 ® The control has held for more than 10 minutes waiting for the low fire switch (M-D) to close. LOCKOUT PURGE M-D LIMIT OPEN LOCKOUT PTFI 3-P INTLK OPEN The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the pilot trial for ignition period. Applies to non-recycle programmers only. LOCKOUT MTFI 3-P INTLK OPEN The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the main trial for ignition period. Applies to non-recycle programmers only. LOCKOUT AUTO 3-P INTLK OPEN The running interlock circuit (3-P) has opened during the main burner on period. Applies to non-recycle programmers only. Flame has been sensed during the burner off time (term. L1-13 open) or during the purge period for sixty (60) seconds. LOCKOUT STANDBY FALSE FLAME LOCKOUT PTFI FLAME FAIL A flame failure occurred during the pilot trial for ignition period. LOCKOUT MTFI FLAME FAIL A flame failure occurred during the main trial for ignition period. LOCKOUT AUTO FLAME FAIL A flame failure occurred during the main burner on period. LOCKOUT PTFI SCANNER NOISE This message appears because of ignition cable noise. Reroute scanner wires away from high voltage ignition cables. Check for proper spark gap or cracked porcelain. Check for proper grounding of wiring base and power supply. Replace worn ignition cable and/or faulty connections. LOCKOUT PTFI SHORT CIRCUIT TERM 5,6,7 Excessive current or short circuit detected on terminals 5, 6, or 7 during PTFI, MTFI, or Auto. The control will lockout upon sensing this condition on two consecutive cycles. LOCKOUT PTFI FUEL VALVE STATE CHANGE During pilot trial for ignition period, voltage sensed on terminal 7 is different from the previous cycle. (e.g.: jumper added or removed between term. 7 and 5 or 6). Electrical noise detected on terminals L1 and L2. LOCKOUT AUTO LINE FREQUENCY NOISE A power interruption to terminals L1 and L2 has caused the control to lockout. Applies to EP165 programmer only. LOCKOUT AC POWER FAIL CHECK MESSAGES CHECK PURGE D-8 HIGH LIMIT 00:15 The "Run-Check" switch has been placed in the Check position during purge and will hold indefinitely. The firing rate motor is being driven to the high purge position. 5 Page 460 CHECK PURGE M-D LOW LIMIT 00:45 CHECK PTFI FLAME SIGNAL 19 CHECK AUTO LOW FIRE 25 The "Run-Check" switch has been placed in the Check position after high fire purge and will hold indefinitely. The firing rate motor is being driven to the low fire position. The "Run-Check" switch has been placed in the Check position during the pilot trial for ignition period. Flame signal strength is displayed in the upper right hand position. The control will lockout on safety only when no flame signal is sensed for a continuous 30 seconds while the control is in the Check position. The "Run-Check" switch has been placed in the Check position during the main burner on period. and the firing rate motor is driven to the low fire position. Flame signal strength is displayed in the upper right hand corner. DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES POSSIBLE CAUSE LOCKOUT AUTO CHECK AMPLIFIER — High electrical noise. — Defective field wiring. — Defective amplifier. — Defective IR scanner. 6 SOLUTION — Check for proper ground on power supply. — Install noise suppressor on power supply (P/N 60-2333). — Make sure line phase on interlock circuit is the same as found on L1/L2 power supply to E100. — Replace amplifier. — Replace IR cell. LOCKOUT PTFI CHECK CHASSIS — Voltage on terminal 7 at improper time. — Check wiring to terminal 7. LOCKOUT PURGE CHECK PROGRAMMER — Voltage on terminal 5 or 6 at improper time. — Check wiring to terminals 5 and 6. LOCKOUT CHECK SCANNER — Flame signal detected during shutter close time on 45UV5 scanner. — Stuck scanner shutter. Replace 45UV5 scanner. LOCKOUT AUTO CHECK EXPANSION MODULE — The E300 Expansion Module has a defective optocoupler. — Replace E300 Expansion Module. LOCKOUT AUTO AUTO CHECK AMPLIFIER FAIL — Amplifier has failed diagnostic checks. — Replace amplifier. AUTO Page 461 ® HISTORICAL INFORMATION /SYSTEM SUB-MENUS At any time the control is powered, the SCRL key will scroll through and display the total number of burner cycles, burner lockouts, and system hours on the bottom line of the ED510 display. The top line will continue to show the current run mode of the control (e.g. PURGE, AUTO, etc.). Following the historical information, the SCRL key will display four (4) System Sub-menus providing the following information and/or functions: — Lockout History (with burner cycle and burner hour time stamp). — E300 Message Select (to program messages associated with the E300 Expansion Module. — Program Setup (to display programmer type, purge timing, FFRT timing, etc.). — System Information (status of M-D circuit, average pilot flame signal, etc.). The system sub-menus require the MODE key to gain access to the information associated with each sub-menu. An arrow is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the display to indicate a system sub-menu. The order in which the information is displayed every time the SCRL key is pressed is as follows: AUTO BNR CYCLES 40 385 AUTO BNR LOCKOUTS 40 21 Number of burner operating cycles. (L1-13 closed). (385 burner cycles in this example.) Number of burner lockouts. (21 lockouts in this example.) AUTO SYS HOURS 40 233 Number of hours the control has been powered. (233 hours in this example.) AUTO LOCKOUT HISTORY 40 Sub-menu to display the cause of the last 6 lockouts. The MODE key is required to display the actual lockouts. AUTO E300 MSG SELECT 40 AUTO PROGRAM SETUP 40 AUTO SYSTEM INFO 40 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ Sub-menu to program the messages associated with the operation of the E300 expansion module. The MODE key is required to enter the sub-menu. Sub-menu to display various operating parameters of the programmer and amplifier. The MODE key is required to enter the sub-menu. Sub-menu to display information pertaining to the operation of the control. The MODE key is required to enter the sub-menu. LOCKOUT HISTORY The sub-menu “LOCKOUT HISTORY” will display the last six (6) lockouts, along with the burner cycle and burner hour when the lockout occurred. When the MODE key is pressed, the screen will display the most recent lockout condition and the number of that lockout (e.g. LO #127 represents the 127th lockout of that control). The SCRL key will display the Burner Hour, followed by the 7 Page 462 Burner Cycle when the lockout occurred. The SCRL key will advance to the next lockout, and repeat the sequence listed above. The MODE key will exit the sub-menu. PRESS SCRL MODE SCRL SCRL SCRL MODE SCREEN DISPLAYS AUTO 45 LOCKOUT HISTORY LO #158 PURGE D-8 LIMIT OPEN LO #158 PURGE @ BNR HOURS 136 LO #158 PURGE @ BNR CYCLE 744 LO #157 AUTO 3-P INTLK OPEN AUTO 45 FLAME SIGNAL DESCRIPTION > Scrolling through the historical information. Control has released to auto modulation, flame signal strength = 45. The last (most recent) lockout condition. This is the 158th lockout of the control. The last lockout occurred after 136 hours of burner operation. The last lockout occurred on the 744 burner cycle. The next to last lockout condition. This is the 157th lockout of the control. Screen has returned to the run message. Control has released to auto modulation, flame signal strength = 45. E300 MESSAGE SELECT (Flame-Monitor system only) The sub-menu "E300 MSG SELECT" will allow the user to modify the lockout alarm messages associated with the operation of the E300 Expansion Module. The various safety limits had to be wired in the exact order that was shown in the E3001 Product Bulletin for the E300. For example, the low water cutoff had to be wired between terminals 23 and 24 of the 60-1950 wiring base of the E300. With the EP style programmers (Engineering code 28 or later), the user will now be able to select which message applies to the individual terminals. The messages associated with the E300 are divided into four (4) groups: Recycle, Non-recycle, Gas Select, and Oil Select. The Recycle group pertains to the limits that are connected between terminals L1 and 13 of the E100/E110 FLAME-MONITOR. These are terminals 20-21, 21-22, and 22-13. Note: Refer to Bulletin E-3001 for a wiring diagram of the E300 terminals. The Non-Recycle group pertains to the limits that are connected between terminals 3 and P of the E100/E110 FLAME-MONITOR. These are terminals 3-23, 23-24, 30-31, 31-32, 32-33, 33-34, 3435, and 35-P. The Gas Select group pertains to the terminals associated with the gas interlocks of the E300. These are terminals 25-27, 27-30. The Oil Select group pertains to the terminals associated with the oil interlocks of the E300. These are terminals 26-28, 28-29, and 29-30. The lockout messages associated with the above terminals can be modified via the ED510 Display. The selection of available messages are dependent on each group. For example, the message "Low Oil Pressure" is a selection only for the Oil Select group. The default message for a particular interlock is the standard message for those terminals as indicated in the E3001 bulletin. For example, the default message for terminals 20-21 is "L1-13 AUX #1 OPEN." TO MODIFY THE E300 MESSAGES All three keys: Mode, Reset and Scroll, are used to modify the E300 messages. The Mode key is used to enter or exit the sub-menu associated with the E300 messages. The Scroll key is used to advance through the various terminals or selectable messages. The Reset key is used to modify a terminal message and select a new message. To modify the E300 messages: Press the Scroll key until the ED510 displays: E300 MSG SELECT Press the Mode key and the screen displays: E300 TERM #20-21 8 Page 463 ® L1-13 AUX#1 OPEN or programmed message. Press the Scroll key and the screen displays: E300 TERM #21-22 L1-13 AUX#2 OPEN or programmed message. To change the message, press and hold the Reset key for one (1) second. When the Reset key is released, the screen displays: MDFY TERM #21-22 L1-13 AUX#2 OPEN Press the Scroll key to display the available messages for the particular group being modified. See attached List of available messages for each group. When the messages displayed is appropriate for the terminals, press and hold the Reset key for one (1) second. When the Reset key is released, the screen displays: E300 TERM #21-22 LOW WATER or programmed message. Press the Mode key to exit the E300 Message Sub-menu. AVAILABLE E300 MESSAGES The following messages are available for each of the four E300 terminal groups: GROUP 1 — RECYCLE E340 OP CNTL OPEN DAMPER POSITION END SWITCH OPEN COMBUSTION AIR END SWITCH OPEN LOW WATER HIGH WATER BLOWER MOTOR INTLK HIGH STACK TEMPERATURE CONTROL PANEL SWITCH OPEN HIGH GAS PRESSURE LOW GAS PRESSURE GROUP 2 — OIL SELECT LOW OIL PRESSURE HIGH OIL PRESSURE LOW OIL TEMPERATURE HIGH OIL TEMPERATURE LOW ATOMIZING MEDIA GROUP 3 — GAS SELECT HIGH GAS PRESSURE LOW GAS PRESSURE GROUP 4 — NON-RECYCLE E340 SAFETY INTLK OPEN HIGH WATER LOW WATER HIGH PRESSURE HIGH TEMPERATURE AIR FLOW OPEN OIL GUN END SWITCH OPEN HIGH STACK TEMPERATURE BLOWER MOTOR INTLK I.D. FAN INTLK F.D. FAN INTLK USER PROGRAMMED E300 MESSAGES In addition to selecting the lockout alarm messages for the E300 Expansion Module from a menu selection via the ED510 display, the user can also program any message (up to 40 characters in length) for the individual terminals of the E300 using a dumb terminal (or PC with communication software) and the appropriate interface cables. Refer to bulletin E-3001 for complete details. 9 Page 464 PROGRAM SETUP The sub-menu “PROGRAM SETUP” allows the user to review the various operational settings of the programmer module (e.g. programmer type, purge timing, etc.). The MODE key is used to enter the “PROGRAM SETUP” sub-menu, and the SCRL key is used to advance through the sub-menu. Press SCRL Screen Displays AUTO 45 SYSTEM SETUP > Description SCRL key advances through the historical information. Control has released to auto modulation, flame signal strength = 45. MODE AUTO 45 PROGRAMMER EP160 Programmer Type is an EP160. SCRL AUTO 45 ENGR CODE NO. 28 Software Engineering code of the programmer module is code 28. SCRL AUTO 45 AMP=EUV1 OR ERT1 Amplifier module is an EUV1 or an ERT1. SCRL AUTO 45 PURGE TIME 0:30 Purge timing (selected by the dipswitches) is 30 seconds. SCRL AUTO 45 PROVE 3-P OPEN=N Proven 3-P Open To Start is disabled (selected by dispwitches). SCRL AUTO 45 FLAME FAIL TIME 4s Flame Failure Response Time (FFRT) = 4 seconds (maximum). SCRL AUTO 45 UNIT ADDRESS #00 Unit Address is 00. Refer to programmer bulletin to modify Unit Address. MODE AUTO 45 FLAME SIGNAL MODE key returns to run message. 10 Page 465 ® SYSTEM INFO The sub-menu “SYSTEM INFO” allows the user to review information pertaining to the operation of the control (e.g. average main flame signal strength, status of the high fire and low fire end switches, etc.). This information can be very helpful when setting the damper linkages on the firing rate motor. The MODE key is used to enter the “PROGRAM SETUP” sub-menu, and the SCRL key is used to advance through the sub-menu. Press SCRL Screen Displays AUTO 45 SYSTEM INFO > Description SCRL key advances through the historical information. Control has released to auto modulation, flame signal strength = 45. MODE AUTO 45 AVG. PILOT FLM 22 The average flame signal strength of the pilot flame = 22. SCRL AUTO 45 AVG. MAIN FLM 40 The average flame signal strength of the main flame = 40. SCRL AUTO 45 SHORT CKTS 0 The total number of short circuits (excessive current) detected on terminals 5, 6, and 7. The short circuit condition must be sensed twice consecutively to be considered a short circuit. SCRL AUTO 45 D-8 LIMIT CLOSED The status of the high fire end switch (D-8) is closed. SCRL AUTO 45 M-D LIMIT CLOSED The status of the low fire end switch (M-D) is closed. MODE AUTO 45 FLAME SIGNAL MODE key returns to run message. 11 Page 466 NOTICE When Fireye products are combined with equipment manufactured by others and/or integrated into systems designed or manufactured by others, the Fireye warranty, as stated in its General Terms and Conditions of Sale, pertains only to the Fireye products and not to any other equipment or to the combined system or its overall performance. WARRANTIES FIREYE guarantees for one year from the date of installation or 18 months from date of manufacture of its products to replace, or, at its option, to repair any product or part thereof (except lamps, electronic tubes and photocells) which is found defective in material or workmanship or which otherwise fails to conform to the description of the product on the face of its sales order. THE FOREGOING IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND FIREYE MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Except as specifically stated in these general terms and conditions of sale, remedies with respect to any product or part number manufactured or sold by Fireye shall be limited exclusively to the right to replacement or repair as above provided. In no event shall Fireye be liable for consequential or special damages of any nature that may arise in connection with such product or part. 12 FIREYE 3 Manchester Road Derry, New Hampshire 03038 ED-5101 DECEMBER 2000 Supersedes April 2000 Page 467 Page 468 Page 469 Page 470 Page 471 Page 472 Page 473 Page 474 Page 475 Master Catalog Pressure Controls Section Product Bulletin Issue Date 125 P P74 0891 P74 Series Differential Pressure Controls Application These differential pressure controls are for use as operating controls and/or indicating system functions through display lights or panels. They measure the difference in pressure exerted upon its two sensing elements. The controls are available for applications sensing air, oil or liquid. Typical applications are proof of flow across a chiller or water cooled condenser, proof of flow in a heating or cooling coil and lube oil pressure sensing on refrigeration compressors. On a proof of flow application the control measures pressure drop across two different points in either a closed water circulating system or a city water to supply system. Specifications Fig. 1: P74 Differential Pressure Control with Style 13 elements. On a proof of flow application in a water chiller system the control activates a light or signal to indicate a loss of water. The control may also be applied as a lube oil pressure sensing control on refrigeration compressors. They may be used in combination with P28 and/or P45 oil pressure cutout controls on two compressor, single motor units to reduce the oil system cost. (See Fig. 4.) Special low pressure models are available for variable speed and screw compressor oil pressure applications. All Series P74 differential pressure controls are designed for use only as operating controls. Where an operating control failure would result in personal injury and/or loss of property, it is the responsibility of the installer to add devices (safety, limit controls) or systems (alarm, supervisory systems) that protect against, or warn of, control failure. © 1991 Johnson Controls, Inc. Code No. LIT-125490 1 Page 476 Optional Constructions Pressure Elements Regularly supplied for noncorrosive refrigerants (fluorinated hydrocarbons). Available for ammonia service with 1/4 in. 18 FNPT connector (See Style Chart, Fig. 2.) Pressure Connectors Standard controls supplied with 36 in. capillary tubing with 1/4 in. flare nut (Style 13). Controls with 1/4 in. SAE male flare connector (no capillary tubing, Style 5), 36 in. capillary tubing with 1/4 in. sweat section (Style 34), or 1/4 in. FNPT connector (Style 15) may be supplied on quantity orders (see Pressure Element Styles). Fig. 3: Typical proof of flow hookup. 2. Complete Product Number, if available. 3. If complete Product Number is not available, specify Type Number (see Specifications table) and the following. 4. Type of refrigerant or fluid. Repairs and Replacement Field repairs must not be made. For a replacement control, contact the nearest Johnson Controls distributor. Fig. 2: Pressure element styles available on the P74. Style 13 is standard. Other styles shown above can be supplied on quantity orders. a. Non-corrosive. b. Ammonia. Ordering Information 5. Style of pressure connector. To order, specify: 6. Optional constructions. 1. 7. Setting -- contacts close at ____ and open at ____. Quantity required. Fig. 4: Typical wiring diagram showing the P74AA and a P28 on a motor operating two compressors. P74 Product Bulletin 3 Page 477 Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Code No. LIT-1927330 v47s whole Refrigeration Valves Rev: V47 Series 07/18/97 logo: JCI left ft: refrig right ft: standard Sect# = 7 seQ# = 60 1927330 9thcc:7-78 Temperature Actuated Modulating Valve v47.tif Description Features The V47 is a temperature actuated modulating valve that regulates the flow of water or glycol to maintain a desired temperature. Three temperature ranges for each valve size are available. • no close fitting sliding parts in water passages Many valves come with a removable bypass plug that can be replaced by the bypass orifice provided separately with each valve. Valve action is open on temperature increase. For open on temperature decrease models, contact Application Engineering. V47 flange.eps • easy manual flushing, if required • valve design minimizes chatter and water hammer To Order Refer to the V47 Valve Sizing Information on the following page, and then specify the code number from the selection chart. For more information on Bulb Wells, refer to Bulb Wells. Accessories (Companion Flanges and Gasket) Cast Iron Flange (2) Ring • range spring does not come in contact with the cooling water Gasket (2) Kit Number Hex M achine Nut (8) Bolt (8) Water Valve Size (in.) KIT14A-612 1-1/2 in. KIT14A-613 2 in. KIT14A-614 2-1/2 in. flange Specifications V47 Series Temperature Actuated Modulating Valves Metric Conversion Maximum Bulb Temperature 20F° (-6.7 C°) above temperature range Maximum Water Temperature 170°F (77°C) °F °C 75 to 115 24 to 46 Maximum Supply Water Pressure 150 psig (1034 kPa) 75 to 135 24 to 57 Capillary Length (a) 6 ft (1.83 m) Nylon Armor 115 to 160 46 to 71 (1/2 in. NPT closed tank immersion) 115 to 180 46 to 82 Temperature Bulb Style 4 (b) (pictured) (a) V47AC-8 — Capillary Length 4 ft. (b) V47AB-2 — Temperature Bulb Style 1 (no 1/2 in. NPT male fitting) 160 to 205 71 to 96 160 to 230 71 to 110 Selection Chart Code Number Pipe Size, in. Range (Opening Point) °F Bulb Size, in. (Dia length) Std Bypass Orifice Dia in. Seat Repair Kit Replacement Bulb Well Number Sensing Element Order Separately V47AA-1C 3/8 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT14A-600R SET29A-622R WEL18A-602R V47AA-2C 3/8 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT14A-600R SET29A-623R WEL18A-602R V47AA-3C 3/8 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 6 0.062 STT14A-600R SET29A-601R WEL17A-601R V47AB-2C 1/2 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 10 (a) – STT15A-602R SET29A-602R WEL17A-600R V47AB-3C 1/2 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT15A-602R SET29A-624R WEL18A-602R V47AB-4C 1/2 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT15A-602R SET29A-625R WEL18A-602R V47AB-5C 1/2 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 10 0.062 STT15A-602R SET29A-602R WEL17A-600R V47AC-3C 3/4 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT16A-601R SET29A-626R WEL18A-602R V47AC-4C 3/4 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 0.062 STT16A-601R SET29A-627R WEL18A-602R V47AC-6C 3/4 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 10 0.062 STT16A-601R SET29A-604R WEL17A-600R V47AC-8C 3/4 (b) 75 to 135 Heating 11/16 x 3 1/4 – STT16A-601R SET98A-621R WEL18A-602R V47AD-1C 1 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 16 1/4 0.093 STT17A-609R SET29A-605R – V47AD-2C 1 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 6 0.093 STT17A-609R SET29A-629R WEL17A-601R WEL17A-601R V47AD-3C 1 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 x 6 0.093 STT17A-609R SET29A-630R V47AE-1C 1 1/4 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 16 1/4 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-605R – V47AE-2C 1 1/4 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 6 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-629R WEL17A-601R V47AE-3C 1 1/4 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 x 6 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-630R WEL17A-601R (a) Style 1 bulb (does not include 1/2 in. male NPT fitting) (b) ASME Flange ▲ Universal Replacement (R) For Refrigerants Not Listed, Contact Application Engineering The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond t hese specifications, consult the local Johnson © 08/02 Johnson Controls, Inc Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. 1/2 Page 478 Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Code No. LIT-1927330 V47 Series Temperature Actuated Modulating Valve (Continued) Selection Chart (Continued) Code Number Pipe Size, in. Range (Opening Point) °F Bulb Size, in. (Dia length) Std Bypass Orifice Dia in. Seat Repair Kit Replacement Bulb Well Number Sensing Element Order Separately V47AR-1 1 1/2 (b) 75 to 135 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 16 1/4 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-605R – V47AR-2 1 1/2 (b) 115 to 180 Heating 11/16 x 6 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-629R WEL17A-601R V47AR-3 1 1/2 (b) 160 to 230 Heating 11/16 X 6 0.093 STT17A-610R SET29A-630R WEL17A-601R V47AS-1 2 (b) 115 to 160 Heating 11/16 x 10 0.125 STT18A-600R SET29A-632R WEL17A-600R V47AS-2 2 (b) 160 to 205 Heating 11/16 x 10 0.125 STT18A-600R SET29A-633R WEL17A-600R V47AS-3 2 (b) 75 to 115 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 43 0.125 STT18A-600R SET29A-606R – V47AT-1 2 1/2 (b) 115 to 160 Heating 11/6 x 10 0.125 STT18A-601R SET29A-632R WEL17A-600R V47AT-2 2 1/2 (b) 160 to 205 Heating 11/6 x 10 0.125 STT18A-601R SET29A-633R WEL17A-600R V47AT-3 2 1/2 (b) 75 to 115 Cross Ambient 11/16 x 43 0.125 STT18A-601R SET29A-606R – (a) Style 1 bulb (does not include 1/2 in. male NPT fitting) (b) ASME Flange v47_flowchart.eps 300 1136 2-1/2 200 757 2 V47 Valve Sizing Information To Select Water Valve Size, refer to flow chart for selection of water valves. Carefully follow the steps as outlined below.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Determine the maximum water flow required. Draw a horizontal line through this flow across the upper half of the flow chart. Use the following method to determine the temperature rise above the opening point. a Valve closing point is the highest temperature at which it is desired to have no flow through the valve. b Valve opening point is about 5F° above the closing point. c Determine the temperature the valve is to maintain, this is the operating temperature. d Subtract the opening temperature from the operating temperature. This is the temperature rise above the opening point. Determine the available system pressure for use with the valve by the following appropriate method: Open System: Available System Pressure = Inlet Pressure condenser pressure drop - friction losses in piping. Closed System: Available System Pressure = Inlet Pressure static head - condenser pressure drop-friction losses in piping. The available system pressure is represented by the curve in the lower half of the flow chart. In the lower half of the flow curve, draw a horizontal line from the temperature above the opening point (Step 2d) to the available system pressure (Step 3). If the point falls between two pressure drop curves, use the curve to the left (this gives an automatic factor of safety). From this point, draw a vertical line until it intersects the flow line from Step 1. If the intersection falls on a valve size curve, this is the valve size. If the intersection falls between two curves, use the curve to the left for the required valve size. ▲ Universal Replacement 100 90 80 70 60 1-1/4 379 349 303 265 227 1 189 1-1/2 50 40 151 3/4 30 114 1/2 20 76 Water Flow Gal. / Min. Water Flow L/Min. 3/8 38 34 30 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 23 4 19 15 3 11 2 7 36 2 (14) 5 (34) 10 (69) 20 (138) 30 (207) 40 (276) 3.8 2 50 (345) -1 30 60 (414) Temperature Rise 24 Above Opening Point (oF) Temperature -4 Rise Above Opening Point o ( C) 18 -8 12 -11 6 -14 0 -18 (R) For Refrigerants Not Listed, Contact Application Engineering The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For applications at conditions beyond t hese specifications, consult the local Johnson © 08/02 Johnson Controls, Inc Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. 2/2 Page 479 PARKER BOILER CO. JOHNSON CONTROLS A419 TEMPERATURE CONTROL WITH DISPLAY 201-210-A419 PAGE 1 OC1 The Johnson Model A419 is a line voltage single stage remote electronic temperature control. It may be used on Parker Hot Water Boilers or Indirect Water Heaters as either the operating control or the high-low fire control. The control features a keypad for programming and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The temperature range is minus 30 to 212ºF with an adjustable differential from 1 to 30 degrees F. Display units may be in either degrees Fahrenheit or Centigrade. A green LED lights whenever the relay is energized. INSTALLATION When furnished from factory on a new boiler it is usually mounted on top the electrical panel wired with the Sensor mounted in a well. The well is factory installed on the boiler outlet for boilers used in closed system heating. When used on the Parker Indirect Water Heaters for controlling the secondary (heat exchanger) water, the sensor is wired to the control and installed in a well. The well must be field installed in the return water piping at the heat exchanger inlet. When installing the control in the field, mount the control away from heat (i.e. on standoffs from the boiler cabinet). Locate the sensor well in the boiler outlet header or piping for closed system heating. When used on Parker Indirect Water Heaters to control the secondary (heat exchanger) water, mount the well and sensor in the return water at the inlet to the exchanger. The Sensor probe must be touching the bottom of the well for it to sense properly. WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD. To avoid possible electric shock or damage to equipment, disconnect all line voltage circuits before wiring any connections. This control requires 115 Volt AC to terminal block TB2 (located at bottom left), terminals 120 and COM. The sensor is connected to terminal block TB3 (located at upper left) using the middle and lower terminal. The two sensor wires are not position sensitive. The sensor wiring may be extended using two 18 gage wires. Shielded cable may be required for long runs or electrically noisy locations only. For heating applications the load switching connections are at the lower right Terminal block TB2 terminals C and NO. SETTING THE CONTROL The Johnson A419 control may be used in either the heating or cooling mode and with relay contacts cutting in or out at setpoint, however for Parker Boilers it must be set in the heating/cutout mode. The two jumpers at the top of the control marked P4, JUMP 1 and JUMP 2 must be installed horizontally connecting (jumper) both pins. The single jumper marked keypad (keypad lock) must be mounted vertically connecting (jumper) both pins otherwise the control cannot be programmed. After programming, the keypad jumper may be moved to one pin only to lock all the programming functions and settings, however this prevents any future reading or setting of the programming until the jumper is moved back to both pins. Never discard any jumper. To change between Fahrenheit and Centigrade, push the UP (<) and DOWN (=) arrow keys simultaneously. There are five functions to set: SP (setpoint), diF (differential), ASd (anti-short cycle delay), OFS (temperature offset), SF (sensor failure operation). Pushing the UP (<) button or the DOWN (=) button change the values. Always verify that the jumpers are set in the HEAT/CUTOUT mode. If not, the control may activate the relay in response to the opposite signal. Push MENU button for approximately two seconds and SP will flash. Push MENU button again to display value. Set the maximum desired temperature of the system. The load contacts C and NO will open at this point turning off the boiler. Push MENU button again to enter value. diF Push MENU button and then push the UP (<) button and diF will flash. Push MENU button again and enter the number of degrees below setpoint at which the boiler should turn back on. Five is the usual setting. Setting a lower value will hold a tighter temperature range but will cause additional cycling of the controls. Large differentials may cause wide temperature swings in the system. Push MENU button again to enter the value. ASd Push MENU button and then press UP (<) button twice until ASd flashes. Set Value at "0". This is a time delay feature and is not used in the heating mode. Any setting except "0" will cause a delay in closing of the relay contacts. Press MENU button to enter the value. OFS Push MENU button and then press UP (<) button three times until OFS flashes. This should be set at "0". Consult factory if a temperature offset is required. Press MENU button to enter value. SF Push MENU button and then press UP (<) button four times until SF flashes. IMPORTANT; This value must be set at "0" which equals relay output off upon a sensor failure. A value of "1" should not be used at any time. Press MENU button again to enter value. Note: If the MENU button is not pressed after changing a value, the control reverts to previously programmed value and returns to the process temperature display in approximately 30 seconds. SP 201-210-A419 PAGE 2 0C1 Page 480 PARKER BOILER CO. JOHNSON CONTROLS A419 TEMPERATURE CONTROL WITH DISPLAY CAUTION; Verify that the cooling/heating and cut-in/cutout jumper are in the correct position and the SF setting is at 0 before powering the A419 control. If not, the device may activate the relay in response to the opposite signal. POSITIONING THE JUMPERS Both P4 jumpers must be in horizontal position across both pins. The P5 jumper must be installed in the vertical position across both pins. TROUBLESHOOTING 1. With a voltmeter, verify that voltage is between 102 and 132 volts across terminals COM and 120. 2. Check temperature sensor with an ohmmeter. Disconnect sensor and measure resistance across leads. Using the chart below compare this to an accurate thermometer located near the sensor. If resistance is substantially different from chart, replace sensor. 3. Check for proper operation. Make sure electrical connections are correct per wiring diagram, all jumpers are installed across correct pins and with power to control verify control parameters are correct. Using menu button access SP (setpoint) and first raise setpoint above boiler water temperature. LED indicator should be on and terminals C and NO should be closed. Lower setpoint below boiler water temperature. LED indicator should be off and terminals C and NO should be open. Use a continuity meter to check contacts. If the relay does not perform correctly replace control. Temperature Resistance Temperature Resistance ohms ohms ºF ºC ºF ºC -30 -34 640.3 100 38 1136.0 -20 -29 671.9 110 43 1181.6 -10 -23 704.6 120 49 1228.3 0 -18 738.4 130 54 1276.1 10 -12 773.3 140 60 1324.9 20 -7 809.3 150 66 1374.7 30 -1 846.3 160 71 1425.6 40 4 884.5 170 77 1477.6 50 10 923.7 180 82 1530.6 60 16 964.0 190 88 1584.6 70 21 1005.4 200 93 1639.6 80 27 1047.8 210 99 1695.6 90 32 1091.4 212 104 1707.0 ALARM AND FAULT CODES ERROR CODE SF flashing alternately with OP SF flashing alternately with SH EE DEFINITION Open temperature sensor Shorted temp. sensor Program failure SYSTEM STATUS Relay contacts C–NO open Relay contacts C-NO open Relay contacts C-NO open SOLUTION Check sensor connections Check sensor. Press MENU. Replace control if condition persists REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS Field repair of control is not possible. Always give complete model number when replacing control. PARTS: 121371B 3/4" Copper Well A99B-9108 PTC Sensor with 6.6ft. leads 121371F 3/4" Stainless Steel Well 201-210-A419 Page 481 Page 482 Page 483 ROBERTSHAW 7000 GVERLC PILOT GAS CONTROL BULLETIN 149 GVERLC 8C The Robertshaw 3/8" 7000 GVERLC is a Combination Gas control used by Parker Boiler for the pilot gas controls on certain size boilers equipped with electronic flame safeguards. This control provides the following functions in a single device: Pilot Gas Cock; Pilot Gas Pressure regulator and 115 Volt Electrical Pilot Shutoff Valve. A 24 Volt Valve may be used with certain low voltage flame safety systems and is then marked with a different part number. The control has a 3/8" NPT inlet tapping and a 1/4" NPT outlet tapping for connection to the pilot. A plugged pressure tap is provided on the downstream side of the valve body. A plugged pressure tap is provided by Parker in the upstream piping to the control. The small screw on the control labeled PILOT ADJ and the tubing outlet are not used on Parker Boilers. Maximum inlet pressure to the control is 14" W.C. (1/2 PSI). I. Operation (See drawing) The control has a cast dial reference point next to the dial. 1. TO TURN ON: Partially depress dial and turn counterclockwise 180º until ON marking is next to reference point. 2. TO TURN OFF: Partially depress dial and turn clockwise 180º until OFF marking is next to reference point. REGULATOR ADJUSTING SCREW CAP PLUGGED OUTLET PRESSURE TAP DIAL REFERENCE POINT F VENT ELECTRICAL CONNECTION INLET OF OUTLET ON DIAL II. PRESSURE REGULATOR ADJUSTMENT (Do not use screw marked PILOT ADJ) Adjustment of the pressure regulator is not normally necessary since it is preset at the factory. However, field adjustment may be accomplished as follows: 1. Remove regulator adjusting screw cap. 2. With screwdriver, rotate adjustment screw "CLOCKWISE" to increase, or "COUNTERCLOCKWISE" to decrease pressure. Test for desired gas pressure at outlet pressure tap on valve. 3. Replace regulator adj. screw cap. WARNING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Shut off gas and electricity before starting installation or service. Turn back on to test or operate. Installation and servicing of gas appliances and controls must only be performed by qualified personnel. After installation or servicing; test manual valve, operating valve, pressure regulation and automatic safety shut off valve for proper operation. When lighting the pilot, the fail safe safety device must be functionally tested to prove its operation in the event the main valve malfunctions. A drip leg should be provided in the supply line to the control. Leak test with a soap solution after installation or servicing with pilot burner on. Coat pipe and tubing joints, gasket, etc. with soap solution. Bubbles indicate leaks. DO NOT use this control if it has been exposed to water corrosion through immersion, dripping, etc. It may be damaged and must be replaced. DO NOT insert any object other than suitable pipe in the inlet or outlet of this control. Internal damage may occur and result in a hazardous condition. DO NOT connect appliance before pressure testing gas piping. DO NOT expose to gas pressures above 14" W.C. (1/2 PSI). Damage to gas valve will result. DO NOT grip control body with a pipe wrench or vise. Damage may result causing gas leakage. Use inlet or outlet bosses, or special body wrench. DO NOT use Gas Cock Dial to adjust gas flow. Turn dial to full "ON" or "OFF". Dials must only be operated by hand. DO NOT use pliers, wrenches or other tools to turn dials. In case of failure of gas valve to shut off. DO NOT shut off electrical power; turn off gas supply upstream of boiler. Keep all combustible materials away from gas appliances. DO NOT allow lint or dust to collect in burner area. 149 GVERLC.doc Page 484 Page 485 INTERMITTENT PILOT DUAL COMBINATION VALVE GAS CONTROLS 3/4" HONEYWELL VR8304M, VR8304Q, & ROBERTSHAW 1" 7000 D OR 3/4” 7000 BD 133 149 IPCV2 0E4 These 24 Volt IP Dual Combination Valve Gas Controls are rated 1/2 PSI (14" WC) and are used as the main line gas controls in conjunction with a Honeywell S86—or Synetek IS1070T 100% shutoff, 15 second lockout intermittent pilot modules. The valves combine an On-Off manual gas valve, two automatic valve operators, main gas pressure regulator, pilot flow adjustment and inlet/outlet pressure taps. VR8304Q valves are also two-stage valves. STARTUP AND CHECKOUT I. MANUAL GAS VALVE SETTINGS (See appropriate drawing below, Fig. 1). An additional manual leak check gas valve may be furnished downstream of the IP dual combination valve. Boilers over 400,000 BTU/HR input have an additional pilot line regulator and pilot gas cock which should be left open. The manual valve has two settings: OFF – prevents pilot and main burner gas flow. ON – permits gas flow into the control body. When signaled by safety controls, pilot and main burner gas flow is permitted. To open manual valve: Turn control knob (dial) counterclockwise from OFF position until the pointer (dial reference point) is next to "ON". To close manual valve: Turn control knob (dial) clockwise from ON position until the pointer (dial reference point) is next to "OFF". WARNING: Always open or close manual valve fully. Do not use manual valve to adjust gas flow. HONEYWELL VR8304M ON-OFF VALVE WIRING ROBERTSHAW 700 D or BD ON-OFF VALVE HONEYWELL VR8304Q TWO STAGE VALVE WIRING TERMINAL BLOCK WIRING DIAGRAM II. LIGHT PILOT AND MAIN BURNER Carefully follow exact operating instructions furnished with boiler. A. Adjust the pilot burner flame if necessary. The pilot flame should envelop 3/8 to 1/2 inch of the igniter-sensor tip. Refer to Fig. 2 to adjust the pilot flame: 1. For boilers 400,000 BTU/HR or less, adjust IP Dual Combination Valve. a. Remove the pilot adjustment cover screw. Refer to Fig. 1 (Do not lose the gasket.) b. Turn the inner adjustment screw clockwise to decrease or to increase the pilot flame. FIG. 2 - PROPER FLAME ADJUSTMENT counterclockwise c. Always replace the cover screw after adjustment and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. 2. For boilers over 400,000 BTU/HR input, set IP dual combination valve pilot adjustment screw for maximum flow as shown above. Then adjust separate pilot regulator as follows: a. Remove the pilot regulator adjustment cover screw. b. Turn the inner adjustment screw counterclockwise to decrease and clockwise to increase the pilot flame. c. Always replace the cover screw after adjustment and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. B. Check gas input to burner and adjust if necessary. 1. The manifold pressure should match that shown on boiler nameplate. This is factory set at 4" W.C. on Parker atmospheric natural gas fired boilers. 2. With upstream gas valve closed, install an accurate gas gauge or manometer at plugged pressure tap on manifold pipe ell. Carefully follow boiler lighting instructions and check gas pressure at ell. 3. If necessary adjust the pressure regulator. Page 486 a. b. Remove the pressure regulator adjustment cap or cap screw. to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adjustment screw clockwise main burner gas pressure. Honeywell VR8304Q Two-stage Valves have two Allen head screws. Set the High-low Control to call for high fire and then adjust the screw marked “HI” to maximum high fire setting. Set the High-low Control to call for low fire and then adjust the screw marked “LO” to not less than 1” WC on natural gas. c. Always replace the cap screw and tighten firmly to ensure proper operation. 4. If desired outlet gas pressure or gas flow rate cannot be achieved by adjusting the gas control, check the gas control inlet pressure using a manometer at the inlet pressure tap. If the inlet pressure is in the normal range (7" to 14" W.C.), replace the gas control. Otherwise, take the necessary steps to provide proper gas pressure to the gas control. 5. Always replace all pressure tap plugs when finished. WARNING: FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE, SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Installation and servicing of gas appliances and controls must only be performed by qualified personnel. After installation or servicing, test manual valve, operating valves, pressure regulation and automatic safety shut off for proper operation. See Bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. DO NOT use the control if it has been exposed to water corrosion through immersion, dripping, etc. It may be damaged and must be replaced. DO NOT disassemble the gas control; it contains no replaceable components. Attempted disassembly or repair may damage the gas control. Disconnect power supply before wiring to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage. To avoid dangerous accumulation of fuel gas, turn off gas supply at the appliance service valve before starting installation, and perform Gas Leak Test after completion of installation. DO NOT bend pilot tubing at gas control or pilot burner after compression fitting has been tightened, or gas leakage at the connection may result. Always install sediment trap in gas supply line to prevent contamination of gas control. DO NOT force the gas control knob. Use only your hand to turn the gas control knob. Never use any tools. If the gas control knob will not operate by hand, the gas control should be replaced by a qualified service technician. Force or attempted repair may result in fire or explosion. DO NOT connect appliance before pressure testing gas piping. DO NOT expose to gas pressures above 14" W.C. (1/2 PSI). Damage to gas valve may result. DO NOT insert any object other than suitable pipe or tubing in the inlet or outlet of the gas valve. Internal damage may occur and result in a hazardous condition. DO NOT grip gas valve body with a pipe wrench or vise. Damage may result causing gas leakage. Use inlet or outlet bosses or a special body wrench. Pilot flame is lit automatically. Do not light the pilot flame manually. Before lighting pilot burner flame, smell around the appliance for gas. Be sure to smell next to floor because LP gas is heavier than air. IF YOU SMELL GAS: ♦ Turn off the gas supply at the appliance service valve. ♦ Do not light any appliances in the house. ♦ Do not touch electrical switches or use the phone. ♦ Leave the building and use a neighbor's phone to call your gas supplier. ♦ If you can not reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. DO NOT use the gas cock to adjust gas flow. In case of failure of main burner to shut off, turn of gas supply upstream of boiler. Keep all combustible materials away from gas appliances. DO NOT allow lint or dust to collect in burner area. Leak test with a soap solution after installation or service with the main burner on. Coat pipe and tubing joints, gaskets, etc. Bubbles indicate leaks. III. CHECKOUT AND TROUBLESHOOTING A. CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system: At initial installation of the appliance, as the first step in troubleshooting anytime work is done on the system and as part of regular maintenance procedures. Maintenance intervals are determined by the application but as a minimum, monthly. See Bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. CAUTION: 1. Use utmost care during troubleshooting. Line voltage is present in all controller circuits. Always turn off Main Line Disconnect Switch before replacing components. 2. Do not apply a jumper across or short the valve coil terminals. Doing so may damage the electronic module. B. TROUBLESHOOTING Turn power off, for at least five minutes. Turn power on and reset control per instructions. Parker standard S86— or Synetek controls limits trial for ignition to 15 seconds before lockout. Pilot must be proven within this period. 1. No spark or pilot. Check for power at control module. See IGNITION SYSTEM CHECKS on bulletin 133 S86— or SYNETEK 1. 2. Spark but no pilot. Check upstream gas pressure. Must be less than 14" W.C. Check for 24 volt power at pilot valve terminals [PV and MV/PV (C)(TR) on valves]. If no power, check control circuit through S86. If there is power but no gas at pilot, replace valve. 3. Pilot burner comes on but not main burner flame. Check for 24 Volt power at main valve terminals [MV (TH) and MV/PV (C)(TR]. If no power, check control module. If there is power, replace valve. 133149IPCV.doc.doc Page 487 Page 488 Page 489 Page 490 Page 491 Data Sheet 6700+ Limit Control 1/16 DIN Limit Controller DESCRIPTION The West 6700+ is part of a range of new generation '+' Series limit devices that share the same distinctive styling as the '+' Series temperature controllers. The expanded '+' Series limit controller platform includes 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 DIN models that incorporate numerous product specification, communication, display interface and software improvements that surpass competitive limit device offerings in ease of use, delivery and valueper dollar characteristic of the growing '+' Series product family. By adding more versatile features and user-friendly functionality like digital inputs, an easy-to-use HMI, jumperless and auto-hardware configuration, 24VDC transmitter power supply and MODBUS communication across the range - the new generation West + Series limit controllers transform the complicated into the simple while saving you time (as much as 50% on product set-up), reducing inventory stock and virtually eliminating the likelihood of operator errors. The + Series limit controllers are affordable, well-featured, easy to use and adaptable with performance features that work for you to make limit control simple. ISE, Inc. Controllers NEW APPLICATIONS: Fail-safe protection device to prevent damage to equipment or products. It will shut down a process when a preset temperature is reached and cannot be reset by the operator until the process has returned to a safe condition. INDUSTRIES • • • • Industrial and lab ovens/furnaces Plastics and thermal forming Packaging applications And any other where protection against out-of-range temperature condition is a critical requirement FEATURES/BENEFITS • • • • • • • • NEW Improved easy-to-use HMI NEW Jumperless input configuration NEW Auto-hardware recognition NEW Improved Windows PC configuration software Process alarms Optional digital input and remote reset Optional 10V SSR driver output Faster communication speeds in selectable MODBUS or ASCII format • FM Approved • Backward compatible panel cutout, housing and terminal wiring capability - 10100 Royalton Rd. - Cleveland, OH 44133 - Tel: (440) 237-3200 - Fax: (440) 237-1744 Page 492 TM Affordable, Well-Featured, Easy to Use and Adaptable 1/16 DIN Limit Controller SPECIFICATIONS* STANDARD FEATURES OUTPUTS COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE 4 per second input sample rate Universal input NEW Improved HMI, 4 button operation, dual 4-digit LED display NEW Plug-in output modules – install just the function needed NEW Jumperless input configuration NEW Auto-detection of installed output modules NEW Improved PC configuration software Process alarms Construction/Enclosure: Rugged ABS Plastic housing Output 1 (limit relay) fixed; outputs 2 and 3 (alarm relay) are user-selectable and customized based on desired application; choose from the following output types Max # of Outputs: 3 for alarm, 24 VDC transmitter power supply or retransmit of process value/limit trip setpoint Limit Relay: SPDT; 240VAC 5A resistive; Lifetime >100,000 operations at rated voltage/current Alarm Relay: Optional SPDT; 240VAC 2A resistive; Lifetime >500,000 operations at rated voltage/current SSR Drive: Optional drive capability: >10 VDC nominal into 500 ohm minimum DC Linear: Optional 0-20mA, 4-20mA into 500 ohm max; 0-10V, 1-5V, 2-10V, 0-5V into 500 ohm min; Outputs have 2% over/under drive applied; Accuracy +-0.25% (mA into 250 ohm load, V into 2k ohm load); degrading linearity to +-0.5% for increasing burden to specified limits Triac: Optional 0.01 to 1A AC, 20 to 280Vrms, 47-63 Hz (Limit 2) Transmitter Power Supply: Optional 24 VDC (Limit 1) User-selectable: 2-wire, RS-485 serial communications option with choice of Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol; 1200 to 19200 baud PC Configuration: Offline configuration from serial port to dedicated configuration socket (comms option not required) ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temp: 32° to 131°F (0° to 55°C) Storage Temp: -4° to 176°F (-20° to 80°C) Humidity: 20% to 95% non-condensing RH ELECTRICAL Supply Voltage: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, Optional 20-48VAC 50/60Hz or 22-65VDC Power Consumption: 5W / 7.5 VA Maximum DISPLAY: Type: Red or Green, 7 segment LED, 4 digit upper and lower displays Height: 10mm (0.39”) upper display, 8mm (0.31”) lower display Annunciators: 5 LED indicators for output and status OUTPUT FUNCTIONS INPUTS ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE T/C’s: J, T, K, L, N, B, R, S, C; Pt Rh20% vs. Pt 40% Rh RTD: 3-wire, PT100 DC Linear (Scalable –1999 to +9999) Volts: 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V, 2-10V DC milliamps: 0-20mA or 4-20mA DC millivolts: 0-50mV, 10-50mV Accuracy: ± 0.1% of input range ± 1 LSD (T/C CJC better than 1 degree C) Input sample rate: 4 per second, 14 bit resolution Impedance: >10M ohm for the thermocouple and mV ranges, 47k ohm for V ranges and 5 ohm for mA ranges Sensor Break Detection: <2 seconds (except zero based DC ranges), limit output opens, low alarms activate for RTD, mA or V ranges Process Alarm: (reverse or direct) Modes (Alarm 1 and 2): High/Low, Band, Deviation, logical OR/AND Retransmit: Process value or limit setpoint RATINGS/AGENCY APPROVALS Conformance: FM, CE, UR, cUR UL File # 67237 Safety: EN61010 EMC: EN61326 PROTECTION IEC IP66 (NEMA 4X) front panel IEC IP20 (behind the panel protection) PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Panel Cutout: 1.77” x 1.77” (45mm x 45mm) Height: 1.89” (48mm) Width: 1.89” (48mm) Depth: 4.33” (110mm) Weight: 0.46 lbs (0.21 kg) Mounting: Plug in panel with fixing strap OPTIONS/ACCESSORIES Digital Input 1 (Optional): remote reset NEW Faster RS-485 serial communication speeds and user-selectable (Modbus or ASCII) option NEW 24VDC transmitter power supply option Choice of Led colors: red/red, red/green, green/red, green/green 10VDC SSR Drive output WARRANTY 3 Years * Specifications are for base models with standard features only unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice in accordance with our DBS policy of continuous improvement. All product and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. West™ brand and 6700+™ are trademarks of Danaher Industrial Controls Group. All rights reserved. © 2005 DICG Corp. West Brand 6700+ Data Sheet (7/05) Controllers 6700+ Page 493 TM Affordable, Well-Featured, Easy to Use and Adaptable 1/16 DIN Limit Controller MODELS Code 1: Model # Code 2: Input Type Code 3: Output 1 Code 4: Output 2 Code 5: Output 3 Code 6: Options Code 7: Power Supply Code 8: Code 9: Display Color Option Slot B 1 P6701Z I/16 DIN Limit Controller includes: jumperless input configuration, auto-detection hardware and improved PC configuration software 1 3-Wire RTD or DC mV 2 Thermocouple 3 DC mA 4 DC Voltage 1 Limit relay output 0 Not fitted (fixed) 1 Relay Output 2 DC Drive SSR Output 3 Linear 0-10V DC Output 4 Linear 0-20mA DC Output 5 Linear 0-5V DC Output 6 Linear 2-10V DC Output 7 Linear 4-20mA DC Output 8 Triac Output 0 0 Not fitted 0 Not fitted 0 100-240 AC 1 Relay Output 1 RS-485 Serial 2 24-48 AC or DC Communication 2 DC Drive SSR Output 3 Digital Input 3 Linear 0-10V DC Output 4 Linear 0-20mA DC Output 5 Linear 0-5V DC Output 6 Linear 2-10V DC Output 7 Linear 4-20mA DC Output 8 Transmitter Power Supply Controllers 6700+ 0 0 Red upper 00 Not fitted and Lower 1 Green upper and lower 2 Red upper, Green lower 3 Green upper, Red lower DIMENSIONS - 1/16 DIN aprox. 0.39" 10mm 1.89" 48mm 1.89" 48mm AUTO MAN 4.33" 110mm * Specifications are for base models with standard features only unless otherwise noted. Specifications subject to change without notice in accordance with our DBS policy of continuous improvement. All product and brand names are trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. West™ brand and 6700+™ are trademarks of Danaher Industrial Controls Group. All rights reserved. © 2005 DICG Corp. West Brand 6700+ Data Sheet (7/05) Page 494 Page 495 152 STACK 1E2 WEST P6701 STACK LIMIT CONTROL Preliminary OPERATION AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS The West P6701 electronic temperature control is furnished when specified on Parker boilers as a manual reset stack limit control. It is normally factory installed with a ‘J’ type thermocouple mounted in the boiler stack. The parameters will be preset at the factory for the maximum allowed stack temperature. An Exceed condition occurs when the stack temperature exceeds the set point. The “EXCEED” and “OUT” lamp will be on and the control must be manually reset. To reset the control the temperature must be below the set point and the “RESET” button must be pressed. CAUTION: Ensure that the cause of the Exceed (stack over temperature) condition has been rectified before resetting the limit output. In normal operator mode the top red line shows the stack temperature and the bottom green line shows the maximum temperature set point. See control manufacturers bulletin for additional information. To check the parameters or to set up a new control follow these instructions. Control will automatically return to Operator Mode if button is not pressed for two minutes.: 1. Select Mode display and Configuration Mode. Press the back arrow (enter) and up arrow key at the same time. Use the up or down arrow key to select Configuration (ConF) mode and then press back arrow (enter) key. Unlock (ULoc) the control by entering 20 and pressing the back arrow (enter) key. Check the following parameters and reset as necessary. The top display line is changed by using the up and down arrow keys. Pressing the reset key enters the new parameter. JF Type of thermocouple and Fahrenheit scale with no decimal places InPt Input range and type 850 ruL Maximum set point range Scale range upper limit 50 Positive number minimum range. rLL Scale range lower limit 0 + or – span of controller, leave at 0. OFFS Process variable offset Hi Relay energized when process value below set point. CtrL Limit action 850 Repeats above maximum set point. SPuL Set point upper limit 50 Repeats above minimum set point. SPLL Set point lower limit Page 496 None Turns off alarm 1. ALA1 Alarm 1 type None Turns off alarm 2. ALA2 Alarm 2 type EnAb Process value shows in display. diSP Display strategy CLoc Shows lock code. Press back arrow and up button to return to menu selections. 20 Lock code 2. 2. Enter Setup Mode: Press the back arrow (enter) and up arrow key at the same time. Use the up or down arrow key to select Setup (seTp) mode and then press back arrow (enter) key. Unlock (ULoc) the control by entering 10 and pressing the back arrow (enter) key. Check the following parameters and reset as necessary. The top display line is changed by using the up and down arrow keys. Pressing the reset key enters the new parameter. 800 SP Maximum stack temperature. Set point 1 hYSt Selects limit Hysteresis, differential temperature to reset control. Limit hysteresis 2.0 FiLt Input filter timer constant. Input filter time constant 10 SLoc Shows lock code. Press back arrow and up button to return to menu selections. Lock code 3. Enter Operator Mode. No code is required. Press back arrow (enter) key in Operator Mode position. XXX XXX Top line shows stack temperature. Bottom line shows maximum set point. XXX HiHd Highest temperature since control was last reset. High limit hold X.XX Accumulated time limit exceeded SP. t1 Exceed time value 4. Error codes parameters: Goto Indicates that control must be configured. See step 1 and 2. Conf [HH] Normal Stack temperature greater than 5% over range. Shut heater down until problem is corrected. OPEN Normal Break detected in sensor (thermocouple) or wiring. Secure wiring or replace thermocouple. Err OPn- Option 1, 2, 3 or A module faults. Consult factory. Page 497 Page 498 Page 499 7 865 ISO9001 RWF40... complete with housing Compact Universal Controllers RWF40... The RWF40... is a universal digital boiler temperature / pressure controller with functions designed specifically for the control of heat generating plant. The RWF40... and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integrate the controller in their products! Mechanical design The controller is supplied complete with a housing for flush panel mounting. The RWF40... is matched to the controlled variable and the required setpoint range by making parameter settings. The control parameters can be set and optimized while the burner is running. All settings are made with 4 buttons located on the unit front and are directly displayed. LEDs on the front indicate the following operating states: Control ON / OFF Positioning pulses ON or OFF for driving the burner´s air damper when using modulating burner control, or Stage I / stage II when using 2-stage burner control «2-stage» operating mode Position of the configurable contact «K6» Manual control ON / OFF During operation, the digital displays above the LEDs show the setpoint (green), the actual value (red) and – when making parameter settings – the relevant parameters. CC1N7865en 20.11.2002 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Page 500 Warning notes To avoid injury to persons, damage to property or the environment, the following warning notes should be observed! Do not open, interfere with or modify the controller! · · · · When selecting the cables, when making the installation and the electrical connections, observe the regulations of VDE 0100 «Erection of power installations with rated voltages below AC 1000 V» and the relevant national regulations The electrical connections may only be made by authorized staff Provide double-pole isolation of the controller from the mains supply if there is a risk of touching live parts while work is carried out Check to ensure that wiring is in an orderly state and that the wires are firmly connected Mounting notes · Ensure that the relevant national safety regulations are complied with · · Installation work must be carried out by qualified staff Please observe the notes given in the user documentation CC1B7865E · Commissioning work must be carried out by qualified staff Installation notes Commissioning notes Standards Conformity to EEC directives - Electromagnetic compatibility EMC (immunity) - Electromagnetic compatibility EMC NAMUR recommentation 89 / 336 EEC NE21, EN 50 081 part 1 und EN 50 082 part 2 Service notes · · · · Maintenance work must be carried out by qualified staff For service purposes, the controller can be removed from its housing with no need for tools The electrical connections are made via the screw terminals located at the rear of the housing Each time a unit has been replaced, check to ensure that wiring is in an orderly state and that the wires are firmly connected Disposal notes The unit contains electrical and electronic components and may not be disposed of together with household waste. Local and currently valid legislation must be observed. 2/8 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products CC1N7865en 20.11.2002 Page 501 SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE SHEET FOR SIEMENS RWF40… COMPACT UNIVERSAL CONTROLLER BULLETIN 153-INST 0I4 The following instructions will guide you in obtaining access to and changing the settings on the RWF40 Controller. The RWF40 controls temperature or pressure in connection with the Parker Boiler/Burner System. CAUTION: Initial adjustment should be undertaken only by trained and experienced personnel familiar with combustion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall installation. The RWF40 can perform & has the following functions: • • • • • • • • Control the operating on/off point of temperature or pressure of any Parker unit. P.I.D. Modulating Controller acting on the burner. (Set point) Two stage burner control. Reset of temperature or pressure based on OSA temperature. Accepts remote signal for control of set point (4-20mA), (0-10V DC). Security level control. Set point shift. (Night set back) Automatic reset limit (high stack temperature). Manual control of burner firing rate via hand function. User Interface (Operation): In most cases the only user interface with the RWF-40 Controller will be to alter set point. This is accomplished from “user level” access. The user level as well as the other programming levels “Parameter” & “Configuration” are accessed from the “PGM” Button. In normal operation the “process value” will be displayed in the upper line and the set point will be displayed in the second line. Keep in mind the set point is not the off point of the boiler but it is the process value the RWF-40 is trying to maintain. In the case of a modulating boiler the boiler will turn off at a predetermined value (upper switch off threshold normally 5-10 degrees or PSI) above the set point. In the case of a two stage boiler, the burner will switch to low fire at the set point plus the switch off threshold (2 stage) and will turn off at a predetermined value above this value (upper switch off After the boiler cycles off at the set point plus upper switch off threshold, the burner will light off as the process value drops to the set point minus the switch on threshold (normally 1° or PSI). Set Point Alteration To switch the Set Point, press the PGM quickly & release. This gets you to user level. • Increase value by pressing ▲ • Reduce value by pressing ▼ • Accept entry by pressing PGM button or • Cancel entry by pressing EXIT button. After 2 seconds, the value that is set will automatically be accepted. The value can only change within the permitted value range. Note that by changing the Set Point, the Off Point will be reset too. W:\Bulletin\153\bulletin 153-inst.doc Page 502 SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE SHEET FOR SIEMENS RWF40… COMPACT UNIVERSAL CONTROLLER BULLETIN SIEMENS INST 0I4 Page 2 of 2 INITIAL RWF40 CHECK OUT: 1. Check wiring to RWF40. Verify wiring circuitry with wiring diagram. 2. Check RWF40 program settings. (Set at factory). A program sheet is provided and located in the panel and O&M Manual. Note: It is helpful to have program sheet with you when you are changing or checking the values.) 2a. Initial Factory programming: (Note When programming unit for the first time, use the following order to program controller; 1) Configuration Level, 2) Parameter Level. 3) User Level.) 2b. All levels can be accessed from the basic display via the PGM button (See diagram below.) 2c. When you have selected a Level you can proceed with the next parameter by pressing the PGM button and doing the following: 2c1. In the USER LEVEL or PARAMETER LEVEL – • Increase value by pressing ▲ • Reduce value by pressing ▼ • Accept entry by pressing PGM button or • Cancel entry by pressing EXIT button. After 2 seconds, the value that is set will automatically be accepted. The value can only change within the permitted value range. 2c2. In the CONFIGURATION LEVEL – • Select position by pressing ▼ (Position flashes!) • Change value by pressing ▲ • Accept code by pressing PGM button or • Cancel code by pressing EXIT button. After 2 seconds, the value that is set will automatically be accepted. 3. In the user level you can change set point. 4. In the parameter level or configuration level the controller is programmed to the boiler/system. 5. Once you have completed going thru the settings on the program sheet., proceed with the proper procedure for start-up. 6. If you cannot gain access to a particular level to change values, it may be the security feature is locking you out of that level, consult factory. W:\Bulletin\153\bulletin 153-inst.doc Page 503 Page 504 Page 505 SI-200-LOVE-25115-MA Page 1 of 3 5C SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOVE 25115 MICROPROCESSOR BASED TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR MODULATING FIRED BOILERS The Love 25115 is a microprocessor based temperature control that is normally factory installed using a J type thermocouple sensor in a well. When field installed, only a competent, trained boiler control person should install and program this device. When installed from the factory it is preprogrammed for the particular job application. The user may alter setpoint (the approximate midpoint of the modulating range) and the operating control off point which is labeled Alarm High (a temperature setting above the setpoint at which the boiler will turn completely off). A maximum range of setpoint adjustment is preset at the factory for the particular boiler and job application. The control is normally preset from the factory for the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) values to maintain good control. The user may manually set their own PID values, if desired or change to SELF TUNE mode and let the control choose the PID values. The user should not attempt to alter any of the other control settings without consulting the factory. INDEX: Pressing the INDEX key advances the display to the next menu item. May also be used in conjuction with other keys as noted below. UP ARROW: Increments a value, changes a menu item, or selects the item to On. The maximum value obtainable is the preset factory setpoint maximum. DOWN ARROW: Decrements a value, changes a menu item, or selects an item to off. The minimum valve obtainable is the preset factory setpoint minimum. ENTER: Pressing ENTER stores the value or item to be retained. The display will flash once when ENTER is pressed. UP ARROW & ENTER: Pressing these keys simultaneously brings up the secondary menu starting at ALHi (Alarm High). The user should not attempt to change any settings in the secondary menu except the alarm high (temperature setting at which the boiler will turn off) and manually setting the PID values if required. Pressing these keys for 5 seconds will bring up the secure menu. The user may scroll through the secure menu to check settings but changes may not be made in this menu. INDEX & DOWN ARROW: Pressing these keys simultaneously will allow backing up one menu item, or if at first menu item they will cause the display to return to the primay menu. INDEX & ENTER: Pressing these keys simultaneously and holding them for 5 seconds allows Page 506 SI-200-LOVE-25115-MA Page 2 of 3 5C recovery from an error message such as OPen InP: Thermocouple error message. Correct the problems associated with the above condition first before using these reset keys. More than one error could be present. Caution is advised since several items are reset at one time.While in the Primary or Secondary menu, if no key is pressed for a period of 30 seconds, the display will return to the HOME position displaying the temperature value. The time is increased to 1 minute in the Secure menu. NOTE: To move to the primary menu quickly from any other menu, press the UP ARROW & ENTER keys followed by pressing the INDEX & DOWN ARROW keys. TO CHANGE SETPOINT FROM PRIMARY MENU: The first line of display PV (process value) shows the temperature at the boiler outlet. The second line of display SV (setpoint value) shows the current setpoint (factory setting is 270 degrees F for hot water boilers and 500 degrees F for thermal liquid heaters). LED Indicator SP will normally be on. If PV temperature is above SP (setpoint) temperature the controller will drive the modulating motor toward low fire. If PV temperature drops below setpoint temperature the controller will drive the modulating motor toward high fire. When the SP temperature is changed the Operating Control (ALHi) temperature must be changed to a setting slightly above setpoint (10 degrees F above for hot water boilers and 20 degree F above for thermal liquid heaters is suggested) but must never be set above maximum system temperature. Press left INDEX key. Top line of display will show the setpoint temperature and bottom line of display will show SP. Press UP or DOWN ARROW keys to move to new temperature and then press right ENTER key. Display will return to primary menu after 30 seconds. CAUTION: Do not set boiler temperature setpoint so low as to cause condensation to form on outside of boiler tubes (nominally 130-140 F). Allowing condensation to form on outside of boiler tubes is detrimental to life of boiler. If you have changed the SETPOINT temperature, the Operating Control Off Point temperature should next be adjusted to a value proportionately above the new setpoint by moving to the secondary menu. TO CHANGE TO SECONDARY MENU FROM PRIMARY MENU: Press UP ARROW and ENTER keys at same time. This moves display to Secondary menu. Top line of display shows a numerical display indicating the temperature setpoint at which the boiler will turn off (Operating Control setpoint, factory setting is 280 for hot water boilers and 520 degrees for thermal liquid heaters). The bottom line of display shows ALHi. Press UP or DOWN ARROW key to change setting and then press ENTER key. The figure on the top line of display will now show current Operating Control off point temperature setting of boiler. The factory suggested Operating Control (alarm hi) temperature is 10 degrees F above setpoint for hot water boilers and 20 degrees F above setpoint for thermal liquid heaters, but should not exceed the maximum proceess temperature. When the process temperature is below the Operating Control (Alarm High) value, the AL light will flash indicating the controller is calling for heat. Continue to press INDEX key to scroll through the remainder of the secondary menu. The word Out on the bottom line and ProP on the top line indicates control is fixed at proportioning mode. This cannot be changed. tunE on bottom line and Pid on top line allows you to set the Proportional, Integral and Derivative values manually. If desired, the user may change to the self tune mode by pressing the UP ARROW key and pressing ENTER key. SELF is displayed and the controller will self tune the PID values based Page 507 SI-200-LOVE-25115-MA Page 3 of 3 5C on the system requirements. When in self tune mode the following three functions (Pb, rES and rtE)are not available. Pb on bottom line shows the current proportioning band value in degrees on top line. Factory setting is 10 degrees F for hot water boilers and 20 degrees F for thermal liquid heaters. This is the modulating range from high to low fire with the SP setpoint temperature approximately in center. By pressing UP or DOWN arrow key and ENTER key this value may be changed. Setting a low proportioning value allows tighter control of system temperature but may cause excess cycling of boiler controls. Use a value that holds reasonable temperature ranges with the least amount of boiler control cycling. rES on bottom line is the Automatic Reset Time. 0.1 to 99.9 minutes. Factory setting is 3.0. Selecting OFF in this position changes to OFS on display, Manual Offset Correction. A percentage value 0.1 to 99.9% may be selected in place of a time value. Selecting OFF in OFS position returns the display to the rES position. rtE on bottom line is Rate Time. Select OFF, 0.01 to 99.99 minutes. This is derivative function. 0.37 is factory setting. ArUP is the Anti-reset wind -up feature. Factory setting is On. Consult factory before changing. rt is Ramp Time. Factory setting is OFF. Consult factory before changing to On. InPC is Input Correction. Factory setting is 0. Consult factory before changing. FiLt is digital Filter. Factory setting is 2. Consult factory before changing. Should one of the above parameters be changed accidently, it will revert to the factory settings after 30 seconds provided the ENTER key has not been pressed. Should an incorrect parameter be entered, use the UP or DOWN ARROW key to change to factory settings and then press ENTER. PARKER BOILER CO. 12\ami\SILOVEMA.SAM Page 508 Page 509 Page 510 Page 511 Page 512 Page 513 Page 514 Page 515 Page 516 PageBOILER 517 PARKER CO. PILOT & FLAME LOCKOUT TROUBLE SHOOTING BOILERS SUBJECT TO UNUSUAL DRAFT CONDITIONS BULLETIN 136 PFLT 0L3 START Install Display Module determine Fault Code. & Install Display Module and read code . Refer to manual provided by Flame Safeguard Mfgr. for Solution. NO Install Parker PN161-UPDSK YES NO Check to see if Pilot Draft Shield was provided on boiler. YES Make sure Draft Shield is on flame rod & not on the igniter. Remove and install over the flame rod. NO YES Check outside air in the room to make sure the room is adequately sized. NO Combustion Air requires ½-sq. inch/1,000 BTU, if directly connected to outside wall or if air intakes are vertical. Use 1 square inch/1,000 BTU if ducted horizontally. See GBI Sheets for more detail. YES Confirm vent is installed to outside w/non-restrictive cap, per our instructions. Change cap to non-restrictive type. NO YES Insure no neg. pressure in room from outside air or from an exhaust fan. Remove or separate fan or other source of negative air. YES NO Flame still locking out. NO Problem corrected. YES Check Draft on cold. Draft should be .04 to .06” W.C. Correct Draft. NO Correct Draft. YES NO Check draft on warm boiler is between .04-.06” W.C. W:\Bulletin\136\PFLT.doc Page 518 Page 519 PARKER BOILER CO. WATTS AND KUNKLE HOT WATER PRESSURE SAFETY RELIEF VALVES WATTS HOT WATER COMBINATION TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE SAFETY RELIEF VALVES BULLETIN 220 7B The Watts and Kunkle Hot Water Pressure Safety Relief Valves offer a reliable design with very high BTU discharge capacity for protection against excessive pressure in hot water boilers and heaters. The Watts Hot Water Combination Temperature and Pressure Safety Relief Valves offer protection against both excessive pressure and temperature (above 210°F) for hot water supply tanks. SELECTION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. CAPACITY SELECTION: SELECT THE VALVE WITH THE PROPER pressure rating and capacity (MBH or LB/HR). See page two schedules for the required relieving capacity on Parker Boilers. A. "H" STAMPED WATER TUBE HEATING BOILERS: ASME Code Section IV requires Min. Relief Valve Cap (BTU/HR) = HTG SURF x 10 x 1000 or BTU output if greater. B. "S" STAMPED HIGH TEMPERATURE WATER BOILERS: ASME Code Section I requires Min Relief Valve Cap (LB/HR) = BTU OUTPUT / 1000. C. Combination T & P Safety Relief Valves for tanks are normally sized on the basis of the BTU/HR Input of the water heater supplying the tank. 2. The Safety Relief Valve shall be set at or below the Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) or Trim Pressure. For hot water heating boilers, the maximum boiler operating pressure must be at least 25% below (but not less than 10 PSI below) the safety relief valve set pressure to prevent leakage. A high temperature hot water boiler's operating pressure should be substantially lower than the safety relief valve set pressure to minimize the times the safety relief valve must lift. Temperature and Pressure (T & P) Safety Relief Valve set pressure must not be in excess of the stamped pressure on the water storage tank or any system components. The system operating pressure must be below the T & P safety relief valve set pressure minus the valve blowdown pressure. Safety relief valves are designed for emergency safety relief and shall not be used as an operating control. Pressure Safety Relief Valves Combination Temperature Pressure Relief Valve INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Install the boiler safety relief valve in a vertical upright position at the opening provided and recommended by the manufacturer. No shutoff valve or other connections or restrictions are permissible between the boiler (or tank) and the safety relief valve. The safety relief valve piping and opening from the boiler (or tank) cannot be less than the inlet size of the valve, but the valve inlet may be smaller providing the safety relief valve has the required relieving capacity. Combination T & P valves should be installed so that the temperature sensing element is immersed in the water within the top 6" of the tank. They may be installed on the top of the tank in a Tee fitting in the hot water service outlet line or in a separate tank tapping near the top of the tank. If two valves are required, one may be installed in each of those locations. 2. The safety relief valve is a precision made instrument and should be handled with care. Before installing be sure that: A) All upstream pipes and connections have been blown clean. B) Pipe compound is used on external threads only. C) Inlet port of valve is free of any foreign material. D) Use wrench on valve inlet hex only and avoid over tightening. Do not use a pipe wrench. 3. TO AVOID WATER DAMAGE OR SCALDING DUE TO VALVE OPERATION, A DISCHARGE PIPE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE VALVE OUTLET AND RUN FULL SIZE TO A SAFE PLACE OF DISPOSAL. IF A DISCHARGE PIPE IS NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COULD RESULT. The discharge line must be piped independent of all other piping, as short and straight as possible, without any intervening valve of any description and terminate freely to atmosphere. Never restrict or block a safety valve outlet. Install piping with sufficient flexibility to allow for free expansion and properly supported so there is no strain on the safety valve body. Pipe to a safe point of discharge to prevent any possibility of personal injury and within 6" from the floor or into an open receptacle protected by a splash shield. If discharge cannot be piped to a completely safe location in the boiler room, such discharge should be piped outside the room to a safe location. Have adequate provision for draining condensate at discharge outlet. If piped upwardly, a drain line should be provided at the low point to keep this line drained. Secure the piping so it cannot move to cause personal injury when safety valve discharges. If piping is considerable distance, install a union near the safety valve outlet for convenience of changing valve when required. For boilers up to 400°F use only pipe suitable for 425°F minimum for discharge line. Discharge pipe should terminate plain, not threaded. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 1. Safety relief valves should be regularly inspected and kept in good repair. On any indication of leaks, sticking or any deterioration the boiler (or tank) must be taken out of service until the safety relief valve is replaced. 2. It is recommended that the Safety Relief Valve be tested periodically per the valve manufacturers' instructions (minimum yearly). The code or service conditions may require more frequent testing (monthly). Test also at the beginning and end of any extended nonservice period. CAUTION: Prior to testing, make certain that all personnel are clear from area and that the outlet of valve is properly piped to a safe point of discharge (see Installation Instructions). A loud noise and hot water will discharge freely from discharge port. Test lever is designed to be activated only when 75% or more of the popping pressure is reached, otherwise, distortion could result. The valve should be tested at or near maximum operating pressure by holding the test lever fully open for approximately 5 seconds to flush the valve seat free of any debris or sediment then permit valve check to snap shut. If the valve leaks, raise and lower the handle slowly and be sure the valve properly re-seats. If valve continues to leak, shut down boiler and replace valve before placing boiler back in service. 3. It is recommended that a spare valve be kept on hand for immediate replacement. BUL220.DOC Page 520 SCHEDULE OF RELIEF VALVES FOR HOT WATER BOILERS & HEATERS WATTS MODELS M335, 740, M474A, 174A, 40L, 40XL, N240, 340 AND KUNKLE MODEL 927 I. DIRECT FIRED HOT WATER BOILERS BOILER SIZE T300 T395 T490 T600 T760 T970 T1140 T1460 T1730 T2160 T2600 T2970 T3600 T3900 T4600 T5700 T6800 MODEL WH300 WH395 WH490 WH600 WH730 WH970 WH1210 WH1410 WH1900 WH2270 WH2650 WH3000 VALVE SIZE 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 1" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 2" 2" NOTES: VALVE SIZE "H" BOILERS MIN. RELIEF VALVE CAPACITY MBH MBH = 1000 BTU/HR 405 670 670 770 1060 1200 1330 1930 2200 2850 3370 3640 4400 4930 5730 6780 8400 SIZE & MODEL OF HV VALVES AT PRESSURE SHOWN - HEATING BOILERS #174A 100 PSI 30 PSI #740 45 PSI 125 PSI 3/4" M335 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 3/4" 740 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 3/4" 740 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 3/4" 740 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 1" 740 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 1" 740 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 1-1/4" 740 1" 3/4" 3/4" M474A 1-1/4" 740 1-1/4" 1" 3/4" 174A 1-1/2" 740 1-1/4" 1" 1" 174A 1-1/2" 740 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1" 174A 2" 740 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 174A 2" 740 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 174A 2" 740 2" 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 174A 2" 740 2" 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 174A (2) 1-1/2" 740 (2) 1-1/2" (2) 1-1/4" (2) 1" 174A (2) 2" 740 (2) 1-1/2" (2) 1-1/4" (2) 1-1/4" 174A (2) 2" 740 (2) 2" (2) 1-1/4" (2) 1-1/4" 174A II. INDIRECT FIRED WATER HEATERS "S" BOILERS SIZE 927 V VALVE MIN RELIEF POWER BOILERS VALVE CAP LB/HR 125 PSI 200 PSI 240 1" 1" 392 1" 1" 392 1" 1" 480 1" 1" 608 1" 1" 776 1" 1" 912 1" 1" 1168 1" 1" 1384 1" 1" 1728 1" 1" 2080 1" 1" 2376 1-1/4" 1" 2880 1-1/4" 1" 3120 1-1/4" 1" 3680 (2) 1" (2) 1" 4560 (2) 1-1/4" (2) 1" 5440 (2) 1-1/4" (2) 1" WATER HEATER PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE STORAGE TANK T & P RELIEF VALVE "H" HEATERS MIN RELIEF 30 PSI 125 PSI REQUIRED CAPACITY 100 OR 125 PSI VALVE CAPACITY MBH SIZE & MODEL SIZE & MODEL MBH = 1000 BTU/HR. SIZE & MODEL 415 3/4" M335 3/4" M474A 300 1" 40XL-4 550 3/4" 740 3/4" M474A 395 1" 40XL-4 550 3/4" 740 3/4" M474A 490 1" 40XL-4 665 3/4" 740 3/4" M474A 600 1" 40XL-4 770 3/4" 740 3/4" M474A 730 1" 40XL-4 1035 1" 740 3/4" M474A 970 1" 40XL-4 1275 1" 740 3/4" M474A 1210 1" N240X-6 1600 1-1/4" 740 3/4" M474A 1410 1" N240X-6 2080 1-1/4" 740 1" 174A 1900 1" N240X-6 2510 1-1/2" 740 1" 174A 2270 (2) 1" N240X-6 or (1) 1-1/2" 340-3 2870 1-1/2" 740 1" 174A 2650 (2) 1" N240X-6 or (1) 1-1/2" 340-3 3310 2" 740 1-1/4" 174A 3000 (2) 1" N240X-6 or (1) 1-1/2" 340-3 III. PRESSURE VALVE SPECIFICATIONS VALVE HV VALVES - HEATING BOILERS 2500F MAX V VALVES - POWER BOILERS - STEEL OUTLET RELIEVING CAPACITY IN MBH = 1000 BTU/HR. REL. CAP. LB/HR WATTS KUNKLE SIZE VALVE MODEL 30 PSI 45 PSI 75 PSI 100 PSI 125 PSI 150 PSI VALVE MODEL 125 PSI 200 PSI 3/4" M335 510 1" 740 925 1245 1886 3/4" M474A 1700 3/4" 174A 1695 2070 2445 1-1/4" 740 1300 1749 2649 1" 174A 2635 3215 3795 1-1/2" 927 2182 3357 1-1/2" 740 2105 2830 4285 1-1/4" 174A 4399 5370 6340 2" 927 3581 5510 2" 740 2900 3903 5910 1-1/2" 174A 5290 6460 7630 2-1/2" 927 5596 2-1/2" 740 5250 7050 10700 2" 174A 9970 12170 14370 1. For 30 PSI to 75 PSI Pressure Settings, Use Watts Model 740 (or M335 30 PSI Only) 2500F Maximum. 2. For 100 PSI and Greater Pressure Settings, Use Watts Model 174A (or M474A 125 PSI Only) 2500F. For High Temperature Process Boilers, use Kunkle 927. IV. COMBINATION TEMPERATURE-PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE SPECIFICATIONS RELIEF CAPACITY MBH = MBTU/HR. VALVE OUTLET SIZE WATTS VALVE MODEL TEMP. RATING ASME PRESS. RATING AGA TEMP. STEAM RATING 3/4" 3/4" 40L-3 777 180 1" 1" 40XL-4 1000 1155 500 1" 1" N240X-6 2000 2195 730 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 340-3 3000 3450 1150 NOTE: All Combination Temperature-Pressure Safety Relief Valves are standardly set for 210°F. For sizing Combination T & P Valves, the Temperature Rating may be used where approved and understood to be conditional that there be no less than 30 PSI supply pressure available to the storage tank. If there is less then 30 PSI water supply pressure, size valves on basis of AGA Temperature Steam Ratings. BUL220.DOC Page 521 Page 522 Page 523 DGI 101-514 8B DELIVERIES & GENERAL INFORMATION DELIVERY: Exact date of delivery is not guaranteed, but will be approximated as nearly as reasonably possible, and based on the existing conditions. Parker shall not be liable for any loss, damage, detention or delay resulting from causes beyond its reasonable control. Receipt of the equipment by Purchaser on delivery shall constitute a waiver of all claims for delay. PRICES: All prices are subject to correction to Parker Boiler Co. current published prices. Orders delayed or held at Purchasers request will be subject to price in effect at time of shipment. Prices shown herein supersede all prior Quotations. TERMS OF SALE: C.O.D., Cash-In-Advance or Authorized "Open Account" credit. ♦ PARTS SALES: Net 30 days. ♦ BOILER SALES: 1% 10 Days Cash Discount or Net 30 Days. Cash Discount does not apply to C.O.D. shipments. Cash Discount does not apply when any account balance exceeds 30 days. NOTE: Accounts not paid within 31 days from Invoice date are subject to 1-1/2% per month late charge. MINIMUM CHARGES: A minimum charge of $25.00 List Price plus freight applies to all shipments. Customers are encouraged to order sufficient materials to avoid this charge, which is necessitated by the increased cost of processing small orders. FREIGHT & RECEIPT: All prices are F.O.B. Los Angeles Factory and delivery to the transporting carrier shall constitute delivery to the Purchaser. All goods are shipped by Buyers' risk and shall be inspected at time of delivery with notation made of any damage on the original freight bill to assure prompt settlement of claims. Holding or storage will be at Purchaser's expense and risk. RETURN GOODS: No material shall be returned without Authorization. Return material must be shipped Prepaid. Collect shipments will be refused. All Goods that are ordered in error and then returned, are subject to the applicable handling charge. Consult Factory for a Quotation on the return of Boilers and Manufactured Products. Brand new standard parts in their original cartons that have not been installed, are subject to a 25% (minimum $10) Restocking and Handling Charge unless returned due to a factory error. Materials which are obsolete or made to special order are not returnable. WARRANTY RETURN PROCEDURE: Materials that are considered to be defective and within the Warranty time are required to be returned to the Factory within ten (10) days after replacement and accompanied with a RGIT "Returned Goods Identification Tag" properly completed to facilitate prompt and correct handling. Be specific and explain the reason for return, explaining the problem rather than saying "Defective". The part must be returned prepaid, as collect shipments will be refused. Any materials replaced beyond 30 days of service must have absolute evidence of original defect. Replacement materials considered under Warranty are to be invoiced directly to who orders the replacement part. When the original materials are received at the Factory, after review, the applicable Warranty Credit will be issued. Outgoing Air Freight Charges are never considered for Warranty Credit. Materials not promptly returned within 30 days after replacement are not subject to warranty adjustment by the Manufacturer, as it is not possible to obtain any Warranty consideration from the original Manufacturer unless promptly returned. SPECIFICATIONS & TRIM: INSTRUCTION\DGI 101-514.DOC Parker maintains a policy of continuous improvement and therefore, reserves the right to change specifications or trim without notice. Page 524