Uploaded by Amy Lee Bell

Essay Rubric & Grading Guide

Essay Rubric
1 point
¾ point
½ point
¼ point
Topic is clear, and
essay stays on topic
Topic is clear, but
essay veers off-topic.
Topic is unclear, or
essay veers off-topic
Topic is not stated at
Essay is written in the
voice that would
appeal to those
reading it.
Essay is written mostly
in the voice that would
appeal to those
reading it.
Essay is written
partially in the voice
that would appeal to
those reading it.
Essay is not written in
the voice that would
appeal to those
reading it.
One thesis is present,
and it is clearly stated.
Thesis is hinted at, but
not clearly stated.
More than one thesis
is present.
Thesis is not stated.
Introduction includes
thesis and indicates
what the rest of the
essay contains.
Introduction includes
thesis, but does not
allude to the rest of the
Introduction gives an
overview of the essay,
but does not contain
the thesis.
Introduction contains
neither overview nor
thesis, or there is no
Main Points
Each paragraph
between introduction
and conclusion begins
with a main point that
proves the thesis.
Most paragraphs
between introduction
and conclusion begin
with a main point that
proves the thesis.
Few paragraphs
between introduction
and conclusion begin
with a main point that
proves the thesis.
No paragraphs
between introduction
and conclusion begin
with a main point that
proves the thesis.
Details support main
points in each
paragraph between
introduction and
Details support main
points in most
paragraphs between
introduction and
Few paragraphs
contain details, and/or
details do not support
main points very well.
No supporting details.
summarizes each main
point. It re-words
thesis and ends with
an interesting or
summarizes most main
points. It re-words
thesis and ends with
an interesting or
Conclusion sometimes
fails to: summarize
main points, re-word
thesis, or end with an
interesting or
Conclusion does not
summarize main
points, re-word thesis,
or end with an
interesting or thoughtprovoking sentence.
Virtually no errors in
spelling, grammar, and
Rare errors in spelling,
grammar, and/or
Frequent errors in
spelling, grammar, and
Author’s meaning is
unclear due to
frequency of spelling,
grammar, and/or
punctuation errors.
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Due Date
Essay is turned in by
midnight on the due
Final Edit
Spelling, grammar,
and punctuation is
corrected within one
week of receiving
teacher feedback.
Essay is not turned in
by midnight on the due
Most spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation is
corrected within one
week of feedback.
Some spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation is
corrected within one
week of feedback.
See notes about grading quizzes and homework on the next page.
Spelling, grammar,
and punctuation is not
corrected within one
week of receiving
Quiz Grading:​ You will be graded for the online grammar and punctuation quizzes. If you make
any mistakes in the quizzes, read the feedback for incorrect answers and take the quizzes again
until they are perfect. Every perfect quiz is worth 2 points. If you take a quiz but do not perfect it,
you will still receive a percentage of 2 points for completing that quiz.
To get a perfect score:
1. Watch the video.
2. Read the instructions within the quiz.
3. Review the feedback for your wrong answers.
4. Take the quiz until perfect.
If you are having difficulty mastering a particular concept after trying the above advice, email me
at ​amyleebell@hotmail.com​ or leave a comment in the “Leave Group Questions Here”
You must complete 5 quizzes during the first week, and 2 quizzes per week after that. The last
day for completing quizzes is August 8th at midnight.
The “potential topic” homework for class one is worth 2 points.
Scoring Breakdown:
Essay Rubric - 60 potential points - 10 points for each of 6 essays; first essay is practice.
Quizzes 38 potential points - 02 points for each of 19 quizzes.
Homework 1 - ​02​ potential points.
Final Grade - 100 potential points.
Grading Scale:
A: 90-100 points
B: 80-89 points
C: 70-79 points
D: 60-69 points
F: 0-59 points