International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 INDUSTRIAL DISASTER CONTROL SYSTEM USING HANGING ROBOT A. Devi priya1, A.R. Gayathri2, U. Keerthana3, M. Selvaraj4 1,2,3Student, Department of ECE, Valliammai Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India Professor, Department of ECE, Valliammai Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India ----------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------4Assistant Abstract - Industrial disasters are increased in number causing more damage to human as well as industries. This project is proposed to detect the abnormal changes in the industries that causes damage so that we can prevent it at the earliest stage. Here we design a hanging robot model system for monitoring the industries continuously. The hanging robot travels over the rope path controlled from the base station. The sensors like gas, temperature, LDR senses and sends the information continuously to the base station. In case, if any unexpected sensor values are received, the alert is sent to the authority persons and the buzzer is produced. When the buzzer sound is produced, the fire extinguisher placed in the ground unit is turned on. Thus preventing the industries from occurrence of causing more damage. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones require advanced planning and navigation algorithm s to enable them to safely move through and interact with the world around them. This paper presents an extended potential field controller enables an aerial robot, or drone, to safely track a dynamic target location while simultaneously avoiding any obstacles in its path [1]. High-voltage inspection robot can detect and identify various obstacles while it is walking long the highvoltage line and plan specific bypassing strategy for different types of obstacles. In this paper vision-based obstacle recognition algorithms are studied based on visual sensors specifically for the unique features of 500kv high-voltage wire [2]. Pipeline is an efficient way to transfer oil, water and gas but recently many plants pipeline became old so wired robots were considered to inspect but they require heavy power supply so adapting wireless robot is meant to be better solution. A robot that supports image transmission with outstanding mobility was developed. This robot can withstand many tough condition in pipeline and safety various requirements. In this experiment it is clear that robot can be driven as wireless communication then collects some images and other signals successively [3]. In industries, measuring the parameters of machines is still a tedious process which is carried out by human personnel. This paper mainly focuses on the remedial measures made to reduce human interaction with machines by using industrial monitoring robot [4]. The development of a mobile robot for autonomous installation and removal of aircraft warning spheres on overhead wires of electric power transmission lines [5]. A mobile robot based on novel line-walking mechanism is proposed for inspecting power transmission lines. The novel mechanism enables the centroid of the robot to concentrate on the hip joint to minimize the drive torque of the hip joint and keep the robot stable when only one leg is hung on line [6]. An approach based on visual tracking using particle filtering where the equations of motion of the object are included in the filtering algorithm. A robotic solution method for interaction of an industrial robot and a free swinging object [7]. Key Words: Arduino UNO, Actuator, Hanging robot, Sensors, Zig-bee. 1. INTRODUCTION Robots all have different kinds of structure designed to achieve the assigned task more effectively and efficiently. In our project we propose a hanging robot for monitoring the industries continuously without human interruption. The hanging robots can move from one place to another place through the rope path with the help of motor rotation with respect to forward and reverse direction. These hanging robots are controlled by passing commands through Zig-bee pair. The sensors like gas, temperature, LDR are used to measure the gas level, temperature level and the light intensity level of the environment respectively. If the gas value and temperature value increases than the normal value, then alert signal is automatically sent to buzzer and the authority persons. The light dependent level is measured using LDR sensor in case of fire. With the help of microcontroller, the gas, temperature and fire sensor values will be continuously observed. If the fire (light) is detected, the RF transmitter connected to the microcontroller sends the signal to the RF receiver in the ground unit. When the RF receiver receives the signal, it automatically presses the actuator to emit the spray which acts as the fire extinguisher. This prevents the industries from the damage that may arise due to abnormal changes in the environment. Thus the hanging robots are designed mainly to prevent the industries from severe damage. The reasons for the disaster are found earlier using the hanging robots and thus prevents the industrial damages. © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 Limb mechanism robot are used to detect Grid-Like structure and Hooking area join compliance by using foot forcing sensor [8]. A robot which is equipped with Hybrid camera approach real time estimation of the pose of particular target object visual servoing in industry [9]. | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2131 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM UART Base station In this project, we propose hanging robot for industrial monitoring. The hanging robots can travel from one site to other site. The hanging robot is controlled by passing command through Zig-bee pair. With the help of microcontroller, the gas, temperature and fire sensor values will be observed and the information is continuously updated to the base station. If the sensor value for gas (CO2) and temperature increases, then the alert signal is automatically sent to the buzzer and authority persons. The light dependent level is measured using LDR sensor in case of fire. If the fire (light) is detected, the RF transmitter automatically sends the signal to the RF receiver in the ground unit. The receiver unit on receiving the signal presses the actuator to emit spray which acts as fire extinguisher. Thus the changes in the sensor values alerts the authority persons to take necessary action and incase of fire detection, the fire extinguisher is turned on. Thus the industrial damage may be minimized to a larger extent with this hanging robot. Fig -2: Receiver unit RF RX Doesn’t harm human lives. Suitable for precarious sites. Can automatically send the sensor information to more number of places using Zig-bee mesh network. Earliest detection of fire, emits spray (fire extinguisher) causing less damage. 3.3 Hardware Requirements 3.2 Block Diagram Arduino Uno DC Motor Relay Buzzer Power supply Gas sensor Temperature sensor Fire sensor UART ZigBee Actuator RF TX and RX 3.4 Software Requirements Power supply Gas sensor (MQ4) Spray Actuator Fig -3: Ground unit 3.1 Advantages Zigbee module Robot model Relay DC Motor Arduino IDE Embedded C Proteus 4. COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM Temperature sensor (LM34) Relay ARDUINO DC Motor 4.1 Arduino Uno An Arduino is actually a microcontroller based kit which is used in communications and in controlling or operating many devices. It features the ATmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. The power for Arduino board is obtained by connecting it to a computer through USB or through a battery. Buzzer Fire sensor (LDR) UART Zig-bee RFTX 4.2 Relay Relays are switches which consists of an electromagnet and also a set of contacts. The electromagnet is used to perform Fig -1: Transmitter unit © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2132 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 switching mechanism in relays. There are also other operating principles for its working. But they differ according to their applications. Most of the devices have the application of relays. 4.8 Gas sensor Gas sensor is a chemical optical sensor utilizing the acidic nature of CO2 for detection. It consists of a gas-permeable membrane in which a pH-sensitive luminescence dye is immobilized together with a buffer and an inert reference luminescent dye. The internal pH of the buffer is changed when CO2 gas penetrates the layer. With this changes the luminescence of the pH-sensitive dye. Together with the inert reference dye internal referencing is made for detection of the luminescence lifetime of the sensor. 4.3 DC Motor DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from existing current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor’s speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply or by changing the strength of current in its field windings. 4.9 Temperature sensor 4.4 Buzzer Temperature sensor is used to convert temperature value to an electrical value. Temperature sensor contains sensing element and with the help of conditioning circuits, the sensor will reflect the change of environmental temperature. In LM34 series output voltage is linearly proportional to the Fahrenheit temperature. Thus they are more advantageous. A buzzer or beeper is a signaling device, the word “buzzer” comes from the rasping noise that buzzers made when they were electromechanical devices, operated from steppeddown AC line voltage at 50 or 60 cycles. A Piezo electric buzzer can be driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal source. 4.10 Fire sensor 4.5 UART A fire sensor is used to detect the fire or light. The fire sensor responds instantaneously to the fire detection. On detecting fire, the alert is sent. A flame detector can often respond faster and more accurately than a smoke or heat detector due to the mechanism it uses to detect the flame. The Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is used for serial communication. UART is also a common integrated feature in most microcontrollers. The data is transmitted as bits in sequence and at receiver end the bits are reassembled into original data. This method is cost effective than parallel transmission of data. Communication can be “full duplex” (both send and receive at the same time) or “half duplex” (devices take turns transmitting and receiving). 4.6 Zig-Bee ZigBee is a mesh network specification for low power wireless local area networks(WLANs) that cover a large area. High data throughput is obtained with the help of ZigBee. ZigBee has low power consumption. It is powered by battery. ZigBee operates on the IEEE 802.15.4 physical radio specification and in unlicensed radio frequency bands, including 2.4GHz, 900MHz and 868MHz. Fig -4: Circuit diagram 4.7 RF TX and RX RF transmitter and receiver are used to transmit and receive signals over 433MHz frequency. When logic zero is sent, no power is drawn by transmitter and carrier is fully suppressed. When logic one is sent carrier is fully on to about 4.5mA with a 3volts power supply. The information is communicated between transmitter and receiver. Transmitter and the receiver are duly interfaced to two microcontrollers for data transfer. It covers the range of 2-3 meters. Fig: simulation output of hanging robot © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2133 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Table -1: Observed values Transmission Lines”, IEEE Transactions on power delivery, VOL. 18, NO. 4, October 2003. Result values observed S.No Measuring Parameters Normal Range Abnormal Range 1. Temperature sensor Room temperatur e Above C 2. Gas sensor 1-150 ppm Above 150ppm 3. Fire sensor 0-3 MΩ 6) Ludan Wang, Fei Liu, Zhen Wang, Shaoqiang Xu, Sheng Cheng, and Jianwei Zhang, Development of a Practical Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot Based on a Novel Line Walking Mechanism, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems October 18-22, 2010. 7) Askew a. Transeth applied cybernetics sintef ict, “loading of hanging trolleys on overhead conveyor with industrial robots”, IEEE transactions on systems ©2015 IEEE. Above 3 MΩ 5. CONCLUSION 8) Kenji Inoue, Taisuke Tsurutani, Tomohito Takubo, Tatsuo Arai, “Omni-directional gait of limb mechanism robot hanging from grid-like structure”, international conference on intelligent robots and systems, October 2006. In industries to reduce manual overhead we have implemented a system using ZIGBEE in industry to monitor as well as to inform the responsible person to take appropriate measures. The hanging robot is a real-time monitoring system developed with simple hardware which simplifies the possibility of error free security system. Thus industrial monitoring robot used to monitor the abnormal conditions and parameters of the industry. A new RF for transfer of parameters from robot to base station. The actuator presses the fire extinguisher in case of fire detection in industries. Thus prevents the industries from severe damage. 9) v. lippiello, b. siciliano, and l. villani, “position-based visual servoing in industrial multirobot cells using a hybrid camera configuration,” ieee transactions on robotics, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 73–86, 2007. 10) Geetesh Chaudhari, Sudarshan Jadhav, Sandeep Batule, Sandeep Helkar, “Industrial Automation Using sensing based application for Internet of Things”, IARJSET,Vol.3, Issue 3, March 2 6. 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