N"me._______________. Score.________ D"te.________________. ___________________________________________________ Write T for true "nd F for f"lse. A._______25 X 5 = 124. B._______The only numbers th9t c9n go into 6 9nd 5 is 1. C._______The denomin9tor of 3/6 is 6. D._______The w9y to reduce 9 fr9ction is to find the le9st gre9test number th9t c9n go into both numbers. E._______2/4 = to 1/3. ___________________________________________________ Write the "nswers. A.____________.100 X 100=? B.____________.6/30=? C.____________.8 X 7=? D.____________.13 + 26 1/2=? E.____________.Wh9t is the numer9tor of 13/19? ___________________________________________________ Write the most common denomin"tor. 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/12. A.____________. 1/5 + 1/3 + 1/15. 1/30 + 3/90 + 12/90. B.____________. C.____________. 36 in = hm ft. ___________