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History Homework: Colonialism, Tolerance, Revolution

HOMEWORK QUESTIONS Modules 1 through 6
Be sure to answer all questions thoroughly—about a paragraph per “bullet”. You are
encouraged to do some research beyond these readings, to give informed answers; the object
is to show that you have read and thought about the implications of these documents. The
Academic Integrity Policy is in effect—be sure to give original answers.
Upload your completed assignment at the link provided in Module 6.
Questions for A Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies (Module 1)
Who was Bartolome de las Casas? Write a brief biography of him.
Bartolome de Las Casas was a historian and strong advocate of human rights. He was
born in Seville, Spain. He studied in Seville and at the University of Salamanca, and in 1502
he went to America. He developed a large mining and agricultural operation in Hispaniola.
He also was involved in the conquest of Cuba, for which he was awarded a large land grant.
In 1512, he became a priest, and he decided to return his slaves and devote his life to the
justice of the Indians.
How does De las Casas describe the natives of the Indies?
Las Casas characterized indigenous people as human beings in a setting where they
were seen as objects of material wealth. He was passionately against slavery because he
saw its targets as human beings. Unlike many of the people in his time, who supported the
institution of slavery, he did not see the Indies as objects of material wealth. Instead he
saw victims of slavery as human beings.
Who does De las Casas hold responsible for the “devastation” of the Indies? What
Methods did they use?
Bartolome de Las Casas thought the Spaniards were responsible for the devastation of the
Indies. He thought they were responsible. He described them as behaving like ravening wild
beasts in their need for the acquisition of gold. The Spaniards used methods such as killing,
torturing, and destroying the native people and their land.
What impact did this document have, either at that time, or later?
The Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies persuaded the Spanish king to take action
against destructive behavior or the conquistadores. After the king passed the New Laws, it ended
the practice of ecomiendia. It was also intended as a monument to Las Casas's efforts on behalf
of the Indians.
Questions for The Maryland Act of Toleration (Module 2)
How “tolerant” does this document sound? Do any of its provisions sound unusual (or
“intolerant”) to you?
The Maryland Act of Toleration did not sound tolerant at all. The Act of Toleration sounded
intolerant. Most of the provisions sound intolerant. The words death, removal or forfeiture of all
lands and goods don’t express sounds of tolerance. This Act was intended to protect and provide
freedom to those who believe those rights, but the Act had very serious consequences to the
resistance of very specific ideas such as someone not being allowed to swear God.
What religious groups are protected by this Act? Which groups are not protected?
The Maryland Act of Toleration protects certain religions like Catholicism and people who
believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was the Son of God. There are some groups that are not
protected, like Puritans and Protestants. The Act didn’t protect groups of people who denied
the Trinity or say that Jesus is not God’s son.
Given your answers to the questions above, why was this Act seen as important by later
In the times that the Act was created, it offered religious freedom. It is a major point in
America’s history of creating the freedom of religion. It is acknowledged today by later
generations as something that helped create the ideals of our country.
Questions for An Account of the Pennsylvania Line Mutiny (Module 6)
According to the account, the men of the Pennsylvania Line felt they had been
“wronged”. By whom had they been wronged? In what ways?
The men of the Pennsylvania Line felt the government was wronging them. They felt this
way because of the lack of pay they were receiving. They were also poorly clothed and fed.
The government was also keeping them at work despite their expired enlistments.
Who was Anthony Wayne? Write a brief biography of him. How did he react to the
Anthony Wayne was an instrumental American military leader during and after the
American Revolution. He was appointed as colonel in the Continental Army in January 1776. His
nickname was Mad Anthony due to his brilliant exploit of the war was the successful storming
of the British fort Stony point, New York. Wayne effectively ended Indian resistance and
negotiated the treaty of Greenville. Wayne and George Washington agreed that there was
corruption and lack of concern of the state governments and the continental congress in not
fixing the poor conditions the men had.
What was the ultimate outcome of the mutiny? (Research this.)
None of the mutineers received punishment. At the end of January Wayne reported to
Washington the discharge of 1,220 soldiers, leaving the Pennsylvania Line with 1,180 sergeants
and privates. Recruiting efforts began soon and many men re-enlisted for compensation of nine
Pennsylvania shillings.
What is mutiny? Why is it considered particularly dangerous in wartime?
Mutiny is the rebellion or uprising against authorities. In this case, the soldiers rebelled
against their commanders because the government wasn’t treating them well. This is
particularly dangerous in wartime because it can cause a military to be ineffective. This is
because it is still trying to sort out its internal affairs first before it can attempt to fight any
one. If the soldiers rebel against the commanders, then they wont take orders from them
and the battlefield would turn into chaos.
What does this reading tell you about some of the challenges facing the leaders of the
American Revolution?
The reading describes the difficult situation that the leaders of the revolution were in.
The soldiers refused to listen to them because of their terrible conditions and there was
nothing that the leaders could do except tell the people who had the power to change the
soldiers situations. The leaders were short on men and it was difficult to plan battle
Questions for The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (Module 6)
What does “Separation of Church and State” mean? Who originated this idea?
Separation of church and state means that the church is not in anyway connected to the
government of the state. The church therefore does not have any influence over the leaders in
the government. The actions of the church and of the states government have no connection
whatsoever and decisions are made without the input of the other. Thomas Jefferson proposed
the separation of church and state.
What is the difference between religious “toleration” and religious freedom?
Religious tolerance is something that governments h=brought forth to its citizens. It
functions as a law that states that different religions will be “tolerated” or acknowledged and
allowed. Religious freedom is the idea that the choice of religion is an unalienable right that
every person if born with and no government can govern”. It tried to argue that government
cannot tell someone that it is okay that there is multiple religions because it is okay despite the
governments view.
What does this document mean for us today?
This document is a sort of precursor to the first amendment. That means the First
Amendment today guards against establishment of laws passed by state and local government
as well those passed by the national government that try to “tolerate” multiple religions. It
protects the unalienable right that people are born with to choose a religion freely.