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Engineering Test: Intro to Engineering Principles

Name________________________________________ Date _____________________ Period _________
Introduction to What is Engineering?
Principles of Applied Engineering
What is Engineering Test
Match the word or phrase on the left with its definition on the right. 20 points
Limitation or restrictions of a design
An early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a
concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or
learned from. It is a term used in a variety of contexts,
including semantics, design, electronics, and software
A new way of doing something, an improvement on an
existing form
Usually a representation that does not have full functionality
and is often constructed at a smaller scale than the intended
The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
especially in industry.
Something an engineer gives up in order to meet
specifications while staying within the constraints
The use of science, technology and mathematics to create
products and systems that improve the world
The design requirements of an engineered solution.
A highly trained professional who uses both knowledge
and skills to solve problems
The process of creating the most optimal solution within
the specifications and constraints
1|Page Dr. Shantuan Coleman Taylor, Uplift Summit HS Engineerin
Match the invention or innovation on the left with the time era in which it was produced on the right.
30 points
The grinding stone
Stone Age
Industrial Revolution
Twenty First Century
Twenty First Century
Satellite technology
Iron Age
First roads
Middle Ages to Late Bronze/BCE
Nineteenth Century
Sailing ships
Twentieth Century
The steam engine
Twentieth Century
Renewable forms of Energy
Nineteenth Century
Source of Power for early machines created
Industrial Revolution
Magnetic Induction/Battery
Industrial Revolution
Highway systems
Twenty First Century
Production Facilities
Twentieth century
First flight
Middle Ages to Late Bronze/BCE
2|Page Dr. Shantuan Coleman Taylor, Uplift Summit HS Engineerin
Define the types of engineering 20points
Mechanical Engineering_______________________________________________________________________
Materials Engineering______________________________________________________________________
Manufacturing Engineering________________________________________________________________
Electrical Engineering______________________________________________________________________
Computer Engineering_____________________________________________________________________
Civil Engineering___________________________________________________________________________
Aerospace Engineering____________________________________________________________________
Chemical Engineering_____________________________________________________________________
Environmental Engineering________________________________________________________________
Fill in the blanks 30 points
Engineers use ____________, ________________ and _________________ to solve problems.
List two early civilizations that used engineering principles to build structures and roads.
_____________________________ and ______________________________________
True or False All engineering was used in the same matter and developed in the same way.
Name 5 simple machines ____________. _________________, _________________, _______________,
________________, ______________________.
A Power generation plant is used by what type of engineer__________________________
Machine tool is used by what type of engineer_________________________________________
Pharmaceutical Processing facility_______________________________________________________
Recycling system__________________________________________________________________________
Space Vehicle______________________________________________________________________________
Smart device______________________________________________________________________________
Water irrigation__________________________________________________________________________
Bionic limbs______________________________________________________________________________
3|Page Dr. Shantuan Coleman Taylor, Uplift Summit HS Engineerin
Sanitary sewers/wastewater____________________________________________________________
Bonus 15 points
Mathematical Knowledge requires that engineers evaluate and conduct the ____________ of
Engineers use design technology via computer aided design software, drawing tools and simulation
software to determine _____________________ _____________________________.
The application of science for problem solving is also considered as _____________________
4|Page Dr. Shantuan Coleman Taylor, Uplift Summit HS Engineerin