Career Success Skills Course Information

Mrs. M. Hutchinson
Virtual Vermilion Online
Welcome to your online Career Success Skills course!
My name is Mrs. Hutchinson. I will be grading your assignments, offering
suggestions and helping to encourage you along the way. My goal is for everyone
to successfully pass this course.
Here are some tips to help you successfully pass this class:
 Use your calendar and turn your work in on time. Work ahead if you can.
*Do not copy and paste information from the lesson or the Internet. Read each
question carefully and answer each part of the question in your own words. As
stated in the contract that you and your parents signed, plagiarism will not be
tolerated. All instances of plagiarism with be reported and recorded.
 Take notes as you work through each assignment. A score of 75% or higher
is what I would like for you to set as your target.
 Follow the directions carefully to earn full credit. If you are asked to upload
a document please review the instructions and format your document
appropriately. If you fail to include the uploaded file you will earn a score
of 0/100. If you upload a document, email me or ask your facilitator to email
me at maxia6@netscape.net, letting me know your work has been uploaded
and is ready for grading.
 Check for feedback regularly for guidance; see comments I post.
 Please answer questions using your own words; do not cut and paste; do not
leave blank, use a period (.) or type inappropriate contents (Examples, LOL,
1234; etc). Your work will be graded initially by the computer system; but
your correct score will be recorded by me. Many students earn lower
scores because they are not answering assignments, practices or
uploading documents accurately.
If you see my initials (mfh) in the comments section you will know that your work
was corrected and graded by me. If you have any questions, please contact me by
email or contact your facilitator and he/she will forward the information to me. All
messages that I send to you will be sent to the facilitator as well.
I look forward to working with you and helping you throughout this course. Good
luck in all of your courses this quarter.