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FSS Internship Report: MIS, Data Warehouse

Financial Software Solutions Joint Stock Company - FSS
Address: 7th floor, Toyota building,
315 Truong Chinh Street, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung
Student’s full name: Do Thi Tu Uyen
Student’s ID: 16071317
Major: Management Information System
Class: MIS2016A
Hanoi, November 18, 2019
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In order for this internship to achieve good results, I have received the support
and assistance of many agencies, organizations and individuals. With deep, sincere
affection, allow me to express my deep gratitude to all the individuals and agencies
who have facilitated the process of studying and researching the topic.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Assoc.Prof.Dr.NGUYEN THANH
TUNG for dedicatedly guiding me through each session in the school as well as talks
and discussions about my field of practice. Without the guidance and teachings of the
teacher, I think this report is very difficult for me to complete. Once again, I would
like to sincerely thank the teacher.
Another person is Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy from FSS company who had
responsibility guide me from beginning of this course and help me understand more
about company and my job.
The report was made over a period of nearly 6 weeks. First step into practice,
learn about the field of Data in the bank, my knowledge is limited. Therefore, it is
inevitable that the shortcomings, I hope to receive valuable comments and suggestions
from the Teachers to improve my knowledge in this field.
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1. Abbreviations
Ordinal Number Abbreviation
Full words
Financial Software Solutions Joint Stock
Executive Board Members
Quality Assurance
International Organization for Standardization
Capability Maturity Model Integration
research & development
the GUI /
graphical user interface / Mapping analysis
Data warehouse
Information Funds transfer pricing
Staging Area
average revenue per customer - PV
information technology.
information and communications technology.
2. Figures of Tables and Drawings
Figure 1: Organizational chart of company .....................................................................5
Figure 2: Trade union organizational structure of FSS ...................................................8
Figure 3: Report of business results in 2018 compared to 2017 of FSS- Financial
Solution Joint Stock Company ......................................................................................18
Figure 4: The balance sheet of 2018 compared with 2017 of the Joint Stock Company
Figure 5 DWH model: ...................................................................................................25
Figure 6: Atomic layer ...................................................................................................27
Figure 7: DataMart ........................................................................................................29
Figure 8: DWH Architecture .........................................................................................38
Figure 9: STG layer .......................................................................................................38
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Part I: Main content ................................................................................................................. 4
1. Overview report on graduation internship unit. .............................................................. 4
2. Report on the results of knowledge about specialized production, business and working
environment activities of the graduation internship unit. ..................................................... 10
2.1. Products and services of the business ................................................................... 10
2.2. Market and market share of businesses ................................................................. 12
2.3. Business environment ............................................................................................ 14
2.4. Business financial situation.................................................................................... 18
2.5. Conclusion on the advantages and disadvantages of the business ....................... 20
3. The job content is assigned during the internship, the implementation method and the
schedule for performing the internship. ................................................................................ 21
3.1. The job content is assigned during the internship ................................................. 21
3.2. The implementation method ................................................................................... 21
3.3. Business evaluation process ................................................................................... 23
3.4. The schedule for performing the internship. .......................................................... 24
4. Results achieved through internships. ........................................................................... 25
4.1. About job skills ....................................................................................................... 25
4.2. About soft skills ...................................................................................................... 40
Part 2: Schedule and comments of graduation .................................................................... 41
Schedule of the graduate internship...................................................................................... 42
Graduate Internship Evaluation ............................................................................................ 43
Graduate Internship Evaluation ............................................................................................ 44
Part 3: Annexes ....................................................................................................................... 45
References ............................................................................................................................ 45
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Part I: Main content
1. Overview report on graduation internship unit.
1.1. Introduction of the company
1.1.1. Introduction
Company name: Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (FSS)
Abbreviated name: FSS
Head office in Hanoi
Address: Floor 7 , No 315 Truong Chinh, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
Phone: (+84.24) 39 410 191
Fax: (+84.24) 39 410 190
Branch in TP. Ho Chi Minh
Address: Floor 4, No 173A Nguyen Van Troi, Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh city
Phone: (+84.28) 73 088 998
Fax: (+84.28) 39 973 393
Email: contact@fssc.com.vn
Website: https://fss.com.vn
1.1.2. History of company
Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (FSS) was established on
March 18, 2008 by experts with years of experience in developing and deploying
information technology solutions for operating units, in finance, banking and securities
in Vietnam and the region.
After more than 11 years of operation, with a team of more than 160 experts
working in the software field, FSS has become one of the leading financial and
banking software companies in Vietnam and is trusted by many customers.
FSS products are built based on international software product standards. The
products of the gold trading floor, commodity trading floor and core securities
software of FSS are considered as the best products on the Vietnamese market, the
main software:
• FLEX core software products;
• Sigma gold trading platform software;
• Internal cost products and cost allocation (FTP & Cost Allocation);
• Deploying Data warehouse system for banks.
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FSS has a main market in Vietnam with typical partners such as Vietnam Direct
Securities Company - VNDS, Securities Joint Stock Company Maritime Commercial
Joint Stock Bank - MSBS, Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Maritime Bank,
Banking Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Techcombank, Military
Commercial Joint Stock Bank – MBBank.
With the motto of "customer service quality is the most important goal", FSS
always tries its best to bring quality services, long-term value and contribute to the
success of customer.
1.2. The organizational structure of the FSS- Financial solution joint stock
1.2.1. Organizational chart of the company
Figure 1: Organizational chart of company
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1.2.2. Functions and tasks of the departments:
 Support department
- Board of Directors: is the governing body of the Company, has full power on behalf
of the company to decide issues related to the purpose and rights of the Company,
except for matters under the authority of the General Meeting of Shareholders. The
Board of Directors regularly monitors the Company's business operations, internal
control activities and risk management activities.
- Board of Directors consists of 1 Director and 3 Deputy Directors
The Board of Directors is in charge of overall operations of the Company, and is
responsible to the Board of Directors and the Law for the Company's operations.
- Administration - Human Resources Department: Organization and personnel, labor
and wages, drafting rules and regulations on management of dispatch decisions, labor
directives, recruitment, training and labor protection Dynamic, resolve the policy
- Accounting department:
+ Manage cash, deposit, plan revenue and expenditure to balance the company's
financial resources;
+ Advise the General Director on financial accounting work;
+ Participate in the management of production and business activities, take
responsibility before the company for financial accounting activities.
- Network management department: provides measures to prevent and protect the
network of the entire network system in the company from virus risk. Not only viruses
like worms, spam but also attackers. Attackers are people outside the system with the
malicious intent of hacking, stealing information, and sabotaging the system. In
network environment, employees who do that must have network problem solving
- QA: QA (Quality Assurance) is responsible for ensuring product quality through the
introduction of workflow among stakeholders. The main tasks of QA are:
+ Proposing and devising product development process to suit the specific
requirements of each project. These processes can be developed based on V - model or
Agile (mostly Scrum or Lean Development) or through the application of existing
management processes such as ISO or CMMI. Provide documents, forms, and
guidelines to ensure product quality for all parts of the product development team.
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+ Check, audit the implementation of the process of the parts of the product team with
the QA process set out.
+ Remind product development teams of compliance with the given workflow.
+ Adjust and change processes to suit each product that the teams are making.
- Business Department:
+ Finding and developing new customers belonging to the target group of the
+ Looking for customers to make investments, contribute venture capital, associate
under the Company's development plan and strategy.
+ Finding, maintaining and developing relationships with customers. Customer care
according to the Company's policy.
+ Collect and manage customer information and customer records as prescribed. Clues
about the income, customer information management to serve the customer rating,
evaluation and reevaluation of customer records.
 Production Department
- Centers: Securities Center, Banking Center, Government Center, Business Center,
R&D Center are parts of the company's software manufacturing fields. There are
different software products and software services depending on the financial sector.
This manufacturing unit is the main unit that produces software products that bring
revenue to the company.
+ Supplying and implementing the core system of securities transactions.
+ Deploying Data warehouse & Business Intelligence system for banks.
+ Providing on-demand consultancy, software development and deployment services
for big clients such as General Department of Taxation, Vietnam Securities Depository
 Union department
Trade union organizational structure
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Figure 2: Trade union organizational structure of FSS
The union has the main functions
+ Organizing the activities of visiting and encouraging employees in the Trade Union
in accordance with the Company's welfare regime.
+ Propagating, reminding as well as capturing the thoughts and aspirations of the staff
in the college community in implementing policies, rules, regulations of FSS.
Business and production characteristics of FSS - financial software solution joint
stock company.
1.3.1. Scope of activities
FSS operates in the field of providing and deploying software products and
services to banks, securities companies and financial institutions. Currently, FSS
provides and deploys software products and services for three main areas:
• Supplying and implementing the core system of securities transactions.
• Deploying Data warehouse & Business Intelligence system for banks.
• Providing on-demand consultancy, software development and deployment services
for big clients such as General Department of Taxation, Vietnam Securities Depository
1.3.2. Core values
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 Experience and team
FSS's staff consists of leading experts in the field of financial and banking
software in Vietnam. By continuously working and accumulating experience in this
field for 15-20 years, FSS is able to understand the professional requirements of
customers, thereby offering the most appropriate technology solutions, ensuring ensure
successful project implementation process.
FSS products are researched, invested and built based on international
standards of software products, at the same time combining international standard
professional knowledge with professional practices in Vietnam. The products of
software of gold trading floor, commodity trading floor, core trading floor of FSS are
all considered to be the best products on the Vietnamese market.
 Long-term commitment
FSS has a high and long-term commitment to customers and markets. Projects
implemented by FSS have a success rate of 100%. In addition, FSS continually invests
in product and team development with the aim of providing the best products and
services not only now but also in the future. One of FSS's strategic goals is to
accompany customers throughout their development.
Appropriate process
FSS does not apply a common software development and implementation
process for all projects. At FSS, each project type is researched, developed and applied
an appropriate process, including from project organization, project implementation
steps to detailed form templates for that type of project.
Current situation of business operations of FSS- Financial Joint Stock Company
in recent years.
To be able to survive and stand firm in a market economy with fierce
competition today, FSS - Financial Software Joint Stock Company has set out
appropriate business plans, directions, strategies. to make its financial software more
and more affirmative to competitors in Hanoi area in particular and across the country
in general. With the mission of distributing high quality services to customers and
developing the market, since its establishment until now, the Company has
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continuously tried to grow in both width and depth, specifically the Company
Achieved quite high efficiency through a number of indicators:
Table 2.1. The table keeps track of some indicators of Financial Software
Solution Joint Stock Company over 3 years from 2016-2018
Unit: Million VND
Profit after tax
Overall, the company's revenue increased sharply. The revenue in 2017
increased relatively high compared to 2016 of 30,726 VND because the company had
quality products, product services and left customer trust, so the company has a certain
position in the financial software field. Therefore, the revenue in 2018 continued to
increase by 21,280 VND compared to 2017, it can be seen that the company's revenue
increased every year in the years 2016-2018.This shows that the company maintains
quality, does not stop innovating, creating and grasping the needs and trends of the
market for financial software products in general and customers' needs in particular.
The company also has signed many contracts from banks, large securities
companies such as VN Direct Securities Company - VNDS, Maritime Bank - MSBS,
Maritime Bank, Techcombank, MBBank ...
Report on the results of knowledge about specialized production, business
and working environment activities of the graduation internship unit.
2.1. Products and services of the business
Products and services of FSS company:
 Software products of Securities Market
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• Flex Stock Trading System
• High Frequency Trading System VSD online connection system
• FUND TRACK open fund trading system Traffic Gateway
• FUND ADMIN fund management system
• FPS derivatives trading system
• FUND TA open fund management system PENSION FUND pension fund
management system Product integration and integration services
 Products of Bank and Government centure
• DATAWAREHOUSE & BI consulting & implementation services
• Internal cost system & IFTP cost allocation
• Software development services on demand
• Bank credit scoring system
• Managing liabilities with banks
 Products of Business centure
• Sigma gold trading platform software
• Income Commodity Exchange Software
• DATAWAREHOUSE & BI consulting & implementation services
2.1.1. The role of the product:
The Importance of the product:
FSS Software's financial software services has been involved in software
research and development since 2007, and is one of the few Vietnamese software
enterprises to research and develop software products themselves. valuable to
customers Parallel to the provision of diverse software services at home and abroad.
Currently, the products of FSS are recognized as the leading software products
in Vietnam, the products researched and developed by FSS have brought a lot of
efficiency and value to customers in all industries. Favorable conditions for
transactions in the bank, a number of development products for securities bring
convenience in trading on the stock exchange, facilitating the operations made easily
thanks to the software product support. Helping financial agencies easily manage data,
the volume of documents and documents stored in big data. Products in the financial
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sector of the FSS Company have received a lot of recognition and awards from the
community and society.
2.1.2. Potential of product:
FSS products are researched and built based on international standards of
software products, while combining international standard business knowledge with
professional practices in Vietnam. The products of software of gold trading floor,
commodity trading floor, core of securities trading of FSS are evaluated as having
equal potential in Vietnam market.
2.1.3. Quality of the product:
The competition between financial software service providers is expected to be
more active in the coming time, forcing businesses to constantly professionalize,
improve their management skills and skills. In addition, the need to improve quality,
creativity and abundance in software projects tends to increase markedly, because of
stable profits and long-term value. Product quality of the Company provides a "voice"
in the market, good service, always being selected and never disappointed by its
professionalism. However, FSS - Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company
has only been operating for 11 years, so the experience as well as the quality of service
provided to customers still need to learn a lot from potential competitors.
2.2. Market and market share of businesses
2.2.1. Market size
The inevitable trend of the software market for Vietnamese enterprises. As
predicted by experts, along with the strong wave of technology, enterprise software
will certainly become a trend and also an option of Vietnamese businesses. has been
developed for about 10 years, but Software as a Service - service software has been
favored by businesses of all sizes in the world. A recent survey from Better Cloud, by
2020, 73% of the world's businesses will switch to full service software. According to
experts' predictions, along with the strong wave of technology, service software is
certainly becoming the trend and also the choice of Vietnamese enterprises.
For the FSS - financial software solution joint stock company established in
2008 with a small scale, the number of members 9, the charter capital of only 2.2 VND
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billion but now the company has grown strongly with the members over 200 people
and the company's capital is growing, currently holding 100 billion. Developed in 2
headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
From the above information, showing that the software service technology
market is very large. Therefore, participating in the field of financial software is
extremely potential for businesses.
2.2.2. Market share of the enterprise
• The firm's current market share is the actual market share controlled by its products;
• Predictive market share is the market share that enterprise's products are expected to
control in the future.
FSS - Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company is one of the
companies operating in the field of information technology. However, looking at the
"talking numbers" of the Company and the company's achievements, it is entirely
possible that the Company will occupy a lot of market share.
It can be considered that at present, FSS is a company occupying relatively
market share in the industry. Compared to the CMC technology group, the group
ranked second in the market with a net profit of VND 34,545 million in 2018, of which
FSS - Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company achieved an after-tax profit of
27,056 VND million. copper. As such, FSS accounts for 78% of CMC group, so the
financial software company can be completely proud of what it has achieved.
2.2.3. Competitive strategy
FSS - Financial Joint Stock Company has specific competition strategies for
each stage of development, currently the specific competition policy is as follows:
Enhancing the management and training of the leadership team.
First of all the professional management team, the business department needs
to be focused on improving the necessary skills and updating modern knowledge.
Some knowledge and skills may already exist but need to be codified and updated.
Combining the basic skills with effective management knowledge will have a decisive
impact on managers, thereby contributing to increased competitiveness;
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The company's staff are often on business trips to learn from domestic and foreign
businesses, employees of the company must attend monthly professional training
courses, professional skills and attitudes. dealing with customers.
- Improve the quality of products and services and the variety of services provided as
the source of products and services is increasing, the quality of products and services
is more interested by customers. The quality of financial software products and
services must be commensurate with the amount of money customers have spent.
Reallocate its products across multiple segments, focusing the product on the current
needs of its customers;
- Establish a market information department and regularly monitor and update the
market movements through mass media and field surveys;
- Building a legal department within the Company, which functions as a legal advisor
to all levels of management and supervises the prevention of crisis risk handling;
- Fostering knowledge for current employees and attracting good employees.
This is the weakness of most Vietnamese businesses. To have a team of highly
qualified employees, the enterprise must have a training and retention strategy and
attract talented people. To improve working efficiency, each business must have an indepth professional training strategy for key employees in accordance with its
requirements in each period. Therefore, an effective training program and training plan
is one of the methods that businesses use to improve their competitiveness. At the
same time, businesses need to focus on building remuneration policies such as
reasonable salary and bonus policies to keep their employees stable, especially good
employees. In addition, businesses should collaborate with colleges and universities to
recruit good students who are about to graduate to build a young, dynamic staff that
can undertake important professional positions.
2.3. Business environment
2.3.1. Environment - working conditions
FSS always pays attention to maintaining a comfortable working environment,
fun and healthy competition. The activities are regularly organized such as sports, arts,
happy birthday for employees, family festivals, community activities ... to create a
spirit of solidarity, cohesion and friendliness. between members.
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In addition, FSS‘s staff are always actively involved in cultural exchange
activities with the company's headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City. Thereby, gradually
asserting the position of FSS in the whole City in particular and in the economy of the
whole country and the world in general.
Each employee at FSS is always aware of and voluntarily commits to comply
with the principles and goals of the Corporate Culture Handbook, the Company's Staff
Handbook and the common goal of stable, long-term development. long and durable.
2.3.2. Human resource policy of FSS - Financial Solution Joint Stock Company
Entering the stage of integration and development of the country, as well as
large enterprises of Vietnam, FSS - Financial Solutions Joint Stock Company is
constantly improving the development strategy of the Company, striving to become a
joint-venture company. industry leader in financial software.
Human resource is the core element and valuable asset of every company in
general and of FSS in particular. Therefore, the policy of building personnel policies at
the Company is to create equal opportunities for all qualified individuals to be
promoted in their careers, with the highest goal of FSS development always
accompanying responsibilities and rights of each employee. Accordingly, FSS's human
resources policy in the current period includes the following:
 Recruitment Policy:
Recruitment is carried out according to the Company's development strategy,
according to the annual plan and in each period. The principle of recruitment policy is
to select the best candidates for suitable positions based on the candidate's
qualifications, qualifications and experience; irrespective of gender, religion, or race
through the fair and objective selection process. Recruitment criteria and criteria are
built in accordance with the annual business plan of the Company, in which:
- Laborers graduating from university and postgraduate at home and abroad.
- Employees have good expertise, high technical skills, experience and working
capacity to meet the requirements of the Company.
- Fresh graduates from home and abroad to create dynamic young human resources to
meet the long-term development of the Company.
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 Training Policy:
Training and human resource development is the top priority of FSS with the
policy of creating conditions to help each individual develop his career and at the same
time build a professional staff.
All staff in the FSS system have the opportunity to attend training courses,
professional skills and technical expertise according to specific needs, consistent with
the nature of the job. In addition, FSS also encourages employees to learn from each
other during their work, through internal training courses and self-training efforts of
each staff member.
Advancement and Career Development Policy:
At FSS, equal opportunity for career advancement for all beneficiaries is
established by a clear and specific human resource use plan.
The plan to evaluate the capacity and work periodically (every 6 months) to
evaluate the work goals, career development goals of each individual. At the same
time, it is the basis for assigning personnel suitable to each development stage of FSS.
Recruitment of internal personnel for managerial positions is the leading policy
at FSS, showing the interest of the leadership to the members who have been attached
and devoted to the development of the Company.
 Remuneration policy:
The employee remuneration policy has been continuously improved by the FSS
with the goal of creating favorable conditions for employees to feel secure, have a
long-term commitment and maintain the corporate culture of the Company.
Therefore, the salary regime at FSS is paid on the principle of ensuring fairness,
reasonableness, suitability with the qualifications, competence, performance, quality of
each employee's work and the spirit and attitude of implementation. assigned functions
and duties.
In addition to the salary and allowances policy, FSS also applies a bonus policy
to motivate and encourage employees to devote efforts and strive hard in all positions,
specifically as follows:
- Periodically review salary adjustments based on job performance; the cases with
outstanding achievements shall be adjusted salary ahead of time;
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- Salary paid according to the results of business activities, professional ability or work
- Periodic rewards through high-performance jobs, achieving typical achievements;
- Extraordinary rewards through work achieved outstanding achievements, initiatives,
innovations that bring high efficiency in business activities, and the Company's
- Reward with domestic and foreign tours - vacation for employees and family
according to the Company's specific annual policy;
 Welfare policy:
All official staff of FSS are guaranteed to benefit from the policies in
accordance with Vietnamese Labor Law. In addition, the Company's employees are
also entitled to the welfare regime under the Collective Labor Agreement, which is
adjusted annually.
2.3.3. Human resource development policies of enterprises
FSS has policies to attract talented people, special bonuses for good employees
with extensive experience in the related field, on the one hand to retain employees in
the long term, to attract good human resources from various sources to do. for
The Company's training policies are held regularly, so the quality of labor
resources is increasing.
2.3.4. The personnel potential of the enterprise
The personnel potential of a business is reflected in the education and skills of
the staff. The staff of the FSS - Financial Software Solutions Joint Stock Company
consists of more than 200 employees with university degrees and above, prioritizing
newly graduated students for intensive training and commitment to stick with the
Company. The company's staff are carefully selected, especially the management team
has been studying and working in foreign environments and has many years of
experience in the field of managing software projects. finance at banks, securities
companies and state headquarters. Show that, the human resource potential of the
Company is huge by careful and professional selection.
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Business financial situation
Report of business results in 2018 compared to 2017 of FSS - Financial Solution Joint
Stock Company
Unit: million VND
Business results
Year - 2017
Year - 2018
Net sales of goods and services
Cost of goods sold
Revenue from financial activities
Financial expenses
Enterprise Cost Management
Accounting profit before tax
Profit after tax corporate income
Gross profit from sale of goods and rendering
of services
Figure 3: Report of business results in 2018 compared to 2017 of FSS- Financial
Solution Joint Stock Company
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The balance sheet of 2018 compared with 2017 of the Joint Stock Company
FSS- Financial solution
Unit: million VND
Balance Sheet
Year - 2017
Year - 2018
Total assets
Short-term assets
Money and cash equivalents
Short-term receivables
Other current assets
Long-term assets
Fixed assets
Liabilities must pay
Short-term debt
Long-term liabilities
Capital invested by the owner
Undistributed profit after tax
Total funding
Figure 4: The balance sheet of 2018 compared with 2017 of the Joint Stock Company
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2.5. Conclusion on the advantages and disadvantages of the business
2.5.1. Advantages of the Enterprise
Currently, in the period of 4.0 technology, the information technology industry
is tending to develop strongly in the market. Catching the trend, FSS - Financial
Solutions Joint Stock Company is developing and has strong business strategies with
software products in the financial field and at the same time be able to access many
major partners and customers in the industry market.
FSS products are researched, invested and built based on international standards
of software products, at the same time combining international standard professional
knowledge with professional practices in Vietnam. The products of software of gold
trading floor, commodity trading floor, core trading floor of FSS are all considered to
be the best products on the Vietnamese market.
FSS has a high and long-term commitment to customers and markets. Projects
implemented by FSS have a success rate of 100%. In addition, FSS continually invests
in product and team development with the aim of providing the best products and
services not only now but also in the future. One of FSS's strategic goals is to
accompany customers throughout their development.
2.5.2. General limitations and difficulties of the business
In parallel with the achievements and advantages of FSS - Financial Solution
Joint Stock Company, there are still difficulties and challenges in the industry market.
The first is the issue of competition. In recent years, ARPU (average revenue
per customer - PV) for traditional telecommunication services has been declining,
State-owned telecommunication companies still dominate the market and currently
have potential companies. This very strong finance is continuing to leap into the IT
sector. This makes the majority of IT enterprises, especially small and medium IT
enterprises, increasingly difficult to expand the market.
Next is the labor issue. Although the available human resources can reach a
high level of technical expertise, there are still limitations in foreign language capital,
especially when ICT enterprises are trying to attack markets such as Japan and South
Korea. Vietnam's accession to the AEC and the TPP has opened up the labor market,
so a wave of foreign workers will join the Vietnamese labor market. This is an
opportunity for IT businesses to recruit high quality human resources, but also poses
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challenges in retaining talents for remuneration as well as working conditions at many
foreign IT companies. interesting.
Another challenge from within of IT businesses is the ability to innovate,
create and find appropriate directions. This is not only an issue for an organization, but
also a goal to strive for every individual who makes technology, because the
characteristics of the technology industry are to constantly innovate and innovate to
advocate for the development of humanity. .
Therefore, FSS needs to have solutions to overcome difficulties in the industry
market and have appropriate business strategies as well as train industry staff to catch
up with not only the Vietnamese market but also the market. International.
The job content is assigned during the internship, the implementation
method and the schedule for performing the internship.
The job content is assigned during the internship
Research about Model DWH & 9-data concepts
Introducing Test cases, documents, testing process at FSS Bank
Learn how to test the GUI / MA
Learn Testing Methods
Learn how to test Database + STG + SQL statements
Learn how to test SOR, SMY layer
Practice on SOR, SMY layer
The implementation method
3.2.1. Statistical methods
Statistical method is one of the research methods that helps discover objective
laws, from an object or phenomenon. Statistical method is a process, including
statistical investigation, generalization of information (also called statistical synthesis),
analysis and forecasting. This is the mathematical modeling process of the problem to
be analyzed according to the goal of the research. In this way, we have been able to
widely apply the methods of multi-dimensional statistical analysis, control theory,
prediction theory, ... as well as informatics and computers in the research process.
In fact, depending on the statistical method used in
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We can approach according to the following statistical models:
(i) Discriminant Analysis Model (Discriminant Analysis Model);
(ii) Regression model;
(iii) Logit and Profit model ...
 Advantages and disadvantages of statistical methods
• Advantages
- Easy to apply, simple and the business evaluation is completely based on quantitative
basis. This method is low-cost and can be done fairly quickly.
- Eliminate subjective aspects in the assessment results.
• Disadvantages
- In case of difficult or unreliable data collection, it is difficult to implement statistical
- In addition, when applying this method in some models, it must satisfy the
assumptions made so it is the limitations. Because if the assumptions of the model are
not satisfied, the ranking results may not be reliable.
3.2.2. Expert method
The expert method is the method of collecting and processing predictive
assessments by gathering and consulting good experts in a narrow field of science. The
process of applying expert methods can be divided into three major stages:
(i) Selection of experts;
(ii) Require expert opinions;
(iii) Collect and process forecast assessments.
The task of the method is to make objective predictions about the present and
future development of a science based on the systematic treatment of prediction
assessments by experts.
In this evaluation, the method is based on the experiences of experts, in order to
find out the nature of the relationship between the risk of bankruptcy and the factors
affecting it. Experience is accumulated from: observations and experience of reality
are subjective; conjecture about the correlation of business and risk; Economic
knowledge related to business risks.
There are many models that use expert methods and are often grouped under
the heading of diagnostic model classes and are divided into:
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(i) Classic evaluation questionnaire;
(ii) Qualitative system;
(iii) System of experts
 Advantages and disadvantages of the expert method
• Advantages
- Take advantage of the experience and in-depth knowledge of experts in their industry
- High reliability because the evaluation results are gathered from many experts should
be considered on many angles, avoiding one-sidedness.
• Disadvantages
- The cost of the assessment can be very high when the number of participants is large
and the number of rounds of opinion gathering includes many times.
- Can not completely eliminate subjective aspects in the evaluation results.
- Evaluators may fall into the trap created by numbers.
Business evaluation process
Enterprise assessment consists of a series of different jobs that take place in a
certain sequence, which are closely interconnected and complementary, helping to
complete the process for assessing the research object. Research is the business in the
most logical and scientific way. In the world, there are many different business
evaluation processes suitable to the business characteristics and economic environment
of each country. When conducting the evaluation, a process should be set up to suit the
specific characteristics of each country as well as the object to be assessed and
followed that process to achieve the best results. Here, I would like to present the basic
process of conducting a professional evaluation as follows:
 Step 1: Define evaluation objectives
 Step 2: Collect information about the object to be assessed. Gathering information
inside and outside the business
 Step 3: Analyze the information. Depending on the information gathered, appropriate
methods will be carried out.
 Step 4: Evaluation. Draw conclusions and initial assessments about the business.
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 Step 5: Provide official evaluation results.
The schedule for performing the internship.
Assigned work content
Implementation method
Work schedule
Model DWH & 9-data
Document research
From 01/10//2019 to
And Expert method
Introducing Test cases,
Document research
documents, testing process method, Expert method,
at FSS Bank
From 04/10/2019 to
And Practice method
How to test the GUI / MA
Testing Methods
Practice exercises
How to test Database +
Document research
From 14/10/2019 to
How to test STG + SQL
method, Expert method,
And Practice method
Practice method
From 10/10/2019 to
Testing on STG layer
Practice onsite
How to test SOR
Document research
From 19/10/2019 to
Practice on SOR layer
method, Expert method,
And Practice method
How to test SMY
Document research
From 26/10/2019 to
Practice on SMY layer
method, Expert method,
And Practice method
Review and Practice
Document research
From 1/11/2019 to
method, Expert method
And Practice method
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4. Results achieved through internships.
After this internship, I found myself learning more about both job and soft skills.
About job skills
I understand how a management information system really works, and how it works. I
have been exposed the most to banking systems such as Profitability Management or
Vietnam's Deposit Insurance Management System.
In addition, I practice intensively in the field of Tester (in DWH). So I learned many
new tools related to data, learn about ways to test data, learn about the datawarehouse
and its concepts. Moreover, I have dug deeper into the levels in DWH, like STG, SOR,
SMY and how to test it. In parallel with the theoretical lessons, I was also practiced by
the enthusiastic guidance of FSS Team members.
I would like to present what I have obtained in a most detailed way:
a) Model DWH & its concept
o Data Warehouse model
Figure 5 DWH model:
In simple terms, Data Warehouse is a computer database system (data
warehouse) designed, arranged with purpose and clear direction of an
organization for management and information provision in a timely manner,
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accurate and also the basis for building data analysis applications,
supporting decision making.
Basic characteristics of DWH:
• Integrity
• Attaching time
• Historical
• Just read
• No movement
• Aggregate and detailed data
Through what I learned at the company, I realized that:
DWH is essentially a normal database, database management systems
manage and store it like regular databases (however, there is more support
for big data management and queries). Actually the difference of DWH
compared to the database is in the concept and view of the problem:
- First, DWH is a very large database (VLDB).
- Database oriented to real-time processing, and towards stability.
- Serving transaction processing, updating. Datawarehouse is often readonly, catering to reporting needs. Example: We will ask, please let us know
in what projects the software department has done in 5 years, from which
we will make a decision about the performance of this group.
- DWH will get information from a variety of sources: DB2, Oracle,
SQLserver and even File awards and then clean them and put into its
structure - it's VLDB (very large database). DWH is very large, so that in
order for each specialized part that the end-user can exploit the information
easily, DWH itself must be specialized, divided into topics, so that
specialized topics form. A specialized Database - it's Data mart.
For example, Microsoft's DWH is huge, in a mountain of information how
to exploit it? So there are many Data mart on business, marketing,
engineering, testing, .... One thing to note here is that there is a tool or rather
a tool standard that every Database management system supports to query
Page 27 of 46
information in Datamart and then make decisions and receive information in
Datamart. - It's OLAP, an online analytics suite.
- An important point is that Database is usually standardized (Standard
Form 1, 2, 3, BCK) for exploitation. DWH must be non-standardized and
then standardized according to start chema in Data mart, which means that
DWH will duplicate information. Actually this is obvious because the
standardization is to avoid duplication of information, so it will be
consistent in updating, adding, deleting, editing, however DWH is a very
big database for reporting and querying. read only, so duplication of
information will make searching faster. This is also a rule: The more
information is duplicated, the easier it is to find and vice versa.
b) Design architecture of Atomic layer
Figure 6: Atomic layer
Atomic design is methodology for creating design systems. There are five
distinct levels in atomic design:
o Atoms: Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. Applied to web
interfaces, atoms are our HTML tags, such as a form label, an input or a
Atoms can also include more abstract elements like color palettes, fonts and
even more invisible aspects of an interface like animations.
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Like atoms in nature they’re fairly abstract and often not terribly useful on
their own. However, they’re good as a reference in the context of a pattern
library as you can see all your global styles laid out at a glance.
o Molecules
Things start getting more interesting and tangible when we start combining
atoms together. Molecules are groups of atoms bonded together and are the
smallest fundamental units of a compound. These molecules take on their
own properties and serve as the backbone of our design systems.
For example, a form label, input or button aren’t too useful by themselves,
but combine them together as a form and now they can actually do
something together.
o Organisms
Molecules give us some building blocks to work with, and we can now
combine them together to form organisms. Organisms are groups of
molecules joined together to form a relatively complex, distinct section of
an interface.
Building up from molecules to organisms encourages creating standalone,
portable, reusable components.
o Templates
At the template stage, we break our chemistry analogy to get into language
that makes more sense to our clients and our final output. Templates consist
mostly of groups of organisms stitched together to form pages. It’s here
where we start to see the design coming together and start seeing things like
layout in action.
o Pages
Pages are specific instances of templates. Here, placeholder content is
replaced with real representative content to give an accurate depiction of
what a user will ultimately see.
So why atomic design?
In a lot of ways, this is how we’ve been doing things all along, even if we haven’t
been consciously thinking about it in this specific way.
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Atomic design provides a clear methodology for crafting design systems. Clients
and team members are able to better appreciate the concept of design systems by
actually seeing the steps laid out in front of them.
Atomic design gives us the ability to traverse from abstract to concrete. Because of
this, we can create systems that promote consistency and scalability while
simultaneously showing things in their final context. And by assembling rather
than deconstructing, we’re crafting a system right out of the gate instead of cherry
picking patterns after the fact.
c) Design architecture of Data Mart layer
A data mart is an access layer which is used to get data out to the users. It is
presented as an option for large size data warehouse as it takes less time and
money to build. However, there is no standard definition of a data mart is
differing from person to person.
In a simple word Data mart is a subsidiary of a data warehouse. The data mart is
used for partition of data which is created for the specific group of users.
Data marts could be created in the same database as the Datawarehouse or a
physically separate Database.
Figure 7: DataMart
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Star and snowflake schemas are similar at heart: a central fact table surrounded by
dimension tables. The difference is in the dimensions themselves. In a star schema
each logical dimension is denormalized into one table, while in a snowflake, at
least some of the dimensions are normalized.
A snowflake design can be slightly more efficient in terms of database space,
especially if the dimensions have many large text fields. However, in general, the
size of the fact tables outweighs the size of the dimensions by a large enough factor
that I don’t find this argument compelling.
The simplicity of a star schema will suffice in many designs and it definitely has
the advantage of fewer joins to build and maintain. However, there are instances
that will call for a snowflake design. Some OLAP reporting tools work more
efficiently with a snowflake design. The multiple tier joins available in a snowflake
design can make aggregation simpler as well. For instance, if the date dimension is
snowflaked into day, month, and year and a monthly aggregate is built, that
existing month dimension can easily be used by the aggregate table.
o Data warehouse is an information system that contains historical and
commutative data from single or multiple sources.
o A data warehouse is subject oriented as it offers information regarding subject
instead of organization's ongoing operations.
o In Data Warehouse, integration means the establishment of a common unit of
measure for all similar data from the different databases
o Data warehouse is also non-volatile means the previous data is not erased when
new data is entered in it.
o A Datawarehouse is Time-variant as the data in a DW has high shelf life.
o There are 5 main components of a Datawarehouse. 1) Database 2) ETL Tools 3)
Meta Data 4) Query Tools 5) DataMarts
o These are four main categories of query tools 1. Query and reporting, tools 2.
Application Development tools, 3. Data mining tools 4. OLAP tools
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o The data sourcing, transformation, and migration tools are used for performing
all the conversions and summarizations.
o In the Data Warehouse Architecture, meta-data plays an important role as it
specifies the source, usage, values, and features of data warehouse data.
d) Introducing Test cases, documents, testing process at FSS Bank
FSS has the testing process like here:
Step 1: Plan and control the testing
Purpose: To specify and describe the types of tests to be carried out and carried
out. Divided into 2 activities:
Firstly: Test planning:
- Determining scope, risks as well as purpose of testing activities
- Define test approaches
- Determining testing strategies. The test strategy describes the test components
required in a software development cycle such as: test objectives, test methods,
the total time and resources required for projects as test environments. (Note:
Testing strategies are often created by PM, TL)
- Determining resources required for testing such as human resources,
hardware, software, test environment, etc.
- Schedule activities to analyze and design test cases, test execution, as well as
evaluate test results.
- Determine exit criteria, such as test case coverage, number of bugs found,
severity of bugs found. Below is a basic example for testing end criteria:
- 100% statement coverage
- 100% required coverage (requirement coverage)
- 100% of test cases are executed
- 100% of all serious bugs are fixed
- 80% of less serious errors (low-medium) are fixed
- Testing expires
- Running out of budget
Second: Control testing:
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- Measure and analyze the results of testing activities
- Track and record progress, coverage as well as testing end criteria
- Provide information about testing
- Take corrective actions if necessary.
- Give decision.
Step 2: Analysis and Design
Purpose: To specify test cases and detailed testing steps for each PM session.
Analysis analysis and testing design has the following main tasks:
- Review the requirements before conducting tests such as specification
documents, design documents, interface documents, etc.
- Determining test conditions
- Design test cases
- Assessing the feasibility of testing the requirements as well as of the system.
- Preparing test environment as well as defining infrastructure requirements and
corresponding testing tools
The test design phase is very important, it ensures all situations test all
Step 3: Execute the test
Purpose: Perform the designed test steps and record the results. Divided into 2
main activities: test execution and test run
Firstly, the test implementation has the following main tasks:
- Prepare test data
- Design and classify test cases based on the priority of each test case
- Automate test cases if necessary
Second: Test run has the following main tasks:
- Run test cases according to the predetermined steps
- Rerun previous failed cases to confirm that the case has been fixed
- Compare the recorded results when executing with the expected results
- Evaluating test results (Passed / Failed) for test cases
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- Write error reports for cases where the recorded results and the expected
results are not the same
This step is usually not required in test types and levels, only required in
specific cases that need to be designed, creating test scripts that can run on
computers to automate the execution of test steps. defined in the test design
Step 4: Review implementation results and report results
Purpose: Assessing the entire inspection process includes reviewing and
evaluating the error test results, assigning change requests and calculating
related data, to the inspection process.
The criteria for evaluating this performance include:
- Maximum number of test cases to be executed Passed
- Error rate drops below a certain level
- Upon arrival deadline
Testing ends only when:
- Compare the test case execution results against the testing end criteria set
during the test planning
- From there, evaluate whether or not to test further or adjust the end criteria of
the test in the plan
- Write a report summarizing the testing activities as well as test results to the
Step 5: Close the test operation
Purpose: End of test run and software available to customers.
In addition, we often end up testing for one of the following reasons:
- When all information has been collected fully for testing activities
- When the project was canceled.
- When a certain goal is achieved.
- When maintenance or system updates are completed.
Closed test activities include:
- Verify that all parts of the commitment have been delivered to the customer
- Check for serious errors that have been fixed accordingly
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- Packaging test documents, test scripts, test environment, etc. for future use /
- Assessing the testing process as well as drawing lessons for future projects.
e) Testing Methods/ models
 Waterfall Model
This is the most basic software development life cycle process which is followed
broadly in the industry. Here the developers follow a sequence of processes where
the processes flow progressively downwards towards the ultimate goal. It is like a
waterfall where there are a number of phases.
 V Model
This model is widely recognized as superior to waterfall model. Here the
development and test execution activities are carried on side by side in the
downhill and uphill shape. In this model, testing starts at the unit level and spreads
towards integration of the entire system.
 Agile model
In this SDLC model requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration
between various cross functional teams. This is known as an iterative and
incremental model.
 Spiral model
It is more like the Agile model, but with more emphasis on risk analysis. It has four
phases – planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation. Here gathering of
requirements and risk assessment is done at the base level and every upper spiral
builds on it.
 Rational Unified Process
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This model also consists of four phases, each of which is organized into a number
of separate iterations. The difference with other models is that each of these
iterations must separately satisfy defined criteria before the next phase is
 Rapid application development
This is another incremental model like the Agile model. Here the components are
developed parallelly to each other. The developments are then assembled into a
 The above mentioned software testing models are a part of the SDLC process.
a) Testing on Database, SQL statements, anh it layers
Database testing includes performing data validity, data integrity testing, performance
check related to database and testing of procedures, triggers and functions in the
 Example
Consider an application that captures the day-to-day transaction details for users and
stores the details in the database. From database testing point of view, the following
checks should be performed −
The transactional information from the application should be stored in the database
and it should provide correct information to the user.
Information should not be lost when it is loaded to database.
Only completed transactions should be stored and all incomplete operations should be
aborted by the application.
Access authorization to database should be maintained. No unapproved or
unauthorized access to user information should be provided.
 Database Testing – Types
Based on the function and structure of a database, DB testing can be categorized into
three categories :
o Structural Database Testing − It deals with table and column testing, schema
testing, stored procedures and views testing, checking triggers, etc.
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o Functional Testing − It involves checking functionality of database from user
point of view. Most common type of Functional testing are White box and
black box testing.
o Nonfunctional Testing − It involves load-testing, risk testing in database, stress
testing, minimum system requirements, and deals with the performance of the
 Database Testing – Processes
The process to perform database testing is similar to testing of other applications.
DB testing can be described with key processes given below.
o Set up the environment
o Run a test
o Check the test result
o Validate according to the expected results
o Report the findings to the respective stakeholders
Various SQL statements are used to develop the Test cases. The most common SQL
statement, which is used to perform DB testing, is the Select statement. Apart from
this, various DDL, DML, DCL statements can also be used.
Example − Create, Insert, Select, Update, etc.
 Database Testing – Tools
There are various tools provided by vendors that can be used to generate Test data,
to manage Test data and perform database testing like Load Testing and Regression
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 About SQL Statements
We will ussually use statements like bellow:
o CREATE − to create objects in the database
o ALTER − alters the structure of the database
o DROP − delete objects from the database
o Arithmetic Operators
o Comparison/Relational Operators
o Logical Operators
o Set Operators
o Union is used to combine the results of two or more Select statements.
However it will eliminate the duplicate rows.
o Union All operation is similar to Union, but it also shows the duplicate
 Testing on layers in DWH
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All data warehouse architecture includes the following layers:
o Data Source Layer
o Data Staging Layer
o Data Storage Layer
o Data Presentation Layer
Figure 8: DWH Architecture
Figure 9: STG layer
STG (Staging Area): is a set of tables that represent a true copy of the data
source and are purged each time the ETL is executed, it is a waiting area, a
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"boarding room" before the ODS phase, it is in these tables that we can find
data in weird formats.
In STG, we need to test fields :
o Check the record number of first day
o Check the record number of second day
o Check key properties
o Check not null property
o Check the data for each column
Example in check the data in table “Customer”
"(SELECT * from CUSTOMER_TDY except
select * from GGG.dbo.CUSTOMER where datetime0 = '28/Feb/2019') union
(select * where datetime0 = '28/Feb/2019' except
Data source layer
The data source layer of data warehouse architecture is where original data, collected
from a variety internal and external sources, resides in the relational database.
Examples of source data types include but are not limited to: These stores disparate
data types including:
Operational Data — Product data, inventory data, marketing data, or HR data.
Social Media Data — Web site hits, content popularity, contact page completion.
Third-party data — Demographic data, survey data, census data.
While most data warehouse architecture deals with structured data, consideration
should be given to the future use of unstructured data sources, such as voice
recordings, scanned images, and unstructured text. These streams of data are valuable
silos of information and should be considered when developing your data warehouse.
Data Storage Layer
The data storage layer is where data that was cleansed in the staging area is stored as a
single central repository. Depending on your business and your data warehouse
architecture requirements, your data storage may be a data warehouse, data mart (data
warehouse partially replicated for specific departments), or an Operational Data Store
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Data Presentation Layer
The presentation layer is where users interact with the cleansed and organized. This
layer of the data warehouse architecture provides users with the ability to query the
data for product or service insights, analyze the information to conduct hypothetical
business scenarios, and develop automated or ad-hoc reports. You may employ an
OLAP or reporting tool with a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) to help
users build their queries, perform analysis, or design their reports.
When planning your data warehouse, create one that will handle both structured and
unstructured data and is cross-functional. It should also provide a long-term foundation
for data provision and decision support.
About soft skills
Regarding soft skills, I was able to participate and experience the activities, corporate
culture with my colleagues at FSS. Thereby, I myself have lessened the timidity when
sitting in the school chair. To experience the environment that I will do later when I
graduate. I also get to know new friends / brothers and sisters, good relationships help
me develop both characters and work.
Through this internship course, I also felt my usefulness to the company. Like help to
testing in the system, writing test reports, or going to meet customers with the Test
In short, I have developed a lot of both career skills and soft skills through this
internship and I feel the past 6 weeks have been very rewarding for my final year of
college students.
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Part 2: Schedule and comments of graduation
Here is some forms that I attach.
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Independence – Liberty - Happiness
Schedule of the graduate internship
Internship Company/Institution : Financial Software Solution Joint Stock
Company (FSS)
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung
Student’s full name: Do Thi Tu Uyen
Student’s ID: 16071317 ............................... Class: MIS2016A .....................................
Major: Management Information System
Tasks performed
Model DWH & 9-data concepts
Introducing Test cases, documents, testing process at FSS
How to test the GUI / MA
Testing Methods
Practice exercises
How to test Database + How to test STG + SQL statements
Testing on STG layer
Practice onsite
Practice onsite
How to test SOR
How to test SOR
Practice on SOR layer
How to test SMY
Practice on SMY layer
Page 43 of 46
Independence – Liberty - Happiness
Graduate Internship Evaluation
(for Supervisor)
Student’s full name: Do Thi Tu Uyen …………………………………………………
Student’s ID: 16071317 .................................... Class: MIS2016A ……………………
Major: Management Information System …………………………………………........
Internship Company/Organization: Financial Software Solution Joint Stock
Company (FSS)………………………………………………………………………….
Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung……………………………………...
The performance of the schedule:
Internship period starts from 01/10/2019 to 11/11/2019
Awareness, attitude:
Other comments:
Hanoi, November 28th , 2019
(Signature and Full name)
Page 44 of 46
Independence – Liberty - Happiness
Graduate Internship Evaluation
(for Internship Company/Institution)
Student’s full name: ………………………………………………………………..
Student’s ID: ..................................................... Class: …………………………
Major: ………………………………………
Internship Company/Institution: ………………………………………………………….
Internship period: ……………………………………………………………..
Sponsor: …………………………………………………………………………..
1. Compliance with regulations of the company/institution:
2. Relationships, communication in the company/institution:
3. The assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes:
of Internship Company/Institution
Hanoi, …………………………………
(Signature and Full name)
(Signature and Full name)
Page 45 of 46
Part 3: Annexes
1. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoa (editor) (2017), "Enterprise evaluation" Original lecture
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Van Duong (editor) (2010), "Financial Accounting". Textbook,
Publisher: Transport.
3. Nguyen Thanh Tan (2017) "Evaluation of Citigo Vietnam Joint Stock Company"
4. FSS, Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (2016), "Financial
statements 2016".
5. FSS, Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (2017), "Financial
statements 2017".
6. FSS, Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (2018), “Financial
statements 2018 '.
7. FSS, Financial Software Solution Joint Stock Company (2018), "Amended business
8. General Statistics Office (2018), "Press release on socio-economic situation in