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Rendering for Students: Newspaper Analysis Guide

Администрация Альметьевского района и города Альметьевска
Альметьевский муниципальный университет
филологический факультет
кафедра иностранных языков
Багаутдинов А.А.
Отпечатано в ООП управления «Татнефтегаз» АО «Татнефть»
Отп. 100 экз.
Управление «Татнефтегаз» АО «Татнефть»
423400, г. Альметьевск, ул. Р. Фахретдина, 37, тел: (8553) 23-44-56,
факс: (8553) 31-55-00
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Печатается по решению Ученого Совета АлМУ.
Багаутдинов Альберт Альбинович
Багаутдинов А.А. Rendering for students. – Альметьевск: ООП
Управления «Татнефтегаз» АО «Татнефть», 2001 – 20 с.
Rendering for students
Методическая разработка по анализу газетных статей для студентов III, IV курсов филологического факультета английского отделения
предназначена для практических занятий по практике устной и письменной речи, для занятий по спецкурсу «Интерпретация печатных источников» и подготовки к итоговому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. В разработке представлены необходимые для анализа лексикон и образцы интерпретации газетных статей.
Лицензия № 0008 от 16.10.95 г.
Сдано в набор 15.01.2001. Подписано в печать 15.01.2001.
Формат 60х90 ¼. Отпечатано на ризографе
Усл. печ. л. 1 Тираж 100 экз.
Научный редактор: к.ф.н. Поспелова Н.В.
Рецензенты: Барлева С.В. (АлМУ).
Салихова Д.М. (АлНИ).
Ответственный редактор: М.А. Тахауов
Редакторы: А.Ф.Багаутдинов, А.И.Багаутдинова
Технический редактор, компьютерный набор и верстка: А.А. Багаутдинов
Корректор: А.П. Никифоркин
© Альметьевский муниципальный университет, 2001.
© Багаутдинов А. А., 2001
1. Arbecova T. Makarova G. Vlasova N. A TEXTBOOK for Learners
Администрация Альметьевского района и города Альметьевска
Альметьевский муниципальный университет
филологический факультет
кафедра иностранных языков
Who Takes English Seriously – M.: Inka· TELER, 1993 – pp 202-208, 242246.
2. Tokareva N., Peppard V. What is like in the USA? – M.,1998 – pp.
Rendering for students
3. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь. – М., 2000 – 880 с.
4. Русско-английский словарь. Под ред. рук. А.И. Смирницкого –
М.,1997 – 768 с.
5. Hornby A.S. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. 4th ed., London, 1995.
6. Longman Language Activator. Essex. England, 1997.
7. Random House Roget`s Thesaurus. Random House. N. Y., 1996.
I. Basic notions and categories:
1. Notional words …………………………………………………..5
2. Techniques of reading…………………………………………….5
3. Kinds of articles…………………………………………………..5
4. Some hints for rendering………………………………………….6
5. Phrases to be used………………………………………………...7
II. Models of rendering:
1. Kleinwort Benson выиграл право оценки стоимости Роснефти
в тендере…………………………………………………………..10
2. С журналистами на «ты»……………………………………...11
III. Bibliography…………………………………..18
to interpret v to choose, to believe that what one says or does has a
particular meaning especially if its not easy to understand or is not completely
interpretation n someone's opinion about the problem, the probable meaning
of the word, statement, opinion or action;
essence n the most important meaning or characteristic of smth such as
an argument or piece of writing/ approach, heading, organization and useful
newspaper / BE ′nju:speip, AE ′nu:zp- / n a printed publication appearing
daily or weekly and containing news, advertisements and articles on various subjects;
magazine / BE ¸mæg´zi:n, AE ´mægzi:n / also inf. mag /mæg/ n a
type of a large thin book with a paper cover, containing stories, pictures, etc
and issued usually every week or every month women’s magazines, glossy
magazines, a literary magazine.
Techniques of reading;
to read through/ over v to read smth carefully especially in order to
check every detail or find any mistakes;
skim (through) v to read the whole of smth quickly nothing only the
main points; so that you get a general idea of what it is about;
scan v to read smth quickly in order to find particular pieces of information or to pick out the main parts of it.
Kinds of articles:
article n a piece of writing, usually dealing with a particular issue or
topic in a newspaper. It has an interesting introduction, well-organized paragraphs, a suitable conclusion to round off an article on/ about smb / smth
leading article / BE also lead article, leader, editorial AE lead
story / a principle newspaper article by the editor, giving opinions on event
report n a spoken or written account of something heard, seen, done,
studied, etc., especially one that is published or broadcast, a piece of writing in
a newspaper or a part of a TV or a radio programme that reports the news.
Basic notions and categories:
Notional words:
They are usually written for a more informed reader, and provides more detailed information. They have a clear factual heading and may also have a clear
factual heading and may also have subheading.
reliable / conflicting / detailed reports; news /weather reports about / on
to submit / draw up regular progress reports
story n a report in a newspaper or news programme about a recent event
or something that is interesting to the public
story about/on
cover story (= the main story in a magazine that is advertised on its
front cover) Newsweek’s cover story this month was about the elections in
item n a word used especially in the news business meaning a small report that is part of a programme or larger piece of writing.
There is an item about the robbery on page seven. The next item will be of
special interest to viewers who are dog owners.
scoop n an important or exciting piece of news that is printed in one
newspaper before it appears in any other, because that newspaper and its reporters were the first to find out about it.
It was his first major scoop and he promised not to reveal the source of his
exclusive n an important or surprising piece of news that is printed in only one newspaper or broadcast by only one news programme, especially because someone has let them use the information before anyone else.
Michael Jackson has promised the network an exclusive.
world exclusive (=something that has never been reported anywhere
before). The newspaper has a reputation for good reporting and world exclusives.
review n a report by smb in a newspaper or magazine giving her or his
opinion of a book, film, etc. It contains factual information.
overview n a short general description of smth without much details.
The author starts by telling the reader that according to the item such
new discipline as “Public Relation” has appeared in the curriculum of the Kazan Social and Law Institute.
The paper writes additionally that putting special course into effect on
the basis of the institute’s school is the first step in the development of the new
direction. Stellar journalists, psychologists, sociologists, PR`s and imagemakers give lectures for managers who deal with modern Russian MEDIA and who
prepare to contact with them.
As is clear from the item PR is a completely new discipline for the Kazan Social and Law Institute and appears recently. PR begins to instill into
practice and thus the author highlights only its first steps.
In conclusion I can say that I found the item very interesting and informative. It deals with such a very perspective and new in our country trend as
“Public Relations”. The author based his item on the factual information and
thus it is interesting to read it for everybody.
Points should be mentioned while rendering the text of
an article.
1. The title of an article.
2. The author of an article. Where and when the article was published.
this scheme will not allow the winner to exercise full control over the company.
In conclusion I can say that I found this article very interesting and very
important not only for me, but for everybody in Russia. This situation tells us
that Russia is in an economic crisis now and the government wants to earn
some money by selling Russian companies to foreign firms in order to stabilize
our economy. I think that this approach is erroneous, but what is done cannot
be undone.
My opinion is that the Russia's government mustn't sell out our companies to foreign bidders even though it hasn't enough money. But the government must do something to make Russia's economy and industry function, if it
wants Russia to become the greatest and the wealthiest country in the world
the way it was.
«Республика Татарстан»
С журналистами на «ты»…
Новая дисциплина «Связь с общественностью» появилась в учебном плане Казанского социально-юридического института.
Первым шагом в развитии нового направления стало проведение
на базе привузовской школы спецкурсов современной рекламы и PR для
представителей малого и среднего бизнеса республики. Перед менеджерами, уже имеющими опыт общения с прессой или только готовящимися
к общению с современными российскими СМИ, выступают с лекциями
ведущие журналисты республики, психологи, социологи, практикующие
пиарщики и имиджмейкеры.
А. Кобяков.
In “Resbulica Tatarstan” dated the 23 of March there is an item headlined: “Be on close terms with journalists”. The item is written by A.
Kobyacov. It is printed on the front page.
The item is devoted to the new discipline, in the Kazan Social and Law
3. The main idea of the article.
4. The contents of the article, some facts, names, figures.
5. Your opinion of the article.
Some hints for rendering:
What is the purpose of the headline?
What are some of the ways writers try to achieve this purpose?
What do we learn from the subheading?
What does the writer try to do in the 1-st paragraph?
When does the writer begin new paragraph?
How does the writer round off the article?
What specific facts and/ or figures are given in the article?
What is your opinion of the article? ( Who was it written for? (for
the general audience, for people of some profession, etc.) What is
the purpose of the article? (to entertain, to inform, to persuade, etc.)
Was the author one-sided or he showed all pross and cons of the
Phrases to be used:
In today`s issue of …
there is a full page article;
a report;
an editorial
a special article
a review (of the latest development).
Reading today’s newspaper I came across an article on: …
Here is a front-page review of “Daily World” dated the 23 of February.
The “Morning Star” dated the 23d of February carries an article headlined:
“… ”.
The paper writes additionally that…
The headline of the article I’ve read is…
It is printed/published on the front-page;
on the back-page;
at the bottom of the front page;
at the top of the page 2;
in the middle of the page 2.
The news about … dominates the front page;
gets the biggest headline;
gets wide coverage;
is the biggest front-page story;
is given in splash headline;
is given much comments;
is given prominence;
continues to occupy the central place.
The article is written by……
The author of the article made a review of…
In his report Mr. Johnson dwelt on…
The author mentions it in passing;
The main idea of the article is…
The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material on…
to give the reader some information on...
The article is devoted to…
deals with…
touches upon
expresses the view that..
focuses the readers attention on…
points out…
stresses that…
strongly criticizes..
strongly condemns…
comes out against…
comes out in support of…
reports at length that…
takes a critical view of…
blames smb for smth
is in favour of…
The author starts by telling the reader that according to the article…
As is clear from the article…
As is reported from…
The headline of the article I have read is "Kleinwort Wins Rosneft Price
Tender". This report is written by Jeanne Whalen. It was published in "The
Moscow Times" on the 3rd of March, 1998.
The aim of the report is to provide the reader some information on the
tender for Rosneft which will take place in March. A tender is the privatization
auction with many sellers and one buyer which can conduct the evaluation for
the ware.
The author begins with telling the reader that German investment bank
"Dresden Kleinwort Benson" has won the right to evaluate the worth of Rosneft before the company is sold in the privatization auction later this year. Sergei Perevizentsev, a spokesman for the Privatization Ministry said that Kleinwort Benson offered to conduct the evaluation for $650.000, underbidding its
closest competitor by about $1.000.000 in a tender decided on Saturday. This
bank has worked as an adviser for Gasprom and helped arrange $3 billion syndicated loan and a $1.2 billion bridging loan for Rosneft and the bank will bid
on Rosneft in alliance with Royal Dutch/Shell and LUKoil.
Alexander Agibalov, an oil analyst with Russian brokerage Aton said
that this company had a good reputation and to ruin it by giving some information for Gasprom was not in its interest. Then the author writes that there
were many other companies competed in the tender, for example: "Robert
Fleming Securities", "Deutsche Morgan Grenfell", "Analyze", etc.
The author replies that Russia's federal government didn't want any auditor affiliated with a Rosneft bidder to conduct the valuation. In order to do it,
the government chose to hire an independent auditor to value the worth of
Rosneft and to recommend starting prices. The author reports that once the
auditor determines Rosneft worth, it is up to the tender commission, consisting
of seven people, to set up starting prices.
Then the author tells us that other bidders for Rosneft are an alliance
between British Petroleum and Uneximbank's Sidako, Yuksi, the oil company
soon to be created in merger between Yukos and Sibneft.
Agibalov said that the commission will set the prices higher, if the
government sells 75-percent-plus-one-share of Rosneft. The author further says
that the format of this tender is more desirable for bidders. He added if the
government chooses to sell only 50-percent-plus-one-share of Rosneft,
Gasprom and Uneximbank groups will be less interested in bidding because
"Kleinwort - это не просто непредвзятая и беспристрастная фирма,
но также и международная фирма с известной во всем мире репутацией и
я не думаю, что они сделают что-нибудь, порочащее их репутацию",- сказал Алексей Кокин, один из аналитиков MFK-Renaissance.
"У этой компании очень хорошая репутация и это не в ее интересах разрушать свою репутацию, предоставляя некоторую информацию
Газпрому",- согласился Александр Агибалов, один из нефтяных аналитиков при Russian brokerage Aton.
Одна из представительниц Kleinwort Benson в Лондоне заявила,
что у нее нет комментариев по поводу победы в тендере.
"Robert Fleming Securities","Deutsche Morgan Grenfell" и российские компании: "РосЭко", "Анализ" и инвестиционная фирма "Фондовый
Магазин" также принимали участие в тендере.
В попытке сделать продажу открытой и справедливой российское
федеральное правительство предпочло нанять независимого аудитора,
чтобы он оценил стоимость компании "Роснефть" и рекомендовал стартовые цены. Министерство Приватизации подчеркнуло, что никакой контролер, хотя бы отдаленно имеющий связи с потенциальным покупателем
Роснефти, не будет иметь разрешения проводить оценку стоимости компании.
Как только такой аудитор определит стоимость Роснефти, комиссия тендера установит стартовые цены. Агибалов сказал, что комиссия
смогла бы установить стартовые цены выше, если правительство решит
продать семьдесят пять процентов и одну акцию Роснефти в инвестиционном тендере, условие которого более подходит для потенциальных
участников тендера.
Кроме триумвирата "Газпром-Shell-LUKoil", другим участником
аукциона по продаже Роснефти является альянс между British Petroleum и
компании "Сиданко", принадлежащей банку "ОНЕКСИМ". Третий
участник - это нефтяная компания "ЮКСИ", которая вскоре будет образована при слиянии компаний "ЮКОС" и "Сибнефть".
В январе Газпром и группа ОНЕКСИМ заявили, что они будут менее заинтересованы в покупке Роснефти, если правительство решит продать только пятьдесят процентов и одну акцию Роснефти на инвестиционном аукционе. Участники тендера сказали, что план, подобный этому,
не позволит победителю получить полный контроль над компанией.
Jeanne Whallen.
the author reports…
Speaking of…
its necessary to note that…
Analyzing of ….-//-//to mention…
Discussing …. -//-//emphasis
There is growing/ increasing/concern/tension/danger/excitement over…
There is every likelihood that…
There is every reason to believe that…
There is a general feeling that…
There are signs, indications that…
It is an open secret that…
It was revealed/disclosed…
It is hard to predict the coarse of events in future but there is some evidence
of the improvement of the situation in…
In the/this connection /respect it is worth while mentioning the fact that…
Mention should be named of the fact that…
The reporter gives no details as to…
There is no mention about…
In the author’s opinion/view…
In conclusion the author suggests that…
In short/It remains to be seen whether…
The aim of this report is to…
This report looks at/describes…
It is based on…
It draws on…
It uses…
It seems/appears that…
It tends to (do)…
A/The majority/minority of…
It was found that…
It was felt that…
They were in the majority/minority
In the words of…
As might be/have been expected…
It is recommended, that …
It is interesting, that…
Perhaps/ It is/ would be advisable for/ to do…
Perhaps/ It is/ would be consider(ing)…
To sum up/ To summarize…
In balance/ In short…
I found the article value, interesting, important, dull, of no value, too hard
to understand,…
Models of rendering:
"The Moscow Times" 3.03.98
Kleinwort Benson выиграл право оценки стоимости Роснефти в тендере.
Германский инвестиционный банк "Dresden Kleinwort Benson" выиграл право оценить стоимость нефтяной компании "Роснефть", до того
как она будет распродана на приватизационном аукционе в этом году.
Банк победил трех российских и трех иностранных покупателей в
тендере, состоявшемся в субботу. Сергей Перевизенцев, представитель
Министерства Приватизации сказал, что Kleinwort Benson оценил стоимость Роснефти в шестьсот пятьдесят тысяч американских долларов,
предлагая более низкую цену, чем его ближайший соперник "NatWest
Securities" на один миллион американских долларов.
"Когда аудитор даст свою оценку стоимости, комиссия тендера
должна назначить стартовую цену",- сказал Перевизенцев. Ожидают, что
комиссия, состоящая из семи человек, объявит об условиях и сроках приватизации двадцать пятого марта.
Kleinwort Benson уже был действующим советником Газпрома, который в альянсе с "Royal Dutch/Shell" и "LUKoil", сделает ставку на Роснефть. В прошлом году банк помог нефтяному гиганту получить синдикатный кредит в размере трех миллиардов американских долларов, а также другого кредита в размере 1,2 миллиарда американских долларов.
Один московский аналитик по вопросам нефти заявил, что положение Kleinwort Benson может вызвать конфликт в заинтересованных
кругах, но он также добавил, что уверен в том, что банк соответствующим образом воспримет сложившуюся ситуацию.