Uploaded by Patrick Phillips

Year 12 Chemistry Practical Book

Year 12 Chemistry Practical Book
Student Name:
Table of Contents
Working Scientifically .......................................................................................................................... 4
Objective ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Equilibrium and Acid reactions ......................................................................................................... 6
Investigation 12.1: Analysing the reversibility of chemical reactions ....................................... 6
Investigation 12.2: Modelling Equilibrium ................................................................................. 10
Investigation 12.3: Calculating the equilibrium expression ................................................... 123
Investigation 12.4: Investigating Precipitation Reactions ....................................................... 166
Investigation 12.5: Identifying Ionic Compounds ..................................................................... 19
Acid Base reactions ............................................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Investigation 12.6: Preparing and Using natural indicators................................................... 211
Investigation 12.7: Measuring the Enthalpy of neutralisations ............................................. 233
Investigation 12.8: Measuring pH .............................................................................................. 266
Investigation12. 9: Comparing the pH of solutions of strong and weak acids and bases.... 29
Investigation 12.10: Practising rinsing and reading measurements on glassware.............. 334
Investigation 12.11: Making a primary solution………………………………………………..39
Investigation 12.12: Performing a titration ................................................................................. 43
Investigation 12.13: Acid content in Orange juice ................................................................... 448
Investigation 12.14: Effect of buffers ............................................................................................ 51
Organic Chemistry ............................................................................................................................. 54
Investigation 12.15: Properties of compounds in a homologous series .................................. 54
Investigation 12.16: Comparing reactivities of Alkanes and Alkenes ……………………….56
Investigation12.17: Enthalpy of combustion of alcohols .................... Ошибка! Закладка не
Investigation 12.18: Oxidation of alcohols .................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
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Investigation 12.19: Measuring the rate of fermentation .................... Ошибка! Закладка не
Investigation 12.20: Preparing simple esters .............................................................................. 80
Investigation 12.21 Properties of organic acids and bases ........................................................ 76
Investigation 12.22 Making soap .................................................................................................. 78
Applying Chemical Ideas .................................................................................................................. 81
Investigation 12.23: Flame Tests ................................................................................................... 81
Investigation 12.24: Identifying unknown cations..................................................................... 84
Investigation 12.25: Tests for anions ............................................................................................ 87
Investigation 12.26: Determination of iodide ion concentration by titration ......................... 91
Investigation 12.27: Measuring the sulfate content of lawn fertiliser ..................................... 95
Investigation 12.28: Distinguishing between classes of organic compounds ........................ 99
Investigation 12.29: Calculating the percentage yield of magnesium oxide ........................ 105
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Working Scientifically
Working Scientifically skills are at the core of conducting practical and secondary-sourced
investigations in science.
Opportunities will be provided for you to engage with all the Working Scientifically skills in
investigations. You will be challenged to further develop your understanding of Working
Scientifically as a group of dynamic and interdependent processes that are applied in each
scientific investigation in a way that is appropriate and determined by each activity.
Through regular involvement in these processes, applying them as appropriate, in a range of
varied practical investigations; you can broaden your interpretation of Working
The pathways within the processes become self-evident through the nature of each
investigation. An investigation may be instigated by, for example,
 direct observation of a phenomenon
 inconsistencies arising from results of a related investigation
 the quantitative and qualitative analysis of data
 secondary-sourced research.
You will be challenged to be open to:
 refining or redeveloping their chosen procedures
 redefining their questions and/or hypotheses
 modifying their methodologies or designs
 conducting further practical investigations
 conducting further secondary research.
You are also encouraged to communicate evidence-based conclusions and suggest ideas for
future research. Unexpected results are to be welcomed to refine methodologies and to
generate further investigation. Knowledge and understanding of science is essential to these
processes. Through this practice of science, you can acquire a deeper knowledge and
understanding of scientific concepts.
Practical investigations include:
 undertaking laboratory experiments, including the use of appropriate digital
 fieldwork.
Secondary-sourced investigations include:
 locating and accessing a wide range of secondary data and/or information
 using and reorganising secondary data and/or information.
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During your study of Chemistry, you will develop skills in applying the processes of
Working Scientifically
Questioning and predicting
CH11-1 A student develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific
Planning investigations
CH11-2 A student designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and
secondary data and information
Conducting investigations
CH11-3 A student conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and
secondary data and information
Processing data and information
CH11-4 A student selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and
information using a range of appropriate media
Analysing data and information
CH11-5 A student analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information
Problem solving
CH11-6 A student solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical
thinking skills and scientific processes
CH11-7 A student communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and
terminology for a specific audience or purpose
You will be given a range of practical experiences and challenges to investigate your
understanding of the nature of matter and its interactions and to confirm, or confront your
current understandings.
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Properties and structure of matter
Investigation 12.1: Analysing the reversibility of chemical reactions
Some chemical reactions are reversible to be reversed while others are not. In this
investigation, you will observe several chemical reactions and justify whether they are
reversible or not. You may wish to record your results using words or photos.
To observe several chemical reactions and determine if they are reversible or not.
25mL dropper bottle of 1mol/L cobalt (II) chloride hexahydrate
1 piece of filter paper
3 watch glass
1 drying oven/incubator
25mL dropper bottle of 0.05 mol/L potassium chromate
25mL dropper bottle of 0.05 mol/L potassium dichromate
25mL dropper bottle of 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
25mL dropper bottle of 0.1 mol/L sodium hydroxide
4 test tubes
Test-tube rack
4 small labels
1 pair brass tongs
1 x (5cm x 5cm) piece of sand paper
1 x (5cm x 5cm) piece of steel wool
Gas lighter
Safety glasses
Distilled water
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Cobalt (II) chloride
Potential for harm
Toxic to humans and
Extremely toxic to humans
Potassium chromate and
potassium dichromate
Magnesium ribbon
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Produces a bright white
light when it burns
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Control measures needed
Part A
1. Place a piece of filter paper on a watch glass.
2. Add cobalt chloride drop by drop until the filter paper is covered.
3. Observe the colour of the filter paper.
4. Place the watch glass into a drying oven overnight at 35℃.
5. Remove the watch glass and filter paper and observe the colour of the filter paper.
6. Add distilled water drop by drop to the same filter paper until it is covered.
7. Observe the colour of the filter paper
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
Part B
1. Label for test tubes A, B, C and D.
2. Add about 1mL of potassium chromate to test tubes A and B.
3. Add about 1mL of potassium dichromate to test tubes C and D.
4. Test tubes A and C are reference solutions
5. Add hydrochloric acid dropwise to test tube B until a colour change occurs.
6. Record your observations.
7. Add sodium hydroxide dropwise to test tube B until a colour change occurs.
8. Record observations.
9. Add sodium hydroxide dropwise to test tube D until a colour change occurs.
10. Record your observations.
11. Add hydrochloric acid dropwise to test tube D until a colour change occurs.
12. Record observations.
Part C
1. Clean a 5cm piece of magnesium with sand paper
2. Hold the piece of magnesium ribbon with a pair of brass tongs
3. Light the magnesium ribbon and hold it over the watch glass (SAFETY: Do NOT look
directly at the magnesium while it is alight).
4. Record observations.
Part D.
1. Hold a piece of steel wool with a pair of brass tongs
2. Light the steel wool and hold it over the watch glass.
3. Record observations.
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1. Complete the tables below:
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2. Write an equation to describe each of the reactions.
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Investigation 12.2: Modelling equilibrium
Equilibrium will be modelled in this investigation using pipettes, measuring cylinders and
Two 100mL measuring cylinders with the same height and diameter will be used. They will
be labelled A and B. The 10mL pipette will be used to transfer water from measuring
cylinder A to measuring cylinder B. This will model the forward reaction. The 5mL pipette
will be used to transfer water from measuring cylinder B to measuring cylinder A. This will
model the reverse reaction.
To model a reversible reaction and determine when dynamic equilibrium has been reached.
2 x 100mL measuring cylinders (same height and diameter)
2 x 10mL graduated pipettes
2 x 5mL graduated pipettes
2 small labels
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Broken glassware causing
Control measures needed
Label two 100mL measuring cylinders A and B
Fill measuring cylinder A with 100mL of water
Record the volume of water in each of the measuring cylinders
Turn the 10mL graduated pipette upside down and place it into the measuring
cylinder and allow it to fill with water (Fig2.11)
Use your thumb to tightly seal the exposed tip of the pipette and carefully transfer
the contents of this pipette to measuring cylinder B.
Turn the 5mL graduated pipette upside down and place it into measuring cylinder B
so the large opening is in the measuring cylinder and allow it to fill with water.
Use your thumb to carefully seal the exposed tip of the pipette and carefully transfer
the contents of this pipette to measuring cylinder A.
Record the volume of water in each of the measuring cylinders. This is the end of
cycle 1.
Repeat steps 4-7 until 40 cycles have been completed. Record the volume of water in
each of the measuring cylinders at the end of each cycle.
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Measuring Cylinder, A
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Measuring Cylinder B (mL)
1. Use excel to graph the results for the 40 cycles for each of the measuring cylinders, A
and B, on the same set of axes.
2. The slope of each of the graphs indicates the rate of the reactions for that reaction
(forward or reverse).
3. Compare the rates of reaction for the first 5 cycles and the last 5 cycles.
4. Justify whether the reaction reached dynamic equilibrium
(Evaluate this model’s effectiveness for modelling dynamic equilibrium)
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Investigation 12.3: Calculating the equilibrium expression
In this investigation, you will perform data analysis based on the quantitative data provided
for the three different gaseous systems. Assume that all reactions occurred at the same
To develop an understanding of the equilibrium constant.
Complete the following in order
1. Consider the reaction where dinitrogen tetraoxide forms nitrogen dioxide:
N2O4(g) ⇄ 2NO2(g)
At equilibrium, the following concentrations were recorded. Remember that square brackets
indicate molar concentration.
a) Complete this table
(mol L ) (mol L-1)
b) Which column has a consistent pattern?
c) Explain whether the column with the consistent pattern is consistent with the
equilibrium expression for the decomposition of dinitrogen tetraoxide to form
nitrogen dioxide.
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2. Consider the reaction:
PCl5(g) ⇄ PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
At equilibrium, the following concentrations were recorded.
a) Complete this table
(mol L-1)
(mol L-1)
(mol L-1)
b) Which column has a consistent pattern?
c) Explain whether the column with the consistent pattern is consistent with the
equilibrium expression for the decomposition of phosphorous pentachloride.
3. Consider the reaction between hydrogen and iodine producing hydrogen iodide:
H2(g) ⇄ I2(g) + 2HI(g)
At equilibrium, the following concentrations were recorded.
a) Reflect on the patterns you have seen in the first two questions to predict the
relationship that will exist in this reaction.
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b) Use the equilibrium concentrations below to test your prediction.
(mol L-1)
(mol L-1)
(mol L-1)
c) Explain whether your prediction was correct.
4. Summarise your findings for calculating the equilibrium constant using the
following general equation:
aA + bB ⇄ cC + dD
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Investigation 12.4: Investigating Precipitation reactions
Solubility rules can be formulated from experimental results. In this experiment, you will
determine which mixtures of solutions form precipitates and use these results to construct
solubility rules. These can be then compared with theoretical data.
To compare the solubility of a range of ionic substances through precipitation reactions.
Cations: (all 0.1mol L-1 dropper bottles)
Sodium nitrate
Silver nitrate
Lead (II) nitrate
Ammonium nitrate
Magnesium sulfate
Iron (II) sulfate
Copper (II) sulfate
Zinc sulfate
Aluminium sulfate
Barium chloride
Calcium chloride
Iron (III) chloride
Anions (all 0.1mol L-1) in dropper bottles
Potassium nitrate
Potassium chloride
Sodium sulfate
Sodium carbonate
Sodium acetate
Sodium hydroxide
Overhead projector sheet
Fineline permanent marker
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
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Potential for harm
Could splash onto your skin
or into your eyes
Not all chemicals should go
down the sink
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Control measures needed
1. Draw up a grid on overhead projector sheet with anions written across the top and
cations down the side.
2. Place the grid against a dark background (a dark laboratory bench or sheet of black
3. Place one drop each of the appropriate chemicals on the grid. There should be two
drops (one solution on top of the other solution in each square of the grid).
4. Record observations
Summarise the findings into statements such as ‘All nitrates are…’
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Ag+ slightly soluble
Ag+ insoluble
Pb slightly soluble
Ag+ insoluble
Pb2+ slightly soluble
Ag+, Pb2+ insoluble
Ba2+, Pb2+, Sr2+ insoluble
Ag+, Ca2+ slightly soluble
Group 1, NH4+. Ba2+. Sr2+
soluble, Ca2+ slightly
Group 1, NH4+. Ba2+. Sr2+
soluble, Ca2+ slightly
Group 1 and 2, NH4+
Group 1, NH4+ soluble
Group 1, NH4+ soluble
Group 1, NH4+ soluble
1. Compare the results of the experiment to the theoretical table above:
2. What, if any discrepancies between your results and table 4.1? Suggest a reason for
these discrepancies and a way of resolving them.
3. Write a balanced net ionic equation for each of the reactions in which a precipitate
was obtained.
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Investigation 12.5: Identifying ionic compounds
The labels on the bottles of five different chemicals have fallen off. The bottles have been
labelled A, B, C, D and E. The chemicals are known to be ammonium nitrate, potassium
iodide, sodium hydroxide, silver nitrate and zinc sulfate. You have been asked to identify
what is in each bottle.
Scientific apparatus
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Chemical substances
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Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Control measures needed
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Investigation 12.6: Preparing and using natural indicators
Acid-base indicators are substances that in solution change colour depending on whether the
solution is acidic or basic. Various plants including red cabbage contain certain dyes that can
act as acid-base indicators. The actual range of acidity or alkalinity over which indicators
change colours varies from one indicator to another.
To prepare and test natural indicators on a range of substances to determine their acidity or
Red Cabbage
Chopping board
500mL beaker
100mL beaker
Distilled water
Test-Tube rack
10mL measuring cylinder
Approximately 5mL of solution of each of the following:
-1 mol/L NaOH
-1 mol/L HCl
-White vinegar
-Lemon juice
-Bicarbonate of soda
-Washing powder
-Antacid tablet
-Salt water
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
NaOH and HCl
Can cause burns
Hot plate/Bunsen burner
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Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and
avoid contact with skin. If
spilt on skin, wash with
plenty of water
Wear heatproof gloves.
1. Finely shred two leaves of cabbage, place in 500mL beaker and just cover with
distilled water (about 200mL). Slowly boil the cabbage leaves until the water turns a
dark reddish-purple and the leaves lose most of their colour.
2. Allow to cool and pour the liquid off into a clean 100mL beaker. This is the red
cabbage indicator.
3. Place 2mL of each of NaOH and HCl into clean separate
1. Create a colour chart for the results
2. Justify whether indicator colour change is a reversible reaction.
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Investigation 12.7: Measuring the enthalpy of neutralisation
When a neutralisation reaction occurs, there is a change in enthalpy. The standard enthalpy
of neutralisation is the enthalpy change when solutions of an acid and alkali react together
under standard conditions to produce exactly 1 mol of water. In this reaction you will
determine the standard enthalpy of neutralisation for a reaction between aqueous sodium
hydroxide solution with hydrochloric acid. You will determine whether there is a difference
in enthalpy when solid sodium hydroxide is used instead of the aqueous solution.
To determine the enthalpy of neutralisation and the effect of the state of the reactants.
4g NaOH (s)
100mL 1 mol/L HCl
50mL 2 mol/L HCl
50mL 2 mol/L NaOH
100mL measuring cylinder
-1-110˚C thermometer
Electronic balance
2 Styrofoam cups
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Solid NaOH
Control measures needed
Use a spatula to transfer the
NaOH. Wear safety glasses.
Dispose of as per teachers’
Wear safety glasses
HCl and NaOH solutions
Pour 100mL 1 mol/L HCl into a Styrofoam cup
Measure the temperature of the solution
Accurately weigh out 4.0g of NaOH(s) and add this to the same Styrofoam cup.
Use the thermometer to stir and record the highest or lowest temperature reached.
1. Pour 50mL of the 2 mol/L NaOH into a Styrofoam cup
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2. Measure the temperature of the NaOH
3. Measure 50mL of the HCl and record its initial temperature.
4. Average the initial temperatures of the NaOH and HCl. This is the initial temperature
of the experiment. Pour the HCl into the Styrofoam cup containing the NaOH, stir
and record the highest or lowest temperature reached.
Volume of HCl
Initial Temperature
of HCl
Mass of solid
NaOH used
Final Temperature
of solution
Total volume of solution
Initial temperature of
Final temperature of
Assume the heat capacity (C) of each solution is 4.18J K-1g-1.
Part A will be used to determine the ∆H of neutralisation when using solid NaOH
Part B will be used to determine the ∆H of neutralisation when using aqueous sodium
For each part calculate:
1. The heat of reaction (q=mC∆T)
2. The number of moles of NaOH and HCl that took part in the reaction
3. The number of moles of water produced
4. The heat of reaction per mole of water.
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1. Compare the heat of reaction per mole of water for part A and part B and suggest
reasons for any differences between the values obtained.
2. The theoretical value for enthalpy changes of neutralisation for reactions between
solutions of strong acids and bases is around -57kJ mol-1 (of water) Explain any
discrepancies in your data.
3. Evaluate if it would be better to clean up an acid spill with a solid or aqueous base.
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Investigation 12.8: Measuring pH
In this investigation you will be able to determine the pH of substances using universal
indicator and a pH meter. An advantage of a pH meter is that it does not involve adding any
additional substances to the solution and the pH can usually be found with a greater degree
of accuracy provided the meter is calibrated correctly.
To measure and compare the pH of various substances.
Universal indicator and pH colour chart
pH meter or pH probe
distilled water
various household substances (eg. vinegar, lemon juice, dishwashing detergent, shampoo,
antacid tablet, baking soda, vitamin C, bleach, washing detergent, fabric conditioner, soda
water, salt, sugar).
Soil samples including potting mix
Petri dishes (one for each soil sample)
Barium sulfate (BaSO4) powder
Samples from swimming pools and local waterways
Test tubes and test tube rack
100mL beaker
1 mol/L and 0.0001 mol/L HCl
1 mol/L and 0.0001 mol/L NaOH
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Can burn the skin
Can be contaminated in the
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and
PPE. Take care when
handing chemicals and tell
teacher if there is a spill
Do not eat or drink any food
used in the lab.
Caustic and corrosive
Wear safety glasses avoid
contact with the skin.
Household chemicals
Food products
NaOH and
Soil samples
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May be contaminated with
harmful microorganisms
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Do not touch the soil
samples, work in a wellventilated area. Wash your
hands after experiment.
PART A: Testing household substances, HCl and NaOH
1. Set up test tubes in the rack. Place a few ml (enough to allow measurement using a
probe) of the substance to be tested in a test tube (You may need to add distilled
water if the substance is a solid).
2. Test the pH with the pH meter
3. Record the pH
4. Rinse the pH meter with distilled water
5. Add one drop of universal indicator solution
6. Record the colour and pH
7. Repeat with all other household substances, HCl and NaOH
PART B: Testing water samples
1. If the samples contain a lot of suspended sediment, filter or allow them to settle
before testing
2. Repeat the method in part A to test the samples
PART C: Testing the soil samples
1. Place approximately a spatula of soil in a petri dish
2. Add a few drops of indicator to make a paste and stir it
3. Lightly sprinkle a thin layer of barium sulfate powder over the soil paste. Do NOT
4. Allow a few minutes for the powder to absorb the indicator. Record the colour and
pH values. Repeat steps 1-4 with other soil samples.
Record your results in a table. Include a column for hydrogen ion concentration.
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Analysis of results
1. List the substances from the most acidic to the most basic
2. Record which substances, if any, were neutral.
1. Identify where there were significant differences between the pH values obtained
using UI and the pH probe. Suggest possible reasons for these differences.
2. Suggest a procedure for measuring the pH of the soil samples using a pH meter
3. Identify any noticeable differences in the pH of the water samples and suggest a
reason for this difference.
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4. Compare the hydrogen ion concentration of the samples of HCl used with pH
reading obtained from the meter. Suggest what the difference in these readings
could imply.
5. Reflect on possible errors that could have occurred and suggest what effect these
may have had on the results.
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Investigation 12.9: Comparing the pH of solutions of strong and weak
acids and bases
To analyse data and investigate trends in the melting and boiling points of alkanes.
1. Using the table of data below, graph the melting and boiling points of the alkanes
provided against the molecular weight.
Melting Point (c)
Boiling Point
Density of Liquid
(g/ml at oc)
- 182
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2. Use your graph to estimate the molecular weight, melting point and boiling point of
penetrate. Research the correct values and comment on the accuracy of your answers.
Propose reasons for any difference in your correct values and comment on the
accuracy of your answers. Propose reasons for any difference in your answer and the
accepted values.
3. Devise a method for determining the density of nonane given the values provided in
the table. Research the correct values and comment on the accuracy of your answer.
1. In terms of intermolecular bonding, explain why the melting and boiling points of the
alkanes increase with increasing molecular weight?
2. Propose a reason the density of the liquid alkanes increases with molecular weight?
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3. Identify three uses of alkanes?
4. Identify three uses of alkenes?
5. Explain what is meant by a ‘feedstock’?
6. Explain why alkanes have relatively low melting and boiling points?
7. Explain why the first four alkenes are gases at room temperature while the next in the
homologous series are liquids?
8. Explain why alkanes:
Do not conduct electricity?
Are insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents?
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9. Explain why the physical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes are very similar?
10. Sketch the general shape of a graph that plots molecular weight of an alkane against
boiling point. Explain the shape of the graph you have drawn in terms of
intermolecular forces.
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Investigation 12.10: Practising rinsing and reading measurements on
To use and read volumes accurately using volumetric flasks, burettes and pipettes
100ML OR 250ML volumetric flask with lid
20ml or 25ml pipette
Pipette filler
Burette clamp or boss head and retort stand
Retort Stand
250ml Conical flask
Wash bottle or Pasteur pipette and bulb
Filter funnel
250ml beaker
150ml beaker
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Broken glassware
Potential for harm
Water spillage
Person could slip over
Control measures needed
Move glassware to the
middle of the bench
Careful with the water and
how you use it
Part A – Volumetric Flask
1. Rinse the volumetric flask with a small volume of water, then empty it.
2. Place a filter funnel in the neck of the volumetric flask.
3. Use a 250ml beaker to pour water through the filter funnel into the flask. Hold the
filter funnel slightly above the flask so that the water will flow freely.
4. When the bulb of the flask is filled, remove the filter funnel and use a wash bottle
or Pasteur pipette to fill the flask so that the bottom of the meniscus is touching
the line marked on the flask.
5. Check your results with your teacher.
Part B – Burette
1. Clamp the burette to a retort stand using a burette clamp and close the tap on the
2. Place the filter funnel into the burette and pour a small volume of water into the
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3. Remove the filter funnel then remove the burette from the burette clamp, hold it
horizontally, open the tap and turn the burette so that all surfaces of the burette
are rinsed.
4. Empty the water into the sink.
5. Clamp the burette to the retort stand and close the tap on the burette.
6. Place a filter funnel into the burette and use a 150ml beaker to fill the burette with
water above the zero line. Remove the filter funnel.
7. Open the tap to allow water to flow to remove the airlock, and then close the tap.
8. Adjust the water level in the burette to the zero mark.
9. Place a flask under the burette and release exactly 26.30ml from the burette.
10. Check your results by showing your teacher.
11. Refill your burette and adjust the water level in the burette to the zero mark.
12. Place a flask under the burette and release exactly 15.70ml from the burette.
13. Check your results with your teacher.
Part C – Pipette
1. Attach the pipette filler to the pipette and draw up a small volume of water into
the pipette
2. Hold the pipette horizontally, remove the pipette filler and turn the pipette so
that all surfaces of the pipette re rinsed
3. Empty the pipette
4. Attach the pipette filler to the pipette and draw water into the pipette until the
volume is above the line marked on the pipette
5. Adjust the volume until the bottom of the meniscus touches the line marked on
the pipette
6. Check your result with your teacher
7. Place the pipette over the 250ml conical flask and remove the pipette filler so that
the pipette empties into the flask. Tap the tip of the pipette on the inside wall of
the flask and rinse down the sides of the flask with water
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1. Discuss any common sources of error in the class results.
2. Describe ways to remove to overcome these sources of error
3. Define the following terms
a. Volumetric analysis
b. Accuracy
c. Parallax error
4. Explain the difference between end point and equivalence point
5. a. What is used to rinse a pipette
b. Explain why this is used
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6. Draw a scientific diagram of a volumetric flask
7. Explain why it is significant that universal indicator changes colour several times
over the pH range 1-14?
8. Describe how can parallax error be minimised
9. A student wanted to fill a burette with hydrochloric acid, he poured some water
into the burette, then opened the tap and emptied the burette. The student then
filled the burette with hydrochloric acid, adjusted the volume to the zero mark
and indicated that he was ready to use the burette. Identify errors in the student’s
method and justify the correct method for using a burette.
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10. a. A student used three indicators to determine the pH of a sample of water from
the local river. The results were colourless in phenolphthalein, yellow in methyl
orange and blue in bromothymol blue. Use figure 7.6, to determine whether the
sample of river water was acidic, basic or neutral
b. Explain how you came to that conclusion
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Investigation 12.11: Making a primary standard solution
Primary standard solutions have an accurately known concentration and are stable
over a period in common laboratory conditions. These solutions are the starting point
for the volumetric analysis, so it is important that their concentration is accurate.
To make a primary standard solution.
1. Rinse the volumetric flask with a small volume of distilled water.
2. Place a clean, dry 150mL beaker on the electronic balance and tare the balance.
3. Accurately measure out, to the nearest 0.001g, about 1.4g of anhydrous
sodium carbonate into the beaker.
4. Add about 80mL of distilled water to the beaker and stir until the sodium
carbonate has completely dissolved.
5. Place the filter funnel into the neck of the volumetric flask.
6. Pour the sodium carbonate solution into the volumetric flask.
7. Pour a small volume of distilled water into the beaker, swirl and pour into the
volumetric flask. Repeat three times.
8. Rinse the filter funnel by pouring some distilled water from the wash bottle
into the volumetric flask.
9. Remove the filter funnel.
10. Fill the volumetric flask with distilled water until the bottom of the meniscus
is just touching the line on the volumetric flask.
11. Place a lid on the volumetric flask, hold the lid in place, invert and swirl the
contents of the flask so that mixing occurs.
12. Label your solution and keep it for use in Investigation 7.3.
250mL Volumetric flask with lid
Electronic balance
Clean, dry 150mL beaker
Filter funnel
Wash bottle filled with distilled water
Approx. 1.5g anhydrous sodium carbonate
300mL distilled water
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Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Solid sodium carbonate.
Potential for harm
Can irritate skin and eyes.
Working with glass beakers.
Can smash and injure.
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and
wash your hands at the end.
Be careful and don’t leave
anything on near the edge
of workspace.
Accurately record the mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate that was measured out.
Analysis of Results
Calculate the concentration of the sodium carbonate solution. Your answer should be
given to four significant figures.
1. Justify why the beaker and filter funnel were rinsed after use.
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2. Evaluate the accuracy of this technique for preparing a primary standard.
3. Sodium carbonate decahydrate (Na2CO3 * 10H2O) is readily available, has a
higher molar mass and is cheaper than anhydrous sodium carbonate. Justify
why anhydrous sodium carbonate is used as a primary standard while
sodium carbonate decahydrate is not.
4. Identify three criteria that must be met for a substance to be used as a primary
5. Describe the purpose of a primary standard.
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6. Explain why sodium hydroxide is not appropriate for use as a primary
7. Use your knowledge of the nature of hydrochloric acid to explain why it
should not be used as a primary standard.
8. A student was making the following primary standard: 250mL of a 0.135mol/
L solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate.
a) Calculate the mass of sodium hydrogen carbonate that must be used to
make this solution.
b) Describe the method used to make this primary standard.
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9. A student wanted to measure 90mL of a solution. Suggest what piece (or
pieces) of measuring equipment is/are most appropriate for this task and
explain why.
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Investigation 12.12: performing a titration.
In this titration, you will be using the primary standard that you made in investigation 7.2 to
determine the unknown concentration of a solution of hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is
a strong acid and sodium carbonate is a weak base so the equivalence point will be in the
acidic region. Methyl orange is a suitable indicator for this titration.
To determine to concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution using volumetric analysis.
250ml of accurately know concentration of sodium carbonate (made in investigation
50ml burette
Retort stand and burette clamp
25ml pipette and pipette filler
2 x 150ml beaker
3 x 250ml conical flasks
Dropper bottle containing methyl orange indicator
200ml hydrochloric acid of unknown concentration
2 small labels to label the 150ml beakers
Wash bottle with distilled water
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Dilute solutions of hydrochloric
acid, sodium carbonate and
methyl orange indicator may
splash onto your skin or your
Potential for harm
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses to avoid any
splashes and wash your hands
at the end of the investigation.
Keep glassware away from edge
of the bench. When pipette is
not in use, leave pipette filler on
pipette to prevent it rolling off
the bench. If glassware does
break, inform your teacher
glassware could break and cut
your hands.
1, rinse one of the 150ml beaker with a small amount of the hydrochloric acid solution,
empty it, label it and fill with about 100ml of the hydrochloric acid solution.
2, prepare the burette, then fill it with the hydrochloric acid solution.
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3, rinse the other 150ml beaker with a small amount of the sodium carbonate solution,
empty it, label it and fill with 100ml of the sodium carbonate solution.
4, Rinse the conical flask with water.
5, prepare the pipette, then use the pipette to transfer 25.00ml of the sodium carbonate
solution to the conical flask.
6, Add two drops of methyl orange indicator to the conical flask and swirl to mix.
7, place the conical flask under the burette and begin the titration.
8, when the first permanent colour change has occurred, record all results.
9, repeat the titration several more times until the titrant added is within 0.03ml.
Draw up a table and record:
- Concentration of sodium carbonate solution
- Volume of sodium carbonate used
- Volume of hydrochloric acid used
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Analysis of results
Calculate the average volume of hydrochloric acid used.
Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate.
Calculate the number of moles of sodium carbonate placed in the reaction vessel (conical flask).
Use the mole ratio from your balanced chemical equation to determine the number of moles of
hydrochloric acid that was titrated.
Calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid that was titrated.
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Compare your value for the concentration of the hydrochloric acid with your peers and with the value
provided by your teacher.
Discuss any variations in the value and suggest how to improve the accuracy of your results.
Justify why the conical flask was rinsed with water and not the solutions that were placed in it.
With reference to the data obtained and its analysis, write a conclusion based on the aim of the
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Investigation 12.13: Acid content in orange juice
The colour of orange juice distorts the colour change of indicators and makes it difficult to
determine the end point, so using a pH meter is a more suitable method. It is assumed that
all the acid in the orange juice that reacts in the titration with sodium hydroxide is citric acid
(C6H8O7). You may need to use a beaker as the reaction vessel since the pH meter may not
fit into a conical flask.
To determine the acid content in the orange juice.
1. Rinse one of the 150mL beakers with a small amount of the sodium hydroxide
solution, empty it, label it and fill it with about 100mL of the sodium hydroxide
2. Prepare the burette, then fill it with the sodium hydroxide solution.
3. Rinse the reaction vessel (conical flask or 250mL beaker) with water
4. Weigh the reaction vessel
5. Pour about 20mL of orange juice into reaction vessel and reweigh it.
6. Add about 50mL of water to the reaction vessel so the depth is enough to cover the
glass electrode of the pH meter.
7. Place the pH meter in the reaction vessel and record the pH
8. Place the reaction vessel under the burette and begin the titration, stopping after each
millilitre of sodium hydroxide has been added, to record the pH
9. Continue adding sodium hydroxide until the pH is constant in the basic region
10. Repeat the titration a couple more times with more frequent sampling of pH near the
large change in pH
About 20mL of orange juice (not orange fruit juice drink)
200mL standardised sodium hydroxide solution (about 0.1 mol L-1)
Calibrated pH meter
50mL burette
Retort stand and burette clamp
150mL beaker
3 X 250mL conical flasks or beakers
1 small label to label the 150mL beaker
Wash bottle with distilled water
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Broken glass
Potential for harm
Control measures needed
Carefully handle the glass
Sodium Hydroxide
Gets in Eyes
Wear eye glasses
Retort stand
Falls on foot
Make sure to handle the
retort stand carefully
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1. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between citric acid and sodium
hydroxide. Citric acid is a triprotic carboxylic acid. For each data set except the first,
use a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers to input the
data and produce an xy scatter graph of pH versus volume of sodium hydroxide
2. Determine the volume of sodium hydroxide added at equivalence.
3. Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide that was titrated with the orange
4. Use the mole ratio from your balanced chemical equation to determine the number of
moles of citric acid that reacted with the sodium hydroxide.
5. Calculate the mass of citric acid that reacted with the sodium hydroxide.
6. Calculate the percentage of citric acid present in the orange juice. Average your
values for the percentage of citric acid present in the orange juice.
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1. Compare your value for the percentage of acid in orange juice with those of other
2. Discuss any variations in the value and make suggestions for improving the accuracy
of your results.
3. Justify why the first data set was discarded.
4. Justify why the averaging of data only occurred in the last step of the analysis.
With reference to the date obtained and its analysis, write a conclusion based on the aim
of this investigation.
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Investigation 12.14: Effect of buffers
A buffer consists of a solution of a weak acid and its conjugate base (or vice versa). A buffer
solution is prepared by mixing a solution of a weak acid (or base) with its conjugate base (or
acid). The properties of the buffer allow constant pH to be maintained when acids and bases
are added to the solution.
To compare the behaviour of a buffered solution with an unbuffered solution.
5 x 100mL beaker
50mL measuring cylinder
Stirring rod
2 x plastic droppers
10mL of 1 molL-1 acetic acid (CH3OOH)
40mL of 1 molL-1 sodium acetate (CH3COONa)
30mL of 0.1 molL-1 hydrochloric acid (HCl)
30mL of 0.1molL-1 sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
Distilled water
Universal indicator and colour chart
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Chemicals may splash onto
your skin or into your eyes
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and wash your hands at the end of the
Wear gloves and an apron.
0.1 molL NaOH is
0.1molL-1 HCl is corrosive
to skin and clothes.
Wear gloves and an apron
1. Measure 10mL of 0.1 molL-1 acetic acid (CH3COOH) and pour it into a clean, dry
2. Measure 40mL of 0.1 molL-1 sodium acetate (CH3COONa) and add this to the acetic
acid in the beaker.
3. Use a measuring cylinder to measure 20mL of this solution into two beakers. Discard
the remainder.
4. Add five drops of universal indicator to both beakers. Record the colour, and therefor
pH, of the solution. Label these beakers ‘buffered solution’.
5. Into a third beaker add 50mL of distilled water.
6. Add 10 drops of a universal indicator to the water.
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7. Add hydrochloric acid drop by drop to the distilled water until the colour is the same
as the buffered solution.
8. Use a measuring cylinder to measure 20mL of the solution from step 7 into two
beakers and discard the remainder. Label these beakers ‘Unbuffered solution’. Record
the colour of these solutions.
9. To one of the buffered solutions add 0.1molL-1 HCl one drop at a time until 40 drops
have been added. Stir the solution between each drop.
10. Record the colour and pH of the resultant solution.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for one of the unbuffered beakers.
12. Repeat steps 9-11 with the remaining beakers, adding 0.1 molL-1 NaOH instead of
Initial pH
Final pH
Change in
solution +
0.1 molL-1
solution +
0.1 molL-1
solution +
0.1 molL-1
solution +
0.1 molL-1
Analysis of results
1. Describe the pH change for each of the beakers.
2. Describe the difference between changes in the buffered and unbuffered
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3. Use your understanding of equilibrium to account for these changes.
3. Suggest what would happen if you continued to add HCl to the buffered solution.
4. Suggest what would happen if you continued to add NaOH to the buffered
5. What is the effect of having a buffer in the solution?
6. In what ways may the experiment be improved to provide more accurate results?
Explain how each of your suggestions would facilitate this improvement.
What conclusion can you make regarding the action of a buffer in a solution?
Your teacher may allow you to test the effect of adding more acid or base to the buffered
solution to test your hypothesis.
How could you further test the effect of buffers?
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Investigation 12.15: Properties of compounds in a homologous series
To analyse data and investigate trends in the melting and boiling points of alkanes.
1. Using the table of data below, graph the melting and boiling points of the alkanes
provided against the molecular weight.
Melting point
Boiling point
Density of
liquid (g/mL at
2. Use your graph to estimate the molecular weight, melting point and boiling point
of pentane. Research the correct values and comment on the accuracy of your
answers. Propose reasons for any difference in your answer and the accepted
3. Devise a method for determining the density of nonane given the values provided
in the table. Research the correct values and comment on the accuracy of your
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1. In terms of intermolecular bonding, explain why the melting and boiling points of the
alkanes increase with increasing molecular weight.
2. Propose a reason the density of the liquid alkanes increases with molecular weight.
The main use of alkanes as fuels can be seen in the example below;
Methane is the main component of natural gas.
Propane is also known as LPG (liquid petroleum gas).
Octane is the main constituent of automobile gas.
Pentane is used as an industrial solvent.
Nonane and decane are both used in petrol.
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Investigation 12.16: Comparing reactivities of alkanes and alkenes
Part A: Oxidation reactions with acidified KMNO4 solution
Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising agent so may cause the hydrocarbon
to oxidise. A positive reaction indicates that the hydrocarbon has oxidised.
 Label three test tubes, one for each hydrocarbon.
 Place 1 mL of each hydrocarbon into the corresponding test tube.
 In a clean test tube, mix 4 mL of KMnO4 solution and 2 mL of H2SO4.
 Add 1 mL of the KMnO4/H2SO4 solution to each of the test tubes containing
 Shake gently and observe for 5 minutes.
 Dispose of the solutions in a chemical waste jar as directed by your teacher.
Do not pour down the sink.
 Rinse the test tubes and droppers with deionised water.
Part B: Addition and substitution reactions with Bromine
 Place 1 mL of each hydrocarbon into a clean, labelled test tube.
 Add 1 mL of Br2 to each test tube.
 Shake and gently and observe for 5 minutes.
 If a change is noted, add another 1 mL of Br2 to that test tube and observe.
 Dispose of the solutions in a chemical waste jar as directed by your teacher.
Do not pour down the sink.
3 mL samples of alkanes and alkenes: hexane, cyclohexane and cyclohexene (or
similar – should be in liquid form)
4 mL of 0.01 mol L-1 potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution
5 mL bromine water (Br2)
2mL of 2.0 mol L-1 sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Deionised water
4 test tubes and a test-tube rack
4 graduated droppers
5mL measuring cylinder
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Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Cyclohexane and
cyclohexene are toxic
Control measures needed
Avoid contact with skin and inhalation of vapours.
Wear gloves and a lab coat. Use in a fume hood. Wash
your hands at the end of the experiment.
Bromine water is
poisonous and corrosive
Avoid contact with skin and inhalation of vapours.
Wear gloves and a lab coat. Use in a fume cupboard.
Wash your hands at the end of the experiment.
Sulfuric acid is corrosive
Wear gloves and a lab coat. Avoid contact with skin.
Wash your hands at the end of the experiment.
Hexane, cyclohexane and
cyclohexene are highly
Ensure no flame sources are present near either of
these chemicals.
Record your observations/results in a suitable table. You should include observations of the
hydrocarbons before and after adding the KMnO4 and Br2
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1. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidising agent
a) Explain what this means.
b) Explain which hydrocarbons were really oxidised by the KMnO4 solution.
2. Which of the hydrocarbons reacted with the Br2 solution? Explain whether your
results are expected.
3. How would you modify the investigation, so all hydrocarbons showed a positive
reaction with Br2?
4. Write equations for the reactions that occurred in part B.
5. Identify the key difference between halogen reaction with alkanes and alkenes.
6. Distinguish, using examples, between substitution and addition reactions.
7. Compare complete and incomplete combustion in terms of products and energy
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8. Write balanced equations for:
a) The complete combustion of pentane
b) The reaction of butane with chlorine gas under UV light
c) The stepwise reaction of methane with chlorine gas until the molecule is fully
9. Write an equation to show the complete and incomplete combustion of butane.
10. Describe possible negative consequences of incomplete combustions.
11. A certain gaseous hydrocarbon is bubble through bromine water. The bromine is not
decolourised. Explain what you can conclude about the unknown hydrocarbon?
With reference to the observations made and analysis, write a conclusion about the relative
reactivities of alkanes and alkenes.
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Investigation 12.17: Enthalpy and combustion of alcohols
To measure the enthalpy of combustion for various alcohols and compare with theoretical
3-5 different alcohols of varying molecular weight (for example, ethanol, 1-butanol, 1pentanol)
Spirit burners containing alcohols
250mL beaker
Thermometers or data loggers with temperature probes
Clamps, retort stands.
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Alcohols are flammable
Glassware and other
Will become hot and may
cause burns
Control measures needed
Spirit burners are used to
contain the fuel and
separate them from the
Use an ove-glove or similar
to handle hot glassware.
Allow equipment time to
cool before packing away.
On the next page, you are to write your own method, you should include the measurements
you need, how you will control the variables in this experiment (HINT: Will you have a
constant temperature, or burn the fuel for a constant amount of time- which seems more
valid?), Whether you will conduct trials.
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Record your results in an appropriate table
Use your data to calculate enthalpy of combustion for each fuel (show your working)
Think about if your answer should be presented as kJ/mol or kJ/g and how this might affect
your analysis.
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1. Describe how you controlled the variable in this investigation and the reason for
doing so.
2. Construct a graph of molecular weight (horizontal axis) against enthalpy of
combustion (vertical axis)
3. Use your graph to describe any trend seen in this experiment.
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4. Research the theoretical value for the enthalpy of combustion for each of the
alcohols you used in this investigation. Plot their values on the graph you
constructed. Thus, compare the experimental enthalpy values you measured to the
theoretical values.
5. Suggest reasons for any differences between the experimental and theoretical
6. Comment on the accuracy, reliability and validity of this experiment, using your
investigation results.
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Investigation 12.18: Oxidation of alcohol
To examine and compare the reactions of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
10mL of ethanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 2-methyl-2-propanol (if these are not
available, ensure you have at least one primary, secondary and tertiary
5mL of 0.1mol/L sodium dichromate solution (Na2Cr2O7)
5mL of 0.01mol/L potassium permanganate solution (KMnO4)
5mL of 6mol/L sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Water bath (hot water from a kettle in a beaker)
250mL beaker
5 large test tubes
Test-tube rack
10mL measuring cylinder
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Sodium dichromate
Is toxic
Concentrated sulfuric acid
Is corrosive and emits
harmful vapours
Are flammable
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Control measures needed
Avoid contact with skin by
using protection equipment.
Avoid inhalation of vapours
by using chemicals in a
fume hood
Avoid contact with skin and
avoid inhalation. Teacher
may dispense acid as
Avoid using alcohols
around flame source or hot
1. Prepare a water bath using boiling water from a kettle in a 250mL beaker.
Replace as necessary as water cools.
Part A: Reaction with Permanganate Ions (MnO4-)
1. Measure 2mL of each alcohol into a separate, labelled test tube.
2. In a separate test tube mix 4mL potassium permanganate with 1mL sulfuric
acid. Note the colour of the solution.
3. Add 4 – 5 drops of the acidified permanganate ion solution into each of the
test tubes containing the alcohols.
4. Place the test tubes into the water bath for 1 – 2 minutes or until a change is
5. Record any observations made, including colour changes and smell.
6. Dispose of the contents of the test tubes in a waste container. Do not dispose
of any materials down the sink.
Part B: Reaction with Dichromate Ions (Cr2O72-)
1. Measure 2mL of each alcohol into a separate, labelled test tube.
2. In a separate test tube mix 4mL sodium dichromate with 2mL sulfuric acid.
Note the colour of the solution.
3. Add 1mL of the acidified dichromate ion solution into each of the test tubes
containing the alcohols. Shake gently to mix.
4. Place the test tubes into the water bath for 5 minutes or until a change is seen.
5. Record any observations made including colour changes and smell.
7. Dispose of the contents of the test tubes in a waste container. Do not dispose
of any materials down the sink.
Record your observations in a table.
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1. Using a balanced redox half equation, explain any colour changes seen for:
a) Oxidation using permanganate ion solution
b) Oxidation using dichromate ion solution
2. Write equations for any reactions that occurred in your investigation.
3. Explain whether you can positively identify any type of alcohol (primary,
secondary or tertiary) using this method.
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4. A suggestion is made to distinguish between primary and secondary alcohols
by adding carbonate ions to the product.
a) Explain, using an equation, how this could show the difference between
the reaction of primary or secondary alcohol.
b) Explain possible problems using this method and why it might not allow
you to tell the difference between the two alcohols.
Assess the usefulness of dichromate ions and permanganate ions for distinguishing
between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
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Investigation 12.19: Measuring the rate of fermentation
To create a fermentation mixture and measure the rate of reaction.
100mL conical flask
5g yeast- dried packet yeast for bread making will work for this investigation
10g glucose – sucrose or table sugar will also work
40mL warm water (30-40˚C)
Electronic balance
Controlled environment (incubator) set at around 25-30˚C.
Plastic hose
One-hole rubber stopper
Limewater (calcium hydroxide)
5mL of 0.1mol -1 sodium dichromate solution (Na2Cr2O7)
5mL 6 mol L-1 sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
Test tube
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Carbon dioxide production
Production of ethanol
Potential for harm
Production of carbon
dioxide gas could build up
Control measures needed
Ensure gas leaves through
Keep mixture clear of flame
and hot equipment.
1. Place 5g of yeast in the conical flask
2. Add 10g glucose and 40mL warm water to the flask. Swirl to mix contents
3. Stopper the conical flask and attach a simple air lock created by making a circle
length of plastic tube and filling with water as seen in figure 11.9
4. Measure and record the mass of the set up
5. Measure the mass of fermentation set up over the next 2-3 days, recording against the
number of hours since sent up. Store the experiment in an incubator at 25˚C
6. During one mass measurement, unwind the plastic tubing and bubble the gas
produced through limewater and record observations
7. After completion of mass measurements, extract approximately 5mL of the
fermentation mixture and add acidified dichromate solution, as used in experiment
12.18. Record any observations.
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Fermentation (hours)
Weight (g)
Observations with limewater
Observations with acidified dichromate ion
1. Explain, using an equation, why there was a decrease in mass over time. Explain how
this can be used to measure rate of fermentation
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2. Construct a graph of mass loss against hours of fermentation. Describe any trends
3. Explain the purpose of the limewater test. Use a balances equation in your answer
4. Explain the purpose of the acidified dichromate ion test. Use a balanced equation in
your answer.
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Investigation 12.20: Preparing simple esters
To make and purify an ester. A simple ester to make is pentyl ethanoate; however,
depending on the alcohols and carboxylic acids available, you could attempt to make
another ester.
13. Place the pentanol, ethanoic acid, sulfuric acid and a few boiling chips into the
round bottom flask and clamp securely.
14. Assemble the reflux apparatus as seen in Figure 12.8 (p. 346) ensuring both the
flask and condenser are securely clamped and tightly fitted together.
15. Connect the tubing to the tap and condenser and turn on water so a uniform
flow is achieved.
16. Heat the mixture with a heating mantle at a constant rate for approximately 30
minutes. Ensure the mixture is not heated too much or the vapours will escape
out of the top of the condenser.
17. Let the mixture cool then decant the entire mixture (without boiling chips)
into a large separating funnel containing 15 mL water.
18. Stopper the funnel and shake. Allow the layers to separate, drain off and
discard the aqueous layer.
19. Add approximately 15 mL sodium carbonate solution and let most of the gas
escape out of the top of the funnel.
20. Once the gas production has slowed, stopper then shake and then quickly take
the stopper out to let the gas escape. Repeat until gas production stops.
21. Add 10 mL deionised water, shake, allow layers to separate, drain and discard
the aqueous layer.
22. If time permits, you can distil your final ester. Research its boiling point and
collect all liquid formed a few degrees either side of this temperature.
23. Make observations about the smell, volume, colour, viscosity and any other
observable properties of your ester.
 10 mL 1-pentanol (or other alcohol)
 12 mL glacial ethanoic acid (or other carboxylic acid)
 1 mL concentrated sulfuric acid
 Boiling chips
 Round bottom flask
 Condenser
 Plastic tubing
 Heating mantle or Bunsen burner
 Separating funnel
 15 mL 1.0 mol/L sodium carbonate
 Deionised water
 2x 100 mL beakers
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Waste container for all organic waste
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Flammable organic
Potential for harm
Burns and injury
Toxic vapours from organic
Inhalation leading to
various side effects
Gas builds-up in glassware
during reflux and
Explosion leading to injury
Concentrated sulfuric acid
Chemical burns, etc
Control measures needed
Use a heating mantle
instead of a Bunsen burner
if possible, keep all organic
chemical storage containers
away from the flame.
Keep containers stoppered
if possible, perform
experiment in wellventilated room or in fume
cupboard if possible.
Do not stopper the top of
the condenser during reflux
or during addition of
carbonate ions to the
separating funnel.
Teacher to dispense, kept in
the fume hood when not in
use, PPE worn when
handling the acid.
Record your observations.
5. Write a balanced equation for the formation of your ester, naming all reactants
and products.
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6. Explain the purpose of refluxing the ester mixture.
7. Explain, in terms of polarity, the chemistry behind the purification of the ester
using the separation funnel.
8. Explain, including a balanced equation, the reason for adding sodium
carbonate to the ester mixture during the purification process.
9. By considering the whole method (refluxing and purification) suggest reasons
a) the ester having a lower yield than theoretically possible,
the final ester being contaminated with other substances.
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Write a conclusion assessing the suitability of this experiment to produce a pure
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Investigation 12.21 properties of organic acids and bases.
To investigate some properties of organic acids and bases.
0.10 molL-1 solutions of ethanoic acid, methanoic acid, citric acid, hydrochloric acid.
0.10 molL-1 sodium carbonate solution.
0.10 molL-1 sodium hydroxide.
0.10 molL-1 solution of 1-2 organic bases (suggestions: diethylamine/diethanolamine
test tubes
test-tube rack
pH probe
universal indicator
organic waste container
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Organic compounds can
release toxic vapours.
Acids and bases are
1Control measures needed
Keep containers stoppered when not in use, perform
in a well – ventilated area or in a fume cupboard if
Wear personal protective equipment and wash
hands after experiment is complete
1. Using the equipment provided, conduct tests to distinguish between the acids and
bases provided.
2. Measure the pH of each of the acids provided and record their values. Note: Acids
used must be of the same concentration.
3. React all solutions, recording all observations.
With sodium carbonate solution
With sodium hydroxide adding 2-3 drops of universal indicator.
Results (Record your observations / results in a table.)
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1. Describe the tests you conducted in step 1 of the method. Include any observations
made, write equations for any reactions that occurred and explain how your texts
distinguished between the acids and bases.
2. Explain the different pH values recorded for the different acids measured in step 2
3. Write equations for any reactions that occurred in step 3. Explain why some solutions
did not react.
With reference to the results obtained and its analysis, write a conclusion about the reactions
of organic acids and bases.
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Investigation 12.22 Making Soap
To make a soap from vegetable oil and compare the properties against a commercially
produced soap.
8mL vegetable oil (castor oil, olive oil, canola oil)
25mL 50% v/v ethanol / water mixture
2.5g solid sodium hydroxide
150mL saturated sodium chloride solution
universal indicator pH probe
commercially produced bath soap, liquid soap and detergent
50mL beaker
150mL beaker
2x250mL beakers
10mL measuring cylinder
100mL measuring cylinder
hot plate
electronic balance
stirring rod
paper towel
4 test tubes with stoppers
test tube rack
Part a: making soap
1. Set up a water bath by placing a 250mL beaker containing approximately 75mL of
water on a hotplate set to moderate heat
2. Pour 6mL vegetable oil into a 150mL beaker
3. Weigh out 2.5g of sodium hydroxide in the 50mL beaker and add 20mL of the
ethanol/water mixture, stirring to dissolve. The ethanol does not take part in the
reaction but assist the reaction between the oil and sodium hydroxide
4. Slowly add the sodium hydroxide solution to the oil, stirring continuously during the
5. Place the beaker containing the reaction mixture in the water bath and boil gently,
stirring frequently. If the mixture is overheated, the mixture may spit out of the
beaker. Stir constantly to ensure the mixture does not spit.
6. After about 30 minutes of heating and stirring the oil should be dissolved and the
mixture should look
7. Add 25 mL water to the hot solution and stir.
8. Pour this mixture into a 250mL beaker containing 150mL saturated sodium chloride
solution and stir. Allow to cool
9. Remove the soap layer and place into a 50mL beaker
10. Rinse twice with deionised water to remove excess sodium hydroxide
11. Place the rinsed soap on some paper towel to dry
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Part b: testing soap
1. Place a small amount of your soap in a test tube. In separate test tubes, place the
same amount of bath soap, liquid soap and detergent
2. Add 5mL deionised water to each test tube, stopper and shake. Record your
observations especially the height of the lather formed
3. Determine the pH of each of the solutions.
Record your observations/results in a table
The structure of a molecule of vegetable oil is shown below:
1. Using this structure, write an equation to show the formation of soap
2. Using your results, explain whether your soap was better or worse at producing a
lather than the commercial soaps. Rank the four soaps and detergents in order of
increasing lather production.
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3. Explain the purpose of:
The saturated sodium chloride solution
The ethanol
4. Compare the pH results you found when you tested each soap/detergent solution.
With reference to the results obtained and their analysis, write a conclusion based on the
aim of this investigation.
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Investigation 12.23: Flame Tests
A flame test is a simple procedure that can detect the presence of certain metallic ions in
solution. A test sample is heated on a wire loop, or sprayed directly into, a Bunsen burner
flame and a distinctive colour is observed for a few seconds. When the metal ions in the
solution are heated, the heat atomises the metal ions. Their valence electrons absorb energy
and jump to higher orbits. As these higher energy electrons return to their ground state, they
emit the absorbed energy as a characteristic colour of light. If viewed through a spectroscope,
a unique ‘fingerprint’ of spectra lines is evident.
ATAR Notes Key Point: Light is emitted when excited electrons move back to their ground
state. (Silove, 2018, p. 78)
Nichrome wire loop mounted in a piece of glass tubing
Bunsen burner
Heatproof mat
1 mol/L HCl
Distilled water
2 x 150mL beaker
Solid samples of:
Copper (II) sulfate
Calcium chloride
Copper (II) chloride
Barium chloride
Calcium nitrate
Barium nitrate
Lead (II) nitrate
Iron (II) nitrate
Iron (II) compound
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Bunsen burner
Potential for harm
Flame is hot, could cause
May be irritants
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Control measures needed
Turn off Bunsen burner or
turn it to the yellow flame
when not in use
Use in a well-ventilated
area, do not inhale
1. Warning: Wear safety glasses!
2. Warning: Do not touch the hot wire loop used in the flame tests. Burn hazard!
3. Warning: The barium sample used for the flame test is toxic. Avoid skin contact.
Clean up spills immediately.
4. Heat the wire loop in a blue bunsen nurner flame to burn off any old deposits.
5. Dip the wire loop into the 6mol L-1 HCl and then heat it in the Bunsen burner.
6. flame. Repeat this procedure until the Bunsen flame shows its normal blue colour free
of any colour taints.
7. Dip the cleaned wire loop into the barium solution provided and heat in the Bunsen
flame. Record your observations of the flame test colours. Completely burn off the
barium sample deposit before proceeding to the next flame test.
8. Repeat steps 4–6 using calcium, then copper solution samples.
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Flame colour from prac
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Flame colour from
1. Describe any patterns you see in your data
2. Describe any problems you had with determining the colours. Compare your
results to theoretical results.
3. Explain why compounds containing the same metal will have the same colour
flame when a flame test is conducted
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Investigation 12.24: Testing for Cations
In this experiment, you will conduct a series of tests to identify specified cations
in a solution that contains only one cation. You will then use the results of these
tests to identify an unknown cation in a sample.
To carry out a series of chemical reactions to identify the presence of the cations Ag+, Mg2+,
Ba2+, Ca2+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+ then use these to identify unknown cations in sample.
Dropper bottles each containing one of the following 0.1mol/L solutions:
-Cation solutions (0.1mol L-1)
Test solutions (0.1mol L-1)
Mg (NO3)2
Pb (NO3)2
Ba (NO3)2
Ammonia solution
Acidified KMnO4
Three samples with unidentified cation
8 Test tubes
Test-tube rack
Distilled water
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
NaOH and H2SO4
Metal salts
Silver, barium, copper
and lead are
Silver nitrate will
stain skin and
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and protective
clothing. Do not allow contact with skin of
clothes. If contact occurs, wash with large
amounts of water for 10-15 mins
Avoid contact with skin and clothes, wash
hands thoroughly after use. Dispose of
chemicals as directed by your teacher.
1. Add 10 drops of each of the cation solutions to each of 8 test tubes
2. Add 2 drops of the NaOH to each of the test tubes. If no precipitate forms, try adding
a few more drops.
3. Record the results n the table below. If no precipitate forms write ‘NP’. If a precipitate
form writes ‘PPT’ and state its colour.
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4. In the test tubes where a precipitate formed add excess OH-. Record your
5. Thoroughly clean all test tubes with distilled water
6. Repeat steps 1-3 for OH- where precipitate formed; add excess NH3. Record
observations. Thoroughly clean all test tubes.
7. Repeat steps 1-3 using SO42- instead of OH-. Record your observations. Thoroughly
clean all test tubes
8. Add 10 drops of each of Fe2+ and Fe3+ solutions to separate test tubes. Add 2 drops of
SCN- solution to each test tube. Record the results.
9. Add 10 drops of each of Fe2+ and Fe3+ solutions to separate test tubes. Add 2 drops of
acidified MnO4- solution to each test tube. Record the results.
10. Add 10 drops of Ba2+ and Ca2+ solution to separate test tubes and add 2 drops of Fsolution. Record the results.
11. Add 10 drops of Ag+ and Pb2+ solution to separate test tubes and add 2 drops of Clsolution. Record the results
12. Add 5 drops ammonia solution to each of the test tubes in step 11. Record the results
13. Add 10 drops of Pb2+ solution to a test tube and add 2 drops of I- solution. Record the
14. Obtain samples with unidentified cations and use the results to identify the cations.
Test Solution
OH +
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
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1. Compare your results with the information in your workbook. Explain any
2. Explain how effective your identification of the unknown ions was. Provide
reasons for your success of failure of correct identification.
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Investigation 12.25: Tests for anions
In the previous investigation, you conducted a series of tests to identify specified cations. In
this investigation you will devise and conduct a series of tests to identify the following
anions: Chloride (Cl-), bromide (Br-), iodide (I-), Hydroxide (OH-) acetate (CH3OO-)
Carbonate (CO32-) Sulfate (SO42-) Phosphate (PO43-). You will then obtain a sample containing
an unknown anion and try to identify it.
1. Use your workbook to provide information on a possible sequence and tests to
2. Anions and test solutions need only be 0.1mol L-1 unless concentrated is specified.
Only small quantities (1-2mL need to be used).
3. Anion solutions should not contain cations, which will precipitate with any of the
other anions being tested.
4. Concentrated acids and ammonia solution are dangerous so take appropriate safety
precautions including the use of a fume cupboard for concentrated ammonia.
5. Some metal salts are toxic; therefore, wear appropriate protective clothing and ensure
correct disposal.
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
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Potential for harm
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Control measures needed
Devise a method to test the solutions. Ensure than you consider if confirmation tests may be
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Record your results in a carefully planned table
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Discuss your results with particular attention to:
Ease or difficulty in identifying each anion
The need for confirmation testing
Possibility of contamination
Accuracy in identifying the unknown sample.
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Investigation 12.26. Determination of iodide ion concentration by
titration (Volhard’s method)
This titration uses Volhard’s method to determine the concentration of iodide ions I solution.
The silver iodide precipitate formed with addition of excess silver nitrate does not need to be
removed before the titration proceeds since it is less soluble than the AgSCN precipitate
formed at the end point.
Write an aim for this investigation;
Write a hypothesis for this investigation;
20mL 1.0molL-1 nitric acid
50mL 0.1molL-1 silver nitrate
5mL saturated ferric aluminium sulphate (NH4Fe(SO4)2)
50mL sodium iodide sample solution
100mL 0.1molL-1 standard sodium thiocyanate solution
Distilled water
5mL and 10mL measuring cylinder
3 x 250mL conical flasks
50mL burette
Burette clamp and retort stand
Filter funnel
2 x 10mL pipette
Pipette filler
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Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Control measures needed
Wear safety glasses and wash your hands at the
end of the experiment.
Nitric acid is corrosive
Silver salts are poisonous. Silver nitrate will
leave a brown stain on clothing and skin.
Avoid contact with skin and clothes. Wash hands
thoroughly after use. Dispose of the chemicals as
a directed by your teacher.
Glass ware could break and cut your hands.
Keep glass ware away from the edge of the bench.
When the pipette is not in use, leave the pipette
filler on the pipette to prevent it rolling off the
bench. If the glass ware does break, inform your
teacher immediately.
1. Pipette 10mL of the sample solution into a conical flask.
2. Pipette 10mL of silver nitrate solution into the flask. Add 5mL of nitric acid and 1mL
of ferric aluminium sulphate solution.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until there are three flasks.
4. Fill the burette with 0.1molL-1 sodium thiocyanate solution.
5. Record the initial reading on the burette.
6. Titrate the solution in the flask with the thiocyanate until a blood-red appears. Record
the final volume reading on the burette.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 until three consistent readings have been obtained.
Record the results in the table;
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Analysis of results
Determine the average volume of potassium thiocyanate.
Calculate the average number of moles of potassium thiocyanate.
Write a balance equation for the reaction between silver ions and thiocyanate ions.
Calculate the number of moles of silver nitrate reacted with thiocyanate ions. (This is
the excess silver nitrate.)
Calculate the number of moles of silver nitrate added to the flask.
Calculate the number of moles of silver nitrate that reacted with the iodide sample.
Calculate the moles of iodide ions in the sample.
Calculate the concentration of sodium iodide in the sample solution.
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Compare your results with other members of the class and suggest reasons for any
differences. Identify any sources of error in this investigation and suggest ways to
minimise them.
With reference to the data obtained and the results write a conclusion.
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Investigation 12.27: Measuring the sulfate content of lawn fertiliser
Quantitative analysis is the process of determining the amounts of specific substances in
samples. In some analyses, the species to be measured is precipitated out as an insoluble
compound that is then filtered off, dried and weighed. This is known as gravimetric analysis.
This technique can be used to determine the amount of sulfate in lawn fertiliser. You will be
provided with a sample of lawn fertiliser. Your task is to design an experiment to determine
the percentage of sulfate in the lawn fertiliser.
Write an aim for this investigation
Write a hypothesis for this investigation
1. Materials: Think about what you have learnt about identifying sulfate ions.
(Remember an acidified solution of Ba2+ ions produce a thick white precipitate with
SO4- ions). Consider which chemicals are necessary for identifying sulfate ions and
how the resultant precipitate might be measured. Write a list of materials. You
shouldn’t use too much fertiliser; approximately 1g should be enough.
2. Safety: Note any safety considerations, especially the use of acids and disposal of the
precipitate formed.
3. Method: Write the steps you will follow in conducting the experiment. Ensure that
you add the barium solution gradually (drop by drop) until no more precipitate
appears. Gently heating, not boiling, the precipitate solution for about an hour will
facilitate filtration. Remember that you will need to dry the precipitate as the end
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Draw up a table to record your results.
Analysis of Results
1. Write a balanced equation for the reaction used to separate the sulfate
2. Calculate the mass of BaSO4 formed.
3. Calculate the mass of sulfate ion in the resultant precipitate by multiplying the mass
of BaSO4 formed by the relative formula mass of SO42- and then dividing by the
relative formula mass of BaSO4.
4. Calculate the percentage of sulfate in the original sample of fertiliser by dividing the
mass of sulfate ions by the original mass of fertiliser used in the investigation and
then multiplying by 100.
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1. Compare your result with the stated amount on the packet. Suggest reasons for any
2. Discuss the effect of the following factors on the accuracy of the experiment and how
errors could be minimised.
Solubility of barium sulfate
Contamination of the precipitate with impurities
Passage of fine particles of barium sulfate through the filter paper
Losses of precipitate during mechanical transfer of the precipitate from the
beaker to the filter paper and washing of the precipitate
Non-reproducibility of drying the filter paper.
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3. Describe the difference between a precipitation titration and gravimetric analysis
4. List possible sources of error that can occur in gravimetric analysis.
5. A sea water sample is analysed for its NaCl content by diluting 20 mL of the sample
to 100 mL and titrating 25 mL volumes with a 0.12 mol L-1 AgNO3 solution using
Mohr’s method. An average of 24.5 mL of silver nitrate solution was required to
reach the end point. A blank titration required 0.6 mL to achieve a colour change of
the indicator.
a) Calculate the average number of moles of Cl-1 in the 25 mL volumes
b) Calculate the number of moles in the original 20 mL sample.
c) Calculate the NaCl content in g/ml
6. A wastewater sample of mine run-off is analysed for its cyanide ion content using
Volhard’s method. A 25 mL sample is mixed with 50 mL of 0.12 mol L-1 AgNO3. The
sample is back titrated with a 0.27 mol L-1 thiocyanate solution. The average amount
of thiocyanate used is 14.4mL. Calculate the concentration of cyanide ions in the
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Investigation 12.28: Distinguishing between classes of organic
When identifying a compound, the first step is to determine which class of organic
compounds the unknown substance belongs to. In this investigation, you will need to
identify whether the unknown compound contains a carbon-carbon double bond, a
hydroxyl group or is a carboxylic acid.
Write an aim for your investigation.
Use the information in your booklet on tests for distinguishing classes of organic
compounds and previous investigations to draw a flow chart to outline the method
you might follow.
You will need to confirm that the tests you are using work for that class of organic
compound before identifying the unknown sample. This could be done by obtaining
samples of a known carboxylic acid, alkene, primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol
and conducting the tests on these before attempting to identify the unknown.
Write out a step-by-step method using the flow chart to help you.
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Use information on tests for distinguishing classes of organic compounds and
previous investigations to consider what equipment you will need.
Complete a risk assessment for your investigation. Refer to safety considerations in
similar investigations.
Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
Control measures needed
Perform the identifying tests on the known compounds to confirm the reactions a
record your observations in a table.
Obtain an unknown compound from your teacher and identify its class. If it is found
to be an alcohol, you could try to determine whether it is primary, secondary or
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1. Write balanced equations for the reactions you used to distinguish between
the different classes.
2. Which class is the most reactive? Which class is the least reactive?
3. Use your results to justify the identity of the unknown sample.
4. Which, if any, of the following classes - alkene, carboxylic acid and alcohol are soluble in water?
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5. Explain if solubility would be a suitable way to distinguish these classes of
6. For each of the following reactions, write a balanced equation and name any
products formed: Bromine water and propene, Sodium metal and 1-butanol,
Ethanol and methanoic acid, Propanoic acid and sodium, Methanol and
sodium carbonate, Propanoic acid and sodium carbonate, Methanol and
sodium metal.
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7. A student wanted to use an esterification reaction to test for the presence of a
carboxylic acid. What reactants would the students need?
8. Compare the potential accuracy of this test to a different test that is used to
identify carboxylic acids.
9. Three compounds are known to be 1-propanol, ethanoic acid and 1-pentene.
Write a method that could be used to identify the three compounds. Give
expected results of any proposed tests.
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10. Four bottles containing clear liquids were found on the laboratory shelf, but
the labels had fallen off. The missing labels were found on the floor and had
the names: 1-hexene (C6H12), pentane (C5H12), water (H2O) and ethanol
A group of chemistry students was asked to devise a series of tests to identify
the contents of each of the four bottles. The students labelled the bottles A, B,
C and D and conducted their tests. Their results are below:
Decolourises bromine in the
Soluble in Water
absence of UV light
Using the information from the tests, identify which bottle contained which
chemical, giving reasons for your decision.
Write balanced equations for the chemical reactions that occurred.
With reference to the results obtained and the discussion, write a conclusion for this
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Investigation 12.29: Calculating the percentage yield of magnesium
To calculate the percentage, yield for a reaction, it is necessary to be able to measure the
amount of product produced from a known amount of reactants. In this investigation, you
will design and conduct an experiment to determine the percentage yield of the reaction
between magnesium and oxygen.
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Risk Assessment
Hazard or Risk
Potential for harm
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Control measures needed
1. How could you improve your method to obtain more accurate results?
2. What could you do to further investigate the percentage yield for this reaction?
3. Extension: What other reactions could you investigate the percentage yield of? What
factors may limit the reactions that you could investigate.
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