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CGS 3066 Practice Test 2: JavaScript & DOM

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CGS 3066: Practice Test 2
The questions below are indicative of the questions that you may be asked on the
test; the length of this
practice test is not indicative of the length of the unit test. Answers are included at
the end of this document;
you are encouraged to attempt all questions before reviewing the answers.
Part 1: Multiple Choice
1. Consider a page that has 2 forms on it. The first is named ”getContact”. The
second is named “getInfo”. If
the second form has a text box named “marbles”, which of the following correctly
references value of the text
a. document.forms[0].getInfo.marbles
b. document.forms[1].marbles.value
c. document.forms[getInfo].marbles.value
d. document.getContact.marbles.value
2. Consider the JavaScript statement var s = 5 + “5”. What value is assigned to s?
a. 55
b. 10
c. statement is illegal and causes an error
d. none of the above
3. Consider the JavaScript statement var s = 5 + parseInt(“5”). What value is
assigned to s?
a. 55
b. 10
c. statement is illegal and causes an error
d. none of the above
4. JavaScript functions are required to include a return statement
a. False
b. True
5. The JavaScript statement s *= (y++ % 3) is equivalent to which of the following?
a. s = s * ((y + 1) % 3)
b. s = s * (y +1 % 3)
c. y = y + 1; s = s * (y % 3)
d. s = s * (y % 3); y = y + 1
6. Consider the following JavaScript statements: x = 5 and y = 6.
What will the expression (x == y) || (x < 13) evaluate to?
a. False
b. True
7. Within JavaScript, the body of a do...while loop is guaranteed to execute at least
a. False
b. True
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
8. The Document Object Model provides access to every element in a document.
a. False
b. True
9. Inside which XHTML element is JavaScript placed?
a. <script>
b. <javascript>
c. <js>
d. <scripting>
10. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?
a. The <head> section
b. The <body> section
c. Any of the above
11. How can you add a comment in JavaScript?
a. //This is a comment
b. ‘This is a comment
c. <!--This is a comment-->
12. An external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag
a. False
b. True
13. JavaScript is case-sensitive
a. False
b. True
14. Within JavaScript, variables that are declared (using the keyword var) within a
a. can only be accessed within that function.
b. when you exit the function, the variable is destroyed.
c. these variables are called local variables.
d. all of the above
15. Which of the following property, of the window object, sets/returns the text of the
status bar?
a. window.statusBar
b. window.status
c. window.status()
d. window.statusBar()
16. window.alert() and window.open() create dialog boxes t
hat require user input for the page to continue
a. False
b. True
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
25. Within the function "func", which of the following would return the value of the
selected option of the select
drop-down menu?
a. f.size[f.size.selectedIndex].value
b. f.size.selectedIndex.value
c. f.size.options[f.size.selectedIndex].value
d. f.size.value
26. What does the following code output?
var s = "Hello. ";
s = "Hello and Goodbye. ";
s = "Goodbye. " + s;
a. Goodbye. Hello and Goodbye. Hello.
b. Hello and Goodbye. Goodbye.
c. Hello. Hello and Goodbye. Goodbye.
d. Goodbye. Hello and Goodbye.
27. Consider the JavaScript statement below. How would you return the last, and
only the last, character of
var s = "red blue green";
a. s.charAt(s.length);
b. s.charAt(s.length-1);
c. s.charAt(s.length+1);
d. s.charAt("n");
28. Which of the following creates a dialog box that allows the user to type in input?
a. window.alert()
b. window.confirm()
c. window.prompt()
d. window.opener()
29. How do you write "Hello World" in an alert box?
a. window.alert.value ="Hello World"
b. window.alert("Hello World")
c. window.alert.msg = "Hello World"
d. window.alert() = "Hello World"
30. Consider the following JavaScript
statements. What does
the script output?
var str = "some string"
if (str.indexOf("ring") != -1)
{ document.write("True"); }
{ document.write("False"); }
a. False
b. True
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
31. Consider the following JavaScript statements: x = 5 and y = 6.
What will the expression (x == y) || (!x < 13) && (y > y) evaluate to?
a. False
b. True
32. Consider the following JavaScript statements: x = 5 and y = 6.
What will the expression (x = y) || (x > 13) evaluate to? (Be careful).
a. False
b. True
33. Assume that a browser window was opened by another window. Which of the
following returns the name
of that window?
a. window.opener
b. window.open
c. window.opener.name
d. window.open.name
34. Consider the following JavaScript statements: var w =
window.open("somepage.html", "win4"). How would
you close the newly opened window?
a. w.close()
b. w.closed = true
c. win4.closed = true
d. win4.close()
35. Consider the following JavaScript statements: var x
= 5; x += 6 + ++x; What is the value of x after these
statements are executed?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 16
d. 17
36. A JavaScript function, which is placed within the body section, is guaranteed to
be executed at least once
a. False
b. True
37. A JavaScript function may be called by which of the following:
a. an event handler
b. other JavaScript code
c. a link
any of the above
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
Part 2: Code Writing
Write code to produce the indicated output.
Given the for-loop below, write an equivalent while loop.
var p = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
p = p * i;
Given the if-else if-else construct below, write an equivalent switch statement.
if (c == "a" || c == "b")
document.write("matched a lowercase letter");
else if (c == "A" || c == "B")
document.write("matched an uppercase letter");
document.write("no match");
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
Write JavaScript code that will be placed in head section. The code should set the
document title to be the
filename. I.e., if the file is named somepage.html, then the document title should
become somepage.html
You are given 2 functions, named f1() and f2(). Write JavaScript code that will call
f1() if some variable, call it y,
is less than or equal to 3 and some variable, call it x, is greater than or equal to 13.
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
Write a JavaScript function that takes one argument, call it n . The script determines
if n is a power of two. If n
is a power of two, it should return the power. If not, it should return -1. The script
need only consider numbers
greater than or equal to 1. For example,
isPowTwo(1) returns 0
isPowTwo(2) returns 1
isPowTwo(248) returns -1
isPowTwo(256) returns 8
Write a JavaScript function that sets the value of the status bar to the name of the
current window. If the
current window has no name, then the function sets the value of the status bar to the
current URL.
CGS 3066 Practice Test 2
Write a JavaScript function that determines how many times a given word is
included within a larger piece of
text. The function should take 2 arguments: the first is the text to be searched and
the second is the word that
you are looking for. Example function calls:
s = "ring around the rosey"
n = "ring"
countWord(s, n) returns 1
s = "ring ring ring"
n = "ring"
countWord(s, n) returns 3
s = "ring around the ringy rosey"
n = "ring"
countWord(s, n) returns 2
s = "wrong wrong wrong"
n = "ring"
countWord(s, n) returns 0
//solution 1
function countWord(s1, s2)
var n = 0;
var x = 0;
while (s1.indexOf(s2, x) != -1)
x = s1.indexOf(s2, x) + s2.length;
return n;
//solution 2
function countWord(s1, s2)
var n = 0;
var x = 0;
while (s1.indexOf(s2) != -1)
x = s1.indexOf(s2) + s2.length;
s1 = s1.substr(x);
return n;