Uploaded by John Paul Sapsal

Teacher Retention Factors in Davao Academy

John Paul D. Sapsal (ABM)
Christian Jay C. Pilapil (STEM)
Shynnevie M. Fernandez (HUMSS)
Bea Kristine L. Wong (HUMSS)
March 2019
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
A Research Paper presented to Our Lady
of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Senior High School
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research I
Sapsal, John Paul D.
Pilapil, Christian Jay C.
Fernandez, Shynnevie M.
Wong, Bea Kristine L.
March 2019
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
First of all, the researchers would like to convey their deepest gratitude to God
Almighty who guided them in making this qualitative research successful. Moreover,
they would like to express their sincerest thanks to Ms. Maepril Louise Masacupan for
sharing her expertise and for her unwavering guidance over the researchers throughout
the whole research process. The researchers would also like to thank all the teachers who
willingly accepted the offer of being the respondents and for investing their time for the
acknowledgement goes to the directress/principal of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of
Davao, Inc. (OLFAI), S. Ma. Celedonia F. Amper, RVM, for allowing them to conduct
their research in the institution. In addition, the researchers would like to thank their
parents for supporting them financially and for giving them the necessary mental and
emotional encouragement that they needed throughout the whole duration of the study.
Lastly, they would also like to show appreciation to their friends who motivated and
inspired them in fueling their determination to finish this research with flying colors.
J.P.S, C.J.P, S.M.F, and B.K.W
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
This qualitative study was conducted to discover the reasons why teachers stay or
leave Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. (OLFAI) after a few years. The
researchers gathered data from 15 teachers who are in the beginning of their teaching
career and have been working in OLFAI for the past 3 years. The data from the intensive
semi-structured interview were then interpreted using thematic analysis. Results revealed
that the school administration‘s efforts may be classified in terms of workplace
atmosphere, physical and mental well-being, remuneration, supervision, and professional
development. They provide workshops, team-buildings, and special events in cultivating
positive workplace atmosphere, allocate substitutions for sick employees who have to be
absent, provide satisfactory salary with exclusive incentives like honorariums and the
RVM retirement commission, supervise them through observations, and enhance their
professional capabilities through in-school and out-school seminars. Moreover, the
motivations of teachers primarily revolve on the environment of the workplace,
particularly in terms of its management, the presence of appreciation among co-workers
and administrators, and the distribution of workloads. Furthermore, it was also discovered
that they have used the private schools as training grounds to gain work experience.
Keywords: teachers, private schools, school administration, motivation, retention
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
The Problem and Its Scope
Statement of the Problem
Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Research Design
Research Environment
Research Respondents
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Data Analysis
Results and Discussions
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Letter to the Principal
Validation Tool
Research Instrument
Transcription of Interviews
Curriculum Vitae
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
List of Tables
Research Design
School Administrative Support
Possible Reasons for Leaving,
Recommendations for Staying, and Reasons
for Migration to Public from Private
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
List of Figures
Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework
Abraham Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs
Map Location of the Our Lady of Fatima
Academy of Davao, Inc.
Retention and Turnover Rate of OLFAI
Faculty Members for the Past 2 Years
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
The Problem and Its Scope
Private schools worldwide are experiencing increase in attrition (Purcell, Wilton,
Davies, & Elias, 2005; Lande, 2017) and high teacher turn-over (Johnson, 2016) over the
past years.
Attrition from teaching is typically highest among recent graduates and teachers
approaching retirement (Guarino et al., 2006; Lande, 2017). Furthermore, it was found
that increased time pressure experienced by educators added to enthusiastic depletion and
inspiration to leave private schools or worse, the teaching profession (Skaalvik &
Skaalvik, 2011; Lande, 2017).
In the United States, specialists have evaluated that 40% to half of new educators
leave private schools inside the initial 5 years. Similarly, in the United Kingdom,
researchers have found that somewhere in the range of 25% to 35% of qualified educators
were employed in public schools after 7 years (Purcell, et al., 2005; Lande, 2017).
Roughly 40% of teachers who seek after college degrees in teaching never at any point
enter the classroom by any stretch of the imagination (Ingersoll; Riggs, 2013).
Furthermore, it is ought to be noticed that there is a general clamor about teacher turnover
particularly in private auxiliary schools looking for "greener fields" (Candle, 2010).
In the Philippines, Commission on Higher Education (CHED) officer-in-charge
(OIC) and spokesperson J. Prospero De Vera III said numerous private Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) are losing their great personnel to State Universities and Colleges
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(SUCs) in light of the fact that they can't go on par with the pay rates being offered by
several HEIs. For as far back as 2 years, De Vera noticed this has been a question still left
unanswered by CHED. With the SUCs given new staff items and the Department of
Education (DepEd) making numerous educators for Senior High School (SHS) since
2016, he noticed that numerous teachers are leaving private HEIs. Furthermore, the
Federation of Associations of Private Schools and Administrators (FAPSA) was also
saddened that a portion of its part schools have been shutting down on the grounds that
they are experiencing serious difficulties holding in educators who like to move to statefunded schools due to higher pay rates and offered advantages and incentives (HernandoMalipot, 2018).
Painful as it may sound, non-public schools can't bear the cost of the
compensation government gives (P19,500 as fundamental pay every month). That is the
reason why the greater part of private school teachers apply to instruct in governmentfunded schools following a few years of involvement in tuition-based schools (Payumo,
With the drastic gap between the pay rates of public and tuition-based school
teachers, a gathering of private Catholic training foundations is requesting the legislature
to sponsor the pay rates of non-public school instructors. Catholic Educational
Association of the Philippines (CEAP) president Joel Tabora said tuition-based schools
are confronting a deficiency of educators as the administration keeps on pushing for
increments in the essential compensation of state-funded teachers as the relocation of
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
instructors to the general population segment is gradually murdering the private
schooling framework in the nation (Mateo, 2018).
It is also important to note that the president of the Manila Archdiocesan and
Parochial Schools Association (MAPSA), Gerardo Santos, believes that the teacher
migration from private to public academic institutions is already a problem and they have
to increase tuition fees among parochial and archdiocesan schools to give higher
remuneration payments to their teaching employees (ABS-CBN News, 2013).
However, despite government efforts, teacher attrition still continues to be
prevalent as money is not only the issue among educators. The teaching profession in
private schools itself is ―emotionally draining‖ that they begin to see other public schools
a better choice as it provides them adequate control over their work environment
(Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 2015).
Private schools in Davao City are also experiencing teacher attrition and turnover
over the past years. They are probable to transfer from their current workplace to public
schools which provide higher salaries and more attractive incentives; thus, paving the
way for educators migration as a national issue for the private sectors (Alcontin &
Adarlo, 2018).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this qualitative research is to discover and investigate the reasons
why teachers leave the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. after a few years,
involving their decision-making skills and motivations for retention or turn-over, from
school years 2016-2019, with the objective to assess what the institution can do in
convincing their employees to stay in the academic institution as experienced teachers for
high quality performance. Specifically, this qualitative research aims to answer the
following questions:
What are the provisions of Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. to encourage
faculty retention?
What motivates the OLFAI teachers to continue working in the institution?
What are the reasons of OLFAI teachers to transfer to public schools?
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Teachers‘ Retention
Teacher Motivating Factors
Employer-related Factors
Wages and Benefits
Poor Conditions of
Career Growth
External Factors
Better pay elsewhere
Low Status
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework
Adapted from Onen, D. (2005); Candle, J. (2010), and developed by the researchers
Figure 1 shows the variables of the study. It illustrates that the affecting factors of
the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. are the independent variables of the
study. It includes three classifications: the employer-related (wages and benefits,
supervision, poor conditions of work), the employee-related or self-related (personal
decision, career growth) and the external factors (better pay, competitive conditions, low
status). On the other hand, the teachers‘ retention in the institution is the dependent
variable in the study.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Theoretical Framework
Teachers‘ Retention
Perceptual Contrast Effect
Theory (1958)
Self-Determination Theory
Figure 2. Theoretical Framework
Figure 2 shows the 2 theories which the researchers have chosen as theoretical
foundations for the study: the Perceptual Contrast Effect Theory (Sherif, Taub, &
Hovland, 1958) and the Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985).
The Perceptual Contrast Effect Theory which was proposed by Sherif, Taub, and
Hovland (1958) stipulates that in decision-making, people, in general, will do it by
differentiating between the two available choices and reference objects. At the point
when two things seem near to each other, they will generally assess them against each
other more than against an established standard. In the context of the study, teachers will
weigh private and public schools between each other, together with their pros and cons,
and will eventually choose private schools before migrating to public schools for higher
salaries using reasons like the work environment, the amount of workload, and the pay
equity satisfaction rating.
Deci and Ryan‘s (1985) Self-Determination Theory explains that individuals have
an outer Perceived Locus of Causality (PLOC) to the degree they see forces outside
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
oneself as starting, forcing, or constraining one‘s activity. In an internal PLOC, a person
feels that they are the initiator and sustainer of their own behavior. In other words,
individuals with a higher interior PLOC feel self-decided in the sense that they see their
conduct as originating from their own decisions, qualities, and interests, while those with
an outer PLOC encounter their conduct as controlled by some outside event, individual,
or force. The internal locus is connected with intrinsic motivation, whilst the external
locus is connected with extrinsic motivation. In the context of the study, teachers can be
persuaded through their outer PLOC by showing how they are being controlled by
external forces and how other academic institutions can offer a safe and comfortable
workplace for them with satisfying remuneration and healthy workplace.
The main beneficiaries of this study are the OLFAI institution, the teachers, the
students, the government, and the research community.
OLFAI Institution. This study is beneficial to the OLFAI institution because it
provides a well-structured framework of the aspects which the school can improve to
encourage teachers to stay in the academic institution for a long time. Due of the fact that
teachers use private schools for work experience, OLFAI has to take its own game and
solve the problem of teachers‘ migration from private to public schools and the
completion of this study gives the academic institution the improvements which they
should be focusing on. After all, high levels of teacher attrition create significant
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
decreases in student performance which is a great concern among schools (Ortega-Dela
Cruz, 2016, p. 32).
Teachers. More importantly, teachers benefit from this study as this helps them
understand the reasons why a number of their fellow educators often transfer from private
schools to state-funded schools after a few years in their teaching career. By analyzing
the factors affecting the teachers‘ retention in OLFAI, a well-structured framework is
given on how they can exercise good internalization of their situation and come up with
sound decisions and plausible solutions.
Students. Students can also benefit from this study because this helps them
understand in an emotional level why teachers don‘t usually stay long in a private school;
hence, this makes them knowledgeable on the adjustments they are to make from one
school year to another.
Government. The government is the fourth beneficiary of this study because the
migration of private school teachers to public schools has already been a problem of the
Philippines since 2013. Through this research, the Department of Education (DepEd) can
address the problem by understanding the main reasons why teachers apply to private
schools before working as government-teaching employees in public schools until
retirement. After all, the mandate and concern of the government encompasses not only
public schools, but also private academic institutions.
Research Community. Finally, this qualitative study can contribute a body of
knowledge to the research community by providing a guideline on how individuals can
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
make efficient and rational decisions in a given situation, since decision-making skills is
not only an imperative among teachers, but of every individual as it requires critical and
analytical thinking skills.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This section contains a thorough review on the relevant literature and studies in
relation with the different factors affecting fresh graduate teachers‘ retention in private
schools. Furthermore, it is divided into several categories which gradually discuss the two
major concepts of this study, the affecting factors and the teachers‘ retention, as well as
the relationship between these two variables. A synthesis was provided at the end of this
section highlighted the most important studies, themes, and why more research is needed
on the topic.
Related Literature
Private Schools
Definition and Types
Private schools are "instructive establishments run freely by the administration"
(Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, 2013, p. 4; Parker, 2015). It refers to a
privately-owned and managed institution for teaching and learning, established and
authorized by the government to operate certain educational programs in accordance with
law and the prescribed policies and rules (Department of Education, 2010, p. 4). There
are three primary classifications of tuition-based schools. These classes incorporate
Catholic, non-Catholic religious, and free, non-partisan schools. Inside Catholic schools,
there are parochial, diocesan, and private segment schools. Private schools are
characterized by explicit qualities, for example, private subsidizing, autonomous
administration, and constrained enlistment (Wilson, 2008; Parker, 2015). Since these
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
schools don't have the monetary bolster from a supporting association, educational cost
for autonomous, non-partisan schools are typically higher than parochial schools (Parker,
Government Regulations on Schools
Reasonable Supervision and Regulation. The Philippine government recognizes
the private school education in the country, as per Section 14: Reasonable Supervision
and Regulation of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
“As a matter of policy laid down in Article XIV, Section 5(1) of the 1987
Philippine Constitution, the State recognizes the complementary roles of public
and private institutions in the educational system and shall exercise reasonable
supervision and regulation of all educational institutions (Philippine Constitution,
1987, p. 27).”
Teacher Privileges. Furthermore, Section 3 of Article VII of the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers states that teachers are entitled to professional growth and
better incentives as some of their privileges which can likely be fully experienced only in
public schools:
“School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all
teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due
recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in
conferences in training programs (UNESCO, N.Y., p. 6).”
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Teachers’ Retention
Teachers. Martin (2010; Bimanywarugaba, 2013) defines a teacher in an
instructive foundation as a person who coordinates the training and learning of students
and draws regarding numerous matters yet not restricted to: perusing, composing,
arithmetic, science and history. The job of a teacher is frequently formal and progressive,
completed by method for occupation or calling at a school or somewhere else of formal
training. Educators may utilize an exercise intended to encourage student learning, giving
a course of ponder which covers institutionalized educational programs. Furthermore,
they are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble
profession and who adhere to, observe, and practice sets of ethical and moral principles,
standards, and values (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, N.Y., p. 1).
Milestones of Teaching Career. Typical teachers are either graduates as Bachelors
of Secondary Education (BSED) for aspiring high school teachers or Bachelors of
Elementary Education (BEED) for soon-to-be elementary educators. Both programs
consolidate hypothesis and practice so as to show students the essential information and
aptitudes which a teacher needs. It involves numerous distinctive learning territories like
English, Mathematics, General Science, Filipino, Social Studies, Biological Sciences,
Physics, Chemistry, Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) and Home
Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE). To be a licensed teacher in the
Philippines, a Bachelor in Secondary or Elementary Education needs to pass the
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). The examination is led by the Board of
Professional Teachers under the supervision of the Professional Regulations Commission
(PRC). In contrast to different professions, an alum of Bachelor of Secondary or
Elementary Education can at present practice his/her profession even without passing the
board examination for instructors given that they accommodate with the conditions set by
the Professionalization Act of 1994 and additionally the guidelines set by the schools
(Philippine Regulations Commission, 1994; E.D., 2018).
Definition and Affecting Conditions. Decision-making is a procedure which starts
with issue recognizable proof and finishes with the assessment of actualized choices.
There are 2 sorts of choices, in particular: programmed and non-programmed decisions.
Programmed decision is tedious and can be dealt with utilizing a normal methodology,
while non-programmed decisions are connected to the goals of issues that are new or
surprising, and for which data are inadequate. With regards to the investigation, the
appraisal of fresh graduate teachers as whether to remain or leave from a private
academic institution is a kind of a non-programmed decision. Diverse conditions
influence the basic decision-making process of teachers, classified as certainty or risk
conditions. The certainty conditions are the perfect conditions in decision-making in
which a man can settle on exact choices in light of the fact that the consequences of all
choices are known, while risk conditions are the more typical conditions in choosing
issues which urge the person to do gauges with respect to the conceivable event of
specific results that may influence his or her picked answer for an issue. In the light of
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
risk conditions, a person frequently uses his or her encounters and other optional data as
bases for choices (Cabrera, et al., 2016).
Decision-making Process. Regardless of the presence of different conditions, the
normal procedure of basic decision-making is separated into eight ordered advances:
distinguishing the issue; recognizing the choice criteria; apportioning weights to the
criteria; creating options; breaking down the choices; choosing the best option;
actualizing the picked option; and assessing the choice adequacy. The last step includes
the assessment of the result or aftereffect of the choice to see if the issue was settled. In
the event that the issue still exists, the individual needs to evaluate what turned out badly
or maybe rehash the entire procedure. At the end of the day, the procedure of basic
decision-making just ends once the adequacy of the connected option has, at long last,
been estimated (Robbins and Coulter, 2009; Cabrera, et al., 2016).
Retention and Turn-over
Retention. Retention of staff is progressively critical in a tight work showcase.
Along these lines, workers who are happy with the manner in which their association
regards them as representatives and prizes them for their execution or endeavors, are
more averse to leave the association. By large, it is viewed that if an association has high
turnover of staff because of retention issues, this can result in low staff assurance, poor
administration conveyance, harm to association brand and notoriety, and in particular,
will affect the budgetary primary concern of the organization (Human Resource Institute
of New Zealand, 2015).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Turn-over. Turnover alludes to human asset development inside associations, that
is, employees moving from job to job through transfer, promotion or relocation. It is in
this that adequacy of HRM projects and exercises of an association can be seen (Human
Resource Institute of New Zealand, 2015). It generally refers to the ratio of leavers to the
average numbers employed during the course of the year which serves as a measure of
the rate of change in an organization‘s workforce (Gerald, 2002; Candle, 2010, p. 4).
Types of Teacher Turn-over and Retention Behavior. The teacher workforce has
encountered numerous educators leaving (leavers), entering, and moving inside the
profession to different schools (movers). This development influences the juxtaposition
of educators at these grounds, the institutional strength of these grounds, and the socioeconomics and capabilities of the teacher workforce in general. One sort of turnover
(retirement) is inescapable and expected. Another kind of turnover, which results in
instructors leaving the profession (leavers), is teacher attrition, which sends a groundbreaking and destructive message to students, guardians, and other employees (Provasnik
& Dorfman, 2005; Joftus & Maddox-Dolan, 2002; Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2016).
Factors affecting Teacher Retention and Turn-over
Employer-related Factors
Wages/Benefits. Poor pay is the essential explanation behind high teacher
turnover around the world. In addition to the poor salary and starting out brand new,
numerous overseers fling duties at new teachers like advisory groups and training with
exceptionally small installments (Candle, 2010). Rewards are basic elements of the
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
associations' fortification methodology and will serve as an uplifting feedback
mechanism when attached specifically to performance. This correlates with the Pay
Equity Theory, which relates with fairness, concentrating on employees' reaction to the
compensation that they get and the feeling that they get less or more than they actually
merit for, and the Expectancy Theory, which predicts that workers are persuaded to
function admirably due to the engaging quality of the prizes or advantages that they may
potentially get from a job assignment (Cabrera, et al., 2016).
Moreover, differences were discovered as far as compensation rate, number of
years educators have been employed, the association of instructors in basic leadership,
and the quantity of educator performance enhancement strategies, as per the investigation
of Bimanywarugaba (2013, p. 43).
Supervision. School strategies like arrangement of learning openings including
coaching of new teachers and undefined plans for expert improvement were exceedingly
associated with teachers' retention and turnover. Teachers are bound to leave their
occupations in conditions where their schools don't give learning conditions and chances
to proficiently develop themselves (vocation movement or employee improvement).
Additionally, they feel embittered and demotivated to work in a domain where open
doors for self-awareness are negligible. Workers who are very profession-situated may
change their employments so as to move to a job which they see as a stage up in their
career ladder (Benner, 2000; Candle, 2010, p. 15).
Work conditions. A noteworthy factor influencing teachers of the private schools
is in fact the work itself, which incorporates instructions, co-curricular exercises,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
direction and guidance, teaching, organization and random undertakings relying upon the
qualities of the school structure. The school structure can assume a noteworthy job in
such manner, contingent upon whether the structure is highly centralized or
decentralized. What decides the level of centralization or decentralization is the degree of
basic leadership interest and the self-governance which the teacher has (Crossman &
Harris, 2006; Bimanywarugaba, 2013).
Employee-related factors
Personal decision. Failure to meet employees' expectations is a cause of teacher
turnover. Although every part of staff management is motivation, if expectations are
raised about progress or potential rewards but are not met, there will be a subsequent drop
in commitment and a possible withdrawal of cooperation or even from the job as a whole.
In this manner, teachers may leave institutions out of personal reasons like lack of
motivation or passion (Maicibi, 2003; Candle, 2010).
Career growth. When teachers do not find their schools' wanting nor they found
that the school wide norms could either support or undermine their efforts, they looked
for different environments. However, these teachers do not give up on teaching but rather
look for schools that could make good teaching possible. The conditions they sought
were straightforward and consistent. These movers wanted more than workable teaching
situations; they also wanted opportunities to interact with other professionals and hone
their skills. They left schools in which they felt isolated or philosophically out of sync
with colleagues and searched for more sustaining professional cultures (Ortega-Dela
Cruz, 2016, p. 31).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
External Factors
Competitive conditions. As much as managers are generally at fault for the
expanded work turnover, teachers also succumb to external pressure of the environment,
as firm rivalry for rare work supply and changing wages or pay rates in different schools
may cause teacher turn-over and affect staffing retention. In the event that wages and pay
rates don't meet the dimensions of the associations in a comparative business, people will
discover work where the rates are more satisfying or rewards are better (; Candle, 2010).
This context can be associated with the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow
(1943; Burton, 2017) which emphasizes the five levels of needs among human beings
with decreasing importance starting from physiological, security, social, ego, and selfactualization. In the context of this study, the human needs involving their security and
self-actualization could be triggering educators to migrate to ―greener fields‖.
Figure 3. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Low status. More often, teachers locate a paradoxical oddity: their locale has
incredible desires for education yet they are concurred for their low economic well-being
and held in low regard. Because of this, numerous teachers leave their profession because
of the public stereotyping which describes them as the poorest, slights them and
depreciates their teaching job. Educators repeatedly fight unsolicited generalizations that
their employments are less demanding than most other professions which altogether
decrease their dedication and morale to teach (Jones, 2001; Candle, 2010).
Related Studies
A dissertation of Tina S. Johnson (2016) demonstrates an increase in teacher turnover from 10.08% to 14.95% from 2010 to 2015. It was also confirmed that somewhere
in the range of 40 to 50% of teachers will leave the private classrooms inside their initial
five years, including the nine and a half percent that leave before the finish of their first
year in Pennsylvania. Roughly 15.7% of educators leave their posts each year, and 40%
of teachers who seek after college degrees in teaching never at any point enter the
classroom by any stretch of the imagination (Ingersoll; Riggs, 2013).
The research of Ortega-Dela Cruz (2016) demonstrates that teaching load, paper
works and job issues can prompt negative emotional responses such as large amounts of
worry and in addition low dimensions of employment fulfillment and responsibility.
These negative responses can prompt withdrawal and eventually, teacher migration.
When these educators stipulated that effective instructing and ceaseless development
were impossible in their present schools, they moved out for new locales. The original
schools and its students suffered as a result. Educators will remain at schools where
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
continued and predictable frameworks are set up, where they can do their everyday
occupations with certainty, and where they can develop in their professions after some
time (p. 31).
According to the research of Candle (2010), the general teacher retention is
overwhelmingly low to a great extent in private auxiliary schools which comprise the
greatest level of optional schools in the Wakiso District of Uganda. It is ought to be
noticed that there is a general clamor about teacher turn-over particularly in private
auxiliary schools looking for "greener fields". She discovered that horrible employerrelated factors altogether influence teacher turnover in private auxiliary schools in
Wakiso locale. Specifically, the investigation posits that loss of gathering attachment,
poor working conditions, poor pay, poor administration or supervision straightforwardly
affected teachers and caused job dissatisfaction which expanded the rate of educator turnover and lessened their retention (p. 63).
In addition, the investigation of Bimanywarugaba (2013) uncovered that there
were various contrasts in the variables which influenced teacher retention in private and
government schools. Differences were discovered as far as compensation rate, number of
years educators have been employed, the association of instructors in basic leadership,
and the quantity of educator performance enhancement strategies (p. 43).
Moreover, absence of professional stability, organization in regulatory division,
poor working condition, poor pay and incidental advantages, absence of independence,
unreasonable heavy workload, and poor remuneration package specifically impact
teachers and cause work disappointment, triggering increment on the rate of educators'
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
turnover in private colleges. Private colleges are left longing for experienced instructors.
Hence, there is a connection between employment fulfillment and educators' turn-over
and retention. Constant outflow of teachers unfavorably influences the students'
scholastic outline and breaks progression in their learning process. At the end of the day,
instructors' turnover negatively affects quality training at private colleges (Rahman &
Chowdhury, 2012, p. 151).
Private schools are educational organizations with a hierarchical structure which
applies the concept of bureaucracy (Cabrera, et al., 2016). Fresh graduate teacher
retention and turn-over are inversely proportional with each other (Human Resource
Institute of New Zealand, 2015) and these behaviors are classified as movers, leavers, and
retiring individuals (Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2016). Factors affecting teacher retention and
possible turn-over from private schools are classified as: employer-related, employeerelated, and external factors, which altogether contribute to the reasons why educators
leave private schools after a few years of teaching (Candle, 2010). Although the
government (Hernando-Malipot, 2018) and numerous scholars (Candle, 2010; OrtegaDela Cruz, 2016; Rahman & Chowdhury, 2012; Bimanywarugaba, 2013) have
researched deeper into the reasons why teachers seldom stay in private schools
throughout their teaching career, gaps of knowledge are still present as to why it‘s still
happening in the present time (Philippine Institute of Development Studies, 2015) and
what concrete strategies can the private academic institutions adapt to ensure high teacher
retention, as teacher turn-over gradually murders the educational framework of students
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
from private schools (Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2016; Mateo, 2018). In response, this study
filled in these needs by digging deeper on the issue not only from the perspectives of
teachers, but also, of school administrators as a way for them to analyze themselves and
the institution‘s ways.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
This section contains the applied methodological procedures in the context of this
qualitative study in identifying the factors affecting teachers‘ retention in the Our Lady of
Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. It gives detailed emphasis on the research design, its
environment and respected respondents, the instrument to be used, the data gathering
procedure, and the tools to be utilized in analyzing the collected data.
Research Design
Table 1. Research Design
Types of Data to
Respondents of
the Study
Profiles of the
Provisions of
encourage faculty
15 teachers who, at
the beginning of
their teaching
career, worked in
OLFAI during
either of the
following school
Motivations of
teachers that made 
them stay or leave
the institution; and 
Reasons of
OLFAI teachers to
transfer to public
Tools to
to Analyze
Output of the
retention in the
Our Lady of
Academy of
Davao, Inc.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting teachers‘ retention
in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. In order to achieve its purpose, the
study used the qualitative method through intensive semi-structured interviewing.
Qualitative method offers the best light on or best answers to certain phenomena-social,
economic, political or even psychological inquiries through exhaustive results and
provides several avenues to understand phenomena, behavior and human conditions
through consistent themes, categories, relationships, and interrelationships that are
crystallized during the data gathering and data analysis processes (Prieto, Naval, &
Carey, 2017, p. 32).
This qualitative study gathered the following data: profiles of the 15 teachers
who, at the beginning of their teaching career, worked in OLFAI for the past three school
years; propositions conducted by the OLFAI institution in encouraging its faculty
members to stay in the institution for a long time from the perspective of the teachers;
motivations of teachers that made them stay or leave the institution; and the reasons why
teachers often apply to private schools first before applying to public schools in the
middle of their teaching career. The technique used by the researchers in analyzing the
collected data is thematic analysis with hopes of determining the factors affecting
teachers‘ retention in the OLFAI institution.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Research Environment
Figure 4. Map Location of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
This qualitative research was conducted at the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of
Davao, Inc. (OLFAI), located at Fatima Street, Brgy. 24-C, Davao City. Established back
in 1949 and previously known as the Immaculate Conception College (ICC) of Davao
City, the academic institution served as a free school in the slums of Piapi through the
initiative of the ICC directress, Mother Ma. Alberta Alviar, RVM. It was in 1954 that the
ICC-Piapi school was formally changed into Our Lady of Fatima Academy (OLFA) and
was bestowed the revered government recognition in 1958 (Our Lady of Fatima
Academy of Davao, Inc., 2018, p. 6).
As of the present, OLFAI is an academic institution which offers complete
primary and secondary education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 of Senior High School
(SHS). It has two buildings: the main building where Grades 1-5 and 7-10 students,
together with the major student services and offices, are juxtaposed; and the annex
building located in front of the Our Lady of Fatima Parish where the Kindergarten, Grade
6, and the Senior High School students are situated. Furthermore, OLFAI was recently
accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Universities (PAASCU) for the first time last school year 2017-2018 and sets its hopes
high for a level-two accreditation by PAASCU in the succeeding school years.
After gathering the list of faculty members for the past 2 years, the retention and
turnover rate of teachers in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. for school
years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 were computed using the formula cited by the Society
for Human Resource Management (2019):
The following are the retention and turnover rate of staffs for the past 2 academic
Retention and Turnover Rate (%)
Retention Rate (%)
Turnover Rate (%)
School Year
School Year
School Year
Figure 5. Retention and Turnover Rate of OLFAI faculty members for the past 2
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Figure 5 indicates that there is a 48.72% retention rate and a turn-over rate of
51.28% last school year 2016-2017. As for the school year 2017-2018, the retention rate
rose to 73.68% while the turn-over rate decreased to 26.32%. The retention rate and turnover rate for the school year 2018-2019 still remains to be seen. In other words, behaviors
of the retention and turn-over rates continue to dramatically change year after year.
Research Respondents
Respondents were selected via purposive sampling, a type of non-probability
sampling whereby the researchers determine a specific size of the sample, and utilize a
set of criteria of how research participants are to be chosen (Prieto, et al., 2017, p. 124).
Moreover, purposive sampling can provide researchers with the justification to
make generalizations from the sample that is being studied, whether such generalizations
are theoretical, analytic and/or logical in nature (Lund Research, 2012).
In the context of the study, researchers selected 15 respondents as the size of the
sample. Only teachers who, at the beginning of their teaching career, worked in OLFAI
during either of the following school years: 2016-Present; 2017 Present; and 2018Present, may participate in the study. In addition, the respondents should be current bona
fide teachers of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. and must still be
currently employed by the academic institution, regardless of whether having full-time or
part-time commitment. As long as they are exercising the teaching profession in OLFAI
upon their first year after finishing their bachelor‘s degree, they may qualify as
respondents of the study. Their names were supplied with pseudonyms so as to protect
their identities.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Profiling of research respondents included their age, sex, undergraduate course
with indicated specialization (if applicable), the school where they graduated, the year
when they graduated, the year they have started working in OLFAI, the subjects and year
levels they have taught, trainings and seminars attended (facilitated workshops, coached
athletes and academic varsities, attended seminars and conventions, etc.), licenses
acquired, their reasons for applying in OLFAI, how they have come to know OLFAI as a
potential workplace to practice their profession after finishing their bachelor‘s degree,
and their thoughts of whether staying or leaving OLFAI for the next school year. The
following are the background information of the respondents of this study:
Respondent No. 1
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 1 is a 22-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Secondary
Education (BSED) Major in Filipino from Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last
2017. Furthermore, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last
September 2017.
Teaching Background. She has already been teaching in OLFAI for 2 years. Some
of these subjects are Contemporary Issues in the 21st Century, Filipino 7 and 10,
Komunikasyon sa Wika at Pananaliksik 11, Pagbabasa at Panunuri ng Teksto tungo sa
Pananaliksik 11, and Filipino sa Piling Larangan (Akademik) 12. The reasons she has for
applying in OLFAI include the desire of enhancing or developing her skills in teaching,
especially in her specialization, and the salary itself. She has seen OLFAI, an RVM
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
school, as a potential workplace to practice her profession after finishing her bachelor‘s
degree because she herself is an RVM high school graduate, and because of the good
feedbacks of her colleagues and friends. Her three greatest credentials as an educator
include her licensed card (LPT), facilitated workshops, and attended seminars and
conventions. As for the lingering question about her decision to whether stay or leave
from OLFAI, she has decided to stay for the next school year.
Respondent No. 2
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 2 is a 21-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Secondary
Education (BSED) Major in English from San Pedro College (SPC) of Davao last 2017.
Furthermore, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2017.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for almost a year already.
Some of the subjects she has taught in OLFAI are English 2, 7, 8, and Media and
Information Literacy (MIL) for Grade 11 students. The reasons she has for applying in
OLFAI involve the convenience of the institution in terms of location. She knew about
OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession after finishing her bachelor‘s
degree, because she has been already familiar with the school since she herself is an
alumna of the said institution. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include
passing the LET, becoming the moderator of the OLFAI Communication Arts Club, and
being part of the Internal Quality Assurance Team (IQAT). However, she has already
decided to leave OLFAI for the next school year.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondent No.3
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 3 is a 24-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Elementary
Education (BEED) – Generalist at Holy Cross Davao College (HCDC) last 2016. She
passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2016.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for 3 years already. She
has taught Science for Grades 1 to 4. She doesn‘t have any specific reason as to why she
applied in OLFAI. It was just the fact that she was looking for a job after she graduated.
She knew about OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession after finishing
her bachelor‘s degree through a batchmate who applied also in the same institution. Her
greatest credentials as an educator include attending seminars for catholic school
educators and joining the peer demo teaching. As of the moment, she still doesn‘t have
any definite decision whether to leave or to stay in OLFAI for the next school year.
Respondent No. 4
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 4 is a 23-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated as Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration (BSBA) Major in Human Resource and Development Management at St.
Mary‘s College of Tagum, Inc. last 2017. Furthermore, she sets her hopes high in passing
the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in the future.
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for 8 months and still
counting. She is the Applied Economics teacher of the Grade 12 - ABM. Practicality was
the reason for her application and eventual employment in OLFAI. She knew about
OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession after finishing her bachelor‘s
degree during her college years because OLFAI is greatly acquainted with the school
where she graduated, St. Mary‘s College of Tagum, Inc. Furthermore, some of her coMISK (Mother Ignacia Working Scholars) are working in the said school. As a product
of an RVM institution, she believes that OLFAI offers a lot of opportunities to their
employees, allowing them to take the TCP, masteral degree, or even doctoral degree. She
reiterates that they are not just focusing on their institution alone but are also looking for
the betterment of their employees to provide good quality of service to the students, and
at the same time, helping the adopted community. She may not have any credential yet as
an educator because she is not an education graduate, but she is currently taking the
Teaching Certificate Program (TCP) that will hopefully end this coming March, which
will eventually start her official teaching career. As for the lingering question whether she
will stay or leave OLFAI for the next school year, she still has no plans of leaving
because she believes that she still has a lot to learn about the teaching profession and the
Respondent No. 5
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 5 is a 23-year-old male.
Educational Background. He graduated as Bachelor of Secondary Education
(BSED) Major in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) at the
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) last 2017. Furthermore, he passed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2018.
Teaching Background. He has been teaching in OLFAI for 1 year and 8 months
already. He has taught Araling Panlipunan for 8 and 9, Physical Education (PE) 11,
MAPEH 4, 5, 6, 7, and 11. The reasons why he applied in OLFAI include its good
facilities, serving as a good place to practice his profession, good environment,
accommodating school staff, and accessible opportunities that would help the teachers
grow. He knew about OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice his profession after
finishing his bachelor‘s degree through the recommendation of a former teacher who
previously worked in the said institution. Moreover, he believes that OLFAI gives quality
education and wonderful opportunities for pupils and students to be nurtured. His three
greatest credentials as an educator include facilitated workshops, coached athletes, and
attended seminars and conventions. As for the lingering question whether he will stay or
leave OLFAI for the next school year, he still cannot imagine himself working in public;
hence, he will stay.
Respondent No. 6
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 6 is a 23-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Elementary
Education (BEED) – Generalist at Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last 2016.
Furthermore, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2016.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for 2 years already. She
has taught Sibika 3, Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika (HeKaSi) 5, 6, and Araling
Panlipunan 7. The reason why she applied in OLFAI was because she must find a job to
sustain her needs. She knew about OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice his
profession after finishing his bachelor‘s degree through good feedbacks about OLFAI
offering quality education, which eventually led to the decision of applying to contribute
her expertise. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include attended seminars,
facilitated workshops, and becoming a class adviser. As for the lingering question
whether she will stay or leave OLFAI for the next school year, she still has no definite
decision whether she will leave or stay in OLFAI.
Respondent No. 7
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 7 is a 27-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Technical
Teacher Education (TTED) Major in Electronics at the University of Southeastern
Philippines (USEP) last 2016. Furthermore, she sets her hopes high in passing the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in the future.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for three years already.
Some of the subjects she taught include Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
(EPP) 5 and 6, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 7 and 8, and Computer 8, 9,
and 10. She decided to apply here in OLFAI due to its reputation for outstanding
academics and other activities through the maintenance of quality education throughout
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
the years. She came to know OLFAI through a friend of hers who introduced the
institution to her as a wonderful platform to exercise her profession as an educator. She
believes that OLFAI will help her enhance her educational and professional skills.
OLFAI will give her opportunities to develop herself even more, and eventually, to
succeed. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include becoming the cheer dance
coach of the Tanghalang OLFAI Pep Squad (TOPS) from 2017 up to the present,
attending the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Multimedia
Integration and Robotics Workshop, and being in-charge of the OLFAI annual cultural
show. As for the question whether she will stay or leave OLFAI for the next school year,
she still has no definite answer as it remains to be seen.
Respondent No. 8
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 8 is a 22-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Elementary
Education (BEED) – Generalist at the Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) last 2017.
Furthermore, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2018.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for 2 years already. Some
of the subjects she has taught include Filipino 4, 5, 6, and Edukasyong Pantahanan at
Pangkabuhayan (EPP) 4. The main reason why she decided to apply here in OLFAI is
the fact that she considers OLFAI as a good school with outstanding facilities which will
help her mold as a person. She believes that OLFAI is a school that will help her give her
best as it can serve as a fundamental first step in her journey in teaching. She came to
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession after finishing her
bachelor‘s degree through a person who talked and convinced her to apply in the said
institution, reiterating that it can be a wonderful workplace since the faculty members and
staffs are helping one another. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include
attended seminars, workshops, and becoming a Licensed Professional Teacher (LPT). As
for the question as to whether she will stay or leave from OLFAI for the next school year,
she decided to stay because she still cannot see herself teaching and working in another
school for now.
Respondent No. 9
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 9 is a 21-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated as a Bachelor of Elementary Education
(BEED) Major in Preschool Education at Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last
2018. Furthermore, she passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in the
same year.
Teaching Background. She has taught in OLFAI for almost a year already. Some
of the subjects she taught in OLFAI include Christian Living for Grades 1 and 3, English
for Grades 1 and 3, and Sibika for Grade 2. The main reason as to why she applied in
OLFAI was because she wanted to gain experience which she considers as very
significant in her profession. She came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to
practice her profession after finishing her bachelor‘s degree through two colleagues,
whom she trusted for years, who recommended the said institution. She made note about
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
the PAASCU accreditation of the school which apparently manifests standards in
teaching-learning process. In other words, the credential of OLFAI as a school made her
excited to work here. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include facilitated
workshops and attended seminars and conventions, becoming a LET passer, and
graduating as cum laude during her college years. She plans on staying in OLFAI for the
next school year because she believes that she needs to gain more experience in the
institution before deciding to work in public.
Respondent No. 10
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 10 is a 20-year-old male.
Educational Background. He graduated as Bachelor of Secondary Education
(BSED) Major in Biological Science at Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last 2018.
Furthermore, he passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2018.
Teaching Background. He has taught in OLFAI for almost a year already. Some
of the subjects he teaches include Science 9 and 10, and Physical Science for Grade 11 –
Accountancy Business, and Management (ABM) and Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS). He decided to work here in OLFAI because it is one of the pioneering schools
in Davao City which provides quality education to the learners. He came to know OLFAI
as a potential workplace to exercise his bachelor‘s degree as most of the teachers in
OLFAI graduated from HCDC. In addition, he was also a graduate of a Catholic school
during his basic education years, which influenced his decision to work in OLFAI, an
RVM catholic school. He also made mention about the wonderful pedagogy in classroom
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
teaching applied in the said institution. His three greatest credentials as an educator
include coaching the OLFAI track and field varsity team, and attending the Philippine
Association of Physics and Science Instructors (PAPSI) seminar last November 31 to
December 1, 2018. As for the remaining question whether he will stay or leave OLFAI
for the next school year, he decided that he will definitely stay for another year.
Respondent No. 11
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 11 is a 20-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Secondary
Education (BSED) Major in Filipino at Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last 2018.
Furthermore, she has already passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last
Teaching Background. She has taught in OLFAI for almost a year already. Some
of the subjects she currently handles include Filipino for Grades 8 and 9, and
Empowerment Technologies (E-tech) for Grade 11 Senior High School. Her reasons for
applying in OLFAI primarily stem from the fact that she herself was an alumna during
her high school years. During those times, she greatly enjoyed and loved the culture of
the school; hence, she wanted to experience how it feels like to be a teacher in her own
alma mater. She came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession
through the realization that she wanted to give back to her alma mater by being one of its
faculty members. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include passing the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), becoming the moderator of the OLFAI Glee
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Club, and being able to teach ICT-related subjects despite being a Language teacher
graduate. As for the lingering question whether she will stay or leave OLFAI for the next
school year, she still doesn‘t have any plans of leaving yet. She still enjoys and loves the
students and the people of the school, and wants to grow more as an individual and
discover more about herself.
Respondent No. 12
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 12 is a 22-year-old male.
Educational Background. He graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Elementary
Education (BEED) – Generalist at Holy Cross of Davao College (HCDC) last 2016.
Furthermore, he passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2016.
Teaching Background. He has taught in OLFAI for 2 years already. He teaches
Mathematics for Grades 5, 6, and 7. The main reason as to why he decided to apply in
OLFAI includes the fact that he himself was a graduate of the said academic institution,
his alma mater. He came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice his
profession through the realization that he wanted to give back to his alma mater by being
one of its faculty members. His three greatest credentials as an educator include
becoming the coach of the OLFAI volleyball varsity team, mentoring the OLFAI
elementary Mathematics quiz bee academic varsities, and taking up his Masteral
Education (MAEd) which he will hopefully finish after a few years. As for the lingering
question whether he will stay or leave OLFAI for the next school year, he reiterates that
he will be staying because he wants to serve OLFAI, his alma mater, more.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondent No. 13
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 13 is a 22-year-old male.
Educational Background. He graduated as Bachelor of Secondary Education
(BSED) Major in Mathematics at Holy Cross of Davao College last 2017. Furthermore,
he passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) last 2017.
Teaching Background. He has been teaching in OLFAI for almost 2 years already.
Some of the subjects he taught in OLFAI include Technology and Livelihood Education
(TLE) 8, 9, and 10, General Mathematics 11, Business Mathematics 12 – ABM,
Marketing 12 – ABM, Pre-calculus 11 – STEM, Philippine Politics and Governance 12 –
HUMSS, and Basic Calculus 11 – STEM. The main reason why he decided to apply in
OLFAI is simply to gain experience, to practice his field of teaching, and to earn money.
He came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice his profession after
finishing his bachelor‘s degree through the help of his friends. His greatest credentials as
an educator include attended seminars and becoming the coach of the OLFAI basketball
varsity team. With regards to the question of whether he will stay or leave OLFAI for the
next school year, he decided to stay as he plans to finish his masteral degree before
moving to another academic institution.
Respondent No. 14
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 14 is a 22-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated with a bachelor‘s degree in Secondary
Education (BSED) Major in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) in all areas at
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) last June 23, 2017. Furthermore, she
also passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in the same year.
Teaching Background. She has been teaching in OLFAI for almost a year already.
She teaches Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) for Grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. Her
main reason for applying in OLFAI is due to the fact that it is an institution accredited by
the Philippine Accrediting Association for Schools, Colleges, and Universities
(PAASCU). She came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice her profession
after finishing her bachelor‘s degree through her niece who is also enrolled in the said
academic institution. Her three greatest credentials as an educator include attending the
In-Service Training (InSET), the Gender and Development Seminar-Workshop, and
working as the Review Master for LET takers. As for the question whether she will be
staying or leaving OLFAI for the next school year, she still remains undecided.
Respondent No. 15
Personal Profile. Respondent No. 15 is a 21-year-old female.
Educational Background. She graduated as Bachelor of Science in Biology at the
University of Mindanao (UM) last 2018. Furthermore, she sets her hopes high in
proceeding to take medicine and pursue her dream in becoming a doctor in the future.
Teaching Background. She has been working as a part-time teacher in OLFAI for
almost a year already. She currently teaches Biology I and II, Chemistry I and II, Physics
I and II, Disaster and Risk Reduction, and Earth and Life Science for Grades 11 and 12.
Her reasons as to why she decided to work here in OLFAI include the fact that it is near
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
to her place and she‘s already familiar with the culture and environment of the institution.
As to how she came to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to give the teaching career
a shot after finishing her bachelor‘s degree, it was all because she herself was an alumna
of the school during her high school years. Lastly, she‘s having no more plans to stay in
OLFAI for the next school year due to some personal aspects.
Research Instrument
The open-ended questions for the intensive semi-structured interview are the main
research instruments of the study, together with the recorders and keyword note-taking
which were used in keeping track of the whole interview conversation.
The advantages of interviews originate from their ability to offer a total portrayal
and investigation of a research subject, without constraining the extent of the examination
and the idea of the respondent's reactions (Collis and Hussey, 2003; Madziwa, 2016).
Interviews are helpful for picking up knowledge and context into a subject. They can give
data to which the interviewee was already conscious of, and becoming critical for
exploratory research where there the researcher has only surmountable knowledge about
the subject (Madziwa, 2016).
In the context of this qualitative study, the open-ended questions for the intensive
semi-structured interview were personally prepared by the researchers. These questions
addressed the purpose of the research conducted and were further reviewed and
authenticated by three selected professionals as validators before the data gathering
procedure formally commences.
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Data Gathering Procedure
The data gathering procedure encompassed four major steps: permission,
appointment, profiling, and intensive interview proper.
Permission started by sending a formal letter addressed to the directress/principal
of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. (OLFAI), S. Ma. Celedonia F.
Amper, RVM, asking for her approval before the researchers can proceed with the data
gathering procedure within the confines of the academic institution which she currently
administrates upon.
The appointment followed whereby researchers formally contact their selected
respondents and secures their participation in the research through the informed consent
form with full knowledge about the limitations and repercussions of their involvement in
the study conducted.
Profiling began by assigning pseudonyms for participants and exploring their
background information, together with the ideal date and time which they would like the
interview to be scheduled, through a given handout which they are supposed to fill-up for
easier convenience. The handout was be given before the first period in the morning and
was be collected the following day.
Intensive interview proper followed where a series of open-ended questions
prepared by the researchers and validated by professionals was asked to the respondents.
The interview to be conducted is one per each respondent. Follow-up questions can be
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
asked by the interviewer, and the whole interview conversation was completely
monitored via recorders and keyword note-taking.
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data gathered from the intensive interview, the researchers used
thematic analysis as their tool in interpreting the results. Thematic analysis is a type of
topical investigation inside the data which gives a basic elucidation and succinct portrayal
of subjects and examples in the data set. The general methodology includes a cautious
audit of crude information. Moreover, thematic analysis is principally utilized in
qualitative research as it gives a more top-bottom and more extensive examination and
comprehension about the gathered results (Prieto, et al., 2017, p. 156).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Results and Discussions
The data gathered for the qualitative research was done through intensive semistructured interview on the 15 respondents who are teachers of the Our Lady of Fatima
Academy of Davao, Inc. (OLFAI). The data were interpreted using thematic analysis.
Based on the collected data, 4 themes emerged from the answers of the
respondents. These themes include school administrative support, possible reasons for
leaving, recommendations for staying, and reasons for migration to public.
School administrative support was measured in terms of workplace atmosphere,
the teachers‘ physical and mental well-being, remuneration, supervision, and professional
development among teachers. This theme addresses the first research question of the
study: the provisions of OLFAI to encourage faculty retention.
On the other hand, the possible reasons for leaving and the recommendations for
staying correspond to the needed data in answering the second research question of the
study: the motivation of teachers in leaving or staying in the OLFAI institution.
Lastly, the teachers‘ reasons for migration to public answer the third research
question of the study.
School Administrative Support
Table 2. School Administrative Support
School Administrative Support
Workplace Atmosphere
seminars, induction of personnel,
seminars, team-building
Personnels‘ Day, implementation of
rules, team-building, vacation
vacation, spiritual activities (retreat)
IFP, workshops, Personnel‘s Day
workshops, trainings, team-building,
Personnel‘s day, IFP
implementation of rules, teambuilding, Personnel‘s Day
trainings, seminars, workshops,
team-building, orientation
scaffolding, retreats, team-building,
retreats, Personnels‘ day
workshops, seminars, meetings,
socialization, team-building
personal cubicles, team-building,
retreats, training
Personnels‘ Day, group activities,
team-building, orientation, seminars
workplace and facilities, seminars,
workshops, trainings
workplace and facilities, supplies
provision, Personnels‘ Day, retreats
Physical and Mental Wellbeing
substitution, paperworks
(salaries, incentives, and benefits)
fulfilling salary, ESC, substituting incentives
mismatched workload
fulfilling salary, ESC
sick leave and maternity
leave, adequate workload
fair treatment, excused
mismatched workload
fulfilling salary, honorariums, RVM retirement
commission, gifts
does not matter, on-time salary or in advance, salary
loans, RVM retirement commission, scholarship
fulfilling salary, honorariums, gifts
teaching manuals,
IQAT, observation
openness to questions,
checking of attendance
mentoring, observation
consultation with BEED
graduates, paperworks,
scheduling, paperworks,
excused absences,
substitution, uneven
workloads, classroom
substitution, overload
fulfilling salary, PTA commission
frequent reminders,
uncompensating salary, honorarium
seminars, workshops
fulfilling salary, RVM retirement commission
re-echoing of learnings
fulfilling salary, SSS, Pag-ibig, RVM retirement
openness to questions,
seminars, workshops
does not matter, SSS, Philhealth
adequate workload,
substitution problems
sick leave
fulfilling salary, Christmas bonus, 13th month pay,
RVM retirement commission, gifts
fulfilling salary, honorarium
year-ender school
demonstration, seminars
seminars, trainings
mismatched workload,
substitution problems
standard work time,
substitution problems,
absence of emotional care,
no appreciation
adequate workload, no
substitution for part-time,
deduction from salary
fulfilling salary, RVM retirement commission, Pag-ibig,
Philhealth, SSS
uncompensating salary, honorarium
checking of attendance,
observation, evaluation
trainings, workshops
daily log (SHS), PCO
seminars, meetings
fulfilling salary, Philhealth, SSS, RVM retirement
seminars, inter-demo
seminars, benchmarking
Catholic Congress,
seminars, workshops
seminars, meetings
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
The first theme focuses on school administrative support. School administrative
support was measured in terms of workplace atmosphere, the teachers‘ physical and
mental well-being, remuneration, supervision, and professional development among
Respondents No. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13 emphasized the team-building that
they had and its influence on the school‘s workplace atmosphere. Respondent No.6
“Maghatag pud sila ug mga activities which is kanang… mga team-building
which is maka-ano, maka-mingle mo each other sa mga kauban nimo na teachers.
Maong ma-comfortable naka sa imong mga kauban, and also, sa imong status, ug
sa imohang gi-tudloan.”
(They also gave us activities like the team-building, which will allow us to mingle with our fellow
teachers. Because of that, we are now comfortable with the people we work with, our status, and
the students who we teach.)
However, with regards to team-building activities, Respondent No. 2 stipulated
“Naa pud mi‟y team-building which nahitabo siya bag-o lang. I mean, supposed
to be, akong pagsabot sa team building is before siya sa year. However, nahulog
siya na karon siya—sa end of the year.”
(We also had team-building activity which was conducted just recently. However, I really thought
that team-buildings are supposed to be done before the school year, yet we had it just before the
school year is about to end.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
With regards to workplace atmosphere, Respondents No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, and 15
answered about the Personnels‘ Day. Respondent No. 7 stated that,
“Kanang karon, happy gani ko kay naa mi‟y team-building last Personnel‟s Day
na didto jud namo na realize ang among mga mali ug mga dapat namong
buhaton. Karon, okay-okay na karon. Pero, katong before ana, lahi jud siya.
Lalong-lalo na tung last year. Didto jud ko ka-feel ug difference.”
(Of course, we have teacher‘s growth through our team-building last Personnel‘s Day. It was
during that day where we realized our faults and the things we are supposed to do. Today‘s
atmosphere through the administration is already good. However, before the team-building, you
will really see the difference, since last year.)
Workshops were also mentioned by Respondents No. 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, and 14.
Respondent No. 5 said that,
“Naa pa workshop na ginahatag ang school, in which na mas mailhan nimo ang
imong mga mahimong katrabaho in the years na mag-stay ka diria. So, naa sila
ginahatag na workshop sa outside of the school. So, they give opportunities sa
mga teachers na mag-reach out sa other school then with the kauban na teacher
bisan dili nimo ka-close? Yeah, so padaluhon ka didto. So, naa gihapon siya‟y
gina-ano ang admin na ginabuhat na way para naa‟y mura‟g connection ang old
or ano ba diraa.”
(We have workshops provided by the school, which enable us to know more our co-workers. They
also send us to workshops outside the school, together with a teacher whom we are not close with.
Through those, we can reach out to the teachers of the other schools. Overall, there are efforts
conducted by the admin to allow connections between the old and new teachers to prosper and
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondents No. 1, 2, 8, and 11 said that seminars are one of the provisions of the
school in cultivating appropriate workplace atmosphere. Respondent No. 1 stated that,
―Okay. So, after na ma-hired mi sa OLFA. The first thing that they do is
nagkaroon ng seminar. So, lahat ng teachers—old and the new teachers. So,
kinakailangan na mu-attend sa seminar.”
(After we were hired here in OLFAI, the first thing they did was conducting a seminar. All
teachers, both old and new, needed to attend the seminar.)
Respondents No. 8, 9, and 13 talked about the orientations they had before the
beginning of the school year. Respondent No. 8 stated that,
“Dili man sa workshops nag-first time namo nagkita. Sa amoang orientation. Sa
orientation namo, nagkita-kita mi, nagila ila kung kinsa ang old—Ay dili diay,
seasonal—kinsa ang mga new.”
(It was not during the workshop that we‘ve met one another for the first time. It was during our
orientation. In our orientation, we met and got to know those who are seasonal teachers, and those
who are new teachers.)
Retreats and IFPs were also mentioned by Respondents 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 15.
Respondent No. 4 said that,
“Sa SMC man pud gud, naa man pud na sila‟y mga retreat. Kanang metanoia
gud na mag-change ang imong heart. Kanang mga ining-ana? Ining-ana pud
akong gina-apas ngano mag-stay ko sa private school, compared to the public.
Kung sa public man gud, apasay sila ug mga paperworks, usually diba? Murag
dili gud nimo ma-feel ang spiritual activity nila? Whereas, kung naa ka sa private
RVM school, ginahatagan ka nila ug opportunity na magretreat…”
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(The SMC also provides retreat. Through these retreats, you experience metanoia or a change of
heart. That‘s what I‘m after why I really prefer working in a private school. Compared to public
schools who are really preoccupied in submitting paperworks, you don‘t really feel much about
their spiritual activities. Whereas, in private schools, they give you opportunities to go into a
vacation, attend retreats, and avail many benefits.)
In addition, Respondent No. 5 said that,
“Okay so, they tend to or they give opportunities to us as a teacher to work with
our co-teacher. For example, we have the Ignacian Formaton or IFP. Yes, IFP.
Not only those old teachers ang mag-uban, pero gina-mix siya para naa‟y good
environment ang sa faculty.”
(They tend to give opportunities to us, teachers, to work with our fellow co-teacher. For example,
we have the Ignacian Formation or IFP. In IFP, the teachers are grouped randomly, making sure
that the old ones will interact with the new ones in order to establish a good environment in the
Respondents No. 3 and 7‘s answers focused on policy implementation.
Respondent No. 7 exclaimed that,
“Akong case man gud is duha ka administration akong naabtan, diba? Ang first
administration is kang Sister Precy. Second administration is si Sister Cely. That
time, I can say nga medyo organized siya kay its because naa man gud siya‟y set
of rules ba. Mura‟g nakita pa nako ang pagiging firm sa nakakataas…”
(In my case, I was able to experience the management of two administrations: of Sister Precy and
of Sister Cely. During the former‘s time, I can say that it was quite organized, because of the
detailed set of rules. There was the sense of being firm from the ones in authority…)
This was quite different with what was said by Respondent No. 15 with regards to
policy implementation. She said that,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
“If naa‟y the policy of… If ikaw, naggamit ikaw, maglimpyo siyempre! So, before
pa kami naggamit… before pa kami…. naa na‟y naggamit diri but wala nila gi…
wala sila naglimpyo, then they are not strict about that.”
(For example, this one. If there is a policy stipulating that anyone who uses this room should clean
it after use, they should strictly implement it. However, what happened was, we came here to use
this room but it was already dirty. They are not very strict about that.)
Furthermore, Respondents No. 3 and 4 stipulated that vacations were organized
by the school to improve the workplace‘s atmosphere. Respondent No. 3 declared that,
“…Gi-treat mi ni Sister Precy na mag-adto sa different places para mag-ano sa
among mga kauban.”
(Sister Precy treated us to the different places to bond with our co-workers.)
Respondents No. 14 and 15 posit that the school made them comfortable in the
workplace by making to them known the available facilities and rooms available in
exercising their profession. Respondent No. 14 said that,
“All the things na needed to do: papers, loads, how to handle our students, the
different methods sa pag-teach, school facilities, how things function. Parehas sa
ako sa TLE, I handle kaning sa HE, and then sa kato ganing sa Industrial Arts.
Gi-inform ko didto, unsa ang mga things available didto, things na kailangan or
kulang didto para, at some point, kanang ma-ready ko.”
(We were oriented about the things we are to do: paperworks, loads, and how to utilize facilities
like the Home Economics and the Industrial Arts. They informed me about the things available
and the materials which are lacking or not functioning, so that I may be ready when the school
year begins.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
On the other hand, Respondent No. 1 made mention about the induction of
personnels. She said that,
“…Magkakaroon ng induction of personnel. Ibig sabihin, ipa ila-ila kinsa nikinsa ka. Then, dili lang pud ka mag stick saimong—Halimbawa, old ka? Oh sige
old nalang mi tanan! Na‟y mga groupings na ginabuhat. And, dili lang siya
grouping. Dapat mailhan nimo ang—"Ay kani diay si, Ma‟am, kuan si kuan.”
Then—pero, ang pinaka-importante jud… Ang kanilang ginabuhat jud is ginaexpose nila ang mga teachers.”
(…There was an induction of personnel, where we get to know whom we will be working with. It
is important not just to focus on your circle of friends. If you‘re an old teacher, it‘s not good to
mingle with old teachers only. There are groupings made by the school during the said activity,
and each one needs to know the name and identity of each other. They primarily expose teachers.)
In addition, Respondent No. 12 emphasized the provision of the school in giving
them separate cubicles for their own privacies. He said that,
“Kung sa administration, wa may problema. Mura‟g naa mi sariling cubicle. Naa
mi sariling workplace para saamong mga paperworks or sa faculty, naa mi
computers with Internet so naga-support pud ang administration sa faculty.”
(If we are talking about the administration, there‘s no problem at all. We have separate cubicles to
serve as our workplace, most especially for our paperworks as we are working on it in the faculty.
We also have computers with Internet connection which also serves as support of the
administration to the faculty.)
Scaffolding is also one of the efforts of the school in cultivating a healthy
workplace atmosphere, according to Respondent No. 9. She claimed that,
“At first, when I went here, my coordinator assisted me in everything I do. This
is known as scaffolding, wherein you will be assisted for a while and then you
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
will be left by them. So, somehow, I was not aloof or alone sa pagpasok ko dito
because they assisted me along throughout, especially parang supportive yung
mga coordinators somehow. So far, ang ginawa nila is… they introduced me to
the teachers. Parang welcomed talaga from the administration.”
(At first, when I went here, my coordinator assisted me in everything I do. This is known as
scaffolding, wherein you will be assisted for a while and then you will be left by them. So,
somehow, I was not aloof nor alone when I went here, because they assisted me along throughout,
especially since the coordinators are supportive somehow. So far, all they did was to introduce me
to my fellow teachers. The administration was very welcoming.)
Lastly, Respondent No. 15 made mention of provision of materials and other
needed supplies with regards to how the school makes them comfortable in the
workplace. She responds that,
“They provide mga gamit such as mga… for example, chalk and any mga class
record that is… and then, I think for other na mga full time, they give allowances.
I think that is another good factor para sa full-day teachers.”
(Okay. I think that the administration of the school does that by providing needed supplies or
materials like chalks and class records. For full-time employees, they are given allowances, which
I consider as another good factor.)
Another way of describing the school‘s administrative support is through its
provisions on the teachers‘ physical and mental well-being.
Respondents No. 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 stipulated that substitutions are one of the main
efforts of the school administration in terms of assisting them whenever they are absent.
According to Respondent No. 9,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
“Regarding my health and the faculty‟s conditions, they are very ano naman…
helpful. It‟s because they provide us substitution forms, because there are planned
and unplanned absences. Usually, unplanned absences… these are the instances
where teachers got sick, and then the coordinators are ready to help them
(Regarding my health and the faculty‘s conditions, they are very helpful. It‘s because they provide
us substitution forms, since there are planned and unplanned absences. Usually, unplanned
absences… these are the instances where teachers got sick, and then the coordinators are ready to
help them.)
However, Respondents No. 11, 13, 14, and 15, declared that there are some
instances that they are still the ones who have to look for substituting teachers for their
classes in case they need to be absent. Respondent No. 14 stated that,
―At some point, supposedly, to be honest, karun jud na adlaw kay mu-absent ko.
Wala man jud ko‟y absent ever since, like permente jud ninyo makita akong
dagway. Pero karun noh… kay mura‟g… “Yati mani oy! Mura man ko‟g wala gialagaan.” Pero, feeling jud nako ba na luya jud ko. Diba, karon, naa man ju‟y
sub nako? Naa kay i-ano na sub na dapat work gud na sa coordinator gani? Pero
mura‟g, ako gani ang mangita‟g pamaagi? Kanang ako mangita‟g teacher? Ana
gud? Excuse me? Mu-absent ko ana na day. Wala ko kabalo kinsa‟y vacant. Wala
ko kabalo kung kinsa‟y free. Wala ko kabalo kung… how I accomplish this gud?
Kanang, bisan unsa, kamatyonon nako, ako nalang mag-klase. Yati! Feeling nako
ba na kanang wala gud na-trabaho, which is gamay lang jud siya na butang ba.
Pero kung ikaw na teacher, labi na‟g sa akoa kay karun lang jud unta ko nagplano mu-absent, and I think valid kaayo akong reason na mag-absent gud ko—
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Kay dili jud ko naga-absent kung kaya pa jud nako—Pero karun lang jud ba,
feeling nako, nahi-ubos jud ko‟g taman.”
(In fact, I was really planning of being absent for this day. I was never absent ever since, and you
will always see me at school. But now, I feel like I was not taken care of. The coordinators are the
ones who are supposed to find substitutions for teachers who are absent, but why is it that I have
to look for them myself? Excuse me, I will be absent on that day, and I don‘t have any idea who
are the vacant teachers. I don‘t really think it‘s such a burden to work on, considering that my
reason is valid—I am sick. But now, I really feel disappointed, which made me decide that I will
really leave this place already.)
In addition, Respondents No. 1, 6, and 7 made mentions about paperworks.
Although it is one of the ways of the school‘s in monitoring their performance, they find
it the most difficult task to accomplish. According to Respondent No. 7,
―Kay I think akong load before, 11 sections tapos preparation tulo. Dili jud siya
ig-ana ka sayon. Mao gani nang until now, wala jud na‟y week na dili ko
mapagaw because of that. Ang hago lang sa akong part is kanang checking.
Grabe jud kaayo na paperworks.”
(My loads before were 11 sections, which needed three preparations. It‘s not easy. That‘s why,
even up until now, my voice is strained and hoarsed because of that. Checking test papers and
projects is also difficult. Paperworks are really stressful.)
On the other hand, aside from paperworks, Respondent No. 9 stipulated that
classroom management is a big problem for grade school teachers. She stated that,
“Um, meron din sa classroom management, because merong particular ratio ang
teacher and student. However, anong nangyari sa Grade 1? One teacher against
48 students? Sa Grade 2, one teacher against 48 students? My voice is not
enough. Nag-lapel na ako, pero dumating na naman yung time na wala na akong
boses na naka-absent ako. Yun ang nangyayari. Merong teacher aid. However,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
hindi talaga enough. Dapat i-split talaga sila. And I was so shocked kasi yun,
private eh. May particular ratio, chini-check yan. However, anong nangyari dun?
Sila marami, and then isa lang kami.”
(There is also the difficulty of classroom management, because we have a particular ratio of
teacher and student population mandated by DepEd. However, what happened to the Grade 1?
One teacher against 48 students? Sa Grade 2, one teacher against 48 students? My voice is not
enough. I already used a lapel during classroom discussion, I already lost my voice which
prompted me to be absent. There are teacher aids but it is not enough. Those sections should be
further divided into two smaller ones. In fact, when I entired here, I was really shocked, since this
is a private school! There is a particular ratio, and that is monitored by the DepEd. However, what
happened there? They are so many, while we are just one single teacher.)
With regards to their physical and mental well-being, Respondents No. 2, 5, and 7
believe that their physical and mental well-being is coerced by their mismatched
workloads. Respondent No. 2 stated that,
“To be honest, dili ko ganahan sa akong load. Dili nalang nako iingon ang akong
load ha. I also don‟t like the scheduling, or I don‟t like the way they think, or
something like that. Na kanang… I am a secondary teacher, „tas I should be
teaching in my level. Kanang ana gud? Because I am trained and graduated with
a skill to cater secondary students in that level. So, also… same with… Although
naa‟y privilege ang mga secondary teachers na mu-go lower na pwede mi magteach jud ug elementary, but not elementary teachers to secondary students. Ana
siya. Bale, the logic is, if you want to provide quality education, then ibutang
nimo imong mga teachers, imong mga employees, sa tama nila na butanganan.
But because, they have personal interests and everything na dili nalang nako imention, naka-ingon ko na… medyo “jugs”. Kanang, ironic gud sa ilang vision
and mission to bring quality and churvs education, tapos… You know… It goes
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
man gud if ang tao, na-utilize niya ug tarong iyang skills ug asa siya dapat.
Although, naa‟y mga tao na flexible ug dapat ang teacher is flexible, pwede ka
makipag-deal maski‟g asa and all, but! But… The thing is, you have a specialty,
so what‟s the purpose of your specialization? What‟s the purpose of being a
secondary teacher if ibutang gihapon ka sa lower levels and all?”
(To be honest, I don‘t like my load. I will not just mention my workload, okay? I also don‘t like
the scheduling of classes, the way they think, or something like that. I am a secondary teacher;
hence, I should be teaching in my level, because I am trained and I have graduated with a skill to
cater secondary students. Although there is a privilege for secondary teachers to teach elementary
students, but having it the other way around is another question. But due to their personal interests
which I will not just disclose, I find it quite dumb. It‘s ironic to their vision and mission to provide
quality education. It is enriching for a person to utilize his or her skills in the place and situation
where he or she is ought to be. Although teachers should be flexible, we have to consider that you
have a specialty! What‘s the purpose of your specialization, of being a secondary teacher if you
have to teach lower-level students?)
About their absences, Respondents No. 4 and 8 answered that excused absences
really helped them a lot in terms of physical and mental well-being. Respondent No. 8
said that,
“Actually, naa pud sila‟y consideration just like… Naa sila‟y sick leave or just
like… For example, ako, nagkasakit ko. Magpakita ko ug medical certificate so
that dili sila mag-deduct sa among sweldo kay ang patakaran OLFA, once na
mag-absent ka without excuse letter or any evedince na nag-absent ka—what is
your reason, what are the reason behind that,—naa ju‟y tendency na deduction-an
(Actually, they also have considerations. They have sick leave. For example, if ever I got sick, I
just need to present a medical certificate and an excuse letter to show evidence about the reason of
my absence so that they will not deduct anything from my monthly salary.)
However, this was retaliated by Respondents No. 1 and 15‘s statements, saying
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
“Sa sick leave, meron silang binibigay na pagnag-absent ka, magbibigay ka lang
ng letter kay Sister, pero hindi mo ma-compensate ang sweldo mo noon. Pagabsent ka, absent ka talaga. Kahit na nag-present ka na ng medical certificate,
you are not excused kasi nagkasakit ka.”
(In sick leaves, we are asked to submit an excuse letter addressed to the principal. However, the
letter will not compensate your salary. If you are absent, you are absent. Even if you‘ll be
presenting a medical certificate, you are not excused despite the fact that you were sick.)
Based on the statements of Respondents No. 11 and 15, their workloads are
enough, which constitutes a great percentage on the wellness of their physical and mental
well-being. Respondent No. 11 posited that,
―Siguro, for me… Yung load ko is… parang ano lang siya… Okay lang sa akin,
kasi normal lang man siya, hindi man siya overload, hindi man siya underload, so
it can satisfy myself. Para sa akin, okay lang yung load ko.”
(Well, my load is quite normal for me. It‘s neither overload nor underload, so it can satisfy me.
For me, my load is fair enough.)
This differs with the statement of Respondent No. 10 who is overloaded. He says
“Next month of December, nagkuha na ako ng Senior High loads. So, that‟s na
main point kung bakit nahirapan na din ako. I consider that one as my learning
opportunity for me. I learned a lot it, so it‟s all about time management,
especially time management. Dali lang sultion, pero lisud buhaton. So, sleeping
hours. Actually, during my review days, June to September, from 7 am until 4:30,
after that 5:30- 9:30 review, so I have no time to prepare. So ang time lang nako
to prepare is 2:00 to 3:00 am.”
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(However, for the following months, I received loads from the Senior High School. It was one of
the points where I really struggled a lot. However, I consider it as a learning opportunity for me. I
learned a lot from it. It‘s all about time management, a phrase that is easy to say but difficult to do.
Our sleeping hours, during my review days in the months of June to September is usually just
around four to six hours since from 7 am to 4:30 pm, I work at school, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm, I
attend the review, and I prepare my lessons from 2 to 3 am.)
With regards to workloads, however, Respondent No. 6 stated that prior
consulations with teachers, most especially with BEED – Generalist graduates, were done
in identifying what loads they are to take for the school year. She declared that,
“First of all, bago mi ibutang sa field, every May, naa mi mga workshop,
trainings, para ma-ila-ila pud namo ang mga kauban namo teachers. After ana,
mag-ila-ilahay na and then para ma-comfortable mi sa amoang tudluan,
mangutana na sila sa amo-a, especially sa GenED. So, wala mi specific na kung
asa jud mi. So, kuntahay, diri na subject, mangutana na sila which we prefer na
tudloan. And then, i-grant pud na nila.”
(First of all, before we were hired and sent into the field, we have workshops and trainings so that
we can get to know our fellow teachers in every month of May. After we have known one another,
we, general education teachers, will be asked which subject would we prefer to teach, since we
don‘t have any specialization. In response, they would also grant our request.)
In line with this, Respondent No. 7 said that the scheduling of their loads really
tires them. She answered that,
“Kanang sa akoa, dili jud siya healthy kay… Naka-remember mo before tung
Grade 9 pa mo? Naa‟y mga adlaw ato nga from 1st period to 7th kabuok na kuan.
Dili jud kaayo siya favorable sa akoa kay katong last, naa jud to‟y mga adlaw na 7
hours jud ko. Wala‟y vacant. I think 2 days a week ko ato na wala jud koy vacant.
Naa man koy vacant sa mga adlaw na kuan pero mas better man gud jud nang at
least once a day naa lang jud kay ma-feel na vacant.”
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(For me, it‘s not that healthy. If you can still remember back when you were in Grade 9, there are
really times where I have classes from 1st to 7th period. It was not favorable for me because I was
fully loaded two years ago. There‘s no vacant. I think, it was only two days in a week that I have
vacant periods. Although I have vacant periods, I still think that it‘s good to have vacant periods
throughout the day.)
Finally, Respondent No. 14 revealed that following the standard worktime is also
a good provision of the school in easing the conditions of their physical and mental wellbeing. She disclosed that,
“Actually, when it comes to physical ug mental, naga-follow man jud sila sa
standard jud na ang isa ka teacher will only allowed to teach six hours. So, we
have here 8 hours of duty from 7:30 am, but since naa man mi faculty prayer, so
mu-in mi by… Diba, ang time in is 6:45 am, so sa tinuod jud ha, 7:30 am-4:30
pm. So, along with the 8 hours of duty, naa mi 2 hours na rest ana. Pero, depende
kung asa to na-assign among workload na vacant. For example, sa first day, kung
isa lang among vacant, so pagkasunod na adlaw, naa ju‟y tendency na tulo jud
ang among oras ani. Ning-ana siya. Okay lang man siya kay standard man na…”
(Actually, when it comes to physical and mental well-being, they really abide with the rule that
teaecfhers are only allowed to teach six hours per day. We have 8 hours of duty starting from 7:30
am. However, because we have our faculty prayer, we need to be at school by 6:45 am. In other
words, we are at work from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Along the 8 hours of duty, we have 2 hours of
rest, but it really depends on your schedule. If you have only one vacant on the first day, perhaps
you‘ll have two or three on the following day.)
Despite all these, however, the latter believes that appreciation and emotional care
are also needed with regards to their physical and mental well-being. She implied that,
“Allowed man mi mag-absent for 5 days, provided naa jud mi medical certificate,
ana. Pero, usahay gud noh… Kanang ginapa-feel nga nganong, “Sige man ka‟g
absent.” Kana ganing, indirect way of saying na kana ganing… dapat dili ka
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magsigeg absent sa mga ning ana.x gud and ganito ganyan pero okay lang man
pud siya kay nagaask man pud sila at some point nagaask man pud sila kanang,
“Are you okay?” Kanang, “Have you taken your med na?”, “Nagpa-check up
naba ka?” Ana gud, which is good. At some point, ma-feel nimo na naa kay
kalinga gud? Pero, naa ju‟y mga times na faults.”
(Yes. Although we are allowed to be absent for a maximum of five days, provided that we submit
a medical certificate, they make us feel as if it‘s a burden for them if I will be absent.Although
they are still instances where they ask us how we are doing, or if we have already taken our
medication, we still can‘t feel the comforting solace of the administration. There are really lapses.)
The perspective of the respondents about how their workload affects them is
further supported by the Crossman & Harris (2006) and Bimanywarugaba (2013). They
posited that a noteworthy factor influencing teachers of the private schools is in fact the
work itself, which incorporates instructions, co-curricular exercises, direction and
guidance, teaching, organization and random undertakings relying upon the qualities of
the school structure. The school structure can assume a noteworthy job in such manner,
contingent upon whether the structure is highly centralized or decentralized. What
decides the level of centralization or decentralization is the degree of basic leadership
interest and the self-governance which the teacher has.
In fact, the research of Ortega-Dela Cruz (2016) demonstrates that teaching load,
paper works and job issues can prompt negative emotional responses such as large
amounts of worry and in addition low dimensions of employment fulfillment and
responsibility. These negative responses can prompt withdrawal and eventually, teacher
migration. When these educators stipulated that effective instructing and ceaseless
development were impossible in their present schools, they moved out for new locales.
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
The original schools and its students suffered as a result. Educators will remain at schools
where continued and predictable frameworks are set up, where they can do their everyday
occupations with certainty, and where they can develop in their professions after some
time (p. 31).
The school‘s administrative support was also analyzed through its remuneration
from the perspective of teaching employees. Remuneration was described through salary
compensation and the institution‘s offered incentives and benefits.
According to 11 of the respondents, the school compensates them with adequate
salary, making them feel fulfilled about their job. One of them, Respondent No. 5, told
“For the salary, para sa akoa, okay lang siya. In fact, this school ang mas dakodako ug ginahatag ug dako na salary, kay other school na madunggan nako sa
akoang mga classmates, lower pa sa amoang salary than diria sa OLFA. So, I‟ve
been satisfied sa salary naman.”
(For the salary, I find it fair. In fact, this school is one of the schools which is high in giving
salary. I have been satisfied with my salary.)
This is entirely different to what Respondent No. 7 and 14 have been saying.
Respondent No. 14 asserted that although the basic salary is satisfying, the salary for
advisers and moderators is not,
“When it comes naman sa advisory, okay-okay man pud siya. But I think lang ha,
the workload for being an adviser is, I think, dili gud siya enough kay mura‟g…
Makasala ang estudyante kay adviser, naa buhaton ang estudyante, adviser
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dayon. “Hoy! Kan-a na inyong Php 1,000 kapin na salary sa adviser!” Kay sa
adviser, Php 1000 kapin man. So, kanang dili gud na mabayran sa tanan-tanan
kasaba gud. Ana gud. Tapos, sa club pud, kung basehan nako sa money diri, sa
trabahuon pud diri, I think dili siya enough kay daghan kay siya trabahonon.”
(When it comes to advisory, I still think that their compensation for advisers is not enough.
Whenever a violation was committed by a student, the adviser is always to be blamed. ―My God!
You can just take your Php 1,000!‖ That amount of money is not enough to compensate all the
needed reprimandings on the students.)
As for Respondents No. 4 and 10, their salary does not matter to them at all, as of
the moment, hence, can‘t measure whether it‘s fulfilling or not. Respondent No. 10
expressed that,
“You know what? So teaching is my profession. Education pala. It comes from the
Latin word, “educare”, means “to draw out the best in me”. So first and
foremost, I cannot argue with the financial ano. The salary doesn‟t matter to me,
as long as I can give my best, as long as I can draw the best in me.”
(Teaching—I mean, education—is my profession. It comes from the Latin word, ―educare‖, which
means ―to draw out the best in me‖. So, first and foremost, I cannot argue with my financial
aspects. The salary doesn‘t matter to me, as long as I can give my best and I can draw the best in
Moreover, for Respondents No. 4 and 13, one of the good endeavors of the school
in terms of satisfactorily satisfying their employees financially is by providing their
salary on time or in advance. Respondent No. 4 alleged that,
“Sa public man gud… kadalasan sa 30 mana sila and dako-dako, pero naa‟y
tendency na magamit nimo ang imong suweldo, kaysa kung sa private, like sa
RVM school, ang suweldo na imong madawat kay murag advance gud? Like, ang
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suweldo nimo, naa na sa 15. Ana gud. Bihira lang gud kaayo or talagsa kaayo na
ma-delay kay busy ang sa cashier.”
(In public schools, their salaries are released on the 30 th of the month but in bigger amount.
However, there is a great tendency that you would end up using your salaries for the needed
supplies of your work. This is in contrast to the private schools like the RVM schools, in which
you receive your salaries in advance. You can receive your salary on the 15 th day and there are
only minimal delays of releasing one‘s salaries due to some work business in the cashier.)
Furthermore, salary loans may be availed by teaching employees, as per
Respondents No. 4 and 9. According to Respondent No. 4,
“Pwede ka mag-salary loan na gina-provide nila sa imo without interest. Mao na
ang kanindot na benefits sa usa ka RVM school.”
(…You may apply for a salary loan which they provide to you without interest. Those are the
wonderful benefits of an RVM school.)
Finally, Christmas bonus and the 13th month pay were also mentioned by
Respondents No. 6, 11, and 15. Respondent No. 11 said that,
“Naghatag na sila ug mga… mga ano… Money gihapon! Bonus, 13th month
(They gave us additional money like the Christmas bonus, 13 th month pay…)
The above stated results stipulate that remuneration affects one‘s satisfaction with
the job. In fact, poor pay is the essential explanation behind high teacher turnover around
the world. In addition to the poor salary and starting out brand new, numerous overseers
fling duties at new teachers like advisory groups and training with exceptionally small
installments (Candle, 2010). Rewards are basic elements of the associations' fortification
methodology and will serve as an uplifting feedback mechanism when attached
specifically to performance. This correlates with the Pay Equity Theory, which relates
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with fairness, concentrating on employees' reaction to the compensation that they get and
the feeling that they get less or more than they actually merit for, and the Expectancy
Theory, which predicts that workers are persuaded to function admirably due to the
engaging quality of the prizes or advantages that they may potentially get from a job
assignment (Cabrera, et al., 2016).
In the light of satisfaction, failure to meet employees' expectations is a cause of
teacher turnover. Although every part of staff management is motivation, if expectations
are raised about progress or potential rewards but are not met, there will be a subsequent
drop in commitment and a possible withdrawal of cooperation or even from the job as a
whole. In this manner, teachers may leave institutions out of personal reasons like lack of
motivation or passion (Maicibi, 2003; Candle, 2010).
The following section deals with the benefits and incentives offered by the
institution to their teaching employees.
The first proposition primarily mentioned by Respondents No. 3, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13,
and 15 is the RVM retirement commission and the PTA retirement commission.
According to Respondent No. 4,
“At the same time, naa na sila‟y ginatawag na RVM retirement fee. Kung
magdugay ka sa ilang institution, naa jud kay madawat na dako na kuwarta pag
hawa nimo. 10 years, 25 years, naa gud kay commission na madawat, naa‟y
reward sa imong 10 years na pag-stay sa SMC.”
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(At the same time, we have what we call, RVM retirement fee. If ever you have decided to stay in
an RVM institution, you will be receiving a considerable amount of money if you ever decided to
leave. 10 years, 25 years, you will be receiving commission as reward for your long stay in SMC.)
Aside from the RVM retirement commission and the PTA commission,
Respondents No. 3, 5, 7, 12, and 14 stipulated that honorariums as incentives are given to
them if they are moderators, advisers, or coaches. One of them, Respondent No. 12,
exclaimed that,
“Naa pu‟y other incentives kung adviser ka or club moderator ka or… Kung
coach ka, naa jud na siya‟y mga kwarta. Gamay-gamay additional. Pero, kung
unsa lang, OLFA is the best diri sa Davao na muhatag sailang faculty members.”
(Aside from our basic salary, which I will not mention the amount, other incentives like being an
adviser, a club moderator, or a coach, also merits additional money. OLFAI is indeed one of the
most wonderful schools when it comes to financial compensation.)
In addition to the honorariums of club moderators, coaches, and advisers,
Respondents No. 1 and 6 also revealed that even substituting teachers received allocated
incentives for their work. Respondent No. 1 disclosed that,
“Kanang mga unsapang mga privileges sa mga sub. Pag mag-sub ka, bayaran ka.
Ana gud. Kana ang mga privileges na ginahatag dayun nila.”
(Substituting teachers also receive benefits or incentives for their work. If you have substituted
someone‘s class, then you will be compensated for that. Those are some of the privileges that they
give to their teaching staffs.)
However, Respondent No. 7 expressed her dissatisfaction with regards to the
monetary amount of honorariums. She declared that,
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“Kanang, ano lagi… Sa akong giingon na coaching, naa man mi mga incentives.
Naa man koy mga incentives katong cultural show… Enough ba tong Php 5000,
sa kahago, sa gasto ug sa pagtapal? Dili siya enough.”
(For coaching, we have incentives for that. I also have incentives for the cultural show, but I don‘t
think the Php 5,000 honorarium is enough to compensate the stress, the fatigue, and the needed
prepayments I had to shoulder for the show to be successful.)
Moreover, the SSS, Pag-ibig, and Philhealth were some of the benefits received
by the teaching employees, according to Respondents No. 9, 10, 13, and 15. Respondent
No. 15 said that,
“Tapos mga incentives, we have 13th month pay, bisag part-time, naa. And then,
they pay our PhilHealth and other… Mga SSS, sila nagabayad ana. Of course, we
have RVM na gina-hulugan. If ever daw muhawa ka, naa kay madawatan.
Retirement fee so pag muhawa ka, naa kay madawatan. That is also included, and
then, we have… Ginabayaran nila ang free medical „pag mag pa-medical ka.”
(As for the incentives, we have the 13th month pay, the part-time jobs, etc. They also pay our
PhilHealth and our SSS. We will also get an RVM retirement fee if ever you decided to leave or
Gifts were also given by the school administration to its constituents as one of
their incentives and benefits, based on the statements of Respondents No. 3, 5, and 11.
Respondent No. 3 said that,
“Gifts? Naa mi‟y mga ing-ana sa Personnel‟s Day like sabon. Ana lang.”
(Gifts? Well, during the Personnel‘s Day, they give us materials like soaps and the like.)
In line with the gifts provided to them by the school administration, Respondent
No. 6 had a little concern. She asserted that,
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“Katong sa Christmas party. Ana sila na tung last time na bongga daw tung sa
panahon ni Sister Precy, kay pag-muuli daw kay daghan daw kaayo‟g bitbiton.
Kaso, last time, mura‟g frustrating kaayo kay mura‟g dili gud tanan kay naa‟y
gidala. Pero naa gu‟y tanan gidala pero kanang mura‟g dili gud siya enough.
“Unsa mani oy, mura‟g dili man kanang institution na mura‟g formal”, mura‟g
ana gud? Ana pud unta ba. Kanang, pwede tanan nalang naa? Naa mi‟y isa-isa,
pero gamay lang siya. Katong mga bunot-bunot na something, okay lang pud „to
katong mga dinagko, pero dapat, aside pud unta atong mga grocery, naa pud unta
ta‟y mga gamay na mga ano… mga tumbler. Ana lang gud, based sa akong
observations. Kay sa akong mama man gud, naa man pud gud na sila‟y Christmas
Party sa ilaha. Kanang lahi lang gud na trabaho. Pero kanang, gi-compare nako
na pag-uli nako, ining-ani lang akong dala, pero siya kay daghan kaayo siya ug
bitbit. Kana, ma-compare jud nimo siya.”
(It was last Christmas party. They say that, during the time of Sister Precy, they would go home
from the party with lots of groceries and gifts from the administration. However, last time, we
were quite frustrated, because not all really got the best ones. I mean, everyone had something to
bring, but we really felt like it was not the standard of a formal institution in terms of
compensating employees non-financially. We had small gifts for everyone, but it was not that
much. As for the bigger prices, we had it through a raffle draw. Based on my observations, I think
that they should give more gifts like tumblers. In the case of my mother who also celebrated a
Christmas party similar to ours, she went home with gift of greater quantity and number compared
to what I have brought home that day. You can really see the difference.)
Finally, Respondents No. 1 and 2‘s answers focused more on the privileges
granted unto them by ESC, which they consider as one of their benefits or incentives.
According to Respondent No. 1,
“Naa pa‟y katong sa ESC na, which is kanang Php 15,000 walang dagdag
walang bawas sa mga teachers.”
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(There‘s also the ESC which entails Php 15,000 for teachers without any deduction at all.)
The following section deals with the school‘s administrative support through
12 of the respondents said that observation is the main mechanism of the school in
monitoring their performance in terms of supervision. One of them, Respondent No. 6,
said that,
“Observation pud. Tulo man gud na siya. Downing, formal observation, ug popin. Ang downing, mao na siya where ang coordinator kay naga-tan-aw lang sa
gawas sa klase. Ikaw na teacher ka, wala ka kabalo na naa diay naminaw imong
coordinator sa gawas sa imoha. Mao na ang downing. Maybe, sa isa ka-tuig,
tagduha na nila buhaton. Mid-year ug end-year. Ang pop-in, mao na siya ang
kanang wa jud ka kabalo na sudlan diay ka. Kanang mukalit lang siya‟g sulod sa
likod, ana. Maminaw lang siya dira, pero 15 minutes lang na siya dira. Ang
formal, informed ka ana. “Diri ko mag-observe sa imo, kani na oras. Dapat
prepared ka”. Kanang formal, mas pressured na, kay, siyempre, na-informed gud
ka, so dapat bongga jud ka mutudlo. Tapos, kaduha or ka-upat mi ana
(We have three types of observations: the downing, formal observation, and pop-in. The downing
observation is where the coordinator only observes from outside the classroom. As a teacher, there
are times where you don‘t have an idea that your coordinator is already observing your class from
outside. That is downing, usually done twice every year: mid-year and end-year. As for the pop-in,
that is when you don‘t have an idea that you will be observed. That is the instance where a
coordinator suddenly gets inside the classroom to observe your class. However, they would listen
and leave the classroom after 15 minutes. As for the formal observation, you are informed, which
is more pressuring to us, since we really have to give our best. We usually have that twice or four
times a year.)
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Aside from the above mentioned types of observations, Respondent No. 9 also
made mention about the fourth type: the peer observation. She revealed that,
“Meron din kaming peer observation, wherein during our vacant time, we can
enter a classroom wherein we will watch how he delivers, how she delivers,
because we can get something out there. However, hindi talaga siya puwersahan
na gawin yung peer observation, kasi it‟s up to the teacher eh. Hindi talaga siya
required. So far, ngayon na year, hindi ko siya ginawa, kasi hindi naman siya
(We also have peer observation, wherein during our vacant time, we can enter a classroom
wherein we will watch how he delivers, how she delivers, because we can get something out there.
However, it was not really enforced among teachers to do, since it‘s up to us if we are going to do
it. It was not required. As for this year, I did not do it since it‘s neither a necessity nor a
After the observation, feedbacking immediately follows. According to
Respondent No. 12,
“After that, tawagon ka nila, conference mo unsa ang strengths and weaknesses
nimo. So, muhilok jud ang atong coordinator para matabangan ang ila faculty
(…We are called, conferenced and told about our own strengths and weaknesses. The coordinators
are actually helping us faculty members.)
Mentoring comes in next, as per Respondent No. 1 and 5, as one of the efforts of
the school administration in supervising its constituents. Respondent No. 1 remarked that,
“Yes, of course. Meron silang tinatawag nating mentoring na bago ka sumalang
sa isang bagay, makakaroon ng mentoring. Ibig sabihin, kinsa mag-mentor sa
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amoa? Ang mga coordinators. So, dili mi masyado malisdan. Bago nila ginahatag,
naa gihapon ga-guide na, “Maam, mao ni imong buhaton. Kani imong dapat
buhaton.” So, it‟s up to you kung i-follow ba nimo ang iyang giingon or dili nimo
ifollow. Pero, kinakailangan na mufollow mi sa mga coordinators kay sila man
ang nakabalo. So „yun, naa sila‟y… meron kaming tinatawag na mentoring.”
(Yes, of course. They have this so-called mentoring which prepares us before we engage into
something. Who will mentor us? It‘s the coordinators. Because of that, we won‘t have much
difficulty. Before we are to engage into something, we are often guided by them, saying, ―Maam,
this is what you will do.‖ Now, it‘s up to you how you are going to follow what they have advised
or not. That‘s what we call mentoring.)
In terms of attendance, the school monitors the punctuality of its teaching
employees through the biometric and through semestral reports, based on the statements
of Respondents No. 4 and 14. Respondent No. 4 declared that,
“Isa diri is ang time management. Very strict sila sa attendance. Very particular
ang mga RVM sisters sa attendance. Dili sila gusto ug mga late. That‟s why, naa
ta‟y ginatawag na kanang machine na naa sa may guard house. Ambot unsa‟y
tawag ana. Biometric. Biometric man siguro tawag ana. Every end of the sem,
gina-print out na nila, ginatan-aw nila kung naa ba‟y late kay kaltasan man ang
suweldo nimo ana.”
(One thing also is the time management. They are very strict with the attendance. The RVM sisters
are very particular with the attendance. They don‘t like tardiness. That‘s why, we have this
machine called the biometric which allows the school to track the attendance and punctuality of
teachers. At the end of every semester, they print the results out and see which teacher or
employee is late, which will then be deducted from their salary.)
Respondents No. 3 and 9, in addition, said that the openness of the coordinators to
their queries and questions has served as a wonderful mechanism in supervising them,
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most especially during their first months of teaching in the institution. Respondent No. 9
claimed that,
“Moreof kung tasks na hindi ko alam, my coordinators are really ready to help
me in everything that I do. Whenever I have questions, I always ask. Never in my
career here in OLFAI that my coordinator was already pissed of me, asking
questions, asking for help.”
(If tasks are to be talked about, my coordinators are really ready to help me in everything that I do.
Whenever I have questions, I always ask. Never in my career here in OLFAI that my coordinator
was already pissed of me, asking questions, asking for help. It never happened.)
According to Respondent No. 2, the school has supervised them in execising their
profession in the school by giving them teaching manuals and having the yearly internal
and external IQAT (Internal Quality Assurance Test). She declared that,
“Before we start teaching, they have given us teaching manual. Naa didto ang
duties and responsibilities nimo as an adviser, as a subject teacher, mga ana
tanan. Naa mi‟y working manual or work manual. Naa man gud na sila‟y IQAT,
right? So, katong IQAT, I think, is their way of supervising their teachers if the
teachers are still following the RVM way of teaching, because they have a
different way of teaching than the other schools.”
(Before we started teaching, they have given us a teaching manual. It contains the duties and
responsibilities of an adviser, of a subject teacher, and the like. It is a work manual. They also
have IQAT. In IQAT, it is a way of supervising their teachers to see if teachers are still following
the RVM way of teaching, because they have a different way of teaching than in other schools.)
Furthermore, Respondents No. 6 and 7 stated that simple instructions and frequent
reminders of the school administration are one of the mechanisms in supervising and
monitoring them. Respondent No. 6 answered that,
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“Naa siya‟y peer-to-peer monitoring from time-to-time, especially kanang mga
Lesson Plan. Dapat kana siya, karong Friday, ipa-advance ka ug two weeks.
Dapat pasa na na nimo. Advanced ka dapat. Gina-remind man mi nila so kami
lang jud sa among self ang kanang mura‟g dili gud kaapas ug pasa.”
(There is peer-to-peer monitoring from time to time, especially in our lesson plans. We are to
submit the LPs by Friday with two weeks advancement. We need to submit it in advance.
Although they are reminding us about the things we have to submit, maybe we just can‘t keep up
with the submissions.)
Respondent No. 14 also made mention about evaluation mechanisms done by the
school, which are apparently done by the guidance counselors. She alleged that,
“Gina-check nila ang among evaluation, even kung sayo ba mi muabot. Kasi
diba, if you want to become a professional teacher, bisan unsa nga details diraa,
kailangan nimo siya i-take… Naga-ask pud sila‟g mga several na bata, “Do you
like how she perform or conduct her classes?””
(They check even our attendance and our timeliness of starting or ending classes. Aside from
observations, they also look into the perception of the students, asking them if they like how we,
as teachers, perform or conduct our classes.)
Finally, in the case of Respondent No. 15 of the Senior High School faculty, they
don‘t have LPs but only daily logs and PCOs, which is the way of the school in
monitoring their performance. She asserted that,
“„Pag sa Senior High, daily log lang. So, kung mura‟g kung unsa lang imong
gihimo. Dili na siya same sa LP sa Junior High na elaborated pa. Kato lang siya.
Kung unsa lang gihimo that week in four sessions, mao lang pud ang ibutang. And
then,—actually, every now and then, gina-monitor the daily log. We have PCO.
It‟s kanang calendar kung na-hit ba namo ang amoang dapat klasehan. Kuntahay,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
dapat ba… naa raman didto kung unsa na adlaw dapat kini na ma-hit nimo nga
(In Senior High School, we have the daily log for part-time teachers. It‘s somehow a summary of
what we did over the course of the week. The daily log is a summary and is not as elaborated as an
LP in Junior High Schoool. Whatever you did in the four sessions of the week, you put it there.
We also have PCO. It‘s a calendar which contains the classes that you have to attend and the
activities that you are to do.)
The answers of the respondents correlate with the perspective of other researchers
with regards to the importance of supervision. School strategies like arrangement of
learning openings including coaching of new teachers and undefined plans for expert
improvement were exceedingly associated with teachers' retention and turnover. Teachers
are bound to leave their occupations in conditions where their schools don't give learning
conditions and chances to proficiently develop themselves (vocation movement or
employee improvement). Additionally, they feel embittered and demotivated to work in a
domain where open doors for self-awareness are negligible. Workers who are very
profession-situated may change their employments so as to move to a job which they see
as a stage up in their career ladder (Benner, 2000; Candle, 2010, p. 15).
After all, a teacher is a person who coordinates the training and learning of
students and draws regarding numerous matters yet not restricted to: perusing,
composing, arithmetic, science and history (Martin, 2010; Bimanywarugaba, 2013). They
are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble
profession and who adhere to, observe, and practice sets of ethical and moral principles,
standards, and values (Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, N.Y., p. 1).
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Finally, the school‘s administrative support was described through their efforts on
their teachers‘ professional development.
In line with this, the Section 3 of Article VII of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers states that teachers are entitled to professional growth and better
incentives as some of their privileges which can likely be fully experienced only in public
“School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth of all
teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them due
recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in
conferences in training programs (UNESCO, N.Y., p. 6).”
Among the answers of the respondents, 12 of them said that the school provides
them avenues for professional development through seminars. Respondent No. 1
answered that,
“Okay, before nag-start ang klase. We have different types of seminars and
psychological na mga seminars... Kapag training, we are also… ginatudloan pud
mi what are process if there is—for example, kanang naa‟y nahitabo, unsa‟y
kailangan nimo himoun, unsa‟y dapat protocol, unsa‟y kailangan, kinsay iinform
kanus‟a maghimog letter ug asa dapit ihatag ang problem.”
(Before the classes, started, we have different seminars, others are psychological in nature. During
the training, we are taught about the process, provisions, and protocols, necessary to know about
with regards to due process should unexpected problems arise.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
A good example of this seminar was the Catholic Educators‘ Congress, as
mentioned by Respondent No. 5. He declared that,
“For example, sa amoang Catholic Congress, they give us mga strategies,
techniques, on how to deal with our development. And also, by our development,
ma-ano man pud na siya sa amoang mga estudyante. Kung sa kuan pa, mura‟g
virus siya. Kung unsa among natudluan or natun-an didto sa congress or sa
seminar workshop, so ma-adopt namo. Labi na ang students, maadopt pud nila.
So, that‟s it. Mura‟g makatabang jud siya sa amoang mga activities. Mga
(For example, during our Catholic Congress, they give us strategies, techniques, and on how we
can facilitate our development, since our development is also reflected on the improvement of our
students. It‘s like a virus. Whatever we learn from the seminar, we adopt it into our teaching
strategy, and the results are then elicited from the students. That‘s it. It really helps us in terms of
our activities.)
However, despite what the 12 respondents are claiming, Respondent No. 2
asserted that,
“They send teachers to seminars. But, unfortunately, in my case, wala pako nila
na-send sa any seminar. However, I‟m looking forward na before mag-end ang
school year, unta naa ko‟y isa ka school year na ma-attenan. But we had
seminars! We attended seminars, yes, as a group. So, that‟s it. But the topic is
social issues, so it‟s not about teaching. Updating lang sa knowledge about social
(They send teachers to seminars. Unfortunately, I have not been sent to any seminar. However,
I‘m looking forward that before the school year ends, I will be able to attend at least one seminar.
But we had seminars as a group! However, the topic was about social issues, not about teaching. It
was just somehow updating our knowledge about social issues.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
In addition, Respondent No. 7 noticed a dilemma with regards to selecting the
teachers who will be attending the seminars, both inside and outside the school. She
claimed that,
“Naa man mi mga seminars. Actually, karon na tuig, kas-a rako naka-attend ug
seminar. Dili man gud ing.ana ka daghan ug seminars ug workshops na gina
padala mi mga TLE and Computer teachers. Mas daghan mi academics gud na
mga subjects—Mathematics, English, Science. Of course, naa kay ma tun-an na
dili lang nimo matun-an sa school, pero sa gawas, not only nationally but
internationally pud. Usahay lang, wala‟y consistency. Basta, naa lang ipadala.
So, mapansin pud nako na nagalikay ang uban teachers na ipadala. Kanang,
mapugos na lang. Nakapangutana pud ko ngano dili ganahan.”
(We do have seminars. Actually, for this school year, I was only able to attend a seminar once.
Maybe it‘s because seminars and workshops about TLE and Computer are really rare, compared to
those of the academic subjects like Mathematics, English, and Science. Of course, there are some
learnings which you can only get from outside, not only nationally but also internationally. There
are also times where there is no consistency on whoever is supposed to be sent. I noticed that
teachers tend to avoid being chosen to attend seminars and it always makes me wonder.)
On the other hand, workshops were also made mention by Respondents No. 5, 9,
and 14 as one of the efforts of the school in developing their profession. Respondent No.
14 conveyed that,
“As what I‟ve mentioned, we undergone several… …workshops. Dili lang siya
inside the school but outside. We were able to also experience na kanang outside
na kanang workshops. Free siya. Mura‟g ginahatag siya sa school. Pero, free
siya and then helpful kaayo. Kanang naa kay makuha didto kung accredited ang
naga-conduct ug workshop kay makatabang siya sa amoang points. Before man
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
gud nimo ma-renew ang imong lisenya, kailangan nimo mu-cater ug 30 CPD
points. Tungod sa OLFA, naka-cater ko ug 19 points.”
(As what I‘ve mentioned, we underwent several workshops, not just inside the school, but also
outside. We were able to experience workshops outside for free, as if it is freely given by the
school. It is even helpful, most especially if the one facilitating the workshop is accredited, you
can gain CPD points. You need to cater 30 CPD points if you want to renew your license. Because
of OLFAI, I was able to gain 19 points.)
Respondents No. 6 and 15 also emphasized that meetings are one of the
mechanism of the school for their professional development. Respondent No. 6 disclosed
“Kanang meeting pud namo. Kanang meeting namo, dili lang mi ga-meeting kay
naa mi‟y sabutan, kay usahay, dugay mi makauli sa meeting tungod kay si Sir
Danny, mag-istorya na ining-ani dapat atong buhaton. Mga ining-ani, ana.
Iingon na pud na Sir. Ang mga dapat i-tudlo, ang mga strategies, balik-balikon n
apud na niya. Mao na, every time na mag-meeting mi, naa jud na‟y mura‟g
pahapyaw, naa jud na‟y kanang gamay na pahapyaw sa unsaon namo pagimprove sa among self.”
(We also have meetings. Our meetings are not just done whenever we have to decide on
something, but we also have a synthesis of previous learnings by Sir Danny as to what we are
ought to do as teachers, which is apparently one of the reasons why we go home late. He would
often recapitulate the necessary strategies as an overview of how we can further improve
Furthermore, trainings are one of the efforts of the school on how they can
improve the teaching experience of their employees, as per Respondents No. 12 and 14.
According to Respondent No. 12,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
“Like what I‟ve said, before ga start ang school year, naa mi two weeks ana nga
training. Kanang training, ginabalik na nila tanan—katong arts of questioning,
mga basic skills na kailangan sa teachers. Ginabalik na tanan.”
(Like what I‘ve said, we had two weeks of training before the school year began. In the said
training, basic concepts were recapitulated—basic arts of questioning, basic skills of teachers.)
In the light of trainings, however, Respondent No. 9 expressed her dismay. She
mentioned that,
“But in terms of professional life, yun nga. Parang nakulangan ako na walang
workshop. Parang, I just learned about the system of OLFAI, but within my
profession—as a professional—wala talaga masyadong further growth as a
(But in terms of professional development, there was somehow a lacking on development
workshops and trainings. In my stay here, I just learned about the system of OLFAI, but there was
really little to no growth in my practicing my profession.)
Aside from seminars, workshops, and trainings, there are also demonstrations: the
year-ender school demonstration and the inter-demonstration teaching, as per Respondent
No. 10 and 3, respectively. Respondent No. 10 stated that,
“Okay, there is an ender-school demonstration. So, it comes to development. I see
a lot of how to handle or to gel in techniques. It‟s all about gelling in our
techniques to develop ourselves…”
(Okay, there is an ender-school demonstration. In terms of development, it‘s just a matter of how
you can gel in or apply your techniques in developing ourselves…)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
In addition to what Respondent No. 10 has said, Respondent No. 3 affirmed the
implementation of demonstrations even beyond the corners of the school. She alleged
“Aside from that, we also had our first inter-demo teaching with the other RVM
schools. Kami, mag-demo pud mi, sila ang maghatag sa amo-a ug feedback, then
sila pud mag-demo, then kami pud mag-hatag ug feedback. Mura siya‟g peer
teaching, pero dili siya sa among kauban. RVM namo na kauban sa school.”
(Aside from that, we have the first inter-demo teaching with the other RVM schools. We, teachers,
are also to conduct a demonstration while the teachers from the other schools will give their
insights. In the same way, they will also conduct demonstrations and we will be giving them
Together with the demonstrations, the private schools also have benchmarking
techniques with the other prestigious schools. Respondent No. 4 stipulated that,
“…Naga-benchmark sila from abroad. Sa SMC, naga-benchmark man sila sa
abroad. Like, niadto sila ug Cebu, niadto sila ug UP, De La Salle, kung unsa naa
sa ilang school, sa ilang way pag-manage sa classroom.”
(Aside from attending seminars, they also benchmark schools from abroad, just like SMC. The
teachers went to Cebu, UP, De La Salle, and any other promising school in the world, looking into
their way of managing the classroom.)
Amidst all of these, however, Respondent No. 11 reiterates that there was no
provision of the school with regards to their professional development. She posits that,
“Siguro, wala man sila‟y mga program na ining-ana diri. Oo, para sa ako. Wala.
Wala ko ka-experience. Wala. Wala. Oo, wala, wala pa nako na-feel. Wala. Wala.
Basta wala.”
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(I don‘t have recall any programs for professional development they have here. Yeah, nothing can
be remembered by my mind at all. Nothing at all.)
In the light of professional development, Ortega-Dela Cruz (2016) stipulated that
when teachers do not find their schools' wanting nor they found that the school wide
norms could either support or undermine their efforts, they looked for different
environments. However, these teachers do not give up on teaching but rather look for
schools that could make good teaching possible. The conditions they sought were
straightforward and consistent. These movers wanted more than workable teaching
situations; they also wanted opportunities to interact with other professionals and hone
their skills. They left schools in which they felt isolated or philosophically out of sync
with colleagues and searched for more sustaining professional cultures (p. 31).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Table 3. Possible Reasons for Leaving, Recommendations for Staying, Reasons for
Migration to Public from Private
Possible Reasons for
environment, co-teachers,
salary, lack of appreciation
salary, management, coteachers
family, environment
unfair treatment, lack of
spiritual activity
environment, absence of
communication, family
management, lack of
appreciation, workload
lack of appreciation,
degradation, health problems
Recommendations for
appreciation, care
promotion, proper
management, appreciation
conversations with close
none so far
appreciation, professional
students‘ need, appreciation
opportunities outside
lighter workload
professional development,
care, appreciation
problems with SIP
environment, unchallenging
support for SIP teachers, SIP
opportunities for students
proper management
lack of motivation
overload, environment,
opportunities outside
increased salary, lighter
lighter workload
be a full-time employee,
increased salary
Reasons for Migration to Public
from Private
training ground (private), skills
development (private)
intense competition (public),
training ground (private), great
value for teachers (private), skills
development (private)
training ground (private)
training ground (private), high
salary (public)
training ground (private), not yet
a LET passer (private),
disciplined students (private)
lack of skills development
(public), training ground (private)
training ground (private), high
salary (public), sense of stability
(public), many benefits (public)
many benefits (public)
not yet a LET passer (private),
high salary (public), sense of
stability (public)
high salary (public)
training ground (private), high
salary (public), skills
development (private)
training ground (private)
training ground (private), not yet
a LET passer (private)
training ground (private), skills
development (private)
long process of application
(public), intense competition
Possible Reasons for Leaving
The second theme focuses on the possible reasons, grounds, or factors which
could make a teacher leave the OLFAI institution.
OLFAI is a private school. Private schools are "instructive establishments run
freely by the administration" (Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, 2013, p. 4;
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Parker, 2015). It refers to a privately-owned and managed institution for teaching and
learning, established and authorized by the government to operate certain educational
programs in accordance with law and the prescribed policies and rules (Department of
Education, 2010, p. 4). There are three primary classifications of tuition-based schools.
These classes incorporate Catholic, non-Catholic religious, and free, non-partisan
schools. Inside Catholic schools, there are parochial, diocesan, and private segment
schools. In the context of this study, OLFAI is a private Catholic private segment school.
This theme primarily deals with turn-over. It alludes to human asset development
inside associations, that is, employees moving from job to job through transfer,
promotion or relocation. It is in this that adequacy of HRM projects and exercises of an
association can be seen (Human Resource Institute of New Zealand, 2015). It generally
refers to the ratio of leavers to the average numbers employed during the course of the
year which serves as a measure of the rate of change in an organization‘s workforce
(Gerald, 2002; Candle, 2010, p. 4).
In addition, a dissertation of Tina S. Johnson (2016) demonstrates an increase in
teacher turn-over from 10.08% to 14.95% from 2010 to 2015. It was also confirmed that
somewhere in the range of 40 to 50% of teachers will leave the private classrooms inside
their initial five years, including the nine and a half percent that leave before the finish of
their first year in Pennsylvania. Roughly 15.7% of educators leave their posts each year,
and 40% of teachers who seek after college degrees in teaching never at any point enter
the classroom by any stretch of the imagination (Ingersoll; Riggs, 2013).
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondents No. 1, 3, 5, 11, and 14 answered that the environment is the number
one which will really make them leave. Respondent No. 14 stated that,
“Ang environment kay itself no kay mao jud na ang reason nganong mangawala
ming tanan diri. Even sa amo-a ha, pila mi kabuok naa diria mga bag-o? Pito. Sa
ako, once na matandog ko nimo ug ani, mawal-an jud ko‟g gana. Para sa‟n ba
ako bumabangon? Ning ana gud? Kanang, mura‟g sarili lang nila ang ilang
(The environment is also one of the reasons why all of us will be leaving, slowly but surely. I‘m
the type of person who loses the drive to work if you have ever done something unpleasant to me,
most especially when I am doing my best for your sake. It really saps away my motivation.)
The lack of appreciation ranks next to the list, according to Respondents No. 1, 6,
and 7. Respondent No. 6 asserted that,
“Kuan man gud, last year, wala‟y appreciation sa teachers. Need man jud na sa
mga teachers ang ma-appreciate. Kuntahay, naa kay gibuhat then wala nila „to
na-appreciate. Mao pud tung una ang reason ngano gusto unta nako muhawa last
year. „Di ka ma-appreciate sa imong mga ginapangbuhat. Mao na, isa na sa
akong factor ngano mubalhin pud ko.”
(Last year, there was no appreciation for teachers. Teachers really need appreciation. That‘s also
one of the reasons why I also considered leaving last year, and even this year. They did not
appreciate my efforts.)
Furthermore, this lack of appreciation may also lead to the delineation of
motivation, as what Respondent No. 12 has stated,
“Siguro kung mu-ingon ko‟g gikapoy nako. Gikapoy nako sa trabaho kay naa
man ju‟y muabot sa point na magsawa naka. Kanang, wala na‟y nakapa-motivate
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
sa imoha na musulod. Mao man pud na ang isa ka factor nga muhawa ang isa ka
teacher. Pero as of now, nalipay pa man ta sa OLFA kaya di sa ta muhawa.”
(Maybe if I am already tired—tired of work, since there will really come a time where you‘ll
already start losing interest over it. Another thing is the lack of motivation for you to wake up and
go inside for work. That‘s also one of the factors why a teacher leaves. However, as of now, I am
happy with OLFAI so I will not leave.)
Based on the statements of Respondents No. 6, 8, 11, and 14, workloads chould
be potential factors for teachers to leave the institution. However this is in a case-to-case
basis. Respondent No. 14 said that,
“Preparation. Mabuang jud ko sa preparation. Kabalo ka, kanang pirmente
naka-hilak ko pagmag-check ko‟g test paper? As in, pila gud na ka section? 12.
Tapos di man ka pwede magpa-check ug bata noh? So, ikaw ju‟y magbuangbuang ug check. Kana. Kato jud overload. Didto jud ko feeling jud nako
kamatyonon na jud ko.”
(Just like what I‘ve said, it‘s the preparation. The preparation really drives me crazy. You know
what, checking the test papers of the students really makes me cry, because I handle 12 sections all
in all. Because you are not allowed to let students check their own test papers, you need to check
the test papers one by one. Being overloaded is also a huge factor. It was during that time where I
felt like I‘m already about to kick the bucket.)
This is in contrast with Respondent No. 11 who said that routinary and
unchallenging workloads will make her look for another workplace in the future. She
stated that,
“…And of course, pag-dili nako ma-challenge sa work. Parang mahimo na
siyang routinary na gud, so ma-boring naka ana. So, mao siguro na ang makatrigger sa imong self na mubalhin to another school. Siguro sa private school sa.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Mao nang ma-boring naka kay balik-balik na lang ang imong trabaho. Dapat naa
juy mga variation.”
(And of course, if I will no longer be challenged by my work. If your work becomes routinary,
you might just end up bored and unsatisfied with what you are doing. Hence, it might trigger me
to transfer to another school. Maybe, to another private school first. Sometimes, we can say that
it‘s already boring when your work is already repetitive. There should be variation of
In addition, Respondents No. 1 and 2 believe that their co-teachers are one of the
possible reasons for them to transfer to another academic institution for the following
school years. Respondent No. 2 stipulated that,
“Basta, it‟s about the people you work with. They‟re making an environment
that‟s not really friendly for teachers na dili brave enough to battle with them. So
if dili ka kabalo mutubag, dili ka kabalo magminaldita kaayo, dili ka makasurvive diri. Dili man gud ko kabalo ug anang sulod-diri-lapos-diri ba. Matagak
siya diri sa heart ba so magpundo siya sa akong kasing-kasing. So dili nako kaya
ang dedma. Lisod kaayo ang dedma.”
(It‘s about the people you work with. They‘re really making an environment that is not friendly for
teachers who are not brave enough to battle with them. If you don‘t know how to talk back, how to
have an ―attitude‖, you will not survive here. I really don‘t know how to easily forget the things I
hear from other people. The things I hear from people tend to get inside my heart and it stays
there! I don‘t know how to ignore things at all.)
As for Respondents No. 2 and 6, the management is the main reason why they
will probably leave, hypothetically speaking. Respondent No. 2 claimed that,
“It‟s the system jud, the way they handle everything, the way they take
everything, and it will never change if they will not take new perspectives. If magstick sila ana, people will come and go, maski unsa pa kadako imong salary.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Maski karon, unwise kaayo for my situation na mu-leave because I am the only
working member of the family, but I will choose to leave because I don‟t want to
become miserable for another year. I just hope that they will not overuse teachers
because tao lang man sad mi. We have limitations as well.”
(It‘s about the system as well. The way they handle things and the way they take them will never
change if they will not take new perspectives. If they continue with that kind of mindset, people
will come and go, no matter how high the salary. Even now, it‘s a very unwise decision for me to
leave because I am the only working member of the family. However, I will leave because I don‘t
want to become miserable for another year. I just hope that they stop overusing teachers because
we are also humans. We have limitations as well.)
Unfair treatment and the lack of spiritual activity are the two main grounds for
leaving, according to Respondent No. 4. She exclaimed that,
“Siguro, kung makakalaban siguro ko ug kanang presidente or kung initan ko sa
presidente. Pero, depende man gud kay pwede man gud ka musukol kay naa baya
ta‟y mga labor codes na naga-protekta sa mga employees. Kung mukuan ka sa
business, dili na sila basta-basta katanggal sa imoha. Siguro kung sa public
school ko noh, mu-adjust siguro ko ug taman sa mga tao sa akong palibot kay dili
baya kaayo na sila sa spiritual activity. Kuan man gud ko… Sa spiritual activity
man jud gud akong apas sa private school. Labi na ug Christian school, dili jud
na mawala.”
(Maybe, if I might end up in a misunderstanding with a high-ranking official in the school or in
companies, perhaps that will make me leave? However, it still depends because we, employees,
have labor codes which defend our rights. If you are in the business industry, upperclassmen can‘t
easily fire you as they please. If ever I have worked in a public school, it‘s going to be a huge
adjustment for me, because they are not really fond of spiritual activities. I always yearn for
spiritual activities in an institution, and they are often found in Christian or Marian schools.)
As for Respondent No. 5, he believes that the absence of communication between
the teachers and the administration will make him leave the institution. He conveyed that,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
“Kung sa kuan pa, dili na paminawon ang amoang side. Mura‟g ilaha nalang
(If they will treat or deal with us, faculty members, differently, if they will not listen to our sides,
then I will leave.)
Degradation and health problems were also mentioned by Respondent No. 7 as
one of the possible grounds of leaving the institution, saying,
“Kanang, i-degrade ko nila. Kanang dili nila i-appreciate akong gibuhat, ug
kanang manggaling gani mismo sa admin na ma-degrade ka tapos dili ka
appreciated. Health problems, kana pud siguro. Siyempre, mangita ta‟g medyo
okay-okay pud na dili ma-risk ang imong health. Kana siguro na mga factors.”
(Maybe, if they will degrade me and will not appreciate the things that I do, most especially if the
people degrading me are the school administration. Health problems are also one thing. Of course,
we needto find a place where our health will not be compromised. Those are the factors.)
Furthermore, Respondent No. 10 declared that SIP problems will be the only
ground for him to leave the institution, saying that,
“First, is SIP. I can‟t handle that one, especially individual. Two grade levels,
somehow 200+ SIPs, in my own lang? Ikaw lang mag-isa. I cried a lot to that. I
cried a lot. Somehow, that could be the reason na mag-leave unta ko, but I chose
to stay. Wala ko ka-experience ug SIP, so lisud kaayo sa akoa. SIP lang jud. Wala
man gu‟y training nga comprehensive training to that. So, butangan rami‟g 1 day,
“Kani ang buhaton, and so on.” Tapos, wala na. I am not really satisfied on how
I check the SIPs. I just follow the certain guidelines. „Yon lang, pero all in all, I
am not a master‟s graduate, and I cannot judge them thoroughly. I felt sorry to
myself kung naa bako‟y mga mali ato, but I make it sure na maging tama to.”
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(Well, it‘s primarily the SIP. I can‘t handle checking SIPs, especially if it‘s individual of two
grade levels. Somehow, that is about 200+ SIPs, against only one teacher? I really cried to that. I
cried a lot. Somehow, that could be the reason for me to leave, but I chose to stay. I haven‘t
experienced SIP, and it‘s really difficult for me. There was no comprehensive training about that,
and we were just given a single day to learn about its dynamics and concepts, and nothing more.
In fact, I‘m not really satisfied with how I check the SIPs. I just follow the certain guidelines.
After all, I‘m not a master‘s graduate who knows who to scrutinize SIPs thoroughly. I felt sorry
for myself, most especially with my mistakes, but I‘m doing my best to make them right.)
Finally, as for Respondents No. 9 and 15, their main reason for leaving is the
privilege of availing big opportunities outside the corners of OLFAI. Respondent No. 9
disclosed that,
“One of the reasons why I will leave is, there‟s a big opportunity from a big
school. They‟re not offering it, but they are currently hiring, and I can‟t wait to let
myself into that school, because they are workshops, seminars. I‟ve heard it from
an employee there. And then, parang, “Uy, parang ito yung dream ko, pero naudlot lang.” And, gusto ko na talaga i-grab, kaya feeling ko, magiging sure na ata
ako na mag-leave. Parang ganon. Because it‟s a big school, a big name. Ang gusto
ko, at least I tried. So yun, kina-usap ko ang mama ko, and then sinabi nila na…
Okay, sasabihin ka na. It‟s because, „pag makita nila sa reference mo kasi na
qualifications mo that you came from this kind of school, may edge ka. Parang you
have an edge beyond pa sa, sino pa yang Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, basta
andun ka sa school na yun.”
(One of the reasons why I will leave is the big opportunity that is waiting for me from a big
school. They are not offering, but they are currently hiring. In fact, I can‘t wait to let myself into
that school, because of the numerous workshops and seminars offered by the school, according to
an employee who has worked there. It made me realize, ―This is my dream. It was just disregarded
for quite a time.‖ I really want to grab the opportunity; hence, I am quite sure that I will be
leaving. Just like that. It‘s a big school with a big name. No matter what happens, at least I tried. I
talked with my mom and she said that having that school as one of your references in your
qualification data will give you an edge in the teaching industry, even far above those who have
graduated Magna cum laude or Cum Laude.)
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
In describing the turn-over behavior among these teachers, they may be classified
into three: leavers, movers, and retiring individuals. The teacher workforce has
encountered numerous educators leaving (leavers), entering, and moving inside the
profession to different schools (movers). This development influences the juxtaposition
of educators at these grounds, the institutional strength of these grounds, and the socioeconomics and capabilities of the teacher workforce in general. One sort of turnover
(retirement) is inescapable and expected. Another kind of turnover, which results in
instructors leaving the profession (leavers), is teacher attrition, which sends a groundbreaking and destructive message to students, guardians, and other employees (Provasnik
& Dorfman, 2005; Joftus & Maddox-Dolan, 2002; Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2016).
The presence of leavers in the teaching profession can be attributed to the low
status perpetuated among educators. More often, teachers locate a paradoxical oddity:
their locale has incredible desires for education yet they are concurred for their low
economic well-being and held in low regard. Because of this, numerous teachers leave
their profession because of the public stereotyping which describes them as the poorest,
slights them and depreciates their teaching job. Educators repeatedly fight unsolicited
generalizations that their employments are less demanding than most other professions
which altogether decrease their dedication and morale to teach (Jones, 2001; Candle,
As to how these educators are affected by the factors from their workplace, the
reason can be explained through Deci and Ryan‘s (1985) Self-Determination Theory. It
explains that individuals have an outer Perceived Locus of Causality (PLOC) to the
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degree they see forces outside oneself as starting, forcing, or constraining one‘s activity.
In an internal PLOC, a person feels that they are the initiator and sustainer of their own
behavior. In other words, individuals with a higher interior PLOC feel self-decided in the
sense that they see their conduct as originating from their own decisions, qualities, and
interests, while those with an outer PLOC encounter their conduct as controlled by some
outside event, individual, or force. The internal locus is connected with intrinsic
motivation, whilst the external locus is connected with extrinsic motivation. In the
context of the study, teachers can be persuaded through their outer PLOC by showing
how they are being controlled by external forces and how other academic institutions can
offer a safe and comfortable workplace for them with satisfying remuneration and healthy
Recommendations for Staying
The third theme focuses on the recommendations of the teachers for the school so
that they, in turn, will decide to stay in the institution.
This theme deals with retention. Retention of staff is progressively critical in a
tight work showcase. Along these lines, workers who are happy with the manner in which
their association regards them as representatives and prizes them for their execution or
endeavors, are more averse to leave the association. By large, it is viewed that if an
association has high turnover of staff because of retention issues, this will result in low
staff assurance, poor administration conveyance, harm to association brand and notoriety,
and in particular, will affect the budgetary primary concern of the organization (Human
Resource Institute of New Zealand, 2015).
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondents No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 9 answered that appreciation is one of the
game-changing aspects that will make them stay. According to Respondent No. 1,
“Siguro, kung ma-appreciate nila akong gibuhat. Kana man gud—kay ang
kailangan lang man gud sa teachers nganong kailangan mu-stay kay attention.
Mura pud mi‟g bata. Kung dili mi nimo tagaan ug attention, dili jud mi mu-ano sa
imoha. Dili jud mi mu-stay sa imoha. Pag-dili nimo ginadawat ang amoang
suggestion, dili mi mu-stay. Kung dili mi nimo tagaan ug chance mu-speak out
kay dili mi mu-stay.”
(Maybe, if they will appreciate the things that I do. That is one of the reasons why teachers stay or
not: attention. We are just like kids. If you will not give us attention, we will not be in good terms
with you. We will not stay with you. If you will not accept our suggestions, we will not stay. If
you will not give us the chance to speak up, we will not stay. That‘s the only need of us, teachers.
We need attention, most especially appreciation.)
A good way of showing appreciation to teachers is by promoting outstanding
employees into higher positions, as per Respondent No. 1, 2, and 13. Respondent No. 13
states that,
“To tell you honestly, isa ko sa mga ginaligawan na mahimo ug Math and
Science coordinator, because qualified na daw ko. Naka-earn nako ug unit sa
masteral , and then ang number of teaching years pud nako diri is qualified na
pud. So, isa na sa ilahang ginahatag sa amoa na mga idea na para mag-stay mi
diri sa school. Also, ang mga pangako na i-increase ang salary, and then mga
travel abroad. So, mao to ang mga promises nila para lang mag-stay diri.”
(I will stay if they will be keeping their promise to me. To tell you honestly, I am one of the
possible candidates of the school to be the next Math and Science coordinator, because I am
qualified due to the fact that I have earned units in my masteral, and my number of teaching years
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here in OLFAI is already acceptable. That is one of their ways in giving us an idea why we should
stay in this institution for the next school year…)
In addition, Respondents No. 8, 12, and 14 stipulated that easing the heaviness of
their corresponding workloads will make them stay in the institution and give it another
chance. Respondent No. 12 alleged that,
“Balik ta. Aside sa sweldo, mao man jud na ang factor. Siguro, sa loads?
Kanang, although lipay ka sa imong mga loads pero „pag daghan-daghan na jud
kaayo, medyo kapoy jud siya kung usabon nila. Himoan nila‟g way unsaon
mugamay ang loads. Siguro, pwede pa ko diri. Kana lang jud ang makapabira sa
akoa, kung muhawa man ko.”
(Let‘s go back. Aside from the salary which is the main factor, loads can also affect my decision.
Although you are happy about your loads, but if the number of loads keeps on increasing, it‘s
going to be quite tiring for us. Maybe, if they find a way to lessen the number of loads, then that
will make me stay.)
Proper management was emphasized by the answers of Respondents No. 2 and
11. Respondent No. 2 posited that,
“Ang problem lang diria noh, pirmi lang nila gina-blame ang isa‟t-isa so dili
ma-solve ang problem. Naga-blame lang sila pirmi and they‟re not solving
anything. That‟s why, the problem will not end. Naga-circulate lang siya every
(The main problem here is that, they tend to blame one another; hence, no problem is solved. They
blame every day and it‘s not solving anything. That‘s why, the problem will not end. It just ends
up circulating year after year; hence, the system itself.)
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As for Respondents No. 5 and 9, they believe that the school needs to provide
more avenues for professional development in order for them to consider staying.
Respondent No. 9 claimed that,
“Siguro, more opportunities for teachers na hindi lang nasa classroom. Bigyan
naman sana nila ng mga workshop and seminars. If ever merong mga activities
dito, involve the teacher. Yes, they are involving teachers sa kanilang mga
programs pero hindi ko na-feel dito sa aming department, kasi sa school namin sa
college, naging leader ako dun eh. Naging internal vice president, nag-held ng
mga programs, nag-organize ng mga programs. However, dito… parang ka-quiet
mo, teacher! “Anong nangyari sa‟yo?!” Hindi nalabas ang aking potential. Hindi
nalabas ang kung ano ang na-earn ko nung nasa college ako. So, sa akin, for
recommendation purposes, more opportunities for teachers in terms of
responsibilities, kasi malay mo, doon siya magbo-boom, hindi mo lang alam.”
(Maybe, it would be better if they would provide more opportunities for teachers. They should
give more workshops and seminars. As for the activities they have here, they should involve the
teacher more. Yes, they are involving teachers in their programs, but I haven‘t felt that in our
department. I was a student leader when I was in college. I became the internal vice president; I
held and organized many programs. However, I became really stagnant when I came here. I wasn‘t
able to unleash my full potential. I wasn‘t able to showcase my learnings when I was in college. I
really recommend for them to provide more opportunities for teachers because, we may not know,
those opportunities are the key for teachers to be the best version of themselves.)
From the perspective of Respondents No. 12 and 15, increasing the salary will
make them stay, whereas care and affection were the central points of Respondents No. 1
and 9. Respondent No. 9 declared that,
“More… …appreciation for teachers, and then, siguro… more care, not just
professionally, but personally, kasi parang naging professional lang masyado.
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Masyado lang stiff. Parang hindi mo talaga mafi-friend yung mga coors. Parang
ganyan. More care to them.”
(They should have more appreciation for teachers as well. Have more care, not just professionally
but also personally. What happened here was that, they became too professional, too stiff, that we
can no longer befriend the administrators. More care to them.)
For Respondent No. 3, on the other hand, having a conversation with the people
she works with will make her stay. She posited that,
“Wala pa ko naka-experience or nag-try na mag-out diria, pero kay Sister Precy,
she really talks to us one by one. If ever na muhawa ka, gina-try niya‟g balik
tanan memories diria para lang mag-stay ka like gi-hypnotize niya. So, ginadiscourage ka niya na mugawas jud diri-a sa OLFAI. Pero, pati pud ang mga
coordinators, mga bosses. Siyempre, kung ganahan jud sila sa imoha, they will
really also find a way na mag-stay ka.”
(I haven‘t experienced anything about deciding to leave the institution yet, because Sister Precy
really talks to use one by one. If ever you have some plans of leaving, she is going to make you
reminisce and remember all the memories you had in the institution, prompting you not to leave as
if you are being hypnotized. The same goes for the coordinators and the bosses. Of course, if you
they really want you, they will find a way for them to stay.)
Furthermore, Respondent No.7 expressed that as long as her students need her,
then she will stay. She disclosed that,
“Students lang man jud ba ang sa karun gud na makapa-stay kay ang students
lang nako kay I feel na dili man ning-ana ka perfect, labad man sila, pero
ganahan man pud ko. Kailangan ko… Gina-appreciate nila, then mag-stay ko.”
(The only ones who are actually making me stay are the students. They may not be as perfect as
what we want, but I like them. If they need me or they appreciate me, then that will make me
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SIP provisions were the main recommendations of Respondent No. 10. He
mentioned that,
“I‟d propose summer comprehensive training on honor students, because I want
to beat other schools. I want to choose one of the best, the best speakers that will
come to SIP, but only if they will support me. Isa pud „yun. Dapat ning-ato sa
summer. Just give it freely to the students for them na ma-enganyo jud ba.”
(I‘d propose a summer comprehensive training on honor students, because I want to beat the other
schools. I want to choose one of the best, the best speakers who can defend their SIPs and who
will support me. That‘s what we should do this summer. Give opportunities to students so that
they will be encouraged to join.)
Respondent No. 15 stated that finally becoming a full-time employee is already
enough for her to choose staying, whereas Respondent No. 4 has no recommendation at
all since she still cannot imagine herself leaving, saying,
“So far, dili ko ka-kuan. Dili ko kabalo unsaon kay wala pa man gud ko ka-try pa.
Kay ako man gud, if ever naa‟y mga concerns, mustorya man gud ko dayon. So
far, wala pa man gud ko. Dili man gud nimo ma-istorya kung wala pa nahitabo sa
imo. Kanang, hypothesis lang? Siguro, wala ko‟y idea.”
(So far, I can‘t give a definite answer because I am the kind of person who really raises her
concerns when I have one. I don‘t have an idea.)
The game-changing aspect of appreciation in the workplace will make teachers
stay in the institution. This coincides with the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow
(1943; Burton, 2017), which emphasizes the five levels of needs among human beings
with decreasing importance starting from physiological, security, belongingness and love,
ego, and self-actualization. Love and the feeling of belongingness comes third, which
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
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explains why teachers don‘t only need to be compensated financially, but also
With regards to how teachers weigh things in a situation concerning their
retention in private schools like OLFAI, it can be explained by the Perceptual Contrast
Effect Theory by Sherif, Taub, and Hovland (1958). It stipulates that in decision-making,
people, in general, will do it by differentiating between the two available choices and
reference objects. At the point when two things seem near to each other, they will
generally assess them against each other more than against an established standard. In the
context of the study, teachers will weigh private and public schools between each other,
together with their pros and cons.
Reasons for Migration to Public from Private
The fourth theme focuses on the reasons of teachers as to why they apply to
private first before to transferring to public schools in the middle of their teaching career.
10 of the respondents said that the phenomenon of teacher migration from private
to public is due to the fact that they are using private schools as training grounds to gain
teaching experience. One of them, Respondent No. 4, said that,
"Ang nahitabo man gud, ginahimo nila na training ground ang private schools
kay dili sila dawaton sa public schools kung wala sila‟y experience. Mao na sila
na dili sila naga-stay kay daghan mga butang sa ilang palibot.”
(The thing is, fresh graduates use private schools as their training ground since they will be
admitted to public schools without professional experience. That‘s why, they don‘t stay long in
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private schools because of their environment or the people who are encouraging them to transfer
to public.)
In addition, Respondents No. 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11, stipulated that the high salary
offered by public schools is the one encouraging the teachers to transfer from private
school to state-funded academic institutions. Respondent No. 9 said that,
“Why teachers transfer? Depende kasi „yan kung gaano kahirap yung life.
Parehas sa akin, I‟m not really rich, because if I‟m rich, I would just stay in
private school. However, mas talaga yung public school, because of the salary, the
benefit. There is also an assurance that once you‟re in public, assurance na talaga
yan na you should be in public. It‟s because, once na gi-withdraw mo yung sarili
mo, parang magkakaroon ka ng bad record. So, once rin na maka-public ka, even
if ayaw nila sayo, o yung mga co-workers mo ay ayaw sayo, wala na kasi
tinanggap ka na sa public. Wala na silang magagawa kundi hintayin nalang yung
resignation mo. It‟s because, that‟s assurance talaga sa public.”
(Why teachers transfer? It really depends on how hard life is for them. As for me, I‘m not really
rich. If I was rich, I would just stay in a private school. However, the public school is a better
option due to its salary and other benefits. There is also an assurance when you are in public. In
fact, withdrawing one‘s employment in a public school will give a bad record for you. Hence,
even if you are already in public, whatever your co-workers may say against you, they can‘t do
anything but just to what for your resignation. There is really the assurance of stability when you
stay in public.)
As for Respondents No. 1, 2, 11, and 14, skills development is the main reason as
to why they work first in public schools before transferring to private schools.
Respondent No. 1 exclaimed that,
“Ngano nag-apply pud kog private school? Para ma-enhance pa ang akoang
profession kay kung musalang man gud ko dayon sa public, kay feeling nako dili
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ko mu-grow. So, musulod sa ko‟g OLFA or private school, ma-compare nako ba
na ning-ana ang environment sa public, ning ani pud diay ning private kung diri
ko. Aside man pud ana kay mu-enhance pud akoang skills, ma-practice pa ko.
Dili kay salang ka nang salang lang ka. Kita man na tao, teacher or kahit ano
mang profession, dapat kinakailangan na mu-act lang ka as a apprentice para
mas lalo pa nimo masabtan kung dira ba jud ka nababagay or dili ba jud ka
nabagay. Para lang ba sa imo ang teaching or dili? Private palang man gani,
diba? Dili nata kasabot sa mga bata. unsa nalang kaya sa public? I think, para
sa akoa, big help talaga ang mag-take ka muna ng private bago ka mag-public.”
(Why did I apply to a private school? It is to enhance my profession. Applying directly to a public
school will not make me grow. If I will go to a private school first like OLFAI, I can compare the
similarities and differences of each institution‘s type of environment. Aside from developing my
skills, it also gives more avenue for me to practice and prepare, rather than facing obstacles headon without proper mentoring. As humans, we need to act as apprentices first so that we can really
assess whether we are meant for something that we want or not. This is true not only among
teachers, but also in other professions. If the students in private schools are already difficult to
handle, how much more the students of public schools? For me, going to a private school first is
really helpful before you go to public.)
Their decision to stay first in private schools may also be attributed to the intense
competition in public schools, as per Respondent No. 2 and 15. Respondent No. 15 posits
“Pero, kapag private, gamay lang imong competition ana. Parehas sa‟koa! Ako
lang ang nag-apply, edi ako ra‟y nakuha. Ana gud. I don‟t know kung ako lang ba
(In contrast, private schools have little competition at all. Like in my case, I was the only one who
applied; hence, I was immediately accepted.)
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondents No. 5 and 9 also mentioned that some teachers work in private
schools first in order to give time for them to pass the LET, while at the same time,
gaining work experience. Respondent No. 5 stipulated that,
“Kanang, dili pa sila kasulod kay dili pa sila pasado, dili pa sila passer sa LET.
Ang uban pud, kung dili passer. Nindot ang mga opportunities ang ginahatag sa
private schools. Daghan ka‟g ma-receive through them.”
(They also apply to private schools first because they haven‘t passed the LET yet. It is also due to
the opportunities given by private schools.)
After finishing their bachelor‘s degree in education, teachers feel the need to
prepare themselves for the LET examination for eligibility purposes in their profession.
The examination is led by the Board of Professional Teachers under the supervision of
the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC). In contrast to different professions, an
alum of Bachelor of Secondary or Elementary Education can at present practice his/her
profession even without passing the board examination for instructors given that they
accommodate with the conditions set by the Professionalization Act of 1994 and
additionally the guidelines set by the schools (Philippine Regulations Commission, 1994;
E.D., 2018).
In addition, teachers prefer to settle in public schools because there is the
assurance of stability in state-funded academic institutions, as per Respondents No. 7 and
9. Respondent No. 9 declares that,
“There is also an assurance that once you‟re in public, assurance na talaga yan
na you should be in public. It‟s because, once na gi-withdraw mo yung sarili mo,
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parang magkakaroon ka ng bad record. So, once rin na maka-public ka, even if
ayaw nila sayo, o yung mga co-workers mo ay ayaw sayo, wala na kasi tinanggap
ka na sa public. Wala na silang magagawa kundi hintayin nalang yung
resignation mo. It‟s because, that‟s assurance talaga sa public.”
(There is also an assurance when you are in public. In fact, withdrawing one‘s employment in a
public school will give a bad record for you. Hence, even if you are already in public, whatever
your co-workers may say against you, they can‘t do anything but just to what for your resignation.
There is really the assurance of stability when you stay in public.)
Moreover, transferring to a public school will ensure teachers to avail many
benefits, based on the statements of Respondents No. 7 and 8. Respondent No. 8 implied
“Oo, naa pu‟y benefits ang public, daghan siya ug benefits.”
(There are lots of benefits in public schools.)
Furthermore, Respondent No. 2 stated that one thing why teachers work first in
private schools is the great value for teachers exhibited by private schools. She alleged
“And also, I came from a private school, and the education that they have, their
love for teachers, kay kanang… grabe ilang value for teachers didtoa.”
(I also came from a private school and the education that they have entails great love and value for
One thing also why teachers work first in private schools is the fact that students
there are more disciplined than those in public school, as per Respondents No. 5. He said
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“Mas nindot pud magtudlo sa Catholic school kay all of the students, dili
bastardo or kanang mga disiplinado. Disiplinado ang mga estudyante sa private
rather than sa public.”
(It is also very good to teach in a Catholic school since all students are well-disciplined. Private
school students are more disciplined than students in public schools.)
Finally, Respondent No. 15 revealed that teachers prefer to work first in private
schools because it only includes minimal processing of application for vacant job
positions. She said that,
“Because public—Ay, because in public schools, they don‟t have… kanang
daghan sila‟g requirements, and then kapag private schools school, they are
mostly focusing sa kung unsa ang imong na-graduate-tan gud. Dili sila nagatanaw kung unsa ka kadugay. For example, nag-apply ko‟g masters, and they will
observe you, because the higher ang imong na-graduate-tan, taas imong tendency
na makuha ka dayon, compared sa public. Public is more strict. Though you are a
doctorate, but you will always start with the Level 1. And then, here in the
Philippines, naa‟y mindset na „pag naa‟y backer, paspas makasulod.”
(It is because public schools have more requirements, compared to private schools who tend to
focus more on the applicant‘s baccalaureate qualifications. They don‘t look into how long it took
you to finish the course. For example, if you applied for masters, they will observe you, with
greater chances of being hired if you have graduated with latin honors. As for public schools, they
are more strict. Even though you are a doctorate, you will always start at level 1. Furthermore, in
the Philippines, we have the concept those applicants who have backers in the company which
they are applying to are easily accepted.)
A number of respondents made mention about the higher pay offered in public
schools as a motivator for them to leave private institutions. As much as managers are
generally at fault for the expanded work turnover, teachers also succumb to external
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pressure of the environment, as firm rivalry for rare work supply and changing wages or
pay rates in different schools may cause teacher turn-over and affect staffing retention. In
the event that wages and pay rates don't meet the dimensions of the associations in a
comparative business, people will discover work where the rates are more satisfying or
rewards are better (Candle, 2010).
Moreover, absence of professional stability, organization in regulatory division,
poor working condition, poor pay and incidental advantages, absence of independence,
unreasonable heavy workload, and poor remuneration package specifically impact
teachers and cause work disappointment, triggering increment on the rate of educators'
turnover in private colleges. Private colleges are left longing for experienced instructors.
Hence, there is a connection between employment fulfillment and educators' turn-over
and retention (Rahman & Chowdhury, 2012, p. 151).
It is ought to be noticed that there is a general clamor about teacher turn-over
particularly in private auxiliary schools looking for "greener fields". She discovered that
horrible employer-related factors altogether influence teacher turnover in private
auxiliary schools in Wakiso locale. Specifically, the investigation posits that loss of
gathering attachment, poor working conditions, poor pay, poor administration or
supervision straightforwardly affected teachers and caused job dissatisfaction which
expanded the rate of educator turn-over and lessened their retention (Candle, 2010, p.
However, deciding to leave or stay really depends on how the teachers are going
to weigh things out. Decision-making is a procedure which starts with issue recognizable
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proof and finishes with the assessment of actualized choices. There are two sorts of
choices, in particular: programmed and non-programmed decisions. Programmed
decision is tedious and can be dealt with utilizing a normal methodology, while nonprogrammed decisions are connected to the goals of issues that are new or surprising, and
for which data are inadequate. With regards to the investigation, the appraisal of fresh
graduate teachers as whether to remain or leave from a private academic institution is a
kind of a non-programmed decision. The normal procedure of basic decision-making is
separated into eight ordered advances: distinguishing the issue; recognizing the choice
criteria; apportioning weights to the criteria; creating options; breaking down the choices;
choosing the best option; actualizing the picked option; and assessing the choice
adequacy. The last step includes the assessment of the result or aftereffect of the choice to
see if the issue was settled. In the event that the issue still exists, the individual needs to
evaluate what turned out badly or maybe rehash the entire procedure. At the end of the
day, the procedure of basic decision-making just ends once the adequacy of the connected
option has, at long last, been estimated (Robbins and Coulter, 2009; Cabrera, et al.,
Despite the disparities between private and public schools, the Philippine
government recognizes the private school education in the country, as per Section 14:
Reasonable Supervision and Regulation of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
“As a matter of policy laid down in Article XIV, Section 5(1) of the 1987
Philippine Constitution, the State recognizes the complementary roles of public
and private institutions in the educational system and shall exercise reasonable
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
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supervision and regulation of all educational institutions (Philippine Constitution,
1987, p. 27).”
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
The purpose of this qualitative research is to discover and investigate the reasons
why teachers leave the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. (OLFAI) after a few
years, involving their decision-making skills and motivations for retention or turn-over,
from school years 2016-2019, with the objective to assess what the institution can do in
convincing their employees to stay in the academic institution as experienced teachers for
high quality performance.
To gather information about the factors affecting teachers‘ retention in the OLFAI
institution, the researchers used intensive semi-structured interview questions as their
research instrument. The researchers used thematic analysis in order to analyze the data
gathered from 15 respondents of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. During
the analysis, five themes emerged from the answers of the respondents.
The first theme focuses on the school‘s administrative support on their teachers,
which may be described in terms of workplace atmosphere, the teachers‘ physical and
mental well-being, remuneration (salaries, incentives, and benefits), supervision, and the
teachers‘ professional development. In terms of workplace atmosphere, 9 out of 15
respondents emphasized that the team-building they had positively influenced the
school‘s workplace atmosphere. Moreover, 7 out of 15 answered about Personnel‘s Day
and its constructive effect on the atmosphere of the institution, while 6 out of 15
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mentioned workshops as one of the school‘s provisions in cultivating a friendly
workplace atmosphere. As for their physical and mental well-being, 5 out of 15 stipulated
that substitutions are one of the main efforts of the school administration in terms of
assisting them whenever they are absent, although 4 out of 15 declared that there are
some instances that they are still the ones who have to look for substituting teachers for
their classes in case they need to be absent. In addition, 3 out of 15 made mentions about
paperworks and of mismatched workloads. With regards to their salary, 11 out of 15 said
that the school compensates them with adequate salary, making them feel fulfilled about
their job. 3 out of 15 made mentions about Christmas bonus and the 13th month pay. 2 out
of 15 asserted that the school also provides salary loans without interest and gives the
salaries in advance. However, 2 of them also stipulated that, although the basic salary is
satisfying, the salary for advisers and moderators is not. In the light of offered incentives
and benefits, 7 out of 15 made mentions about RVM retirement commission and the PTA
retirement commission. 5 out of 15 stipulated that honorariums as incentives are given to
them if they are moderators, advisers, or coaches. 4 out of 15 mentioned the SSS, Pagibig, and Philhealth as some of the benefits received by the teaching employees. In terms
of supervision, 12 out of 15 said that observation is the main mechanism of the school in
monitoring their performance. 2 out of 15 said that mentoring is one of the efforts of the
school administration in supervising its constituents, while 2 of them asserted that the
openness of the coordinators to their queries and questions has served as a wonderful
strategy in supervising them, most especially during their first months of teaching in the
institution. Finally, as for their professional development, 12 out of 15 said that the
school provides them avenues for professional development through seminars. 3 out of
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15 made mentions about workshops. 2 out of 15 emphasized that meetings are one of the
mechanisms of the school for their professional development.
The second theme focuses on the possible reasons, grounds, or factors which
could make a teacher leave a private institution. 5 out of 15 answered that the
environment is the number one reason which will really make them leave. 4 out of 15
mentioned that workloads could be potential factors for teachers to leave the institution. 3
out of 15 said that it is the lack of appreciation from the administration.
The third theme focuses on the recommendations of the teachers for the school so
that they, in turn, will decide to stay in the institution. 6 out of 15 answered that
appreciation is one of the game-changing aspects that will make them stay. 3 out of 15
said that easing the heaviness of their corresponding workloads will make them stay in
the institution and give it another chance, while 2 of them posited that proper
management will make them retain in the institution.
The fourth theme focuses on the reasons of teachers as to why they apply to
private schools first before to transferring to public schools in the middle of their teaching
career. 10 out of 15 said that the phenomenon of teacher migration from private to public
is due to the fact that they are using private schools as training grounds in gaining
teaching experience. 5 out of 15 stipulated that the high salary offered by public schools
is the one encouraging the teachers to transfer from private school to state-funded
academic institutions. 4 out of 15 said that skills development is the main reason as to
why they work first in public schools before transferring to private schools.
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Based on the data gathered, the school administration‘s provisions to encourage
faculty retention may be classified in terms of workplace atmosphere, physical and
mental well-being, salaries, privileges and incentives, supervision and professional
development. They provide workshops, team-buildings, and special events in cultivating
positive workplace atmosphere, allocate substitutions for sick employees who have to be
absent, provide satisfactory salary with exclusive incentives like honorariums and the
RVM retirement commission, supervise them through observations, and enhance their
professional capabilities through in-school and out-school seminars.
Although the context of retention and turn-over among teachers may be described
differently, results revealed that the motivations of teachers in deciding to stay or leave
from an institution primarily revolve on the environment of the workplace, particularly in
terms of its management, the presence of appreciation among co-workers and
administrators, and the distribution of workloads which can be influenced by the
compatibility of the teacher and the subject assigned to him or her. Teachers will often
leave due to toxic environment, mismatched and heavy workloads, and the lack of
appreciation. On the other hand, they will choose to stay if the school gives more
importance to them, evenly distributes the workloads, and properly manages the
institution for the common good of its employees.
With regards to why teachers often apply to private schools first before applying
to public schools in the middle of their teaching career, it was discovered that they are
actually using the private schools as training grounds to gain work experience, before
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eventually transferring to public schools for reasons primarily attributed to higher salary
and bigger benefits. Moreover, they prefer to exercise their profession first in private
schools due to skills development programs which could not be easily accessed in public
According to the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are
School Administration
The researchers recommend that the school administration should focus more in
developing a good environment friendly for employees. They should listen to the
opinions of the teachers and avoid dragging their constituents down; hence, they should
help and guide their teachers. They should provide assistance to their teaching
employees, most especially when they are sick and cannot attend to their classes.
Moreover, they should find ways on how they can ease the heaviness of their employees‘
workloads. They should provide higher salary for their teachers and employees and
explicitly express appreciation for them to be convinced to stay in the institution.
Furthermore, they should be more considerate with their employees and provide more
avenues for professional development as teachers are not liabilities but assets of the
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They should unite and help one another in establishing a comfortable workplace,
because unity, coupled with camaraderie and two-way communication, will conquer any
problem in the institution that may transpire in the future. They should hear out the ideas
or thoughts of one another and should not only focus on the good of the majority as that
is only tyranny in numbers. They should adapt the culture of consensus rather than letting
the majority prevail during decision-making process to weigh every side of the story
before rendering the final verdict upon the issue.
The students should continue to love and show appreciation for their teachers
through obedience to school rules, showing of respect, initiating surprises during special
occasions, and greeting them every time they would cross paths with them at school.
Furthermore, they should take their studies seriously by exhibiting visible positive
improvements not only in their scholastic standing, but also in their personal upbringing,
because students, apparently, have the greatest impact to the teachers‘ decision-making as
the former are the latter‘s major recipients.
The government should implement equal treatment between the public and private
schools. They should provide more incentives and benefits for teachers working in
private schools as there would be no reasons for teachers to leave for state-funded
institutions if the privileges and compensation rate of the two academic schools are fairly
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similar. They should conduct different development programs focusing on internal
management of schools to ensure that the institutions, private or public, are following the
socially acceptable way of management that is desirable for teaching employees.
The issue of teachers‘ retention in private schools is also associated with the
decision-making of parents in general. Hence, the parents should learn how to properly
weigh situations before making final decisions whose repercussions they cannot predict
nor measure. It is essential for parents to think critically by analyzing the advantages and
disadvantages of each alternative before choosing the best option in every scenario. In the
case of their children‘s education, it is their choice between enrolling their children in a
public or private school.
Future Researchers
The future researchers are advised to find possible ways in improving this study
by having the teachers who already left the institution as some of their respondents and
try to compare their answers to the teachers who are still employed in the institution.
Moreover, they are recommended to compare the school administrative support given by
the OLFAI institution to the ones provided by other schools if they have decided to
continue this study.
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Department of Education. (2010, June 24). 2018 Revised Manual of Regulations for
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Appendix A – Letter to the Principal
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Appendix B – Validation Tool
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Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Appendix C – Research Instrument
Subject Consent Form
Subject Code:
Subject Initials:
The researchers are doing a study regarding teachers‘ retention. We are trying to discover
the factors affecting their retention in the institution. The respondents will be teachers
who, at the beginning of their teaching career, worked in OLFAI during either of the
following school years: 2016-Present; 2017-Present; and 2018-Present. They must be
bona fide teachers of the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc., regardless of
whether having full-time or part-time commitment. They don‘t have to be BEED or
BSED graduates. As long as they are exercising the teaching profession in OLFAI after
finishing their bachelor‘s degree, they may qualify as respondents of the study.
If you decide that you want to take part in this study, you will be asked to answer a series
of questions raised during the intensive interview.
We want to tell you about some things that might happen if you want to take part in this
study. Since the interview questions are simple and understandable, risks are minimal and
least likely to occur.
If you decide to take part in this study, some good things might happen to you. Your
answers to the interview can be used to determine the factors affecting teachers‘ retention
in private schools. Also, your answers will be beneficial to private schools because it will
provide them a well-structured framework of the aspects which they can improve to
encourage teachers to stay in the academic institution for a long time.
This will not cause you or your family members any money.
You can ask the researchers questions at any time.
If you decide not to take part in this study, it is up to you. If you say okay now and then
want to stop later, that is okay too. All you have to do is to tell us. If you decide not to
take part, there will be no dire consequences or circumstance for you.
All information regarding this study will be dealt with strict confidence and any
identification regarding the respondents will not be released and will be known only to
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the researchers. When we are done with the study, we will write a report about what we
found out and we will not use your name on the report.
If you want to take part in this study, please sign your name. We will give you a copy of
this form for you to keep.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Informed Consent Statement
Subject Code:
Subject Initials:
, want to be included in this
(Print your name here)
research study.
(Sign your name here)
Signature of person administering this assent
Printed name of person administering this assent
Date of Signature
Date of Signature
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Research Respondent Profile Form
Name: ___________________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: _______
College Course: __________________________________________________________
Specialization/Major (if applicable): __________________________________________
College/University: ___________________________________ Year graduated:
LET Passer? ______ Yes
______ Not yet
If yes, what year? _______________
Inclusive years of teaching in OLFAI: ________
What are the subjects you have taught in OLFAI? (indicate the year level/s)
What is/are your reason/s for applying in OLFAI?
How did you come to know OLFAI as a potential workplace to practice your profession
after finishing your bachelor‟s degree?
What are your three greatest credentials as an educator? (eg: facilitated workshops,
coached athletes and academic varsities, attended seminars and conventions, etc.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Do you plan on staying in OLFAI or transferring to another school for the next school
year? Why?
Ideal date and time to have the interview with the researchers:
Signature over Printed Name: _______________________________________
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Interview Questionnaire
1. From your perspective, how does the school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of:
a. Workplace atmosphere?
b. Physical and mental well-being?
c. Salaries, incentives, and benefits?
d. Supervision and professional development?
2. Why do teachers often apply to private schools first before moving to public schools
in the middle of their teaching career?
3. What factors could possibly push you to transfer from a private academic institution
to another school, public or private?
4. Should you have decided to transfer to another academic institution the following
school year, how could the present administration, or the school as a whole, possibly
convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Appendix D – Transcription of Interviews
Respondent No. 1
Okay, Ma‘am, next. From your perspective, how
does the school take good care of its faculty
member in terms of physical and mental wellbeing? For example, Ma‘am, sainyong trabaho, ang
trabaho ba—ang workloads ninyo, Ma‘am, is just
sufficient enough for you to be able to get at least 8
hours of sleep in a day? If ever, Ma‘am, magkasakit
mo ang kailangan ninyo mag sick leave, what are
the provisions of the school about that?
Okay, so magstart tayo doon sa workloads. Sa workload… is nahihirapan
talaga ang teachers na gumawa ng lesson. It is because… meron pang LP.
So, ang LP… mahirap talagang gawin. Dili siya kanang, isa lang nimo ka
lingkod, huna-huna paka maabtan ug 2 hours or one hour na mahunahunaon unsa imong ibutang sa LP. At the end kay usahay kay dili na
magamit, ana gud? Then, ang maka-ano pud is kulang… na mas makahirap
pa sa teachers. Siguro, ang mga references na ikaw mismo ang mangita,
instead na magbuhat, kay kailangan pa nimo makita. Kailangan pa nimo
mag-surf sa Internet para mas mapagaan ang imong discussion, and feeling
nako, kana ang mga nakapabug-at sa among trabaho and ang paperworks
pud, kay daghan kayo ang paperworks, tapos wala mi kabalo kung—
though naga-set usahay kalit-kalit ang deadlines, matingala nalang mi kay
wala gi-announce pagka-ugma kay deadline na. So, kana mag-cramming
mi so daghan kaayo so nagtambak na. Matambak pa tanan kahit porket na
mu-ingon ka na na‘y Saturday ug Sunday, kinakailangan din naman mag
enjoy saamong sarili, diba? So, sa next question kay?
(Next. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty member in terms of physical and
mental well-being? For example, Maam, are your
workloads sufficient enough for you to be able to sleep at
least eight hours a day? And also, if ever you need to
apply for a sick leave, what are the provisions of the
school about that?)
(Let‘s start with the workloads. Teachers are really having a hard time with their
workloads, because of the LPs. LPs are really difficult to make. It‘s not easy as we
think that can be easily accomplished within just one single sitting. You need to
think about how you‘re going to make it for one or two hours. Worse, it turns out
you were not able to make use of it at all. There is also the lack of references, which
necessitates you to search the net, make inputs, and look for sources to lighten your
discussion. I think that‘s one of the things which cause our work to get even heavier,
together with our paperworks. There are times that deadlines are abruptly announced
and we have to cram our paperworks so that we can submit on time. Even though we
have weekends like Sundays and Saturdays, I still think that we deserve to give
ourselves some time to enjoy. What‘s the next question about?)
Sa mga sick leaves, Ma‘am.
(It‘s about sick leaves, Maam.)
Sa sick leave, meron silang binibigay na pagnag-absent ka, magbibigay ka
lang ng letter kay Sister, pero hindi mo ma-compensate ang sweldo mo
noon. Pag-absent ka, absent ka talaga. Kahit na nag-present ka na ng
medical certificate, you are not excused kasi nagkasakit ka. Ang respond
nila—ang mga coordinators—sila mismo ang mangita ug substitution
namo. I-send lang namo sa ilaha ang mga activities and sila na na mismo
ang mangita ug substitution. Kana ra pud nang nakaayo kay dili nila
pabayaan. Sila na mismo mangita‘g mag-substitute na mga teacher sa
particular na klase.
(In sick leaves, we are asked to submit an excuse letter addressed to the principal.
However, the letter will not compensate your salary. If you are absent, you are
absent. Even if you‘ll be presenting a medical certificate, you are not excused
despite the fact that you were sick. As for their response, the coordinators are the
ones working on our substitutions for the classes that we will be absent from. That‘s
also one of the good things since the coordinators do not neglect those
circumstances. They themselves look for vacant teachers who will be substituting
our classes while we are absent.)
Next Ma‘am. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of salaries, privileges and incentives? For
example, Ma‘am, ang sweldo ba ninyong
madawat… Is it fulfilling? Is it sufficient enough
kung i-compare ninyo sa inyong workload sa
inyong trabaho every single day?
(Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms of
salaries, privileges and incentives? For example, is your
salary fulfilling and sufficient enough considering your
work every single day?)
Okay. For me, as a teacher, my salary is enough. I am contented with my
salary, pero ambot lang kay depende pud siguro… kay dili pud ko mo
reklamo. It is because, gibuhat man pud nako ang trabaho as a teacher,
diba? Maski overload ko, dili man pud nako ma feel. Fullfiling man pud
makadawat ko ug sweldo. Depende lang pud siguro na kung—depende rin
din yan kung ang ginahatag na sweldo is mura‘g dili enough kay tungod sa
mga paperworks. So far, wala pa man gud ko ka-experience nga
nagreklamo ko sa akong sweldo tungod sa mga paperworks or sa mga
trabaho. It is because, kailangan man jud nako mutrabaho ug tarong kay
akong sweldo kay fullfiling talaga. So, kana.
(For me, as a teacher, my salary is enough. I am contented with my salary; however,
I think it really depends since I don‘t really complain much about it. I think that I
really did my work as a teacher. Even though I‘m overloaded, I can‘t really feel the
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
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pressure and the stress which come from it. I am also fulfilled with my salary. It just
depends if you feel unsatisfied due to the huge amount of hassle paperworks bring
in. So far, I haven‘t experienced anything about complaining with regards to
paperworks or to work. It is because, I really need to work good enough so that I will
really feel satisfied about my salary. That‘s it.)
That‘s for salary, Ma‘am. How about sa privileges
and incentives na inyong madawat?
(That‘s it for the salary, Maam. How about the
privileges and incentives that you have received?)
Sa privileges and incentives na madawat? Siguro… Halimbawa, may
cultural show. Meron kaming napagkakasunduan. For example, pag
maging successful ang cultural show, maraming sasali, pupunta kami sa
particular na lugar. So, ‗yan ang binibigay nilang incentives. Nagkakaroon
ng team-building, Personnel‘s Day. Kana ang mga incentive na ilang
ginahatag sa amo-a. Naa pa‘y katong sa ESC na, which is kanang Php
15,000 walang dagdag walang bawas sa mga teachers. Kanang mga
unsapang mga privilages sa mga sub. Pag mag-sub ka, bayaran ka. Ana
gud. Kana ang mga privileges na ginahatag dayun nila. Aside pa ana, para
mas ma-enhance ang amoang teaching skills, ang amoang knowledge mas
mulawak pa, ginapadala mi‘g seminars, ginapa-attend mi‘g seminars which
is dako kayo siya‘g privilege sa amo-a, especially sa ako na magsecond
year of teaching. Mag-third year of teaching nako, pero pasalamat gihapon
ko kay naay offer na mga seminars. Kana. Ang incentives… it doesn‘t
mean na kwarta, it doesn‘t mean na pleasure. Para sa akoa, ang incentives
is kanang ma-send ko sa seminar para mas ma-enchance pa akoang
knowledge about sa mga particular nga topic ana.
(As for the privileges and incentives that we have received, a good example of this is
the cultural show. We often make an agreement that we will be going to a particular
place for relaxation if ever our cultural show becomes a success. That‘s one of their
incentives. We also have team-building and the Personnel‘s Day. Those are the
incentives that they have been giving us. There‘s also the ESC which entails Php
15,000 for teachers without any deduction at all. Aside from that, we are also sent to
seminars to further develop our teaching skills, which I consider as a wonderful
opportunity since I am still in my second year of teaching. As I move to my third
year of teaching, I am still thankful for the seminars that I have attended. For me,
incentives don‘t really have to be money or pleasure, but they can be opportunities to
be sent to seminars to further enhance my knowledge about a particular topic.)
Next Maam, last question for the first batch. From
your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of supervision
and professional development? Like, ang sistema
ba sa school, Maam, ba is that muhatag sila‘g task
and I‘ts up to you how you are going to accomplish
it? Or naa gihapon sila‘y monitoring, Maam, na
Yes, of course. Meron silang tinatawag nating mentoring na bago ka
sumalang sa isang bagay, makakaroon ng mentoring. Ibig sabihin, kinsa
mag-mentor sa amoa? Ang mga coordinators. So, dili mi masyado
malisdan. Bago nila ginahatag, naa gihapon ga-guide na, ―Maam, mao ni
imong buhaton. Kani imong dapat buhaton.‖ So, it‘s up to you kung ifollow ba nimo ang iyang giingon or dili nimo ifollow. Pero, kinakailangan
na mufollow mi sa mga coordinators kay sila man ang nakabalo. So ‗yun,
naa sila‘y… meron kaming tinatawag na mentoring.
(Last question for the first batch. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of supervision and professional development?
Does the system of the school entail giving you task and
it‘s up to you how you‘re going to accomplish it, or is
there monitoring done by the school?)
(Yes, of course. They have this so-called mentoring which prepares us before we
engage into something. Who will mentor us? It‘s the coordinators. Because of that,
we won‘t have much difficulty. Before we are to engage into something, we are
often guided by them, saying, ―Maam, this is what you will do.‖ Now, it‘s up to you
how you are going to follow what they have advised or not. That‘s what we call
Tapos, in addition pud diba, Maam, ma-send pud
mo sa mga seminars?
Oo, mga seminars. Ganyan. Yes.
(In addition as well, Maam, you also get sent to seminars,
Yes, Maam, why do fresh graudate teachers often
apply to private schools first before moving to
public schools in the middle of their teaching
(Yes, Maam. Number 4. Why do fresh graudate teachers
often apply to private schools first before moving to
public schools in the middle of their teaching career?)
(Yes, to seminars.)
I do believe HAHAHAHHAHAHA Okay. Ako noh, as teacher, as a fresh
graduate teacher, siguro… Last 2 years, na-realize nako na kailangan nako
mu-apply ug private kay—it is because, lahi man gud ang practice sa
private. Private school will help you to boost your confidence, will help
you to be strong, will help you to be independent, will help you to decide.
Naa na gud na dili ka pwede mag-depende pud kay naa‘y mga LPs na
pwede na ma-download ug dili pud ka pwede mudepende didto. Ang
private school kay tudloan ka nila kung unsaon ka pagiging isog as a
teacher. Ngano nag-apply pud kog private school? Para ma-enhance pa ang
akoang profession kay kung musalang man gud ko dayon sa public, kay
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
feeling nako dili ko mu-grow. So, musulod sa ko‘g OLFA or private
school, ma-compare nako ba na ning-ana ang environment sa public, ning
ani pud diay ning private kung diri ko. Aside man pud ana kay mu-enhance
pud akoang skills, ma-practice pa ko. Dili kay salang ka nang salang lang
ka. Kita man na tao, teacher or kahit ano mang profession, dapat
kinakailangan na mu-act lang ka as a apprentice para mas lalo pa nimo
masabtan kung dira ba jud ka nababagay or dili ba jud ka nabagay. Para
lang ba sa imo ang teaching or dili? Private palang man gani, diba? Dili
nata kasabot sa mga bata. unsa nalang kaya sa public? I think, para sa akoa,
big help talaga ang mag-take ka muna ng private bago ka mag-public.
(I do believe? Okay. As a fresh graduate teacher, I realized two years ago that I
should apply first to a private school because the practices of a private school are
different. Private schools will help you boost your confidence, will help you to be
strong, will help you to be independent, and will help you to decide. Most especially
in the case of LPs where some of them are already downloadable, private schools
help teachers not to depend on those downloadable ones and be strong. Why did I
apply to a private school? It is to enhance my profession. Applying directly to a
public school will not make me grow. If I will go to a private school first like
OLFAI, I can compare the similarities and differences of each institution‘s type of
environment. Aside from developing my skills, it also gives more avenue for me to
practice and prepare, rather than facing obstacles head-on without proper mentoring.
As humans, we need to act as apprentices first so that we can really assess whether
we are meant for something that we want or not. This is true not only among
teachers, but also in other professions. If the students in private schools are already
difficult to handle, how much more the students of public schools? For me, going to
a private school first is really helpful before you go to public.)
Okay, Maam. Kaning last 2 questions, Maam, kay
hypothetical lang pud ni, since na-debunk nani
nimo sa ano palang—sa profiling pa lang. So, sige,
Maam, second to the last question. What factors,
hypothetically, could possibly push you to transfer
from a private academic institution to public
school? 1 reason perhaps.
Its environment, co-teachers, salary, motivation—I mean, motivation sa
school. Ang administrators itself.
(The environment, co-teachers, salary, the motivation evoked by the school, and the
administrators themselves.)
(These last two questions, Maam, will be hypothetical
questions, since you‘ve already debunked them through
your answers in your profile. What factors, hypothetically,
could possibly push you to transfer from a private
academic institution to public school? 1 reason perhaps.)
Okay, Maam. Last question. Should you have
decided—hypothetical lang pud ni siya, Maam.
Should you have decided to transfer to another
academic institution the following school year, how
could the present administration, or the school as a
whole, possibly convince you to stay here in
OLFAI? For example, Maam, naka-decide naka,
―Ay, mu-transfer nako sa lahi nga skwelahan sa
public after this school year!‖ How could the school
change your mind?
(This is the last question, Maam. Should you have ever
decided to transfer to another academic institution the
following school year, how could the present
administration, or the school as a whole, possibly
convince you to stay here in OLFAI? For example, you
have already made up your mind that you will be leaving
for the next school year, ―I will really leave OLFAI for
another school in public after this school year!‖, how
could the school change your mind?)
Siguro, kung ma-appreciate nila akong gibuhat. Kana man gud—kay ang
kailangan lang man gud sa teachers nganong kailangan mu-stay kay
attention. Mura pud mi‘g bata. Kung dili mi nimo tagaan ug attention, dili
jud mi mu-ano sa imoha. Dili jud mi mu-stay sa imoha. Pag-dili nimo
ginadawat ang amoang suggestion, dili mi mu-stay. Kung dili mi nimo
tagaan ug chance mu-speak out kay dili mi mu-stay. Kana lang man jud
ang kailangan sa teacher, kay kailangan ug attention ug alaga. So, most
especially, the appreciation itself, when we say appreciation… Halimbawa,
kung coordinator naka… kanang itaas gud nimo imong position? Kanang
from coordinator to academic or academic or kanang teacher or coordinator
ka? Kana gud. Dili kana ang pasabot pero kanang kailangan lang maappreciate pud sa school itself ang imohang mga efforts or efforts nimo sa
school kay dili lang mana. We, as teachers, dili lang mi mutrabaho as
teacher lang. Dapat mutrabaho pud mi sa school. Para sa school gud ni
among ginabuhat. Basta, kanang appreciation, love, support, and care lang
ang kailangan sa mga teacher para mu-stay sila, para ma-convince nila na
(Maybe, if they will appreciate the things that I do. That is one of the reasons why
teachers stay or not: attention. We are just like kids. If you will not give us attention,
we will not be in good terms with you. We will not stay with you. If you will not
accept our suggestions, we will not stay. If you will not give us the chance to speak
up, we will not stay. That‘s the only need of us, teachers. We need attention, most
especially appreciation. A good way of showing appreciation is by promoting you to
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
a higher position: from a teacher to a coordinator or from a coordinator to an
academic coordinator. The school needs to appreciate our efforts because we are not
only working as mere teachers, but we are also working as employees of this school.
All that we do is for the school. If they give us appreciation, love, support, and care,
then they can convince us, teachers, to stay.)
Thank you, Maam!
Respondent No. 2
Okay, Maam. Next, from your
perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms
of physical and mental well-being? Like
for example, Maam, in our school. Ang
workload ba na gihatag sa imo as one of
the members of the faculty… Is it…
Makatulog pa ba ka at least 8 hours a
day? And if ever you got sick and you
need to have a sick leave, what are the
provisions of the school about that?
Okay. To be honest, dili ko ganahan sa akong load. Dili nalang nako iingon ang
akong load ha. I also don‘t like the scheduling, or I don‘t like the way they think, or
something like that. Na kanang… I am a secondary teacher, ‗tas I should be teaching
in my level. Kanang ana gud? Because I am trained and graduated with a skill to cater
secondary students in that level. So, also… same with… Although naa‘y privilege
ang mga secondary teachers na mu-go lower na pwede mi mag-teach jud ug
elementary, but not elementary teachers to secondary students. Ana siya. Bale, the
logic is, if you want to provide quality education, then ibutang nimo imong mga
teachers, imong mga employees, sa tama nila na butanganan. But because, they have
personal interests and everything na dili nalang nako i-mention, naka-ingon ko na…
medyo ―jugs‖. Kanang, ironic gud sa ilang vision and mission to bring quality and
churvs education, tapos… You know… It goes man gud if ang tao, na-utilize niya ug
tarong iyang skills ug asa siya dapat. Although, naa‘y mga tao na flexible ug dapat
ang teacher is flexible, pwede ka makipag-deal maski‘g asa and all, but! But… The
thing is, you have a specialty, so what‘s the purpose of your specialization? What‘s
the purpose of being a secondary teacher if ibutang gihapon ka sa lower levels and
all? Also, sa sobraan nila ka… sa way nila mag-isip tungod ana? Sa way nila magschedule, sa way nila magbutang ug teacher ani na level kay ano siya… tiring siya sa
teacher. So bale, mas ano imong preparation… Mas tiring tungod kay you‘re not
happy with what you have, not because dili man pwede na… First nimo, dili ka
magreklamo because you know your capability man. Sa amo man gud, makaemotionally down gud if, for example, wala nimo nahatag imong best, because bisa‘g
unsaon jud nimo, kay naa ju‘y circumstance na… It is better na this class should be
handled by an elementary graduate na teacher. Kato siya.
(Next. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of physical and mental well-being?
For example, is the workload you have as one
of the members of the faculty still light enough
for to sleep at least eight hours a day?
Furthermore, if ever you got sick that you need
to apply for a sick leave, what are the
provisions of the school about that?)
(To be honest, I don‘t like my load. I will not just mention my workload, okay? I also don‘t like
the scheduling of classes, the way they think, or something like that. I am a secondary teacher;
hence, I should be teaching in my level, because I am trained and I have graduated with a skill to
cater secondary students. Although there is a privilege for secondary teachers to teach
elementary students, but having it the other way around is another question. But due to their
personal interests which I will not just disclose, I find it quite dumb. It‘s ironic to their vision
and mission to provide quality education. It is enriching for a person to utilize his or her skills in
the place and situation where he or she is ought to be. Although teachers should be flexible, we
have to consider that you have a specialty! What‘s the purpose of your specialization, of being a
secondary teacher if you have to teach lower-level students? In addition, the way they think
about these things, the way they assign teachers and arrange their schedules, it‘s tiring for us.
The preparation demanded by our workload is more tiring because you are not happy with what
you have. It‘s inappropriate to not raise your concern about these things because you know your
capabilities. From our perspective as teachers, it‘s emotionally-draining to know that you have
not given your best, because no matter how much you try, you cannot deny the fact that these
elementary students deserve to be handled by an elementary graduate teacher. That‘s it.)
Next. From your perspective, how does
the school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salaries, privileges,
and incentives? Yung sweldo ba, Maam,
na natatanggap ninyo is fulfilling, is
compared sa workload na inyong ginainvest for quality education of the
school? Ug, what are the privileges and
incentives na ginahatag sa school sa inyo
Sa akoa, I don‘t have problems with the salary, because the school… siya ang
pinaka—sa akong pagkahibal-an—ang school ang pinakadako ug ginahatag na salary
sa mga teachers, which is very good. That is also one of the reasons ngano maka-isip
ko ngano mubiya man ko? In which, kung practically, dili jud nako siya biyaan
because of the salary, because of the salary alone. And also, uhm other privileges as
secondary teachers like ESCs. So, naa mi‘y other ways na mag-generate ug dakodako na money, and I am happy with that. But considering the pressure that they put
as an adviser, as subject teachers, gina-overuse nila ang mga teachers actually.
Actually, the term is… overusing teachers. Ang nahitabo man gud is… The way para
mas makatuon ang mga estudyante is you let them handle events… For example,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
as one of their teaching employees?
(Next. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of salaries, privileges, and incentives?
Is the salary that you are receiving somehow
fulfilling, adequate or sufficient compared to
the weight of your workload given to you by
the school? Aside from the salary, what are the
privileges and incentives which you have
received from the school as one of their
teaching employees?)
kanang mga monthly activities. Instead na teacher ang mag-emcee, why not ang
students? Bug-at na sa teacher gani. Teacher magbuhat ug program, teacher maghimo
ani, mag-ana, mag-emcee pa jud siya? Maka-ano ba… What is student-centered if the
teachers are doing everything? Ana gud. You let the students experience it, kasi tapos
naman ang reign namin, tapos naman ang term namin, because hindi na kami
students. Something na, teachers should manage, not kanang… teacher ang ginamanage para ano. Para gud ma-hone? What if pala naa‘y mga gwapo kaayo na mga
hosts diri tapos wala siya na-develop diri-a na school. It is evident even before, sa
akong time. Wala siya na-develop diri-a na school. It‘s because they do not provide
that to their students, because at the end of the day, teachers are to blame. Kanang ana
gud. So, I think adequate lang pud ang payment nila sa amoa, because they are
overusing us in terms of paperworks, daghan kaayo mi‘g requirements… and katong
mga sideways na activities na muabot lang siya ug pinakalit. Like for example,
reading of honors, ―Hala, ikaw diri‖. Ana-ana… Kalit lang ka‘g birahon. So,
sometimes ba, if you‘re thinking na you‘re professionals, dapat planned jud ang
activities. I-follow jud ang calendar of activities! So, kato lang.
(In my case, I don‘t have any problems with my salary, because the school—based on what I
know—this is one of the schools which offer high pay rate for teachers, which is something
good. This is also one of the reasons why I am having second thoughts of leaving, when in fact,
I should not be leaving this institution due to the salary, due to the salary alone. As secondary
teachers, we also have other privileges like the ESCs. In other words, we have other ways of
generating a considerable amount of money, which I am happy about. But considering the
pressure that they put on us as an adviser, as a subject teacher, they are actually overusing us.
The correct term is… overusing teachers. You see, the best way for students to learn is to let
them handle events. For example, during monthly activities! Instead having teachers as the
masters of ceremony, why not the students themselves? It‘s already heavy for the teacher to
create the program and to do lots of errands, yet they still want us to host the actual event? It
makes me wonder, ―What is student-centeredness if the teachers are doing everything?‖ You let
the students experience it, because we have already done that before. Our term, our reign is
already over. Teacher should manage, and not the ones being managed. That is to give
opportunities to hone the students‘ skills. We may not know, someone out there is good at
hosting yet it was not fully developed in this school? It‘s already evident even before, during my
time here. My skills were not developed in this school. That‘s because they do not provide that
to their students. At the end of the day, teachers are to be blamed. Hence, I believe that the
salary we are receiving is just adequate since they are overusing us, in terms of paperworks,
requirements, and even in sudden activities. For example, the Reading of Honors. You would be
abruptly tasked to do something without initial orientation. If you are thinking like
professionals, activities have to be planned. We should follow the calendar of activities! That‘s
Next, Maam. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of supervision
and professional development? Ang
system ba sa school is… to give you a
task for you to complete and it‘s up to
you how you‘re gonna accomplish it or
do they supervise you all throughout the
way? In addition, what are the programs
of the school so that you can further hone
or develop your teaching profession?
(Next, Maam. From your perspective, how
does the school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of supervision and
professional development? Does the system of
the school entail giving of tasks and
completely letting its constituents accomplish
their duties on their own accord, or does it
supervise them all throughout the way? In
addition, what are the programs of the school
so that you can further hone or develop your
teaching profession?)
What are the programs that help you
Before we start teaching, they have given us teaching manual. Naa didto ang duties
and responsibilities nimo as an adviser, as a subject teacher, mga ana tanan. Naa mi‘y
working manual or work manual. Naa man gud na sila‘y IQAT, right? So, katong
IQAT, I think, is their way of supervising their teachers if the teachers are still
following the RVM way of teaching, because they have a different way of teaching
than the other schools. So, also, yung mga observations. Merong pop-up observations
na mukalit lang sila‘g sulod sa classroom. Naa pu‘y kanang informed ka as teacher so
maka-prepare sa observation as teacher, so they have that. And after that one, nagaprocess sila where they pose conference, what went wrong, what‘s your best side as
teachers, so on and so forth. They also suggest activities. For example, sa imong
klase, if someone is unruly and na-notice to nila, they will suggest na dapat ing-ana.
Also, they will suggest to strengthen your focus sa mga students gud so dapat naa juy
activities. So, programs… Again, what are the programs that—?
(Before we started teaching, they have given us a teaching manual. It contains the duties and
responsibilities of an adviser, of a subject teacher, and the like. It is a work manual. They also
have IQAT. In IQAT, it is a way of supervising their teachers to see if teachers are still
following the RVM way of teaching, because they have a different way of teaching than in other
schools. We also have observations. We have pop-in observations where coordinators would
suddenly enter a classroom to observe. There is also a planned or informed observation. After
the observations, they process their findings and pose a conference with the teachers involved.
They cite what went wrong during the class, what was your best side as a teacher, so on and so
forth. They also suggest activities or ways on how to deal with problems including unruly
students. What‘s the next question again?)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
develop your teaching profession? Diba,
even though you‘re already graduates,
the school still has to provide different
avenues for you, teaching employees, to
further develop your teaching capabilities
as educators?
(What are the programs that help you develop
your teaching profession? Even though you‘re
already graduates, the school still has to
provide different avenues for you, teaching
employees, to further develop your teaching
capabilities as educators, right?)
Next, Maam! Why do fresh graduate
teachers often apply to private schools
first before moving to public schools in
the middle of their teaching career?
They send teachers to seminars. But, unfortunately, in my case, wala pako nila nasend sa any seminar. However, I‘m looking forward na before mag-end ang school
year, unta naa ko‘y isa ka school year na ma-attenan. But we had seminars! We
attended seminars, yes, as a group. So, that‘s it. But the topic is social issues, so it‘s
not about teaching. Updating lang sa knowledge about social issues. Kato lang.
(They send teachers to seminars. Unfortunately, I have not been sent to any seminar. However,
I‘m looking forward that before the school year ends, I will be able to attend at least one
seminar. But we had seminars as a group! However, the topic was about social issues, not about
teaching. It was just somehow updating our knowledge about social issues.)
First of all, lisod makalisod sa public. The competition is very intense sa public.
That‘s why we ought to go to private schools. And also, I believe na grabe jud ang
growth sa private schools, because the kind of teaching sa private is very different,
and always naa‘y standards, always naa‘y expectations. And also, I came from a
private school, and the education that they have, their love for teachers, kay kanang…
grabe ilang value for teachers didtoa. And so, ang mga development na imong
makuha sa private, especially sa imong colleagues gani, the way they motivate you,
maka-apekto na siya sa imong personal growth pud. Kato tanan sa factors na naa diri
sa private schools. Ang administration, ang vision and mission, that‘s very important.
Yes, na-answer ba nako?
(First of all, it‘s very difficult to get to work in public. The competition there is very intense.
That‘s why; we ought to go to private schools. I also believe that your growth in private schools
is tremendous, because the kind of teaching in private is very different, adorned with standards
and expectations. I also came from a private school and the education that they have entails
great love and value for teachers. Furthermore, the motivation that you receive from your
colleagues in private schools is really uplifting for your personal growth as well. All those
factors can only be found in private schools. The administration, the vision, and the mission of
the school are also very important. Did I answer the question?)
What factors could possibly push you to
transfer from a private academic
institution to a public school?
Ano… first and foremost, is the salary, because mudako-dako-ay na jud ang salary sa
public. If salary lang jud ang akong kailangan, not my intentions and my happiness, I
will go for public, because if kapuyon lang man nako akong sarili, didto nalang ko sa
public. Ngano kapoy-kapuyon pa man nako akong self sa private, right? Mas pressure
siguro diri sa private kay tanan nimong lihok bantayan, so on and so forth, so I‘d
rather go for public if ana lang. Money talaga.
(First and foremost, it‘s the salary, because the salary for public school teachers is bound to get
even bigger in the future. If the issue is just the salary, not my intentions nor my happiness, I
will go for public. If I am to tire myself to the fullest, I‘d rather do it in a public school. Why
would I even bother tiring myself in private, right? I also think that it‘s more pressuring for
teachers in private, because all of your actions are tracked down by the administration; hence,
I‘d rather go for public. It‘s all about the money.)
Aside from the money, Maam?
Aside from the money? I mean, unsa siya?
(Aside from the money? What do you mean?)
I mean, kanang unsa na mga factors ang
maka-push sa imo na makaingon ka‘g,
―Ayy, muhawa najud ko‘g OLFA‖?
(I mean, what factors could push you to say, ―I
will really leave OLFAI for good!‖?)
Ayy, muhawa nako sa OLFA? HAHAHAHA! Okay, first is management. Sa
interview nako, niingon ko na, ―I will stay here for 2-6 years if the management is
really good. There would be no problem. But, ambot lang. Siguro when you‘re still
young… siguro lang… When you‘re still young, you tend to deviate ang wave, ang
natural flow na, ―I don‘t like their thinking. I don‘t like their approach.‖ I mean, look
at the discipline of the school. They‘re implementing discipline, yet students are not
really well-disciplined. So, there is something wrong talaga, sa the way they
implement and approach students. Basi diay‘g ang other way ang mag-work but
they‘re not taking it? They‘re sticking to their traditional way. I cannot be with that
way lang. So, I think that way will not make me grow. I will go out, find another
venue to practice my—Yes, greener pastures. So kato, administration, and, basically,
people, the people you work with. Basta oy, pagmagkatrabaho namo, dili lang man
gud money. Kanang relationship gud? Because, temporary lang ang happiness na
imong makuha sa money. Okay, napakaon nako akong family and all, but siguro,
weak lang jud akong heart para mag-deal ug mga hard people. Kadto. Dili nako kaya
ang way of thinking sa mga tao diria so I should leave. Charot.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(You mean, leaving OLFAI? First, it‘s the management. During my interview, I said that I will
be staying here for two to six years if the management is really good. There would be no
problem. I don‘t know. Maybe, when you‘re still young, you tend to deviate the wave, the
natural flow, to say, ―I don‘t like their thinking. I don‘t like their approach.‖ I mean, look at the
discipline of the school. They‘re implementing discipline, yet students are not well-disciplined.
Thus, there is indeed something wrong in the way they implement rules and approach students.
We may not know, the other way around could work but they‘re not taking it into account.
They‘re sticking to their traditional way. I can‘t be with that way, because those ways will not
make me grow. I will go out, find another venue—greener pastures—to practice my profession.
It‘s the administration, and, basically, the people you work with. You will understand me when
you start working as well. It‘s not just about the money. There‘s also relationships! The
happiness money can give is only temporary. You may have been able to provide for your
family, but that‘s not all. Maybe, my heart is just weak to deal with hard people. I can‘t bear the
way of thinking of the people here; hence, I will leave.)
Since you‘ve said that, Maam, this brings
us to our last question. Should you have
decided—of course, naka-decide naman
jud ka—Should you have decided to
transfer to another academic institution
the following school year, how could the
present administration, or the school as a
whole, possibly convince you to stay here
(Since you‘ve said that, Maam, this brings us
to our last question. Should you have decided
to transfer to another academic institution the
following school year, how could the present
administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?)
Actually, gistorya nako. So, I talked with one of the head. Parang random-random
lang gud na na-talk ba about my plans and all, ni-ana siya na, ―Sige na kay pagmagstay ka diri-a, pagmag-stay mo diri, ikaw na mag-handle sa ano… somethingsomething.‖ Basta, position siya. Something ana. And, naisip nako na… First year
teaching pa lang nako pero gitagaan nako ug ining-ato na opportunity gani na…
Basta, naa sila‘y gihatag sa ako na opportunity, basta ato. Tapos, not all are given
ana. Naa man pud unta‘y competent na teachers gud, pero sa akoa jud siya gihatag. I
don‘t want to na… Ining-ani na ba ko ka-coward na mu-retreat na dayon ko na wala
pa gani nako na-show kung unsa jud ang akong kaya. Nag-intern pa lang ko diri. Ana
pa gani siya, ―Nag-intern pa lang ka diri. This is your first year. Your true battle has
not yet begun.‖ So, napa-isip na pud ko. Ana ko, ―My God! Ma-withdraw na sad ni
akong conviction!‖ Kanang, for the past few days, sure na kaayo ko sa akong
decision na muhawa nako diri, muhawa nako diri. Tapos, pagkahuman, istoryahon na
sad ko. And also, there was this one teacher, si Maam Maepril, na kana gung…
encouraging kaayo mustorya. Kanang, naa pay hope pag mu-istorya siya, unlike other
teachers. Kanang, dapat ining-ana ta. Because we are on the same boat. If one is
down, dapat we bring them up. So, kanang gina-ingnan ko niya, so malibog na pud
ko kung mu-istorya ko ug mga ato na people. So mao to. Kadto sila.
(Actually, I was already approached by one of the school administrators. It was just a random
talk about my future plans when that person said, ―If you‘re going to stay here, you‘re going to
handle this position.‖ It was a position. And I thought… It‘s just my first year of teaching but I
was already given this big opportunity. Not all are given opportunities like these. There are lots
of competent teachers, but they offered it to me. I don‘t want to show that I‘m a coward who
will easily retreat without giving much of a fight, without truly showing what I‘m capable of.
That person said, ―You are just an intern here, as of now. This is your first year. Your true battle
has not begun.‖ It made me wonder, ―My God! I was already sure of leaving but this happened!‖
My decision was already clear, but these talks are weakening my conviction. There was also this
one teacher, Maam Maepril, who is very encouraging. Whenever she speaks, it makes me feel
like there is still hope, unlike other teachers. We should be like that, because we are on the same
boat. If one is down, we bring them up. She‘s speaking to me from time to time, and I end up
being more confused as to what decision I should make.)
So basically, Maam, somehow yung mga
offers nila, as well as the people
encouraging you, that there‘s still hope to
stay here. They are the main driving
factors why you‘re still having second
(Basically, the offers of the school, the people
encouraging you that there is still hope to stay
here… they are the main driving factors why
you‘re still having second thoughts?)
Basta, it‘s about the people you work with. They‘re making an environment that‘s not
really friendly for teachers na dili brave enough to battle with them. So if dili ka
kabalo mutubag, dili ka kabalo magminaldita kaayo, dili ka maka-survive diri. Dili
man gud ko kabalo ug anang sulod-diri-lapos-diri ba. Matagak siya diri sa heart ba so
magpundo siya sa akong kasing-kasing. So dili nako kaya ang dedma. Lisod kaayo
ang dedma. I don‘t want to be boxed here. Like ang kato jud. Ang main reason jud
is… You will never grow if you dwell with this kind of mindset. Siguro that‘s also
the reason why the population of the students here is decreasing because of the kind
of mindset that they have. Unfortunately, it‘s because of them. Maybe, it‘s not
because of the teachers pud. It‘s the system jud, the way they handle everything, the
way they take everything, and it will never change if they will not take new
perspectives. If mag-stick sila ana, people will come and go, maski unsa pa kadako
imong salary. Maski karon, unwise kaayo for my situation na mu-leave because I am
the only working member of the family, but I will choose to leave because I don‘t
want to become miserable for another year. I just hope that they will not overuse
teachers because tao lang man sad mi. We have limitations as well. And, pasalamat
sila they have… they still have teachers who will stay. Basta, they lack
encouragement, appreciation, and sa tanan nimong hardwork na imong ginabuhat.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Ang problem lang diria noh, pirmi lang nila gina-blame ang isa‘t-isa so dili ma-solve
ang problem. Naga-blame lang sila pirmi and they‘re not solving anything. That‘s
why, the problem will not end. Naga-circulate lang siya every year.
(It‘s about the people you work with. They‘re really making an environment that is not friendly
for teachers who are not brave enough to battle with them. If you don‘t know how to talk back,
how to have an ―attitude‖, you will not survive here. I really don‘t know how to easily forget the
things I hear from other people. The things I hear from people tend to get inside my heart and it
stays there! I don‘t know how to ignore things at all. I also don‘t want to be boxed here, because
you will never grow if you continue to dwell with this kind of mindset. Maybe that‘s the reason
why the population of the students here is decreasing. It is because of the mindset that they have.
Unfortunately, it‘s because of them. Maybe, it‘s not just about the teachers. It‘s about the system
as well. The way they handle things and the way they take them will never change if they will
not take new perspectives. If they continue with that kind of mindset, people will come and go,
no matter how high the salary. Even now, it‘s a very unwise decision for me to leave because I
am the only working member of the family. However, I will leave because I don‘t want to
become miserable for another year. I just hope that they stop overusing teachers because we are
also humans. We have limitations as well. In fact, they should be thankful that they still have
teachers who will stay. The main problem here is that, they tend to blame one another; hence, no
problem is solved. They blame every day and it‘s not solving anything. That‘s why, the problem
will not end. It just ends up circulating year after year; hence, the system itself.)
Respondent No. 3
From your perspective, Maam, how
does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of physical
and mental well-being?
Sa sick leave, mag-ano lang siya… mura‘g magamit lang nimo siya pag regular kana,
which is 3 years and above kana. Meron kang excuse pero kailangan mo ng medical
certificate, pero hindi ka pa pwede mag-apply ng sick leave or maternity leave and all
pero, pag 3 years, pwede na siya. For my workload, it depends man gud kung unsa
kadaghan ang teachers and sa kadaghan sa students. Naa‘y 8 hours a day, 8 hours pud
siya ang among work, so dili siya ing-ana ka bug-at. Siguro, sa uban lang na overloaded
sila tungod sa wala nay lain teachers na mudawat ana. Para sa akoa, naa man pud time na
maka-sleep mi 8 hours a day. Dili man nako gina-stress out akoang self sa work kay,
siyempre, kung magkasakit ko, ako lang man japon ang mag-ano.
(With regards to sick leave, you can only make use of those privileges if you have already worked
in the institution for three years and above. We do have excused absences, but you need to present a
medical certificate as proof. You are still not yet allowed to apply for sick or maternity leave, not
unless you have already been here for three years. For my workload, it depends on how many
teachers are there, and how many students are in the school. We have 8 hours of work, and it is not
that heavy. However, there are teachers who are overloaded, because no other teacher could accept
the subject but themselves. As for me, I can still sleep for eight hours a day. I am not that stressed
out in dealing with work, because when I push myself to my limit and get sick, no one will suffer
but me.)
From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salaries,
privileges and incentives
Para sa‘koa, kung i-compare nimo to the other private schools, okay jud ang OLFAI in
terms of salary, kay dako siya ug rate. Daghan pud siya ug mga clubs and all. Naa pud na
siya‘y honorarium, so naa pud ing-ana na load. Mabayaran pud ilang kahago which is
once a week lang. Unlike sa imong daily na classes and sa incentives, naga-deduct lang
sila sa amo ug RVM na parang savings din siya at the end of school year. If muhawa ka
or mag-resign ka, makuha nimo imohang percentage ato na savings.
(For me, if you compare it to the private schools, OLFAI is one of the highest paying schools. There
are also clubs and the like, which can give teachers honorarium for those loads. Their struggle in the
clubs every once a week is always compensated. Unlike the daily classes and incentives, they
deduct a percentage of our salary for our RVM retirement commission, which are our savings at the
end of the school year. If ever we have decided to leave or to resign, then we can still be
compensated by our savings.)
That is more on the financial diba,
Maam? Naa mo‘y na-receive na
non-financial benefits?
Gifts? Naa mi‘y mga ing-ana sa Personnel‘s Day like sabon. Ana lang.
(Gifts? Well, during the Personnel‘s Day, they give us materials like soaps and the like.)
(That is more on financial compensation,
Maam, right? Do you have non-financial
From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty
Sa supervision, if they give us a task, mag-ask ka ug question, willing sila na mutabang
sa imo, if ever mag-reach out pud ka. Sa development pud, they are giving us free
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
members, in terms of supervision
and professional development?
seminars with CPD units to develop us as professionals, among teaching skills. Aside
from that, we also had our first inter-demo teaching with the other RVM schools. Kami,
mag-demo pud mi, sila ang maghatag sa amo-a ug feedback, then sila pud mag-demo,
then kami pud mag-hatag ug feedback. Mura siya‘g peer teaching, pero dili siya sa
among kauban. RVM namo na kauban sa school. For supervision, our observations man
gud… They will find a way na ma-help pud ka kung unsa‘y kulang nimo sa imong
teaching strategies or methods and, all through that, i-observe ka nila, then pangitaon nila
imong weakness and strengths, para ma-improve pud nimo imohang way of teaching sa
imong students.
(In terms of supervision, the coordinators are willing to help us, most especially when we have
questions, only if we reach out to them. In terms of development, they are also giving us free
seminars with CPD units to develop our teaching skills as professionals. Aside from that, we have
the first inter-demo teaching with the other RVM schools. We, teachers, are also to conduct a
demonstration while the teachers from the other schools will give their insights. In the same way,
they will also conduct demonstrations and we will be giving them feedbacks. For supervision, we
have observations. The coordinators help us find a way in improving our teaching strategies. After
observing our classes, they will inform us about our strengths and weaknesses.)
Next, Maam. Why do fresh graduate
teachers often applied to private
schools first before moving to public
schools in the middle of their
teaching career?
Main reason is gaining experience. That is the very reason nganong musulod ang fresh
grad sa private school. Murag gihimo lang nila ug training ground ang private school.
Mao nang after 3 years or 4 years, they are planning to transfer sa public to settle in, para
sa akoa.
What factors could possibly push
you to transfer from a private
academic institution to another
school public or private?
First factor is family. Second is environment sa school. The third is pag-settle down
nako. Gi-tagaan man ko sa akong family ug chance para mag-extend, tungod gusto jud
nako. Kaso, murag nasamukan na gani ko, so para mahilom sila, siguro ing-ana na lang
akong buhaton. Sa environment naa man gud times na dili mi magsinabtanay. Naa‘y gap
sa ilaha ba. So, siyempre, kung ang mga bosses mag-away ma apektohan jud mi ana.
(Their main reason is gaining experience. That is the main reason why fresh graduates often apply
to private schools first. They are simply using private schools as their training ground. After three or
four years, they will transfer to public to settle in.)
(The first factor is the family. The second one is the school‘s environment. The third one is the need
for me to settle down. Actually, my family already gave me a chance to extend my stay here,
because it was what I really wanted. However, maybe I was getting kind of annoyed by their
constant propositions to transfer to public? That‘s why, for their minds to be at peace, I will do as
they say. In terms of environment, I will leave if there is still no mutual understanding due to the
gaps between the workers and the administrators.)
Should you have ever decided to
transfer to another academic
institution the following school year,
how could the present administration
or the school as a whole, possibly
convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
So, basically, Maam, the best way
for you to be convinced to stay is
more on a time to talk with the
people na makauban nimo diri sa
institution, because you are more
likely to be convinced by the heart,
by the memories that you spend. So,
that‘s all, Maam. Thank you.
(In other words, the best way for you to
be convinced to stay is to have more time
to talk with the people you work with,
because you are more likely to be
convinced by the heart and by the
memories you have spent in the
institution? That concludes the interview,
Maam. Thank you.)
Wala pa ko naka-experience or nag-try na mag-out diria, pero kay Sister Precy, she
really talks to us one by one. If ever na muhawa ka, gina-try niya‘g balik tanan memories
diria para lang mag-stay ka like gi-hypnotize niya. So, gina-discourage ka niya na
mugawas jud diri-a sa OLFAI. Pero, pati pud ang mga coordinators, mga bosses.
Siyempre, kung ganahan jud sila sa imoha, they will really also find a way na mag-stay
(I haven‘t experienced anything about deciding to leave the institution yet, because Sister Precy
really talks to use one by one. If ever you have some plans of leaving, she is going to make you
reminisce and remember all the memories you had in the institution, prompting you not to leave as
if you are being hypnotized. The same goes for the coordinators and the bosses. Of course, if you
they really want you, they will find a way for them to stay.)
Thank you!
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Respondent No. 4
Next, Maam. How does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms
of physical and mental well-being? Dili
ba mo stressed? Nagahatag ba sila ug
considerations or, in general, how does
the school take good care of you in terms
of physical and mental well-being?
Ang RVM schools are religious establishments so they treat their personnel or
employees fairly. Kanang dili gud sila nagahatag ug partiality. Kanang, tanan gud
kay fair ang treatment. Para lang sa akoa ha, sa akong nakita. Fair ang ilang
treatment sa tanan. Dili sila unfair sa uban, and if ever naa sila‘y mga problems, they
address it directly to the person involved. Lisod man jud na maiwasan ang mga
conflicts, pero i-address jud dayon nila ang issue, for example.
(Next, Maam. How does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of
physical and mental well-being? Aren‘t you
stressed? Do they give you considerations? In
general, how does the school take good care of
you in terms of physical and mental wellbeing?)
That is for the mental well-being, Maam.
How about, if you got sick, and you need
to be absent, what are the provisions of
the school about that?
(RVM schools are religious establishments so they treat their personnel or employees fairly.
They don‘t exhibit partiality. They have fair treatment for every employee. Based on what I
have seen, there is indeed fair treatment for all. If ever they have problems, they address it
directly to the persons involved. Although conflicts are inevitable, the administration addresses
immediately the issue, for example.)
Meron tayong ginatawag na parang form gud na imong fill-upan if ever wala ka
kahatag ug notice kay naka-absent ka kay gikalintura ka so dili ka kaadto. Pagbalik
nimo, hatagan ka nila ug time na fill-upan ‗to siya na form and ibutang nimo didto
ang imong reason ngano ka ni-absent with medical certificate if ever na-admit ka sa
hospital. Basta, naa sila‘y form na imong fill-upan where i-state nimo didto ang
reason ngano absent ka.
(We have this form which we fill-up if ever we haven‘t given prior notice about our absence
due to some sickness. Once you get back, you will be givne time to fill-up the form and you
have to indicate there the reason as to why you were absent with medical certificate if ever you
were clinically admitted to the hospital.)
Next, Maam. How does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms
of salaries, privileges, and incentives?
Very fulfilling ba ang mga salaries,
privileges, and incentives na inyong
madawat, considering the workload na
inyong ginadawat here in the school or is
it the other way around?
(Next, Maam. How does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of salaries,
privileges, and incentives? Are your salaries,
privileges, and incentives fulfilling enough,
considering the workload that you are
receiving here in the school or is it the other
way around?)
Para sa akoa, since I am a fresh graduate, dili kaayo ko ga-dwell ana kay I‘m more
on the experiences that we will be having in our institution, kung unsa ang akong
ma-experience. Dili sa kaayo ko nagatan-aw sa salary. Kung ako man gud ang
kuan… Since I am a product of a Marian school, nag-graduate ko sa usa ka Marian
institution, nakit-an jud nako na kompleto ilang benefits na ginahatag sa ilang mga
employee. At the same time, naa na sila‘y ginatawag na RVM retirement fee. Kung
magdugay ka sa ilang institution, naa jud kay madawat na dako na kuwarta pag
hawa nimo. 10 years, 25 years, naa gud kay commission na madawat, naa‘y reward
sa imong 10 years na pag-stay sa SMC. Then ang mga benefits, pwede ka magsalary loan na gina-provide nila sa imo without interest. Mao na ang kanindot na
benefits sa usa ka RVM school. Kato pud ang usa sa mga reasons… Sa una man pud
gud kay na-curious pud ko ana. Ana ko, ―Maam, ngano nag-stay man ka sa private
school na gamay ra man suweldo diria.‖ Ana siya, ―Kabalo ka dai, dili na siya sa
suweldo, dai. Naa na siya sa spiritual, sa benefits, sa treatment, sa imong mga
colleagues, naa ra na sa imoha kung unsaon nato pag-adjust kay dili man jud nato
ma-please tanang tao. Kung kabalo ka mu-adjust, magdugay jud ka sa usa ka
institution. There‘s no perfect organization baya.
(For me, as a fresh graduate, I do not really dwell much with the salary since I focus more on
the experiences which I will be having in our institutions. Stemming my beliefs from the
school where I graduated, an RVM school, I always believe that Marian schools provide
complete benefits. At the same time, we have this what we call, RVM retirement fee. If ever
you have decided to stay in an RVM institution, you will be receiving a considerable amount of
money if you ever decided to leave. 10 years, 25 years, you will be receiving commission as
reward for your long stay in SMC. As for the benefits, you may apply for a salary loan which
they provide to you without interest. Those are the wonderful benefits of an RVM school. In
fact, during my college years, I also questioned my teachers about that. I asked, ―Maam, why
did you stay in a private school when the salary here is not that high?‖ My teacher replied,
―You know, young lady, it‘s just about the money. It‘s about the spiritual development, the
benefits, the treatment, and the colleagues you will be having.‖ After all, everything depends
on how well you adjust to your environment since we can‘t please everybody. If you know how
to adjust, you will definitely stay long in an institution. After all, there is no perfect
Next, Maam. How does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms
development? Like, ginasubaybayan ba
Isa diri is ang time management. Very strict sila sa attendance. Very particular ang
mga RVM sisters sa attendance. Dili sila gusto ug mga late. That‘s why, naa ta‘y
ginatawag na kanang machine na naa sa may guard house. Ambot unsa‘y tawag ana.
Biometric. Biometric man siguro tawag ana. Every end of the sem, gina-print out na
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
mo sa school, Maam? Ang sistema ba diri
kay hatagan ka ug trabaho and then it‘s
up to you how you‘re going to
accomplish it?
(Next, Maam. How does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms
development? Do they monitor or
supervise you in your work, Maam? Does
the system include giving you work and
it‘s up to you how you‘re going to
accomplish it?)
Supervision and professional
nila, ginatan-aw nila kung naa ba‘y late kay kaltasan man ang suweldo nimo ana.
And then, unsa pa gani tong isa ka-question?
(One thing also is the time management. They are very strict with the attendance. The RVM
sisters are very particular with the attendance. They don‘t like tardiness. That‘s why, we have
this machine called the biometric which allows the school to track the attendance and
punctuality of teachers. At the end of every semester, they print the results out and see which
teacher or employee is late, which will then be deducted from their salary. What was your other
question again?)
Professional development, they send their employees to seminars. Like, bag-o pa
lang ko pero gi-send ko nila sa seminar about inflation, ana, since Business Ad man
ang akong course so related siya. Naa pu‘y laing mga teachers na ilang gina-send sa
mga lain-laing seminars. Naga-provide sila ug half lang gud, kanag tunga sila sa
bayad? Kung dako na jud kaayo, dili naman jud na pwede na i-shoulder tanan sa
organization kay ang maka-benefit man ana kay ang teacher man, ang employee. Sa
seminar, dagdag points mana sa ilaha kay makataas man pud na ug suweldo.
Nagahatag sila ug opportunity. For example, sa 100% na bayad sa seminar, mga
75% kay i-shoulder sa school, pero kung dako jud kaayo siya, pwede half-half.
Ining-ana siya. Mao na sila ang ilang way sa pag-develop sa ilang profession.
Ginapa-attend nila sa mga seminars ug kung kaya, naga-benchmark sila from
abroad. Sa SMC, naga-benchmark man sila sa abroad. Like, niadto sila ug Cebu,
niadto sila ug UP, De La Salle, kung unsa naa sa ilang school, sa ilang way pagmanage sa classroom. At the end of the sem or school year, tanan ginapa-conduct ug
ginapa-apil ug seminar kay para mas madevelop ang ilang teaching skills.
(In terms of professional development, they send their employees to seminars. In fact, I was
just recently sent by the school to a seminar about inflation, since my course was Business
Administration. Other teachers were also deployed to different seminars. They provide half or
three-fourth of the expenses if the cost of the professional training is too much for the school to
give to the teachers for free. After all, it is the teacher who will mostly benefit from the training
and not the school itself. With regards to the seminars, they add cumulative points to teachers
which causes them to them to have an increase in their salary. Aside from attending seminars,
they also benchmark schools from abroad, just like SMC. The teachers went to Cebu, UP, De
La Salle, and any other promising school in the world, looking into their way of managing the
classroom. At the end of the semester or school year, all teachers are sent to different seminars
and workshops to further develop their teaching skills.)
Next, Maam. How do the students you
handle affect your decision of staying or
leaving a private academic institution?
Actually, ang mga students sa mga private schools kay very challenging jud. Ngano?
Lahi-lahi diba ug mga personality ang mga estudyante, pero para sa akoa, it‘s my
vocation to choose education man. Gusto man gud nako mag-teacher kay gusto man
pud gud nako sila sabton ngano ining-ani ilang character? Para sa akoa, so machallenge ko, so ngano mu-leave man ko, ngano muhawa man ko nga ma-challenged
man ko? Gusto man gud nako i-challenge akong self na makaya kaya nako? Mao
pud na ang reason nganong mag-stay ko sa private. Gusto man pud gud nako na iaddress ang mga estudyante na ining-ana. Naa man ju‘y times na dili jud nimo makuan tanan estudyante kay lahi-lahi man sila ug mga attitudes kay… ang mga 21 st
Century… sagol na sila ug learning capacity. Naa‘y visual, naay auditory, naay
kinesthetic. Murag salo tanan ba kay, unlike before, naga-change baya ang
generation diba? Karon, naa tay technology so halo-halo jud na tanang estudyante.
Dili jud pwede na sa isa ka classroom, ang tanan estudyante kay visual lang. Naa‘y
uban na visual, auditory, ug kinesthetic. Mao na siya ang dahilan ngano machallenge ko, and mu-dare ko sa ana na challenge na kana na generation.
(Actually, the students in private schools are really challenging. Why? That‘s because, a lot of
students have different personalities. However, it is my vocation to choose education. I really
wanted to be a teacher because I want to understand the reasons behind their puzzling
character. For me, if staying in a private is challenging, why would I even consider leaving? I
want to challenge myself that I can do it. That‘s also the reason why I will choose private. I
want to address the students with these kinds of needs. There will really be times where you
might fail to understand their attitudes because 21st century learners are members of a changing
generation. There are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, creating variety in the
classroom. If I will be challenged, I am up for it in a positive way.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
So, basically, Maam, you take it as a
positive challenge?
Okay, Maam. Based on your own
opinion, Maam, why do fresh graduate
teachers often apply to private schools
first before moving to public schools in
the middle of their teaching career? Even
though, you yourself, Maam, have
already committed yourself to stay in a
private school, we still cannot deny the
fact that, based on the news, based on the
statistics, daghan kaayo‘g teachers na
nagtapok sa public schools, and
pahurutay na ang mga teachers na
nagatrabaho sa private schools. Why do
you think so, Maam?
(Okay, Maam. Based on your own opinion,
Maam, why do fresh graduate teachers often
apply to private schools first before moving to
public schools in the middle of their teaching
career? Even though, you yourself, Maam,
have already committed yourself to stay in a
private school, we still cannot deny the fact
that, based on the news, based on the statistics,
a lot of tem are really transferring to public
schools. In fact, the number of teachers in
private schools is decreasing. Why do you
think so?)
Since you‘ve been telling, Maam, na
decided jud ka na mag-stay, mamalihog
nalang mi ug state ug usab sa imong
stand. If you were given the chance to
choose, would you rather work in a
private or public academic institution?
Explain your answer.
(Since you‘ve been telling us, Maam, that you
have decided to stay, please reiterate once
again your stand on this question. If you were
given the chance to choose, would you rather
work in a private or public academic
institution? Explain your answer.)
What factors could possibly push you to
transfer from a private academic
institution like OLFAI to a public school?
Or perhaps, can you imagine yourself
working in a public school?
Yes, positive.
Number one reason. Kung muingon ta‘g public, dako‘g suweldo, diba? Kung
practical lang ang pagkastorya, dako jud ug suweldo sa public. Kung government
employee ka sa usa ka school, pwede ka maka-loan ug 500 or almost half a million,
compared sa private school. Ang nahitabo man gud, ginahimo nila na training
ground ang private schools kay dili sila dawaton sa public schools kung wala sila‘y
experience. Mao na sila na dili sila naga-stay kay daghan mga butang sa ilang
palibot. Ang mga public school teachers, muingon pud na, ―Huy, balhin na sa public
school kay dako diri ang suweldo.‖ Daghan naga-encourage sa ilaha ba, so depende
ra jud na sa imoha kung mag-stay ka or dili. Pero, usually jud, prime motivator kay
money man jud. We cannot deny the fact that money is the prime motivator. Basta,
number one jud ang money. Sa amoa, sa business, number one jud baya. Ibutang
nato, offeran ka na 100,000 imong bulan, ‗sa mukagat ka kay dili ka mag-stay sa
private school na 14,000 ra ang suweldo? Diba? Kung mas dako imong suweldo,
practical lang na pag-istorya, mangahinganlan man jud ta ug kuwarta. Kailangan
man jud nato na, diba? Ang una siguro kay ang salary. Mao gud na ilang ginatan-aw.
Lahi man gud imong pag-tan-aw ug na-internalize na nimo ba. Siguro, wala lang
nila nakita.
(The number one reason is the salary. Public schools offer a high amount of salary. Practically
speaking, the salary offered by public schools is really high. If you are a government employee,
you can load at most 500 or almost have a million, compared when you are in a private school.
The thing is, fresh graduates use private schools as their training ground since they will be
admitted to public schools without professional experience. That‘s why, they don‘t stay long in
private schools because of their environment or the people who are encouraging them to
transfer to public. The thing is, money is the prime motivator. We cannot deny the fact that
money is indeed number one. If ever you were offered a job which offers Php 100,000 per
month, I can bet that you will accept the offer without any second thought at all. I mean, we
really need it, right? Maybe, that‘s what they‘ve always been focusing on, and they fail to
realize the good points private schools offer.)
Um, private ko. Kung papilion man gani ko, sa private ko. Sa kuan na pagka-istorya,
RVM school. Why? Ang workplace, okay siya. Wala gu‘y kanang hassle. Daghan
man ug paperworks pero naa man pud gud kay reward na madawat man. Tapos, ang
ilang workplace kay conducive gud sa mga employees. Gamay man gud ang OLFAI.
Okay lang gud siya. Ang ventilation kay okay, ang classroom, naa‘y mga TV. Kay
kung sa public ka, hinuon challenge man inuon na sa mga teachers… Basta kanang,
gwapo ang workplace sa private school, compared sa public school. Mas ganahan
jud ko mag-stay sa private. If ever man na muabot na sa time na mu-settle nako,
private RVM school jud ko. Mag-retire? RVM school.
(I will choose private, preferably an RVM school. Why? It‘s because of the workplace. There‘s
lesser hassle. Although lots of paperworks are being submitted, the reward you receive is still
fulfilling enough. Moreover, the workplace is conducive for employees. OLFAI is a small
school. The ventilation of the classrooms is good, and they are all equipped with TVs. If you
are in public, however, it‘s the other way around. If I were to choose, I will really choose
private, most especially when I want to settle in.)
Ma-imagine man. Pero, so far, wala pa koy mahuna-hunaan na rason sa nganong
muhawa ko. Wala man gud ko ka-experience… Wala man gud ko na-interview kung
unsa akong reason ngano… Siguro, kung makakalaban siguro ko ug kanang
presidente or kung initan ko sa presidente. Pero, depende man gud kay pwede man
gud ka musukol kay naa baya ta‘y mga labor codes na naga-protekta sa mga
employees. Kung mukuan ka sa business, dili na sila basta-basta katanggal sa imoha.
Siguro kung sa public school ko noh, mu-adjust siguro ko ug taman sa mga tao sa
akong palibot kay dili baya kaayo na sila sa spiritual activity. Kuan man gud ko…
Sa spiritual activity man jud gud akong apas sa private school. Labi na ug Christian
school, dili jud na mawala. Dili jud ka malipay ug mawala na. Kuntahay, sa public
man ka, tapos wala sila‘y spiritual activity, naa ju‘y something kulang sa imoha na
dili ka satisfied. Empty gud imong spirit gud na magtudlo ka na tudlo lang ka.
―Ngano murag dili man jud ko ma-satisfy?‖ Whereas, kung naa ka diri, maka-attend
ka ug mga 3-day retreat na maka-change gud sa imong perspective gud? Dako jud
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kaayo na siya ug impact. Mao lang jud na akong ginaapas sa usa ka private
(I can imagine myself, but I really can‘t think of any reason for me to leave the institution. I
don‘t have any experience pertaining to that question at all. Maybe, if I might end up in a
misunderstanding with a high-ranking official in the school or in a company, perhaps that will
make me leave? However, it still depends because we, employees, have labor codes which
defend our rights. If you are in the business industry, upperclassmen can‘t easily fire you as
they please. If ever I have worked in a public school, it‘s going to be a huge adjustment for me,
because they are not really fond of spiritual activities. I always yearn for spiritual activities in
an institution, and they are often found in Christian or Marian schools. Even though you are
satisfied with your salary while you are working in the public school, you will never be truly
happy because you will never feel truly fulfilled. Your heart would be empty. Whereas, in
private schools, they provide you with retreats which can provide positive impact on your
outlook in life.)
Kani, Maam. Last question. This is purely
hypothetical. So, should you have ever
decided to transfer to another academic
institution the following school year, how
could the present administration, or the
school as a whole, possibly convince you
to stay here in OLFAI? Like for example,
Maam, ibutang nato na giinitan ka sa
imong ano, Maam, how could the
administration change your mind?
So far, dili ko ka-kuan. Dili ko kabalo unsaon kay wala pa man gud ko ka-try pa.
Kay ako man gud, if ever naa‘y mga concerns, mustorya man gud ko dayon. So far,
wala pa man gud ko. Dili man gud nimo ma-istorya kung wala pa nahitabo sa imo.
Kanang, hypothesis lang? Siguro, wala ko‘y idea.
(So far, I can‘t give a definite answer because I am the kind of person who really raises her
concerns when I have one. I don‘t have an idea.)
(Last question, Maam! This is purely
hypothetical. So, should you have ever decided
to transfer to another academic institution the
following school year, how could the present
administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
For example, Maam, you entered into a heated
argument with your boss, how could the
administration change your mind?)
So, basically, Maam, dili paka makahatag
ug definite answer kay naa sa imong heart
na, ―I will really stay. I am meant for a
private institution‖?
(Basically, Maam, you can‘t give a definite
answer because your heart screams, ―I will
really stay. I am meant for a private
Yes, wala pa man gud ko naka-try na initan, kay kasagaran ra man sa mga manginit
sa imo kay imo ra mang mga kapwa employees, dili man ang administration. So far,
so good. Wala man gud ko ka-try anang giinitan ko‘g madre, giinitan ko‘g dagko sa
akoa. Kung, once initan ko sa akong co-employees, musukol man gud ko. Dili man
gud ko anang padungog-dungog. Dili man gud ko ining-ana. I-address jud nako siya
diretso. Dili pa ko kastorya karon kay, kumbaga, ang akong experience naa pa sa
level 1. Wala pako sa taas na level. Maong dili pa jud ko makaingon kung unsa ang
ilang himuon para magstay ko sa company. Kung kuwarta lang, wala ko‘y kuan,
wala ko‘y reklamo. Pero siguro after three or five years, kung naa naka‘y mga
dinagko, you will start looking for ―greener pastures‖, diba? Mao man jud na. Ang
uban gani kay mu-abroad kay gamay ra kaayo ug suweldo diri sa Pilipinas.
(Yes. I haven‘t experience any instance where an upperclassman is prying on me, since the
people who often pry you are your fellow employees, not the administration. Should I have
been pryed by my co-workers, I will never hesistate to fight back. I am not the type to sit back
in the corner and get lumped. I am not like that. I address the problem directly. I can‘t really
speak much about this since I am still at the first level of my experience. That‘s why, I cannot
really give a definite answer as to what the school can do to make me stay. If money‘s the issue
here, I don‘t have any complaints. But maybe, after three or five years, if I have to raise kids,
then perhaps I may start looking for ―greener pastures‖? In fact, some people tend to go abroad
because the salary here in the Philippines is not enough.)
That‘s all. Thank you, Maam!
Respondent No. 5
So, mao to siya, Sir, for the workplace atmosphere.
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the
So far, I don‘t have absences because of sickness or I mean kanang sakitsakit, wala paman pud. I‘ve been out for good reason naman like
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school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of physical and mental well-being? Like, imo
bang trabaho, Sir, or imong work load na gidawat
nimo sa school for this school year, is it light
enough para sa imong—for you to be able to sleep
8 hours a day? If ever kanang ma-push na jud ka sa
imong limits, Sir, magkasakit naka and then you
have or you need to be absent what is the policy of
the school about that?
DAVRAA or DACS. Basta, yung mga ganon. Pero, sa workload I can say
that kanang… it is okay lang siya para sa‘koa as of now, kay last year, the
loads that I have, kanang dili siya fit jud sa akoa. So, karon, maka-ingon ko
na okay lang siya kay akoa najung field ang akong ginatudloan. So, dili
siya hago para sa akoa na part kay dili siya stressful kaayo. For example, sa
other school—like katong last year nako, na kailangan jud nako na magstudy ana. Kailangan jud mag-read ana. For now, kanang… little bit scan
nalang. Skim kay maano na nako ang akoang idiscuss, so mas dali nalang
siya. So, ‗yun.
(That is for the workplace atmosphere. From your
perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of physical and mental wellbeing? Is your workload light enough for you to be able to
sleep at least 8 hours a day? Should you be pushed to your
limits that you got sick and you need to be absent, what
are the policies of the school about that?)
(So far, I was never absent due to sickness. I have been away from the school for
good reasons like the DAVRAA and DACS. As for my workload, I find it quite
good for me this year, compared to last year where I had to teach loads which are not
really fit for me. As of now, I can say that my loads now are really the field which I
am supposed to teach. It‘s not as tiring as before because I don‘t find it stressful
anymore. As for last year, it was really difficult because I still need to study
intensively the lessons. For now, just a little scan is enough. I just need to skim
through the material and it would be easy for me already.)
So, basically, Sir, mas hago last year?
Oo, mas hago last year kaysa karon.
(So, basically, Sir, last year was more tiring?)
(Yes, last year was more tiring than this year.)
Okay, Sir. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of salaries, privileges, and incentives? Ang
sweldo ba ninyo, Sir, na inyong madawat is
fulfilling enough, considering inyong workload na
ginadawat? Aside sa inyong mga salaries, Sir, na
inyong ginadawat every month, unsa pa ang other
benefits na ginahatag sa school?
Okay. For the salary, para sa akoa, okay lang siya. In fact, this school ang
mas dako-dako ug ginahatag ug dako na salary, kay other school na
madunggan nako sa akoang mga classmates, lower pa sa amoang salary
than diria sa OLFA. So, I‘ve been satisfied sa salary naman. Then, kung sa
mga incentives, naa siya‘y incentives. For example, if naga-coach ka, naa
kay honoriarium na madawat during that first day na nag-coach ka until sa
month or days or unsa ba na siya na nahuman nimo na siya as a coach ka,
So, naa gihapon siya‘y madawat.
(From your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of salaries, privileges,
and incentives? Is your salary fulfilling enough,
considering your workload? Aside from your salaries, Sir,
that you have been receiving every month, what are the
other benefits given by the school?)
(For the salary, I find it fair. In fact, this school is one of the schools which is high in
giving salary. I have been satisfied with my salary naman. In terms of benefits, we
also have incentives. For example, if you are a coach, then you will be receiving an
honorarium from the first day until the last day of your coaching. In other words,
you still get compensated by your hardwork.)
So, Sir, mao na siya sa financial nature. How about
sa kanang incentives na? Like, naa ba sila pangregalo sa inyoha?
Ahh okay. During Christmas, naa sila‘y ginahatag. They give package or
something in a basket—basta, grocery. Ganon. Ibibigay nila ‗yung pangpasta, pang-spaghetti. Mga ganon. Meron din naman.
(So, that is for financial compensation. How about nonfinancial compensation? Do they give you gifts?)
(During Christmas, they give us a package or basket of groceries, containing
ingredients for pasta, spaghetti, and the like.)
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of supervision or professional development?
Kung ang school ba, Sir, na maghatag sainyo‘g
trabaho, ihatag lang sainyo ang task and it‘s up to
you how you finish it, or naa ba siya‘y monitoring
on your performance from time to time? And kung
naa man pud siya, Sir, in what way?
Okay. In monitoring or guiding us as a faculty member, naa jud siya. It is
done by our coordinators. So, every ano… For example, we have our
observation, like pop-up. Like kanang mga tawag nito… ‗Yung magobserve ang mga teachers sa likod while you were discussing in front? So,
mga ning-ana. Naa‘y mga guidance or naa‘y guide or naga-monitor ang
mga coordinators sa amoa kung paano mi mas mapa-improve ang amoang
way of teaching, or way sa paghandle sa students, and also kung unsaon
namo pag-ano ang environment sa bata na kanang nindot ang iyang
pagtuon niya. So, ‗yun.
(Next, Sir. From your your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms of
supervision or professional development? Does the system
of the school entail giving you tasks and then letting you
finish the task in your own accord, or is there monitoring
on your performance from time to time? If there is, in
what way?)
In one year, Sir, Kapila mo most probably iobserve?
(In one year, Sir, how many times are you observed?)
(In monitoring or guiding us faculty members, there really are efforts done by our
coordinators. We have observations like the pop-in observation where the
coordinator observes you while you are teaching in front. The coordinators give us
insights and guidance on how we can improve our ways and strategies of teaching,
our methods of handling students, and how we can develop an environment that is
conducive to the learning of students.)
Observation? I guess It‘s thrice a semester? Parang ganon. Naa‘y pop-in na
pupuntahan kalang sandali tapos out. Isa pa, naa‘y another observation na
may pupunta tapos, half of the ano, mag-out na. Then, ang last is the
formal na jud talaga like, whole duration na ng isang klase mo.
(Observation? I guess, it‘s thrice a semester? It‘s like that. There is the pop-in
observation where the coordinator only goes for a while and observes, and then
leaves. There is also a type of observation which lasts for half an hour. There is also
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the formal observation which lasts for one whole period of your class.)
About sa professional development, Sir? Unsa ang
mga programs na gina-offer sa school para kamo
teachers, mas futher ma-harness ug ma-develop pa
ang inyong teaching skills?
(How about professional development, Sir? What are the
programs offered by the school, so that you teachers may
further harness or develop your teaching skills?)
Sa karon na year, Sir, pila na ka seminars ang
imong na-attennan?
(For this year, how many seminars have you attended?)
So, deal it with professionalism? Okay, Sir…
Focusing na ni siya sa students nimo. How do the
students you handle affect your decision of staying
or leaving a private academic institution?
(So, you will deal with it professionally? Okay, Sir. The
number 3 question will focus on the students. How do the
students you handle affect your decision of staying or
leaving a private academic institution?)
For example, sa amoang Catholic Congress, they give us mga strategies,
techniques, on how to deal with our development. And also, by our
development, ma-ano man pud na siya sa amoang mga estudyante. Kung sa
kuan pa, mura‘g virus siya. Kung unsa among natudluan or natun-an didto
sa congress or sa seminar workshop, so ma-adopt namo. Labi na ang
students, maadopt pud nila. So, that‘s it. Mura‘g makatabang jud siya sa
amoang mga activities. Mga ganon.
(For example, during our Catholic Congress, they give us strategies, techniques, and
on how we can facilitate our development, since our development is also reflected
on the improvement of our students. It‘s like a virus. Whatever we learn from the
seminar, we adopt it into our teaching strategy, and the results are then elicited from
the students. That‘s it. It really helps us in terms of our activities.)
Sa akong naapilan so far, the music theory, sa congress, sa… I guess, it‘s
more than five.
(So far, it‘s more than five, including seminars on music theory, and the Congress
So, the students affect my decision on staying or leaving, because the one
thing that strucks me is, kung mag-out ko, how can they—Paano na ang
mga bata? Ganon. Mag-adjust na pud sila. Ana gud? Ning-ana akong
mahuna-huna as of now, because I‘m not planning to leave naman sa
school. Yun lang. Diria, basta private school jud ko, maka-ingon jud ko na,
―Okay, kanang lahi-lahi jud diay inyong teacher basta private school mo.‖
Dili parehas sa public na mag-stay jud. Mao lang jud ang kabalak-an: ang
maapektohan ang mga bata in terms sa ilahang environment or adjust sa
ilahang new teacher. Like for example, katong ako, last time, pero mao to
siya. 2 months pa man to siya. Diba, last year? Then, ako then lahi nisulod,
so ga-adjust na pud mo. Then, after ato, sa other section na pud.
(The students really affect my decision of staying or leaving, because I always think
what will happen to them if I will leave. That is the only thing which I can think of
right now since I‘m not have any plans of leaving the school. Since I worked here, I
can really see that private school students have different teachers year after year,
compared to public school students where their teachers for designated loads are the
same. That is where my worry is stemming from: the fact that students will be
affected in terms of their environment in adjusting to their new teacher/s year after
year. Just like what happened last year, different teachers taught the same subjects in
different gradings. It was difficult.)
So, have you ever experienced a situation, Sir,
where you really feel appreciated by the students
you handle?
Yes, like karun nga ano. I was not here for a month—almost a month. So,
gina-chat ko nila nga, ―Sir, na-miss naka namo. Gusto lang ka namo ka na
makita magtudlo.‖ So, maka-affect jud sila sa akoa, even na mu-ingon jud
ko na kailangan na jud nako mubalik sa school, ug sa basin unsa ang ilang
matun-an na dili mao sa ilang need na info ang ila matun-an.
(Yes. Actually, I was not here for almost a month and they keep on chatting me,
saying, ―Sir, we miss you already. We want to see you teach.‖ By that gesture, it
makes me want to go back to school as soon as possible, because I don‘t really know
if the students are really getting the correct inputs in my subject during my absence
or not.)
So next, Sir. Why do fresh graduate teachers often
apply to private schools first before moving to
public schools?
Okay. So, the reason nganong naay mga fresh graduates na mag-apply is…
Dili man jud mawala ang experience. Mao man jud na ang kuan.
Experience—to have experience before going to public. Pero, ang fresh
graduate man gud usahay… kanang, kulang lang man jud gud na sila‘g… iano na mag-stay. Ipakita nimo na kailangan siya mag-stay diria. Maano jud
nimo ba. Diba, to practice their expertise sa field nila. Kanang, dili pa sila
kasulod kay dili pa sila pasado, dili pa sila passer sa LET. Ang uban pud,
kung dili passer. Nindot ang mga opportunities ang ginahatag sa private
schools. Daghan ka‘g ma-receive through them. Mas nindot pud magtudlo
sa Catholic school kay all of the students, dili bastardo or kanang mga
disiplinado. Disiplinado ang mga estudyante sa private rather than sa
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
(Okay, the main reason why fresh graduates apply to private schools first is due to
experience. That is the primary motivator—to have working experience before going
to public. But the thing is, fresh graduate teachers just need a little convincing why
they should stay. You just need to explain to them the pros and cons why they
should stay, which includes the opportunity of deliberately practicing their field of
expertise. They also apply to private schools first because they haven‘t passed the
LET yet. It is also due to the opportunities given by private schools. We received a
lot from them. It is also very good to teach in a Catholic school since all students are
well-disciplined. Private school students are more disciplined than students in public
Sige, Sir. Since you said naman sa profiling na
you‘re planning to stay for the next school year,
kani na question, question set number five, Sir,
hypothetical nalang ni sila Sir. Mga ―if‖ questions.
So, first question, Sir. What factor could possibly
push you to transfer from a private academic
institution like OLFAI to another school?
(Since you said in profiling that you‘re planning to stay
for the next school year, these questions will only be
hypothetical questions—―if‖ questions. For the first
question, what factor could possibly push you to transfer
from a private academic institution like OLFAI to another
Ibutang nato siya, Sir, katong environment na
imong giingon… Worse became worst, and
nahitabo jud siya next school year. So, how could
the present administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI, if
ever you have already decided to transfer to another
academic instituition?
(Let‘s say, Sir, that what you have feared about the
environment became worse that what it already is, how
could the present administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI, if ever you
have already decided to transfer to another academic
So, if ever na naka-decide naka na muhawa, and
then the school wants to convince you and to
persuade you, they have to focus on refining their
way of managing teachers?
(In other words, if you have already made up your mind
on leaving, then the best way to convince you is for the
school to focus on refining their way of managing
So, mao na to siya, Sir, ang last question. Thank
you so much, Sir!
Maybe the environment. That‘s the first one: the environment, kung lahi na
ang pagdala sa amo as faculty member. Kung sa kuan pa, dili na
paminawon ang amoang side. Mura‘g ilaha nalang permente. And also,
with the decision of my parents. ―Mag-public naka.‖ So, diba? Wala nata‘y
mabuhat kung parents na ang mag-decision.
(The first one is maybe the environment. If they will treat or deal with us, faculty
members, differently, if they will not listen to our sides, then I will leave. Also, if my
parents decide that it‘s time for me to go public, then, an obedient child as I am, I
have to follow what they have decided for me.)
If that‘s the case, first year palang, dapat they will show what is OLFA. I
mean, unsa sila magdala pu‘g mga emloyees, so dira palang daan, nakainstill sa amoang mga kuan na ning ani ang OLFA: nindot sila mudala‘g
mga employee, nindot sila makisama, nindot ilang accommodation, basta
tanan ning-ana. Then, kung mas worst na jud siya, so dapat ma-ano nila na
dili lang kay sila ang part sa school. I mean, mga stakeholders ang mga
teachers, so belong ang teacher? Also, mas pahalagahan ang teachers kay
sila man ang nagatudlo. So, in the first ano palang talaga sa mga workshop,
team-building, na-impose na na nila na nindot ang ilahang managing—
managing the school, the teachers, and also the stakeholders diri-a sa mga
part sa school.
(If that‘s the case, they should make it clear and honest what kind of school OLFAI
is to the teachers even on their first years. They should tell them how they handle
employees so that it will already be instilled in our minds that OLFAI is good in
handling workers, stimulating unity and camaraderie, accommodating the teachers,
and all. Furthermore, they should also treat teachers as stakeholders of the school.
They should give more importance to teachers. They should emphasize the good
managing skills of OLFAI to the newly-hired teachers before the school year
Yes. Kuan, mura‘g gibalewala lang nila. Kanang naa‘y gusto ang teacher
na i-kuan kay naa‘y nadecide ang group of teachers, ‗di lang nila
paminawon. So, ang isa man pud ana gud kay wala‘y good communication
lang man jud between sa teachers and admin, the coordinators and yung
mga tao na nakapalibot sa school. So, yun.
(Yes. That‘s because they tend to disregard our suggestions. They don‘t listen to our
pleas and ideas. One of the important points to remember is the significance of
establishing good communication between the teachers, the administrators, the
coordinators, and the people who are in the school.)
You‘re welcome.
(That concludes our interview, Sir. Thank you so much,
Respondent No. 6
Next Maam. From your perspective, how
Ahh sige. Sauna, kadtong first jud nako diria, mura‘g ma-feel jud nako na
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
does the school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of physical and mental
well-being? Ang imoha bang workload,
Maam, for this school year, as well as last
year, Maam… is it enough for you na
makatulog at least 8 hours a day? If ever,
Maam, na nagkasakit mo due to extreme
fatigue or nag kasakit lang jud mo due to
unforeseen reasons and you need to be
absent, unsa ang policies sa school Maam
about sa absences?
(Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of physical and mental well-being? Is your
workload this year, as well as last year, light
enough for you to sleep at least 8 hours a day? If
ever you need to be absent because you got sick
due to extreme fatigue and other unforeseen
reasons, what are the policies of the school, Maam,
about absences?)
Ano, Maam, in regards sa inyong absences.
(It‘s about the absences, Maam.)
haggard na kay ko, especially PAASCU. Observe diri-observe didto. Ing-ana.
Niya, sa load pa lang daan, mura‘g na-werla ko kay mga five kabuok akong…
Kanang, ‗di man jud nimo na ma-remember, ma-retent basta sa una, diba, imong
gi-skwelahan? So, kailangan pa na nimo siya ma-studyhan. So, everynight magstudy ako ng mga lima ka subject para ma-tudlo pud nako ug tarong. Para sa ako,
burden na kaayo. Buhat pa ko ug LP, buhat pako ug Unit plan, buhat pako aniana. So, okay lang kung mag-teach lang ko, wala‘y mga paperworks. Okay ra kay
na niya. Mao to. So karon, mura‘g lessen na siya gamay kay kanang… mura‘g
nireklamo man ko na pwede kanang i-lessen pud gamay kay kato nga time…
katong April, mura‘g dugay jud ko na human sa akong clearance kay na late, nadelay ko sa mga pasahonon kay, siyempre, unahon jud nako buhaton ang lesson
kaysa magbuhat ug paperworks kay unsa man akong i-tudlo pud sa room? Niya,
delay jud kay siya ang ano… Unsa tung next question?
(When I worked here for the first time, I can really feel that I was so haggard, most
especially during the PAASCU accreditation. There were a lot of observations. Judging
from my own workloads, I felt so bombarded by five of them. I mean, you can‘t remember
easily the lessons you had in the past years that easy, right? Hence, you really need to study
the lesson first before you can teach it to the students. So, I study the five subjects I teach
every night so that I can teach well. For me, it was really a big burden. I have to make the
LP, the Unit Plan, and everything else. I think I‘d rather teach since it doesn‘t come with
the tiring paperworks. For this year, however, my load is not that heavy since I raised a
concern if they could at least lessen my load, since I was one of the teachers who were the
last in finalizing their clearances last April because I was delayed and I was late in the
submission of the needed paperworks. What‘s the next question?)
Ang absences, especially parehas sa ako-a na absent man jud ko. Ang absences,
‗pag-absent kana wala nimo gituyo ug absent, i-text nimo ang secretary ug ang
imong coordinator or si Sir Danny sa una, pero karon kay okay na kay si Sir
Danny, coordinator lang man karon sa Math-Sci. I-text nimo na sila, iinform
nimo ngano nagka-absent ka, then ang coordinator na ang mangita ug sub sa
imoha. Naa na sila‘y substitution form na isulat didto kinsa‘y mag-sub, unsa
imong activity, asa siya na room, ana. Tapos, pangitaan, then pa-signan. Tapos,
naa pu‘y compensation tung nag-sub, siyempre. Oo, naa sila‘y compensation.
Bale, katong imong gi-absenan, ibutang ‗to sa nag-sub.
(I had already experienced being absent. Well, with regards to absences, if your absence
was unplanned, you need to text the secretary of the principal, the coordinator, or even Sir
Danny. But that was before, since the domain of Sir Danny was only on the Math and
Science learning areas. We will be texting them about the reason as to why we were absent,
and then the coordinator will be the one who will look for vacant teachers who may
substitute my classes for that day. They have this substitution form which indicates the
person who will be substituting, the activity, the class involved, with the signature of the
vacant teachers involved. Afterwards, there will also be compensation for those who will
substitute. Your salary on the day you were absent will be transferred to the person/s who
substituted for your class/es.)
So, with regards gud atong imong workload,
Maam, asa mas hago, karon na year or last
Last year. Five man jud gud ‗to na workload tapos eight ka sections, nya karon
kay four nalang man. At least, nabawasan ug isa.
(Last year. During that time, I had five loads in eight sections, compared to this year‘s four
loads only. At least, one load was removed.)
(With regards to your workload, which of the two
school years was the most tiring?)
Um, asa ju‘y mas hago, Maam? Sa classroom
management or sa paperworks na inyong
(Which is more tiring, Maam, classroom
management or the paperworks that you have to
Honestly, mas hago-an ko sa paperworks. Para sa ako, burden jud kaayo ang
paperworks. Kay kung sa classroom management, imo lang ingnan ng mga bata,
mu-ano man jud na dayon. Imo lang na silang kasab-an, mutuo naman. Pero in
terms anang, namadlong paka, pero imong utok kay naga-isip pa sa mga
pasahunon unya. ―Kasab-an napud ko ani kay wa pako kapasa‖, ana. So, mas
hagoan jud ko sa paperworks.
(Honestly, I find the paperworks more tiring. For me, the paperworks are really a great
burden. Looking at classroom management, the students will obey you should you be
instructing them. You just need to scold them and everything follows. However, in terms of
getting stressed from classroom management while thinking of the paperworks that you
have to submit later, I think that‘s too much. Hence, I find paperworks more tiring.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Next, Maam! From your perspective, how
does the school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salaries, privileges, and
incentives? Ang imoha bang suweldo na
madawat sa school kay fulfilling enough
considering ang imong workload na imong
ginadawat gikan sa school? And aside from
the salaries, what are the other benefits na
inyong madawat gikan sa school?
(Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in
terms of salaries, privileges, and incentives? Is
your salary fulfilling enough, considering your
workload that you received from the school? Aside
from salaries, what are the other benefits that you
have received from the school?)
Ah, aside sa suweldo, Maam, unsa pang other
benefits ang inyong madawat gikan sa
(Aside from your salary, what are the other benefits
which you have received from the school?)
Kanang, sa suweldo. Karon na year, mura‘g ni-increase man sad ang suweldo so
arang-arangan na siya karon. Sa una, kung i-compare nimo, imong trabaho na
hago kaayo sa imong suweldo, sakit kaayo sa imong dughan. So karon, mura‘g
ni-increase naman siya gamay, so karon, murag, ―Okay na ni siya oy kay nidako
na bitaw ang suweldo.‖ Para sa ako, okay lang siya kay single pa man ko. Wala
pa koy ginabuhi so okay pa siya as of now. Pero kung naa na siguro kay gibuhi,
feeling nako na kulang jud kaayo ang imong suweldo. Dili jud na siya enough
ang sahod. Unsa pa gani to?
(In terms of the salary, there was an increase this year which I find really good. Before, if
you‘re going to compare your salary to the heaviness of your work, it really breaks my
heart. But due to the little increase in our salary, I find it more acceptable now. For me,
since I am still single, the salary which I am receiving is already enough for now. However,
if you have someone to raise or to provide for, the salary here is not enough. The salary is
not enough. What was the other question?)
Ah, aside sa suweldo… Mao lang, kato. 13 th Month ug kanang naa‘y ihatag ang
PTA. Last time, naa to‘y gihatag ang PTA. Mga outing-outing, naa pud sila‘y
mga ing-ana na ihatag sa imoha. Kanang, 50 imoha, 50 pud sa mga school.
Parehas atong lag nila sa Palawan. Naa pu‘y 75 sa school, sa inyoha kay 25 lang.
Unya, katong sa ako… wala man ko ni-uban atong sa Palawan. Didto naman ko
sa Samal lang ko. Free jud ko tanan ato. Ana lang, mga benefits. mura‘g mga
pahalipay lang pud nila.
(Aside from the salary, we have 13th month pay and the commission from the PTA. Last
year, the PTA gave us financial compensation. We also have the leisure to go on escapades
and vacations. There are times where 50% of the expenses will be shouldered by the school,
and the remaining 50% will be shouldered by us, just like when they were in Palawan.
There are also instances where 75% is from the school while the remaining 25% will be
from the personnel. I did not join when they went to Palawan, but I was there during our
team-building in Samal. Everything was free. Those are the benefits to make us happy.)
Mao ‗to siya, Maam, noh ang mga financial
incentives. How about kanang mga
nonfinancial? Kanang mga gifts, groceries?
(That‘s it for financial incentives. How about nonfinancial compensation like groceries or gifts,
Ah, katong sa Christmas party. Ana sila na tung last time na bongga daw tung sa
panahon ni Sister Precy, kay pag-muuli daw kay daghan daw kaayo‘g bitbiton.
Kaso, last time, mura‘g frustrating kaayo kay mura‘g dili gud tanan kay naa‘y
gidala. Pero naa gu‘y tanan gidala pero kanang mura‘g dili gud siya enough.
―Unsa mani oy, mura‘g dili man kanang institution na mura‘g formal‖, mura‘g
ana gud? Ana pud unta ba. Kanang, pwede tanan nalang naa? Naa mi‘y isa-isa,
pero gamay lang siya. Katong mga bunot-bunot na something, okay lang pud ‗to
katong mga dinagko, pero dapat, aside pud unta atong mga grocery, naa pud unta
ta‘y mga gamay na mga ano… mga tumbler. Ana lang gud, based sa akong
observations. Kay sa akong mama man gud, naa man pud gud na sila‘y Christmas
Party sa ilaha. Kanang lahi lang gud na trabaho. Pero kanang, gi-compare nako
na pag-uli nako, ining-ani lang akong dala, pero siya kay daghan kaayo siya ug
bitbit. Kana, ma-compare jud nimo siya.
(It was last Christmas party. They say that, during the time of Sister Precy, they would go
home from the party with lots of groceries and gifts from the administration. However, last
time, we were quite frustrated, because not all really got the best ones. I mean, everyone
had something to bring, but we really felt like it was not the standard of a formal institution
in terms of compensating employees non-financially. We had small gifts for everyone, but
it was not that much. As for the bigger prices, we had it through a raffle draw. Based on my
observations, I think that they should give more gifts like tumblers. In the case of my
mother who also celebrated a Christmas party similar to ours, she went home with gift of
greater quantity and number compared to what I have brought home that day. You can
really see the difference.
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Sige, Maam! Next! From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of supervision and
professional development? Ang school ba,
Maam, kung maghatag sila ug trabaho, ihatag
lang sila sa imo ang task then it‘s up to you
how you‘re going to accomplish it or naa ba
siya‘y peer-to-peer monitoring sa inyong
performance from time-to-time?
(Next, Maam. How does the school take good care
of its faculty members in terms of supervision and
professional development? Does the school give
you work and it‘s up to you how you‘re going to
accomplish your task, or is there peer-to-peer
monitoring on your performance from time to
Kana ganing observations, Maam… unsa na
siya? Planado na siya or kalit-kalit?
(With regards to your observations, Maam, is that
planned or spontaneous?)
Naa siya‘y peer-to-peer monitoring from time-to-time, especially kanang mga
Lesson Plan. Dapat kana siya, karong Friday, ipa-advance ka ug two weeks.
Dapat pasa na na nimo. Advanced ka dapat. Gina-remind man mi nila so kami
lang jud sa among self ang kanang mura‘g dili gud kaapas ug pasa. Siguro, kay
among Sunday, dili gamiton sa trabaho, kay siyempre, maski sa ako, ang Sunday,
para sa relax lang jud na nimo. Maglisod jud mi ug pasa sa mga buhatunon.
Observation pud. Daghan man jud ginapapasa sa amoa, pero dili lang jud mi
makapasa ug dayon.
(There is peer-to-peer monitoring from time to time, especially in our lesson plans. We are
to submit the LPs by Friday with two weeks advancement. We need to submit it in advance.
Although they are reminding us about the things we have to submit, maybe we just can‘t
keep up with the submissions. Maybe, it‘s also because we refuse to use Sundays as part of
our work time since it‘s our time to relax. We really struggle in accomplishing the things
we have to submit. Observations are also tiring. We really have lots to submit, and it‘s just
that, we can‘t submit it on time sometimes.)
Tulo man gud na siya. Downing, formal observation, ug pop-in. Ang downing,
mao na siya where ang coordinator kay naga-tan-aw lang sa gawas sa klase. Ikaw
na teacher ka, wala ka kabalo na naa diay naminaw imong coordinator sa gawas
sa imoha. Mao na ang downing. Maybe, sa isa ka-tuig, tagduha na nila buhaton.
Mid-year ug end-year. Ang pop-in, mao na siya ang kanang wa jud ka kabalo na
sudlan diay ka. Kanang mukalit lang siya‘g sulod sa likod, ana. Maminaw lang
siya dira, pero 15 minutes lang na siya dira. Ang formal, informed ka ana. ―Diri
ko mag-observe sa imo, kani na oras. Dapat prepared ka‖. Kanang formal, mas
pressured na, kay, siyempre, na-informed gud ka, so dapat bongga jud ka
mutudlo. Tapos, kaduha or ka-upat mi ana obserbahan. Pagkahuman ana… Pag
pop-in, professionalism. Unsa ka sa imong looks dira sa room? Kanang, nabuhat
ba nimo ang COPAR, mga ana. Niya, i-rate pud baya mi sa among mga kapwa
teacher sa paghuman sa year. Dira pud mi tan-awon kung mag-stay ba mi or dili.
(We have three types of observations. The downing, formal observation, and pop-in. The
downing observation is where the coordinator only observes from outside the classroom. As
a teacher, there are times where you don‘t have an idea that your coordinator is already
observing your class from outside. That is downing, usually done twice every year: midyear and end-year. As for the pop-in, that is when you don‘t have an idea that you will be
observed. That is the instance where a coordinator suddenly gets inside the classroom to
observe your class. However, they would listen and leave the classroom after 15 minutes.
As for the formal observation, you are informed, which is more pressuring to us, since we
really have to give our best. We usually have that twice or four times a year. The pop-in
deals more with your professionalism, the way you bring up yourself, and if you have
followed the COPAR procedure. Furthermore, our fellow teachers also rate us at the end of
the year. That is one of the indicators whether we will stay or leave.)
So, mao to siya, Maam, sa supervision. Next,
Maam, sa professional development. Unsa na
mga programs ang ginahimo sa school para
further pa ninyo ma-develop inyong teaching
(That is for supervision, Maam. How about
professional development? What are the programs
organized by the school so that you can further
develop your teaching skills?)
Ah, kuan. Seminars, kana. Naga-seminars namo. Kanang meeting pud namo.
Kanang meeting namo, dili lang mi ga-meeting kay naa mi‘y sabutan, kay
usahay, dugay mi makauli sa meeting tungod kay si Sir Danny, mag-istorya na
ining-ani dapat atong buhaton. Mga ining-ani, ana. Iingon na pud na Sir. Ang
mga dapat i-tudlo, ang mga strategies, balik-balikon n apud na niya. Mao na,
every time na mag-meeting mi, naa jud na‘y mura‘g pahapyaw, naa jud na‘y
kanang gamay na pahapyaw sa unsaon namo pag-improve sa among self.
Especially pud sa kanang mga workshops. Ikaw na teacher, ipadala pud ka didto
sa mga seminars.
(Well, we have seminars. We also have meetings. Our meetings are not just done whenever
we have to decide on something, but we also have a synthesis of previous learnings by Sir
Danny as to what we are ought to do as teachers, which is apparently one of the reasons
why we go home late. He would often recapitulate the necessary strategies as an overview
of how we can further improve ourselves. We also have seminars.)
Ikaw, Maam, within your two years of stay
diri sa OLFAI, pila na ka seminars imong naattenan?
(In your two-year stay here in OLFAI, how many
seminars have you attended?)
Sa karon na year, mura‘g wala pako karon na year. Pero, last year kay mga ikatulo ko naka-attend sa UIC. Sa UIC always, sa Bajada.
(For this school year, I haven‘t attended a single seminar yet. As for last year, I attended
three of them, all held in UIC – Bajada. It‘s always been in Bajada.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Next, Maam! Why do fresh graduate teacehrs
often apply to private schools first before
moving to public schools?
Honestly, lisod jud siya makasulod ug public. Giingnan ko sa akong ante na magstart jud daw ko ug private para ma-enhance akong skills. Kay kung naa naman
gud ka sa public, dili na kaayo nimo ma-enhance ang imong skills kay mura‘g
kanang tapulan na kaayo mu-kuan kay wala na kaayo‘y mga observations. Sa
private daw, tabangan jud daw ka na mag-improve jud ka sa imong mga skills, sa
imong mga strategies. Tapos, ang private pud daw, didto jud daw nimo mahibalan kung unsa jud ang teacher. Kanang, mabuhat jud daw nimo tanan, tanan para
sa students.
(Honestly, it‘s very difficult to get to work in public. My aunt told me to start my
profession in a private school so that I can enhance my skills. It‘s because starting your
profession in a public school will not enhance your skills due to the fact that you may not
be motivated enough due to the absence of observations. In private schools, however, they
will help you how you can improve your skills and your strategies. It‘s also in private
schools where you get to discover what kind of teacher you are, to test your limits, and to
know the things that you‘re willing to sacrifice for your students.)
Aside sad sa ana, Maam, unsa pa kaya ang
other reasons na imong mahuna-hunaan
ngano private sa before public, aside sa
development sa teaching skills?
Aside sa development sa teaching skills? Siguro, kay wala na‘y laing
kapadulngan ang teachers.
(Aside from the development of teaching skills? Well, I think it‘s because fresh graduate
teachers have nowhere to go.)
(Aside from that, Maam, what are the other reasons
as to why teachers often apply to private schools
before going to public schools?)
Sa public diay, Maam, dili pud sila mudawat
(How about public, Maam? Don‘t they accept
Mudawat man sila, pero daghan kaayo ug process, unless kung diri-a, mu-apply
ka, tawagan ka, mag-demo ka. Kung fit ka sa ilang mga qualifications, then
dawaton ka. Sa public man gud kay kailangan ug mga backers, na kailangan naa
kay kaila dira para makasulod dayon ka. Ining-ana. Maong private sa, ‗tas magwork experience sa sila. Ini‘g apply nila sa public, dako na ilang points kay naa
naman sila‘y experience.
(They do accept fresh graduate teachers, but there is lots of process. Unlike here, once you
have applied, you will get a call and you may give a demonstration. If you are qualified,
then they will hire you. As for public schools, you need backers, or you need persons who
have already worked in public so that you can also get in. In addition, private schools also
provide you with the necessary experience, which is a big factor when you apply to public.)
Next, Maam! Ang last batch of questions,
Maam… Diba, Maam, you‘ve said in your
profiling that you‘re still undecided whether
mag-stay ka or mag-leave ka OLFAI. These
questions will be hypothetical questions,
―what-if‖ questions. What factors could
possibly push you to transfer from a private
academic institution to another school, public
or private? Diba, Maam, since undecided
man ka karon, unsa kaya ang possible reason
or possible factor na maka-push sa imoha na
mahimong decision of leaving OLFAI?
Sa system. Kuan man gud, last year, wala‘y appreciation sa teachers. Need man
jud na sa mga teachers ang ma-appreciate. Kuntahay, naa kay gibuhat then wala
nila ‗to na-appreciate. Mao pud tung una ang reason ngano gusto unta nako
muhawa last year. ‗Di ka ma-appreciate sa imong mga ginapangbuhat. Mao na,
isa na sa akong factor ngano mubalhin pud ko. Unsa pa ba? Pag ang akong load,
madungagan jud siya. Kanang four, madungagan then mahimo ug 5. mura‘g lisod
napud sa akong part ang mag-adjust.
(The system. Last year, there was no appreciation for teachers. Teachers really need
appreciation. That‘s also one of the reasons why I also considered leaving last year, and
even this year. They did not appreciate my efforts. Also, if they will make my load even
heavier, from four to five loads, that will also be hard for me to adjust.)
(Next, Maam. Since you‘ve said in your profiling
that you‘re still undecided whether to leave or stay
here for next year, the following questions will be
hypothetical ―what if‖ questions. What factors
could possibly push you to transfer from a private
academic institution to another school, public or
private? Since you‘re still undecided, what should
OLFAI do to make you decide on leaving?)
Next, Maam! Last question, should you have
ever decided to transfer to another academic
institution the following school year, how
could the present school administration, or
the school as a whole, possible convince you
to stay here in OLFAI? Like for example,
Isa lang. Kanang ma-appreciate ko nila as a teacher. Ayy ining-ani ka, ining-ani
ka na teacher. So, appreciation lang jud ang kailangan sa teacher. mura‘g kanang
gihatagan gud ka ug importance. Mao lang jud na ang pinaka-importante.
(There‘s only one. They will appreciate me as a teacher. Actually, a teacher only needs
appreciation, and giving importance to them. That is the most essential. Appreciation.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Maam, katong imong giingon na system as
well as katong workload, nahitabo ‗to siya.
Worse comes to worst. How could the school
change your mind of leaving OLFAI? What
should they do to make you stay?
(Next, Maam! Last question, should you have ever
decided to transfer to another academic institution
the following school year, how could the present
school administration, or the school as a whole,
possible convince you to stay here in OLFAI? For
example, Maam, worse comes to worst. Everything
that you feared—the system, and the heavier
workloads—happened, how could the school
change your mind of leaving? What should they do
to make you stay?)
So that‘s our last question, Maam. Thank
Thank you pud, JP, kay daghan ko‘g na-realize sa imong mga questions.
(Thank you as well, JP, since I realized a lot from your questions.)
Respondent No. 7
Next Ma‘am. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of
physical and mental well-being?
Kanang sa akoa, dili jud siya healthy kay… Naka-remember mo before tung Grade 9 pa
mo? Naa‘y mga adlaw ato nga from 1st period to 7th kabuok na kuan. Dili jud kaayo siya
favorable sa akoa kay katong last, naa jud to‘y mga adlaw na 7 hours jud ko. Wala‘y
vacant. I think 2 days a week ko ato na wala jud koy vacant. Naa man koy vacant sa mga
adlaw na kuan pero mas better man gud jud nang at least once a day naa lang jud kay
ma-feel na vacant. Kay I think akong load before,11 sections tapos preparation tulo. Dili
jud siya ig-ana ka sayon. Mao gani nang until now, wala jud na‘y week na dili ko
mapagaw because of that. Ang hago lang sa akong part is kanang checking. Grabe jud
kaayo na paperworks.
(For me, it‘s not that healthy. If you can still remember back when you were in Grade 9, there are
really times where I have classes from 1st to 7th period. It was not favorable for me because I was
fully loaded two years ago. There‘s no vacant. I think, it was only two days in a week that I have
vacant periods. Although I have vacant periods, I still think that it‘s good to have vacant periods
throughout the day. My loads before were 11 sections, which needed three preparations. It‘s not
easy. That‘s why, even up until now, my voice is strained and hoarsed because of that. Checking
test papers and projects is also difficult.)
Asa ang asa hago, Ma‘am, katong
Grade 9, Grade 10, or karon na year?
(Among your three years of stay here,
which was the most difficult?)
Actually, mas hago tung sa previous. Medyo hago jud siya. Higher years before tanan.
Karon, at least naa man gud ko‘y mga grade school. So, mao na dili jud ig-ana ka-heavy
ug kalisod ang topics kay makaya-kaya lang. Moderator, moderator pa jud ko. Diba? Dili
ka ma-kuan anang.. diba? Naa paju‘y problema-problema maabot. Basta, grabe jud ang
karon gud na tuig. Maka-ingon jud ko na grabe ang challenges karon sa akoa ba.
(Actually, I find the previous year more difficult, because all I teach are higher years. For this year, I
am relieved because I am handling grade school. Hence, the topics are not that heavy nor difficult,
because I can now manage. I am also a moderator. There were really lots of problems and
challenges for this school year.)
Sa sick leave pud, Maam?
(How about for the sick leave, Maam?)
Karon na week, daghan jud kaayo ang teachers na wala kay tungod nagkasakit. Naa man
jud mi‘y rule ana, which is correct man jud dapat. Siguro kanang, maghatag ka ug excuse
letter kung planned siya. Tapos, mag-fill out ka atong form that is for planned. Tapos,
maghatag ka ug activity. Mao jud na siya. ‗Pag dili siya planned, pwede man ka
magtawag, mag-text sa imong coordinator, sa principal ug sa secretary. Kailangan man
gud na i-record. However, naa‘y coordinators na musugo lang ug teacher na mangita ug
pang-sub sa kung kinsa ang absent. Dili pud na pwede kay, supposedly, trabaho mana
(For this week, a lot of teachers were absent due to sickness. We have the policy on that. It states
that we must submit an excuse letter if you are absent, and you need to fill out a form if it is
planned. You need to give the activity. If it is not planned, you need to text your coordinator, the
principal, or the secretary. It needs to be recorded. With regards to coordinators who delegate their
job of finding teachers who will substitute to their constituents, I don‘t think that‘s acceptable
because, supposedly, that is their job.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salaries,
privileges and incentives?
Sa salary, naa man jud ta‘y basis or standard, depende kung sa rango. Naa‘y difference
kung LET ka. Sa ila, mas dako jud ug sweldo Naa la‘y time na medyo unfair lang siya sa
amoang part na nagpantay lang mi ug sweldo atong bag-o nangabot. Naa‘y terms na mas
nidako pa ang sweldo sa mga bag-o, because naa‘y mga other incentives like
moderators‘ sheet. Naa‘y kanang sa coaching, sa advisory. For me, dili siya ing-ana kacompensated ang trabaho sa adviser. Dili jud siya enough. Luoy kaayo ang adviser.
Kanang away lang gani na pinitkanay lang, adviser dayon sisihon. Aside sa materials, sa
money, physically nga kakapoy, emotionally affected baya mi.
(In terms of salary, there is a basis or standard, depending on your rank. However, there is a
difference if you are a LET passer, because they have higher salary. There was just a time where we
felt that it was unfair, because our salary are just similar to that of the newbies. There are even
instances where the new teachers have bigger salary than ours, due to other benefits like the
moderator‘s sheet. There is also coaching and advisory. For me, I don‘t really consider the salary for
advisers to be well-compensating, because advisers are often blamed for the misconduct of their
students. Aside from the materials, money, and physically fatigue, we are also emotionally-drained.)
Aside sa salaries, unsa pa man ang
mga incentives or benefits?
(Aside from salaries, what are the other
incentives or benefits?)
Next, Maam. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of
Kanang, ano lagi… Sa akong giingon na coaching, naa man mi mga incentives. Naa man
koy mga incentives katong cultural show… Enough ba tong Php 5000, sa kahago, sa
gasto ug sa pagtapal? Dili siya enough. Aminado man ko, di pa man ko LET passer.
(For coaching, we have incentives for that. I also have incentives for the cultural show, but I don‘t
think the Php 5,000 honorarium is enough to compensate the stress, the fatigue, and the needed
prepayments I had to shoulder for the show to be successful. After all, it was because of the show
that I was not able to pass the LET.)
Naa man mi mga seminars. Actually, karon na tuig, kas-a rako naka-attend ug seminar.
Dili man gud ing.ana ka daghan ug seminars ug workshops na gina padala mi mga TLE
and Computer teachers. Mas daghan mi academics gud na mga subjects—Mathematics,
English, Science. Of course, naa kay ma tun-an na dili lang nimo matun-an sa school,
pero sa gawas, not only nationally but internationally pud. Usahay lang, wala‘y
consistency. Basta, naa lang ipadala. So, mapansin pud nako na nagalikay ang uban
teachers na ipadala. Kanang, mapugos na lang. Nakapangutana pud ko ngano dili
ganahan. Dili lang jud ko ganahan sa ilang pagpili sa kung kinsa ang muapil. Sa
supervision, nagahatag ug instructions, naga-suggest. Dili siya consistent. Bale, naa
siya‘y ginapa-implement, pero kung naa‘y mu-appear na problema, mura‘g lahi na pud.
Basta, the word consistency lang jud. Kanang, naa‘y consistency, pero naa‘y kanang,
mura‘g ‗di ka kasabot? Kana pud siguro ang isa ka rason ngano ‗di sila ganahan.
(We do have seminars. Actually, for this school year, I was only able to attend a seminar once.
Maybe it‘s because seminars and workshops about TLE and Computer are really rare, compared to
those of the academic subjects like Mathematics, English, and Science. Of course, there are some
learnings which you can only get from outside, not only nationally but also internationally. There
are also times where there is no consistency on whoever is supposed to be sent. I noticed that
teachers tend to avoid being chosen to attend seminars and it always makes me wonder.
Nevertheless, I don‘t like the way they choose those who will participate. For the supervision, they
give instructions and suggestions, but they are not consistent. It‘s like, they are implementing
something, but when a sudden problem comes in, they immediately go against what they have
initially planned. I think that it‘s absurd. Maybe that‘s also the reason why they don‘t like to be
Next Maam, why do fresh graduate
teacher often applied to private
schools first before moving to public
It‘s experience, because after namo mu-graduate, dili pa ka hawd-hawd. Niabot man
ko‘g ana, pero ‗di man ko hawd. ‗Di pako ana. Ang magtudlo sa public, and hatagan
ka‘g training, so that later makabalo ka sa unsa imong buhaton, mga nag-exist na mga
problem na kailangan nato i-deal, and sometimes, when it comes to instructions like
kanang mahasa man jud ka, kabalo naka ba unsaon, unsaon nimo pagbira sa strategy and
techniques. Mao man gud na siya. Isa mga factors kay mura siya‘g training grounds, and
at the same time also, it‘s because of sweldo. Siyempre, mas dako siya‘g sweldo, tapos
ang mga benefits kay mas daghan. There is also the sense of stability sa public. Aside
pud diay ato, naa pa tung apilon nako tong sa administration ug sa environment. Isa sa
mga reason nganong muhawa is kanang environment, ang surroundings, imong mga
colleagues and administrations, and ang mga health issues kay hago man jud ang private.
(It‘s because of the experience, because after you graduate, you are not that skilled yet. Hence, if
you want to teach in public, you need to go private for training, so that you will learn what to do,
what are the existing problems we need to deal with, and the dissemination and execution of
instruction. It develops you on how to apply the different strategies and techniques in teaching. It is
like the training ground of teachers. At the same time, it‘s because of the salary. Of course, the
salary that you have and the benefits you‘ll be receiving are different. There is the sense of stability
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
in public. Aside from that, the administration and the environment are what makes them transfer,
including your colleagues, and your health issues.)
Okay ra, Maam. Next, Maam. Kani,
Maam, diba. Based sa imong
profiling, undecided paka namagstay
ka or muhawa. So, kani Maam, na
mga questions kay hypothetical rani
siya, Maam. Mura‘g future scenarios,
mga ―what ifs‖. First question. What
factors could possibly push you to
transfer from a private academic
institution to another school, public or
Kanang, i-degrade ko nila. Kanang dili nila i-appreciate akong gibuhat, ug kanang
manggaling gani mismo sa admin na ma-degrade ka tapos dili ka appreciated. Health
problems, kana pud siguro. Siyempre, mangita ta‘g medyo okay-okay pud na dili ma-risk
ang imong health. Kana siguro na mga factors.
(Maybe, if they will degrade me and will not appreciate the things that I do, most especially if the
people degrading me are the school administration. Health problems are also one thing. Of course,
we needto find a place where our health will not be compromised. Those are the factors.)
(Okay, Maam. Based on your profiling,
you said that you‘re still undecided if
whether you‘ll stay or leave, these
questions will be hypothetical questions—
―what ifs‖ questions. What factors could
possibly push you to transfer from a
private academic institution to another
school, public or private?)
Kani, Maam. Last question. Ibutang
nato na nahitabo to ang imong
giingon na mga reasons, and you have
decided that you will no longer stay,
how could the present administration,
or the school as a whole, possibly
convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
Students lang man jud ba ang sa karun gud na makapa-stay kay ang students lang nako
kay I feel na dili man ning-ana ka perfect, labad man sila, pero ganahan man pud ko.
(The only ones who are actually making me stay are the students. They may not be as perfect as
what we want, but I like them.)
(Last question, Maam. Should you have
decided to transfer from a private
academic institution to a private school,
how could the present administration, or
the school as a whole, possibly convince
you to stay here in OLFAI?)
So, more on sa students jud, Maam?
As long as I feel na mga students kay
kailangan ko?
Kailangan ko… Gina-appreciate nila, then mag-stay ko.
(If they need me or they appreciate me, then that will make me stay.)
(So, it‘s more on the students then, Maam,
provided that you still feel that the students
need you?)
Thank you, Maam. That is our last
Respondent No. 8
Okay. So, next question, Ma‘am. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of faculty members in
terms of physical and mental well being? Like, ang trabaho
ba, Ma‘am, inyohang gina-receive or gina-shoulder from
the school—ang workload—Ma‘am, is somehow enough
para makatulog pa mo 8 hours a day? And if ever, Ma‘am,
magkasakit man mo, because of too much stress and all,
unsa ang provision sa school about sick leave? Perhaps
considerations? Naa ba sila‘y consideration?
Actually, naa pud sila‘y consideration just like… Naa sila‘y sick
leave or just like… For example, ako, nagkasakit ko. Magpakita ko
ug medical certificate so that dili sila mag-deduct sa among sweldo
kay ang patakaran OLFA, once na mag-absent ka without excuse
letter or any evedince na nag-absent ka—what is your reason, what
are the reason behind that,—naa ju‘y tendency na deduction-an ka.
And about sa loads… About sa work namo… Dili jud siya
makatulog ug 8 hours, actually.
(Next question, Maam. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms of physical
and mental well-being? Is the workload that you have in this
institution light enough for you to be able to sleep at least eight
hours a day? Furthermore, if you need to apply for a leave because
(Actually, they also have considerations. They have sick leave. For example,
if ever I got sick, I just need to present a medical certificate and an excuse
letter to show evidence about the reason of my absence so that they will not
deduct anything from my monthly salary. As for my loads, it‘s not really
light enough to sleep at least eight hours a day, actually.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
you got sick due to too much stress and the like, what are the
provisions of the school about that? Do they have any
consideration at all?)
Approximately pila, Maam, kung imo siyang tansyahon?
(Approximately how long are your sleeping hours, Maam?)
Dili siya approximately. Mga… If naa mi‘y trabahuon jud, siguro
kulang ang 5 hrs para sa tulog namo? If ever naa‘y mga
accreditation, observation, and kailangan namo mag-prepare ug
many documents na ipasa, so 8 hours is not enough.
(I can‘t give an approximate range, because it‘s a case-to-case basis. If we
have something to work on, having five hours of sleep is not enough, I
think? If ever we need to prepare for accreditations and observations, we
need to prepare ahead for the documents to be passed; hence, eight hours of
sleep is not enough.)
Paperworks, actually.
Most likely, Ma‘am, with regards sa inyong workloads
gud… Asa most likely ma-hago, sa teaching process, sa
managing sa classroom or sa paperworks? Asa, Ma‘am?
(In your workload, which among the following is the most tiring:
classroom management or paperworks?)
Sa paperworks jud ang pinakahago.
(Paperworks are the hardest part.)
Most likely, Ma‘am, kanang… When jud kanang…
Hago jud siya as in.
(It‘s very tiring to make them, believe me.)
(Most likely, Ma‘am, when are you supposed to submit
Tigpasahay namo is every Friday, actually.
Every week?
Ano pud, Ma‘am, about aning sick leave gud. For example,
kung mag-absent mo, of course, naa jud mabiyaan ana na
trabaho diba, Ma‘am? Naa man jud mo‘y klase ana. What
are the efforts of the school to perhaps lessen the burdens
in the part of the teacher who‘s absent?
(With regards to you sick leave, what are the efforts of the school
to perhaps lessen the burdens of the teacher since they are classes
which they are going to miss during their absence?)
Unsa na siya, Ma‘am? Bale, kamo pa‘y mangita sa
substitution na teacher or ano?
(Are you the one who is going to look for the teachers whom are
going to substitute for your class?)
(We submit them every Friday, actually.)
Oo, sa documents. Just in case sa amoang lesson plan, every first
subject in the morning, dapat mapasa na nimo. Kung dili, sa
afternoon. And also, sa exams! Sa pagbuhat sa exam, kung baga, 2
weeks ahead namo siya ginapasa, kay just in case naa‘y mali, ibalik
sa amoa para ma-edit namo, then ipasa nasad sa ilaha. Then, ipasa
sa principal‘s office.
(Yes. In the case of our lesson plans, we need to submit it every first subject
in the morning or, perhaps, in the afternoon. As for the exams, we need to
submit our test questions two weeks ahead so that necessary revisions can
be made before it can be submitted to the principal‘s office.)
Just in case, mu-absent, meron silang tinatawag na substitution. For
example, kung sino yung vacant na teacher, siya yung mag-sub sa
teacher na mag-absent.
(In the case of absences, we have this system called substitution. However is
the vacant teacher, he or she will substitute the teacher who is absent in the
latter‘s classes.)
Ang amoang coordinator.
Who will then look for them?
(It‘s our coordinator.)
Okay Ma‘am, lets proceed letter C of Question number 1.
From your perspective, how does the school take good care
of its faculty members in terms of salary, privileges and
incentives? Like ang inyong sweldo ba na inyong madawat
from this school is fullfiling enough, adequate enough,
considering inyong workload na ginadawat every single
day? Aside sa inyong sweldo, Ma‘am, what are the other
Okay, sa OLFA… Actually, we all know that RVM ang nagahandle sa OLFA. Ang privilege namo na makuha sa ila just in case
na mag-resign mi… Naa sila‘y RVM. Parang ipon gud nimo sa
(Since OLFAI is an RVM school, managed by the RVM sisters, we have
this so-called savings from RVM that we will receive in case we decide to
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
benefits and incentives na inyong madawat sa school as
one of their teaching employees?
(Next, Maam. Let‘s proceed. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms of salary,
privileges, and incentives? Is the salary that you have been
receiving from OLFAI fulfilling enough considering your
workload every day? Furthermore, aside from your salary, what
are the other benefits and incentives offered by the school?)
Commission, Ma‘am?
Oo, kana. Then, ang RVM kay fullfiling man pud ang sweldo, bisag
naka-ingon jud mi na bisag gamay kaayo ang OLFA tan-awon pero
ang ilang sweldo, kay mura‘g siya‘g dako siya sa amo. Siyempre,
nakita namo ang space sa OLFA. Mura sya‘g, gipataas jud siya. So,
ang amoang expectation, gamay lang jud ang sweldo. Pero,
pagkakita namo sa sweldo, okay. Kani najud ni sila. So, happy mi
sa ginahatag nila na privilege kay gitagaan jud mi nila ug
importansya sa amoa kay, just in case nalang man jud, kung dili
lang mag ig-ani ang OLFA, dili nila ma-hold ang teachers na magstay.
(Yes, just like that. The RVM school provides fulfilling salary, despite the
fact that OLFAI is such a small school. Due to its small size, we really
thought that our salary is not going to be that high. However, when we
finally received our first monthly pay, we were satisfied. I really feel happy
that I have worked here since they give us lots of opportunities and
importance. If ever OLFAI did not offer high pay rate for teachers like us, I
don‘t think they can hold teachers to stay.)
Wala na, Ma‘am? Okay. Next, Ma‘am. From your
perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? For example, Ma‘am, ang school ba… Kung
mag-hatag sila ug trabaho sa imoha, it‘s up to you how you
are going to accomplish it or is there peer-to-peer
evaluation and monitoring in the parts sa admin? Aside
from that, unsa ang other mga professional development
programs na ginapaapil ang mga teacher so that they can
develop their teachings skills?
(None, Maam? Okay. Next question. From your perspective, how
does the school take good care of its faculty members in terms of
supervision and professional development? For example, does the
school simply give tasks to its constituents and it‘s up to them how
they are going to accomplish their tasks, or is there peer-to-peer
evaluation and monitoring by the administration? Aside from that,
what are the other professional development programs of the
school that you have joined so that you can further develop your
teaching skills?)
Next, Ma‘am. How do the students affect your decision of
staying or leaving a private and academic institution? So,
this time, Ma‘am, the set of question no. 3 will be more on
the students.
Like what I said earlier, we have workshops, seminars and teambuilding so that teachers can develop their self-confidence in
teaching the students. And also, ang OLFA… Ang mga
coordinators, naa sila‘y ginabuhat para sa amoa nga… naga-observe
during every quarter. Naga-observe sila sa amoa, and also, ginaconference mi about sa amoang capabilities. Sa among pagtudlo sa
mga bata and about sa workshop kung unsa ang natun-an sa katong
gihatagan nila ug workshop ginapa-echo nila sa amoa. Kung baga,
kung unsa ilahang natun-an didto sa ilahang workshop, ihahatag
pud nila sa amoa para naa pud sila‘y i-contribute para sa amoa,
katong wala nakaapil didto.
(Like what I‘ve said earlier, we have workshops, seminars, and teambuilding activities so that teachers can develop their self-confidence in
teaching the students. The OLFAI coordinators also conduct observations
every quarter. They observe us as we conduct our classes, and schedule
conferences with us to assess our capabilities. As for the teachers or
administrators who have attended workshops, they re-echo or share what
they have learned to the OLFAI community so that we, those who have not
been able to attend or participate, can still gain wonderful inputs.)
Ako… Since I‘m here staying in this institution… Ang reason ko
ngano di jud ko mohawa kay gusto nako i-motivate pa, i-lift up pa
akong students. Dili lang man… dili lang man jud ang teaching,
more on discussion, more on learning sa mga bata. Siyempre, sa
amo pud, second parents mi sa mga bata. Gusto sad namo na
mahibal-an kung unsa ilang ginabati karon na negative. So, gusto
pud namo ilisan ug positivity kay naa pu‘y mga… Sa akong section
jud, naa ju‘y… naa‘y naga-ingon na, ―Ing-ani lang mi, Maam. Dili
mi gusto.‖ Murag dili jud sila gusto makipag-encounter sa laing
section kay gina-ingnan sila na dili sila maayo na tao. Kanang, wala
sila‘y capacity and ability kay dili nila kaya makipag-sabayan kay
naa sila dara na section. Kay gusto nako sa sunod nga pag-teach
nako sa school year, gusto nako sila i-lift up para dili na sila maging
(Since I‘m staying in this institution, the main reason why I chose not to
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
leave is my desire to motivate and to lift up my students. You see, the
teaching profession is more than just about teaching, discussing, and
assessing the learning capabilities of a child. We are their second parents.
Hence, we also want to hear their stories, how unpleasant they could
possibly be. We want to replace that negative feeling with positivity. This is
really evident in my section. In my section, my students always feel inferior
about themselves, saying, ―We‘re just like this, Maam.‖ They are
uncomfortable mingling with the other sections because they are often told
by others that they are not good people, that they do not have the capacity
nor the ability to be on par with those who are on the star sections. That‘s
why, on my third year of teaching, I want to lift up their spirits so that they
would stop looking down on themselves.)
In what way pud sila, Maam, na makaingon ka na, ―Yes, I
still feel that they appreciate me‖. In what way, Maam?
(On what particular instance have you said to yourself, ―Yes, I still
feel that they appreciate me‖?)
Yes, and then… One time, kanang naka-ingon na jud ko, ―Sister,
dili na lang unta ko mag-advisory.‖ Kato. One time, niadto ko diri
saakong advisory. Sige sila… Sige sila ug ingon na, ―Dili nalang
lagi si Ma‘am ang atong unsa… ang atoang adviser!‖ So kato, nagingon sila na, ―Dili mi mo-sugot, Ma‘am.‖ Mura‘g naka-ingon ko
na kailangan jud diay ko nila karon. Mura‘g, gi-hatagan ko nila ug
importansya. Wala ko nila gi-neglect. Makita nako sailang mga
mata na, ―They need me, they need me‖. So, murag maka-ingon ko
na, ―Kailangan jud ko nila‖. Dapat dili ko masuko sa ilaha. Laban
lang jud! Ana jud. Hantod karon, na-ano na jud nako sila karon…
kanang… Naa ko‘y makita sa ilaha na naa‘y ju‘y improvements
sailang self, na kanang… Happy na sila karon na mga past days,
because kay 2019. Happy pud sad ko sa akong advisory karon.
(Yes. One time, I already told the principal that, ―Sister, I think I will
decline being an adviser.‖ However, when I went back to my advisory class
days after, I heard them saying, ―Our teacher is no longer our adviser!‖
Others were saying, ―We will not accept your decision, Maam! We refuse.‖
By their gestures, I realized that they need me. They gave me importance.
They did not neglect me. I can see in their eyes that they need me. Even
now, I can see visible improvements about their personal behavior. They
have been happier about their section these past few days because it‘s
already 2019. Even I am happy about my advisory class for this school
Okay. Why do fresh graduate teachers often apply to
private schools first before moving to public schools in the
middle of their teaching career?
As of now, I would choose private. Private school. It‘s because sa
private kay mas lessened ang documents na ipasa.
Gani, Ma‘am. Mas madugo daw didto.
Mas madugo sa public. Ang atmosphere pag naa ka diri sa
private… kani lang akong makita sa private, na ma-aloof ka
saimong mga co-workers, in terms nga i-approach nimo sila,
mutubag man sila kung unsa jud imong need. How about sa public?
Libakon paka, before ka nila tubagon. Sa private, kuan… More
on… dili lang siya more on academic, naa pud sya‘y kung baga,
naa pud sya‘y makita nimo mga mag-enjoy ang mag bata through
makipag-halubilo sa other community. Kanang, ma-happy mi sa
program sa private. Oo, naa pu‘y benefits ang public, daghan sya ug
benefits, pero ang imohang passion saimong heart, kung gusto nimo
sundon ang passion nimo saimong heart, mas prefer nimo ang
private kay mas disiplinado ang mga bata kaysa sa mga public.
(Yes, Maam. They say that it‘s bloody in public.)
(As of now, I will choose private, because the documents to be submitted
are lesser in number.)
(It‘s indeed bloody in public. Even the atmosphere is better in private. In
private schools, you will only encounter minimal aloofness from your coteachers. However, if you‘re going to ask them about something or plead for
their need, they are really open to help you. As for public school workplace
atmosphere, they will backstab you before giving you the answer that you
need. In private schools, it‘s not just about the academic development of the
students. You can actually see in private students who find learning
enjoyable through opportunities given by the school for them to mingle with
the community. I am happy with the different programs of private. Although
there are numerous benefits in public, I would rather work in a private
institution since the students are much disciplined.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Warshock daw ang mga bata didto, Ma‘am.
(They say that the students there are very unruly, Maam.)
Warschock sila. Murag, kamatyonon naka, dili gihapon sila mutuo
sa imoha. Kanang, naa‘y mga gang. Mga ana. So, mahadlok ko
mag-public kay ilang attitude, ilang behavior, mura‘g mga bata.
Diria, makita nimo nga ma-control ang behavior sa mga bata. Pagmagtan-aw ko sa public, ―Oh my God! Dili ko. Mura‘g mamatay ko
ug sayo ana‖.
(Yes, they are unruly. If ever you have worked in public, you might just end
up dying but students will still not listen to you. There is also the issue of
gangs and fraternities. That‘s why, I‘m really afraid of working in the public
schools because of the behavior of the students. Looking at the behavior of
the public school students, I might just end up dying.)
Next, Maam! Since you‘ve already stated in your profiling
that you‘re gonna stay in OLFAI for the next school year,
kani na mga questions… they will be hypothetical
questions for you. Mga ―if scenarios‖ sila. Forecasting the
future. First question, what factors could possibly push you
to transfer from a private academic institution to a public or
private school?
Maybe… If too much na.
(Maybe, if it‘s already too much.)
(Next, Maam. Since you‘ve already stated in your profiling that
you‘re going to stay here in OLFAI for the next school year, these
questions will be hypothetical. They will be ―if scenarios‖ of
forecasting the future. First question, what factors could possibly
push you to transfer from a private academic institution to a public
or private school?)
Too much ang unsa, Maam?
(Too much of what?)
Example, too much na ang kabug-aton sa imohang… dili man sa
literal. Kanang, too much na ang ginadamdam nimo sa ilaha.
Kanang biska‘g dili nila ipakita sa imoha. Kanang too much na ang
ipasa, too much na ang ma-overload na, too much na ang stress.
Dili naka maka-focus sa imohang pagtudlo. And also, maka-affect
pud sa amo-a if paano mi alagaan.
(Too much heaviness in your heart that you have been feeling for them. Too
much things to submit, too much workload, and too much stress, which
might apparently distract you from teaching. It‘s also about the way the
school takes care of us.)
Next, Maam! This last question will be the final verdict of
the study. Ibutang nato, Maam, kani imong scenario.
Should you have ever decided to transfer to another
academic institution the following school year, how could
the present school administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to say here in OLFAI? Like, buo na
imong decision, Maam. Ibutang nato, next school year, buo
na imong decision na maka-ingon naka na, ―This is too
much. I will leave OLFAI.‖ How could the present
administration, or the school as a whole, change your
Maybe they should lessen my paperworks, the loads sa subject, and
also… Siguro, kung ang akong friends or circle of friends kay magstay. Murag all for one, one for all.
(Maybe they should lessen my paperworks and the loads of my subject.
Also, maybe if my circle of friends decides to stay, perhaps I will also
choose to stay. All for one, one for all.)
(Next, Maam! This last question will serve as the final verdict of
the study. Let‘s say, Maam, this is your scenario. Should you have
ever decided to transfer to another academic institution the
following school year, how could the present school
administration, or the school as a whole, possibly convince you to
say here in OLFAI? Your decision to leave is already final. How
could the present administration, or the school as a whole, change
your mind?)
Yes. So, kung dili pa sila mugawas, dili pud ko mugawas… kung
kaya pa nako.
Murag, sabay-sabay tayong lahat. Sabay tayong dumating,
sabay tayong aalis!
(It‘s like, we came here together, we‘re also going to leave
(Yes. As long as they still want to stay, I will stay, as long as I can still bear
with it all.)
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Thank you, Maam! That concludes our interview.
Respondent No. 9
Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does
the school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of physical and mental well-being? Ang
inyo bang workload, Maam, na madawat sa
school every single day is somewhat enough for
you to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and if ever
you got sick from work, and you have to apply
for a sick leave or perhaps, you need to be absent
on a particular date or set of dates, what are the
provisions of the school about that?
Regarding my health and the faculty‘s conditions, they are very ano naman…
helpful. It‘s because they provide us substitution forms, because there are
planned and unplanned absences. Usually, unplanned absences… these are
the instances where teachers got sick, and then the coordinators are ready to
help them naman. Um, there‘s no problem naman, but there are teachers who
are overloaded. However, sa aking case, I am able to handle my loads naman.
The maximum load for teachers is 24, and I got 24 plus advisory. So, medyo
may exceed na sa load ko, but it‘s okay naman kasi at first, na-shocked ako,
but after that, na-internalize ko na ang sistema. But there are teachers na
sobra pa sa akin and they don‘t have a choice, because it‘s the work.
(Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms
of physical and mental well-being? Is your workload
somewhat light enough for you to sleep at least eight
hours a day? If ever you got sick from work, and you
need to apply for a sick leave, or perhaps, you need to
be absent on a particular date or set of dates, what are
the provisions of the school about that?)
(Regarding my health and the faculty‘s conditions, they are very helpful. It‘s because
they provide us substitution forms, because there are planned and unplanned absences.
Usually, unplanned absences… these are the instances where teachers got sick, and
then the coordinators are ready to help them. There is no problem for me, but there are
teachers who are overloaded. As for my case, I am able to handle my loads. The
maximum load for teachers is 24, and I got 24 plus advisory. I may have minimally
exceeded the limit, but I was able to internalize the situation as time goes by since I
can‘t do anything about it. After all, it‘s work.)
So far, Maam, during the beginning of the school
year, you were still struggling, but after you have
internalized the situation, the system, your
workload, it became somewhat easy for you?
So, next Maam! From your perspective, how
does the school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salaries, privileges, and
incentives? Like, ang salaries na inyong madawat
in compensation with your workload is fulfilling
enough kung i-compare ninyo sa inyong kahago,
and what are the other benefits na inyong
madawat gikan sa school aside from salary?
Uh, somewhat easy? Yes.
(So, next Maam! From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms
of salaries, privileges, and incentives? Is your salary a
sufficient compensation considering your workload?
Aside from the salary, what are the other benefits
which you have received from the school?)
That is for financial compensation, Maam. Have
you, as a member of the faculty and as an
employee here in OLFAI, received non-financial
compensation like meron ba kayong mga gifts na
parang natatanggap?
Um, regarding the salaries and some incentives, we all know that people are
not easily satisfied in everything, but kung tao lang talaga ako na murunong
makuntento, enough na talaga tong binibigay nila. We have the benefits; for
example, yung mga loans. They have SSS, Pag-ibig, may retirement pa jud
kami. So, sa akin, binibigay na ng school sa akin in terms of salaries. But,
siguro they are really… Parang may spirit sa akin na baka may ―mas‖ pa.
Kung contented lang talaga ang pag-uusapan, enough na talaga siya. In fact,
some teachers from the outside kay parang kawawa tapos dito kay thankful
ko kay parang ka-blessed ko na ba. Meron lang talaga na parang hindi tayo
(Regarding the salaries and some incentives, we all know that people are not easily
satisfied in everything, but only if I was a person who knows how to be contented, I
can really say that what they are giving us is already enough. We also have benefits,
loans for example. They have SSS, Pag-ibig, and even retirement fee commissions. For
me, the school is already giving a lot to me in terms of salaries. However, there is a
spirit within me who believes that there could be something more. If contentment is the
issue, their salary is already adequate. In fact, some teachers from the outside are in an
unfavorable situation due to their low pay rate. That‘s why, I‘m very thankful that I am
so blessed. Sometimes, there is just some part in us that can‘t be easily satisfied.)
Yes, meron, most especially last Christmas, sa personnel. Yun, marami-rami
yun. Na-shock ako na meron pa palang ganito, kasi I never expected any
incentives, any material things na ibibigay natin sa kanila, but they have
(That is for financial compensation, Maam. Have you,
as a member of the faculty and as an employee here in
OLFAI, received non-financial compensation like gifts
in special occasions?)
(Yes, there is, especially last Christmas during the personnels‘ Christmas party. It was
quite a lot. I was really shocked because I never really expected any incentives, any
material things that they would be giving when I entered here. Alas, they have these!)
Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does
the school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of supervision and professional
Moreof kung tasks na hindi ko alam, my coordinators are really ready to help
me in everything that I do. Whenever I have questions, I always ask. Never in
my career here in OLFAI that my coordinator was already pissed of me,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
development? Like, kung ang school ba, Maam,
magbigay ng task sa iyo, they just give you the
task and now it‘s up to you to accomplish it
without further monitoring, Maam? And if there
is monitoring, in what specific way?
Furthermore, Maam, since you have already
finished your bachelor‘s degree as a teacher,
what are the other programs developed by the
school so that you can further develop your
teaching skills?
(Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms
of supervision and professional development? And if
there is monitoring, in what specific way? Furthermore,
Maam, since you have already finished your bachelor‘s
degree as a teacher, what are the other programs
developed by the school so that you can further develop
your teaching skills?)
Aside pud anang imong pag-reachout sa mga
coordinators, Maam, asking questions about the
school and such, what are the efforts of the
school to monitor your performance as a teacher?
(Aside from reaching out to your coordinators, Maam,
whenever you want to ask questions about the school,
what are the efforts of the school to monitor your
performance as a teacher?)
Since you‘ve talked about observations, Maam,
of course, there‘s going to be preparations. Since
you‘ve worked for how many months here in
OLFAI, asa didto na mga months ang murag
pinakahago jud?
(Since you‘ve talked about observations, Maam, of
course, there‘s going to be preparations. Since you‘ve
worked for how many months here in OLFAI, which
among the working months have you considered the
most tiring?)
So, basically, Maam, the struggle of your
workload during that time was not really about
classroom management, but it‘s more on the
paperworks, Maam?
asking questions, asking for help. It never happened. But in terms of
professional life, yun nga. Parang nakulangan ako na walang workshop.
Parang, I just learned about the system of OLFAI, but within my
profession—as a professional—wala talaga masyadong further growth as a
(If tasks are to be talked about, my coordinators are really ready to help me in
everything that I do. Whenever I have questions, I always ask. Never in my career here
in OLFAI that my coordinator was already pissed of me, asking questions, asking for
help. It never happened. But in terms of professional development, there was somehow
a lacking on development workshops. In my stay here, I just learned about the system
of OLFAI, but there was really little to no growth in my practicing my profession.)
To monitor our performance, we have these so-called observations. We have
the formal observation, the pop-in observation, and the downing observation
where they will be observing and evaluating us and we will be having
feedbacking. Meron din kaming peer observation, wherein during our vacant
time, we can enter a classroom wherein we will watch how he delivers, how
she delivers, because we can get something out there. However, hindi talaga
siya puwersahan na gawin yung peer observation, kasi it‘s up to the teacher
eh. Hindi talaga siya required. So far, ngayon na year, hindi ko siya ginawa,
kasi hindi naman siya kailangan. Yun lang. Hindi ko nakuha yung ganon.
(To monitor our performance, we have these so-called observations. We have the
formal observation, the pop-in observation, and the downing observation where they
will be observing and evaluating us and we will be having feedbacking. We also have
peer observation, wherein during our vacant time, we can enter a classroom wherein
we will watch how he delivers, how she delivers, because we can get something out
there. However, it was not really enforced among teachers to do, since it‘s up to us if
we are going to do it. It was not required. As for this year, I did not do it since it‘s
neither a necessity nor a requirement. That‘s it.)
June, July, August. Kana. Kasi lahat talaga ano… nag-struggle ako kasi
somehow, yung mga documents sa isang subject ko, wala, because the
teacher—ayy, confidential nato siya. Parang, wala talaga akong soft copy na
magiging basis, so all of the things I do, lahat ay galing talaga sa akin. But
there are also subjects na andito na sa akin. It‘s just… kailangan ko lang imodify. Na-delay na ako and lahat, kasi nga, wala akong alam. Yun yung
pinaka-struggle, yung first four months sa career.
(June, July, August. Those were really the months of struggle. During those months, I
was really struggling in one of my subjects, because I don‘t have any soft copy
reference as a basis for my paperworks to be prepared. Hence, all the things that I do
really came from me. There were also subjects which I already have a reference about,
so I just need to modify some parts. I was delayed in submitting the paperworks,
because I really don‘t have any idea how to do it. Those were the most difficult
moments, the first four months of my career.)
Um, meron din sa classroom management, because merong particular ratio
ang teacher and student. However, anong nangyari sa Grade 1? One teacher
against 48 students? Sa Grade 2, one teacher against 48 students? My voice is
not enough. Nag-lapel na ako, pero dumating na naman yung time na wala na
akong boses na naka-absent ako. Yun ang nangyayari. Merong teacher aid.
However, hindi talaga enough. Dapat i-split talaga sila. And I was so shocked
kasi yun, private eh. May particular ratio, chini-check yan. However, anong
nangyari dun? Sila marami, and then isa lang kami.
(There is also the difficulty of classroom management, because we have a particular
ratio of teacher and student population mandated by DepEd. However, what happened
to the Grade 1? One teacher against 48 students? Sa Grade 2, one teacher against 48
students? My voice is not enough. I already used a lapel during classroom discussion, I
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
already lost my voice which prompted me to be absent. There are teacher aids but it is
not enough. Those sections should be further divided into two smaller ones. In fact,
when I entired here, I was really shocked, since this is a private school! There is a
particular ratio, and that is monitored by the DepEd. However, what happened there?
They are so many, while we are just one single teacher.)
Next, Maam. Why do fresh graduate teachers
often apply to private schools first before moving
to public schools?
Um, we apply to private schools because it‘s mandatory. You cannot proceed
to public school unless you are licensed. Therefore, we tend to go to private
schools, but according to the law, it‘s not really… I don‘t know how strong
they are in that particular law, it‘s because kailangan talaga na licensed ka,
private or not. Pero, what is happening now, is that, tumatanggap yung mga
private schools ng mga fresh graduate teachers kahit hindi licensed. So, wala
kaming choice. Pag fresh graduate ka, wala kang choice kundi magpoproceed ka talaga sa private before sa public. And then, ang requirement kasi
ng public is teaching experience. So, ‗san kami mag-papractice ng teaching
profession namin? Siyempre, sa private.
(We apply to private schools first because it‘s mandatory. You cannot proceed to
public school unless you are licensed. Therefore, we tend to go to private schools, but
according to the law, it‘s not really… I don‘t know how strong they are in that
particular law. It posits that a teacher really needs to be licensed before they can teach
in any school, private or public. However, the private schools are accepting fresh
graduate teachers, regardless of being licensed or not. Hence, we don‘t have a choice.
If you are a fresh graduate, you don‘t have choice but to work first in private before in
public. The requirement of teaching in public is teaching experience. Where then are
we supposed to gain teaching experience? Of course, in private schools.)
So, it‘s more on the experience, Maam, as well
as, to at least have some time for you to be a
licensed teacher before you can proceed to
private schools. Other than that, Maam, are there
any factors which you have considered as to why
teachers transfer?
Why teachers transfer? Depende kasi ‗yan kung gaano kahirap yung life.
Parehas sa akin, I‘m not really rich, because if I‘m rich, I would just stay in
private school. However, mas talaga yung public school, because of the
salary, the benefit. There is also an assurance that once you‘re in public,
assurance na talaga yan na you should be in public. It‘s because, once na giwithdraw mo yung sarili mo, parang magkakaroon ka ng bad record. So, once
rin na maka-public ka, even if ayaw nila sayo, o yung mga co-workers mo ay
ayaw sayo, wala na kasi tinanggap ka na sa public. Wala na silang magagawa
kundi hintayin nalang yung resignation mo. It‘s because, that‘s assurance
talaga sa public.
(Why teachers transfer? It really depends on how hard life is for them. As for me, I‘m
not really rich. If I was rich, I would just stay in a private school. However, the public
school is a better option due to its salary and other benefits. There is also an assurance
when you are in public. In fact, withdrawing one‘s employment in a public school will
give a bad record for you. Hence, even if you are already in public, whatever your coworkers may say against you, they can‘t do anything but just to what for your
resignation. There is really the assurance of stability when you stay in public.)
Next, Maam. Since you‘ve told us that you‘re
still having second thoughts whether to leave or
to stay in this academic institution, the two
remaining questions, Maam, will be hypothetical
questions. They will be somewhat future
scenarios, then we will be asking what will be
your stand on these particular situations. What
factors could possibly push you to transfer from a
private academic institution to another school,
public or private? What are your reasons mo why
you have considered leaving?
Um, one of the reasons why I will leave is, there‘s a big opportunity from a
big school. They‘re not offering it, but they are currently hiring, and I can‘t
wait to let myself into that school, because they are workshops, seminars.
I‘ve heard it from an employee there. And then, parang, ―Uy, parang ito yung
dream ko, pero na-udlot lang.‖ And, gusto ko na talaga i-grab, kaya feeling
ko, magiging sure na ata ako na mag-leave. Parang ganon. Because it‘s a big
school, a big name. Ang gusto ko, at least I tried. So yun, kina-usap ko ang
mama ko, and then sinabi nila na… Okay, sasabihin ka na. It‘s because, ‗pag
makita nila sa reference mo kasi na qualifications mo that you came from this
kind of school, may edge ka. Parang you have an edge beyond pa sa, sino pa
yang Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, basta andun ka sa school na yun. I will
not mention the school kasi baka masyado na akong ambisyosa, pero yun ang
gusto ko. At least, may ma-ilagay sa aking qualification na I came from this
kind of school, because when you came from that kind of school, andun na
talaga lahat ng experience. So, somehow, for image, ganun. Hypothetical
lang naman, diba?
(One of the reasons why I will leave is the big opportunity that is waiting for me from a
big school. They are not offering, but they are currently hiring. In fact, I can‘t wait to
let myself into that school, because of the numerous workshops and seminars offered
by the school, according to an employee who has worked there. It made me realize,
―This is my dream. It was just disregarded for quite a time.‖ I really want to grab the
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
opportunity; hence, I am quite sure that I will be leaving. Just like that. It‘s a big school
with a big name. No matter what happens, at least I tried. I talked with my mom and
she said that having that school as one of your references in your qualification data will
give you an edge in the teaching industry, even far above those who have graduated
Magna cum laude or Cum Laude. I will not mention the school since I don‘t want to
appear ambitious, but that‘s what I really want. At least, I can have that school as part
of my qualification. Within that school are numerous experiences. Basically, it‘s for
my image. That‘s it. It‘s just hypothetical, right?)
It‘s more on the opportunities outside OLFAI.
That is for external factors, Maam. How about
internal factors?
Um, internal factors… Sa akin, internal factors is yun lang talaga yung gusto
ko. Gusto ko kasi na magiging proud yung parents ko, yung kakilala ko sa
akin, if ever makakapasok man ako sa ganon na school. ―Uy, si ganito!
Nagtrabaho na sa school na ganito!‖ Parang maganda pakinggan ba, sa aking
image. Kasi, ang teachers kasi, hindi talaga gano‘n kataas ang tingin ng
society sa kanila. Pero, if ever andami mong experience, lalong-lalo na if you
came from that school, parang tumataas yung tingin nila sayo. Gusto ko kasi
na maging proud yung mga tao sa akin, kasi parang… naga-strive kasi ako ng
achievements as much as I can. However, parang wala masyadong
opportunities dito. Then sa school na yun, parang ang taas talaga ng tingin
sa‘yo doon.
(Internal factors? Well, the main factor here is the fact that it‘s what I really want. I
want to make my parents proud, the people who know me, if ever I get to work in that
school. It really is overwhelming for my image. Because of the fact that the outlook or
perspective of the society on teachers is not that high, I believe that getting to work in
that school will make people to see you with dignity and recognition. I just want to
make the people proud; that‘s why, I always strive for achievements as much as I can.
However, there wasn‘t much opportunities here. As for the teachers on that school,
they are really respected and highly admired.)
Last question, Maam! Since you‘ve mentioned
that you‘ve made up your mind that you‘re gonna
leave… Should you have ever decided to leave
OLFAI for the next school year, how could the
present administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
I don‘t know if they will convince me, kasi wala akong mafi-feel din. Kaya,
feeling ko, kung aalis lang man rin ako dito, feeling ko… parang hindi naman
ako hino-hold back. So, parang walang mabigat sa loob ko except for my
students. Kasi sa admin, hindi ko talaga ma-feel if gusto ba nila ako i-stay,
parang ganon. Siguro, kung madali lang talagang makapag-decide. Wala
naman akong naririnig na, ―Hoy, dito ka lang!‖ Wala. Wala akong naririnig.
(I don‘t know if they will convince me, because I haven‘t felt or heard anything as of
now. That‘s why, I feel like leaving this institution will not cause me much because
they are not even holding me back as well. Nothing really is heavy inside my heart
except for my students. As for the administration, I haven‘t really felt their effort to
make me feel that they want me to stay. I haven‘t heard anything like, ―You should
stay here.‖ Nothing at all.)
It‘s more on the students, Maam, that you can be
convinced. In response, what particular changes
would you like to see here in OLFAI na
makaingon ka na, ―I think I should give this
school another chance‖?
(It‘s more on the students, Maam, that you can be
convinced. In response, what particular changes would
you like to see here in OLFAI that will make you say,
―I think I should give this school another chance‖?)
Siguro, more opportunities for teachers na hindi lang nasa classroom. Bigyan
naman sana nila ng mga workshop and seminars. If ever merong mga
activities dito, involve the teacher. Yes, they are involving teachers sa
kanilang mga programs pero hindi ko na-feel dito sa aming department, kasi
sa school namin sa college, naging leader ako dun eh. Naging internal vice
president, nag-held ng mga programs, nag-organize ng mga programs.
However, dito… parang ka-quiet mo, teacher! ―Anong nangyari sa‘yo?!‖
Hindi nalabas ang aking potential. Hindi nalabas ang kung ano ang na-earn
ko nung nasa college ako. So, sa akin, for recommendation purposes, more
opportunities for teachers in terms of responsibilities, kasi malay mo, doon
siya magbo-boom, hindi mo lang alam. Another thing, more seminars and
workshops, and appreciation for teachers, and then, siguro… more care, not
just professionally, but personally, kasi parang naging professional lang
masyado. Masyado lang stiff. Parang hindi mo talaga mafi-friend yung mga
coors. Parang ganyan. More care to them.
(Maybe, it would be better if they would provide more opportunities for teachers. They
should give more workshops and seminars. As for the activities they have here, they
should involve the teacher more. Yes, they are involving teachers in their programs,
but I haven‘t felt that in our department. I was a student leader when I was in college. I
became the internal vice president, I held and organized many programs. However, I
became really stagnant when I came here. I wasn‘t able to unleash my full potential. I
wasn‘t able to showcase my learnings when I was in college. I really recommend for
them to provide more opportunities for teachers because, we may not know, those
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
opportunities are the key for teachers to be the best version of themselves. They should
have more appreciation for teachers as well. Have more care, not just professionally
but also personally. What happened here was that, they became too professional, too
stiff, that we can no longer befriend the administrators. More care to them.)
That‘s the last question, Maam! Thank you so
much, Maam!
Respondent No. 10
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of physical and
mental well-being? Ang imo bang workloads, Sir, is enough
for you to be able to sleep for 8 hours a day? if ever, Sir, na
nag-absent ka kay nagkasakit, unsa ang mga policy sa
school para dili ka malisudan? Let‘s first focus sa imong
workloads muna, Sir.
Okay, workloads. So, I have six sections and I will meet them 4
times a week and by that… Since it‘s my first time—first year of
teaching, I faced a lot of discouragement to myself on how to do
it. June to November, I was not overloaded. Next month of
December, nagkuha na ako ng Senior High loads. So, that‘s na
main point kung bakit nahirapan na din ako. I consider that one as
my learning opportunity for me. I learned a lot it, so it‘s all about
time management, especially time management. Dali lang sultion,
pero lisud buhaton. So, sleeping hours. Actually, during my
review days, June to September, from 7 am until 4:30, after that
5:30- 9:30 review, so I have no time to prepare. So ang time lang
nako to prepare is 2:00 to 3:00 am. That‘s my call time, so mostly,
ang sleeping hours is about 6. 4 to 6 hrs nalang so.
(Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of physical and mental wellbeing? Is your workload, Sir, light enough for you to be able to
sleep for at least 8 hours a day? If ever, sir, you got sick and you
need to be absent, what are the policies of the school about that?
Let‘s focus first on your workloads.)
(So, in my workload, I have six sections and I will be meeting them 4
times a week. Sonce it was my first year of teaching, I faced a lot of
discouragement within myself. June to November, I was not overloaded.
However, for the following months, I received loads from the Senior High
School. It was one of the points where I really struggled a lot. However, I
consider it as a learning opportunity for me. I learned a lot from it. It‘s all
about time management, a phrase that is easy to say but difficult to do. Our
sleeping hours, during my review days in the months of June to September
is usually just around four to six hours since from 7 am to 4:30 pm, I work
at school, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm, I attend the review, and I prepare my
lessons from 2 to 3 am.)
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of salaries,
privileges, and incentives? Ang sweldo ba ninyo, Sir, is
somehow enough or fulfilling, considering your workloads
and at the same time, Sir, aside sa inyong sweldo, unsa pa
ang mga uban benefits na inyong na dawat gikan sa school?
Sweldo sa ta, Sir.
(Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of salaries, privileges, and
incentives? Is your salary, Sir, somehow fulfilling, considering your
workloads? At the same time, aside from your salary, what are the
other benefits which you have received from the school? Let‘s go
with your salary first.)
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of supervision and
professional development?
Okay. You know what? So teaching is my profession. Education
pala. It comes from the Latin word, ―educare‖, means ―to draw out
the best in me‖. So first and foremost, I cannot argue with the
financial ano. The salary doesn‘t matter to me, as long as I can
give my best, as long as I can draw the best in me. My mother is
also a public school teacher and I can relate to her, because salary
is puno siya‘g loan. Dako siya‘g loan, and naa time na yung net
pay na mudagan ug 3k per month. So, it‘s very hard for us to
adjust. No matter how high is your salary, if you don‘t know how
to budget, it‘s useless. When it comes to benefits, naa‘y SSS,
PhilHealth so magamit pud nako kung maka-retire puhon.
(You know what? Teaching—I mean, education—is my profession. It
comes from the Latin word, ―educare‖, which means ―to draw out the best
in me‖. So, first and foremost, I cannot argue with my financial aspects.
The salary doesn‘t matter to me, as long as I can give my best and I can
draw the best in me. My mother is also a public school teacher and I can
relate to her, because her salary is full of loans. Because the loan is quite
big, the net pay may reach around only 3,000 per month. Due to this, it‘s
very difficult for us to adjust. No matter how high is your salary, if you
don‘t know how to budget, it‘s useless. When it comes to benefits, we also
have SSS, PhilHealth, which you can make use of when you retire.)
Actually, si Sir Danny is my subject area coordinator. I felt happy
for him to handle me because it made me strong enough. It made
me a better person, just like in observation. He put a lot of
advantages of what you observe and disadvantages. So, I think
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
that mas ganahan ko‘g disadvantage, so that I can learn in my first
year of teaching. So ‗yun, supervision. That‘s the main point why
I am here to be observed and supervised, to know my capabilities
on how to handle a class.
(Actually, Sir Danny is my subject area coordinator and I really felt happy
for him to handle me because it made me strong enough. It made me a
better person, just like in observation. He put a lot of advantages of what
you observe and disadvantages. So, I think I would prefer the
disadvantages, so that I can learn more from my first year of teaching.
That‘s supervision. That's the main point why I am here: to be observed
and supervised, and to know my capabilities in handling a class.)
Next, Sir. Mao to siya sa supervision. How about sa
professional development? Unsa ang mga programs sa
school na ginahimo para kamo mga teachers, you can further
develop your teaching skills?
(That is for supervision, Sir. How about professional development?
What are the programs of the school so that you, teachers, can
further develop your teaching skills?)
Okay, there is an ender-school demonstration. So, it comes to
development. I see a lot of how to handle or to gel in techniques.
It‘s all about gelling in our techniques to develop ourselves,
especially in conducting seminars. That‘s the main point.
Seminars about lesson planning, classroom management, unsaon
lahat ng methods, teaching techniques. Lahat. And also, I‘d like to
be thankful of Sir Bong Quintero to help us a lot.
(Okay, there is an ender-school demonstration. In terms of development,
it‘s just a matter of how you can gel in or apply your techniques in
developing ourselves, especially in conducting seminars. That‘s the main
point. It‘s also pertaining to seminars about lesson planning, classroom
management, the methods and teaching techniques. I‘d like to be thankful
of Sir Bong Quintero who really helped me a lot.)
Next, Sir. Why do fresh graduate teachers often apply to
private schools first before moving to public schools?
Okay. First and foremost, ano for family, naa ko‘y manghud.
Mag-eskwela ug first year college, and due to finances, ‗di
makaya ni Mama. So, I used to help my family. That‘s all. And
then, to pursue my teaching skills, to know my best point .
(First and foremost, in terms of family, I have a sibling who is going to
proceed for college next school year. Due to the necessitated finances, it
cannot be shouldered solely by my mom. Hence, I should help my family,
that‘s why I‘m here. I also want to pursue and improve my teaching skills.)
Yes, and also yun. I cannot handle… I can‘t help to my parents,
because I love them. I am a very family-oriented person.
(Yes. I need to help my parents because I love them. I am a very familyoriented person.)
So, gusto nimo private, Sir. Next, Sir, last two questions. So,
sa profiling ba nimo, Sir, kay mag-stay pa ba ka diri?
(In other words, you will choose private, then? Next. Sir, are the last
two questions. In your profiling, you said that you‘ll be staying
here, right?)
Mag-stay pa ka so kaning mga last two questions, Sir, is
hypothetical questions lang ni. So, ang first question nako
is… What grounds or what factors could possibly push you
to transfer from a private academic institution like OLFAI to
another school? What should OLFAI do to make you leave?
Or what could happen in OLFAI that could be the reason for
you to leave? Ana gud.
(Since you are still planning to stay, these last two questions, Sir,
will be hypothetical questions only. First question. What grounds or
what factors could possibly push you to transfer from a private
academic institution like OLFAI to another school? What should
OLFAI do to make you leave? Or what could happen to OLFAI that
could be the reason for you to leave?)
First, is SIP. I can‘t handle that one, especially individual. Two
grade levels, somehow 200+ SIPs, in my own lang? Ikaw lang
mag-isa. I cried a lot to that. I cried a lot. Somehow, that could be
the reason na mag-leave unta ko, but I chose to stay. Wala ko kaexperience ug SIP, so lisud kaayo sa akoa. SIP lang jud. Wala man
gu‘y training nga comprehensive training to that. So, butangan
rami‘g 1 day, ―Kani ang buhaton, and so on.‖ Tapos, wala na. I am
not really satisfied on how I check the SIPs. I just follow the
certain guidelines. ‗Yon lang, pero all in all, I am not a master‘s
graduate, and I cannot judge them thoroughly. I felt sorry to
myself kung naa bako‘y mga mali ato, but I make it sure na
maging tama to.
(Well, it‘s primarily the SIP. I can‘t handle checking SIPs, especially if it‘s
individual of two grade levels. Somehow, that is about 200+ SIPs, against
only one teacher? I really cried to that. I cried a lot. Somehow, that could
be the reason for me to leave, but I chose to stay. I haven‘t experienced
SIP, and it‘s really difficult for me. There was no comprehensive training
about that, and we were just given a single day to learn about its dynamics
and concepts, and nothing more. In fact, I‘m not really satisfied with how I
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
check the SIPs. I just follow the certain guidelines. After all, I‘m not a
master‘s graduate who knows who to scrutinize SIPs thoroughly. I felt
sorry for myself, most especially with my mistakes, but I‘m doing my best
to make them right.)
Last, Sir. Ibutang nato, Sir, na kanang SIP for next school
year kay mas hago na siya. So, na-push jud ka to your limits,
and it made you decide to leave OLFAI the next school year.
So, how could the school change your mind? What should
OLFAI do to make you stay?
(Last, Sir. Let‘s say that the SIPs for next school year will be more
tiring than before, and it pushed you to your limits which makes you
decide to leave OLFAI for the next school year, how could the
school change your decision of leaving? What should OLFAI do to
make you stay?)
First, I am a very competitive person. I felt down because one of
my students prepared a lot for his SIP, but suddenly, we failed to
compete, because of lack of communication to them. That‘s not
my role in school. That‘s the role of the admin, but suddenly, ako
ang gisugo paadto didto. Wala ko kabalo unsaon, pag buhaton sa
division. Wala ko kabalo. Natingala pud ko ngano ako man ang
gipaadto didto. We failed to compete and that made me doubt.
Somehow, one of my students cried. ―Nganong wala man, Sir? We
prepared a lot on this on physics.‖ I‘d propose summer
comprehensive training on honor students, because I want to beat
other schools. I want to choose one of the best, the best speakers
that will come to SIP, but only if they will support me. Isa pud
‗yun. Dapat ning-ato sa summer. Just give it freely to the students
for them na ma-enganyo jud ba.
(First of all, I am a very competitive person. I felt down because one of my
students prepared a lot for his SIP, but failed to compete because of lack of
communication with the DepEd division. However, that is not my role in
school, but of the school administration. Suddenly, they tasked me to go
there, and I don‘t have any idea what to do in the DepEd division office. I
don‘t know. I was confused as to why I was sent there. We failed to
compete and that made me doubt myself. Somehow, one of my students
cried. I‘d propose a summer comprehensive training on honor students,
because I want to beat the other schools. I want to choose one of the best,
the best speakers who can defend their SIPs and who will support me.
That‘s what we should do this summer. Give opportunities to students so
that they will be encouraged to join.)
Respondent No. 11
Okay. Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does the
school take good care of its faculty members in terms of
physical and mental well-being? Like ang inyo bang trabaho na
ginadawat, Maam… Ang inyong workload diri sa eskwelahan
is enough for you to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and if ever,
kamo Maam, kapoy na kaayo mo sa trabaho because you got
sick and such, then you have to apply for a sick leave or you
need to be absent from your work, what are the policies of the
school about that?
Siguro, for me… Yung load ko is… parang ano lang siya…
Okay lang sa akin, kasi normal lang man siya, hindi man siya
overload, hindi man siya underload, so it can satisfy myself.
Para sa akin, okay lang yung load ko. Siguro, in terms of yung
mga absences naman, kailangan talaga ng… bisag kapoy kaayo
ka, bisan nagsakit naka, naa‘y times na wala‘y muasikaso sa
imong sub. Naa‘y possibility na ang mga klase nimo kay
mabiyaan kay ni-absent ka. Wala‘y teacher ato na musulod. So,
unsaon pagka… So, unsa‘y himuon sa mga bata? Mag-unsa na
sila didto, imoha nang sala. Siyempre, wala man ka nagprocess sa imong substitution.
(Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of physical and mental wellbeing? Is your workload in this school light enough for you to sleep at
least eight hours a day, and if ever, you need to be absent from work
because you got sick and such, what are the policies of the school
about that?)
Kamo pa ba mismo mangita sa inyong mga substituting
(Are you the ones who are suppsed to be look for substituting
(Well, my load is quite normal for me. It‘s neither overload nor
underload, so it can satisfy myself. For me, my load is fair enough. In
terms of absences, however, we really need to work on our substitution
forms regardless of whether we are sick. There is a possibility that no
one will be substituting your class because you are absent. No teacher
might no go inside your class at all. What will the students do then?
Whatever could be happening during your absence, you will be held
liable for that. That is, if you haven‘t worked on your substitution prior
to your absence.)
Kami ang mangita, pero with the help pud sa amoang
coordinators kay sometimes among coordinators kay busy
man. Siguro ‗pag uninformed ka, pero kung emergency, pwede
si coordinator, pero kung mag-absent ka na planado, ikaw jud
dapat mangita.
(We are the ones supposed to help, but with the help of our
coordinators since our coordinators are busy sometimes. Maybe, if the
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
absence is uninformed due to emergencies, the coordinators can do it,
but if the absence is planned, then you yourself have to look for the
substituting teachers.)
So, parehas ana, Maam, magkasakit ka, dili man jud na siya
planned, so most probably ana, coor jud ana ang mutrabaho?
(Since getting sick is a type of unplanned absence, Maam, are the
coordinators the ones looking for substituting teachers then?)
Ang coordinator jud ana. Pero naa‘y times na si coor
magnilabad. Magnilabad si coor. Masuko siya usahay.
Siyempre, wala juy mag-sub ato, pero wala siya‘y choice so
siya gihapon.
(The coordinator is really the one who is tasked to do it. However,
there are times where the coordinators are not really doing their job.
The coordinator sometimes gets mad. Of course, since no one will
substitute the class of those who are absent, he or she has no choice but
to fulfill his or her job.)
Ang nahitabo ato? Unsa‘y nahitabo ato? Dagdag ‗to sa ilaha.
Sila lang—
Parehas adtong… Karon na week, murang kanang… ang mga
teachers nagsabay ang mga sakit, unya daghan kaayo‘g absent.
Na-werla daw ang mga coor, Maam. So, unsa man pu‘y
nahitabo ato?
(Just like what happened this week, a lot of teachers got sick and have
to be absent. The coordinators were having a hard time. What
happened then?)
Pero, naa man kaya‘y naka-sub gihapon ato?
(But all the classes were substituted with teachers, right?)
(What happened? Well, it was additional work for them. They were—)
Oo, naka-sub gihapon ato. Nag-double-double ang sub. Siguro
naa la‘y kanang… Siguro, naa‘y mga classes na wala naattend… Pero okay ra man pud kay mga… ‗di ma pud…
Usually, ang mga dili nimo ma-attend, is kanang mga higher
level lang pud kay makaya na mana sila. Hatagan lang sila ug
activity, okay na sila biyaan as long as naa‘y instruction.
(Yes, the classes were substituted. The substitutions were doubled.
There were classes which were missed, but they are the classes of the
higher levels which do not require much attention at all. You just have
to give them the activity and you may leave them as long as there is an
Kanang sick leave pud, Maam? Okay lang pud na sa inyoha
ang sick leave? Naa mo‘y sick leave?
(How about sick leave, Maam? Is the sick leave implemented here? Do
you have sick leave?)
Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of salaries,
privileges, and incentives? Ang inyoha bang suweldo na
madawat every month, kung i-compare nimo sa inyong trabaho
na gina-invest in the name of the school, is already fulfilling
enough. And aside sa inyong suweldo, Maam, unsa pa na laing
benefits ang inyong madawat gikan sa school?
(Next, Maam! From your perspective, how does the school take good
care of its faculty members in terms of salaries, privileges, and
incentives? Is your salary already fulfilling enough compared to the
workload that you have been receiving from the school? Aside from
your salary, what are the other benefits which you have received from
the school?)
Sick leave? Wala pa man. Emergency lang man gud. Wala pa
ko ka-try ug sick leave, pero pag mag-absent ka, dili man siya
matawag na sick leave noh? Para sa akoa lang, ano... Siguro
kanang… Mag-provide lang mo‘g medical certificate, pero
wala mi kabalo if ma-deduct na siya or dili ba ma-valid imong
reason ana na absent ug dili na kaltasan sa suweldo. Wala lang
ko kabalo. Ana lang.
(Sick leave? Not yet. Emergency absences only, I think. I haven‘t tried
one yet. As for me, I think that you only have to provide medical
certificate to excuse your absences. However, I don‘t really know if
your absence will be deducted from your salary or your reason will not
be validated by the school. I just don‘t know. That‘s it.)
Yes, kana lang siguro sa suweldo. Kay si OLFAI, dili jud na
siya barat sa suweldo. Mao nang ganahan nako sa OLFAI.
Charot! HAHAHA! Oo. Um… Para sa ako, satisfying pud…
Ano man gud ko… Dili ko… It‘s not about the money lang
man gud ba. So, para sa ako, fulfilling… Na-fulfill ni OLFAI
ang akoang gina-expect gud. Na-meet niya ang akoang
expectations and sa mga subject pud nako, kanang tama-tama
lang pud. Kung unsa ‗to imong gi-work, mao jud to imong
makuha. Kanang wala gu‘y… Grabe na ang trabaho, pero
gamay ko‘g suweldo. Kanang ining-ana. Kung unsa ‗to
kahago, mao pud ang imong pag-suweldo pud. Ing-ana pud
siya ka-fulfilling. Ing-ana gud? Ma-meet jud siya sa ako.
(One good thing about here in OLFAI is that, they are not a haggler
when it comes to salary. That‘s what I really like about OLFAI. It‘s
very satisfying, to be honest. However, it‘s not just about the money
why I like OLFAI. It‘s also about how OLFAI met my expectations
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
and how my workload is not much work for me. I haven‘t experienced
that instance where I really felt uncompensated by the stress which my
work brings and its corresponding small salary. No, OLFAI is not like
that. You earn what you work. It‘s fulfilling at all.)
That is for the salary, Maam. Unsa pa man ang mga other na
benefits inyong madawat?
(That is for the salary, Maam. How about the other benefits which you
have received?)
Benefits! Naa man gud mi‘y mga RVM retirement. So, kung
mag-retire ka… Para siyang ipon nimo. Every suweldo,
ginakuhaan ka every month. Pagmag-retire ka is depende pud
siya sa years or sa months na imohang gi-serve gud diri sa
school. So, i-total ‗to siya, naa gihapon ka‘y madawat so dili
pud ining-ana kaluoy. Ing-ana… and sa mga substitution, naa
pud kay part ana, naa kay percentage.
(Benefits! Well, we have RVM retirement. Should you have decided to
retire, it will serve as your savings. Your monthly salary is deducted
for your RVM retirement, which you can only get after the years of
serving in the school. When you decide to leave or retire, you will not
be saddened because the RVM retirement is there to help you. As for
the substitutions that you will be taking, they also constitute a
percentage of your benefits.)
So, kato siya, Maam, mga benefits ‗to siya na kuwarta gihapon.
Naa mo‘y mga benefits na dili kuwarta, like gifts… ana? Naa
mo‘y nadawat na ining-ana, Maam?
(Those things that you have mentioned, Maam, are financial in nature.
How about non-financial compensation like gifts? Have received
anything like that, Maam?)
Uh, naa ba? Siguro sa… Teachers‘ Day. Oo, kay since first
man nako diri na school ang OLFAI. So, happy ko kay
nakadawat ko‘g gift. Gikan ‗to siya sa SSG, and then sa
Christmas party. Naghatag na sila ug mga… mga ano…
Money gihapon! Bonus, 13th month pay, then, naa sila‘y
groceries, tapos naa‘y raffle. So, okay ra pud.
(Maybe, it was during the Teacher‘s Day. Since my year here in
OLFAI is a first for me, I was really happy that I received a gift. It was
from the SSG. And then, we also have the Christmas party. They gave
us additional money like the Christmas bonus, 13th month pay, and
even groceries. They also raffle draws. It was fair.)
From your perspective, how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? Ang school ba, Maam, nagahatag ug trabaho sa
imoha? Hatagan ka‘g trabaho then it‘s up to you how you‘re
going to accomplish it, or is there peer-to-peer and constant
monitoring sa inyong performance? And kung naa man Maam,
in what way ginabuhat ug gina-monitor ang inyong
performance. Furthermore, Maam, since kamo, already
graduated namo with a bachelor‘s degree, what are the
programs of the school, Maam, so that you can further improve
your teaching skills? Sa supervision sa ta, Maam.
(From your perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? Does the system of the school entail giving tasks to its
constituents and simply letting them accomplish these tasks on their
own accord, or is there a peer-to-peer and constant monitoring of your
performance? If there is, then in what way? Furthermore, what are the
programs of the school so that you can further improve your teaching
skills after finishing your bachelor‘s degree? Let‘s go for supervision
Ikaw pa mismo ang dapat mu-tap?
(You still need to tap them for assistance, Maam?)
Supervision? Para sa ako… Para sa akong na-experience…
Ano man gud diri… Naa‘y individuality. Naa siya‘y
individuality. So, for example, moderator ka. Kung imoha nang
month, ikaw ang naka-assigned sa mga activities, ikaw ra jud
isa. Kung wala ka‘y friendship, wala‘y mutabang sa imo. Ikaw
ra jud isa. Pero kung naa man, kanang… Feeling nako, wala.
Wala. Wala lagi. Wala lagi siya.
(Supervision? Well, in OLFAI‘s case, there is the culture of
individuality. There is individuality. For example, if you are a
moderator and you are assigned for the activities of that month, it‘s
your own burden. If you don‘t have friends in the faculty, no one will
reach a hand to help you. However, I think that even if you do have
friends, no one will still dare to help you out of their own initiative.)
Oo, ikaw pa mismo. Ikaw pa mismo ang musulti na, ―Tabangi
ko kay naglisod nako.‖ Wala ju‘y mag-initiate na tabangan ka.
Kay actually, ikaw jud maghimo sa tanan program. Ikaw
maghimo anang sa… pandikit sa board… unsa pa dira? Ing-ana
lang siguro. So, murag ano lang pud… Naa‘y independent na
side pero ang kakapoy ug kahago, imoha tanan.
(Yes, you have to do it yourself. You still need to say, ―Please help me
because I‘m having a hard time.‖ No one will dare to help you out of
their own initiative. You have to do all the programs. You yourself
have to work on the background design of the stage, and so on. There
is the independent culture of the workplace, but the downside of it all is
the tremendous and overwhelming stress and fatigue that come from
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Next, Maam! Kato siya Maam, ang in terms sa programs and
being a moderator. What if Maam kung sa kanang sa klase?
Classroom setting. Ginamonitor ba inyong teaching
performance, Maam?
(The things which you made mention about was more on the programs
and being a moderator. How about in the classroom setting? Do they
monitor your teaching performance, Maam?)
Naa pu‘y kanang kalit-kalit lang na observation, Maam?
(Do you also have sudden observations, Maam?)
Ah, kana. Yes, naga-monitor sila. And, since wala man ko‘y
advisory. Subject teacher. Si Sir Danny, naga-ano pud siya.
Naga-roam around siya. And every ano jud… Dapat naa na
sila‘y observation. Dapat ma-meet nimo as a teacher or as a
subject teacher ang more observations from the coordinators.
(With regards to that, they do monitor us. Since I don‘t have an
advisory, I‘m only a subject teacher. Sir Danny roams around every
morning and observes random classes. As a teacher or as a subject
teacher, you need to meet the standards of the observations by the
Naa‘y kalit-kalit na observation. Si Sir Danny, usually, ang
mag-kalit-kalit. Pero dali lang inuon, mga 15 minutes. Tanawon lang niya ang mga strategy.
(Yes, we do have sudden observations. It‘s actually Sir Danny who is
usually fond of doing that. However, he does that for only 15 minutes
to simply see the strategies used by the teacher during classroom
So, how about sa professional development, Maam? How
could you improve your teaching skills maski naka-graduate
namo ug bachelor‘s degree sa education?
(How about in professional development, Maam? How could you
improve your teaching skills after finishing your bachelor‘s degree in
Next, Maam! Why do fresh graduate teachers often apply to
private schools first before transferring to public schools in the
middle of their teaching career? Why, Maam?
Siguro, wala man sila‘y mga program na ining-ana diri. Oo,
para sa ako. Wala. Wala ko ka-experience. Wala. Wala. Oo,
wala, wala pa nako na-feel. Wala. Wala. Basta wala.
(I don‘t have recall any programs for professional development they
have here. Yeah, nothing can be remembered by my mind at all.
Nothing at all.)
Kailangan man gud nila ug experience. Kabalo man ang mga
private schools na ginahimo nalang sila sa mga fresh graduates
na training grounds. So, gina-expect jud na nila na manghawa
na sila. Murag, ginahimo lang sila ug training ground. Rare
nalang kaayo ang mga teachers na magpabilin kay majority sa
ilaha kay mubalhin ug public schools kay mas dako ang
suweldo. So, para sa ako, ing-ana lang jud siguro siya in real
life. Gihimo lang jud ang private schools na training grounds.
Pero training grounds para mag-grow ka and ma-develop
imong skills.
(That‘s because they need experience. In fact, the private schools are
already aware that they are becoming training grounds for fresh
graduate teachers. Hence, they are expecting that these teachers will
not stay long at all. It‘s only rare for teachers to stay in the private
schools because majority of them prefer to work in public due to higher
salary. For me, I think that is just the flow of real life. They have
become training grounds for fresh graduate teachers, but they do play a
vital role in harnessing and developing our skills.)
Aside sa anang training ground, what are the other factors,
(Aside from being a training ground, what are the other factors?)
Siguro sa suweldo, ug sa experience, most especially sa mga
private schools, mga gagmay na schools like OLFAI, so
daghan kaayo na opportunities ang gihatag ni OLFAI sa imo.
Maka-host ka, makasayaw ka, mahimo kang moderator, na dili
nimo siya ma-feel kung naa naka sa public. So, daghan
kaayo‘g ginahatag sa imo na opportunity na makatravel ka.
(I think it‘s the salary as well as the experience. In small private
schools like OLFAI, there are lots of opportunities provided by OLFAI
to you. You will be given the chance to be a host, to be a dancer, to be
a moderator, which you will seldom experience when you start
working in public. There is also the opportunity of being able to
Next, Maam! Since you said in your profile, Maam, that you
will be staying, these two remaining questions are hypothetical
or ―what-ifs‖. First, what factors could possibly push you to
Siguro sa environment. And of course, pag-dili nako machallenge sa work. Parang mahimo na siyang routinary na gud,
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
transfer from a private academic institution like OLFAI to
another school, public or private?
so ma-boring naka ana. So, mao siguro na ang maka-trigger sa
imong self na mubalhin to another school. Siguro sa private
school sa. Mao nang ma-boring naka kay balik-balik na lang
ang imong trabaho. Dapat naa juy mga variation.
(Maybe, because of the environment. And of course, if I will no longer
be challenged by my work. If your work becomes routinary, you might
just end up bored and unsatisfied with what you are doing. Hence, it
might trigger me to transfer to another school. Maybe, to another
private school first. Sometimes, we can say that it‘s already boring
when your work is already repetitive. There should be variation of
Kani Maam, should you have ever decided to transfer to
another academic institution the following school year, how
could the administration, or the school as a whole, possibly
convince you to stay here in OLFAI? Ibutang nato, Maam, na
naka-make-up naka sa imong mind na muhawa due to the
environment. How could the school convince you to change
your mind?
Ka-bug-at ba ana na question oy. Ka-hadlok ba ana oy. Kalisod
ba! Lisod kaayo na siya! Kay ano man gud, it‘s a choice!
HAHAHAHAHA! It‘s a choice! Wait lang. Mag-isip sa ko
kadali. Pwede mag-ingon na dili ko nila ma-convince?
(That question is really heavy. Scary, to say the least. It‘s also difficult.
It‘s difficult! After all, it‘s a choice. Can I say that I will not be
(Should you have ever decided to transfer to another academic
institution the following school year, how could the administration, or
the school as a whole, possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
Let‘s say, you already made up your mind to leave due to the
environment, how could the school convince you to change your
Ani nalang, Maam. What are your recommendations or the
positive changes you would like to see in the school to make
you say, ―I want to stay‖? Ganern.
(Let‘s put it like this. What are your recommendations or the positive
changes you would like to see in the school to make you say, ―I want to
Unsa ba‘y mahimo sa admin para mu-stay ko? Ka-gwapa ba
nako! Siguro, dapat mag-change sila sa ilahang mga plano. Na
dapat ila jud i-change ang ilang plano. Kay siguro, mag-stay ko
kung naa na sila‘y togetherness. Kanang, mag-unite na gud
sila. Kay lain-lain man gud na sila ug ano. Lahi-lahi sila ug
mga plano. Sa kadaghan nila ug plano, wala na‘y ma-fulfill.
Siguro, if they would reform their ways sa mga teachers, as
well as ang ilang way sa pagpadagan sa school.
(What should the administration do to make me stay? I‘m so pretty!
Well, they should change in terms of their plans. I will also stay if there
is the sense of togetherness, the sense of unity cultivated among
members. That‘s because they tend to have different plans. Because
they have many different plans, nothing is being fulfilled at all. Maybe,
if they would reform their ways on how they handle teachers, as well
as the way they manage the institution, then I will stay.)
Yes. Kung naa nana na change, ngano pako muhawa sa
So, ang management itself?
(Yes. If that change is achieved, why would I even bother leaving?)
(So, the management itself?)
That‘s our last question, Maam. Thanks, Maam!
Respondent No. 12
Okay, Sir, next. From your perspective, how does the school
take good care of its faculty members in terms of physical and
mental well-being? For example, Sir, ang trabaho ba na
ginahatag sa inyoha as teachers/educators… Is it sufficient na
makatulog mo‘g 8 hours a day? Ang situation kung sakaling
If I‘m not mistaken, naa man mi kanang sick leave as long as
makahatag rami‘g medical certificate, so okay nato. Siguro, sa
mga new teachers, naa mi ten days sa sick leave. Now, kung
makatulog pa ba mi, makatulog pa jud siya pero tama nalang
pud. Tama nalang. Dili na matawag na dati na hayahay pa or
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
naa mo‘y sick leave or kailangan ninyo mag-sick leave, unsa
ang provision sa school about that?
(From your perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of physical and mental well-being? For
example, Sir, is your workload light enough for you to sleep at least
eight hours a day? What are the provisions of the school whenever you
need to apply for a sick leave?)
unsa ba. Depende nalang pud na sa imong pag-manage sa time.
Naa times na makatulog ka‘g sayo, naa puy times nga—as in—
wala na jud kay tulog kung naa kay observation, or mga apason
nga mga trabaho—paper works.
(If I‘m not mistaken, we have sick leave provided that we submit
medical certificate. For the new teachers, we have 10 days for sick
leave. As for the question whether we can still sleep with adequate
hours, we do sleep but just sufficient enough. It‘s fair. It‘s not similar to
the way it was before that we were quite relaxed and comfortable. It‘s
also just a matter of time management. There are times where we sleep
early, there are also times where we don‘t have any sleep at all due to
observations, and the paperworks that we need to submit before the due
Okay, Sir. Next. From your perspective, how does the school
take good care of its faculty members in terms of salaries,
privileges, and incentives? Like for example Sir, ang sweldo
ba ninyo na madawat… Is it fulfilling enough or is it adequate
kung inyong ikompara sa sa inyong effort na gina-render in the
name of the school? And aside from your salaries, Sir, unsa
ang other incentives and benefits na madawat gikan sa
Kung sa sweldo lang ang basehan, OLFA ang isa sa
pinakagwapong muhatag ug sweldo sa Davao. Tama lang jud
siya. Maski aside sa basic salary nimo—which is, dili nako
iingon ang amount—naa pu‘y other incentives kung adviser ka
or club moderator ka or… Kung coach ka, naa jud na siya‘y
mga kwarta. Gamay-gamay additional. Pero, kung unsa lang,
OLFA is the best diri sa Davao na muhatag sailang faculty
(Okay, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take good care
of its faculty members in terms of salaries, privileges, and incentives?
Is your salary fulfilling enough compared to the service that you are
rendering in the name of the school? Aside from salaries, Sir, what are
the other incentives and benefits that you have received from the
(If we‘re just talking about the salary, OLFAI is one of the most gallant
schools when it comes to salaries for teachers here in Davao. It‘s just a
commonly acceptable amount of money as our salary. Aside from our
basic salary, which I will not mention the amount, other incentives like
being an adviser, a club moderator, or a coach, also merits additional
money. OLFAI is indeed one of the most wonderful schools when it
comes to financial compensation.)
Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of supervision and
professional development? Like, kung ang school ba, Sir, kay
maghatag ug trabaho, do they just give you a task then ikaw na
bahala magaccomplish or is there monitoring? In addition, Sir,
unsa ang mga programs na ginapaapil mo sa school so that
further ma-develop pa ang inyong profession?
Like what I‘ve said, before ga start ang school year, naa mi two
weeks ana nga training. Kanang training, ginabalik na nila
tanan—katong arts of questioning, mga basic skills na kailangan
sa teachers. Ginabalik na tanan. Naga-seminar mi, ginapadala
pud mi ug seminar outside sa school about new ways, mga
strats para sa teaching. Ginapadala mi ana. Now, sa
supervision… every teacher, naa schedule na upat ka formal
observation gikan sa moderator or gikan sa coordinators. Then,
aside from that, upat na formal observation naay pud sila mga
pop-in. After that, tawagon ka nila, conference mo unsa ang
strengths and weaknesses nimo. So, muhilok jud ang atong
coordinator para matabangan ang ila faculty members.
(Next, Sir. From your perspective, how does the school take good care
of its faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? Does the school policy entail giving of work and simply
letting you do the task on your own, or is there monitoring? In
addition, Sir, what are the other programs which were attended by
teachers and duly organized by the school to further develop your
Okay, sir. Next. Why do fresh graduate teachers often apply
private schools first before moving to public schools?
(Like what I‘ve said, we had two weeks of training before the school
year began. In the said training, basic concepts were recapitulated—
basic arts of questioning, basic skills of teachers. We also had seminars
outside the school about the new ways and strategies in teaching. We
are sent to those seminars. As for supervision, every teacher is expected
to undergo four formal observations by the coordinators. There are also
pop-in observations where we are called, conferenced and told about
our own strengths and weaknesses. The coordinators are actually
helping us faculty members.)
Honestly, teaching experiences. One of the requirements kasi sa
public school is teaching experiences. Kay wala may teaching
experiences, wala pud kay makuha nga points. Naa mana sila
ginahatag nga points sa teaching experiences ‗pag mabuhat
nalang pud nimo ba.
(Honestly, it‘s because of teaching experiences. One of the requirements
before you can work in a public school is teaching experiences. If you
don‘t have teaching experiences, you will be able to gain points. They
give points for the teaching experiences of an educator.)
Naa ba na sila‘y ranking-ranking?
(Do they have rankings in public schools?)
Oo, naa. Kanang ranking diha, ginakuha imong teaching
experience. Siguro 10 points or 20 points? Naa pud ta‘y NCII.
Naa ta‘y mga seminars. Basta, overall qualifications sa teaching
is not mga requirements na kailangan nimo ba. Kung wala kay
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
teaching experience, so zero ka ato na part. So layo-layo ka‘g
kuhaonon or apasonon para makasulod ka sa public school.
(Yes, they have. In the said ranking, they take into account your
teaching experience, which is probably worth 10 points or 20 points?
They also have NCII. They also credit seminars. They measure the
overall qualifications of the teacher as your needed requirements. If you
don‘t have teaching experience, you will get zero points from the area.
Hence, it‘s going to be a long journey for you before you can finally get
to work in a public school.)
So, mura‘g ginagamit nila, Sir, as training ground?
Training ground jud siya.
(In other words, they are somehow used as training grounds?)
(They are training grounds.)
Next, Sir. So, based sa imong profiling, dba Sir, kay nag-ingon
ka didto na you will stay for the next school year? Sir, kay
hypothetical lang ni siya nga mga questions, mga scenarios,
mga possible scenario. First, Sir, what factors could possibly
push you to transfer from a private academic institution to
another school, public or private?
Siguro kung mu-ingon ko‘g gikapoy nako. Gikapoy nako sa
trabaho kay naa man ju‘y muabot sa point na magsawa naka.
Kanang, wala na‘y nakapa-motivate sa imoha na musulod. Mao
man pud na ang isa ka factor nga muhawa ang isa ka teacher.
Pero as of now, nalipay pa man ta sa OLFA kaya di sa ta
(Next, Sir. Question number 5. So, based sa imong profiling, you‘ve
already stated that you are planning to stay for the next school year.
Hence, these are hypothetical questions about possible scenarios. First,
Sir,what factors could possibly push you to transfer from a private
academic institution to another school, public or private?)
(Maybe if I am already tired—tired of work, since there will really
come a time where you‘ll already start losing interest over it. Another
thing is the lack of motivation for you to wake up and go inside for
work. That‘s also one of the factors why a teacher leaves. However, as
of now, I am happy with OLFAI so I will not leave.)
Kani, Sir. Last. Ibutang nato, Sir, na nakapag-decide na jud ka
na, this school year, ―Muhawa na jud ko. Mubalhin nako‘g
other school.‖ So, should you have decided to transfer to
another academic institution the following school year, how
could the present administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?
Balik ta. Aside sa sweldo, mao man jud na ang factor. Siguro,
sa loads? Kanang, although lipay ka sa imong mga loads pero
‗pag daghan-daghan na jud kaayo, medyo kapoy jud siya kung
usabon nila. Himoan nila‘g way unsaon mugamay ang loads.
Siguro, pwede pa ko diri. Kana lang jud ang makapabira sa
akoa, kung muhawa man ko.
(Last question, Sir. Let‘s say that you have already decided that you
will be leaving for the next school year, how could the present
administration, or the school as a whole, possibly convince you to stay
here in OLFAI?)
(Let‘s go back. Aside from the salary which is the main factor, loads
can also affect my decision. Although you are happy about your loads,
but if the number of loads keeps on increasing, it‘s going to be quite
tiring for us. Maybe, if they find a way to lessen the number of loads,
then that will make me stay.)
So, basically, Sir, it‘s more on sa kabug-at sa trabaho, as well
as sa practicality sa salary. Okay, Sir. Mao lang ‗to siya, Sir.
(In other words, it‘s more on the heaviness of the workload, as well as
the practicality of the salary. That‘s it, Sir. That concludes our
Mao lang ‗to?
(Is that it?)
Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.
Respondent No. 13
From your perspective, how does the school
take good care of its faculty members in
terms of physical and mental well-being?
In terms of load, hago jud kaayo siya. For example, Math major ko pero nag-teach
ko ug TLE, and then naa pa jud ko‘y additional load. So, sa TLE palang, study-han
pa lang nimo siya kay, siyempre, dili nimo field. Aside ana, naa‘y other nila na
ginahatag like advisory, ug mga club. Kung mu-ingon ta ug tulog, more or less
murag 4 ang pinakababa. 4 hours.
(In terms of load, it‘s very tiring. For example, I am a Math major but I had to teach TLE,
together with some of my additional loads. Just from TLE alone, you need to study about it
since it‘s not your field of specialization. Aside from that, other loads like becoming an
adviser or a moderator in a club, makes us sleep at least 4 hours every night.)
If ever magkasakit ka?
(If ever you got sick?)
If ever magkasakit? Na-disappoint lang ko last year kay naghatag ko ug excuse
letter, pero ang ingon sa akoa is dili ko excused ato na time kay personal daw.
Then, ana ko sa akong sarili na ngano maghatag man ko ug excuse letter kung dili
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
lang man nila i-excuse? Tapos, sa atong school, naa‘y substitution form na
ginahatag sa mga coordinator. Papel sya na ginapapirmahan, together with the
activities sa imohang klase just in case na mag-absent ka.
(If ever I got sick? I just find it disappointing last year when I submitted an excuse letter for
my absence, but they did not excuse me of my absence, because my reason of absence was
personal. I then asked myself, ―What‘s the purpose excuse letters if I‘m not going to end up
excused?‖ In our school, we have substitution forms which are given by the coordinators. It‘s
a sheet of paper which is signed by the absentee, together with the list of activities, and the
substituting teachers on the day of absence.)
So, kanang mga teachers na mag-substitute,
dili kamo ang mangita ana?
(With regards to teachers who will be substituting
for your class, are you the ones who will look for
From your perspective, how does the school
take good care of its faculty members in
terms of salary, privileges, and incentives?
Actually, always nga kami mangita ‗pag planado. Kunwari, absent ko, ang
magtrabaho ana is ang coordinator. Pero, ang problema diri is ipasa sa coordinator
sa iyahang mga teacher na bakante ug iyang papangitaon ug mag-sub. Mao na ang
(Actually, we are the ones who have to look for one if it is planned absence. However, if it is
unplanned, the one who will work on that is the coordinator. However, the problem here is
that, the coordinator transfers his or her supposed work into a vacant teacher under his or her
learning area, and tasks him or her to do the former‘s job. This is the problem here.)
Okay lang man. Ang salary naman… Ginahatag man siya the day jud sa sweldo.
Siguro, ang benefits lang ang kulang. Unlike jud sa public na daghan jud kaayo
ang mga benefits—mga retirement nimo. Pero ang salary diri is maka-sustain ka
kung ikaw ra isa, pero kung naa kay gina-supportahan or ginagastuhan, kulang jud
siya. Kulang jud kaayo siya. Sa benefits, part pud mi sa Pag-ibig, Philhealth, SSS,
ug naa pud sila‘y RVM retirement.
(It‘s quite good, actually. The salary is given on the payday itself with no delays. As for the
benefits, it‘s very much lacking and insufficient. Unlike public schools which offer a lot of
benefits, the salary of private schools can support you financially if you are alone. But if you
have the responsibility of paying the needs of a relative, it‘s not that enough. As for the
benefits, we have Pag-ibig, Philhealth, SSS, and even the RVM retirement.)
From your perspective, how does the school
take good care of its faculty member in
terms of supervision and professional
Kung muingon ka ug supervision, gina-monitor man jud mi, especially kanang
mag-teach jud. kung naa ba mi‘y work na habulon, gina-monitor mi pero naa‘y
time na too much kaayo ang pressure. Naa‘y usahay na ‗di nata katulog and then in
terms of professional development, naay ginahatag ang school, depende sa imong
field. For example, last January 31, there is seminar about STEM Teach. So, nakaavail ko ato kay nagtudlo ko ug STEM sa Senior High. Pero, in terms of selfdevelopment diri, medyo wala. Although naa‘y observations, pero ma-develop ka
mga 5% per year out of 100, if dili ka maningkamot ug develop sa imong sarili.
(If we‘re talking about supervision, they monitor us, most especially when it comes to
teaching and the submission of paperworks. However, there are just instances where the
pressure is too great. There are even times where we can‘t sleep at all. In terms of
professional development, the school gives us seminars, depending on our field. For
example, last January 31, I attended the STEM Teach seminar, which I was able to avail
since I am teaching STEM students in Senior High. As for the self-development programs
here in OLFAI, there are really not that much. Although there are observations, but it can
only develop you as far as 5% out of 100% per year, if you will not work on developing your
own self.)
Why do fresh graduate teachers often apply
in private school first before moving to
public schools?
First, need siya. Kailangan jud siya na mag-apply ka ug private. Isa sa reason ana
is work experience. Aside sa work experience, kailangan nimo ug number of years
na kailangan sa public. Isa sa requirement sa public ang work experience, ang
number of years, and also ang imohang license. Kailangan jud siya mag-agi ug
private before mag-public.
(First of all, it is a need. You need to apply first to private to gain work experience. Aside
from the work experience, you also need a specific number of years of work. Furthermore,
some of the requirements include the public and work experience, the number of years, and
the licensing. We need to go through private schools first before going to public schools.)
Next Sir. What factors possibly push you to
transfer from private academic institution
like OLFAI to a public or private school?
Isa lang factor diha: money. If kailangan jud kaayo siya, I really need to take a risk
na mag-transfer if money. Pero kung… No need naman siguro. I think, happy man
ko sa akoang situation karon. Maka-satisfy and then maka-provide man pud siya sa
amoa. Kana siya.
(There‘s only one factor: money. If it is really a need that you need to risk money for
transfer, there‘s no need since we have already started. The salary though makes us satisfied
with her seatmates. That‘s it.)
Next Sir. Should you have decided to
Siguro, kung naa sila‘y gina-promise sa imoha. To tell you honestly, isa ko sa mga
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
transfer to another academic institution the
following school year, how could the
present administration, or the school as
whole, possibly convince you to stay here in
(I will stay if they will be keeping their promise
to me. To tell you honestly, I am one of the
possible candidates of the school to be the next
Math and Science coordinator, because I am
qualified due to the fact that I have earned units in
my masteral, and my number of teaching years
here in OLFAI is already acceptable. That is one
of their ways in giving us an idea why we should
stay in this institution for the next school year,
which includes their promised salary increase,
and the opportunity to travel abroad. Those are
their alleged promises.)
ginaligawan na mahimo ug Math and Science coordinator, because qualified na
daw ko. Naka-earn nako ug unit sa masteral , and then ang number of teaching
years pud nako diri is qualified na pud. So, isa na sa ilahang ginahatag sa amoa na
mga idea na para mag-stay mi diri sa school. Also, ang mga pangako na i-increase
ang salary, and then mga travel abroad. So, mao to ang mga promises nila para
lang mag-stay diri.
(I will stay if they will be keeping their promise to me. To tell you honestly, I am one of the
possible candidates of the school to be the next Math and Science coordinator, because I am
qualified due to the fact that I have earned units in my masteral, and my number of teaching
years here in OLFAI is already acceptable. That is one of their ways in giving us an idea why
we should stay in this institution for the next school year, which includes their promised
salary increase, and the opportunity to travel abroad. Those are their alleged promises.)
So, mao lang to, Sir. Thank you kaayo, Sir.
Salamat kaayo.
(That‘s it , Sir. Thank you so much, Sir. Thank
Respondent No. 14
Next, Maam. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of
physical and mental well-being?
Actually, when it comes to physical ug mental, naga-follow man jud sila sa standard jud
na ang isa ka teacher will only allowed to teach six hours. So, we have here 8 hours of
duty from 7:30 am, but since naa man mi faculty prayer, so mu-in mi by… Diba, ang
time in is 6:45 am, so sa tinuod jud ha, 7:30 am-4:30 pm. So, along with the 8 hours of
duty, naa mi 2 hours na rest ana. Pero, depende kung asa to na-assign among workload
na vacant. For example, sa first day, kung isa lang among vacant, so pagkasunod na
adlaw, naa ju‘y tendency na tulo jud ang among oras ani. Ning-ana siya. Okay lang man
siya kay standard man na… kanang gina-follow normally, pero when it comes to
physical, siguro kanang sa activities… Kunware absent ko, so supposedly karun na
adlaw, kay tinuod-anay man jud ang akong klase so magbilin jud ko‘g activity and ginarecord jud nako na. Kana ganing… nag-discuss ko atong other day, so kuanon nako siya
kung wala ko ani, para pagsunod at least… pag-naa nako, dili nako ni siya buhaton.
Checking nalang ko diritso. Tapos, physically no, to be honest, mura ko‘g wala gud ko
na-alagaan gud? At some point, supposedly, to be honest, karun jud na adlaw kay muabsent ko. Wala man jud ko‘y absent ever since, like permente jud ninyo makita akong
dagway. Pero karun noh… kay mura‘g… ―Yati mani oy! Mura man ko‘g wala gialagaan.‖ Sa tinuod lang, wala man jud nako gina-brag akong sarili pero kung mangutana
sila‘g deadline, mangayo sila‘g ani, ginahatag nako tanan! Kay dili ko gusto na kana
ganing, ako ang cause of delay? Mao jud na akong ginabutang sa utok. Dili jud ko gusto
maka-cause ug delay labi na‘g kung naa‘y isa ka exam sa high school, mawala permente.
Kay ako man tanan noh, dili jud ko ana. Pero, feeling jud nako ba na luya jud ko. Diba,
karon, naa man ju‘y sub nako? Naa kay i-ano na sub na dapat work gud na sa coordinator
gani? Pero mura‘g, ako gani ang mangita‘g pamaagi? Kanang ako mangita‘g teacher?
Ana gud? Excuse me? Mu-absent ko ana na day. Wala ko kabalo kinsa‘y vacant. Wala
ko kabalo kung kinsa‘y free. Wala ko kabalo kung… how I accomplish this gud?
Kanang, bisan unsa, kamatyonon nako, ako nalang mag-klase. Yati! Feeling nako ba na
kanang wala gud na-trabaho, which is gamay lang jud siya na butang ba. Pero kung ikaw
na teacher, labi na‘g sa akoa kay karun lang jud unta ko nag-plano mu-absent, and I think
valid kaayo akong reason na mag-absent gud ko—Kay dili jud ko naga-absent kung kaya
pa jud nako—Pero karun lang jud ba, feeling nako, nahi-ubos jud ko‘g taman, which
made me na nakaingon jud ko na, ―I will leave this place na,‖ kay feeling gud nako na
akong ginahatag na effort ba, kay wala gud na balik kanang na-gets ko ninyo?
(Actually, when it comes to physical and mental well-being, they really abide with the rule that
teaecfhers are only allowed to teach six hours per day. We have 8 hours of duty starting from 7:30
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
am. However, because we have our faculty prayer, we need to be at school by 6:45 am. In other
words, we are at work from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Along the 8 hours of duty, we have 2 hours of rest,
but it really depends on your schedule. If you have only one vacant on the first day, perhaps you‘ll
have two or three on the following day. When it comes to physical well-being, most especially when
we I am absent, I usually leave activities so that when I go back the following day, I will just check
them. However, to be honest, I felt like I was not taken care of that much. In fact, I was really
planning of being absent for this day. I was never absent ever since, and you will always see me at
school. But now, I feel like I was not taken care of. Not to brag but I am always on-time when
submitting requirements, passing them on or before the needed deadline, because I don‘t want to be
the cause of delay. The coordinators are the ones who are supposed to find substitutions for teachers
who are absent, but why is it that I have to look for them myself? Excuse me, I will be absent on
that day, and I don‘t have any idea who are the vacant teachers. I don‘t really think it‘s such a
burden to work on, considering that my reason is valid—I am sick. But now, I really feel
disappointed, which made me decide that I will really leave this place already. I am investing so
much effort, but it seems like nothing is being given back to me in return. Do you get my point?)
Wala‘y reciprocation?
(No reciprocation?)
Dawat kung dawat lang, Maam.
(There were just all about taking, and not
giving, Maam.)
Oo, ana ba. Wala‘y thank you. Wala‘y sorry, kung sila ang naa‘y mali. Ana gud. Ato.
(Yes. There‘s no ―thank you‖. There‘s no apology if they had shortcomings. Like that.)
Oo. Tapos, kanang… allowed man mi mag-absent for 5 days, provided naa jud mi
medical certificate, ana. Pero, usahay gud noh… Kanang ginapa-feel nga nganong, ―Sige
man ka‘g absent.‖ Kana ganing, indirect way of saying na kana ganing… dapat dili ka
magsigeg absent sa mga ning ana.x gud and ganito ganyan pero okay lang man pud siya
kay nagaask man pud sila at some point nagaask man pud sila kanang, ―Are you okay?‖
Kanang, ―Have you taken your med na?‖, ―Nagpa-check up naba ka?‖ Ana gud, which is
good. At some point, ma-feel nimo na naa kay kalinga gud? Pero, naa ju‘y mga times na
(Yes. Although we are allowed to be absent for a maximum of five days, provided that we submit a
medical certificate, they make us feel as if it‘s a burden for them if I will be absent.Although they
are still instances where they ask us how we are doing, or if we have already taken our medication,
we still can‘t feel if the comforting solace of the administration. There are really lapses.)
Next question, Maam. How does the
school take good care of its faculty
members in terms of salary,
privileges, and incentives?
Just to give an information, sa amo-a man jud, is iba ang salary namo sa basic, lahi pud
ang salary kung adviser ka or moderator ka kung naa kay club. So, when we talk about
basic salary lang compared to other schools, isa ning OLFAI sa dako muhatag ug
sweldo, compared sa other private school ha, kay ang sweldo nila kay naga-range ra jud
sa 10-13 or 10-14. Ang OLFA kay naa raman siguro sa 16, ana. So, arang-arang siya
compared sa other. When it comes naman sa advisory, okay-okay man pud siya. But I
think lang ha, the workload for being an adviser is, I think, dili gud siya enough kay
mura‘g… Makasala ang estudyante kay adviser, naa buhaton ang estudyante, adviser
dayon. ―Hoy! Kan-a na inyong Php 1,000 kapin na salary sa adviser!‖ Kay sa adviser,
Php 1000 kapin man. So, kanang dili gud na mabayran sa tanan-tanan kasaba gud. Ana
gud. Tapos, sa club pud, kung basehan nako sa money diri, sa trabahuon pud diri, I think
dili siya enough kay daghan kay siya trabahonon. Pero overall, ang sweldo nako diria is
okay kaayo siya. Mao nalang jud na ang factor na naga-hold on na mag-stay diri. To be
honest, mao lang jud na siya. When it comes to other things, mu-dili jud ko pero sa
sweldo, muduol jud ko diri. Mura‘g kani lang man jud siya. Kani ug SPC ang nahibawan nako na dako‘g sweldo.
(Just to give you information, our basic salary is different from the supposed salary of being an
adviser, a moderator, or a coach. When we talk about basic salary, OLFAI is one of the schools who
offers high pay rate on salaries of Php 16,000 and above, compared to other schools who are only in
the range of Php 10,000 to Php 13,000. That makes OLFAI a very worthwhile school to work in.
When it comes to advisory, I still think that their compensation for advisers is not enough.
Whenever a violation was committed by a student, the adviser is always to be blamed. ―My God!
You can just take your Php 1,000!‖ That amount of money is not enough to compensate all the
needed reprimandings on the students. However, generally speaking, I can say that my overall
salary is enough. In fact, that is the only factor why I am still having second thoughts of leaving.
When it comes to other aspects, I will really say no. Aside from OLFAI which provides high salary,
SPC is also like that.)
Next, Maam. From your perspective,
how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of
As what I‘ve mentioned, we undergone several trainings, workshops. Dili lang siya
inside the school but outside. We were able to also experience na kanang outside na
kanang workshops. Free siya. Mura‘g ginahatag siya sa school. Pero, free siya and then
helpful kaayo. Kanang naa kay makuha didto kung accredited ang naga-conduct ug
workshop kay makatabang siya sa amoang points. Before man gud nimo ma-renew ang
imong lisenya, kailangan nimo mu-cater ug 30 CPD points. Tungod sa OLFA, naka-cater
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
ko ug 19 points. Inside pud, aside pud siya sa kanang mga trainings, seminars, naa mi
quarter na kanang naga-observe ang mga coordinators inside sa—how well mi muconduct sa among classes. Gina-check nila ang among evaluation, even kung sayo ba mi
muabot. Kasi diba, if you want to become a professional teacher, bisan unsa nga details
diraa, kailangan nimo siya i-take. Since naga-conduct man sila right after that, nagahain
sila‘g time to give you pros and cons, which is helpful kay siya kay mura‘g Aside from
that kay open pud sila, for kana ganing suggestions? The more na mas early ang mga
teacher karon, the more sila ma-expose sa mga new na mga methodologies sa unsaon
pag-deal sa mga bata so mao to ang things na ang mga natun-an nila before. Naga-ask
pud sila‘g mga several na bata, ―Do you like how she perform or conduct her classes?‖
(As what I‘ve mentioned, we underwent several trainings and workshops, not just inside the school,
but also outside. We were able to experience workshops outside for free, as if it is freely given by
the school. It is even helpful, most especially if the one facilitating the workshop is accredited, you
can gain CPD points. You need to cater 30 CPD points if you want to renew your license. Because
of OLFAI, I was able to gain 19 points. Aside from training and seminars inside the school, we also
have quarterly observations by the coordinators who look into how we conduct our classes. They
check even our attendance and our timeliness of starting or ending classes. After the observation,
they would convene with us and tell us the pros and cons. They also accept suggestions with regards
to teaching schemes, because it‘s really good for teachers to be exposed to new methodologies.
Aside from observations, they also look into the perception of the students, asking them if they like
how we, as teachers, perform or conduct our classes.)
Next, Maam. Why do fresh graduate
teachers often apply to private school
first before moving to public?
Okay, usual and common jud siya na explanation is… First is to gain experience. As
what I have mentioned, 2 months or 3 months lang ang ginahatag sa amo-a during
practicum teaching, and dili jud na siya enough. Kung magpa-ranking naka sa public,
naa na siyay‘ extra points sa credit pag naka-teach ka kaysa sa wala. Mas dako‘g value
pag naka-experience ka. Through that, ma-well informed gani ka sa imong kailangan
buhaton? ―Ay, ning-anion diay ang TQ. Ning-anion diay ang TOS. Ay, ning-anion diay
ang paghandle sa bata.‖ Pag sa public man gud, ang mga teacher kasagaran diha is hasa
na kaayo. Kung douton ka sa private, mas douton ka sa public. So, mas gwapo jud ng
nakapaandam naka diri.
(The most common explanation as to why they apply first to private schools is to gain experience.
As what I have mentioned, they only give two to three months during our practicum teaching, and
it‘s not enough. If you‘re going to undergo ranking in public, you will gain extra points or credit if
you have teaching experience. Through your work experience, you will be well-informed about
what you are ought to do as a teacher. ―Oh, this is how you do the TQ, the TOS, or even managing
the students.‖ If you go to public immediately, you need to know that the teachers there are already
skilled enough. If you are already pressured by your workers in private, the pressure is doubled in
public. Hence, it is important for you to be prepared while you are still in private.)
Next, Maam. What factors could
possibly push you to transfer from a
private academic institution to public
Kato, ano jud. Preparation. Mabuang jud ko sa preparation, JP. Kabalo ka, kanang
pirmente naka-hilak ko pagmag-check ko‘g test paper? As in, pila gud na ka section? 12.
Tapos di man ka pwede magpa-check ug bata noh? So, ikaw ju‘y magbuang- buang ug
check. Kana. Kato jud overload. Didto jud ko feeling jud nako kamatyonon na jud ko.
(Just like what I‘ve said, it‘s the preparation. The preparation really drives me crazy, JP. You know
what, checking the test papers of the students really makes me cry, because I handle 12 sections all
in all. Because you are not allowed to let students check their own test papers, you need to check the
test papers one by one. Being overloaded is also a huge factor. It was during that time where I felt
like I‘m already about to kick the bucket.)
Next, Maam. Should you have
decided to another private academic
institution for the following school
year. How could the present
administration, or the school as a
whole, possibly convince you to stay
here in OLFAI? How will they
convince you?
Kuan siguro, kanang… muabot ko sa load na kanang siguro… Tapos, mudawat siguro
ko‘g Senior High nalang gud. I mean 4 lessons man ang senior high for 4 days. Meaning
to say, mas gamay na section akong handle-lan, mas gamay ang preparation. Yes, gamay
jud, basta Senior High kay wala na‘y TOS. Ang environment kay itself no kay mao jud
na ang reason nganong mangawala ming tanan diri. Even sa amo-a ha, pila mi kabuok
naa diria mga bag-o? Pito. Sa ako, once na matandog ko nimo ug ani, mawal-an jud ko‘g
gana. Para sa‘n ba ako bumabangon? Ning ana gud? Kanang, mura‘g sarili lang nila ang
ilang gina-isip. Tapos, katag kaayo among schedule. Kanang, pag once na BSED
graduate ka, dapat high school ug elementary ka mutudlo. But kung BEED elementary –
generalist, elementary jud ka. Di ka pwede muadto‘g high school. Pero, naay uban
teacher diri na BEED pero nitudlo‘g high school. Dili mana siya pwede.
(Maybe, in terms of load, I will really appreciate if I will accept Senior High School loads. I mean,
you can have 4 lessons for the Senior High for 4 days, which lessens the number of sections to
handle and the needed preparations. It‘s very convenient to teach Senior High School because there
is no TOS. The environment is also one of the reasons why all of us will be leaving, slowly but
surely. I‘m the type of person who loses the drive to work if you have ever done something
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
unpleasant to me, most especially when I am doing my best for your sake. It really saps away my
motivation. Furthermore, their scheduling is very much scattered. Once you are a BSED graduate,
you are only to teach high school or elementary, but if you are a BEED – Generalist elementary
graduate, you can only teach elementary levels. You cannot teach in high schools. However, there
are some BEED teachers here who also teach in Senior High School. That is not allowed.)
That‘s all, Maam! Thank you, Maam.
Thank you pud kaayo kay nakapagawas ko sa akoang gibati.
(Thank you as well because I was able to vent out what I feel.)
From your perspective, how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of physical and mental wellbeing? Ang work load ba nimo, Maam, na madawat as a parttime teacher is enough for you to be able to sleep at least 8
hours a day? And if ever, Maam, ikaw… You‘re busy or
perhaps you have to be absent because you got sick, what are
the policies about that?
Respondent No. 15
Okay, now…
(From your perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of physical and mental well-being? Is your
workload, Maam, as a part-time teacher still enough for you to sleep at
least eight hours a day? And if ever you got busy or you got sick,
causing you to be absent, what are the policies of the school about
Sa, ano, sa… Maam, sa workload nimo. Healthy pa ba siya?
Healthy pa man siya kay part-time lang mn ko so...
(It‘s still healthy since I‘m just a part-time teacher.)
(For the workload, is it still healthy?)
Pila ka loads pud ang limit, Maam?
(How many loads is the limit for part-time teachers, Maam?)
‗Pag part-time, at most 4 subjects. So, each subjects, I think,
times ayy 3 units muna sa isa ka subject times 3 ay times 4 so...
We have mga 12 units ang pinaka-maximum. At least half-day
na klase for me, kay ako ang pinaka…. ako siguro ang part-time
na fully loaded? Ay oo, kay si Sir roms kay isa or duha lang
iyahang subject, and then, kapag absent, we don‘t have enough
teachers so kung absent ko, wala‘y mu-take over.
(If you are part-time, you should hold at most 4 subjects. Multiplying it
by the number of units, we have 12 unites as the maximum number of
loads. I conduct my classes at least half the day, since I‘m the only parttime teacher who‘s fully loaded, since Sir Roms has only two subjects
compared to me. Since we don‘t have enough teachers, no one will take
over my class if I am absent.)
Wala ju‘y sub, Maam?
(No substituting teacher, Maam?)
Wala jud. Wala‘y naga-sub for Senior High, but for Junior
High, naa. Sa Senior High, we don‘t have teachers and then, I
think, kung naa man, they cannot handle my subjects. Bug-at
ang 3 ka subject and then, the policy of the school is… Your
absence—of course, excuse letter and kung kinsa‘y mu-sub sa
imoha. Depende na lang kung katulo ka ni absent. Kung ka-isa
lang, okay lang. Pwede lang man ka magbilin ug activity. Pero,
kung 3 days straight ka absent, ‗di ka pwede kay kailangan naa
ju‘y mag-sub. Kailangan mana nila sa acads nila.
(There was none. No teacher substitutes classes in the Senior High,
whereas, for the Junior High, a lot of them already submitted. If you
have been absent, you need to prepare an excuse letter. In line with this,
they should also indicate those who will be substituting their classes. If
you have been absent for only a day, you may just leave an activity.
However, if you were absent for three consecutive days, then someone
needs to substitute already, so as not to compromise the academics of
the SHS students.)
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Ano, Maam, in regards sa ano nila… Aside sa excuse letter,
Maam, unsa pa inyong mga forms ang kailangan ninyo I
(Aside from the excuse letter, what are the other forms required to be
‗Pag if you are being confined, dapat naa‘y medical certificate.
Pero, if ever naa‘y… you are just feeling sick, excuse letter
lang. Excuse letter only.
(If you are being confined, there should be a medical certificate.
However, if you are just feeling sick, excuse letter is already enough.)
Yesss... Kapag may letter or wala, kaltas yata gihapon. Depende
na lang.
Kaltas jud kaayo siya sa sweldo, Maam?
(Is it deducted from you salary?)
(Yes, regardless of being excused or not, your monthly salary will be
Yes, per hour per load. That‘s why, kung wala ko‘y klase, ‗di
Per hour ba inyohang…
(What are the rates of the compensation for part-time teachers?)
Next, Maam. From your perspective, how does the school take
good care of its faculty members in terms of salaries,
privileges, and incentives? And sweldo ba na inyong madawat,
considering your workload as a teacher here in OLFAI—Is it
enough or is it fulfilling enough for you? Aside sa salaries,
unsa pa ang other benefits na inyong madawat gikan sa school?
(From your how does the school take good care of its faculty members
in terms of salaries, privileges, and incentives? Is your salary fulfilling
enough, considering your workload as a teacher here in OLFAI? Aside
from salaries, what are the other benefits which you have accepted
from the school?)
ko mu-adto kay wala man ko‘y bayad.
(We are a paid per hour per load. That‘s why, if I don‘t have class, I
don‘t go to school since I don‘t have any wage for that day.)
Okay. For me, sa salary… That is enough. ‗Sample, ako
siguro… Kung sa akoa, wala man ko‘y anak, wala mn ko‘y
ginabuhi, my own lang, okay na. That is already enough, pero
kung kuntahay lang ha, kuntahay lang. Kung na‘y part time,
then kuan siya, naa siya‘y anak, it is not enough. Tapos mga
incentives, we have 13th month pay, bisag part-time, naa. And
then, they pay our PhilHealth and other… Mga SSS, sila
nagabayad ana. Of course, we have RVM na gina-hulugan. If
ever daw muhawa ka, naa kay madawatan. Retirement fee so
pag muhawa ka, naa kay madawatan. That is also included, and
then, we have… Ginabayaran nila ang free medical ‗pag mag
pa-medical ka.
(For me, the salary is enough. Since I‘m just a single woman, with no
child nor any commitment, the salary is already enough. However, if
someone who is a part-time teacher who has someone to feed every
single day, then the salary is not enough. As for the incentives, we have
the 13th month pay, the part-time jobs, etc. They also pay our PhilHealth
and our SSS. We will also get an RVM retirement fee if ever you
decided to leave or transfer.)
Mao to siya. More on financial compensation. How about
kanang non-financial like regalo?
(If we are to dwell more on financial compensation, what about nonfinancial compensation like gifts?)
Okay. Katong Christmas party, gihatagan mi ug ano… katong,
tawag ato uy? Mura siya‘g gift packs grocery. Mura‘g pang ano
lang… pang handa. Naa mi ana, tapos katong nag Personnel‘s
Day, sila tanan nagbayad, so kato sila ang nag bayad. And then,
for example, kapag naa‘y seminar, sila nagabayad sa expense,
food, etc. Basta sa school na siya na ano… Sila nagabayad.
(During the Christmas party, we were given gift pack groceries to serve
as Noche Buena for our Christmas celebration. We also had the
Personnel‘s Day where all of the expeses were shouldered by the
From your perspective, how does the school take good care of
its faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? Like, ang inyohang—For example, ang school
ba, Maam, muhatag sila ug trabaho, and it is up to you on how
you are going to accomplish it or finish it? Naa ba siya‘y
kanang monitoring sa inyong performance? And kung naa
man, Maam, what way nila gina-monitor inyong performance?
(From your perspective, how does the school take good care of its
faculty members in terms of supervision and professional
development? For example, does the system of the school entail giving
of tasks and letting the workers discover how to accomplish it, or is
there monitoring in your performance.)
Okay. ‗Pag sa akong part-time… Diba, we have different types
of lesson plan? For example, sa lesson plan, meeting.
(Okay. In my part-time, we have different types of lesson plan.)
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Naga-LP pa ba, Maam, ang ano?
(Do you still create LPs? If yes, what about?)
‗Pag sa Senior High, daily log lang. So, kung mura‘g kung unsa
lang imong gihimo. Dili na siya same sa LP sa Junior High na
elaborated pa. Kato lang siya. Kung unsa lang gihimo that week
in four sessions, mao lang pud ang ibutang. And then,—
actually, every now and then, gina-monitor the daily log. We
have PCO. It‘s kanang calendar kung na-hit ba namo ang
amoang dapat klasehan. Kuntahay, dapat ba… naa raman didto
kung unsa na adlaw dapat kini na ma-hit nimo nga klase. So,
gina-monitor gihapon na sa amoang coordinator, and then, there
will be an observation. Tapos, unsa pa ba?
(In Senior High School, we have the daily log for part-time teachers.
It‘s somehow a summary of what we did over the course of the week.
The daily log is a summary and is not as elaborated as an LP in Junior
High Schoool. Whatever you did in the four sessions of the week, you
put it there. We also have PCO. It‘s a calendar which contains the
classes that you have to attend and the activities that you are to do. It is
monitored by the coordinator and sometimes have observations. What
Next, Maam, how about sa professional development? Maam,
unsa ang mga program sa school, Maam, para ma-futher maenhance pa ang inyong teaching skills?
(Next, Maam. How about professional development? Maam, what are
the programs of the school to further develop their teaching skills?)
Okay, before nag-start ang klase. We have different types of
seminars and psychological na mga seminars, and everytime na
mag-meeting kay naa‘y ginahatag nga inspirantional na mga
ano… Then, katong niagi kay naa‘y gihatag na mga codes of—
na mura‘g ethics siya para sa children na dili dapat na ana-ana.
Mga batas para—example, dapat dili ka pwede mamalo. Ana
gud? What are the rights of children? Dapat aware mi ana. And
then, training. Kapag training, we are also… ginatudloan pud
mi what are process if there is—for example, kanang naa‘y
nahitabo, unsa‘y kailangan nimo himoun, unsa‘y dapat protocol,
unsa‘y kailangan, kinsay iinform kanus‘a maghimog letter ug
asa dapit ihatag ang problem.
(Before the classes, started, we have different seminars, others are
psychological in nature, and everytime we had a meeting, there will
always be in inspirational quote for the children.)
Ikaw, Maam, nakasulay naman ka sa seminar yourself, Maam?
(Have you tried attending a seminar yourself, Maam?)
Oo, naka-seminar naman.
So far, Maam, pila na ka seminars ang imong naapilan?
Sa diri na school, I think five.
(How many seminars have you attended?
(In this school, I think it‘s five.)
Okay, number 4, Maam. Why do fresh graduate teachers often
apply to private schools first before moving to public schools?
Because public—Ay, because in public schools, they don‘t
have… kanang daghan sila‘g requirements, and then kapag
private schools school, they are mostly focusing sa kung unsa
ang imong na-graduate-tan gud. Dili sila nagatan-aw kung unsa
ka kadugay. For example, nag-apply ko‘g masters, and they will
observe you, because the higher ang imong na-graduate-tan,
taas imong tendency na makuha ka dayon, compared sa public.
Public is more strict. Though you are a doctorate, but you will
always start with the Level 1. And then, here in the Philippines,
naa‘y mindset na ‗pag naa‘y backer, paspas makasulod. Sa
public pud, higher ang competition. Daghan gusto mu-apply ug
public, because the privilege and also the salary. Pero, kapag
private, gamay lang imong competition ana. Parehas sa‘koa!
Ako lang ang nag-apply, edi ako ra‘y nakuha. Ana gud. I don‘t
know kung ako lang ba jud.
(Yes, I have attended already.)
(It is because public schools have more requirements, compared to
private schools who tend to focus more on the applicant‘s baccalaureate
qualifications. They don‘t look into how long it took you to finish the
course. For example, if you applied for masters, they will observe you,
with greater chances of being hired if you have graduated with latin
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
honors. As for public schools, they are more strict. Even though you are
a doctorate, you will always start at level 1. Furthermore, in the
Philippines, we have the concept that applicants who have backers in
the company which they are applying to are easily accepted. The
competition is also intense in public schools, because of the privileges
and the salary. In contrast, private schools have little competition at all.
Like in my case, I was the only one who applied; hence, I was
immediately accepted.)
Next, Maam. Number 5. Kani, Maam, sa number 5… Since
you said in your profile na muhawa na jud ka for the next
school year, so applicable na kaayo ni siya na questions. So,
what factors could possibly push you to transfer from another
academic institution to another school private or public? Like,
in short, unsa ang imong mga reasons ngano ka muhawa?
(Next, Maam. Since you said in your profile that you‘ll be
leaving for the next school year, these questions will be very
applicable for you. What factors could possibly push you to
transfer from another academic institution to another school
private or public? In short, what are the reasons why you
decided to leave?)
Dili ko. Muhawa ko. Dili ko mu-trabaho, because diba personal
man to? So, iingon nalang nako. Mag-pursue ko‘g medicine, so
muhawa ko kay mag-medicine ko. Pero if ever, naa, duha man
pud akong options. Kung muhawa ko, mubalhin ko pero sa
government na. Why? I think akoang skills is wala na-train diri,
because we don‘t have these facilities compared sa government
na you‘re fully-equipped. Na-equip ka, nagamit jud ka, bisan
asa—kung asa ka dapat. Diri, wala jud nako na-exploit akong
learnings. For example sa laboratory techniques, dili nako
matudlo sa ilaha kay wala‘y gamit. So, mao na ang isa ka factor
na naka-affect ana kung mubalhin man pud siguro ko sa laing
school, kato pung magamit pud imong skills na pwede nimo
matudlo sa ilaha. Unsa pa?
(I refuse. I will leave. I will leave, because—It‘s personal, right? Fine,
I‘m just going to say it. I‘m planning to pursue medicine, that‘s why I
have to leave. However, I‘m considering two options. If I will leave, I
will transfer to the government, because I believe that my skills weren‘t
trained here due to inadequate facilities compared to the fully-equipped
facilities of the government. In the government, you can really make use
of your learnings, but in here? I wasn‘t able to exploit my learnings at
all. For example, I wasn‘t able to teach my students the different
laboratory techniques because of the lack of apparatus. That is one of
the reasons why I‘m leaving the school, because I want to make use of
my skills in teaching and educating the students.)
Next, Maam. Kani, last question. Should you have decided to
transfer to another academic institution for the following
school year. how could the present administration, or the
school as a whole, possibly convince you to stay here in
1 million ang sweldo! Char lang. Para ma-convince ko nila na
dili muhawa? If ever lang?
(1 million salary! Just kidding. What should they do to make me stay,
(Next, Maam. This is the last question. Should you have decided to
transfer to another academic institution for the following school year.
how could the present administration, or the school as a whole,
possibly convince you to stay here in OLFAI?)
Kung ma-full-time and then increase ang sweldo. That will be
enough for me. Mao lang.
(If they will make me a full-time employee and perhaps, increase my
salary. That will be enough for me. That‘s all.)
Pero katong nag-apply ka, Maam, part-time jud ‗to or you were
vying for a full-time jud?
Sila nagpili, pero ako, okay lang man ko bisan ano. Pero, sila
nag-pili na part-time kay gamay ra. Actually, ma-full time kung
daghan ang students pero part-time kay the population is not
(But when you applied here, Maam, were you vying for a part-time or
a full-time employment?)
(They were the ones who decided that one. They chose part-time since
the Senior High School population was quite small. I would be a fulltime employee if ever the population was greater in number.)
Pero kung i-full time ka ato, Maam, willing pud unta ka?
Okay ra pud pero, actually, naa jud ko‘y laing school na
nagkuha sa‘koa, pero I chose to stay nalang gyud. Kato lang.
(However, if you were given a full-time employment back then, would
you be willing to go for it?)
(I‘m fine with either. Actually, another school was also about to hire
me, but I chose to stay here. That‘s all.)
So, I think that was the last question. Thank you, Maam!
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Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Curriculum Vitae
GKK Nuestra Señora Birhen sa Regla, Bonifacio
Ext. St., Brgy. 31-D, Davao City
Mobile Number: 09300453140
E-mail Address: johnpaulsapsal@gmail.com
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Junior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Senior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Personal Data:
17 years old
Civil Status:
September 22, 2001
Seminars and Workshops attended:
OLFAI Leadership Training
Philippine Sports Commission Regional Journalism Seminar
Shifting Perspectives Mental Health Symposium
Pagpanukiduki Research Symposium
Gerry Roxas Leadership Awardees Bayanihan Camp (Batch 6)
Eco Summit 2019
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Curriculum Vitae
NHA Buhangin Lt. 7
Blk. 7 Davao City
Mobile Number: 09262089836
E-mail Address: christianjay01@gmail.com
Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School
Junior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Senior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Personal Data:
17 years old
Civil Status:
January 16, 2002
Seminars and Workshops attended:
Pagpanukiduki Symposium
Disaster and Risk Reduction Symposium
OLFAI Leadership Training
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Curriculum Vitae
341 Bushoa Bucana,
Brgy. 76-A Davao City
Mobile Number: 09564971347
E-mail Address: shynnevie99@gmail.com
Kapitan Tomas Monteverde Sr. Central Elementary School
Junior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Senior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Personal Data:
18 years old
Civil Status:
October 30, 2000
Seminars and Workshops attended:
Pagpanukiduki Symposium
Disaster and Risk Reduction Symposium
Please Do Not Let Me Go: Factors Affecting
Teachers‟ Retention in the Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Curriculum Vitae
88 Corner Jacinto St.
Brgy. 24 – C Davao city
Mobile Number: 09288229286
E-mail Address: elly_kbell@yahoo.com
Philippine Academy of Sakya Davao, Inc. (Kinder 1 & 2)
Davao Christian High School (Grade 1)
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc. (Grade 2-6)
Junior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Senior High School:
Our Lady of Fatima Academy of Davao, Inc.
Personal Data:
17 years old
Civil Status:
December 18, 2001
Seminars and Workshops attended:
Pagpanukiduki Symposium
Study collections