Uploaded by Evan Murphy

PhET Pressure & Particle Motion Worksheet


PhET Pressure


1. Google Phet states of matter or find the link on Google


2. Click on States of Matter: Basics – PhET

3. Click on the second box: Phase Changes

4. Take a couple minutes to get to know the simulation.

5. Click on Neon.

6. Reset the simulation so you are starting at a pressure of

0.0 atm.

7. What are all the ways you can change the

pressure of this closed system? Share with your group.

8. What are the particles doing to cause the

pressure to increase (go up)? Share with your group.

9. Try to make the lid pop of the container.

Why did the lid pop off? Share with your group.

Reset the PhET by clicking the orange circular arrow

KEEP IN MIND: Your focus is how the PARTICLES are affecting the PRESSURE of the closed system.

Closed System: Nothing can get in or out. The container is a closed system in this PhET.

Name: __________________________________________

PhET Particle Motion Quiz

Date: ___________________________ Period: ______________

1. Model the state change that occurs when enough thermal energy is added to liquid neon. Use the checklist on the rubric to make sure your model is complete.

Thermal energy added


2. What causes liquid neon to change state when thermal energy is added? Use the checklist on the rubric to make sure your answer is complete. Remember, you must explain what the particles are doing.

Liquid Neon changes state when enough thermal energy is added, because… ________________________________________





Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: ______________

PhET Particle Motion Quiz

1. Model the state change that occurs when enough thermal energy is added to liquid neon. Use the checklist on the rubric to make sure your model is complete.

Thermal energy added


2. What causes liquid neon to change state when thermal energy is added? Use the checklist on the rubric to make sure your answer is complete. Remember, you must explain what the particles are doing.

Liquid Neon changes state when enough thermal energy is added, because… ________________________________________





Name ____________________________________________________ Period_________ Pressure Exit Ticket

Does Container A or Container B have a higher pressure? Explain by describing how the difference in particle motion causes this higher pressure. Note: This is the 4 on the written model rubric.


250 ° C

The pressure is higher


500 ° C in Container ________ because the particles







Name ____________________________________________________ Period_________ Pressure Exit Ticket

Does Container A or Container B have a higher pressure? Explain by describing how the difference in particle motion causes this higher pressure. Note: This is the 4 on the written model rubric.


250 ° C


500 ° C

The pressure is higher in Container ________ because the particles







Name ____________________________________________________ Period_________


Pressure Exit Ticket

Does Container A or Container B have a higher pressure? Explain by describing how the difference in particle motion causes this higher pressure.


250 ° C

Note: This is the 4 on the written model rubric.


500 ° C thermal energy faster hit heat force pressure

The pressure is higher in Container ________ because the particles have more __________________________

__________ _____________and so are moving ___________________________which means they ______________________ with the sides of the container with more ___________________________ which causes higher


Name ____________________________________________________ Period_________ Pressure Exit Ticket

Does Container A or Container B have a higher pressure? Explain by describing how the difference in particle motion causes this higher pressure. Note: This is the 4 on the written model rubric.


250 ° C


500 ° C

WORD BANK: thermal energy faster hit heat force pressure

The pressure is higher in Container ________ because the particles have more __________________________

__________ _____________and so are moving ___________________________which means they ______________________ with the sides of the container with more __________________________________ which causes higher

