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Learner Needs Analysis Report Template

A Learner Needs Analysis report
Tell who you chose and why.
Present the Learner profile
Briefly mention here what data collection tools you have employed and explain why
Ethics (tell how you received consent from a learner, form parents (if a student is under
18 years old))
What are the learning goals of this learner?
What are his or her learning styles and strategies?
What are his or her personality traits?
If you were or are the teacher, how would/will you address these learning needs? Please
refer to Richards Ch 3 for more information about needs analysis.
Also present outcomes of your observation/questionnaire/interview, etc.
You may want to use graphs and tables to present outcomes your study
Don’t forget to interpret your findings.
What are implications of your study (a learner needs analysis) to your teaching.
Any supporting documents (e.g. consent form, etc.) should be in the appendix,