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Networking 2: Dynamic Routing Protocols Lecture Notes

ITE 304 - Networking 2
Lecture Notes/Activity # 6
Name: __________________________________
Section: ___________________
Instructor’s Signature: ____________
Complete the paragraphs that follow by filling in the appropriate words and phrases.
Dynamic routing, also called adaptive routing, is a process where a router can forward data via a different
route or given destination based on the current conditions of the communication circuits within a system.
Systems that do not implement dynamic routing are described as using static routing, where routes through a
network are described by fixed paths. A change, such as the loss of a node, or loss of a connection between
nodes, is not compensated for. This means that anything that wishes to take an affected path will either have
to wait for the failure to be repaired before restarting its journey, or will have to fail to reach its destination
and give up the journey.
Role of Dynamic Routing Protocol
 _______________ learn information about remote networks and add routes to routing tables.
 _______________ the best path to each network.
 _______________ finds alternate paths if needed.
 Advantages over static router
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
Components of Dynamic Routing Protocols
 ________________________: Tables or databases for their operations, kept in RAM.
 ________________________: is a finite list of steps used in accomplishing a task.
o Used for processing routing information and for best-path determination.
 ________________________: Discover neighboring routers.
o Exchange, learn and maintain accurate network routing information.
Distance Vector
 The network is ____________________ and does not require a hierarchical design.
 The administrators do not have enough knowledge to configure and troubleshoot link-state protocols.
 Specific types of networks, such _______________________, are being implemented.
 Worst-case __________________ times in a network are not a concern.
Link State
 A Link State routing protocol can create a complete map of the network topology.
 A link-state router:
o Receives an __________________.
o Builds a _______________ database.
o Uses a _______________ algorithm to create its view of the network.
o Builds the routing table.
 ___________________ (not the entire table) are only sent to neighbouring routers when the topology
 The routers must:
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
Purpose of Metric
• There are times when a router will have multiple paths to the same destination.
• Metrics are a way to __________________________ routes to determine which route is the best path.
Questions (Self-Assessment):
1. Explain why static routing might be preferred over dynamic routing?
2. What are the 4 ways of classifying dynamic routing protocols?
3. What is the difference between static routing and dynamic routing?
4. What is the difference between distance vector and link state?
5. What have you learned from this activity?