Uploaded by Dessu Fikir

User Manual

User Manual
Cloud Based TVET Management System
Cloud Based TVET Management System is a web based app that enables TVET colleges to
operate their tasks through the cloud. This manual shows only the main activities and the later
will be covered with your own practice.
Understanding Application Structure
Modules (8 Modules)
System Administration
Human Resource Management Module
TeCaT Management Module
Registrar Module
Library Management Module
Inventory/Stock Management Module
Instructor Module
Student Management Module
Installation and Login
Install XAMPP on your machine
Import tvet.sql on your XAMPP server (Make sure it ends with no error or DROP & retry )
Copy cbtvetms folder on your xampp/htdocs/cbtvetms
Use -Username
to login to the system
System Administrator,
user@user.com user
Instructor (Instructor2
Copy Right © 2019 : Dessie Aragaw
System Administrator
Cloud Based TVET Management System
This module is mainly focuses on managing security for the system by manipulating user accounts.
The admin user also can view statistical data.
System Admin Activities
Log in as admin privilege
Create account for employees and other system admins
Delete accounts
View system data registered on a database
Steps for Creating Admin Accounts
Login (admin – admin) default username and password
Admin Users
Administrator Users Tab
Add New
Type Username and Password
Click on Save
Steps for Creating Other employees user
First Employees should be registered before creating any account (on HRM Module)
Login (admin – admin) default username and password
Admin Users
Standard Users Tab
Add New
Select Role
Select Employee name under the role you selected (then username and password is first
name of the employee till he change his profile)
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Resume: Dessie Aragaw
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Cloud Based TVET Management System
In this module the HRM user enables to register employees (Administration staffs and
Instructors), manage efficiencies and other HRM activities.
HRM Activities
Register Administration staffs
Register Instructors
Manage Efficiencies
Set Salary for each employees
Print Payrolls for those employees
Register Administration staffs
Login as HRM user (user – user – HRM officer) default username, password and role
Employee Menu Admin Staff tab Add New Fill detail Save
Register Instructors
Employee Menu Instructor/Trainer tab
Add New Fill detail (select department that a teacher is enrolled) Save
Manage Salary (Same for Administration Staff and Instructors)
Select Admin Staff or instructor tab
Click on Manage Salary fill detail save close
Now the new salary is displayed
Payroll Menu click on print icon select printer print
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Copy Right © 2019 : Dessie Aragaw
Cloud Based TVET Management System
This is the most important module that manages the teaching learning starter activities. All
departments, levels and courses are registered by the registrar user. Starting class and managing
students without the fulfilment of this module is impossible.
Registrar Activities
Manage sectors
Manage Departments/Occupations
Manage Levels (Classes)
Manage Unit of Competencies (Subjects/Coerces)
View available Instructors
Manage Trainees/Students
View Students Trainee Record Book
Print Certificate
Manage sectors (same for other activities)
Login as Registrar (employee3 – emp3 – registrar) default username/password/role respectively
Sector Menu Add New Fill Detail Save : to add new sector
Edit Modify Detail Save to Edit sector
Delete Yes to delete sector
Manage trainees/Students
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Trainee Menu Add New Fill Detail Save : to add new trainees/Students
Edit Modify Detail Save to Edit trainees/Students
Delete Yes to delete trainees/Students
TRB Back to view Trainee Record book (To check whether a student take a course and
competent or not; this enables to certify a student)
Certificate print back : to print a certificate
Resume: Dessie Aragaw
Cloud Based TVET Management System
This module is designed for teachers or instructors to takes place all teaching learning activities.
This Module will be active if a/an trainer/Instructor is registered in HRM Module and if all
Registrar Module data are recorded successfully.
Start a new class
Add students to the class
Manage students who attain that class
Send, Receive, from to students and teachers and manage those messages
Upload resources and publish them to classes
Post announcements and publish to classes
Add assignments and publish to classes
Create quiz’s and post them to classes
Start A New Class
Signup as a Trainer in login page Write the correct name select department provide account detail signup login with his new username and password
My Class menu Start a New Class fill class Detail Save
Add Students to a Class
Click on a Class Add Trainee select Add (in front of students detail) Add Trainee
Upload resources and publish them to classes
Upload files Menu Brows file fill detail select class Upload
Same step for assignments and announcements
Create Quiz’s and Post them to Classes
Quiz Menu Add New Quiz Fill Detail Save
On a Quiz list click Questions Add Question Fill question detail Save
On a quiz page click on Add Quiz to a Class select Quiz provide time select class
save. This helps to publish a quiz to a class. Unless the quiz will not be visible for a
student enrolled in this class.
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Copy Right © 2019 : Dessie Aragaw
Cloud Based TVET Management System
This module is designed for students to attain their course, take quiz and follow their progress.
Before using this students must be registered to a system with the Registrar Module.
View Notifications
Enter to class
View Class Mates
View their progress
View their Instructor information
Download or watch online resources, assignments and announcements published to that
Take quiz
Manipulate messages
Attain to a Class
Signup as a Trainee in login page Write the correct name select department provide account detail signup login with his new username and password
My Class menu click on a class
Watch online Videos
After selecting a class click on Downloadable Materials menu On a list click the play icon
(if the file is a video file it start playing or if not the file will be start downloading)
Taking Quiz
After selecting a class click on Quiz menu Select Quiz take Quiz follow the wizard
Managing Messages
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Go to student dashboard page
Message Menu Select For Trainee or For Student tabs select receiver Write
Message Send
Click Sent message to view sent messages
Click Inbox tab to view received messages
Click Replay on received message in your inbox type message send