2016 Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems:Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTS E) Enhancement of Voltage Profile for IEEE 14 Bus System with Inter line Power Flow Controller IM.Venkateswara Reddy, 2 S ishnu Prasad Muni, 3 A.V.R.S.Sarma, Research Scholar, EE, Dept., GM, P.E.S Dept., Professor (retd), U.C.E, Osmania University, BHEL, (R&D), EE Dept., U.C.E, Osmania Uniersity, Hyderabad, Telangana, India e-mail:venkimallireddy@gmail.com, e-mail:bpmuni@bhelrnd.co.in, e-mail:avrs2000@yahoo.com Abstract-- This paper deals with the design and simulation of standard IEEE 14 bus system with IPFC. As a suggested solution to effective load sharing between the transmission lines, The interline power flow controller will transfers the power demand from above loaded line to less loaded transmission line. The proposed IPFC was connected between 2, 3 and3, 4 buses of standard IEEE 14 bus system. In this paper, two five level inverter based IPFC connected to the main IEEE system was presented. The system was designed in mat lab/Simulink and explained the effectiveness of power transmission with and without presence of IPFC. Key Words: IEEE 14 bus system, IPFC, VSC, Multi level Inverter, FACTS, SSSC, TCSC, STATCOM I. [NTRODUCTION FACTS Technology is related to real and reactive power. It's used improve in the performance of power system. The expertise deals with networks and consumers troubles principally associated to power transmission quality issues. Where a lot of power quality problems can be reduces with an sufficient control of the power flow. The concept of power flow control is concerned load support and voltage compensation. Depending upon the power demand, the tasks are to rise for the system power factor, to improve the actual power from the generating source, to increase voltage profile and to decrease harmonics. The principle of FACTS is mainly depending upon the advanced technologies of power electronic control and design procedure of the power flow system, to control it by electronics devices. The transmission can capitalize on the many thoughts taking place in the area of high-current and high-voltage power electronics, to get better be in command of power flows in system during both normal and abnormal conditions. The present reality of improving the power system automatically controllable has initiated A change in the way the design of power plant equipment and built as well as the knowledge that goes into the planning and operation of transmission and distribution networks. These type of improvements may also increase the technique of energy transmission are done, as increase in speed control of the corridor of the energy flow is now practical Reactive power support in transmitting the power in different power flows increases the strength of the power system by transfer it at maximum level. Series compensators change the parameters of the transmission grids or distribution levels, where the 978-1-4673-6658-8116/$3l.00 ©20 16 IEEE shunt compensators change the impedance at the connected terminals. [n both cases, the reactive power through the system can significantly transfers and improves the performance of the entire power system. The use of PWM converters by a control action allows the achievement of static series compensators for generating or consuming reactive power faster than the fundamental system period. FACTS are more efficient for the operation of power flow networks. From above concepts, static Power flow was controlled by the control actions of FACTS devices, which include the following • • • • • • Fixed VAR Compensators TCSC STATCOM Static Series Synchronous Compensators (SSSC) UPFC [PFC [I. [EEE Bus SYSTEM A. Bus Classification In general, a bus in an electrical power system is fed from the generating units which inject the active and reactive power into it and loads real and reactive power s from it. [n load flow studies, the generator and load (complex) powers are lumped into a net power. This net power is called bus injected power. The net power injected in the bus is given by (I) l)Load Bus Generators are not linked to this bus. At this bus the active and reactive power are specified. Its desired to determine the magnitude and phase angle of voltage through load flow study. The P D demand and QD should specify at such a bus and this bus voltage can be allowed to differ within the allowable values. i.e,5%. Also bus voltage phase angle is not very important for the load. 2) Generator Bus or Voltage Controlled Bus The generator bus voltage bus is one at which the voltage magnitude corresponding to the generation voltage and active power (P G) specified. It's required to calculate the QG and voltage phase angle. 3) Slack (Swing) Bus This type of bus differs from other buses by the fact active and reactive powers at this bus were not specified but voltage and phase angle are mentioned. Mainly only one bus is present in a given system. Initially the real and reactive powers are not specified at all buses, so complex power flow in the system is not known .the power loss also unknown up to completion of flow solution. So it's necessary having one bus at which the complex power is unspecified, so that it will supplies the difference in the total system load and losses. By this reason it must be a generator bus. equipment life time will be shorted, and if the supplied voltage below the rated value the equipment will not function properly. @GENERATORS @SYNCHRONOUS 12 COMPENSATORS TABLE 1. DIFFERENT Bus SYSTEM QUANTITIES S.No Bus Type Specified Quantities Can be Determined Quantities I Load bus P,Q IVI,6 2 Genera tor bus P, IVI Q,6 3 Slack bus IVI,6 P,Q F ig.l. IEEE 14 bus system B. Standard IEEE i4 Bus System The fig. 1 shows the standard IEEE 14 bus system. The generators are connected at 1 and2 buses and synchronous compensators are connected at 3, 6 buses and i h bus acts as slack bus The moving reactive powers in transmission line are one of the major factor in loss of energy. From voltage standard that made by IEC the voltage range that be allow to provide to customer are ±6% from the rated voltage value. C. Necessity ofImproving Voltage Profile E. Methods for improvement of Voltage Profile Voltage collapses mainly occur in power system sudden increase in system load or by different faults or shortage in supply of reactive power. Voltage fall down causes more problems in the entire system, mainly system instability. In fact, sudden change in system voltage involves change in a whole power system. Voltage fall down is typically related with reactive power demand of load not being met due to shortage in production in reactive power and its transmission. Mainly,discussed on the effects of the IPFC on voltage profile, active and Reactive powers. The IPFC mainly consists of two series connected voltage controlled converters for exchange of powers between more no of power lines when ever is the load changes in the lines. In bus system the voltage profile can be improved as follows D. Voltage Control In power system, control the system voltage play important role to ensure the voltage interruption like swell, sag and harmonic can be minimize and further more increase the power quality, reliability and availability. The importance of voltage control as follows Both customers and power system equipment is design to operate within the specific voltage range value. If the equipments are supplied by voltage above their range then 1) By injecting the reactive power (static shunt capacitors and reactor or by static series capacitors and or synchronous compensators. 2) By using tap changing transformer. 3) By using FACTS devices. 4) By exchange of powers between the lines (IPFC) F. Applications ofiPFC The major objective in applying IPFC is to exchange power demand from excess loaded line to below loaded line by series compensation (by exchanging of powers between the lines). The devices will works as controllable voltage source devices which are connected in series with the system in for increase series compensation. G. Advantages o{Series Compensation 1) Decreases the voltage drops at loads 2) Influences power flow in parallel lines 3) Capability of power transmission increases 4) Transmission angle is less 5) Stability increases 6) Line voltage drops will be low III. V1s V1 self VX1 V1r INTER LINE POWER FLOW CONTROLLER In general, the IPFC is a grouping of two or more separately controllable SSSCS which are solid-state VSCS. Vi Vj r-----------------~ v~Vl iJ::':"1f "-: V2r ~--~~~-+-------~------~­ X2 V2pq Fig.3. Basic two inverter power f10w controller SSSC I Fig.2. Simple schematic of IPFe These are mainly injecting sinusoidal voltage at changeable level and connect via a general DC link as shown in fig.2. Usually SSSC is used to increase the transmittable real power over a specified line and to equilibrium the loading of a normally encountered multiline system. They are mainly to provide ability for direct transfer of real power between compensated lines while maintaining the preferred division of reactive flow among the lines. In general form, the IPFC having a number of dc to. ac converters, each providing series compensation for a different line. The converters are linked together at their Capacitor terminals and connected to the AC systems through their series coupled transformers. With this scheme in addition to provided that series reactive compensation, any converter capacitors can For an IPFC with n series converters, the control degree n-l of series converters is two, apart from that one series converter has control degree is one be controlled to supply of active power to the general dc link from its own line. The exchange of real power at any time among the n series converters should be balanced. For the sake of effortlessness, consider basic model of IPFC. In following fig.3. Each converters are connected together at their dc terminals with this method series reactive compensation taken place, in addition to this any of the VSC can be controlled to supply real power to the dc link connected at common position from its own line. Due to this process an overall extra power can be transferred from the lower demanded lines which can be used by other lines for real power requirement. Obviously this process maintains the overall power balance at the capacitor terminals by proper control action. A simple IPFC scheme consisting of two VSCS is used as a main control device to add the required power to over loaded transmission line by series voltage addition. Two VSCS, with voltage phasors VII" and V2 rx" in series with transmission linesl and 2 respectively are in below Fig.3. A. Working Principle and Voltage Phasor for IPFC DC link voltage can be maintained with controllable voltage magnitude and phase angle at the fundamental frequency at a required level. The dc link is represented by a bidirectional link for real power exchanging between VSCS. Fig.4. Phasor diagram of system 1 The representation of line as follows, line one represented by resistance R reactance Xl Sending end bus voltage Vb and a receiving end voltage VIC' For second line sending end represented by resistance, reactance R2 X2 • Sending end voltage V2S and the receiving-end voltage is V 2,. at normal operating conditions the sending-end and receiving-end voltages of two lines assumed to be equal with fixed magnitudes in per units and with fixed angles ensuing in same transmission angle for the two lines. j The line impedances and voltages are assumed to be identical. Although in practice two systems could be somewhat different in all line parameters. For simplicity purpose line1 is randomly chosen to be the prime system for which free controllability of both line powers flow is fixed to derive the line constraints. Due to easy control of line one forces on power flow control of line 2. The following figure is more useful to explain the working principle and voltage compensation of line I B. Voltage Source Converter A five level voltage source converter was connected to the each transmission line. Depending upon the power demand transfer VSC I and vsc2 will works as converter or inverter vice versa. VSC I works as main controller and vsc2 will work as slave controller. The capacitors will act as dc bus. The dc bus voltage controlled by vsc2. The harmonic content was reduced by high level inverter. The proposed [PFC was connected between bus 3 and bus 4 of [EEE 14 bus system. [v. @ GENERATORS (£) Sl'NCHRONOUS 12 "L~ COMPENSATORS 7 PROPOSED SYSTEM SIMULATION This section briefly describes about the test system that is used to analyze the work in purpose of analyze the effect ofIPFC in increasing the voltage stability of the system and power demand exchange and its control. IEEE 14 bus system was taken and it is designed by using Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT).The [PFC was connected between second, third and fourth busses of the system .Then compared the results with and without [PFC and tabulated the bus voltage, bus voltage angle, real and reactive Power at all busses. Fig.5. IEEE 14 bus system with IPFC Table II. IEEE 14 bus system with IPFC, Table III. IEEE 14 bus system without IPFC, Table IV. IEEE 14 bus system line parameters, FigA shows the IEEE 14 bus system with IPFC. TABLE II.IEEE 14 Bus SYSTEM WITH IPFC TABLE III. IEEE 14 Bus SYSTEM WITHOUT IPFC S.no Bus no Bus voltage (pu) Volta ge angle Real power Reactive power I I 1.06 0 2.32e8 -1.523e 7 2 2 1.045 -4.989 1.83e7 3 3 1.01 -12.75 -9.42e7 4 4 1.013 -10.24 -4.78e7 5 5 1.017 -8.76 -7.6e6 0 Bus no Bus voltage (pu) Voltage angle Real power Reactive power 1 1 1.075 0 2.507e" -1.21e7 2 2 1.052 -3.166 2.015e 7 2.986e 7 3 3 1.021 -10.06 -1.001 e" 6.446e6 4 4 1.023 -8.57 -5.16e" 2.6e" 6 6 1.07 -14.45 -1.l2e7 5 5 1.02 -6.457 -9.26e" -1.02e" 7 7 1.046 -13.24 0 0 6 6 1.085 -12.99 -1.365e 7 1.298e7 8 8 1.08 -13.24 2.387e7 2.l03e 7 S.n 7 7 1.052 -11.28 0 0 8 8 1.085 -11.28 2.096e·7 1.965e7 9 9 1.03 -14.82 -2.95e7 9 9 1.045 -12.25 -3.125e7 -l.396e7 10 10 1.03 -15.04 -ge6 10 10 1.04 -13.9 -1.005e 7 -4.5e6 11 11 1.046 -14.86 -3.5e6 II II 1.052 -12.65 -4.2e -1.1 e 12 12 1.053 -15.3 -6.1e6 12 12 1.061 -13.28 -7.285e" -Lie" 13 13 1.051 -13.66 -1.506e7 -4.985e" 13 13 1.047 -15.33 -l.35e7 14 14 1.024 -14.1 -1.526e 7 -3.5e6 14 14 1.019 -16.09 -1.4ge7 6 3.523e7 8.758e 6 3.ge6 -1.6e 6 1.553e7 -1.66e 7 -5.8e 6 -1.8e 6 6 -1.6e 6 -5.8e 6 _5e 6 8 TABLE IV. IEEE 14 Bus SYSTEM LINE PARAMETERS S. NO FROM BUS TO BUS R(PU) x (PU) B/2 (PU) I I 2 0.01938 0.05917 0.0264 2 I 5 0.05403 0.22304 0.0246 3 2 3 0.04699 0.l9797 0.0219 4 2 4 0.05811 0.17632 0.0170 5 2 5 0.05695 0.17388 0.0173 assist in the transmISSIOn system. The behavior of the system under various transient and load changes at the receiving-end of the transmission system are presented and analyzed. The design of an IEEE 14 bus system with and without IPFC has demonstrated. The system was designed in the mat lab/simlink.The flexible control of active/reactive power to assist in the transmission system behavior with FACTS devices. The voltage, voltage angle, real and reactive powers at 14 buses tabulated and compared at each level. By the series compensation by IPFC The power handling capacity and voltage profile increased in all buses of the system. 6 3 4 0.06701 0.17103 0.0064 REFERENCES 7 4 5 0.01335 0.04211 0.0 8 4 7 0 0.20912 0.0 9 4 9 0 0.55618 0.0 10 5 6 0 0.25202 0.0 II 6 II 0.09498 0.19890 0.0 12 6 12 0.12291 0.25581 0.0 13 6 13 0.06615 0.13027 0.0 14 7 8 0 0.17615 0.0 15 7 9 0 0.11001 0.0 16 9 10 0.03181 0.08450 0.0 17 9 14 0.12711 0.27038 0.0 18 10 II 0.08205 0.19207 0.0 19 12 13 0.22092 0.19988 0.0 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 20 13 14 0.17093 0.34802 0.0 [9] The IPFC was Connected between the 2, 3 4 buses. The tie line between 3, 4 buses will act as transmission line 1 and tie line between 2, 4 buses will act as transmission line 2 for IPFC. Two different loads are connected to the transmission lines (1 and 2) of the IPFC. Load 1 will continuously acts on the two lines. Load 2 variation will take place at different times for the two transmission lines. 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