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Grade 11 Art Unit: Value in Art - 4 Week Plan

Grade 11
4 weeks unit 2
Learning process
Students will design a work of art
based on creating art involves
exploring ,experimenting and making
personal choice . They will pare
down the object/ with focus on value.
Learning experiences and teaching strategies
Week 1
What is art elements
 Explore/ examples
Value in art
Week 2
 Culture & history (refresh
in week 1 & 2)
 Draft different styles and
ideas in Development
workbook of personal idea
using line and shape
highlighting value
 Week 3
 Value in art work exploring
different artist and draft
style and ideas in DW
Week 4&5
 final art work for tasks 1
should be done A2 paper
Students will be presented with specific objectives to be
achieved through the course of this project as well as a
rubric that is used for self and teacher assessment/feedback.
Students will observe a power point presentation based on
the elements of art – value in art work with focus on the
artwork of Esher
We will demonstrate drawing and painting techniques and
introduce vocabulary as related to the unit.
Students will work in their DW drawing line types and
shapes that they observe within the classroom environment.
Students will be encouraged to make observations outside
of the classroom as well.
Prior knowledge may be limited based on past coursework
but will be determined through classroom discussion,
review of preliminary sketches and project notes.
Formative assessment
Teacher feedback is provided during preliminary sketches and
vocabulary development to ensure that all students are engaged in
the process/concepts taught.
Weak student also will have different task to help them to
High-level student will be taken extra task to help them to improve.