International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 ON CERTAIN SUBCLASSES OF UNIVALENT FUNCTIONS: AN APPLICATION Jayesh Jain1, Dr. Mahender Singh Poonia2 1Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Shree JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shree JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan ----------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------2Associate Abstract - In the present paper, we have studied a class wherever k(n, WR(λ,β,α,μ,θ) which consist of analytic and univalent functions with negative coefficients in the open disk U = * + defined by Hadamard product with Rafid | | Operator,we obtain coefficient bounds , extreme points for this class ,Also weighted mean , arithmetic mean and some results. Proof: 1 ) n n n2 , (an 0, n N 1, 2,3,...) + If f | | U =* g specified in b z n2 n n (1) f g(z) = z ( n n n n2 ( g f )( z ) R (f(z)) = 1 ) ( (2) ( 1 ) . / ( k (n, , )a z n n2 © 2019, IRJET n ) ) = z- n2 z 1 1 e x x dx [ 0 ] 1 * a z n n2 n 0 (1 ) n e x x 1 n dx + Impact Factor value: 7.34 n 1 1 na z n 1 n (3) = z- k (n, , )a z n2 | +dt 1 z (1 ) 1 an z n (1 ) n n n2 1 f(zt)dt = z- n = R and defined as following ∫ n 1 ) Lemma 1. The Rafid Operator of f is denoted by a ( zt ) R (f(z)) = , bn 0 a b z f(zt)dt n2 after that effective Hadamard product f g of f and g is clear with * zt / Thus is specified in (1) and / . ∫ 1 1 z t e 1 dt an z n t 1 n e 1 dt 0 0 n2 whichever analytic and univalent in the unit disk g(z) = z - . ∫ ( Let R stand in favor of mapping a z 1 ) = 1. INTRODUCTION 1 R (f(z)) = = ( n ) ( Key Words: Univalent function, Rafid operator, Extreme point, Hadamard product, Weighted mean, Arithmetic mean. f(z) = z - ( ) | n n ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 118 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Definition1. A function f(z) R , z U is said to be in the class WR( , , , , ) if and only if satisfies the inequality ' 2 '' z ( R ((f g)(z))) z ( R ((f g)(z))) Re ' (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) z ( R ((f g)(z))) z ( R ((f g)(z))) Re ' (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) | ' 2 z ( R ((f g)(z)))' z 2 ( R ((f g)(z)))'' (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) somewhere | '' ' n2 n n , bn 0 Lemma 2. Let w = u+iv. Then Re w | ( | )| ( z ( R ((f g)(z)))' z 2 ( R ((f g)(z)))'' (1 ei ) (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) ' Re ei ((1 )( R ((f g)(z)) z 2 ( R ((f g)(z) ' )) ' (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) iff )| Lemma 3. Let w = u+iv and Re w | ,or consistently, - b z (6) |+ if and only if Re w(1 e ) e i i Let F(z) = [ z( R ((f g)(z))), z 2 ( R ((f g)(z))),, ](1 ei ) We endeavor to study the coefficient bounds, extreme points, Hadamard product of the class WR(λ,β,α,μ,θ) , wighted mean, arithmetic can and some results. We acquire the essential and satisfactory circumstance and extreme points for the functions f(z) in the class WR(λ,β,α,μ,θ). Therom2.1 The mapping f(z) clear with (1) is in the class WR(λ,β,α,μ,θ) iff (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , )a b n n n2 ei [(1 )( R ((f g)(z)) z( R ((f g)(z))), ] And 2. COEFFICIENT BOUNDS AND EXTREME POINTS: (5) 1 wherever 1 |+ z ( R ((f g)(z)))' z 2 ( R ((f g)(z))) '' Re (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) ' i i X (1 e ) e 1 |+ (4) and g(z) are given by g(z) = z - (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z)))' subsequently through Lemma 3, we comprise 0 z ( R ((f g)(z)))' z 2 ( R ((f g)(z))) '' E(f) = (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z( R ((f g)(z)))' next to Lemma 2. (6) is comparable to | ( ) 0 ( ) ( )| | ( ) ( ) ( )| But | ( ) ( ) ( )| for = ei (1 )( z k (n, , )anbn z n ) n2 ei z nk (n, , )anbn z n n2 (1 ) z (1 n )k (n, , )anbn z n ) n2 0 Proof; By clarification (1),we get © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 119 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 = (2 ) z (n n(n 1) (1 )(1 n k (n, , )anbn z n n2 ei n n (n 1) (1 n )k (n, , )anbn z n n2 (2 ) z (n n(n 1) (1 )(1 n k (n, , )anbn z n n n(n 2) 1 k (n, , )anbn z 3. HADAMARD PRODUCT n2 z ( R ((f g)(z)))' z 2 ( R ((f g)(z)))'' (1 ei ) ' (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) Re i 2 ' e ((1 )( R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) )) (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z ( R ((f g)(z))) ' Theorem : f(z) =z - a z n2 n n2 n n and g(z) = z - b z n2 n n belong to WR(λ,β,α,μ,θ) Also | ( ) ( ) ( )| afterward effective Hadamard product of f and g is given az (n n(n 1) (1 )(1 n ) k (n, , )anbn z n by f g(z) = z a b z n2 n n n ( g f )( z ) n2 e i n n (n 1) (1 n )k (n, , )a b z Proof: n n n n2 z (n n(n 1) (1 )(1 n k (n, , )anbn z Since f and g WR( , , , , ) n We have n2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) b n an 1 1 n2 n n(n 1) (1 n )k (n, , )anbn z n And n2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) a n bn 1 1 n2 and by applying the Cauchy-Schwarz ineuqality, we have Furthermore | ( ) ( ) ( )| ( | ( ) ( )| | ) ( )| (2n 2 n(n 1) 2 (1 n ) n (2n 2n (n 1) 2(1 n )) k (n, , )anbn z 0 n2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) anbn anbn 1 n2 1/2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) b n an 1 n2 Or n(1 ) n (n 1)(1 ) k (n, , )anbn n2 1 (1 n )( ) 1/2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) a n bn 1 n2 Consequently we attain This is comparable to (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , )a b n n n2 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) anbn anbn 1 1 n2 1 Now we want to prove on the contrary, expect that (5) holds. afterward we obliged to show (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) anbn 1 1 n2 Since © 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 120 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) anbn 1 n2 Proof: By definition 2, we attain hj(z)= (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k(n, , ) anbn = anbn 1 n2 cn z n ) ( )( z n2 d z n2 n n )+ = thus we search out the consequence. 4. WEIGHTED MEAN AND ARITHMETIC MEAN 1 (1 j )cn (1 j )dn z n n2 2 z We necessity explain so as to hj(z) so by lemma 2 we get Lemma 4. If Re w w 1 k , where 0 k Then w Proof: Let )( z *( (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , ) 1 , 0. n2 k 1 1 X (1 j )cn (1 j )d n b n 2 1 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , ) 2 (1 j) c b Re w w 1 k , as w Re , n n n2 1 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , ) (1 2 n2 we acquire w w 1 k , or equivalent w (1 ) k , (1 j ) (1 j ) (1 ) 1 k w 1 subsequently The proof is complete. Defination 2. Allow f(z) and g(z) belong to R. subsequently the weighed mean hj(z) of f(z) and g(z) is given by hj(z) = ,( ) ( ) ( j) d nbn ) ( )- (7) Thorem: Let fj(z) clear with f j ( z ) z an, j z n (a n, j 0, j 1, 2,......q) (9) n2 z (R ((f g)(z))), z 2 (R ((f g)(z))),, Definition 3. The arithmetic mean of fj (1 ) R ((f g)(z)) z (R ((f g)(z))) (j = 1,2,....,q) is , 1 Proof: Commencing (8) and (9) we container inscribe 1 q clear within W(z) = f j z q j 1 (8) W(z) = In the next theorem we will show the weighted mean and arithmetic mean in the class = Theorem. If f(z) and g(z) are in the class WR( , , , , ) Afterward the weighted mean defined by Definition 2 is in the class 1 q z an, j z n q j 1 n2 q 1 z an, j z n j 1 q n 2 because fj(z) WR( , , , , ) for every (j=1,2,......q), so by using the theorem we get WR( , , , , ) ,where f ( z ) z cn z n , n2 © 2019, IRJET | g( z ) z d n z n n2 Impact Factor value: 7.34 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 121 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 1 q (1 n )[ n (1 ) ( )] k ( n , , ) q an, j bn n2 n2 q 1 (1 n )[n(1 ) ( )]k (n, , )an, j bn q n2 n2 1 q (1 ) (1 ) q n2 Coefficients Defined By Hadamard Product WithRafid –Operator , European J. Of Pure And Applied Math. 4(2), 2011,162-173 7) M.K. Aouf, A. Shamandy and M.F. Yassen, Some applications of fractional calculus operators to certain subclass of univalent functions, Soochow Journal Of Mathematics, 21(1)(1995), 139-144. 8) G.L. Reddy and K.S. 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