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Virtual Reality Systems

Presented by:

Fares saleem


 a kind of digital reality .

 a way of using technology to create environments designed for human interaction.

 This is, of course, different than our physical environment.


 VR must allow the user to view the environment from any point and at any angle

 VR must allow the user to interact with objects in the environment.


 virtual realities can be designed precisely for human interaction for very specific reasons to create experiences not otherwise possible.

مل ةدير ف ةبرجتب شيعلل مدختسملل حمست ةينقت



Types of VR

 Use of Special Purpose Equipment

 is the presentation of an artificial environment that replaces users' real-world surroundings convincingly enough that they are able to fully engage with the created environment.

 Immersiveness is an important element of virtual reality applications, such as VR gaming .

Types of VR

 Also known as Desktop VR

 Use of a monitor to display the visual world

 Does not require special hardware

 Low Cost

Low Performance

Less Immersion

Types of VR

 Computer generated inputs merged with the user’s view of the real world .

Components of VR

 VR Hardware

 VR Software

VR Hardware

 Primary user input interfaces “ keyword

, …”.

 Visual interfaces “ يضارتفلاا عقاولا ةيؤر نم اننكمت ةزهجأ “ .

 Auditory interfaces “ يضارتفلاا عقاولا عامس نم انككمت ةزهجأ “ .

 Haptic interfaces “

ةيضارتفلاا تائيبلا عم يوديلا لعافتلا نم اننكمت ةزهجأ


 Olfactory interfaces

“ يضارتفلاا عقاولا يف دجوي ام مش نم اننكمت ةزهجأ “


Software Components

 Input Process “

لاخدلاا ةيلمع “ .

 Simulation Process ”

ةاكاحملا ةيلمع “ .

 Rendering Process “

جارخلاا ةيلمع “.

 World Database “

تانايبلا نيزختل “.

VR Applications


Crossing street Construct3D

VR Application

Treatment of Acrophobia

VR Applications


VR Application


VR Application


Flight Simulation

VR Application


Virtual racing

VR Application



 VR introduces a new way of interacting with things .

 The best of VR is yet to come …

Thank You for Listening
