Best Practices Definition of Architect Positions From 2002 AIA Compensation Report: A Survey of U.S. Architecture Firms The AIA collects and disseminates Best Practices as a service to AIA members without endorsement or recommendation. Appropriate use of the information provided is the responsibility of the reader. S E N I O R P R I N C I P AL / P AR T N E R Typically an owner or majority shareholder of the firm; may be the founder; titles may include president, chief executive officer, or managing principal/partner. M I D - L E V E L P R I N C I P AL / P AR T N E R Principal or partner; titles may include executive or senior vice president. Licensed architect or non-registered graduate with 8-10 years of experience; responsible for significant aspects of projects. AR C H I T E C T / D E S I G N E R I I Licensed architect or non-registered graduate with 6-8 years of experience, responsible for daily design or technical development of projects. AR C H I T E C T / D E S I G N E R I J U N I O R P R I N C I P AL / P AR T N E R Recently made a partner or principal of the firm; title may include vice president. Recently licensed architect or non-registered graduate with 3-5 years of experience; responsible for particular parts of a project within parameters set by others. D E P AR T M E N T H E AD / S E N I O R M AN AG E R T H I R D - Y E AR I N T E R N Senior management architect or non-registered graduate; responsible for major department(s) or functions; reports to a principal or partner. Unlicensed architecture school graduate in third year of internship; develops design or technical solutions under supervision of an architect. P R O J E C T M AN AG E R S E C O N D - Y E AR I N T E R N Licensed architect or non-registered graduate with more than 10 years of experience; has overall project management responsibility for a variety of projects or project teams, including client contact, scheduling, and budgeting. Unlicensed architecture school graduate in second year of internship. S E N I O R AR C H I T E C T / D E S I G N E R Licensed architect or non-registered graduate with more than 10 years of experience; has a design or technical focus and is responsible for significant project activities. ENTRY-LEVEL INTERN Unlicensed architecture school graduate in first year of internship. T O O B T AI N T H E C O M P L E T E R E P O R T 2002 AIA Compensation Report: A Survey of U.S. Architecture Firms can be ordered from the AIA Bookstore, (800) 242-3837 (option 4), or online at AR C H I T E C T / D E S I G N E R I I I © 2003 The American Institute of Architects BP 09.02.01 January 2003