Basic Pharmacology Lecture 9 Drug Discovery and Biotechnology Why do drugs Fail? Activity or Drug Properties Activity Pharmacology Drug-like Properties The Challenge & Goal of Drug Discovery Good Drugs Activity Optimization Activity Good D-lead Kerns & Di (2008) Drug-like Properties: Concepts, Structure, Design, & Methods Pharmacology Studying the interaction between the drug and body Drug-lead Pharmacokinetics ADME Pharmacodynamics MOA, Toxicity, etc Drug-like properties ü ü ü ü ü Will be absorbed from GIT Will have enough concentration/time at the target Will cross the BBB, placenta, offspring What is the dose? Any predicted side effects? Thalidomide catastrophe Therapeutic index (TI) LD50/ED50 The higher the TI, the safer the drug Remifentanil 33,000:1 Diazepam 100:1 Cocaine 15:1 Digoxin 2:1 Fate of Drug after Administration • • • • Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion A D M E Concentration-time curve Dose Blood samples logP: Partition co-efficient Ratio of concentration of a compound in oil phase “octanol” and water phase LogP= log10 [in octanol]/[in water] Meaning of logP Positive value LogP Zero lipophilic Equal Negative value hydrophilic High LogP Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø More absorption Cross body barrier Distribution more to tissue Binding to target, more efficacy Binding to other targets and be retained, more toxicity LogP fro drugs launched/published from 1965 to 2005 Pharmacokinetics (PK) • • • • Absorption Distribution Metabolism Excretion A D M E Absorption ØPassive diffusion ØActive transport ØPinocytosis PAMPA assay Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay PAMPA Assay hexadecane The concentration of the test agent is measured on the donor and acceptor compartments using either HPLC, LC/MS/MS, or UV spectroscopy.