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Into the Wild Rhetorical Analysis: Chapters 1-3

Into the Wild
Chapters 1-3:
A Focus on Rhetoric
What we used to do…
Character Descriptions
Significant Plot Points
Main/Thematic Ideas
Figurative Language
Unknown Vocabulary
What we used to do…
Character Descriptions
Significant Plot Points
Main/Thematic Ideas
Figurative Language
Unknown Vocabulary
Now we can add…
Interesting Diction
Varied Syntax
Rhetorical Choices
SOAPSTone Elements
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Each chapter begins with a short epigraph
(A quotation that is relevant to the chapter)
Each chapter begins with a short epigraph
(A quotation that is relevant to the chapter)
Now that you have a better sense of Chris
McCandless’ story, why do you think these
epigraphs are relevant to these chapters?
As you revisit these chapters, pay
attention to the denotative and
connotative meaning of key words.
Think about the effect certain words
have on you.
Krakauer describes McCandless’ body in a
very clinical way. Reread the description on
page 14.
Krakauer describes McCandless’ body in a
very clinical way. Reread the description on
page 14.
How are you affected by this description?
What are the words/phrases that Krakauer
uses to describe Alaska?
What are the words/phrases that Krakauer
uses to describe Alaska?
How are you affected by these descriptions?
Consider his description of Westerberg, as
“drawn into a scheme to build and sell ‘black
boxes,’ which illegally unscramble satellite
television transmissions allowing people to
watch encrypted cable programming without
paying for it” (19).
Is Krakauer sympathetic to Westerberg? How
do you know?
And what about McCandless’ words ?
Compare the language and tone of the two
letters that McCandless writes - one to his
sister and one to his parents.
And what about McCandless’ words ?
Compare the language and tone of the two
letters that McCandless writes - one to his
sister and one to his parents.
What does McCandless mean when he says,
“...they will think they have bought my respect
my respect” (21)?
As you revisit these chapters, pay
attention to the varied structures of
Krakauer’s syntax.
As you revisit these chapters, pay attention to the varied
structures of Krakauer’s syntax.
Look at the three sentences that are
the origins of the quotes you used for
Dialectical Journal #1. What
observations can you make about his
sentence structure?
How varied are his sentences?
What effect does the sentence structure and
length have on the reader?
Because the novel is NOT told in
chronological order, consider
Krakauer’s purpose in arranging the
novel the way that he does. How does it
serve his main arguments?
Contrast Chapters 1 and 2
What is the purpose of each? How effective is
the organization?
Contrast Chapters 1 and 2
What is the purpose of each? How effective is
the organization?
Consider the last paragraph of each chapter.
What is their function? How do they work?
Chapter 3
What is the purpose of focusing on Carthage,
South Dakota and Wayne Westerberg in this
How does this chapter function in terms of
Into the Wild :
Initial Thoughts?