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LA Quiz: Literary Terms & Hero's Journey

J2 LA Quiz 1
Name___________________ Class ______ Seat ______
Part 1—Literary Terms
A. Match the LETTER to the correct definition or sentence:
A. Dramatic
B. Verbal Irony
C. Symbolism
D. Allusion
E. Situational
F. Sarcasm
G. Wit
H. Paradox
I. Oxymoron
J. Inversion
_____ 1. When a character says one thing but means the opposite.
_____ 2. Following question #1 above, when this is done to be rude to another
person, or to say something negative or mean.
_____ 3. When the normal order of words in a sentence (usually in poems and
songs) is reversed, like putting adjectives after nouns instead of before (“the
ocean blue”).
_____ 4. When the audience can see something that the characters in the story
are unable to understand.
_____ 5. When an item, most usually a physical object like an apple or a pair of
gloves, is used to represent something completely different (that often cannot be
seen, for example ideas like “friendship” or “freedom”).
_____ 6. When a character is trying to do something but the result is the
opposite of what they meant to do.
_____ 7. When a storyteller refers to a well-known movie, song, or other kind of
story that the audience can be expected to know, in order to communicate a
great deal of information in just a few words.
_____ 8. When a statement or sentence appears to make no sense at first, but
later proves to make sense (“I don’t need wings to fly,” when “fly” is meant to
succeed or be excellent in some way).
_____ 9. When a person is able to think of very clever and funny things to say
quickly, in a way that most people are not able to do.
_____ 10. When two words that are either opposite in meaning or mean very
different things are put together.
B. Identification—Write the LETTER next to the example:
note: some terms may be used more than once
A. Dramatic Irony
B. Verbal Irony
C. Symbolism
D. Allusion
E. Situational Irony
F. Sarcasm
G. Paradox
H. Oxymoron
_____ 1. It's a cold, rainy, dark day. A man looks up at the sky, frowns and says,
"What lovely weather today!"
_____ 2. Characters often wear colors that reflect their personality: blue
indicates courage, purple can mean royalty, and red can mean danger.
_____ 3. A fire station burns down, the police station gets robbed, or a pilot has
a fear of heights.
_____ 4. In Finding Nemo, Mr. Ray and Marlin argue about who can take better
care of Nemo. While they're arguing, Nemo wanders off and gets into danger.
_____ 5. A song lyric says, "Just close your eyes and see." If you close your eyes
you can't see anything, but "see" means "imagine," so it still makes sense.
_____ 6. Two good friends exchange bracelets and wear them every day so that
when they look down at their wrists, they'll see the other friend's bracelet and
remember their friendship and feel happy. The bracelet is an example of what?
_____ 7. In Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, we know that the old woman
bringing the apple is the wicked queen who wants to kill Snow White, but she
doesn't know, so she buys the apple and takes a bite.
_____ 8. "Little Giants," "Inside Out," "bittersweet."
Part 2—The Hero's Journey
Write the NUMBER of the step by its matching description
1. The Ordinary
2. The Call to
3. Refusal of the
4. The Meeting
With the Mentor
5. Crossing the
First Threshold
6. Tests, Allies,
and Enemies
7. Approach to
the Inmost Cave
8. The Supreme
9. Reward –
Seizing the Prize
10. The Road
11. Threshold
12. Return with
Freedom to Live
____ The Hero meets a turning point after successfully completing the challenge,
and must return to normal life. Often the Hero does not wish to return but has
no choice.
____ The Hero at first is too comfortable, too scared, or for some other reason
not interested in accepting the challenge and leaving normal life, and says "no."
____ This is the central crisis in which Heroes are challenged by facing their
greatest fears, a fight, or contest of some sort. Success and failure are both
possible and the hero experiences "death," either directly or by witnessing the
death of a loved one or a mentor.
____ In the stage, the comfort of the Hero's normal life is interrupted by a
challenge, a crisis, or some other unusual situation that has to be dealt with.
____ The Hero finally accepts and commits to the Journey, and makes the
transition from normal life to the Special World where the challenge awaits.
____ Having successfully faced death and returned from the Special World, there
is a final life-and-death encounter in which the Hero must demonstrate mastery
of the lessons and insights learned from the characters met during the Journey.
____ The Audience is introduced to the Hero in the world of their normal,
everyday life.
____ The Hero has survived death, overcome their greatest fear, defeated the
main antagonist, won the big competition, or otherwise succeeded in obtaining
the goal that they originally went looking for. This "treasure" may be a magical
item like a sword, special knowledge, mastery of a skill, or a special relationship.
For a brief period of time, the Hero is allowed to celebrate and the Audience has a
chance to catch their breath before the biggest ordeal of all begins.
____ The Hero has been reborn, purified, and has earned the right to be
accepted back into the Ordinary World to share the "Elixir" (reward) with others
or to bring healing to the world left behind at the beginning of the Journey. In
most stories, this stage completes the cycle of the Journey.
____ Having crossed into the Special World, the Hero encounters new friends
and enemies, and faces challenges of all sorts while learning to adjust to this new
life. During this time, the Hero builds strength that will be needed to face the
greater ordeals that will come later, while the Audience is given a first look at the
Special World and can compare it to the Ordinary World left behind by the Hero.
____ The Hero meets an important figure who acts as a guide and advisor,
helping to prepare or train for the Ordeals to follow.
____ The Hero must prepare to face the central Ordeal of the Journey as it
rapidly approaches. Maps may be reviewed, attacks planned, or other early steps
taken before the Hero can face the greatest fear or supreme danger that must be
overcome. Often a ticking clock or a deadline signals the beginning of this stage.