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Transportation Planning: Definition & Importance


“Application of planning techniques in the operation, provision and management of facilities and services for any modes of transport to achieve safe, faster, comfortable, convenience, economical and environmentally suitable movement of people and goods” it also can be defined as:

“Application of planning techniques to predict future travel demand and ensuring adequate facilities and services to accomplish this demand”

Abdul Azeez Kadar Hamsa

Transportation Planning is important:

1.shaping the cities

2.enable economic activity

3.promote community interaction

4.enhance quality of life

5.provide location between geographical locations

“Application of planning techniques in the operation, provision and management of facilities and services for any modes of transport to achieve safe, faster, comfortable, convenience, economical and environmentally suitable movement of people and goods” it also can be defined as:

“Application of planning techniques to predict future travel demand and ensuring adequate facilities and services to accomplish this demand”

Abdul Azeez Kadar Hamsa

Transportation Planning is important:

1.shaping the cities

2.enable economic activity

3.promote community interaction

4.enhance quality of life

5.provide location between geographical locations

Transportation helps shape an area’s economic health and quality of life. Not only does the transportation system provide for the mobility of people and goods, it also influences patterns of growth and economic activity by providing access to land. The performance of the system affects public policy concerns like air quality, environmental resource consumption, social equity, land use, urban growth, economic development, safety, and security. Transportation planning recognizes the critical links between transportation and other societal goals. The planning process is more than merely listing highway and transit capital projects. It requires developing strategies for operating, managing, maintaining, and financing the area’s transportation system in such a way as to advance the area’s long-term goals.

Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning is essentially the confluence many different disciplines coming together in the first stages of the development of plans, policies and legislative activities, funding, and project development. In, Designing Walkable

Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach , Transportation Planning is defined as "a collaborative and participatory process involving agencies, organizations and the public in a comprehensive look at national, state, regional and community needs…It examines demographic characteristics and travel patterns for a given area, shows how these characteristics will change over a given period of time and evaluates alternative improvements for the transportation system."

In the Transportation Planning Handbook , Third Edition, transportation planning practice is defined as improving coordination between land use and transportation system planning; providing cooperative interaction between planning, design, and operation of transportation services; maintaining a balance between transportation-related energy use, clean air and water, and encouraging alternative modes of transportation that will enhance efficiency while providing high levels of mobility and safety.

Since the discipline of transportation planning contains many cross-cutting topics, users of this website will find seminal documents and website information from ITE and other sister-organizations that cover the depth of each subtopic area. We welcome recommendations that individuals may have regarding additional topics, documents or website information that might useful to practicing transportation planners.

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