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Environmental Problems: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Environmental problems have become one of the most important problems of our
More and more people suffer from air and water pollution.
Natural resources are exhausted. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire.
The loss of the forests upsets the oxygen balance.
Water is necessary for life. But people pollute water with waste and harmful substances.
Water pollution kills a lot of animals. People who drink polluted water can become ill. It is
dangerous to eat fish caught in dirty water.
A number of rivers and lakes dry up. One of the examples is the Aral Sea, which has
become much smaller due to human's activity.
Animals are victims of man’s impact on the planet. Some species of flora and fauna are
disappearing. Poachers kill whales, fish, elephants and snakes for money.
Whales are the largest animals in the world. They live deep in the ocean. It is difficult
to imagine that anything could harm such a large animal. But today many kinds of
whales are in danger of disappearing.
Big cities have a problem with air pollution. Factories provide jobs for people
and produce goods, but they pollute the air and the water.
People pollute the air that they breathe, poison the water that they drink.
We should change our attitude to the nature to save it.
We live on a beautiful planet. Look at these pictures!
We still have time to save this beauty. If everybody starts caring about the planet, many
environmental problems can be solved. Everyone is capable of following the simplest
rules: not to litter, not to spoil, not to break.
Recycling is a great way to save raw materials. In Western countries all garbage is sorted out in
order to be recycled. Lots of metals are recycled – almost all Japanese cars are made of materials
once been used. If we start recycling paper, we can save lots of trees.
It is a wonderful planet we live on…
Our planet is in our hands!