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Year 10 Physics Workbook Answers

Year 10 Physics Workbook
ii) Decrease in amplitude
1.b.i)no change
ii) no change in λ
1.c.i) 12 ii) 300 oscillations per
1.d) yes, yes, no
2.a) increase in amplitude
Decrease in wavelength
(Increase in pitch)
2.b.i) ultrasound ii) v = λf
iii) 339 m/s
4. Radio, UV
4.c) communication, remote
controls, sterilising
4.d) Red, violet
5.a) longitudinal, mechanical
5.b)sound waves reflect off a
5.c) A, 660m
5.c,iii) one echo, 2 seconds after
the boat sounds the hooter
6.a) The first ring is from the
bell and the second from the
6.b) The first ring, some sound
absorbed by cliff
6.c.i) 3s ii) 9s iii) 6s
7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D
13.B 14.D 15.A 16.a) 4%
16.b.i) B, nuclear power does
not release CO2 ii) insulation
16.c.i) Between 4m/s and 21m/s
power increases with an
increase in wind speed….
ii) Unreliable
18.a.i) silvered surface:
Radiation, Cup: conduction and
a.ii) conduction takes place in
solids, convection needs air, a
vacuum has no air. 18.b.i) to
stop the top surface radiating
heat into the sky
ii) chemical to heat and light
iii) law of conversation of
19.Multiply the savings by 5
then subtract installation costs
from this
law of conversation of energy
20.a.i) conduction ii) see notes
20.b.i) A and C, B and D – the
colour is the same with different
surface areas
ii) A: large surface area but
white, B: small surface area but
iii) The radiator in the room
closest to the boiler will emit
most of the heat
21.a.i) 4J/s ii) solar to electrical
and heat
22.i)20% ii) convection
iii) draught excluder
22.b) reduces conduction
through the wall c.i) cheaper to
fit ii) 4
23. see notes
23. Jacket see Q 19
24.a) 9kWh b) fan heater
c) safety, instant heat, timer
26.a) heat increases vibrations,
particles vibrate further apart
26.b) slightly more, much more
c) very low freezing point
27.B 28.a.i)gravitational
ii) chemical
b) electrician- larger force
c) work and time
29.A 30.B 31.C 32.B 33.C
34. B 35.D
36a) 48m b)straight line up to
48m and 6 s, flat line after
37.a.i) straight line ii) 0.75 m/s2
b.i) decreases the acceleration
ii) the friction force is equal to
the downward force of gravity
ii) positive gradient, steep at
first becoming flat
38.b)19.6 m/s 39.B
40. b) 3N c) straight line
d) Yes, extension α force
e)might curve to the right
f)spring may have deformed at
that weight
41.B 42.C 43. A
44.c.i) moment = force x
distance ii)Nm iii) 20N
d) clockwise, anti-clockwise
45.i) rises ii) less stable
46.A 47.a) F3, F1 & F2
b) c, reduces the clockwise
c) 29.5g
48.a) X in the middle of ring, in
line with pivot. If it was to the
left or right there would be a
b) 750 Nm
49.a) X on finger, in line with
pivot. If it was to the left or
right there would be a moment
b)X between wheelbase see (a)
50.a.i) 1400000Pa ii) 84N
iii) smaller area, larger pressure
b) i)1000 x 3 x 10 = 30000Pa
ii) 30000Pa
51.a) gas, solid, liquid
b.i) liquid
ii) move apart iii) evaporation
takes place at room temperature,
most energetic particles on the
surface leave
c.i) solid ii) 6600C
52.C 53.B 54.C 55.A, C
56.a) from the top of the tube to
the surface of the mercury
b.i) drops ii)more molecules
colliding with the surface of the
mercury increasing the pressure
c) at the top of the tube
57.a.i) Particles on the surface
with the greatest kinetic energy
leave. Liquid left is at a lower
temperature – less kinetic
energy ii) greater surface area
for evaporation iii) heat water,
heat air
b) water particles with high
kinetic energy leave the damp
cloth leaving behind particles
with less kinetic energy –
58.a) 3m3 b) 3000kg
59.a) reducing the volume
increases the pressure b) 40cm3
c) an increase in temperature
causes the particles to vibrate
faster, increasing the pressure
60.B 61.C 62.B 63.D
64.a) diode b) draw a diode with
a voltmeter in parallel with the
c.i) 0.046A ii) 17.4Ω
65.C 66.C 67.B 68.C 69.A
70.B 71.C 72.A 73.A 74.D
75.A 76.D 77.a.i) LDR
ii) 25kΩ iii) 5V b) make sure
5V, 20lux plotted – shape the
same as previous graph
c.i) 37.5kΩ
ii) results would be unreliable
due to the large uncertainty
79.a.i) 0.25A ii) 75C b) the foil
may have a higher melting point
than the fuse thus will not melt
if the current gets too high
80.a) brown b) plastic case
c.i) (1) S1 (2) S1 & S3 ii) S1
controls the whole circuit when
it is on the fan is always on
d) 1495W
81.a) all in parallel
b.i) molecules vibrate faster and
further apart
82.a.i) parallel ii) 4.2V
iii) 1.4A
iv) 1.equals the sum of the
currents in the branches 2. Same
b) one with all three in series
and the other with all three in
83.a)series,parallel b.i)480Ω
iii) 5V iv) voltmeter in parallel
84.a) a b) B c) 1.5A
d) connection 2 they are in
parallel – full brightness 6V
across each
85.a) 60Ω b) parallel to X and Y
c.i) 0.025A ii) 1.5V
d) i) decreases
ii) decreases iii) 60Ω
86.a.i) 6V ii) 50mA b) 120Ω
c.i) halve the voltage
ii) break circuit
d.i) large ii) overheating 87.D
88.a) see notes b) D A C B
c) 1. Fuse will not melt 2.
Circuit will overheat 89.B
90.a) see notes b.i) 10A ii) 13A
92.a.i) potential difference
ii)frequency of a.c. iii) power
b.i) outer casing ii) if the live
wire touches casing – death!
c) parallel
93.C 94.a) move towards each
b.i) plastic is being charged by
friction ii) water neutralises
charge 95.B
96.a) 3rd one b.i) friction on the
rubber belt ii) charged atom
iii) the rubber belt is not a
conductor – will not earth
97.a) hair strands all have the
same charge and repel each
b) 0.000002C c) current
b) there is a potential difference
between the dome and
conductor. Charge jumps across
to go to earth
98.B 99.C 100.D 101.B
102.C 103.B 104.A=4, B=2,
C=3, D=1
106. 1 electron, electromagnetic
wave, 4 units, 0 units, poor
penetration, very high
107. A=3, B=4, C=2, D=1
108. A=3, B=4, C=2, D=1
109.β = deflected towards
bottom, large deflection, γ = not
b) down page
110.a) nucleus b) electrons
c) protons and neutrons d) alpha
e) electrons
111.B 112.b.i) 40 counts/s
ii) 2min
c) 2min d.i) half life too short
ii) long half life and give off γ
c) α, atomic number – 2, mass
number – 4
113.b) 168 days c.i)
A=J,K,L,N,O , B=M ii) same
age iii) which patients develop
114.β, atomic number +1, mass
number the same
115.a) L, J, K b) equal number
of protons and electrons
c) neutrons
d) gains or loses electrons
116.a) 17, 17, 18, 20, 17, 17
b) α, β, γ c) see notes
117.a) α, β card stops α,
aluminium stops β, count rate
left is back ground
b) α, is highly ionising, cannot
be detected outside the body
c) 1=1, 2=4, 3=2
118.a) A & C b.i) 4.2 X 1010 y
ii) thorium decays into a new
iii) the half life is extremely
long – not much change in the
amount of Thorium during the
119.a) 84 b) 218 c.i) 2 ii) 4 iii) α
120.a.i) cosmic rays ii) nuclear
waste iii) different atomic
(proton) number
121.a) 28min b.i) iodine
ii)radon, shortest half life
122.A, B 123.C 124.D 125.B
126.see notes
127.a) 146 b) atomic number
c.i) α ii) different number of
128. K & L a.ii) same number
of protons, different number of
b.i) 90 ii) 140 129.B
130. see notes
131.B 132.A 133.A 134.C
135.a) same, greater at B,
greater at B
b) 1st and last 136.A
137.a) particles colliding with
the sides of the container
b.i) the left one is temp, the
right is vol, ignore (ii)
138.A 139.D